A Timeless Miraculous Tale

By MiraculouslyMari_

173 3 0

This will be a collection of One-Shots, or an entire story depending on how you would like to read it! Chapte... More

The Antique Shop ☠︎︎
The Museum ⚠︎✍︎
A Frozen Moment✍︎☠︎︎
The Warehouse ✈︎☠︎︎✍︎

The Gallery ✈︎

29 1 0
By MiraculouslyMari_

This Chapter will Contain depictions of War.

Adrien was standing in a high end fashion gallery in the United States, he was there representing his father's brand much to his dismay, the 23 year old was getting ready to take over his father's company, but according to his father, he had to find a wife first, a woman of high status, but not enough to overpower him in social situations, taking in his surroundings he saw a bag, it was beautifully designed, it looked aged, far older than anything in this exhibition of luxury purses and clothing, though, it had withstood the tests of time from what it looked like. Walking up to it, he studied the worn fabric, his gaze so intense, he failed to notice an elderly woman walking up next to him.

"It's beautiful isn't it? It was salvaged from an old Revolutionary War Zone." The older woman spoke as she looked at the bag that was weathered from the tests of time but still beautifully crafted, the initials AGDV long faded into the black leather, all stitches seemed in tact except for one intricately sewn space.
"Is there any way I can get a closer look at it?" Adrien requested, wanting to look closer at the bag that had seemed to have so much care and love sewn into every fiber of its creation. He wanted a closer look, he felt like he needed that bag in his hands.
"I'll see what I can do young man." The older woman spoke, going and speaking to a supervisor of the gallery then pointing to the bag Adrien was so thoroughly examining.

Walking over, the supervisor opened the case with the artifact, pulling it out, and gently presenting the bag to the young man who'd taken such an interest in the object, Adriens eyes almost seemed to roll back as he touched the delicate laces, finding a pocket even the owner of said bag didn't know was there, and pulling out a small sliver of paper that had some faded writing on it.


The 19 year old young man stood amongst bodies, in the middle of a warzone, Adrien Graham De Vanily had been sent to America as a soldier for the British army, but he wasn't a fighter, he wished to be home with his other family, his father had been to old to participate so as the strapping young man he was, he was sent in his stead. Standing on the battle field he saw combat medics swarming the field as the battle had moved elsewhere for the time being, women and men alike, it didn't matter the alignment they were helping everyone, Adrien limped towards a woman who seemed to know what she was doing, dropping his rifle he felt the urge to beg for help, she was an American, though she didn't look like the others, like her family had come from elsewhere, tripping over a corpse he reached out for help, being one of the few British left in this part of the battle he reached out his hand to her.

"Please help me." He cried, reaching to the young woman who quickly came to his aid, her accent was French, but she seemed to speak English fluidly, Adrien looked up to have his green eyes met with beautiful blue eyes that charmed him instantly.
"What's your name?" Her angelic voice asked as she helped him to his feet, he limped as she supported some of his weight.
"Adrien, what's yours?" He wanted to know the name of the beautiful girl who was now caring for him in his time of injury and need.
"Marinette." She returned the favor of him giving her his name by giving him hers, she was stunning, a beauty he'd never seen in his lifetime, a woman he wouldn't have minded taking home to his mother and father.

Limping along side the beauty he now knew as Marinette, he knew she was on the american side of the war, which was unfortunate cause if she had come onto the battle field just a few minutes earlier she would've been killed for being a traitor to their country, even if she wasn't an American citizen, they entered a large tent where there were wounded American soldiers, and she seemed to rush him into a shut off room and began his treatment. People were coming in and out of the room speaking French which Adriens mother had taught him from an early age, he could see dead bodies being wheeled out of the building to be buried as people would come in and out of the room, the scent of blood and death staining his nostrils worse here than it was on the battle field. He watched as Marinette tore his pant leg open, examining the location where a bullet had entered his leg.

"It doesn't look like we'll have to amputate it." Marinette's eyes were mesmerizing as she looked up at him with a smile that reflected in her eyes. "That's a good thing." She seemed to only smile more as she examined him further for any more injuries, which there were only a few graze wounds which could be bandaged and he would be good to go on his way in a few days. "Will you return to England after your injuries are healed?" Adrien's eyes seemed to widen as she inquired about him returning home, he was surprised she would even be willing to ask him such a question.
"I'm not sure if they'll let me return alive, but I would like to." Adrien could only hope he would return to England alive, that maybe he would get to go home and start a family with Marinette, if she would have him.
"I leave on a ship to France for an arranged marriage in 3 weeks." Marinette spoke, Adriens smile morphed into a frown, this girl would be married soon.

Once he was all patched up she asked him to stand and check for any pain in his leg, standing up he was substantially taller thank her, and she was even cuter from his normal hight than his hunched over stance, looking down at her, she looked up to meet his gaze, his heart feeling like it was beating in the same rhythm as all the rushed footsteps they could hear outside the room, taking off his soldiers jacket he was only in a white undershirt reaching to grab her hand gently in his, they hadn't known each other more than a few hours, but he knew she was the one. If he'd known he would feel this way about a girl he just met after seeking help, he would've stayed on that battlefield and allowed himself to join them in the afterlife, but now, he was ensnared in her beautiful blue eyes. In love with an engaged woman.

"Don't return, stay, and marry me." He requested, not knowing in that moment he was committing treason to his country, he would never return to England if it meant he could have Marinette. The woman of his dreams, his savior.
"We've only just met, how do I know you're not some kind of kings pet that intends to take me as a prisoner?" She was right, she couldn't know that, he was a soldier of the king of England a servant to his cause of regaining the Americas under his control.
Adrien took a step towards her to fight for his cause. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and you saved my life on top of it, I only wish to repay you with the rest of my existence." Adrien vowed, he knew she wasn't supposed to help him, and that she risked her life in doing so, however he was grateful for her, and wanted to spend the rest of his life repaying the kindness and her beautiful soul that had decided to save him.

Marinette visibly hesitated, he knew it was a long shot her just accepting his out of nowhere proposal, but if she didn't want to be in an arranged marriage she would do it. Adrien watched her in anticipation, sitting down as the wound in his leg began to hurt from standing. Looking up at her with pleading eyes, Adrien only wished to take this woman as his own, claim her as a medic from the British empire, and take her home with him, he could focus on getting to know her during the journey, learning about the woman he would take as his wife. The woman he hoped would accept him in his current state, and then get to know him and become his wife and the mother of his future offspring. She seemed to stare off into the distance as the gears turned in her head, watching her he waited impatiently.

"Give me a few days to think on it, I'm needed at another medic camp, and I'll return in 3 days time." Adrien was worried as he didn't know what would become of him in 3 days time, he would spend that time healing, but he didn't know if doctors would tend to him as a British soldier or if they would report him to the American army and he'd be taken as a prisoner.
"Can you promise I'll be safe if I remain here?" Adrien asked, worried for his own safety as he had no for sure way to tell he would be safe, or that he would be taken care of in his time of weakness.
"I'll make sure you're well taken care of, I have a friend who's also a nurse here, and she has a partner who's currently wounded, I'm sure they'd love to get to know you." Marinette spoke before leaving the room, returning later with a brunette woman. "This is Alya, she will care for your injuries until I return." Marinette introduced the young woman, a man on crutches following them into the room.
"So you're the brit stitches wasn't supposed to save." The young man spoke looking at Adrien, the blonde tilting his head the nickname confusing him not knowing if the dark skinned man was talking about Marinette.
Adrien opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the beautiful girl he'd asked to marry him. "It's my nickname, I was a designer before they needed women to serve as nurses during the war." Marinette explained, Adrien nodding as he now understood the nickname.

After hearing about Marinette's nickname Adrien found it quite adorable, though didn't feel the and Marinette were close enough for him to use it yet, but he happily chatted with them until Marinette was called to leave for her next post, a medical camp about 70 miles away, which meant she'd spend the rest of the day traveling, Adrien wished he could go with her and protect her, but he was injured, and needed to rest. He watched as Marinette left the room, she was stunning, every look at her took his breath away. A hopeless romantic was what became his nickname with his late comrades, he would always speak about how he wished to find a beautiful woman and make her his bride, but he had now found Marinette, who was rumored to have had more than 30 proposals back in France according to Alya. According to Alya, he was lucky she said she would consider his proposal.
3 days passed, though to Adrien without Marinette it felt like 3 months, any time Alya would bring him his meal there would be constant negative remarks about him, how he shouldn't be there because he was the enemy, though to Adrien he was just another soldier in need of medical assistance. His eyes lighting up as the familiar gaze of Marinette's bluebelle eyes finally met his again, though she looked rather disheveled, covered in blood, and more beat up than he was. But she still held an object to her chest, one that looked handmade, standing and limping to her Adrien gently pet her head in concern, she was still beautiful even if she was covered in blood and trembling, assuming it was from gunfire on the field.

"You're safe now." He whispered taking her into his arms his crutch clattering to the floor as all the men around them silenced at the bold action Adrien made towards Marinette, the blunette leaning into his embrace. "You need medical attention Marinette." He whispered, not knowing if she was injured but wanting to make sure she was fine.
"I'm okay." Marinette replied, her voice soft and so fragile that it seemed she would shatter like a piece of glass he was sure she'd seen it all working in the medical ward, but this was a new side to her he hadn't expected. She felt so frail in his arms, trembling and yet still so beautiful.

Adrien sat with her on his cot, keeping her safe in his arms, he had been medically discharged and with Alya and Nino's help, he would be joining Marinette on her ship back to France, where he could properly propose and hopefully take her as his bride. They sat there, Adrien holding Marinette for about an hour before she could fully function again, standing up she walked over and grabbed Adriens crutch for him, Adrien following her as she did her rounds in the medical ward, sometimes the wounds on her patients would trigger her mind so horribly that she would walk up to him after treating them and just hug him. Which made him feel incredible that she considered him someone of comfort, holding her close he nuzzled his nose into her hair, she would stay in his arms until she relaxed and then she would return to her work, and despite the constant teasing about their relationship she handled everything with grace, her dedication to her work speaking volumes about her beautiful personality.

"These wounds are preventing me from fighting for my country." One older gentleman spoke to Marinette as she stitched his arm closed from the large gash that caused his arm to be coated in a sleeve of blood, a wound most soldiers would consider a death sentence, but Adrien viewed this old man as though he were a god, fighting for something he truly believed in. "Now, Miss Stitches, who's this young man who has been following you around like a lost puppy?" The mans sudden interest in him caused Adrien to stiffen before he heard Marinette speak up and his cheeks turned a brand new shade of bright red.
"My Fiancé, he came to retreive me, his ship simply arrived early and he got injured during his travels." Marinette spoke almost to fluidly, it was terrifying how easily she seemed to lie for him, covering up that he was a British soldier so that this man wouldn't shoot him dead on the spot.
"Does that mean-" Adrien paused, looking to Marinette for an answer, wondering if she had officially accepted his proposal, she simply looked to him with a beautiful yet small smile, and a short nod, dropping his crutch he raised his arms in the air and shouted out a loud excited cheer, she had accepted his proposal, without knowing him hardly at all, she accepted him, his loud display of excitement causing her to laugh in the room and many of the American soldiers to give him odd looks. "She's gonna marry me!" Adrien yelled out through the medical building, earning him a few cheers from the other male soldiers.

Upon Adrien cheering for his engagement to Marinette he was temporarily placed in a tent with some of the male medical staff, since soon he would be leaving with Marinette for France, there was no need to stress about one bed for a few short weeks since they would likely never see him again after that, the first week had passed and him and Marinette were having trouble speaking with how busy she often was assisting in surgeries and attending to her personal patients, she didn't seem to have much time for anything outside of work, looking out of the tent window late at night he could see a faint glow coming from the women's tent, his assumption being simply a woman reading, or practicing her stitches for future skill use, standing from his bed Adrien walked towards the exit of the tent, hearing many men snoring, exhausted from the long demanding hours of treating patients, he respected these men quite a bit and was slowly getting to know some of them. He'd become quite close to a small dark skinned french man named Max, and two men who were only there in order to lift the heavy soldiers from their cots if at all necessary, their names being Kim and Ivan, he didn't dare say he was anyone other than Marinette's fiancé, explaining his accent simply as he'd spent many summers in London with his family, and his mother was from there so he picked up the accent from her. Finally exiting the tent he saw that unusual light once again, approaching it slowly he could hear gentle humming from inside.
Sitting outside he silently listened, enjoying the gentle tune. His mind drifting to thoughts of his newfound Fiancée, the most beautiful girl he'd ever come across, noticing that along with the humming there was an odd poking sound along with a gentle hum that followed the poke, now assuming whoever it was, was sewing something, leaving one of his earlier assumptions correct in his mind, if the woman was sewing leather, it was likely practice stitches for any future human she was required to stitch back up, causing the blonde to cringe at just that thought.

"What do you think Alya? Do you think he'll like it?" The voice he heard took his breath away, Marinette was the woman who he'd been peacefully listening to, the woman who'd been sewing just a few feet behind him, sewing something assumingly for him.
"You haven't been able to speak to him hardly at all in a week, who says he'll even still want to marry you?" The voice was teasing, Alya was quite the tease from what he learned, and simply from what he could hear, Marinette hesitated, even Adrien could admit Alya was right, but the length between them speaking didn't change how he felt, he wanted to marry Marinette, no matter what.
"That's a risk I'm willing to take I suppose, he's charming, handsome, and incredibly kind, I'd count myself lucky to end up with him as my husband, and I'm sure my mother and father would approve of him and cancel my engagement to Lord Luka, my family has enough money as it is, just because my father wants to expand his estate, doesn't mean I have to be apart of that plan." Marinette's words hit Adrien like a ton of bricks, or maybe like a shot to the head, she was a french noblewoman on top of her career as a designer, he would be marrying a high ranking french acolyte, and unbeknownst to her, she'd be marrying a man who was 16th in line for the throne of Great Britain.
"Girl, with how dedicated you are to him, you act like you've known him your whole life." Alya's voice rung through Adriens ears, that's exactly how Adrien felt, like he'd known Marinette for many lifetimes, yet he'd only known her a week and a half.

The rest of the conversation fell on deaf ears as Adrien got up slowly, making sure to stay out of sight of the window near Marinette and Alya's bunk, rushing back to the men's bunk his heart was racing, he felt deep down that he couldn't tell Marinette who he really was, or it would possibly bring her danger, had ahe been someone of common birth the threat wouldn't have been so great, but she was well known, and of high status in French society, there was no telling how many enemies would come from them marrying, but he was willing to risk it to be with her, spending the next 24 hours figuring out how to properly tell her who he was, his entire day and night spent writing down his thoughts and trying to come up with ideas on how to win over her parents enough to allow him to formally marry her. He held up the letter worried his words may not come off entirely as he meant them, he laid the page back down before rewriting it all over again, that was until he heard footsteps approaching, light, and graceful, yet quick, familiar steps that belonged to his fiancée, hiding the letter he looked up at her as she approached, holding something behind her back a light blush covering her beautifully porcelain cheeks.

Waiting for her to say something first, he opened his mouth to speak wondering if she was about to give him the item she'd been carefully crafting just the evening before. "Here." Marinette quickly handed the small object to him, it was like one of the confessions he'd received in grade school, but this meant far more, the item she gave him was carefully crafted, his initials stitched into the leather, her precious fingers bandaged from hours of work on the bag.
"Marinette...did you make this yourself?" He asked as he looked into her beautiful eyes, she looked so shy, and he found it adorable. Her small nod making him smile even more as he stood to hug her tight, thanking her for the perfect satchel she had made him, stepping back and placing the long strap over his shoulder he looked to her with a bright smile. "So? Does it suit me?" Adrien's question was met with a bashful smile and nod, looking at the careful craftsmanship of the bag he noticed that not only were his initials there, but her name was there, and a small pocket was carefully hidden along the bottom, where he could keep his valuables.
"So you like it?" Marinette asked happily as she looked at him, her blue eyes so full of hope and admiration for the man who so easily placed it over his shoulder as though he'd always had the bag on his arm.
"Like it? I love it Marinette, thank you." Adrien gave her one more hug before she was called off to return to her shift as a surgical nurse, they needed her expert stitching skills in the operating room.

They spent the next week working in their free time to get to know each other, spending evenings walking in the safe zones, though Adrien always had a musket over his shoulder if there were to be any gun fire, but other than a few close encounters they were quite safe, Adrien as a soldier knew better than anyone that even if its an enemy medical camp you don't attack while people are down, it was inhumane, immoral even, walking towards a lake they sat there Adrien laying the musket next to him on the pebbled beach, they stared up at the night sky trying to make out the constellations in the stars, both of them seeming to know quite a bit about the stars, he should've assumed she would since she was practically the same status as him just in a different country, looking at her, the full moon reflecting in her blue eyes mesmerizing him momentarily.

"You know far more about the stars than any common girl I've ever met." He commented, causing her to look at him her eyes slightly wide, clearly he'd blown her cover, though his cover was barely on the verge of being blown to page one, where she would learn he was distantly related to the current king of Great Britain.
"I'm sure you've learned I'm not common by now." She laughed softly, they stared at each other for only a moment before she opened her mouth to speak once more. "Though, you aren't very common yourself are you Lord Adrien Graham De Vanily?" She continued, her tone was joking, though his mouth gapped at her not so subtle calling out of his title, there were no deep secrets between them at the moment, they knew each others deepest secret.
Marinette, a Lady of the house DuPont in France, and Adrien, the future Lord of the Graham De Vanily house, that was if he ever returned to London to be with his family. Though, if he married Marinette he couldn't ever see himself going back to London, if she never wanted to leave France, but if she would travel with him, he would probably visit his family as often as humanly possible. "You're really something else Marinette DuPont." He spoke softly feeling her head fall onto his shoulder as the exhaustion of her long day tending to patients seemed to finally catch up to her, looking over her eyes were shut and she was fully relaxed against his arm, wrapping his left arm around her shoulders he pulled her close allowing her to rest for a little while.

A few days passed and it was time for Adrien and Marinette to head for the port, their ship to France was a 2 days horse ride away which meant they would have 2 days on the roads around the battle fields and then a day in the port to gather all their things and make sure they had everything that they would need for the couple weeks they would be spending on the sea, saddling up a horse Adrien was approached by Marinette who only had a small trunk of things, they weren't traveling by carriage so most of the things she'd accumulated over the 2 years she'd been in America aiding the American soldiers needed to be left behind, Adrien on the other hand had nothing but a musket and the small satchel Marinette had gifted him, and they were joined by Alya and Nino, who were returning to France on the same ship, Alya having finished her service to the French military medical corps, and Nino and injured soldier, though Adrien wore the jacket Nino had been wearing when they met so that he would easily pass for a soldier from France if they were to be spotted by American soldiers and would be let through without problem.
The first day of travel they were left without issue, no one bothered them or even batted an eye at their presence, any time they came face to face with any soldiers, Adrien just stayed quiet, his comrades and fiancée just giving the excuse that he could only speak French and couldn't understand a single word they were saying, a good cover for a British soldier trying to pass off as a French soldier, setting up camp that evening Adrien went to gather wood for a fire, but was met with gunfire, dropping his satchel with all his weight he ran back to the camp, warning his friends of the soldiers ahead they quickly mounted their horses and rode off in the distance, Adrien having decided in the moment it was better to abandon the bag rather than risk his life to go back for it, there wasn't much of importance in it, at least from what he could remember at the given moment in his rush to get Alya, Nino, and Marinette out of danger.

They approached a small town a few hours into their riding, Marinette was riding with Adrien having been unable to keep her eyes open on the trail. "Marinette..." Adrien whispered to her gently shaking her shoulder in an attempt to gently wake her up from her peaceful slumber, he watched as her eyes fluttered ever so slightly, his heart beating wildly as his green eyes met her blue eyes. "We're at an inn." He whispered to her as he helped her dismount the horse and enter the small inn, paying for 2 rooms.
"I'll share with Nino, we're safer if each room has someone with a musket." Alya volunteered, knowing that they were safer with one man and one woman in each room, though no one would ever know of their sleeping arrangements in the future they were strictly keeping everyone safe.
"Alright, I'll take Marinette to the room then, I feel that I may have no luck in waking her." Adrien laughed softly as he gently carried the sleeping blunette up to the room they would be sharing, nerves eating away at his subconscious as he saw only one bed in their room, though he had no choice, they were in the only 2 available rooms that weren't being used by soldiers.

Waking the next morning everything was quickly explained to Marinette and why she'd been sharing a bed with her fiancé, leaving her slightly calmer knowing there was no intention other than everyone's safety in the uncertain times, especially after how quickly they had to abandon their camp, looking around, Marinette couldn't locate the bag she had made for Adrien, a frown coating her face as she learned he had to abandon the bag for the safety of their group. Adrien was heartbroken seeing her face contort to sadness, now wishing that he had considered going back for the bag, head and heart fought within him as he continued to reason with himself for the abandonment of the bag she had made him. Though he knew she could always make him another once they arrived in France. Returning to their horses they mounted them and continued towards the port, arriving there at sundown, checking into a cheap in that still thankfully had a room with two beds in it they paid for the night, they would be getting on a ship the next sundown.

"I'm still upset you abandoned that bag." Marinette spoke as she looked at Adrien, she had every right to be upset with him, he had abandoned her hard work to be found by someone or left to be torn apart by the elements.
"I know darling, but once we're in Paris I will buy you the loveliest leather money can buy and you can make another in your workshop with all your specialty tools, then maybe you won't hurt your lovely fingers so much." Adrien charmed as he grabbed her hand and gently kissed her still bandaged finger tips, causing her to flare into a bright blush that rivaled the most lovely berries he'd ever seen.
She was truly the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, and he would make sure he reminded her of that every day. "Let's get some rest, we have a long voyage ahead of us tomorrow." Alya interrupted the flirting between Adrien and Marinette, both of them flaring to a bright red, bed sharing being chosen based on size, which left the 2 couples with the same arrangement as the eve before, Adrien and Marinette in one bed, and Alya and Nino in the other, all 4 drifting off to sleep, Marinette happily resting in Adrien's warm embrace.

The next morning all 3 of the 4 woke up, Marinette being the hardest to wake even when the sun was shining directly in her eyes, Adrien gently shook her awake and then they all went about their day collecting things for their voyage, food that wouldn't spoil easily, changes of clothes, anything they didn't have at least a few of, Adrien having nothing other than the clothing on his back. At sundown they boarded the ship, settling into their rooms where Marinette was paired with alya and Nino with Adrien.

"You and stitches seem to be getting close." Nino teased as he laid back in his hammock, he visibly relaxed as Adrien was sitting on the floor placing his belongings in a trunk that included a new broach Marinette had bought for him in the market.
"Well we are going to be married once we arrive in France, may as well get to know the woman I'm going to be with for the rest of my life." Adrien commented as he stared at the small broach, he felt awful he couldn't buy her anything, when a sudden realization came to mind. "I'm such an idiot!" Adrien yelled as he closed his trunk hard, a loud slam filling their small cabin.
"Woah man, why are you so angry all of a sudden?" Nino asked as he stood from his hammock and approached Adrien, his limp evident in his steps as a hand was placed on Adrien's shoulder.
"I shouldn't have abandoned the bag, there was something I needed to give to Marinette in it, something special that my father will kill me for losing." Adrien groaned, running his hands through his blonde hair, he knew his father would surely kill him for just bringing the family heirloom across the Atlantic with him. "I put a family heirloom in that bag, not thinking that I would have to abandon the bag." Adrien groaned as Nino patted his back to comfort the blonde.
"Whatever the heirloom was, there'll be others, I'm sure your old man won't punish you to hard for it, and that's only if you ever go back to London right?" Nino asked, Adrien lifting his head and nodding, in his mind, if he ever wanted to grow old with her, he couldn't return to London, so that he could keep his skin.


Adrien pulled open the small pocket on the bottom of the bag, a lovely untouched engagement ring fell out of the bottom, A family heirloom from his mothers side that was said to be lost by his great uncle 7x removed, 300 years ago in the revolutionary war in America. But here it was, in his hand, back right where it belonged. Except Adrien knew where it would go, on the finger of whoever Marinette DuPont was in this life.

"Has that pocket always been there?" The elderly woman asked as she looked at the bottom of the satchel. The pocket was well hidden, it was clear that the bag was made by a master designer.
"Yes, the creator of the bag is Marinette DuPont, a small designer from the 1700's she made it for her fiancé, while they were both serving in the war." Adrien explained softly, now knowing the entire love story and how they did in fact get married and grow old together. "Her and her husband never had children, but they were happy." He whispered looking at the engagement ring in his hand, clenching his fist around it, now having a mission for his life, find Marinette. "Can I have this? It's technically a family heirloom, my mother is Emilie Graham De Vanily, and we have nothing of my great uncles if that would be alright?" Adrien asked as he placed his hand on the bag.

"Of course." The elderly woman smiled, and handed Adrien the bag, his eyes began to well with tears, happy he finally retrieved the bag she'd been so upset with him for abandoning, but knowing they were so happy, he knew that this bag would somehow return them to each other.


In Milan there was a very familiar blunette wandering an old fashion warehouse, gazing over all the vintage dresses, where her eyes floated along the beautiful fabric and all the intricate old designs, at the end of the hall there was a designers hall of fame of sorts, there she saw a dress, long, red, incredibly elegant, it was from 1980, the fabric was velvet, the credits were to an Adrien Allegretti, a designer she'd heard very little about, a lot of people speculated that the man never existed in the first place, but in her heart, she knew he existed, maybe it was her Adrien, the one she was now taking online classes just so that she could look for him.

Words: 6014
If you have any ideas for future items Adrien or Marinette could find, please comment them and who you
would like to find them, this story will be alternating POV's so you can comment for Adrien or Marinette!
Thanks for reading! And don't forget to like and follow for future updates!

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