Perilous Skies; Wayward Royal...

By user40152985

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On an Earth that is not our own, the Moon above is Blue and Green with life, an earth where dragons and great... More

Chapter 1 A Dragon's Tale
Chapter 2 The Dragon Prince Orenstein
Chapter 3 Piiku Ravenfield: Alive and a Girl
Chapter 4 This is serious!
Chapter 6 All Eyes are for You.
Chapter 7 Did you really have any doubts?
Chapter 8 The Final First Impressions.

Chapter 5 You can tell at a glance.

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By user40152985

The rest of the walk was uneventful and lonely, not one other soul encountered on our trek due to our own volition. The silence was only prevented by the chorus of restless giants at the hardstone landing strip outside. The lingering confusion from the swirl of emotions before and Natalia's words clouded my anticipation of what lies ahead with an aura of suspense I was unprepared to experience. A strange paralytic paranoia crept down from the back of my neck down to my legs, it made me ache with every step.

Of course, this had to happen on the best day of my life!! Of course, she just HAD to go and make it awkward! That selfish piece of- I let a shallow moan to get the rude thoughts out of my head. How am I supposed to fix this? I can't meet them in this state, I have to clear my mind until I get there, I just-Sweet Imperials we're already here!? Well 'here' probably wasn't the best way to put it, my friend and I had finally reached the door outside where the rest of our peers and... the Dragons were waiting. I froze like a statue, my heart sank into my stomach and burned in the churning acid. This is it, my whole life is sitting outside those doors, waiting for me. Natalia was ahead of me and continued toward the door without breaking pace. But I remained unmoving, even as she disappeared into the blinding light, color, and the cries of hundreds of great reptiles.

I was gripped with a seemingly invisible force like great sharp talons. They dug deep into my heart, reminding me of all the worst things about my gift. I close my eyes to shut it out, but it's no use and the pain creeps in. The wait is all over, life will never be the same again! Who knows what is waiting to meet you? Will they love you or resent such a puny thing as their lifelong companion? Will you have to say goodbye to Natalia forever? Wh- suddenly the invisible grip was gone, replaced by a much more visible and beefier one.

"Come on Princess!!" Natalia shouted to me as she hoisted me into her arms, "I am not having another draining soap opera with you, we're going out NOW!!!!"

She raced to the door with the speed and rage of a flash flood, oh crap we're going too fast!! Panic started shooting all through my body despite my static being nullified, but my voice certainly wasn't, "Woah! Woah! Wait Natally, I am not ready!

STOP! Put me down this instant, I am going to drop my things!!

I-AAAAAAHHH!!" I was screaming now and she joined in as we crashed through those dark doors and were both consumed in a second flash, identical to the first. Only this time it didn't end, instead it grew and took shape.

We had exited into a vast sandstone landing site. The earth-colored stone was vibrant under the beaming sunlight while a few patchy clouds drifted leisurely overhead. Before we were all of our peers, they were gathered at a small metal gate. Many were jostling and fighting for a position in the front while some were content to hang back alone or in small friend circles. They didn't notice our arrival, all their eyes were trained on what was beyond that brittle gate. Most of them were Erymanthians like Natalia if a bit younger, and all of them were still somehow bigger and meaner than me. Seriously, what are people feeding their kids here? Whatever, I wasn't exactly tall back at home either.

Watching over the impatient herd were a dozen or so adult Archmages, our educators as they described themselves. They loosely lined themselves at either side to keep us in some semblance of order. These human-shaped artifacts of might, magic, and wisdom, clad in their silky and ornate robes. Supposedly many of them were over a century old yet appeared scarcely past their early 20s. They did little to interfere in our personal squabbles, simply snickered and whispered to one another content to simply observe the chaos for now. To them, we were sturdy creatures who could take a little rumbling and whatever bizarre undeveloped powers we unleashed upon each other. The only thing that they cared about was our ability to perform well in their classes or if our antics became their problem, mainly disrespecting them and property damage. This was rare, however, as we knew better than to provoke their ire. I always wondered where their dragons might be and how they must feel with soulmates as hard-hearted as this.

"AAAAAAWWWWRROOOOGGHH!!! CLEAR OFF WYRMS, I'M LANDING!!!" Howled a booming tremendous voice from behind us, shaking my entire body like an explosion. While the words were clear, this wasn't a human voice. It was a great howling torrent of language that better matched a raging beast or a natural disaster than anyone I ever knew. The jolt sent me scrambling in Natalia's arms for an escape, eyes locked to the sky. What in the unholy heck was that!? I'm sorry, please don't kill me!! But immediately a great shadow overtook the space. As if time slowed down to a crawl for a moment I saw every detail at once. The truest form of majesty and wonder in the natural world, it's a dragon!

Its wingspan was massive, greater than any bird, pterosaur, griffon I had ever seen. The wings were membranous, extending down the body and ending only just before the tail. The structure looked much thicker than most flying creatures as no light could break through the silhouette, save for a small hole on the lower left side. It wasn't a dark figure, however, the opposite actually. Every inch of the dragon's hide, spikes, and great-keeled scales were a lustrous gold that gave the creature an ornate and prestigious aura. Every inch I could see, of course, it wore a small vest-like saddle. And judging by its robust frame and twisted blue ramshorns, this is a Regal GreedLong.

It soared gently above us with a few shallow wingbeats and swooped past the fence, stopped with a few quick flaps, and disappeared into a... I rubbed my eyes and adjusted my glasses to make sure I was seeing this right.

"SWEET LORD OF IMPERIAL SERPENTS, IT'S AN ARMY OF DRAGONS!!!!" I shouted to the high heavens, my heart was slamming against my chest like a beast in a cage and I doubled down on my protests, "Lemme go, Natalia, I need to get to them!!"

Natalia was struggling to keep me under control, "Shhhh!! Keep it down will you?

St-stop moving, I am going to drop you and you're embarrassing me enough already!" I stop and glance about, no one is looking at us. In my moment of distraction, she gently lowered me down. As soon as I felt the ground beneath my boots again I pulled myself from her grasp and bolted for the fence. I could only hear Natalia's voice faintly before it faded into the ambiance, my eyes were trained on the skies above.

Only a dozen or more of the dragons were still airborne, I suppose as a consequence of our late arrival. The fliers were all small Ave dragons like LoftLobbers, but there was a solitary red and pale-bellied feather-tailed stormdrake; I don't remember seeing that one in the book. They were content to remain far above the earth and their grounded peers. So high up their delicate silhouettes resembled stretched-out swifts as they flipped and dived about, playfully taking nips at their marginally larger companion's tail who seemed unmoved by the harassment. Perhaps GreedLong was trying to get away from them? Come to think of it, why didn't I notice the dragons immediately when I got outside? Well, I couldn't have been out for more than a minute before the gold one showed up so- suddenly reality literally came crashing in.

"Oof! ACCKK!!" I fell straight onto my back, barely managing to stop my glasses from falling off. The backpack was able to cushion the landing, but at what cost to my belongings? I have to check! Not now, what did you just run into? As I tried to get my bearings, I saw a pair of dark shoes with pale legs in front of me. Oh no, of course, I ran into someone. I briefly averted my gaze as I found my feet again, doing my best to excuse myself, "Sorry! Sorry, I didn't see you there...

It was an accident I... wait," There was no response, despite running into them at full speed they seemed completely unmoved by it. Instead, I found them staring over the crowd in front of us like a statue. The person I blundered into was an Ermanthyian boy, no older than me judging by the looks of him. He wasn't particularly fit or tall next to his peers, but that didn't stop him from towering over me. His bag that he carried is notably more stuffed than mine which would have cushioned the impact on his end. But still, how did he not notice that? Is something wrong? Reluctantly I announced myself, "Hey, I am sorry I ran into you, are you ok?"

Once again I was left hanging, the boy simply raised on his toes and tried to look past his peers' shoulders to keep track of whatever he was seeing. Well now that's just rude, there's no way you didn't feel that. Are you ignoring me on purpose? My patience was wearing thin and I tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me, I am trying to be polite and it seems you're not even paying attention now please answer me," I requested with as much courtesy as I could manage, the static charging. No response, ok that's enough. I did not come all this to be blocked by some random jerk. I took hold of his arm and tugged him back away from his spot. He stumbled and almost lost balance for a second due to the weight of his backpack and my sudden interference. The boy shook and grabbed his head, why did he look so astonished? I couldn't have shocked him through my gloves, could I? After he took a moment to collect himself we made eye contact, and he froze.

"What's the matter with you?

I ran into you and have been trying to apologize, but you're just pretending I am not even here!

I thought boys were supposed to want a girl's attention or at least acknowledge someone's existence, what's the deal!?" I demanded with crossed arms, I am not going to let this insolence slide. He tilted his head in confusion and said, "Ehh... What the hell are you talking about?"

"Did you seriously not notice me slam straight into you and fall over?" I replied, barely keeping myself from shouting in disbelief at his words. What is wrong with him, is he just that blind? No way he couldn't have noticed me. He frowned and took a couple of steps closer, "Look girl, all I remember was looking at my dragon over the crowd," he leaned down slightly so his head was hanging just over mine," And then some prissy little princess from up north yanked me away from her to whine about not being pampered constantly." He replied with a smug grin.

"What inane, nonsensical stupidity was-WHAT!?" I said recoiling in shock. Of course, this jerk knows me and I don't even recognize his face, who does- he began to snicker and then laughed like he heard the best joke in his entire life.

"Oh! Oh yeesss, Charlie was right! It's perfect!!" He cackled and turned away and covered his mouth, for a moment he was silent again only for him to glance back and struggle not to burst into another fit. I feel my face getting hot, "Why are you laughing, the heck is wrong with you!?"

The other kid raised his hand for me to pause as he caught his breath and finally turned to face me again. Wiping the tears of joy from his eyes, "Sorry about that, my friends told me your hair stood whenever you are upset.

I just wanted to see if that was true and look at you,

Your head looks like a tiny red porcupine with a dandelion's tail right now, it's so adorable!" He said with a shrug of satisfaction. Oh no, I thought braiding would work! I should've just put on my flying cap! And look even more ridiculous than you do now, give me a break! Forget it, enough is enough, time for revenge!

I straightened up my posture, took a deep breath, and removed my gloves as I spoke, "You wanna know something about porcupines?"

He tilted his head again, mildly confused but seemingly amused. I cracked my fingers and stepped toward him, "Porcupines like to hide their quills under their fur when they are calm...

When they are like that, you can say they are adorable too." I continued and lifted my hand and pointed at his nose, I imitated the grin he gave me. His smile dropped and his eyes grew wide and bright as he gazed transfixed at mine. The Left eye was bright gold, the other deep blue. It's about time I mentioned all our eyes had heterochromia like this. My left eye was orange and my right was a brilliant turquoise. His cheeks started turning red as I was just inches from his face. He looked pretty anxious actually, I was personally feeling charged.

"But when a prick rubs them the wrong way..." I said before snapping my fingers and firing a small electric shock straight into his nose.

"YEAAOOWWW!!! What the hell!?" He yelped and leaned back from the shock, pawing at his nose like he was putting out a fire. His nose wasn't actually damaged but his pride certainly was. He glared back at me, the humor was gone from his face. I hold my pointer finger trailing a small plume of smoke in front of my lips.

"They get pricked back," I said before proudly blowing it out with a single puff. He growled and bared his teeth like a mad dog and barked back, "You little bi-ah...ah... ACCHOOO!!"

The sneeze caused a static charge to surge again and his hair stood straight up. Noticing the change, he looks up and begins feeling his now very prickly hair. I snickered to myself, now there are two porcupines. The boy's face turned a bright red and his eyes began to water. I burst into a laughing fit, I just can't help it at this point. The irony didn't seem lost on him either, he frantically glanced around making sure nobody saw what happened. I wish I could see if they did, but I can't help but holler more. Serves right, punk that's what you get when you mess with the daughter of a

A sudden gust struck me in the chest, knocking me off my feet. My senses shot back in an instant, glasses sent flying off. I looked back to see the kid now had a mini cyclone covering his right arm, his eyes shining so brightly it looked like they glowed. His face was twisted with rage and he began stomping over to me, his shape growing harder to see with every step. Piiku you idiot, look what you did! You could've just walked away or just stayed with Natalia, but I am going to die! Sweet Imperials, not today, I'm gonna have to fight! When you can't see!? Are you crazy!? For all my racing thoughts, no words could escape my mouth as the brute's shape loomed over me.

"What's the matter you nerdy bat, can't see what you've just gotten yourself into?" He boasted as I strained my eyes to understand what he was doing, but I couldn't focus. The sound of the swirling wind was all I had to work from. This really is it, huh? I close my eyes and brace for impact.

"Don't worry I won't hurt such a pretty face," he cackled with a distinctly malicious tone, "But your devious little hands are another story!"

"HEY!!" A familiar voice came roaring in with the wrath of a great big cat, "Get the hell off of her you scrawny-limbed son of a bitch!!"

"Na-Natalia? You got the wrong ideaaaAAACCCK!!" Was all he managed to say before fell to the ground, whimpering like a dying dog. I feel my hair drop and a strong hand cup my face. I kept my eyes shut until another hand returned the glasses to my face. Seeing Natalia's face again was the biggest relief I had felt in the last few minutes.

"You're not hurt, are you?

He didn't do anything to you, did he!?" Natalia said with feverish worry as she frantically checked for any damage. Breaking myself from silence I answered, "No, not yet at least."

She sighed with some relief, helped me to my feet, and pulled all the dirt from my clothes with a hand wave. What did I do to deserve a friend like you? Natalia glared past me toward the twerp behind me with clenched pointed teeth. Twisting around I can see him curled up on the ground, his back facing us, his arms clenched around his lower abdomen or something around there. He was crying I think but I didn't even hear a strike, I am not sure I want to know what she did actually. It's funny that our educators just let us do this to each other.

Before I could dwell on this pitiful sight any further, the top of my head was barraged with several sharp taps. I covered my head and turned back at my savior. I can see a look of disappointment in her eyes. She's just an unrelated teenager, but somehow that doesn't stop it from stinging.

She pinched her forehead and sighed, "Winter, I love your attitude, but you can't keep doing this."

"I know," I said with a defeated groan, here she goes again.

She continued with the same tired motions, "A girl as skilled and smart as you should know better than to be picking fights she can't finish."

"I can fight and he started it!" I snapped back at her, "He was being a jerk, not me!"

Natalia laid her heavy hand on my head and lectured further, "I don't care about that, you put yourself in these situations and don't have to resolve to get out of it yourself,

It's a fight or flight situation, but instead, you freeze,

I won't be able to you save from this anymore and your dragon, regardless of who they are, should be able to depend on you as well."

I try to think of something, any kind of counterargument but I know she's right. With a defeated sigh I nodded in reluctant agreement. She ruffled my hair and she spoke gently.

"Ooooh don't be sad, you'll figure it out in time," she said with an almost motherly tone, why does this feel so embarrassing? She let me put my gloves back on and took my hand, "Come on now, I'll get us a prime front-row spot and I recommend switching to your goggles or helmet, we'll be flying soon."

It wasn't a challenge to reach the front of the pack. I stuck right to her back the entire trip, everyone else seemed polite enough to clear out our way with little fuss. I gave my peers only passing looks, some looked back at me, and few smiled, a couple frowned, and one even blew a kiss at me for whatever reason. But the majority just ignored me in favor of my friend or simply stared ahead in blank astonishment. A lot like that jerk from earlier, he said he was looking at his dragon. Does that have something to do with it? How did he figure that out? No time to think, we're at the front now.

Natalia had positioned right on the central gate to the landing strip. Surrounding us were only the oldest strongest archmages students, their closest friends, and kids with the most extraordinary skills. One of those was this girl Lanie who could teleport herself and any small object within a 6-meter radius. How else could she have gotten up here, she's not much taller than me. That and she's also really pretty, I wish we hung out more. OH WAIT I CAN FINALLY SEE THE DRAGONS AGAIN!!

"YES!! We finally made it Natally!!" I cried out, throwing my arms into the air with the most joy I have felt all day. She only responded by shushing me and turning back to the fence. Whatever, at least she seems as interested in dragons as me for a change. I find my patch of the fence right next to her, it's a chain link so I have no trouble peering through. There they are, the creatures I have spent my whole life waiting for. The books did them no justice, so many different species all gathering here for each of us....and one of them is waiting just for me.

I feel my head start spinning but shut it out, get a grip on yourself, and just pick one to look at. The first dragon I noticed was trotting in from the left. Its frame was sinuous in form but supported four sticky limbs each ending with four hooked claws. The wings were small and paddle-like useless for flight, but its smooth blue and white speckled hide and the broad tail suggested a strong swimmer. The neck and head were vaguely serpentine, but something was off. If not for the smaller details, it kinda resembles those big lizards I've read about, what are the monitors? This is a Pelagic Sigillusaurus to be precise, a large coastal species of Saurian dragon. Strangely no saddle on this one, how is their soulmate supposed to avoid falling off? The creature's eyes trained on one of several enormous stone troughs lined towards the front center of the open landing strip. Its rim was stained with blood, other dragons were already gorging on fish and chum inside. I could only wish the wind had been blowing away from us.

The saurian let out a series of guttural grunts and puffs as it approached its target. A flock of several small aves scattered from the food station at the sound of it. Except for one sitting in the tray, too distracted guzzling chum to notice. It had a rotund body, a bright orange toothy bill, and strong black and white plumage, a Regal Puffilton. Its vest and saddle were almost pristine despite the feeding. The blue serpent zeroed in on the little straggler, little is a relative term this fluffy guy was still as big as a horse. Regardless, the poor thing only sees the threat when it is already lunging at them. With a frantic leap, it barely managed to dodge the first pounce and scrambled to get airborne. Not fast enough though as the Sigillusaurus swung its powerful neck and seized them by the saddle seat. What the heck does that thing think it's doing!?

The little dragon pecked and flapped frantically to escape its attacker's jaws, who seemed to be laughing at the futile effort. If you can call that terrible sound a laugh. The larger beast struggled to keep hold for a moment before dunking it straight into the chum with a messy thwack. In which it dragged the bird through with heavy sweeping motions. Their feeding station had only a handful of patrons left, who seemed largely unphased by the chaos. After an uncomfortably long minute or so, the reptile raised its head back out. Still, firmly in its grip, the hapless victim was drenched in deep sticky red, its outfit unrecognizable. The saurian seemed to be tired of its game and gently placed it on the ground beside them. Shaken by the struggle, the not-so-real puffilton was allowed to shamefully waddle for the ocean. Wasting no more time, the ravenous lizard settled in to feast.

I feel your pain, poor thing. Let's see if there's something else I could be looking at. Oh hey, one of those parrot guys got here too, that's so-aaah dang it!! It went invisible again, can't say I blame him though it's a tough crowd for sure. How did his saddle disappear with him too? Duh, look at your sword, it's this channeling. They're dragon MAGES after all. Whatever, I'll just find someone else, preferably mine. It's not like I have any shortage of options to choose from. Well actually your partner has already been established, you just have to find them.

"Please brain...just shut up for a minute!!" I mumbled to myself and pressed my forehead against the mesh of the fence in a vain attempt to clear my mind. Be smart Ravenfield, remember your soul-link. Its bond has drawn you toward them your entire life. It led you to this island and the dragons, let it guide you again. I mean it only pointed me in my dragon's general direction? Then Elder Maiathorix triangulated the most likely destination and my parents had me registered as an Archimage so I would be ferried there? Please just focus!

"Alright then, time to do some soul searching," I said before I closed my eyes and started my breathing exercise. One. Two. Three. Four...With every slow exhale, the sound and light of the outside world retreated from perception. At twenty breaths it was hushed darkness, with only my breathing and heartbeat breaking the silence. I could feel something syncing with my heart. A climbing force that rose from the very depths of my vessel with every pulse. A chill trickled up through my veins like freezing rain, it's honestly oddly invigorating. Then just when I felt the cooling blood reach my eyes it emerged from the void and took shape. Ah, there you are! Or is I there I am or we are? Souls are weird!

It was my half of the soul-link, the core of my very being. It danced and writhed about in front of me like a bright blue wispy serpent, its light broken by dark flecs running down its length. The 'tail-end,' if you could call it that, was the only colored part of an otherwise monochromatic figure. It bounced and twirled all over my field of view, the tail light leaving a prominent green trail for me to follow. The path guided my gaze upward until it stopped above me. It sat there, twitching and hovering in place as it entered the final phase. Its form grew more defined, a head and neck developed as a pair of feathery ears sprouted out from the back. Two eyespots opened, both were dark but shimmered against their glow, unlike the other speckles. It whispered in a soft but unintelligible voice while two appendages sprouted from its sides. It makes this sound every time but I never know what it said. Once the limbs reached a sufficient length, they unfolded into brilliant wings dotted like an inverted night sky. If our souls are what we are, I am so pretty. Too bad we can't see each other's soul-links, I would love to see Natalia's.

As usual, I didn't get long to appreciate it before a single wingbeat launched it back into the abyss. The twirling shape was reduced to a star-like speck. It flickered for a short minute before exploding into a blinding flash. In the expanding light, the world reformed. First the sky, then the clouds, the dragons, and everything else. A sensation manifested, one telling me to keep looking where I was. I swear this never stops being weird. Is that my soul's true appearance or just my imagination? Is there a difference? However, where I expected to be looking at my dragon I saw nothing but the sky in its place. My stare was centered just above the hundreds of dragons on the ground and beneath those few still airborne. Are you kidding me!? That whole show just to point vaguely forward? What game is my soul pulling right now!?

"FFWWWOOOOOSSSHHHH!!!" A monstrous spout surged from the ocean to my left, a column of mist stood higher than the surrounding buildings. Was that a whale, I have never seen one before!? What's it doing here and do they sound like trains? Squeezing past Natalia for a better look at the water, I saw beneath where the cloud stood a gargantuan shape that was fast approaching the shore. A great black shape with two brilliant golden eyes that shined through the water like a foggy lighthouse. Its head already looked to be the height of a house, but even that was absolutely dwarfed by the leviathan's body. No, that's not a whale. Trailing further behind the ocean, it split open to reveal a jet-black ridge of its back. The waves created by the front were diced apart by three pairs of flippers, each large enough to overtake the entire wingspan of the average dragon. They along with an even greater tail fluke pushed the undulating mass towards the shore like one of those runaway upside-down ships, or a submarine the other kids here call them. Speaking of ships, a small vessel was pulled through the vapor cloud by a chain attached to the submerged giant. Clearly, that's not a monster, but it looks like the boat already has a passenger of some kind. It's definitely not a human, it looks almost like a fish.

The loftlobbers, puffiltons, the feather-tailed one, and many other smaller fliers flocked above the creature as the other kids cheered and whistled with excitement. I however am mystified by the scale, unable to organize words or thoughts at this spectacle. I looked back to Natalia to see her reaction, but to my surprise, she was silent and still. Her mouth was hanging slightly and her eyes were wide with stupefied awe, like she'd seen all the secrets of the universe at once. Should... should I be worried?

Just as it seemed the giant's head was going to make landfall, it breached. It did not simply rise, it towered. Into the sky, parting the flock above, supported on a neck massive and tall like a great black monolithic serpent. When the body finally hit the shore, it sent a wave that nearly washed into the land we were standing on. The other fliers circled closely around its head, the enormous eyes ...wait those aren't the eyes, they're bioluminescent patches!!

Once revealed from the depths, its disguise has been revealed. The true eyes were just shiny blue and red dots just in front of the false ones, kind of like a killer whale. The jaws and skull were robust and heavy despite appearing rather small relative to the enormous rest of the neck and body. Its brow sported two finlike crests connected to a pair of red stripes that ran down the dragon's entire length. However, markings were segmented on the body by several more rows of glowing spots, well that would be glowing if it was night. The true nature of the being was clear to me now, he was a male Tuarangititan. A colossal species belonging to the Terrabasilos order of dragons, also aptly known as ShaperTitans.

These dragons are some of the only mortal beings, if you can call them mortal, to possess the Terras soul-type. As the names suggest, this gives them almost complete mastery over their respective habitats. Shaping biomes to best suit their needs, allowing their ecosystems to thrive as a result. Legend has it that the mountain ranges and valleys in Northern Erymanthia were built by one such dragon. Tuarangititans are known for cultivating coral reefs and kelp forests by carving out stretches of seafloor and sea mounts, maximizing nutrient upwellings from currents. I have never been to either of those places, but from what I have seen in books they look so beautiful.

He began pulling himself out of the water and up the slope to join his peers who hadn't joined him. The transition from the suspension to the burden of gravity seemed to weigh hard on him. The fins worked in tandem one side at a time to haul his immense body forward while his neck swayed precariously to maintain balance. I can hear his struggle, the heavy limbs digging into the ground for whatever purchase they can find, the stone quaking and cracking beneath such a heavy frame, and the labored breathing like a train engine on its last breaths. How does something that big even survive on land let alone waddle? What kind of titanic strength must be in those limbs? Ha ha, that's a pun!

Despite his seemingly awkward ascent, the other grounded dragons seemed wary of his approach a Snowdrake tensed up, frost forming around its skin as its wings shuddered. The smaller fliers remained circling above the giant tirelessly as if anticipating something. Reaching the peak of the slope, the titan put both his front flippers over the edge. He paused to find his footing, craning his neck about to check if all his were secure. Then with one motion, the dragon heaved his entire body over the ledge, the strain forced out a bloodcurdling wail. I had to cover my ears to block out the pain from that terrible sound. Oh dear lord, please don't be my dragon!! PLEASE, I can only survive hearing that once!! Not to mention how would I even take that one home with me anyway? Better question, which one is mine? How am I supposed to know!?

Mercifully, once that ordeal was over, the Turangititan seemed much better adjusted. He detached the chain connecting him to his boat with his teeth and placed it in a small hole in the ground. Very dextrous for someone his size. He moved further along at a steadier and leisurely pace. Most of the smaller dragons stopped circled and descended onto the earth once again, keeping themselves close beside him. Perhaps being emboldened by their gigantic new companion, they lept and pounced about taunting and scolding the larger dragons who reluctantly gave way for the parade before them. All of them stayed clear of their path, except for one.

The Sigillusaurus was still shoveling down fish and meat with the ravenous fever as when it started, its stomach was now bloated from all the consumed flesh. It seemed to be completely oblivious to the giant approaching him. Did that gluttonous worm at least hear any of that!? Are their senses too choked in blood to register this or is it just too self-absorbed to care about anything else but food? So the lizard remained unmoved even as the titan was right behind him. It wasn't until the smaller dragons noticed this as well that, exchanged glances with each other, and surrounded the trough. The Puffilton from before, now as clean as it could get from bathing in the ocean, approached its former assailant from the front and hissed a warning. It sounded a lot like a speech given its complexity and pattern, but was unintelligible to me.

Regardless of whatever was being said, the reptile understood and paused its feeding. Heedless to the danger, the brave little bird continued as its head rose from the food, drenched dark red and with meat still hanging those ravenous jaws. The titanic dragon behind them all, still unnoticed, cocked its head with curiosity as if invested in what his little sidekick had to say. Rage brewed within the Saurian as its body arched and the tail began to swish about, which only motivated the Puffilton the escalate. It marched forward till they couldn't have been more than a meter apart. They stared straight into each other's eyes with passionate fury until the Ave crocked its neck back and struck. The strike was true and it landed right in the beast's nose and its foe flinched back with a pained howl.

The now vengeful Sigillisaurus raised one claw from the ground to swipe but received a sudden counter strike to the back of the head by a loftlobber. Before I had time to process what was happening they all ganged up on the lizard, biting at its heels and tail while spitting globs of fire across its body. It furiously twisted and snapped about at the mobbing flock, but was still unwilling to leave the food. The other dragons gathered to watch the battle with great enthusiasm, the Turangititan seemed to be cheering them on. Things reached a head when the reptile swung its tail wildly about, the flock scattered but it kept attacking, unknowingly nearing the giant dragon behind them. Not about to let himself get hit, the leviathan stomped the ground and snorted furiously. It was then finally that the reptile realized what was looming over it, leaping back in bewilderment before meeting the great dragon's gaze.

He snorted again, leaning his head right over the smaller dragon, warning it to back off. The greedy little seemed to oblige as it slowly turned away from the titan. I guess that greedy bully has some common sense after all. Only to try smacking him across the face with a well-aimed tail swipe. Yeah, I should've figured as much from you. An obvious mistake as the giant seized the appendage mid-swing between his jaws. The reptile dug its claws into the stone, desperately trying to hold on to no avail as it was dragged effortlessly off the ground. Then with a single flick of the neck was cast screaming into the air behind the giant. Its cry grew distant as the formerly flightless dragon soared over the boat and plunged headfirst back into the water. With that came a massive splash, almost rivaling the previous waterspout. You get what you deserve and why was that strangely familiar? It was lucky though, he could have vaporized them with a caustic water beam or hypnotized them if it was night.

As I could hear applause erupting from both sides of the fence, my eyes wandered back to the boat. Its passenger was peering out into where the lizard landed. It was a dusty brown dragon but stumpy forelimbs and the rest of the limbs and tail ended in large fishlike fins. The long neck and tail were connected to a compact body that with those two dorsal fins looked like a combination of a plucked bird and yes a fish. All I could think was, why did you need a boat when you're literally a freakin fish!? Then I noticed the head, flat and boomerang-shaped. It all made sense, oh of course you're not an aquatic dragon, you're a Steppemaster. A mid-sized species of Chiropterid dragon, they can travel great distances through desert sands by vibrating their flight chambers which causes the substrate to develop the same characteristics as a liquid in which to swim. They can also similarly glide on their wings to a creature the book described as a flying fish, whatever that is.

It looked content to stay on the boat just offshore, with no intentions of getting wet. They don't particularly like the taste of fish so-

"WINTER I FOUND HER!!!" Natalia shouted as she spun my head around to face the actual sea dragon again and pointed feverishly, "Look, that's my dragon!!"

He was holding a shark in his jaws, or at least I think it was a shark. And with one chomp it fell in half, but before it could hit the ground, a Puffilton snatched it from the air. Naturally, she gets the biggest and most heroic dragon here, no surprises there. Wait, how does she know that!? I know I didn't want one I couldn't bring home eventually, but why am I jealous!?

"What are you looking at?" Natalia crouched down next to me, trying to get my perspective, "I just said I found my dragon."

'I'm looking at him." I said trying not to look blind or dumb as I focused more. She put her head against mine and pointed at the Turangititan's body.

"Not that guy, HER!!" She exclaimed as I did my best to see what she was talking about and there on the creature's back was a small red shape laying on top. It was then I noticed the frilly tail and remembered. It's that little Stormdrake I saw flying about? That's the great Natalia's dragon? There's no way, it's absolutely gorgeous for sure but. I must make sure I am getting this right.

"You mean that little feather-tailed stormdrake, or someone behind it?" I said, unsure of my own eyes. The flier yawned and stretched lazily about on its living perch. Natalia frowned just a little as if offended, "Yes and she's a Crimson Phasmoth, a Chiropterid...

Not a stormdrake." She said with a judgmental aura, and she was not wrong for that. I look back at the dragon, she's licking her paws and wiping them on her antenna-like ears the same way as a cat does. Antennears? Her beautiful leaf-shaped wings fluttered against her shiny and smooth body and her tail was curled up with characteristic feline hubris. But still, why would Natalia be bonded with one so much smaller and daintier than the rest? Oh, wait a minute.

"But-but how do you that know she's your partner though?" I ask tentatively, "I have been looking at dragons this whole time and I am still so unsure."

Natalia seemed bewildered by my statement, putting her hand on her forehead and her mouth hung slightly agape. You don't have to be so dramatic about it. She put both hands on my face and said, "Piiku, your Soul-link tells you who your soulmate is,

If you're even remotely uncertain, then it's not your dragon...

The educators literally had a phrase for it,

You can tell at a glance!!" She shook my face a little every time, she tried to fight back from smirking at me. You can laugh if you want, there's no pride in me left to save. I pulled her heavy mits off my face and she continued, "Just use your bond instinct thing, that'll show you."

I was getting fed up and shouted, "I did use the stupid homing instinct, and all it did was make me look over there!!" I pointed exactly where it made me look earlier, but I knew better than to look this time. Does she take me for a fool? Of course, I tried that, why wouldn't I? The only way she'd be right is not a single one of these dragons was mine! But EVERYONE is here, what could you possibly-

"Oh, you mean that one that's all the way up there?" she replied with mild confusion, gazing up in the same direction. Reflexively I said, "Wait what do you mean 'up-"




THE DRAGON PRINCE OF THE SOUTHERN SHORES HAS ARRIVED!!!" The greatest and most important of all the voices I have heard in my life finally struck my ears. My heart and my brain stopped dead in their tracks.

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