The Desire Variable | Rewrite

By DarlaCassic

375K 5.2K 730

MATURE CONTENT, +18 ONLY When Andy starts a complex and steamy love affair with her new boss, she discovers t... More

⸻ ONE ⸻
⸻ TWO ⸻
⸻ FOUR ⸻
⸻ FIVE ⸻
⸻ SIX ⸻
⸻ NINE ⸻
⸻ TEN ⸻


9.8K 136 17
By DarlaCassic

I don't have a very good weekend. Which is only normal, given how many things are plaguing my mind. First, I missed my date with Oli, which my roommate is a bit panini pressed about. Second, my obsession with my boss has grown substantially, which is terrible. Third, I'm expected to spend even more time around said-boss. Fourth, I had another vividly realistic wet dream about the man.

The future's looking really bright.

Somehow, when I get to work on Monday, there's another parameter that I forgot to account for. "So," Steven tells me, spinning his chair to face me when I arrive, "not even here for a month, and you're already working upstairs with the boss?"

It's a joke, I know it is, but it still makes my insides twist. From their point of view, it must look so suspicious. Especially knowing how our boss is. I didn't realize the news would spread so quickly. But my computer isn't on my desk anymore, so it makes sense they had questions.

"I tried to explain the situation," Oliver explains. "They can't wait to see this app you've created."

"Trust me," I say to Steven, eager to clarify things, "I'd rather be here with you guys than upstairs with him."

"Well, that's nice to hear," says a deep voice from behind me.

Ah, shit...

I slowly turn around, worriedly glancing at Lex, but he doesn't give me any attention and turns to the guys instead. "When the rest of your colleagues arrive, I want all six of you to come up to the conference room. We're going to rearrange a few things for the weeks to come." Without another word, he leaves us.

About ten minutes later, when Brian and Joseph arrive, all six of us head to the conference room, as instructed. There, we find the room nearly filled already, with more people still filtering in. Lex is speaking with a man I have seen before but never met. He's slightly shorter than Lex, his body is leaner, and his blond hair is neatly combed back, his face closely shaved. The man is devilishly handsome, but not in the same way as Lex. Alexander is dark and mysterious, while the other man is luminous and refined. The other big difference is that he's wearing a three-piece suit, while Alexander is back in his usual T-shirt and jeans. The contrast between the two men is striking, which makes the apparent familiarity between them somehow surprising.

The nerds go to greet them before sitting or standing around the large table. Alexander gestures for me to come to him, and I comply.

"Kev, this is Andrea Walker," he says, gesturing toward me. Oh, my other boss, Kelex's co-owner. "Andrea, this is Kevin Langley."

"I can't believe we haven't met sooner. It's great to finally meet you, Andrea."

"Andy, please. And yes, ditto. I've heard a lot about you," I salute back, shaking his hand.

"Lex tells me you're quite the genius with a keyboard," he continues. The compliment boosts my ego, and the utter pride I feel warms me all over. I glance at the object of the discussion, who's already busy talking to Steven and Brian.

"Well, he never shared that with me," I retort.

"Ah, you'll have to excuse my old friend. While he might be the smartest man I know, he is most certainly not the sharpest one when it comes to people. He's a good guy deep down, though, I promise."

He gives me an impish smirk, and then guides me to a couple of empty chairs.

The room rapidly falls silent as we sit, and it's because of Alexander's commanding authority. He doesn't even have to speak as he stands by the turned off screen to make the room shut up, and it's honestly impressive.

"We are about to acquire a new project, which will now become our number one priority," he says to the gathered crowd with a clear voice. "Starting today, a few of you will be assigned to it. I want the beta version of this app up and running before Thanksgiving, so I expect all the involved parties to do their best to respect that deadline. Andrea, if you would," he adds, moving to the side.

What? I'm supposed to become the center of attention, just like that, out of the blue? Everyone's eyes are on me, so I force myself to stand up and join him. It feels like drama club all over again.

"This is Andrea Walker, who joined the dev team about a month ago. It's her app that we're looking to purchase. I'll let her introduce it," Lex explains, stepping to the side once he's done.

"Hi," I say with a weird hand wave, my voice imperceptibly shaky. "So, I've created the equivalent of a voice recognition software but for sign language. It's been over two years of work now, and still in development, but I've reached the limits of what I can do by myself. The app is meant to be both convenient and educational, as people will pick up a few tricks when interacting with hearing-impaired interlocutors." I could speak about this project for three hours straight, but I doubt everyone wants to listen to technicalities. I keep it as short and as concise as I can, focusing on the few people I know to keep my social anxiety at bay.

As soon as I'm done, Alexander takes the lead again. "I want this developed and expanded to its maximum potential. By next year, I want this app in every administrative building, museum, school, highschool, college... This will set the norm, we'll make it become mandatory, a basic requirement for state-run facilities, and a necessary tool for the private sector as well."

The more he talks, the stupider I feel. I worked on this so my brother could get laid--not that he needs any help with that. And Alexander fucking Coleman is already fifty steps ahead of me, seeing the big picture I was too dumb to fathom.

The government is always trying to include handicapped minorities, or at least they pretend to. It isn't so far-fetched that they would invest in such a device to help, either kids with hearing impairment blend in more easily into their schools, or patients from hospitals, or visitors in administrative buildings... And the same applies for the private sector.

Even if the app doesn't go very well with civilians, which I doubt, all those facilities would still make Kelex's investment very lucrative.

I watch the man as he shares his objectives and prognostics. As always when his brain is in action, I feel myself slowly slip into arousal. As soon as I realize it, I turn my attention back to the crowd. There's no way I'll be caught drooling on him by all those people.

With mild amusement, I note that most women are drinking his words with way too much enthusiasm. The man is a snack and a half, and I'm definitely not the only one to know it. In the corner of my eye, I see him pass a hand through his hair, and two women bite their lips.

As someone who gets wet every time he uses a polysyllabic word or puts on his glasses, I can't even blame them.

When the meeting ends ten minutes later, Lex dismisses everyone but a few, so he can explain what's expected from us with this change of plans. Consumer trials and marketing, early design, and programming are distributed among us. Kevin is also present, supervising everything and weighing in on the decisions being made. Everyone has until the end of the week to finish what they're working on or pass it to someone else. Lex and I, on the other hand, will start working on it straight away.

Brainstorming takes us the entire morning, and we talk about it some more during the lunch break. Then, I begrudgingly head upstairs to my temporary shared office.

Lex is already working, which I anticipated. What I don't expect, though, is the setup. There isn't a desk in a corner with my stuff. My computer is on the formerly empty half of his desk, settled on the opposite side of his. I'm meant to sit diagonally from him, barely four feet away from his distracting presence.

My productivity will be shit. Utter and inevitable shit.

I drag my feet toward my new chair, thinking this looks like some reality TV show from hell. Lex doesn't look up from his screen yet, and I don't know if I like that or not. As I get closer, I notice documents laid across my keyboard.

"This is the contract you requested," he says when I pick it up, still focused on his screen, his glasses reflecting its light.

"Oh, right."

"Optimally, you need to sign all three copies before the day ends. Take your time reading it and tell me if you need changes to be made. I made sure your interests were protected as much as ours."

"I appreciate that, thanks."

Because it's further from him and feels like a beacon of tranquility, I grab the documents and go sit on the sofa to read them. I regret that a little when I sit. Crap, I forgot how rigid it is.

As suspected, it's all judicial stuff, and incredibly boring to read. By the time I flip to the second page, the uncomfortable couch is becoming a problem. From there, I regularly twist and wriggle, trying to find a better position. I find it as I start on the fifth page. Were my abuela to find me like this, she'd definitely tell me to sit straight and stop being sprawled like some sea animal washed ashore.

Reading the whole thing drains me, but I'm glad I do. A couple of clauses are a little confusing, but it's nothing important. The contract really protects me as much as them.

"Was everything clear?" Alexander asks when I come back, eyes fixed upfront.

"Yes, I suppose. Just a couple of sentences I didn't really get."

"If you want me to clear things up, don't hesitate to ask."

"Have you read it?"

"I was the one sending memos to the lawyers all weekend," he explains after typing something on his keyboard. "I read it several times, and I can assure you nothing in it could prejudice you."

I'm under the impression that Alexander Coleman isn't a liar. He may be chauvinistic, haughty, cold, and arrogant, but I'm pretty confident he doesn't cheat like that.

I have nothing to lose at this point, and everything to gain. So, with confidence, I write my initial letters on all the pages, one by one, then sign in the two spots I'm meant to. Once I'm done, I tilt to the side and hand the papers to Lex.

For the first time since I came in, our eyes meet before he takes the documents. I stare at my booting screen, listening to him write on the papers. The scratchy noise of his ballpoint pen is abnormally loud in the quiet room. There's only silence for several seconds, then the clicking of his pen. The deed is done. Too late to back away.

"This one's for you," he says, slipping one of the copies under my screen. I take it and put it safely in my bag. It feels awfully official, the reality of the upcoming sale dawning on me.

"Is there something I should do first?" I ask, not bothering to look over my screen.

"Since several people are going to be working on your scripts, you can clean them up and make everything as clear as possible," he recommends. Yes, of course, that makes sense. "I've dug up the ones we came up with a few years ago , and I'm trying to see if any of them can be added to your work."

I nod, which is useless because he can't see me. Motivated to find a distraction, I open a script and start working on it. For the entirety of the afternoon, I'm hyper aware of his presence, so close to me. Every time he types, moves, or stretches, my mind leaves whatever I'm doing to focus on him. At some point, he cracks his knuckles, all at once, and it has to be one of the hottest sounds I've ever heard.

Whenever he needs me to come check something on his screen, I do my best not to come in physical contact with him, bending weirdly to read whatever is on his screen. By the end of the month, I'll most definitely have back issues.

And not because it got blown by him. Yes, my mind now lives in the gutter.

As soon as we reach five-thirty, I stand up, ready to bolt out. He doesn't seem about to leave anytime soon, but there's no way I'm staying. "Good evening," I tell him, hoisting my bag onto my shoulder.

"Good evening, Andrea," he responds. I'm about to turn to go to the door when he adds, "Kevin wants to sign the official sale before the weekend. Friday afternoon will be devoted to the negotiations and reaching an agreement."

"Do you think it might take some of the evening, too?"

"No, it normally shouldn't." Okay, phew... I have my rescheduled date with Oli planned that evening.

"I advise you to have a legal counselor accompanying you for your comfort and ours," Lex informs me.

"Alright, will do."

On my bus-ride home with Tammy and Oli, I explain how things are going to them, and also take a moment to text my blonde best friend. I don't know any lawyer in Seattle, but she might, even though she isn't a corporate lawyer, but an intellectual property one. Since I don't really have a choice, I tell her I might be selling my app before the week ends.

The minute we get home, she calls back. "Hi, blondie," I greet her.

"Oh, my God! You are so sneaky. I can't believe you're selling your app! I didn't even know you were showing it to people."

"I'm sorry, Kay. It all happened very fast, and I don't want to tell anyone, so I don't jinx it. The sale isn't effective yet, but we signed a binding agreement."

"It's pretty much the same, then. When are you signing?"

"We're negotiating Friday afternoon, and signing then if we find an agreement."

"And you want me to recommend a lawyer to you?"

"Yes, Le--Alexander advised me to get one, to be more comfortable."

"Well, I have someone in mind, but they aren't exactly corporate law," she explains, a little hesitant.

"At this point, I'll take anything."

"Okay, then! Just a fair warning, you're gonna have to sleep with them as a payment."

The way my jaw drops is almost comical, even to me. "Kate, what the--"

"Don't worry, she's hot as hell. Blonde, 5'9, amazing tits..."

Then, it all makes sense. "You're the one coming?!" I ask with enthusiasm

"Yes, if you'll have me! I'll take Friday off and then spend the whole weekend with you before heading back to Portland."

"Of course I'll have you, you moron! Wait, fuck."


"I'm seeing Oli on Friday evening."

"Eh, it's fine. It'll give me more time with Tammy to scout the competition."

The rest of the conversation is exchanged in a high-pitched tone, the both of us very excited by the prospect of seeing each other again. She's thrilled she'll get the occasion to meet Oliver, and spend a few hours in the presence of Alexander, as she's never one to shy away from a gorgeous sight.

The fact that my partner in crime is coming to town will most certainly distract me from him.

My boring little life is now anything but.

I spend all day with my BILF, have a new date scheduled with the sweetest guy ever, and will have my bestie around for the weekend. Things are looking up a lot, aside from the boss situation.

Lex and I rarely interact, but it's still hard to ignore his presence, so close I can touch him if I want. Thank God the desk is large enough so we aren't overlapping each other's space, and our legs have no chance of accidentally touching.

There's one thing that I really appreciate about him, though, is how much he respects my abilities. He clearly has a natural inclination toward taking charge and being in control, but he is remarkably respectful of my own aptitudes and wisdom regarding this project. I'm the lead on this, and while he supervises and weighs in on decisions, he never hesitates to give me some responsibilities. It makes sense since it is my app, but I'm still a junior employee, so this is quite gratifying.

I'm positively jittery all morning on Friday. Kate's arriving soon, I might sell my app, and I have a date tonight, to celebrate it all. What a fucking day.

It's clear that I'm getting used to my boss' blunt manners when I barely flinch as he tells me, "Will you stop?" out of the blue. But then he catches himself, and adds, "Please."

"What?" I ask, confused.

"The leg thing. It's distracting."

It's only then that I realize I'm bouncing my knee anxiously, and have probably been for several minutes, making the sole of my shoe bump on the floor over and over. "Sorry," I say with a wince, instantly putting an end to the gesture.

I check my phone for the tenth time in so many minutes, expecting to see an update from Kate. Nothing. She should be here already. Moments later, as I'm struggling to focus on the script before me, Lex's desk phone rings. He picks it up with a frustrated sigh, not speaking into it as always, and I can't quite make out what the person is saying.

Lex lets out a vague "Hmm," and then hangs up. "There's someone for you at the reception."

My baby! Excitedly, I push my chair back and jump on my feet. "I'll be right back!"

I practically sprint downstairs, and only stop when I harshly crash into Kate's body to hold her in a tight embrace. "I can't believe you're really here!" I say, holding her.

"I know. I've missed you so much, boo!" Once we let go after a moment, she takes in the sight of me, a smile on her face. "Well, it's nice to see Seattle hasn't changed your sense of fashion."

I look down at my purposefully awful "Team Edward" T-shirt and give her a smile. It's hard to believe she owns the "Team Jacob" one when I take her in. She's wearing a very professional pantsuit with stilettos, her hair neatly styled in supple and natural-looking waves, and she has on two simple pearl earrings. Her discreet makeup is perfectly applied, as always.

My baby is here for business, and one could tell.

"I hoped to get to you on your lunch break so we could go eat outside," she explains. "When do you get off?"

"My break is in five minutes, so we might as well go now. I have to go up to get my things."

"No problem, I'm coming with you."

I catch up with her on our way upstairs, and in the corridor, we come across Tammy. I quickly introduce the two of them. We chat for a moment, and then the two of us continue our journey to my temporary office.

"Wait here," I urge Kate before going in. "Is it okay if I leave for lunch now?" I ask Lex, gathering my things. "I'll come back a few minutes earlier."

"It's fine. The meeting starts at two. Just be back in time for it."

This means an extra half hour of break. Awesome.

"This office is amazing ," Kate says from behind me. I whip around, only to find her standing in the middle of the room. I send her a threatening look, which she purposefully ignores.

Lex stands from his chair and walks up to her. Using her business voice, she introduces herself. "Hello, I'm Katherine Knox, Andy's best friend and counselor."

Lex shakes the hand she extends. "I'm Alexander Coleman. Andrea's boss."

"Oh, I know. I've heard about you." Once more, she ignores my warning glare.

Lex gazes at me with curious eyes. "Have you, now? I hope it wasn't all bad."

"Not all of it, no." Her tone is way too suggestive for my tastes. Elbowing her would only draw more attention to me, but if she doesn't stop, I'll commit a Katricide.

"If you'll excuse us," I say, eager to leave the room. "We're going out for lunch." I take Kate's wrist again and pull her behind me. "I can't believe this! Five seconds in and you do this to me!" I protest as soon as we're out.

"Oh, will you calm down... He already knows you find him hot."

"Doesn't mean you had to bring it up."

"Well, trust me, the man is used to women swooning. My God, that jawline... And those eyes! Too bad he has to wear glasses--they hide his smoldering gaze."

"I like the glasses," I mumble low.


"He doesn't always wear them. How about Italian for lunch? There's a nice place around the corner."

"Fine by me. I'm craving a cheesy pizza."

The place is crowded, as usual, but they still find a table for us. Despite being in the heart of Seattle's business area, it has a cozy and authentic vibe I love. Ninety percent of the clients are wearing suits, but the furniture, decoration, and the smells make it feel like a traditional family-owned pizzeria. There's a large window allowing the clients to see the pizzaiolos in action, and every time we come with the guys, we watch them spin the dough around to flatten it, hoping to see one of them fail and let it fall. It never happened, but none of us are giving up hope.

As we eat our cheesy dishes, Kate and I talk about her stupid ex, whom she dumped about six weeks ago after finding him cheating. Stefano was a cocky and pompous corporate lawyer I always hated, so it's great that they are through. I'll never understand why she wasted eight months of her life with that imbecile.

She argues she's ready to move on and find a new man, which doesn't sit right with me. I love her with all my heart, but her need to be constantly dating someone is preventing her from finding a good guy. She's looking for her prince charming, but she doesn't allow herself time to take a step back and recenter herself. Without that, she'll never find out what she really needs.

"Maybe you could wait a bit longer," I suggest. "You always get back into it too early, and it never works out. When was the last time you really had something good going on with a man?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Clarence, over five years ago.

"I guess it was with Clar."

"There you go. It's been prick after prick since him. If I were you, I'd wait and see. Maybe something will happen without you even looking for it."

She shrugs her shoulders, apparently skeptical about my perception of things. "If I were you, I'd try to fuck that sexy boss of yours," she says nonchalantly.

"That's because you're drawn to assholes like a moth to a flame."

She doesn't even deny it. On the contrary, she smiles with some amount of self-deprecation, ripping a piece of bread from the basket and slipping it between her lips. "I am. Can I try to fuck him, then?"

"No." I answer that one too fast and too seriously, which she notices right away. This was clearly a test, and I failed miserably.

"You like him!"

"I just don't want to end up in the middle of some shit between my best friend and my boss," I pretend. I can't tell she isn't convinced by my lie, so I switch topics. "Now, if we're done with the men ruining our lives, how about we talk about the sale of my app?"

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