Yoonmin |[The Dollmaker 21+]|...

By oxLittleLeoxo

579 24 7

A Very confusing Story of a Dollmaker and his dolls that came Alive. Their past lives and an Angel in need o... More

Chapter 1 Dollmaker
Chapter 2 Change...
Chapter 3 scary day's
Chapter 4 another Victim?
Chapter 5 Back and fourth
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Monster
chapter 9 at Ease

Chapter 6 Risks...

42 2 0
By oxLittleLeoxo


After a long stressful week Yoongi finally got everything needed to build a New Shop...Right now he was outside a New property he Bought a few hours ago a House already on it that just needed some Renovation...and it would Be perfect for a shop and Living space of course the shop on the first floor and the Living space on the second floor...

Jimin right beside Yoongi with Holly which was Yoongi's beloved Dog... holding the little cutie up in his arms as Yoongi was given the keys to make this purchase official the old landlord just gave Yoongi a smile.

???: "I know You will turn this place into a wonderful shop Mr. Min. You'll make the town known for its amazing dolls again like Your father used to back in the days...."

Yoongi: "Thank you sir."

Yoongi said with a smile

The man then bowed to them and left...

Jimin: "Let's get this place cleaned up"

(Jimin said with a big smile ready to get started on their future doll shop together

Yoongi nodded kissing Jimins cheek as he then took him inside so that they could begin the renovations

Min Holly of course Jumping around excited once Jimin set him down.

Yoongi: "What kind of theme should we have for the shop? And then we need a different theme for the house"

Jimin: "Mmh ... I don't know...."

Yoongi: "Maybe for the shop we make it look like an antique shop~"

Jimin: "That sounds really good!"

Yoongi: "And our home can have a gold and dark purple color scheme to it~"

Jimin: "That Would surely be very expensive...I don't think we have the budget for that yet..."

Yoongi: "Well once we get the shop up and running we can save up to completely renovate the house. But for now we will only make sure it's heated well and there isn't anything broken and make sure there are beds and blankets and food"

Jimin: "I can't wait to get the Shop opened up once we get everything...can We get started immediately? I want to clean all the windows and make the walls look presentable!"

Yoongi: "Of course princess~" Yoongi said kissing Jimins lips gently, smiling afterwards

Jimin just immediately got to work and found everything he needed to clean the place up...But eventually after cleaning for a while Jimin accidentally knocked something over...which suddenly opened the floor underneath his feet...

Jimin screamed out very loud from the shook which alarmed Yoongi who was cleaning the rooms upstairs...

Immediately rushing down... seeing A hole in the floor

Jimin had fallen through...

Looking down into it to see Jimin on the floor completely in shock bones of A lot of people around him...which gave them both Goosebumps....

Somebody had murdered all those people and left them there to die...only their skeletons left behind...

Jimin: "Y-Yoongi h-help me out..."

Jimin whispered holding his eyes closed from how afraid he was not wanting to look at those skeletons and bones any longer... clearly crying hard as he tried to get up without looking but it seemed like he actually broke his foot from the fall and couldn't get up...

Yoongi immediately helping Jimin out holding him in his arms.

Yoongi: "I'm calling Hoseok and Jin to help you get your foot looked at and maybe they can bring Taehyung and Namjoon to see what the hell is with all these skeletons..."

Yoongi immediately using the phone he had installed in the house to call Hoseok and Jin over telling them they need Taehyung and Namjoon here as well

Jimin: "T-This wasn't mentioned when we bought the house... I-I'm s-scared..."

(Jimin whispered clearly shaking in Yoongi's arms crying really bad now starting to feel the pain from his foot...)

Yoongi: "No it wasn't mentioned. I wouldn't have bought it if it was hiding something like this..."

Jimin: "We should Tell the police... This might've been a killer's home..."

Yoongi: "It's why I called Hobi and the others. Taehyung is an Assassin and Namjoon is a Military officer. They will know what the right thing to do is."

Jimin nodded hiding in Yoongi's chest as they sat together on the floor near the front door Jimin clearly having trouble calming down...so Yoongi just held him close humming a Melody

Holly by their side now As well licking Jimin's face to help him calm down as well

Not too long after the others came knocking in the door Yoongi letting them in

Taehyung brought JK with them as well all of them coming in...

Jin: "What happened!? Is Chim okay!?"

Yoongi: "He fell through the floor and I think his foot is broken but we have an even more disturbing problem...there's a bunch of human remains under the floor..."

Hobi: "Wait...Human remains?!"

Namjoon walked over to the Hole looking down into it...

Namjoon: "These definitely have been here for a very long time... I'll Inform someone about this..Could You also give me the information of the Person that sold You the house? So He can be taken in for questioning?"

Hoseok and Jin just immediately took a Look at Jimin's foot confirming that it was in fact Broken...

Hoseok: "I call the ambulance...this needs treatment..."

Jimin: "A-Ambulance?! What's that! W-will it hurt me!?"

(Jimin was definitely afraid shaking even more than before )

Hobi: "No sweetheart, they are like me. They are nice people that only want to make sure you are healthy and that your foot gets fixed. Don't worry I'll be there with you and so will Taehyung and Jungkook. You wont be alone there I promise~"

Hoseok said with a warm smile to make sure Jimin wasn't as scared

Namjoon Just left the house and went to the local police department to get some Officers to check the situation out...

Jimin: "O-Okay... i-i trust you hobi..."

(Jimin whispered as Yoongi just kissed his tears away to distract him...)

Yoongi: "Don't worry everything will be fine. Unfortunately I need to stay here so I can give the Information to Joon and the other officers since the home is in my name. But I will be calling constantly to make sure you are okay."

Taehyung: "Kookie...we should Meet up with Rosie and Lisa...this looks like someone like us Killed those people..."

(Taehyung said pointing out the obvious since One of the skeletons had a Knife stuck inside of a bone...that looked just like The one His clan members used to use back in the days.

JK: "O-Oh you're right...it does look like that. Let's tell them to meet us at the hospital. I also want to be around to keep Jimin safe."

Taehyung: "wait...now that I see this... Isn't that the same knife You got stabbed with before your death...that can't be right..."

(Taehyung was definitely shocked as he remembered but now that he looked at it closer this was definitely the same knife...

JK: "I-It is...."

Jungkook now worried about who this person was

Taehyung definitely knew this might actually be Jungkook's body...since he was stabbed in the same spot...and died during a Mission years ago... Taehyung only saw JK's body falling from a high building in the distance that day...and Never saw his body after that happened back then...

so to think JK didn't immediately die after that fall and actually got dragged away into this building somehow gave Taehyung goosebumps and made him feel absolutely disgusted with himself for not trying harder to find JK's body that night...he could've saved him and didn't even know it...

JK: "C-Could that be my body?"

Taehyung: "I-I H-Hope not...Y-You didn't deserve this! T-They must've put you through so much pain before you actually died...I-I... could've saved you! I-I should've been there for you! And tried harder! T-This is my fault...I-If I didn't suggest to split up T-They wouldn't have had the chance to hurt you!"

JK: "Tae it isn't your fault. We both thought I could handle it. We didn't expect what happened...and I haven't said anything to you but...I do remember what happened after the fall...not all of it...but I've been getting dreams about what happened..."

Just as Taehyung was about to say something Namjoon came in with a lot of Police officer's.

While Jimin was taken to the hospital

Taehyung not Leaving JK's side... holding onto his hand the entire Time...

And after Jimin got treated Taehyung and JK both went to the rooftop of the building to talk about this...

Taehyung: "So...What actually did you see...in those dreams you haven't told me about since I got you back...?"

(Taehyung whispered as they sat together on the edge of the building looking down at the town's streets together)

JK: "So far I just remember being caught before hitting the ground and a guy in all black...I remember being dragged away while naked...but I don't remember anything else..."

Taehyung: "I will find that Man...I will get revenge for you...I promise!"

(Taehyung was definitely pissed wanting to catch this unknown man and hold him accountable for all of this..)

JK: "I know you will but please don't act rashly...we need a good plan and figure out a way to kill him."

Taehyung: "Whoever this man is...He deserves to die.."

(Taehyung whispered Holding JK's hand ..)

JK: "I agree with you on that. But look...you got me back....don't do something that ends up in you being alone again or me being alone"

Taehyung: "Of course...Hobi doesn't deserve that either...So none of us will get themselves killed this time...I really hope the police finds out who was the original owner of that house...It could get us a clue on that man...and maybe a hint where my father went... He's still missing and nobody saw him since mr.mins workshop burned down...maybe there's a connection between these two..."

JK: "Maybe...but it doesn't seem Likely given that he wasn't killed and no one except your father was killed and Mr.Min had a witness about where he was..."

Taehyung: "I was thinking my father might have been kidnapped by the same man that killed you back then...maybe He finally found my location and wanted to get me...but took my father instead..."

Taehyung: "I do know that father deserved it...since As you know Before He was a Dollmaker He used to be an Assassin too...He killed many innocent people unlike you and me..."

JK: "Well I guess we'll find out."

Taehyung: "I hope so...I really miss him despite the things he did...and I really hope that man Won't take you away from me again..."

JK: "I won't let him separate us again."

Taehyung and JK just held onto Each other...

Looking down at the streets Crying together in silence from the unspoken pain...

But they got interrupted By Hoseok coming up to the roof giving them Both a Smile since The doctors Gave them good news that Jimin could go home now...

Hobi: "Guys Jimin can go home now! He's alright~"

Hoseok said as he sat next to them

Taehyung: "Hobi...we Might be in danger...We need to tell you something serious..."

(Taehyung whispered leaning into Hoseok Shoulder... Just letting his tears fall...)


Yoongi on the other hand was home alone with Namjoon the police Told them That Yoongi couldn't get into the new house till their investigation was over...

So now Yoongi was at Namjoon's place since Namjoon told him to just come along till they have news from the hospital...

Namjoon Just Showing Yoongi around even a secret room...for...well...
secret crimes...

Namjoon: "I know You killed someone so I thought I might as well show You how to do it secretly and unnoticed...This is my playroom~ You can look at everything in here and if you have questions feel free to ask~ And Before You try to deny it I've seen you that night dragging Mr. Kim down the streets to your little hiding spot. I got rid of the corpse and made sure Your DNA wasn't on it. So no worries ~"

Yoongi: "W-Woah....You better not kill Jin. I'm not going to say anything to him but out of all the people I'd want dead him, Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung are off limits."

Namjoon: "Seems Like You already knew I wasn't as Nice As I look mmh? Well I don't plan on killing any of them. I usually kill those who deserve it for killing innocent souls...or Trying to kill innocent people...Just like You I suppose since that man That Burned down your shop could've killed someone that Night as well."

Namjoon: "If You need a place to get rid of Someone Just give me a Call...I got a Couple other places in town I use. But before you Think I was the one That hid those human remains in your new house I didn't. But I might have an Idea who could've done that...the way these people were tied up and Those Special weapons in that hole...That killer was definitely skilled...Maybe an assassin?"

Yoongi: "Well then we need to ask Taehyung what he knows."

Namjoon: "Is he an assassin? Jin hasn't told me much about your friends besides that You killed someone...well he did without really knowing he did since he was drunk and talked in his sleep. I don't know anything else... But don't worry I wouldn't want Jin to get hurt I really like him and wouldn't wish any harm on him."

(Namjoon said as he took yoongi back upstairs and out of his house to go back to Jin's and Hoseoks place.)

Yoongi: "Yes he is. So is Jungkook."

Yoongi: "And I believe Hoseok is in training to become one."

Namjoon: "I see well then let's wait for their return. And then we ask"

Which they did Just waiting inside the house for The others to come back...


Somewhere else...at the same time...

???: "M-Mr. Kang...C-Can I get a B-Blanket...I-It's so cold here..."

(A Young beautiful Guy in his 20s whispered tucking on the leash he was attached to...The scary man that was his owner Just shaking his head...since This boy just interrupted a serious meeting...

As they had been sitting in A Big living room with lots of strangers around talking together...

Mr.Kang: "No. You just interrupted a serious meeting."

???: "I-I'm sorry...I-I won't do it again!"

(The room was dead Silent all those strangers now looking over to Mr. Kang and His pet...)

Mr.Kang: "You will be punished for interrupting me and these men."

???: "Mr.Kang Please Go easy on Silver He's Still young and Needs more training. As we talked about We need His abilities."

Silver was shaking his head on the floor as he bowed to Mr.Kangs feet his eyes filled with tears...

Which led to him Turning back into his original form...

Silver was a Shapeshifter and A very special person that could gift Other people their deepest desires...

Mr.Kang: "You really want me to go easy on a slave?"

???: "If You want His abilities to help us. He needs to be in good shape. Didn't you say His abilities only work when he's Asleep? You said something about Him dreaming about people that Are in need of a change in their life...?"

Silver: "Y-Yes Sir...I-I can't choose who or what kind of Power I give to someone...i-it just happens through my dreams...i-i really wish I could control it s-so I could be of better use for you...A-And the organization..."

(The young man whispered keeping himself together so he Mr.Kang wouldn't hurt him again like usual)

Another person just interrupted them shaking his head.

Mr.Lee: "Why don't we Just Put him to sleep Temporarily? That Way we don't have him constantly interrupt us and We could monitor his brain activity to understand his Gift better?"

Mr.Kang: "Yes that could work!"

Silver: "B-But Mr.Kang...I-I'm scared...i-i don't want that..."

Mr.Kang: "You are always scared..."

Mr.Lee: "I can't blame him given the things You usually do to him."

Mr.Lee said with a chuckle Just running a hand Through Silver's Soft hair...Which made the Young man flinch...

Mr.Kang of course not licking others touching Silver but With Mr.Lee it was okay...since Mr Lee was Silver's Bodyguard whenever Mr.Kang was working...

???: "I'll go and prepare everything...Also...Mr.Kang...Kim Taehyung was spotted back in Town. With someone very unexpected...Jeon Jungkook...Alive and well..."

Everyone's eyes widened Immediately looking over to Silver...


I know it's a little confusing but you will find out what this is about soon.

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