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Par AuteureAngel

129K 3.6K 106

"๐‘๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฌ๐จ" ๐š ๐ฌ๐จ๐Ÿ๐ญ ๐ ๐š๐ฌ๐ฉ ๐ž๐ฌ๐œ๐š๐ฉ๐ž๐ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฉ๐ฌ, ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฐ๐ž๐ ๐›๐ฒ ๐š ๐๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ฆ๏ฟฝ... Plus

Bonus chapter 1
Bonus chapter 2


2.7K 98 8
Par AuteureAngel

As the car door swung open, a gust of winter air greeted my face. Stepping onto the cold pavement, i shivered and at that moment I was grateful for the warmth of my cozy coat. He took my hand, and we descended from the car, navigating the icy patches with cautious steps.

The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the sprawling shopping mall. Snowflakes lightly dusted the ground, creating a scenic winter scene. My breath formed wisps of vapor in the chilly air as we approached the entrance, the sliding glass doors opening to a world of retail wonders.

As we walked towards the mall entrance, we could see the hustle and bustle of people going in and out, carrying shopping bags and enjoying their time. The mall was beautifully decorated with twinkling lights and festive decorations, creating a cheery and jolly atmosphere.

Once inside, we're greeted by the sound of cheerful holiday music and the delightful scent of flowers. The mall was bustling with shoppers, and the stores were filled with racks of clothes, shelves of shoes, and displays of accessories.

"This way" he instructed and pulled me gently with him.

Towering displays of designer boutiques adorned with polished marble and sparkling lights captivated me. The air carried the scent of exclusive perfumes and the hushed whispers of high-end fashion

We pass by exclusive fashion boutiques, their windows displaying the latest designer collections. Mannequins dressed in elegant gowns and tailored suits caught my eyes with their impeccable style.

I was hit with reality and I turned to look at him to find him staring at me already.

"R..Russo why are we here?" He gazed at me like I had asked the dumbest question in history, which wasn't far from the truth.

"Do you really need an answer to that gorgeous?" He raised his brow and I was compelled to roll my eyes.

"Can't you give me a straightforward answer for once?" Although I knew this particular question deserved no answer but still.... I know he hasn't done much but what he was about to do wasn't something to be done without any reason or entitlement.

He has no reason bringing me shopping because I am neither his friend nor girlfriend so I.... I was pulled gently into his chest by my waist which caused a soft gasp to leave my lips.

"I'd tolerate anything Tesoro but there's something I won't, and that's rolling your eyes at me, it'll get you into serious trouble" His voice was a velvet cascade that carried an undertone of desire, weaving an intricate dance of erotic warning and subtle danger. Each word lingered in the air, leaving a trace of seduction that ignited a fire within me.

His fingers traced a delicate path along the small of my back, and as our breaths intertwined, the sweet scent of his breath mingled with mine. The strong scent of his cologne enveloped me, adding to the allure of the moment.

Tension hung in the air, a palpable energy that mirrored the light beat in my chest. My wide eyes locked with his mystical brown orbs, and in that moment, everything else faded away.

"Bonjour madame, monsieur(Good day ma'am, sir) our moment was interrupted by one of the staff. I cleared my throat and pulled away from him with my eyes locked to my feet.

"Si cela ne vous dérange pas que je vous le demande, êtes-vous pour faire du lèche-vitrine ou voulez-vous...(If you don't mind me asking, are you for a window shopping or would you....) I was in the bubbles of confusion and on the other hand my mind searched my brain for a nerve that would help interpret the foreign language but of course that wasn't possible, I was human not an artificial intelligence machine

I was about to tell her that we didn't understand what she said, hoping that she understands English but Russo beat me to it.

"Guider la voie( Lead the way) her red lips pulled up in a professional smile and she led us into one of the boutiques. It was kind of annoying that I didn't know what they just conversed about, to top it all I didn't even know the language they communicated in. Hell! Aside English I didn't know any other language.

As we entered the boutique, I marveled at the meticulously arranged racks of elegant dresses, shoes and shelves adorned with exquisite accessories. She led us to a plush sofa at corner of the store.

"Veuillez vous asseoir(Please have a seat) I didn't understand what that meant but I guess it was pretty obvious. I felt at ease when my ass sunk into the sofa and i felt my muscle relax.

He wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to his side. I felt butterfly assemble in my belly, and my cheeks burned at the feeling of his protectiveness.

"Quel style de robe aimeriez-vous que je présente pour vous madame?(What style of dress would you love me to display for you ma'am) her gaze was directed to me which meant she was speaking to me.

"U.. I glanced to Russo for help.

"Elle n'est pas familière avec la langue, l'anglais serait préférable, en ce qui est des robes, nous allons jeter un coup d'œil ensemble(She isn't familiar with the language, English would be preferable, as for the dresses, we'll have a look together)

"Pardon mon ignorance monsieur. D'accord, je vous laisserai tous les deux profiter de vos achats. Voulez-vous quelque chose ? Café, thé, jus de fruits...(Pardon my ignorance sir. Alright I'll let you two enjoy your shopping. Would you like anything? Coffee, tea, juice...)

"Nous allons bien. Montrez-nous simplement les meilleurs designs de toutes les tenues, accessoires, chaussures et parfums.(We're fine. Just show us the best designs of every outfits, accessories shoes and perfumes)

"À votre service monsieur. Viens avec moi(At your service sir. Come with me) she smiled at him then at me and turned on her heels.

"Come on amorè" he stood tall and held out his hand for me.

We walked around the boutique and every dress, shoes, makeup, perfume or bags I liked were extremely expensive. I didn't have the conscience to choose any item from the luxurious store, though he was going to pay for anything I chose, but that was where the problem laid.

I'm not entitled to this luxurious treatment. We aren't even friends. 'Really?' A delicate voice echoed in my ears.

"I see you really got bad taste for good stuff" his voice cut me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see we had stop walking and he was towering over me with his gaze piercing right through my soul.

"Huh?" He released a deep breath and held my wrist.

"You don't have to think too much Tesoro, I want you to choose anything, and I mean any single thing you love without having to think about the price or why I am doing this, because you'd never get the answer to that, so we're going to start all over again, hmm" he interlocked our fingers and we went back to the beginning of the boutique.

It was difficult choosing anything despite how much I loved whatever it was but the sales assistant came to my rescue.

"...and this? It's absolutely beautiful Cher(dear) it'll suit you so perfectly" she held up a gorgeous lavender dress with a slit at the side.

The dress was designed to hug the body, accentuating all the right curves. The royal lavender color caught the light, adding a touch of vibrancy and sophistication. As she showcased the dress, i could almost feel the luxurious fabric and imagine how stunning it would look when worn.

I said nothing as usual and just nodded with a subtle smile while she added it to the stuff in the cart. Russo left midway and went back to the couch, though he wasn't so close to me anymore but his predatory eyes that watched my every single move made me slightly nervous.

"Let's go Tesoro" he made me lock my arm around his muscular ones, then he took the shopping bag from the cashier and we left the boutique.

"Are you tired?" I looked up at him and nodded quickly which made him chuckle.

"Just one more place and we'll go back. By the way do you have anymore job here in Luxembourg?"


"Well that's perfect" he replied with a sinister smile and mischievous look in his eyes. My brows furrowed in confusion and a lot of questions swam in my head.

"Why's that perfect?"

"You'll get to know soon" I really didn't know why I asked because somehow I knew I wasn't going to get a satisfying answer.

"Russo" Suddenly, a female voice pierced through the ambient noise. Her call dragged our attention and made us halt our movement. I felt his body stiffen and I looked at his face to see that his jaws were clenched.

We didn't turn around just yet because the close sound of her clicking heels signaled her approach. Finally she came into our view and I was hit with cognizance.

She stood before us, her light blue dress accentuating her tall and slender figure. Her auburn hair was swept back in a chic style, framing her fair and flawless skin. Her icy blue eyes smiled at him but when she recognized my presence they darkened.

'What's her problem with me?' I wondered. She redirected her gaze back to Russo and her smile resurfaced back

È bello vederti qui e... (It's good to see you here and.... ) she glanced at me with a disapproving look then back at him with a smile.

"Hilda, non ti arrenderai già?(Hilda, aren't you going to give up already?) annoyance and light anger were written on his face, and it made me wonder who she was.

Russo, was a box of interesting mysteries and i really couldn't wait for the moment where'd get the key to the box.

"No Russo, non mi fermerò finché non mi perdonerai. Faccio di tutto per riavere(No Russo, I won't stop until you forgive me. I'll do everything to get you back)

"Ok, buona fortuna con quello(Okay, good luck with that) he held me closer and pushed past her but she stopped us again with her next foreign words.

"Ti chiederei sempre questo Russo, perché non puoi lasciarlo andare. Eravamo ancora giovani allora(I'd always ask you this Russo, why can't you just let this go. We were still young then)

We stopped walking and he turned around. She had a devastated look on her face and her eyes were filled with unshed tears.

"Accetto il fatto che eri ancora giovane Hilda, ma chiariamo una cosa, allora avevi diciassette anni, abbastanza grande da conoscere i tuoi torti dalla tua destra....(I accept the fact that we were still young Hilda but let's make one thing clear, you were seventeen then, old enough to know your wrongs from your right....) he took in a sharp breath and rolled his eyes.

"Non farmi ricordare il terribile passato che hai creato Hilda(Don't make me remember the awful past you created Hilda) although I didn't know what he said but the tone of his voice sounded like a warning.

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