His Tutor

By ishqaan_DZ

6.4K 727 1.1K

Ishqi has a simple plan for high school: make a few friends, pass her classes, and graduate without any drama... More

1: Gummy Worms
2: Homecoming
3:Lies and Fries
4: Hammers
5: Soup
6: Ballad and Piggybacks
7: Truth Or Dare Or Drink
8: Not a Friend
9: Octopus
10: Sleeping Beauty
11: Allergies
12: Wilbur
13: Boundaries
14: Selfish
15: False Hope
16: My Weakness
17: I want to....but i can't
18: Someone Like Me
19: Cold
20: Pillow
21: Turtle
22: Swan
23: Double Date
24: Damage Done
25: Honest
27: Oblivious
28: cupid
29: decisions?
30: Dense and Denser
31: Prom
32: Perfectly Imperfect
33: Birthday Present
34: Wet Koala
35: Charlotte

26: Feelings

120 19 52
By ishqaan_DZ

Ishqi pov

"So, for this biology project, I want you guys to study any animal and their behavior. Explain every characteristic they have and how that helps them adapt and survive in their habitat. Then, research threats to that species and predict who they will evolve in the future. Please don't do cats or dogs cause that's just lazy and boring." My biology walks to the front table and drops off a clipboard. "I assigned you partners so come and take a look. I want you guys to decide on an animal by the end of class and get started over the weekend."

The whole class groans in unison, having already picked their partner by eye contact. However, this is brief as everyone rushes to the front in hopes of seeing their friend's name next to their own. Ahaan and I stay rooted to our seats.

I twiddle with my thumbs while waiting for someone to approach me, confirming my partner. However, I secretly it won't be the case... being that my partner might still be sitting down... possibly the one next to me...

I give in once the front table clears and no one went to talk to me yet. My feet are heavy as I approach the clipboard, trying to keep an open mine but I can't seem to help but think Ahaan Ahaan Ahaan.

Eera. Dang it.

Don't get me wrong. Eera is nice and all, but she never works. Plus I have other reasons... Ahaan

When I turn around, I catch Ahaan looking towards the front of the class, but quickly directs his eyes to his desk and scribbles something in his notebook. Since no one sat next to him yet, I check the list once again. Next to Ahaan's name is John, who is currently absent. I look around for Eera, not seeing her either. I might as well go back to my seat.

I have one animal in mind already: turtles. Since I already spent hours researching them for the sake of properly caring for Wilbur, this would be an easy assignment that would take me no longer than a day.

I start listing anything I know about turtles in my notebook. Since Eera isn't going to do the work, I'm sure she won't mind if I chose the animal without consulting her.

"You guys are awfully quieting for partners that are supposed to be picking an animal," my biology teacher laughs, tapping on our table.

"Oh, we're not partners. Mine's absent," I explain.

"Ahaan, where's yours?"

He shrugs in reply. Something quite odd for someone usually very talkative.

"Well, if your partners are absent, you guys should just partner up and get started. I'll just partner the other two together Monday." Satisfied with her decision, my teacher smiles and leaves us awkwardly staring at our desk.

I continue my list for about ten more minutes before I speak up.

"Are turtles okay?"


I continue my list for another ten minutes before speaking again.

"I can just finish the whole thing tonight."

"No, I'll help."

We continue our silence for yet another ten minutes.

"Should we try to finish the whole thing after school?"


Another ten minutes.

"Where do you want to do it?"

"Coffee shop should be fine."

My chest hurts like it's being stomped on. Even before we were close, we rarely did homework outside of each other's houses. Another ten minutes.

"The one near the mall?"

"The closest one to the school."

The bell rings and before I could say anything Ahaan is already out the door.

After school, I quickly head outside. A rush of excitement that worries me. Why am I so happy? All I had in mind for the rest of the day was the biology project.

While heading towers the parking lot, a loud whizzing sound approached. Before the parking lot is a narrow sidewalk, which is pretty inclined and elevated. Students usually do bike down, but not this furiously since cars around all around. However, I could see panic on the guys eyes as his hands press on the brakes, but to no avail. He accelerates quickly, trying to keep straight as the cars and buses beside him leave little room to manoeuvre and turn away. At this point, he's going too fast to use his foot, risking injury. I look to my right- a grassy area, which is ideal if he chooses to purposely fall there onto its natural padding. Like the other students, I stand off to the side to let him pass, standing back a bit to give him room to stop.

In the corner of my eye, I recognize a familiar physique. Ahaan! I hear the guy shout as he approaches but Ahaan doesn't respond. He stares blankly into space and his hands clutched tightly on the phone that's pressed against his ear. The only space in between the tightly packed cars and huddles of students is occupied by him.

My feet carried me before I could think. I yank on him backpack and spun him around, turning myself process. In a sudden turn of events, I'm hooked off my feet and tumble onto the ground, my backpack luckily cushioning my fall.

In a daze, I try to make sure Ahaan is okay. He stands over me, in confusion, with his phone still pressed against his ear.

"Mom... I'll be there soon. Calm down, okay... Okay. I'll bring Sonu." Ahaan stutters in between words, trying to process two separate situations it seems. Frantically, he tucks his phone back into his pocket.

"Are you okay?" a voice asks.

I turn to see the guy standing next to me. Luckily, he seems to be fine as his bike is turned over on the grass. His hair is slight dishevelled and jeans grass-stained.

"Oh, yeah. Are you? You came down pretty fast," I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, the grass helped. Plus I accidentally hooked my handle onto your backpack, so that slowed me down too," he awkwardly chuckles.

"Oh, really? I thought an evil force came to take me away," I sarcastically remark to relieve him of the guilt for dragging me a kind with him for the fall.

"Here, let me help you up," he offers him hand to me.

"I'm fine-" I start to decline, but Ahaan lifts me up by the shoulder before I can.

Seeing Ahaan, the guy suddenly turn quiet and apologies one last time before excusing himself.

"Are you okay, Ahaan?" I examine his hands and legs for any scrapes.

"I should be the one asking you that," he sighs.

"That call seemed like it was important," I remind Ahaan, who stares at my hands.

"Oh, right. I can't do the project today."

"Is everything alright?"

"Something came up."

"I don't want to be nosy, but it looks like you're in a rush. I can pick up your sister if you'd like."

Ahaan scans my eyes and nods. "Yeah, sure. You know where her elementary school is right?"


"Pick her up and please drive her to the city hospital. Don't tell her yet, but my dad got into a car accident. I don't want to freak her out unless it's serious."

"Yeah...sure," I was almost in a whisper. For someone who always told me he disliked him dad, Ahaan looked so panicked, repeatedly ruffling his hair and breathing hard.

"Call me when you get to the hospital and wait in the front lobby." With that, Ahaan rushes to his car and peels off.

I readjust my backpack and quickly go to pick up Sonu. While waiting for her, I'm nervous as to how to pick her up. She doesn't know what my car looks like, so I will have to shout for her. But I risk being labelled as a kidnapper if I say "hey, your mom told me to pick you up.' Luckily, Sonu stands close to the pick-up lane and sees me once I roll my window down.

"Hi, Ishqi!" Sonu skips over to my passenger side. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm supposed to be picking you up. Your mom and Ahaan have to be somewhere."

"Oh, okay!" she happily agrees and quickly gets in, which worries me since she trusts me so easily.

"Are you sure you're allowed to sit in the front?"

"I won't tell my mom if you won't," she grins slyly.

"Fine," I agree. "Buckle up, though."

Sonu quickly complies and excitedly bounces in her seat.

"So, where are we going?"

"Um, your dad is getting a check-up."

"Like a flu shot?"

"No, just doctors are going to check that everything is okay. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah! I want ice cream!"

"Okay sure. How does a kids meal sound with that?"

"Only if it comes with a toy."

"Sure thing," I agree, turning into the nearest fast-food shop. With Sonu occupied with food, which she started on ice cream first, I was less tense about driving her to the hospital.

I hold my breath as I turn into the parking lot.

"This is a big hospital..." Sonu nervously says.

"It'll be fine. Come on, take your toy with you."

Sonu nervously nods, but grabs her purple plastic puppy and follows me inside. She immediately runs to the lobby area filled with toys, occupying herself. I call Ahaan.

"Hey," he says weakly.

"Hey, we're here waiting in the front lobby."

"I'll be there soon."


The phone clicks off and I take a seat next to other nervous visitors who tap their feet in a close unison.


Immediately, Sonu runs to Ahaan 's arms, letting him throw her up in the air.

"I made friends. Look, Ishqi got me this toy and ice cream." She holds up her purple puppy for Ahaan to see.

"That's really cool," Ahaan forced himself to be enthusiastic, but he looks just as nervous as when he left school. Turning to me, he begins, "Thanks for picking her up. We should work on the biology project on Monday."

"Yeah sure," I quietly respond.

"See you Monday."

"No, I don't want Ishqi to leave! We barely played," Sonu whines, clamping onto my left leg.

"Ishqi's busy, Sonu," Ahaan urges.

"Noooooo!" she wails.

"I can stay for a bit," I offer, definitely not minding a bit.

"No, it's okay," Ahaan declines.

"Stay!" Sonu demands.

"Is it alright if you stay for a bit?" Ahaan asks, almost shyly.

"Yeah, sure."

"Let's go find my dad." Sonu grabs Ahaan in her right and me to her left. Ahaan leads us to a room where only his mom is sitting. The bed seems to have been rolled away.

"Hi, Mrs. Malhotra," I greet cautiously. Her condition doesn't seem well as her eyes are brimmed with tears, nosing running, and hair pulled back into a messy bun.

"Oh, hi, Ishqi," she sniffles, grabbing another tissue to replace her sodden one.

"Where's Dad?" Ahaan asks hurriedly.

"They took him for another scan to make sure he doesn't have any internal bleeding. They want to keep him overnight just in case there's something serious," she explains between hiccups.

"Do you want anything you eat Mrs. Malhotra?" I offer.

"No, I'm fine," she refuses.

"Eat a bit, Mom," Ahaan insists.

"I'll take a coffee then," she gives in, reaching for another tissue.

"We'll be right back." Ahaan leads the way to the cafeteria, where he grabs a few cold sandwiches, a coffee, and a jello cup and hot chocolate for Sonu. Once we return, Ahaan's dad is back in the room, consoling his mom.

"Honey, it's fine. It only got caught the passenger seat, so I'm okay. They just want to keep me overnight just in case." His shoulder is wrapped in a sling.

"Oh, thanks, Ahaan," she accepts his coffee and tries to offer Mr. Malhotra a sandwich. He refuses and tries to continue reading a science magazine.

"The doctor says you should rest. Since the concussion doesn't seem serious, they say it's safe for you to sleep."

"Alright," he sighs, laying down. Before closing his eyes, he gives me a disapproving look.

Sonu sits on a chair she moved to the centre of a room to have a full view of the t.v.

"Sonu, honey. You should go home with Ahaan, okay? I'm going to stay with Daddy here for tonight," Mrs. Malhotra instructs.

"No, I don't want to."

"Sonu," Mrs. Malhotra says sternly.

"You should go home and freshen up. I'll wait here with Sonu," Ahaan offers.

"Well... Alright, then. I'll bring Sonu a change of clothes after I shower. I'll be back in an hour," she picks up her purse and hesitantly pauses before leaving.

"I'll be outside in the hallway," Ahaan sighs, giving his dad one last glance.

"Keep watching your show, okay, Sonu?" I check.

"Okay!" she happily agrees, swinging her feet to the music.

Peering outside, I spot Ahaan sitting alone on a bench at the end of the hallway. His head is buried in his palms and finger pushed through his locks of hair. I sneak outside quietly before making my way back to the cafeteria. I buy some of their mediocre fries and two bottles of water. Returning, I quietly set the food beside Ahaan and sit down, letting the plastic containers separate us.

"You should eat," I suggest, trying to entice him with his favourite food. Though, the fries here aren't exactly appetizing.

"Thanks," he slowly chews, completely distracted by his own thoughts.

"Don't worry. Your dad seems fine. He could carry conversation normally and his eyes weren't dilated, so there's no serious concussion if any. If you're wondering about the cast looking thing on his arm, he probably dislocated his shoulder since it's a sling. They probably gave him some pain medication, so he'll be fine," I reassured, taking a sip of water. My face heats up once I realize Ahaan is staring at me. "Something wrong?"

He shakes his head, "Nothing. It's like you read my mind, though..."

"You should go inside and check on him if you're worried. You don't have to hide it," I say, looking apologizing after I realize how blunt my words were.

"We're not close, so it's wierd."

"He's still your dad though. He would probably feel the same way you do."

"It's fine now. You reassured me."

Hearing this, I could feel the hammers in my chest again. We sit in silent while Ahaan finishes his fries and takes sips of his water.

"You're not going inside with Sonu?"

"It's awkward for me too. Your dad isn't my biggest fan," I weakly smile.

"You don't have to stay. It's getting pretty late."

I check my phone to see its close to seven.

"It don't want to bother you or anything," Ahaan says.

"No, I want to stay." We look at each other, each trying to process my words. Simultaneously, we turn our heads away and stare at the ground. My face is flushed with so much red and pink that I probably look like someone threw paint on me.

"Hey, sweetie. Is he asleep?" Mrs. Malhotra asks, a bag with what seems like food and clothes in hand.

"Yeah, I think so," Ahaan replies.

"I'll be inside," she leave us alone once again.

"Aren't you going to go home to sleep? You look pretty tired," I ask.

"I'm going to stay for a bit more." As much as Ahaan would hate to admit it, anyone could tell he was too worried to leave the hospital.

"You should take a nap. I'll wake you up if anything happens."

"Are you sure?"

"I don't mind."

"Okay, thanks." Ahaan is too tired to refuse, passing out in a matter of minutes. His hands crossed over his chest, his head starts to bob to the side. As he tilts to the side, I quickly catch his head with my shoulder, holding up his face with my palm pressed on his other cheek. His messy hair flops off to the side as well, imitating his posture.


His eyes flutter while he licks his lips.


His every breath vibrates through every vein connected to my heart.


His ear brushes against my neck.


I didn't know if I could wake Ahaan up like I promised. I can't give up this moment that I worry would never come again. Come Monday, I'll be like any other classmate again.

I'm clinging onto any remnants of our friendship still left. Once I run out, I will have nothing. Only memories that pains him and makes me regret and wish things would've been ended up differently.

The issue was that I still had all the feelings I ever had for Ahaan; nothing had changed.


In the next part, Ishqi starts a new job at an ice cream shop in the mall. She goes through a job interview with a unique manager and manages to get the job. While learning the ropes, her friend Ally takes her to the sporting goods store, where Ishqi spies on someone. This leads to surprising revelations about Ahaan, leaving Ishqi feeling puzzled. Part 27 will uncover more secrets and bring new twists to Ishqi's high school journey.

Next part at 20 votes and 50 comments

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