Perilous Skies; Wayward Royal...

Oleh user40152985

103 1 2

On an Earth that is not our own, the Moon above is Blue and Green with life, an earth where dragons and great... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 A Dragon's Tale
Chapter 2 The Dragon Prince Orenstein
Chapter 3 Piiku Ravenfield: Alive and a Girl
Chapter 5 You can tell at a glance.
Chapter 6 All Eyes are for You.
Chapter 7 Did you really have any doubts?
Chapter 8 The Final First Impressions.

Chapter 4 This is serious!

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Oleh user40152985

Entry 1, Day 156 since leaving home,

I would've started this upon my arrival on the island, but I feared that in doing so, I'd run out of pages too quickly. I summarized the events on the previous page. In any case, the fateful day has arrived. My classmates and I completed the basic training and today we will finally be paired off with our dragons. I can hear them outside my dorm as I am writing this, the sound of hundreds of wings beating like a howling storm, talons scrambling to get a purchase on the red stone rooftops, and that dawn chorus, sweet imperials! Due to the unfortunate positioning of my window, I haven't seen any of them yet except for scattered shadows and a stray blue tail,(was that mine?). At long last, after all these years, I am finally going to meet my soulmate, my hero, my partner for life! I sure hope I don't disappoint!

"I can't believe I saw one! I saw a dragon! A real live dragon!"

"I mean granted it was just a tail, but it was longer, spikier, and bluer than anything I have ever seen," I cheered as I raced up and down the tall sandstone hall, behind me, Natalia plodded along with a steady pace. My voice and our footsteps echoed far and uninterrupted down the vacant halls, for my transgressions against her sleep she forced us to leave extra fashionably late. Her head was fixed foreword with a focused deliberate determination of her destiny. But her eyes remained glued to me, they bounced and swerved at every one of my skips and spins. Her gaze upon me was not eager or agitated but her concentration was absolute, like a wolf tracking a fresh lamb, it was an uncanny attentiveness.

A faint bellow rang from one of the classroom doors and I paused and glanced in the general direction, a dragon must be just outside. By some strange reflex, I stretched my arms out and began running forward, flapping them up and down as I went. My backpack and the other items I was carrying swung wildly about, my dress twirling behind. I can feel it now, the wind rushing past my face, the sound of heavy wingbeats, and the earth far beneath me. Its features and landmarks became so small and distant, that it was like I was flying over a map.

"I can't wait to be flying again, Natalia!" I cheered as I began to circle back to my towering regal friend. Or am I simply diminutive in comparison? I am leaning toward it being some of both. Why are there no other short Archmages my age? I shake my head for a quick second, my 'wings' flutter alongside as to preserve the illusion.

I resumed my thoughts, "I have remained earthbound for way too long, the skies are calling for me and I will be answering today,"

"Certainly, you're feeling the same way, right? We've waited our whole lives for this moment." I stop in front of her path and her expression seems unmoved. She continued approaching, silent, getting so close that for a moment I thought she'd just trample me over like an avalanche. But at the last second, she stopped and she stared down at me, the elfish girl's face was firm and restrained as if to imprison something unsettled deep inside. I attempted to steel myself in the hope she wouldn't notice my anxiety, but I suck at hiding those sorts of things.

Finally, she speaks," You know not every dragon can fly, right?"

"I mean you should know, seeing as how many times you kept me up with those damn books, Princess," She circled past me and continued on her way. I can feel my body grow rigid as my patience began to wane. No, you're not going to talk to me like that, not today!

"Oh come on, what is your problem?" I snapped back at her, my arms falling tight against my sides, "Why are you getting so weird and cross?"

"This is the biggest day of our entire lives and yet all you care about is-"

"Oh for Imperials' sake, IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, PIIKU!!" Natalia snapped back to face me with clenched fangs, her eyes piercing straight into my soul. I could feel my heart drop into my stomach like a heavy stone. My hands were unconsciously clenching my dress so tightly the rim was buckling up. A faint static crackle escapes my hair. There was a long pause where we stared into each other's eyes. Neither of us seemed sure of what we were thinking or feeling at the moment. She blinked first then averted her gaze briefly and grumbled something to herself. She turned back at me, her face was blushing, eyes were glossy and dark, like a guilt-riddled puppy. Now I am starting to feel bad, did I strike a nerve?

Natalia let out a defeated sigh, "Look... I-I am sorry, I am lashing out,"

"It's just that, my dragon is out there, like she's right outside this building, waiting for me," Her expression was starting to get frantic, she reached out and gently grasped my shoulders for support but she clearly lost focus on me. I can sense her anxiety climbing across her heavy arms onto me. I could feel my cheeks getting hot and red, so I looked at the floor to not break composure. If she is to break down on me, what am I supposed to do, I am only thirteen.

"I don't know this girl and yet I am expected to just somehow magically click with her and we'll be best friends for hundreds of years?" She leaned forward slightly, her weight, grip, and especially her attitude were getting too uncomfortable for me to bear. I stepped back to keep my balance and grabbed her wrists for support, after removing one of my gloves just in case. I looked back at her face as the tall 16-year-old looked on behind me, at nothing from when I checked.

I say, "N-Natalia, please get off, you're hur-

She interrupts me, "It's jus- It's just... I don't know!"

"I know they say it's going to be fine, but how do I know that for real?"

"But they're also Archmages, so they do know they're happy but how about us?"

"How do they-AAAHH!!! OOOWWW!!!!" She yelped and leaped back like a startled cat, releasing her grip from me and holding her left arm in pain. I needed to remind her of my boundaries, and activating the pain receptors with a small jolt was quite effective. The shock didn't last more than an instant though as she wasn't injured at all, and she shot me with one of her death glares. Normally she reserved those for people who dared to pick on me, but I wasn't exempt if I really ticked her off.

"Jeez Princess, what the hell was that for!?" She said to me with a growl in her voice, but this time I wasn't having it. I snapped back, "That's enough Natalia, you're freaking me out!"

I stomped one foot, causing the hair on my head to stand straight up, and crackled furiously, "You're not the only one! I've been preparing for this day for as long as I can remember!"

"My parents and shaman were training me non-stop, I had to learn to fight, fly, and use magic to perfection?" I can feel the energy in me building, my dress and pant legs fluttered slightly from the electricity trapped by my boots.

"I had to get my whole back tattooed just days before I left my entire family and home behind to get to this tiny little island!!" My face was getting hotter, my eyes grew heavy and wet. Keep it together, Winter you have to make a point. I fail badly and feel myself begin to sob, I shut my eyes and struggle to continue, "That-that doesn't even have dragons on it!!"

"And for months, I am stuck for months in a place full of big stuck-up jerks that treat me like griffon guano for being small, knowing nothing, and wearing these stupid glasses!!"

"You were cool, you listened to me, you were the only one who made me feel safe here and now you are scaring me on the greatest and scariest day of my life!"

I felt myself coming apart, "Do you... hate me now."

"No, no no no Winter! Shit!... I am so sorry," Natalia said, her voice suddenly gentle and subdued. I vainly attempted to wipe the tears from my face and I saw her rush towards me, all previous anger was gone and replaced with this frenzied worry. I shut my eyes tightly and turned my head. She always hated to see me cry and today was apparently no exception.

Why did I say that to her? Why am I crying? What am I doing? I am not sad, I am- I feel Natalia's gentle hand cradle my cheek and tilt my head upwards. Her power instantaneously snuffed out the static coursing through me, my hair fell back into place. Next, her handkerchief pressed against my face as she carefully wiped away the tears and snot. I tried to protest, but between the cloth and my heart just not being in it. The most I could do was mumble while gripping the hand on my cheek, weakly swiping with the other. This is so embarrassing, you're not my mom! I am an archmage for Imperial's sake! She stroked beneath my shut eyelids with her thumb, enticing me to open them again.

The world had gotten bright and blurry from shutting my eyes so tightly, that I felt a few trapped tears escape. It wasn't long before things took shape again and I saw Natalia smiling back at me. Her head was tilted slightly and her face had a warm and tender expression to it, her eyes the left red and the right golden shimmering from the overhead lights. Which also radiated off her tanned wheatish face and luscious black hair.

Only I am ever given the privilege to see that look, I am not sure why though. What does she see in me? When I first arrived here, I didn't really have much to prove I was anyway important where I lived aside from the blade and I was never letting them see it. I knew nothing about anything or anyone here, and I was nobody to them. If her word and that of her other friends were to be believed, she is from a high-standing family, her great-grandmother founded a clinic that specializes in treating draconic patients, from Dragons to Wyverns and so on. Even beyond that, she's so cool and-

Natalia smirked and put one hand over her mouth, "Pfft! You look like a wide-eyed freckled tomato!!" she burst into a giggling fit, I shook my face at the sudden shift in tone.

"I look like a what?" I retorted trying to hide my embarrassment while she continued, "I am sorry, your face is so red right now," she stopped momentarily to catch her breath.

"And you've been staring at me blankly with big ol eyes of yours, it's just so cute!!" She said after finally regaining her composure. I can sense that my face is dry again, but the heat on my cheeks is still present. I try to defend whatever dignity I have left, "I am NOT 'cute'!

"I am the daughter of a powerful warrior Chief,"

"We hunt monsters for Imperial's Sake!!" I pushed away her hand and slipped my glove back on, stop smiling at me. I am being serious. Natalia stopped laughing but she maintained a blissful grin, my words seemed to only have endeared her more. Before I had time to process it further I felt her arms lift me off the ground to pull me into a massive bear hug. I'd struggle but there was no point, I couldn't even lift my arms in this position. With my head settled on her shoulder looking down the hall she said, "Oh, you're so emotional, Winter,"

"You're a sweet and brave little thing, so stubborn, too pure for this terrible Earth sometimes," She pulled me back so our faces were just inches in front of each other. She had the look of a stern mother or older sister as if making sure I was paying attention, "Never change that, you hear me Piiku,"

"Never let anyone stop you being who you are... got that?" She said and I reluctantly nodded before she put me down. I did whatever I could to fix my hair and clothes as she turned to resume her trek down the hall, another faint roar from the creatures we nearly forgot were outside gave us a momentary pause. She glanced back again and said, "To be honest, I wish my little brothers were more like you, at least you cure my headaches instead of giving another." she continued on ahead at a leisurely pass so I don't get left behind.

I don't have older siblings, or any really as I was an only child. What is it like having siblings? Is it confusing like this or do we just have an odd friendship? Regardless, I need to catch up before I become a drag. Why can't anyone here take me seriously, ever?

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