By AllThingsFK

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Alan, formerly known as Sand, is Ray's former boyfriend. After a six-year absence, he reencounters Ray, who i... More

Just an Introduction
Chapter 1: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 2: The Pasts
Chapter 3: Old Flames
Chapter 4: Resonance
Chapter 5: Desperate Confessions
Chapter 6: Shadows of the Past
Chapter 7: When Two Ex Lovers Collide
Chapter 8: Wen's Answers & Also Mine
Chapter 9: Awkward Reunions
Chapter 10: A Time to Let Go
Chapter 11: Begin Again?
Chapter 12: Carnal Desires
Chapter 13: The Distance Between Me and You
Chapter 14: The Best Present
Chapter 15: Right Now I Want To Be Shameless
Chapter 16: Wrap Me In Your Rays
Chapter 17: Questionable Situation
Chapter 18: Time is The Ultimate Storyteller
Chapter 19: Tonight, You Need Me, Don't You?
Chapter 20: Nothing Spoils A Confession Like Repentance
Chapter 21: Meeting The Sun
Chapter 22: A Rich Man's Son Living A Poor Boy's Life
Chapter 23: The Battle of the Heirs
Chapter 24: Try Not To Kill Each Other
Chapter 25: Two Brothers With Equal Standing
Chapter 27: A Younger Son and Second Heir
Chapter 28: Family Supports Each Other
Chapter 29: Let's Lead According to Our Vision
Chapter 30: You're My Beautiful Whirlwind

Chapter 26: Wind of Changes

508 25 3
By AllThingsFK


Over the weekend, we visited the Boston-Nick household, where Ray was playing on the floor with Iris while I sat on the couch with Nick and Boston.

"Did your father suggest that you join his workforce?" Nick inquired.

"Yeah..." I nodded absentmindedly, distracted by Ray's endearing interaction with Iris.

"What's holding you back, though? Your father's right. There aren't many opportunities for you at the Bank, especially in higher positions which will likely be filled by family," Nick agreed with my father, as did Boston, nodding in consent.

"Alternatively, you could work for me, Babe. I admire your ideas, and I believe you'd be a valuable addition to my company," Ray suggested, smiling as he continued playing with Iris.

"Ray, we've discussed this," I interjected.

"Yeah, if you work for him, you'll forever be his bitch. No matter how skilled you are, people won't recognize it because they'll think you got the position through your relationship," Boston stated matter-of-factly. "Working for your father might be your best option. It's expected for a son to work for his parents, so even if they resent that you were given the opportunity, they'll acknowledge your value once you prove yourself," he added.

"But does that mean I'll always be at odds with Top?" I questioned them.

"Your father's offering a position, not necessarily appointing you as the chosen heir. If Top is smart, instead of spending the time hating you, he should just work his ass off to achieve that 30% your Dad demanded," Boston responded frankly.

"Moreover, didn't you want to show your stepmother a lesson?" Nick added cautiously, avoiding harsh language for Iris' sake.

"What about the adoption issue?" Alan pondered aloud.

"Ray, what's your take on this?" Nick turned to Ray.

"Accept it. He deserves half of everything. It'll also be easier for him to gain support from the company directors if he's a legitimate heir," Ray replied.

"I agree," Boston chimed in.

"Then it's settled. Alan, you've been outnumbered. We all think you should take it. There's nothing to lose. You don't have to acknowledge your stepmother anywhere else except on official papers. Your father wants to make amends; let him. He's old and regrets not being there for the first part of your life," Nick summarized.

"Looks like I'll have to navigate being at odds with Top indefinitely then?" I shrugged.

"It's reminiscent of when Top took Boeing from you back in university. Oh, what fun," Nick sarcastically reminisced.

"Did your ex ever achieve his pursuit of the good life?" Boston inquired.

"Ton, don't irritate me today," Nick scolded him, recalling the Boeing incident.

Raising his hands in surrender, "Apologies, babe, just curious!" Ray laughed at Boston's remark, and I couldn't help but join in.

"Nick, you're leaving in a few days. Could you stay in Thailand a bit longer?" I pleaded.

"What about me? I'm accompanying Nick to the US, remember?" Boston almost pouted.

"You can ask Ray," Alan suggested.

"Nah, I only want Iris to stay, my pretty little flower! Ton can go back," Ray joked, hugging Iris.

"Ugh, sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you guys!" Ton sighed, standing up to head towards the kitchen, probably for more beer. I presumed Ray would be driving home tonight.

"Ton, you know I'll miss you, you asshole!" Ray shouted.

"Ray! Watch your language," Nick exclaimed.

That Monday, having made my decision, I called my father and accepted both his offers. However, I needed to sort out my current work before transitioning to his. My father sounded ecstatic, and for once, I felt reassured that this decision was right for someone.

Reflecting on my almost seven years at the bank and contemplating the life I'd built, I realized it had been challenging yet fulfilling. It was time to move on. I drafted my resignation and, after that, phoned Ray to invite him to dinner.

Ray had picked the restaurant, but before we entered, I spotted Top and halted Ray.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Mew and Top are here," I gestured toward the visible Top and the more obscured Mew.

"Let's leave," Ray urged, pulling me away.

We remained silent and, instead of finding another eatery, I took Ray to the beachside. We dined at a seafood joint, and then I proposed a stroll.

"Babe?" I began quietly, and Ray responded with a curious "hmm?" as he toyed with the water, his shoes off and slacks rolled up.

"Why did you want to leave?" I inquired.

"Top needs someone to talk to. He can be difficult, but I understand how lonely it can get. Now I have you, and you have me. We get to share moments like this, and we'll always have each other to confide in. I'm glad Mew's there, and he might get startled if he knows we spotted them. Also, Mew would never admit it, but he's still in love with Top and was so worried when you shared your situation with them," Ray explained, playing with the gentle waves. "After all these years, I've learned that love doesn't always make sense, but you still feel it. I hope Top and Mew realize that someday."

"You've grown so much," I smiled adoringly at him.

"No, Luke actually told me that!" he laughed, and my widened eyes betrayed my surprise. He hadn't mentioned Luke before. I felt a pang of jealousy but quickly dismissed it, knowing that Ray was now with me.

"Tell me about him," I encouraged.

"Why do you suddenly want to talk about Luke?" Ray looked at me suspiciously. "Are you trying to start a fight?"

Chuckling, I replied, "Silly! I'm not. You seemed to like that guy. I'm just curious why you broke up."

"I kept telling you he wasn't my boyfriend. But yeah, I liked him, and Luke's a nice guy. We're still friends," he corrected me.

"Yeah, yeah, call it what you want," I teased.

"After I told you it was over, I went on several dates. Mew, Ton, Nick, and Cheum all tried to set me up with various single people. I couldn't stand any of them. It felt torturous, and those idiots had a good laugh at my expense. Cheum was the informant, as they arranged the dates at the hostel. I finally reached my limit and struck a deal with them: one final date, and if it didn't work out, they'd leave me alone. That's when I met Luke. Apart from being incredibly good-looking, he was funny, and our humor just clicked. He found out about the setup, and we agreed to keep seeing each other to avoid other setups. I told him I wasn't ready for a serious relationship, and he agreed; he traveled most of the year anyway so serious relationships are hard for him. I mentioned once that I'd never experienced normal dates, except for the few times with you. So, he made it his mission to show me everything. He's the coolest guy I know. He never demanded anything from me that I wasn't willing to give. I'm grateful to him, Alan. While he took me on those dates, I regained the years I lost to alcohol and parties. However, amidst all the fun, I still wished it was you with me. That's when he said that line. I told him that he was perfect in every way, but I still couldn't fall in love with him. He met you at Ton's party and figured it out. No matter how much I was hurt by what happened, I still wanted you," Ray recounted, smiling sadly as he remembered Luke.

My heart squeezed a bit, but I realized I should thank this man; he had done for Ray what I should have done as his boyfriend then and even now.

"I'm sorry, Ray. I should have given you those experiences as your boyfriend," I squeezed his hands.

"Alan, what are you saying? I didn't tell you this to make you feel guilty. I'm grateful to Luke, and maybe he came into my life for that reason," Ray reassured me, hugging me.

"No, I love you so much that I want to give you everything. I'm sorry I was too engrossed in work before to pay attention to such things. And when I returned, we had a lot to sort out. But I'll do better, Ray. I promise. We'll do all those things we missed out on when we were younger. Now, I can give you what you deserve. And I should thank Luke; he took care of you when I couldn't," I kissed his head as he held me closer.

"Being with you like this, Alan, that's all I need. Even if we never go anywhere but home, as long as you're there, I'm the happiest," he murmured, burying his nose in my suit.

I knew I was fortunate. Ray had never asked for anything except my time. But I wanted to give him all the good things I could. Ray deserved the world.


Understanding the entirety of Alan's situation hasn't been easy, and the upcoming changes in his life must be overwhelming. I've tried to offer support when he chose to embrace his father's proposal, becoming a recognized son of the Suwannarat family and commencing work within their company.

Alan's journey has been incredibly turbulent. Who would have imagined that the Sand who struggled immensely to make ends meet is now a wealthy man? The only regret I have is that Alan had to endure hardships with his mother when he could have had a better life under his father's care.

For me, however, it doesn't alter a thing. Alan is simply Alan to me. Ever since falling in love with him, he has always been Sand to me. His wealth or lack thereof holds no significance. Just being around him has always sufficed for me.

"Ray?" Tim's voice brought me back to the present. "What do you think about the proposal?" he asked, gesturing toward the notes he had handed me.

With a rueful smile, I acknowledged Tim's dedication. We met six years ago as newcomers in this company. Unbeknownst to him, I was the heir incognito, joining the company as an intern. Tim was the only one audacious enough to befriend me and patient enough to ensure I didn't botch up the tasks assigned to us. He's exceptionally bright and openly gay. When my true identity was revealed a year later, he was taken aback and climbed the ranks alongside me. Since then, I've trusted no one else with such responsibilities.

"The proposal is excellent. Thank you, everyone, for your hard work. However, we need a different approach. From now on, we're avoiding ventures that directly compete with any business under Suwannarat Group," I returned the folder to Tim.

The faces of the business development team fell, and Tim concluded the meeting, closing the door behind them.

"Okay, spill it. You're reverting to your old ways. One moment, you're exploring potential collaborations with the Group, the next you want to obliterate their businesses, and now you're avoiding competition altogether. I have to appease those who put in extra hours to put this together, Ray. Can you at least help me understand?" Tim implored.

"I'm dating one of the heirs, so it's better not to mix personal relationships with professional entanglements, right?" I explained to Tim, clutching my head due to the pounding headache since morning.

"Wait... you're dating Top Tanin?" Tim asked in surprise, no gay men in Bangkok doesn't know Top Tanin, the Top Tier Heir.

"What? Absolutely not!" I retorted.

"Young Master Ray, are you perhaps overdoing your medication? There's only one heir to the Group, and that's Top," he pointed out.

"Tim... you know what, forget it. I don't have the energy to explain. You'll figure it out soon enough. Can you organize a team dinner? Frame it as an apology and a thank-you from me for their hard work?" I requested, massaging my temples.

"Is it particularly severe today?" Tim inquired softly. He had witnessed these migraines before. Although infrequent, they were incapacitating when they occurred. "Maybe we should go to the hospital so you can receive an injection and rest. Were you up all night again, poring over the financial reports? You do know they can wait, right?"

Despite our seemingly adversarial relationship on the surface, Tim is a trustworthy friend who has taken care of both the company and me. He had sat by me during my rare visits to the hospital when I needed sedation for these migraines. And despite the disapproval from the board of directors whenever they heard such a casual form of address toward a superior, Tim continued to address me as Ray, and I never asked him to change it.

I couldn't respond as the pain intensified. Tim hurried to assist me, calling the driver in the process.

Later, waking up to the pitch-black sky outside the hospital window, I called out groggily to Tim, who had slumped on the couch.

Immediately rising, I asked him, "What time is it?"

Checking his watch, he replied, "It's 11 pm, Ray."

"Tim, let's get discharged. And where's my phone?" I realized Alan must be worried.

"It's in the car, in your bag, Ray. The battery's dead. I sent Paul home. I'll arrange for the discharge and drive you home. Are you certain you're okay, though?" he asked, knowing these episodes could last for days.

Tim helped, holding my bag. As he swung open the door, a frantic Alan greeted us, "Ray, where were you? I was so worried..." His voice trailed off as he noticed Tim, remembering he was on the phone and reassured Boston I had just arrived home.

"Hi, I'm Tim, Ray's EA. We just came from the hospital," he casually stated as he settled me onto the couch.

"What?" Alan scrambled at the information and knelt in front of me.

"Ray, what happened? Are you okay? Did something happen?" He checked me for injuries.

"Khun, Ray isn't hurt. He had a severe migraine, so we went to the hospital for sedation," Tim clarified.

"I'm sorry; my phone apparently died," I attempted to smile at Alan but winced in pain.

"Ray, you should rest. I'll reschedule all the meetings for tomorrow. Just take it easy," Tim suggested, placing his hand on my arm to assist me.

"Khun, I'll do it. I'll take care of Ray. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Alan," Alan addressed Tim but didn't extend his hand. Tim simply nodded.

"Contact me if you need anything, Ray," Tim said, bowing politely to Alan before leaving.

Alan then lifted me into his arms and brought me to the room. I didn't have the strength to object. He changed me out of my suit into silk pajamas, dimming the lights.

"Is it very painful, love?" he asked, planting a kiss on my forehead, and all I could manage was a nod before burying my head in his arms. Thankfully, I drifted off to sleep right away.

Waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the smell of frying bacon made me smile. It still makes me happy to know, Alan is in the kitchen preparing breakfast for us.

My migraines still there, although now it's more dull that the shrill pain yesterday. Looking at the bed side clock, I realized it's beyond 9am. 

Walking to the kitchen I asked, "Babe what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at work already?" 

"Ray, why would I leave you alone here when you're unwell. I called in to take a day off," He answers placing the plated food on the counter. "How's your migraine?"

"Still there, but less than yesterday. It's actually shorter this time. I can go for days like this. Sometimes it involves vomiting. Not a pretty sight," I told him as I reached for the coffee he had placed.

" I read about Migraines last night and  apparently caffeines help, does that work for you?" He asked sitting down beside me.

Nodding gratefully, I kissed him.

"Ray, you and your EA seem pretty close" Alan asked.

I proceeded to tell him our story.

"You do realize that the poor guy might be in love with you right? I hope that doesn't complicate matters in the future," Alan queried.

"What! You're crazy... he's not!" I insisted.

"Am I the first one to point that out?" Alan probes.

"Mew and Boston might have mentioned that in passing before, but nah... Tim is just a good friend," I once again insisted.

"Babe, that's 3 people close to you. You should consider the possibility. I saw the look on his face last night. Seeing me might have hurt him," he points out.

Tim? Really? That's crazy. Dismissing the thought entirely from my mind. That's ridiculous.

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