Kismet Part 1

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Pairing: Josh x Reader, Jake x Reader

Word Count: 15.0k

Warnings: Cursing, Alcohol Consumption, Fluff. Angst: Mentions of Moving, Mentions of Parental Death, Mentions of Relationship Problems, Mentions of Family Problems, Loneliness, Degradation, Name Calling. Smut: Kissing, Mentions of Sex.


With shaking hands you made your way down the gravel path to your parents mailbox, wondering if today would be the day. You watched Bloo off in the distance chasing after the bumblebees as the warm May wind blew across the slightly overgrown grass. His ears flopped in the breeze as he tromped curiously through your mothers flower beds. With a deep breath you opened the mailbox door, your heart dropping as you finally saw the envelope sitting, waiting for you to grab it.

Without hesitation you ripped the envelope from the mailbox, the golden V of the Vanderbilt logo emblazoned in the top corner. The envelope was thick, and your heart started to race at the possibility of the 'Yes' you so desperately wanted. You paused, taking a second to look over to Bloo, digging up the freshly planted Petunias, with haste.

"Bloo!" you shouted, watching as he turned his head towards you with guilt. "Out of the flowers, now!" you continued, snapping your fingers as he took off running in the opposite direction.

You shook your head in laughter as you turned your attention back to the envelope in your hands. No time like the present...

You swallowed nervously as you began to rip open the envelope that held the piece of paper with the decision that could possibly change your life. You took a deep breath as you slid out the packet of papers, letting your eyes travel down to the very first line.

'Congratulations! We are delighted to offer you admission to the Owen Graduate School of Management to continue your studies in Marketing. We recognize your past successes and your leadership potential, and we feel confident that you will make a significant impact on the Vanderbilt community and in your career.

By enrolling in Vanderbilt you will be challenged to achieve your potential and develop essential skills for success. For the duration of this ten month program, you will join a dynamic group of students who are equally committed to maximizing their potential, and discovering lifelong friends and mentors. The time you spend at Vanderbilt will allow you to find support as you shape your future. The program begins August 2022 with a scheduled and anticipated finish in July 2023.'

You felt your heart lurch out of your chest at the words on the page, eyes filling with tears before you could even read the rest. After countless 'no's' you finally got your 'yes'. Was it your first choice school, well, no. But you could feel it in your bones that this 'yes' was going to change your life.

You walked quickly back towards your parents house, calling Bloo to go inside as you read the letter again, just to make sure you weren't delusional. But there it was in black print.

"Congratulations..." you whispered to yourself. You waited at the door as your dog came running, his silver coat shining in the late May sun, before scampering off through the front door. Your heart was pounding as the door shut behind you, your feet carrying you to the kitchen to find your mom. When you stepped through the doorway and her eyes caught sight of the papers in your hands she gasped.

"No!" she urged.

"Yes!" you squealed.

"Yes? Yes, yes?!" she asked, walking cautiously towards you.

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