DragonBall Variant

By XrimsonCroc

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Dragonball, we're familiar with the story. The tale of Goku and company fighting to save their world and at t... More

Yerlec's Bio
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Yerlec's Bio V2
Interlude #1: Broly
Interlude #2: The Days in Between
Episode 10
Episode 11
Interlude #3: Countdown To The Cell Games!
Episode 12
Interlude #4 Pt 1: Aftermath of The Cell Games
Yerlec's Bio V3
Episode 13

Interlude #4 Pt 2: Homecoming

189 6 3
By XrimsonCroc

In the vast vacuum of space, one single spacecraft is seen zooming throughout the final frontier. Inside is the saiyan warrior Yerlec, on his way to his home planet of Vegeta. That of which was recently restored by his wish on New Namek. What lies ahead once he lands? What will the saiyans on his home planet be like? He wouldn't have to wait long, because he could see it over the horizon.

Yerlec: There it is, Planet Vegeta. ...home.

He rests his palm on the window as he gazed upon the planet he was born. A sense of longing and mild familiarity made its way into his core. He found himself landing on planet, amidst a bunch of saiyan natives. Once on planet, we took a beep breath and took in his surroundings. He then made his way around, taking in the atmosphere. While some of the locals pondered him and his arrival, most were confused on how they were alive. They remember their death after a large attack blew up them and their world, then they were ... somewhere. It felt like an eternity and a half, then all of a sudden they were back home! If they only knew the truth... After some time of wandering around someone, called out to him in a rather stern tone of voice.

???: You! State your business on my planet!

His planet? Then that could only be one person.

There he was, King Vegeta III. The resemblance was staggering, even down to the arrogance in his tone. Speaking of which...

King Vegeta(Stern): I won't ask you again. State. Your. Business.

Yerlec: Well, this is a cozy welcome. I came here to visit my home planet after its initial destruction and this is my welcome party?

King Vegeta: Quite the nerve you have to mouth off to your king. You should learn to show respect.

Yerlec: Respect is earned, not given.

King Vegeta: Hmph, lucky for you I have other matters to attend to. Otherwise I'd show you your place. Next we meet, an apology better be the first thing that leaves your mouth.

He turns away with a twirl of his cape and walks off.

Yerlec(Deadpan): ...charming.

???: That king of ours is as cuddly as a cactus, ain't he?

Yerlec turned towards the new voice.

Yerlec: Indeed... I just arrived and already invoked his ire.

???: Feh, he's always been a stick in the mud. Even death and resurrection didn't change that.

Yerlec: So, you're aware that you died?

???: Most everyone here is. Not sure how though...

Yerlec: You wouldn't believe me if I told you...

The saiyan raised an eyebrow at that, but laughed it off.

??? *Chuckles* Maybe, maybe not. Hey, I never got your name, stranger. My name's Cuke.

Yerlec: My name is Yerlec, a pleasure.

Cuke froze in place, as his eyes widened.

Cuke(Shock): D-did you say "Yerlec"?

Yerlec: Indeed I did. Why?

Before he knew it, Yerlec was brought into a tight bear hug and swung around.

Cuke(Excited): It's you! It's really you! *Laughs heartily*

Yerlec(Confused): I'm sorry, wh-who are you exactly?

Cuke: It's me, your father!

The world around Yerlec went silent. His ... father? His family? He was here, right in front of him! He had laid awake for this moment for years, and now it was reality!

Cuke: Look at you, so big and strong! Just like your old man!

Cuke gave his son a noogie as he guffawed.

Cuke: Oh, I gotta show you to your mother!

The two saiyans made their way to a modest looking house a distance away from what seemed to be the royal capital. Once inside, a woman was seen outside by a lake.

Cuke: Hey, Selek! You'll never guess who I came across!

Selek: Who's this? Another one of your little drinking buddies?

Cuke: No, take a real close look at him. Maybe you'll figure it out faster than I did.

Selek took a close look at Yerlec, eyeing him down. At first it didn't click, but after a few seconds her eyes widened. She gently placed a hand on his cheek as tears prickled out of the corners of her eyes.

Selek(Disbelief): Y-Yerlec...?

Yerlec: *Nods* Hello, mother.

Selek hugs him tight, almost afraid he'll vanish if she lets go. Her tears flowing freely as Yerlec returns the hug with gusto.

Selek(Overjoyed): My baby boy! You're here! Cuke, he's actually here!

Cuke: I know, I was surprised too!

Yerlec: Mom, dad, there's ... there's so much I wish to say. To ask. I ... I don't know where to start.

Cuke: Well let's have a talk over some food, and you can start from the beginning!

Before they could talk about his adventures, who else but King Vegeta came into their home. He points at Yerlec, calling him out.

King Vegeta: How typical that I'd find you amongst the other low class trash. Do you have my apology ready?

Yerlec(Upset): Do you mind? I'm conversing with my family at the moment.

King Vegeta: That didn't sound like an apology, brat.

Yerlec: Like I told you prior, respect is earned.

King Vegeta(Mad): I am your king! Your respect is a given!

Yerlec: A king who led a failed rebellion, and was struck down without accomplishing anything.

King Vegeta: How did you know about that!?

Yerlec: Irrelevant. All I'll say is that your a lousy man, and a lousier king.

King Vegeta: Ha! You think you could do better?

Yerlec: Better than you, that's for sure. Honestly, it's a wonder your kingdom hadn't crumbled before Frieza's reign...

King Vegeta: Well then, if you're so confident, then perhaps you'd like too bac up that claim. I invoke the Royal Saiyan Duel!

He made this declaration at loud volumes, causing everyone around to turn and gasp in shock.

Yerlec(Puzzled): What is that?

King Vegeta(Smug): *Chuckles* How uneducated. As expected of low-class trash. Allow me to enlighten you, fool. This is a one on one bout between any given saiyan and the current ruler. It can be declared by anyone at anytime, myself included. If I win, you become one of my loyal servants until your dying breath.

Yerlec: And if I win?

King Vegeta: *Laughs out loud* Unlikely, but I'll humor you. If by some miracle you prevail, I relinquish my title of king to you.

Yerlec: *Eyes widen* Is that so?

King Vegeta: Don't sound too excited. Many have challenged me, and all have failed. Just like my father, and my father's father, this planet shall be named and ruled by, Vegeta! The only one worthy of taking the throne is my eldest son!

Yerlec failed to suppress a chuckle at that declaration.

King Vegeta: And what is so funny?

Yerlec(Amused): You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Regardless, when and where does this duel take place?

King Vegeta: At the royal capital within the hour. I'll see you then, mongrel.

With that, he left. The onlookers looked at Yerlec in pity, seemingly foreseeing his defeat.

Cuke(Concerned): You sure you wanna do this, son? He's king for a reason.

Selek(Worried): Yeah, he's gone undefeated for years.

Yerlec: I'll admit, it wasn't on my schedule. But if it's a fight he wants, I'll happily oblige.

Yerlec made his way to the capital alongside his parents, where King Vegeta and a large crowd lie in wait.

King Vegeta: You arrived sooner then I expected. Eager to taste defeat at the hands of your king?

Yerlec: Hardly...

King Vegeta: We'll see. The rules are simple. To achieve victory, one must either get the enemy to surrender, render them unconscious, or kill them.

Yerlec: Fair enough.

King Vegeta: Last chance. If you get down on your hands and knees and plead for mercy, I may be able to find it in my heart to over look this little transgression of yours.

Yerlec: No, I think not.

King Vegeta: *Shakes head* Your loss, fool.

King Vegeta dashes in and starts a furious barrage of blows that Yerlec defended against. The royal saiyan kept up the barrage, never giving Yerlec a chance to fight back, as the onlookers watched on. They all believed Yerlec to be on the back foot, unable to retaliate and that the battle was over before it began. As King Vegeta prepared an overhead strike, Yerlec seemed to vanish from sight! The now confused king looked around, only to see Yerlec standing back at his starting position, a snide little smirk on his face. Annoyed at the blatant disrespect, King Vegeta fired an energy wave at Yerlec's position, the latter leaping into the air to evade.

Yerlec: Very well, since we're playing that game...

He gets into a familiar position and...

Yerlec: Galick Gun!

...fires a powerful Galick Gun at King Vegeta, forcing him to dodge out of the way.

King Vegeta(Angry): How do you know that move!? Only those in the royal family should be using that technique!

Yerlec: I learned it from your eldest child.

King Vegeta(Shock): My son!?

Yerlec(Amused): Well yes, but also no. It's a rather short and silly story.

King Vegeta, not in the mood for games, rushes towards Yerlec's position to strike him, only to be clocked in the jaw by a strong elbow. Yerlec followed up with an overhead strike with Death Gavel, sending him crashing to the ground. Slightly dazed, the royal saiyan narrowly evaded Yerlec's heel slamming into him again, as he leapt to the side. Yerlec then decided to take the offensive, forcing King Vegeta on the defensive as he dodges. He couldn't dodge forever, as Yerlec caught him with a strong, ki-covered hook kick that left him sprawling on the ground.

Yerlec: Do you yield?

King Vegeta(Anger): Never!

In his rage, King Vegeta fires off one of his most powerful moves, the Orga Blaster. As the dark fuchsia colored beam approached Yerlec's position, the winds his arm back as his muscle tense. He thrusts his hands forward and fires off an improved version of his signature move, the Roaring Volcano Cannon. The beam tears through King Vegeta's Orga Blaster, as the king was forced to dodge out of the way, the beam destroying a large mountain in the far distance. King Vegeta looked on in shock. How was this low-class this strong!?

King Vegeta(Shock): This ... this can't be happening! How is this inferior garbage doing all this!?

Yerlec: ...tell me. Are you familiar with the legend of the Super Saiyan?

King Vegeta: Of course I am, you imbecile. Any saiyan worth their tail is aware of the legend. For what reason do you bring it up now?

Yerlec didn't respond, he merely grinned at the saiyan king. King Vegeta didn't get it at first, but then it clicked.

King Vegeta: You can't be serious. You can't honestly believe that you of all people are the legendary Super Saiyan. *Laughs out loud* A foolish attempt at a joke!

The king, as well as most of the other spectators, laughed at Yerlec's silent claim. What sort of nonsense was he speaking!? As they had their laugh, Yerlec kept his grin. While he could just snap into the transformation, he may as well let them enjoy the lightshow. With a powerful yell, his power rose and the ground shook violently, knocking some people off balance. His hair turning from black to blonde, his eyes from onyx to teal, and with a mighty scream he transformed into a Super Saiyan.

King Vegeta(Disbelief): No, it can't be. Golden locks. Eyes like a raging sea. You ... you can't be, who are you!?

Yerlec: I am a survivor of this planet's initial destruction. A warrior raised and trained by the emperor of the universe, Lord Cooler. I am a defender of a planet I'm proud to call home. I am a father, a husband, ... a son. My name is Yerlec, and I am a Super Saiyan!

He finished his declaration with a powerful burst of ki that tore up the ground. Unnerved by this prospect but refusing to back down, King Vegeta fired off a Galick Gun in haste, only for Yerlec to backhand it to the side. Then he rushed over and attacked him with a flurry of blows from Collision Parade, the final hit sending the king flying backwards. Using Instant Transmission, Yerlec appeared behind him and slammed him back down to the ground with Collision Hammer. He goes to stomp on him but the king managed to roll out of the way and gain some distance.

Yerlec: It's funny. Despite my theatrics earlier, I don't even need this form to defeat you. *Turns to normal* But I've got another trick up my sleeve that I wish to show you. It took a few years to get the hang of it, but the results are worth it.

Yerlec lets out a low growl, as his aura turns from it's usual pale-orange to black, a vein in his forehead bulging. This was something his parents in the crowd noticed.

Selek(Shock): Cuke, isn't that...?

Cuke: Yeah, it is...

Yerlec rushed at King Vegeta and laid into him hard, battering him all across the square and never giving him an inch. The few hits the king did get off didn't phase him in the slightest, as the difference in power was too great. King Vegeta tried going for a punch, but was restrained by Yerlec's Désastre Claws, holding him up as he pummels his stomach with rapid-fire punches like a punching bag before throwing him away.

Yerlec: You're in over your head, Vegeta III. Give up.

King Vegeta: Not on your life, peasant!

Yerlec: *Shakes head* You're wasting your time. Compared to me, you're weak and slow. I can see all of your moves.

Yerlec dodges a punch.

Yerlec: Perceivable.

He dodges another punch and pushes King Vegeta to the side.

Yerlec: Perceptible.

King Vegeta throws another strong punch, only to be grabbed and slammed onto the ground.

Yerlec: Predictable!

As King Vegeta lies on the ground in pain, Yerlec places his boot on his chest.

Yerlec: Now submit.

King Vegeta(Angry): To a low class like you? Never!

Yerlec glares down at him before returning to a neutral gaze. Fine, if that's how he wants to play it...

Yerlec: Let's see, you're not unconscious, nor will you surrender. According to the rules of this bout, that just leaves one option. I'll give you 5 seconds to give up before I reduce you to a charred blotch on the planet. Five...

King Vegeta: Not on your life!

Yerlec's power increases.

Yerlec: Four...

King Vegeta slowly started getting unnerved.

Yerlec: Three...

Yerlec channels ki into his mouth like flames.

Yerlec: Two...

Yerlec wound his head back, ready to kill the king of saiyans.

Yerlec: ONE!

King Vegeta(Frantic): Wait!

Yerlec halts his attack and waits patiently. King Vegeta couldn't believe he was about to do this. Him, the King of Saiyans! He had his pride, dammit! ...but what good was pride if he was dead, again? The words he uttered next felt like poison.

King Vegeta(Ashamed): *Mumbles* I surrender...

Yerlec: Louder. Louder so everyone can hear you!

King Vegeta: I surrender!

Yerlec(Satisfied): That's better.

Yerlec fired off his attack into the air, a massive stream of vermillion flame-like ki leaving his maw. The crowd was in awe! Vegeta III, their king, was bested by this random saiyan! They let out a loud applause that shook the ground! A new king was born!

King Vegeta: How? How could a low-class dog like you beat an elite like me?

Yerlec: Simple. I worked for it. Like a friend of mine once said, even a low-class warrior like me could surpass an elite when he puts his mind to it.

King Vegeta(Annoyed): Tch...

As Yerlec took in his win, a royal advisor came by and made an announcement.

Advisory: *Clears throat* Here ye, here ye! My name is Bega, royal advisory! For the first time in years, a new king has been crowned by way of the Royal Saiyan Duel! All hail our new king! All hail, King Yerlec!!!

The crowd went ballistic with deafening applause. Numerous cheers of Yerlec's name carried amongst the crowd, as the man of the hour stood and basked in the glory. Oh Vegessa was gonna get a kick out of this. Vegeta III, angry at this loss, stormed off to parts unknown.

Cuke(Proud): Hell yeah! That's our son! That's our Yerlec!

Selek(Proud): Yerlec, you've grown so much all this time...

Bega: King Yerlec, it would be my honor to escort you to what would now be your palace.

Yerlec: I see. Very well, only if I may bring my family along with me.

Bega: Of course. Your word is law after all.

Bega escorts the group to his new palace. Once inside, he shows them the throne room.

Yerlec(Impressed): *Whistles* Quite the room.

Bega: Of course. No expense is spared for royalty.

Yerlec: Indeed.

Taking in the majesty of the room, Yerlec looks at the throne and takes a seat. Over the years, Yerlec called himself many things. A warrior, a husband, a father to name a few. But now? Now, he was a king!

Bega: It seems you are admiring your new palace. Shall I escort you around, or would you like to explore at your leisure?

Yerlec: I'll explore, thank you. It gives me time to catch up with my family.

Bega: Very well then. *Bows* At your leave, your majesty.

Bega exits the throne room, leaving the family of three by themselves.

Cuke(Proud): Imagine that, our son, a king! And a Super Saiyan to boot!

Selek(Proud): Our little man has gotten so strong. Oh yeah! You were gonna tell us about what you went through, right?

Yerlec: ...you may want to take a seat. This ... this will take a while.

Yerlec tells the story of his life to his parents, from his training with Cooler, to his fight with Cell and everything in between.

Cuke(Impressed): *Whistles* You've been through the wringer, that's for sure.

Selek(Amazed): That's an understatement. To think that we've already got four grandchildren.

Cuke: One of them being from a female Vegeta IV at that! *Laughs heartily* Oh I can't wait to tell 'Geets that one! On another note, that black aura you have...

Yerlec: Yeah, do you know about it?

Cuke: Of course, it runs in the family. My family to be exact. It's called an "Evil Aura".

Yerlec(Surprise): E-evil?

Cuke: Yup. Just using this aura can drive other saiyans into a frenzy on contact, unless properly controlled. You seem to have a decent grip of it so far from what I can tell.

Yerlec: Where did this power come from?

Cuke: You and I are kind of a "sub-species" of the modern day saiyan.

Yerlec: What do you mean by that?

Cuke: Hmm, how can I put this...? Saiyans nowadays are more ... "domesticated", if you can even call them that. The saiyans you and I are descended from were a lot more primal and unrestricted. They were also some evil bastards for the most part. One of note being one our ancestors named "Cumber". He was one strong sonuva bitch from what I heard. He's also one the strongest user of this aura.

Yerlec: I see.

Cuke: Imma let you know right know, your Evil Aura isn't complete yet. But you've gotten the hang of it. Once you master it, you'll be even more dangerous.

Yerlec: Sounds promising. ...I have another question.

Cuke: Shoot.

Yerlec: How ... how did you and mom meet?

Cuke(Amused): *Chuckles* We met on the battlefield. When helping to subjugate a planet, we collided in mid-air.

Selek(Amused): We were pretty mad at each other. We kept going back and forth about who's fault it was, even as we were fighting the enemy. On our way back to Planet Vegeta, we continued to argue and insult insulted each other. Even when we landed we were still bickering.

Yerlec: Then what?

Cuke: Then we laughed! Two saiyans too stubborn to back down from an argument was a match made in heaven! We even forgot what we were mad about in the first place!

Selek: We became close friends after that day. One thing led to another, and you born years later.

Cuke: It was the best day of our lives.

Yerlec: I see. That's quite the story.

Cuke: You can say that again! That's what made sending you off into space that day so hard...

Selek(Sad): When we heard from one of our comrades about Frieza's plan, we didn't want to take any chances. We could only afford to send you off while we stayed behind. *Smiles* I'm so glad we did, now look at you. My baby boy.

Cuke: *Looks around* Still, never in my wildest dreams did I think you'd come back one day and become king.

Yerlec: Me neither. It was the furthest thing from my mind yet, here we are. "King Yerlec". Has quite a nice ring to it. Vegessa is going to have a field day with this one...

Selek: So ... what are you gonna do now?

Yerlec: Aside from spend time with you two, I don't know. I suppose just wander around the planet.

Cuke: Well your mother and I'd be more than happy to show you around. Let's go.

Yerlec: Not yet. There's something I need to do.

Yerlec exits the throne room and finds a group of saiyan advisories, Bega being a part of them. He asks them to send out a message far and wide to the saiyans on planet by way of a holographic recording. The recording read as follows...

Attention residents of Planet Vegeta. This is your new king, Yerlec speaking. While my admission as king was just issued, I will not be staying on planet. I have a home to call my own that I will be returning to. In the meantime, I will leave you with one planet-wide decree. Live. For too long has our race been under the heel of the tyrant known as Frieza. Even longer have you all under under Vegeta III. Go out and live your loves as you see fit. The galaxy is immense and we are but a fraction of it. Be free to explore, to experience, to truly live the lives that have been returned to you! I will return to check on the state of affairs every now and again. This has been my message. Glory to the saiyan race!

With the message sent, Yerlec met back with his parents and spent time flying around the planet, taking in the sites and exchanging stories with one another. It was everything Yerlec dreamed of. At on point, while in his parent's home...

Selek: Yerlec.

Yerlec: Yes mother, what is it?

Selek: I know that in that message you sent, you won't be staying forever. How long will you be staying?

That question. It was one Yerlec was trying to avoid.

Yerlec(Upset): I ... I don't know. I've wanted to meet you two for so long but...

Cuke(Serious): Son, look at me.

Yerlec looks his father in the eyes, curious on what he might say.

Cuke: You're a grown-ass man. Not the little baby we sent off planet when our time was cut short. You've got your own life now. Friends, wives, and children of your own. You've gotta be there for them.

Yerlec: ...

Selek: Your father's right. Even if you won't be here with us everyday, we're glad we got to see the man you've become. You've made us so happy and proud, Yerlec.

Yerlec: I ... I understand.

Cuke: If you want, you can stay here for a few days. There are some things your mother and I want to teach you that we never got the chance to. When you do decided to leave, you know where to find us.

Selek: *Nods* You may have a home to call your own, but you'll always have a home here too.

Yerlec looked at both his parents in silence. How? How could he have been so blessed? He hugged his parents tightly, pouring every bit of love and affection into it.

Yerlec(Joyful): Thank you, truly.

The next few days were spent with his parents, learning from them and hearing more of their stories. About a week later, it was time to go. Yerlec headed to his ship as his parents saw him off.

Yerlec: I guess this is good-bye for now.

Cuke: *Chuckle* Don't say it like that. You can always come and visit us whenever you want.

Selek: *Nods* We'll always be here for you.

With one last group hug, Yerlec boarded his ship and made his way back to Earth. After a few more months of travel, he landed back near Capsule Corp, where his family eagerly greeted him.

Vendei(Excited): Dad! *Tackles and hugs him*

Vocado(Happy): Pop, you're back!

Yerlec: *Chuckles* That I am. It's good to be back.

Bulma: You were gone for a while. We missed you ya know? Calls can only do so much.

Vomi: Indeed. It's so good to see you again.

Yerlec: Likewise.

???: Well, look who came back.

Turning to the voice, everyone saw Vegessa.

But she wasn't alone. Standing next to her was her and Yerlec's son, Vegeta V.

Vegeta: Welcome home, father.

Bulma: Well if it isn't her grumpiness and little grump jr.

Vegessa ignores the jab and heads straight towards Yerlec.

Yerlec: Hello my dear.

Vegessa(Annoyed): Don't you "my dear" me. Why didn't you say you'd be gone so long? Literal months without having an adequate training partner. What with Kakarot gone and his little runt avoiding fighting all together. You have some nerve coming back and-

She was abruptly cut off by a quick kiss from Yerlec.

Yerlec: *Smiles* I missed you too~

Vegessa was stunned into silence, and opted to turn her head away in frustration and embarrassment.

Vendei: What did you do out there in space, dad!? C'mon tell us, tell us!

Yerlec: Alright settle down. Let's take this inside, shall we. This is going to be a doozy.

The family head inside their home, as Yerlec tells them of his travels across the galaxy, and what a story it was. Yerlec's journey through space was an interesting one. From being taken prisoner on a random planet, fighting for his freedom, governing over the same city he was held, gaining a new ally in Bojack. Not to mention the revival of the saiyans slain during Frieza's assault, meeting his parents and becoming the new king of saiyans! That one certainly took everyone for a loop, especially Vegessa. No longer was she the saiyan prince turned princess. By proxy, now she was the queen of all saiyans. All in all, a trip well made. Yerlec has his family here on Earth, as well as his parents back on his home planet that he can visit whenever he wants. Both sides loving him unconditionally.






What a wonderful life he had...

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