pieces of me: poems

By enyaclancy

3.2K 517 1.3K

To the girl twenty-four hours ago, crying into her pillow and questioning what comes next, you'll be okay. "p... More

piece one
piece two
piece three
piece four
piece five
piece six
piece seven
piece eight
piece nine
piece ten
piece ten point five
piece eleven
piece twelve
piece thirteen
piece fourteen
piece fifteen
piece sixteen
piece seventeen
piece eighteen
piece nineteen
piece twenty
piece twenty-one
piece twenty-two
piece twenty-three
piece twenty-four
piece twenty-five
piece twenty-six
piece twenty-seven
piece twenty-eight
piece twenty-nine

piece thirty

61 6 32
By enyaclancy

You let me fall into your arms,

and you catch me like a shooting star.

You ground me when I start to float,

you are my anchor when I'm a drifting boat.

You make me smile when I can't help but frown,

I don't know who I am when you aren't around.

Because you are the pieces of me,

the reason why I keep trying to believe.

You glue me together when I've shattered,

building me up until I'm as strong as a tower.

I could never express in words how important you are,

you're the person who has helped me get this far.

For that,

I thank you

for picking me up,

for making me smile,

for making me cry,

for making me feel things that I haven't in a while.

Thank you for a journey

that has created a bunch of memories

and has bound pages together

for an unforgettable story.


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