For Me Love Is Confusing

By PreetBhowmik257

513 20 10

"Let's enter a world where love weaves its magic, and memories hold the key to unraveling the mysteries of th... More

Chapter one :Someone I know
Chapter Three: My unchanged imotions
Chapter Four:Doubts of own
Chapter Five : Remain unchanged forever
Chapter Six: Crazy but caring
Chapter Seven: Dream of past
Chapter Eight: Wellcome to love
Chapter Nine:The last night
Chapter Ten: Shadows of Forgotten Love.
chapter eleven.Desperate Measures
Chapter Twelve : Skipe a beat
Chapter Thirteen: "Cruel Love"
Chapter Fourteen: The Battle Is Begin
Chapter Fifteen: Hate But Love
Chapter Sixteen: The Storm Of Love
chapter seventeen : "Shattered Trust"
Chapter Eighteen : "Silent Battles"
Chapter Nineteen : "Fragments of Forgotten Love"

Chapter two: Sweet memories

52 3 0
By PreetBhowmik257

As Lily entered Mili's room, she couldn't help but notice the telltale signs of her friend's internal turmoil-Mili was blushing, lost in thoughts that seemed to center around Ishan. Lily's curiosity got the best of her, and she gently prodded, "Alright, spill it. What's got you blushing like that? Are you thinking about Ishan?"

Mili hesitated, but under Lily's persistent gaze, she finally relented. "Ishan... he was my senior and neighbor when I stayed with my grandparents in my early childhood," she began, her voice soft with reminiscence. "He was the strangest person I had ever known-so rude, so arrogant. He didn't even like girls, and he was a genius in studies."

Lily listened intently as Mili continued, her memories unfolding. "I, on the other hand, was a silly girl back then. I loved singing, dancing, writing-anything creative. And I had an insatiable sweet tooth for chocolates and sweets. Ishan couldn't stand any of that. He would scold me incessantly, telling me to study instead."

Mili's voice wavered slightly, recalling those childhood conflicts. "I was so afraid of him that I couldn't stand up for myself. But despite his strictness, he was strangely caring. He wouldn't let me have chocolates and made me do difficult math problems instead. When I was really fed up with him, he would take me star-gazing. Those are just childhood memories now."

She sighed softly. "I last saw him when I was in ninth grade. He went abroad for his higher studies, and we haven't spoken or seen each other for the past two or three years. And then, yesterday, after all these years, he shows up at my door and starts scolding me again, just like old times. Now he's a successful businessman."

Lily's eyes widened with intrigue. "Wow, talk about a blast from the past," she remarked, processing the complexity of Ishan and Mili's history. "Sounds like he left quite an impression on you, despite everything. Do you think he still feels the same way about you?"

Mili shrugged, her thoughts still swirling. "I have no idea, Lily. Maybe he's just the same old Ishan, and I'm still that silly girl to him."

Lily placed a comforting hand on Mili's shoulder. "Or maybe, just maybe, there's more to it than that. People change, Mili. And maybe seeing you again stirred something in him."

Mili looked at her friend gratefully, feeling a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty. "I guess I'll have to wait and see."

As they sat in silence, Mili couldn't shake the feeling that Ishan's sudden reappearance in her life meant more than just a trip down memory lane. Whether it led to heartache or unexpected joy, she knew one thing for certain-her past with Ishan was far from over.

Mili sat in her room with lily but, thoughts swirling in turmoil. Ishan's reappearance had stirred memories and emotions she hadn't anticipated. Yet, amidst the rush of conflicting feelings, Paul lingered in her thoughts like a gentle anchor. She cared deeply for him-his kindness, his unwavering support. Could she betray him by entertaining thoughts of Ishan?

"Lily," Mili began tentatively, "I can't stop thinking about Ishan, but I can't hurt Paul. He's been so good to me."

Lily grinned mischievously, sensing her friend's internal struggle. "Oh, Mili, but think about it. Ishan's like a storm-you never know what might happen. Maybe that's the excitement you need in your life."

Mili shook her head, conflicted. "Ishan is... dominating. He always has been. I can't see myself loving someone like that."

Lily's expression softened, her voice gentle. "I know, Mili. But I also know you deserve happiness. Whether it's with Paul, Ishan, or someone else entirely, your happiness is what matters most."

Mili sighed, torn between loyalty and the unknown. "I just don't want to hurt anyone."

Lily squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I understand, Mili. Just take your time. Follow your heart, and I'll be here for you no matter what."

As Mili contemplated her next steps, she found solace in Lily's unwavering support. Whether it meant reconciling her past with Ishan or staying true to her present with Paul, she knew that with Lily by her side, she would find the clarity and courage to navigate the complexities of her heart.

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