The Fairly Loudparents (TFO x...

By Lance1889

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Brought on by The Fairly Oddparents being put on Netflix. Lincoln's life has hit an all time low. He's grade... More

Episode 0 - Fairy Godparents!
Episode 1 - Knock First!
Episode 2 - Losta Lincolns
Episode 3: Fairy Parents
Episode 4: Where's Wanda's Wand?!
Episode 5: No Such Thing As Luck Pt. 1
Episode 6: No Such Thing As Luck Pt. 2
Episode 7: The Zappys
Episode 8: Power Madness!
Episode 9: Not Alone in the Dark
Episode Suggestion
Episode 10: Knighty Knight Sir Loud
Episode 11: Brawl in the Family
Episode 12: Spell It Out

Episode 13: The Anti-Fairly Loudparents

988 27 22
By Lance1889

Thx to ECHO-173 for helping make this. Enjoy.

Lucy was in the basement, she and the pets were ready to perform their séance again. Most of them were wearing animal-size clothes made by Leni, she didn't know why Lucy asked for them but thought they'd look adorable. In the center of them was a magic circle written on the floor in chalk, candle lights, and a magic 8-ball sitting in the center.

Lucy: Okay, guys, let's try this one more time. (claps her hands which turns the lights off and joins hands with the pets.) Ohhhh, the spirit of Goldie, our late family fish, who really flushed you?

Suddenly, a thundercloud formed from the center of the summoning circle, causing the Loud pets to flee. Lucy calmly flipped through her book to try and find the cause for the sudden thundercloud.

Lucy: That is not supposed to happen.

The gothic Loud looked up to see something drop out of the cloud, an 8-ball that rolled up to her. She then picks it up and finds a hole for answering questions. She shakes it with a triangle appearing saying "Hello Lucy" In a Victorian-style font.

Lucy: Well this is a weird sign... That or something else answered my calls to the spirits.

The 8-ball then started to shake rapidly, she dropped it with it rolling to the center of the room and started to crack. Lucy wanted to hide but a part of her really wanted to see this, a lot of hope that it was a vampire. The 8-ball then started to realize red mist before it exploded and revealed Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda, the former laughing like a maniac while his wife just stood there.

Anti-Cosmo: A-HAHAHAHA! (poofs a cup of tea) Hello there. (sips his tea)

Anti-Wanda: Well Howdy-

Anti-Cosmo: Up up up. I will do the talking. Now greetings young one we are-

Anti-Cosmo was cut off as he heard the sound of a bag being dragged and saw Lucy making a circle of salt around them. He just floats over it.

Anti-Cosmo: Waste of salt, would have been used for throwing into eyes or in other people's coffee. That only works on ghosts, demons, and worst of all... GNOMES! (puts a hand on Lucy's shoulder) Never trust those little freaks, we're evil but they are just the worst! Them and pixies, but they're lawyers and accountants, what do you expect? Anyway, I am Anti-Cosmo, and this is my wife Anti-Wanda.

Anti-Wanda: (using her wand as a backscratcher) Howdy Sweety, love your style.

Lucy: What are you guys?

Anti-Cosmo: We Are Anti-Fairies! Evil and mischief incarnate!

Lucy: Cool... why are you here? (sees their wands) Wait, those wands, I've seen them...

Anti-Cosmo: You've met the qualifications to become our Anti-Godchild.

Lucy: Do you guys just put "Anti-" in front of everything?

Anti-Cosmo: I'd say no, but we are Anti-fairies, we don't make the rules of everything. We also don't put it in front of everything.

Lucy: And you want me as an "Anti-Godchild" because?

Anti-Cosmo: (poofs up a TV) You remember what happened yesterday, correct?

The TV then showed using the wand. A small amount of guilt hit her as she did go too far with her putting the world on mute but not for messing with her sibling lightly.

Anti-Cosmo: Such skill with power, oh, I had to fight a horde of other Anti-Fairies just to get to you.

Anti-Wanda: No we didn't, you're the only one with a magic seeing stone-

Anti-Cosmo poofed up a grilled cheese and threw it, Anti-Wanda chased after it like a dog.

Lucy: Is she okay?

Anti-Cosmo: I don't think so. Anyway, we have become your Anti-Fairy Godparents, now then, we will help you with your dark desires! We can grant your wishes! Summon storms! Break the hearts of true love! Cause misfortune upon your enemies! Make people's shoelaces become loose or undone! Our power is almost limitless!

Jorgen: (disembodied voice) WITHIN SOME NEW RULES!!!

In a massive explosion, Jorgen Von Strangle appeared. He was holding a thinner version of Da Rules in his hand. It was also in a dark blue color.

Anti-Cosmo: J-J-Jorgen!?

Lucy: (thinking) This guy again?! (out-loud) W-who are you mister large scary muscle man?

Jorgen: (to Lucy) I am Jorgen Von Strangle, the main enforcer of the rules of the Fairy World! (to Anti-Cosmo) Hello, puny Anti-Cosmo. I've come to drop off a new rule book that the High Anti-Fairy Council has just passed as Law!

Jorgen then poofs up some old Anti-Fairies, who looked like they had a fight with a bear wearing barb-wire boxing gloves.

Jorgen: RIGHT?!?!?!

Anti-Fairy Councilmen: Yes!! Please Don't Hurt Us Anymore!!!

Jorgen gives Anti-Cosmo the book, the cover read, "Da Anti-Rules".

Anti-Cosmo: "Da Anti-Rules?" What bloody-- We never agreed to thi- (gets grabbed by Jorgen) OH MY EVERYTHING! We agree!

Jorgen: Once again, violence has solved my problems and amused my muscles! (throws Anti-Cosmo) Read that book thoroughly.

Anti-Cosmo: Alright, let's see here. "When an Anti-Fairy reveals the existence of another child's fairy godparents. The Godchild will be allowed to keep their godparents and the occupants of the room will be allowed to retain the knowledge, but be sworn to secrecy." What?! "The Anti-Fairy will be subjected to Blender." Blender?

"Da Anti-Rules" poofed up a giant blender that began whirring violently, ripping up a toy Anti-Fairy.

Lucy: Mister Von Strangle, sir, this seems a little--

Jorgen: Easy for them, yes, if you knew this Anti-Fairies, you'd do the same. (zaps the TV with magic) This is the cause of so many of your world's problems. Bad Luck. Disasters from out of nowhere. This idea of pouring milk first before the cereal! And the discovery of New Jersey! Oh, they are evil!

Lucy: I don't get it...

Jorgen: You will soon enough! You will also keep them in line! If they force you to do something you don't want to do, I'll put them in their place... Not for your protection, just want an excuse to turn them into a punching bag.

Anti-Cosmo: "Anti-Fairies can't directly kill, maim, or injure living beings. If this rule is broken, their spines ripped out; in which they'll be used for Jorgan's Jump Roping." Good giddy aunt, these are violent!

Jorgen chuckles mischievously and evilly. Anti-Wanda read a small amount in her head and looked horrified before fainting dramatically.

Lucy: And they're evil?

Jorgen: They do it for their own amusement! I do it for justice and my amusement!

Lucy: Alright, I also have a question about their names...

Anti-Cosmo: Oh, that is simple, we Anti-Fairies are the counterparts of fairies from the Fairy World, so in our world there is an Anti-Jorgen and in his there is a normal Cosmo and Wanda, oh they're close too last I both checked... closer than you'd ever imagine--

Lucy: They're with Lincoln... It explains a lot.

Anti-Cosmo: Oh... way to ruin the fun.

Jorgen: Did you two forget Rule 1 already?

Da Anti-Rules suddenly trapped Anti-C&W in a blender.


Jorgen: Still counts. (starts blender)

The two anti-fairies screamed as they were violently blended.

Lucy: I wish you guys didn't feel pain!

There was then a blue cloud that said "Anti-poof" on it and the two stopped screaming.

Jorgen: You're going to regret helping them. But I'll let you find that out on your own. Bye!

Jorgen poofed away in a massive explosion.

Lucy: How bad could they possibly be?

Anti-C&W are poured out of the blender into a pile of goop. Before poofing themselves back to normal.

Anti-Wanda: So sugar, what is it you want to grant us to wish you first?

Lucy: I wish that this one kid who bullies my brother, his name is Chandler, he had spiders in his pants.

Anti-Cosmo: How many do you want in his pants?

Lucy: How many can fit in there?

Anti-Cosmo: Oh, we are going to get along just fine.

The TV then showed Chandler laying in his bed reading a comic book before feeling something in his pants and a swarm of spiders leaving it.


Chandler let out a high pitched howl of pain as spiders began biting everything in his pants.


In Lincoln's bedroom, Lincoln could overhear all of this as his vent was the closest to the attic vent shaft. He could also hear Chandler's screaming from dozens of blocks away.

Lincoln: Cosmo. Wanda.

Cosmo: (putting on war paint) Already getting things ready, sport. We are ready for war. Should we also save the footage of Chandler having spiders in his pants?

Lincoln: Yes. Upload it to WeTube.

Wanda: (sharpening her wand) Let's just see them try to do anything wrong in this house!


Back in the attic, Lucy smiles at the video of Chandler screaming in pain. Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were enjoying popcorn as they watched the horrors of what was happening to Chandler before looking at a clock to see the time.

Anti-Cosmo: Alright, as much as I enjoy watching a child suffer and scream by spiders, I want to know what else you want us to grant you. Do you want to summon the dead to rise? Torment more of your enemies? Make a celebrity couple break up? Swap out someone's milk with an expired jug?

Lucy: Tempting... Especially the part about raising the dead, maybe we can get this one guy kicked off my favorite show and-- (hears something in the vents) Do you hear that?

They all stayed silent with the only sounds being heard was from the vents before it opened up with Cosmo and Wanda storming out of it, wearing a matching pair of military-themed outfits with their wants aimed at the two Anti-Fairies.

Wanda: Freeze! (blast Anti-Wanda, freezing her) Literally.

Cosmo: BURN! (fires a fireball at Anti-Cosmo) Literally!

Anti-Cosmo: AH! (ducks in time but his hat is burnt) Well, that is just rude!

Cosmo rips off his shirt and reveals his massive muscles.

Cosmo: What was rude is turning my god kids family against him for Bad Luck!

Lucy: WAIT!!! That was you guys?

Anti-Cosmo: Well, let me explain, you see-

Anti-Cosmo was then tackled by Cosmo who had him in a dust cloud brawl. The sounds of punching, kicking, dog and cat cries being heard and much more. Until the cloud dissipated and Cosmo had Anti-Cosmo by the neck.

Anti-Cosmo: (broken teeth falling out) I'm not... One for... Violence...

Cosmo: Well, too bad, you made me do this for the crime of existing!

Anti-Cosmo: I only exist because of you... Also, my wife would like a word! (gets punched) OW!!!

Cosmo was about to punch again but his fist was grabbed by the Anti-Wanda who lost their goofy face with a furious one. She then showed her long fingernails like claws and slashed at him. The magic cut made his muscles deflate like a balloon.

Cosmo: Hey! I worked hard for those pecs!

Before he could say another word she tackles him with another dust cloud forming only for his wails of pain to leave the cloud.

Lincoln suddenly came in with a butterfly net and captured the two anti-fairies. Cosmo looked beaten up badly, spitting out a tooth, backing away from the crazy woman who was his wife's evil doppelganger as she growled like a wild animal.

Anti-Cosmo: Hey! I demand you release us this instant!

Lincoln: No, you're both here to cause trouble.

Anti-Cosmo: You started this mess! We're here under the official business of Anti-Fairies for this child. (points to Lucy)

Lincoln: That's my sister.

Lucy: (pops up behind Lincoln) Lincoln, let them go.

Lincoln: (startled and drops net) AH! You scared me! (sees he drops the net) Oh, crud.

Lucy: Lincoln, it's fine, they're fine too.

Lincoln: Lucy, these guys are seriously bad news and-- Wait, why aren't you surprised about my fairy Godparents?

Lucy: I never had my memories erased from yesterday. My bangs covered my eyes, remember?

Lincoln: We should probably not tell Jorgen about that.

Cosmo: (texting) Too Late! Making fun of him now!

Wanda: (looks at her phone) Aaaand... It's trending.

Anti-Cosmo: You- (points to Cosmo) You're an idiot.

Jorgen poofs in looking furious. Before they could say a word, he grabbed Cosmo by his body.

Jorgen: I would have been fine with the girl knowing as long as she didn't go around bragging about it as it would have looked back on me! But you told everyone! You'll pay for that! (point to Lucy) As for you, I'll remember that the next time I have to erase your memories. I'll take this one to teach him once again!

Cosmo: I regret so much!

Jorgen then poofs away with Cosmo.

Anti-Cosmo: Phew, that was close. For a second I thought--

Jorgen then returned before lifting Anti-Cosmo over his body, he then took a knee and slammed the Anti-Fairy onto his knee with full force, a loud cracking noise could be heard.

Anti-Cosmo: AAAHHHHHH! My back!

Jorgen: Ahahaha! One for the road! (poofs away)

Lucy: Is he always like that?

Wanda: Actually, that was tame compared to his normal.

Lincoln: Okay, that was unnecessarily violent. (to Lucy) Lucy, these guys are bad news, they caused a lot of damage and made me look like bad luck and tricked me into making Lynn have it too.

Anti-Cosmo: I blame you sporty, barbaric sister, she made you angry, not us.

Lucy: I know they seem bad, but they can't make me do anything bad like that. I have more control than you do and I can keep them from doing too much bad.

Lincoln: Alright, but expect an "I told you so" when they twist your wishes against you.

Lucy: I'll be careful.

Anti-Cosmo: Twist her wishes? Do you think we're simple monkey palms? We would never, if she wants something we'll grant it as it is.

Lincoln: You'd kick a sack of puppies for laughs.

Anti-Cosmo suddenly began laughing at the thought of himself kicking a sack of puppies. Before quickly coughing and regaining his composure.

Anti-Cosmo: I can assure you, your sister is in safe and caring hands. Plus, we aren't responsible for everything that's bad or twisted. Take your fairies for instance, ask them about Maryann.

Lincoln: I already know about Maryann. And I still don't trust you.

Anti-Cosmo: You're bluffing, she wished to take out Archduke Ferdinand-

Lincoln: Wait, seriously, that was you guys? How? I mean I knew she was bad but that?

Wanda: Maryann said she just wanted to know when and where he was. She did the rest on her own and blamed someone else.

Anti-Cosmo: The point is, that we're not all evil and make evil wishes.

Lincoln: But you are a conniving snake who'd sell his mother's soul for a quick buck.

Anti-Cosmo: $13.45 plus tax.

Lincoln: And that came out of nowhere!

Lincoln sighed deeply in annoyance.

Lincoln: Whatever, I'm going to a pizzeria in Italy. Wanda.

Wanda raised her wand and the two poofed away.

Anti-Cosmo: Italy, heh? Lucy my dear, how would you like to see parts of the world you'd dream to visit?

Lucy: Let's start with Transylvania.

Anti-Cosmo: That dark creepy part of the world where the legend of Dracula first appeared? My, you know how to pick a good start.

Anti-Wanda: I wanted to go to Italy to get some food!

Anti-Cosmo just poofed another grilled cheese in front of her to make her stay quiet.

The two anti-fairies then poofed away with Lucy in a dark blue cloud. Ending up in what looked to be New England, they were in a vault where the Queen's Crown sat in the center. Anti-Cosmo immediately looked at Anti-Wanda.

Anti-Cosmo: She said Transylvania!

Anti-Wanda: I heard The castle that holds the crown to the royal!

Anti-Cosmo groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Lucy: How did she mistake what I said?

Anti-Cosmo: I have no idea... While we're here, how about we take a look at the crown and maybe even try it on?

Lucy: No thanks, I hate jewelry that isn't black.

Anti-Wanda: What about raising the Queen from the--

Anti-Cosmo: Up, no, too soon for that joke. Too soon, let her rest in peace for now.

Lucy: Pretty sure that would just cause a massive panic anyway, so let's just go.

Anti-Wanda: What about burning down London Bridge? Like in that song?

Anti-Cosmo: It's "London Bridges Falling Down", Not Burning Down! All though I do want to see that. C'mon, live a little. We can even undo the damage.

Lucy: Transylvania first. Burning bridges later.

Anti-Cosmo: Alright then-- Wait you mean falling down right?

Lucy: You heard me.

Anti-Cosmo then raised his wand with him poofing them to the courtyard of a damped-looking, run-down castle. They looked to the entrance where a swarm of bats flew out.

Anti-Cosmo: Ah, this reminds me of home. I say we move in here, make it our home away from the Loud home. Fix the broken windows and gates, add a laundry room, and fountain that spits blood.

Lucy: That... That does sound nice.

Anti-Cosmo looks at his wand and sees the property was listed as "Owned".

Anti-Cosmo: Oh dear, it seems it is already under ownership. Sad, we can't move in... yet unless the current owner was to just... give up their ownership.

Lucy: How?

Anti-Cosmo: Well, we could easily just wish up some blackmail and force them to give us the land such as giving you the powers of... a vampire?

Lucy looked at the Anti-Fairy, her interest peaked.

Lucy: You... You can make me a vampire?!

Anti-Cosmo: (thinking) As the saying goes, hook, line, and sinker! (out loud) Yes, I can give you the powers of a vampire, drinking blood, super strength, turning into a bat, hypnosis, and so on and so on.

Lucy: ...... (smiles creepily) Wicked.

Anti-Cosmo: Your smile makes my spine shiver in terror... (smiles back) You just won't stop impressing me, oh I wish I can just legally adopt you.

Anti-Wanda: Why not illegally adopt her?

Anti-Cosmo: Still a lot of issues there. One of those being Jorgen.

Lucy: Less talky, More Vampire making!

Anti-Cosmo: You're the boss!

Anti-Cosmo then waved his wand and with a dark cloud forming around Lucy a pair of glowing red eyes could be seen. When all was cleared, Lucy stood with sharp fangs, a black cape, and glowing red eyes which were covered by her bangs.

Anti-Cosmo: Now I must warn you. Vampires have a lot of problems they deal with daily. (poofs up a list) You want to hear them now or later?

Lucy: (climbs onto the ceiling and hangs upside down) Now please.

Anti-Cosmo: Alright, I'll just speed through this; You can't produce blood so you'll need to either drink blood, I wouldn't recommend human blood as it's very fatty and probably has a disease, or be changed back to normal. Sunlight burns you. You're allergic to garlic.

Lucy: What about a steak to the heart?

Anti-Cosmo: Counter-question, Who wouldn't that kill?

They stopped as they heard a voice from the outside.

Guard: Hello?! I heard someone around here! The grounds are off-limits to tourists!

Anti-Cosmo: look, your first victim. If he sees us then we'll be taken from you, you'll lose these memories and your new powers. Do you want that?

Lucy: No... I don't.

As the guard was turning a corner, he felt something was behind him. He turned around to see nothing, then he felt something drop on his shoulder, it was like a heavy raindrop. He looked up into the night sky only to see Lucy as a vampire leaping down upon him, his screams echoing into the halls of the castle.

Anti-Cosmo: Ah, her first victim. That was loud, let's leave and pay a visit to the landowner.

Anti-C&W poof away with Lucy as several guards come charging down the halls. They saw the state of their fellow guardsmen, when one looked over them and tried to touch them, the down guard hissed with his eyes a crimson red with fangs sharp enough to pierce the other guard's neck.

Suddenly, a pink cloud covered them and the guard was back to normal and the other guards were perfectly fine. Hiding out of sight, C&W and Lincoln were watching the scene unfold. Cosmo was covered in bandages.

Cosmo: (muffled) Mmmmh, Mmmm.

Wanda: I think Cosmo said it was a good thing we followed your sister. We can't take away their magic but we can fix what they've broken.

Lincoln: Yeah, now we just need to follow them until we can get the jump on them and stop them but how?

Cosmo: (muffled) Mmmh, mmmmm! MMMMMM!

Lincoln: Cosmo, you're a genius!

Wanda: You understood that?

Lincoln: I can understand baby speak, that was nothing. Cosmo, you get what we need while me and Wanda fix everything they break, if this works then we'll be keeping them from using my sister ever again!


Back at the Loud house the Loud family, minus Lincoln and Lucy, were on the couch watching the news.

News Reporter: This just in, bizarre anomalies have been happening back and forth around the world. Guards reported to have been attacked by vampires, London Bridge fell down and lit a blaze, and the pyramids were suddenly flipped upside down, but after these moments happened they were suddenly fixed?

Lisa: The news is really pushing lies for views. All of this is illogical.

News Reporter: We also just had reports of the actor Blake Bradley getting fired from the show The Vampires of Melancholia, the reason for which is currently unknown.

Leni: NO! He was hot!

News Reporter: Also that the entire state of Jersey somehow was ripped off of U.S. Soil. (off-screen chatter) Never mind, it seems to have been reattached.

Lisa: I also find this illogical but I would have accepted that last one if it wasn't undone.

Leni: Wait, how come Blake Bradley wasn't rehired?!

Lori: (looks it up) Oh he was canceled for... oh yikes, that is not gonna sit well.

Luna: (also looks it up) Ha! His career is gonna tank as hard as that one chick who dissed the original Snow White after that crappy live action remake.

They were then startled as the front door opened with Lucy stepping inside with two blue bats following her.

Lucy: Greetings.

Lynn Sr.: Lucy, remember what we talked about. If you want more bats-

Lucy: I am to take care of them myself, I know.

Lynn Sr.: Great, dinner is in an hour. It's Chicken Meatball night.

Lucy: Thank you. (walks upstairs) I'll be in my room.

Lincoln soon walked in with a pink and green comic book looking out of breath.

Lincoln: I'm back, I heard what is for dinner, I'll... (deep breathes) Be upstairs...

Lynn Sr.: Alright Lincoln.

Lincoln then runs upstairs with his actions getting concerned looks from some of his sisters.

Lisa: Okay, this is strange, Lucy and Lincoln were out but none of us saw them leave. And why am I the only one questioning this when--

TV: We now return to the best Sci-fi movie, Galaxy Battlefield 4.

Lisa: Questions can wait, Mama needs to watch the best portrayal of science and action in cinema!

Upstairs, in Lynn and Lucy's room where Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were going over a list with Lucy.

Anti-Cosmo: Well we have done so much, the pyramids flipped, the leaning tower of Pisa is now the fallen tower of Pisa, got rid of that actor you didn't like, and we got rid of Jersey! Although I was proud of making it, it did make people angry for some reason... Oh well!

Anti-Wanda: And we took the royal jewels of England! (tosses the crown like a Frisbee)

Anti-Cosmo: Put that back in the trunk it is not a toy!

They were then surprised by someone kicking the door open and Lincoln

Lynn Sr.: (downstairs) Lincoln! Don't kick the doors!

Lincoln: Um, that was actually Lynn? She did earlier and it affected the door?

Lynn: (downstairs) Lisa?

Lisa: (downstairs) That's not how that works, don't care anyway, need to watch this movie. I love it! SHUSH!!!

Lynn: (downstairs) I'll take credit anyway!

Lincoln then entered the room holding a glass of water and a folder in his hands.

Lucy: Lincoln, what do you think you're--

Lincoln: I wish she wasn't a vampire anymore.

A sudden poof was formed around her as Lucy was back to normal.

Lucy: Hey! (gets splashed in the face with water) Hey!

Lincoln: Lucy, you can't live as a Vampire, their lifestyle is only good in places with little sunlight. And you live in Royal Woods, a place where we barely get a cloudy day.

Lucy: You can-- (gets splashed again)

Lincoln: Also, you literally said half an hour ago you'd keep them in line but you turned into a vampire, fell the London Bridge and put it on fire, flipped the pyramids, and nearly threw Jersey into the ocean.

Anti-Wanda: And we robbed the royal family of England.

Lincoln: I wish the crown was back where it should be.

The crown was then gone, Anti-Cosmo looked annoyed.

Anti-Cosmo: Fun killer!

Lincoln: Zip it before I summon Jorgen! (Anti-C zips his mouth shut, to Lucy) Listen, Lucy, I know they seemed tempting but you have to know that you have to control your needs and wants. I do it all the time, I try to be careful with my wishes but I also fix them in the end or when they go wrong.

Lucy: I understand, but you have Fairies, I have Anti-Fairies. Literally Mirror Opposites.

Lincoln: Yeah, but they still have to follow their rules and listen to you, and I know how to keep them fully in line.

Anti-Cosmo: (unzips his mouth) Oh really Lincoln, enlighten me on how you'll-- (Lincoln shows him a photo) OH DEAR! Where did you get that picture?

The picture showed Anti-Cosmo wearing one of those fake glasses with a mustache wearing a pink shirt that said "I heart Princess Pony" at a convention full of people who also liked that show.

Lincoln: Of you at a Princess Pony Con? Cosmo said he saw you entering a convection a few years back while he was working part time as a janitor.

Cosmo: I still have nightmares of the bathroom!

Lincoln: And Lucy. (Lucy starts sweating) Need I remind you about the little issue I took the blame for?

Lucy: We agreed to never talk about it, but go on.

Lincoln: We agreed to never talk about it around the family. Not fairies.

Anti-Cosmo: You can't tell anyone about this! I have a reputation to uphold! What do you want?! I'll give you anything!

Lincoln: Your word to never twist my sister's words or mind to your sick evil ever again! The next time she makes a wish that is full of dark thoughts I'll undo the damage because I care about her. If you do anything like this again, I'll show the copies I've already made all over both Fairy World and Anti-Fairy World! Jorgen already has half of those copies and is on standby to show them!

Cosmo: You should have seen his face, he almost died of laughter. I think he peed his pants a little.

Wanda: I think his muscles were flexing and laughing at the same time.

Anti-Cosmo: Alright, deal! I'll never pull this stuff again!

Lincoln: Alright, and we don't have to worry about Anti-Wanda because-- (sees Anti-Wanda eating a grilled cheese with her feet) Reasons.

Lucy: Lincoln, I am so sorry about the mess I caused.

Lincoln: You're forgiven. But just to be sure, come with me for a second.

Lincoln and Lucy left the room for about a minute before Lucy came storming back in with a furious glare on her face.

Anti-Cosmo: Oh poo, what did he say?

Lucy: Bad luck incident. The whole thing this time. As well as all the other stuff you've done.

Anti-Cosmo: Oh double poo...

Downstairs the family was enjoying the movie before hearing a loud slap and a whale of pain.

Lynn Sr.: Lucy!

Lucy: (upstairs) I was watching a video! Sorry!

Rita: Just lower the volume or put on headphones!

Lucy: (upstairs) Okay!


After Dinner, Lincoln was in his room reading a comic before hearing a knock at his door.

Lincoln: It's open.

Lucy: (enters the room) Hey, just wanted to say thanks earlier.

Lincoln: No problem, also how's Anti-Cosmo?

Lucy: I told him that if he thinks about quitting, Jorgen would rip him apart for a thousand years. (sits on his bed) Are you gonna be okay with them here?

Lincoln: (holds up Da Anti-Rules) Yeah, that's also what would've happened. And I'll be fine, as long as you're safe. Jorgen added a new rule. Page 14.

Lucy: (reads Da Anti-Rules) "Anti-Fairies Cannot Grant Wishes That Affect A Godchild With Fairies and Vice-Versa." So you're safe?

Lincoln: Oh yeah, I also had to ask Jorgen to keep an eye on them if they ever try to harm our family. They'll be punished severely. And hey, if you ever want to talk about your fairies or something else, just come to me and I'll listen, I promise.

Lucy: Thanks Lincoln. (hugs Lincoln)

Wanda: (in the fishbowl) Aww, sport, that is so sweet.

Lucy: Another thing. (lets go of Lincoln) How did this video of spiders in Chandler's pants get on the web? I don't remember saving the footage.

Lincoln: I could hear you from here, my room's vent is closer to the attic's vent, remember? Also, thank Cosmo for that one.

Cosmo: Over half a million views and like already, many people hate this kid. Some of the comments justify that, someone is saying to put badgers in his pants next.


That's all for this part, I hope you liked it.

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Six months after winning the World Tournament,and five days after the dream match with his younger sister Lucy,Lincoln Loud has finally reached his s...
64.1K 507 14
What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? What if he leaves his family who calls him Bad luck? And what if he has met his great love before but forgot it?
2.6K 23 16
Lynn's 15th birthday has come along, but her birthday is always the worst day of her life. Why? Because her birthday is on Valentine's Day and she ab...