is he a man or a chainsaw ?

Por -lawcore

16.5K 287 104

⋆ ★ ˖ ࣪◞ a collection of the best smuts and fluffs of chainsaw man characters oneshots written by other c... Más

(a/n)ᵐᵃⁿᵍᵃ ˢᵖᵒⁱˡᵉʳˢ
(twenty-seven)ʸᵒˢʰⁱᵈᵃ ⁺ ᵏⁱˢʰⁱᵇᵉ


328 9 4
Por -lawcore

story by daisynik7 on tumblr


Cure for a Hangover

Pairing: Kishibe x f!reader


Word Count: ~3.9k

cw: next-door neighbor Kishibe, age gap (I'm thinking at least fifteen years, Kishibe pushing mid-forties, reader is in her late 20s/early 30s), alcohol consumption, p*rn no plot, smut – PIV sex (cowgirl), blowjob, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, nipple play, pet names (sweetheart, angel, kiddo)

Summary: Kishibe is your mysterious, brooding, and significantly older next-door neighbor. You've lived beside him for a while now, only exchanging basic pleasantries out of politeness, never anything more. One night, he comes home drunk, or so he thinks. It's not his door he's slumped again; it's yours.

Author's Notes: It's been a minute since I wrote for Kishibe and I really do miss it. This old man continues to do wonders to me, so I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks! MDNI divider credit to @/cafekitsune.

Taglist: (bc Kishibe using kiddo as a pet name is living in my head rent free thanks to you)

part 3 of anthology series

It's not often that you're met with a man slumped against your door, but here you are, staring down at your next-door neighbor, Kishibe, doing just that.

It's past two in the morning now, and you've just come back from your own night out with your friends. You're not nearly as drunk as you were three hours ago, after pounding glasses of Chardonnay while watching cheesy romance movies at your best friend's apartment. And you're certainly not as inebriated as the man before you, who absolutely reeks of liquor, even from a small distance away.

You inspect the scene thoroughly, unsure what to do in this scenario. Kishibe is basically a stranger to you. Sure, you've exchanged basic pleasantries here and there over that past year since you moved in. That's as far as it goes. You have no idea what his profession is, though you have a solid guess as to what it could be, given his work attire and overall physique. While you've never run into one yourself, devils run rampart in Tokyo, hell-bent on causing chaos wherever they spawn. Kishibe looks like a Devil Hunter, whose job is to eliminate these monsters. It's intriguing, that's for sure, but you've never mustered the courage to ask him about it, leaving him to maintain his mysterious demeanor.

However, right now, you don't see a Devil Hunter in front of you. Instead, it's a simple man who is very drunk and very much in your way.

Deciding to help him, because that's the only choice you have if you want to get into your apartment, you kneel down to search his overcoat, patting the breast pocket for keys. When you find nothing, you move to his pants, retrieving only his phone. His eyes are closed and he's snoring, blissfully unaware of your predicament in his drunken stupor. You take this time to study his face. He's looks much older up close; not only that, he's even more handsome than you originally thought. There's a prominent scar running from his mouth to his jaw, surely an interesting story behind it. You're tempted to trace it delicately with your finger, but you ultimately resist the urge, snapping out of it to investigate his phone for any clues.

There are several missed calls and texts from a person named Kenji. You use the Face ID feature to unlock his phone, thanking the universe that even with his eyes shuts, it works. Not wanting to pry more than necessary, you check the most recent texts for the answer to your question: Where the hell are his keys?

Kenji: you left your keys at the bar, come back now. I'm closing up soon

Kenji: I'm not waiting for your ass

Kenji: I'm leaving, get them tomorrow

You read over the messages once more, groaning quietly to yourself at your dumb luck. Desperate now, you resort to the next logical step.

"Hey," you say, tapping him lightly on the cheek, rousing him awake. "Kishibe."

Slowly, but surely, he opens his eyes, half-lidded, struggling to focus on you. "Huh?" His breath is heavy with liquor, most likely whiskey. His voice is deep and gravelly, and you hate admitting that's it's almost sexy. Well, not almost. It is sexy.

Letting the inappropriate thought fade, you say, "You're at the wrong apartment. This is mine."

He blinks three times, opening his eyes properly to stare at you, expression confused. "Am I dead?"

You bite your lip, holding back laughter. "No, you're not."

"Am I in heaven?"

You shake your head, repeating, "No, you're not."

"Then why is there any angel here with me?" He sounds sincere, and you can't help but break out into a genuine smile.

"I'm not an angel," you reply, giggling.

His lips curve into a cocky grin. "You sure? You look like one to me." Cheeky bastard, hitting on you while he's plastered. And look at you, finding it endearing when he does.

Slightly more relaxed, you slide the phone into his breast pocket, standing up to unlock your door. You can't just leave him out here all night, so you decide to let him stay with you until he's sober enough to call a locksmith. You jiggle the keys, turning the knob to open the door, and suddenly, there's a loud thud, and then a delayed, "Ow." He's laid flat in the middle of your doorway, hitting his head on the hardwood. You feel guilty, not having the foresight to see this coming. His body is much sturdier than you anticipated.

You kneel down, apologizing. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

He winces, rubbing the back of his skull, then gives you a goofy smile. "I'll be fine. Think I can get a kiss to make it feel better?"

You roll your eyes at him, once again unable to contain your laughter. "I'll get you some ice. Let's get you to the couch first, okay?"

Somehow, some way, whether it's spurred by adrenaline or desperation to finally get some sleep in your own bed, you manage to haul him up by the armpits and drag him the short distance to your couch. You fluff a pillow and place it under his head, making it as comfortable as possible for him. "I'll get the ice now."

Before you can stand up, he grabs your wrist, gripping you tightly. "What about my kiss?"

"Nope. Not happening. I bet you don't even know my name," you challenge him.

He doesn't respond, loosening his hold so you can get up. You fill a plastic bag with ice, returning to surround the back of his head with it. Eventually, he utters your name, eyes closed while he relaxes to your touch. He peeks at you with one eye open, waiting for you to confirm.

You nod, grinning. "So, you do know my name."

"Can I get my kiss now?" he teases, gazing at you.

You shake your head. "Definitely not. I will not take advantage of a drunk person, that's fucked up."

He sighs, exhaling deeply, broad chest rising and falling. "Yeah, you're right. I knew you were a good girl."

You try not to hang on to those words, especially the last two, already fluttering below your belly over it. Grabbing his hand to replace yours, you instruct him to keep it there while you return to the kitchen to pour him a large glass of water. Within the short amount of time you're gone, he falls asleep, his hand barely holding onto to the ice pack.

You smile to yourself, setting the glass of water down on the coffee table to continue attending to his minor injury. After a while, when you notice that there isn't any bump or swelling developing, you stop icing him. He snores peacefully in a deep sleep, no sign of waking up anytime soon. As gingerly as you can, you remove his overcoat, draping it over the back of the couch. You set his phone next to the glass of water, for easy access. His tie looks tight around his collar, so you loosen it. Finally, you remove his shoes from his feet, laying them by the front door near your own pair. You're certain he'll wake up in the morning, feeling like shit, so you place a bottle of painkillers by his phone in case he needs them.

It's past three now by the time you're dressed down in your pajamas and snuggled in bed. You keep the door ajar, listening to Kishibe's steady breathing in the living room, treating it like white noise to help you fall fast asleep.


Kishibe wakes up with his head throbbing. He stares up at the ceiling, not recognizing it as his own. It doesn't take long for him to realize that this isn't his apartment.

He turns, seeing his phone, a glass of water, and a bottle of painkillers on the coffee table arm's reach of him. Slowly, he sits up, grimacing from the pain, downing all the water in three large gulps. He checks his phone, thankfully still on its last leg of battery. It's almost eleven on a Saturday morning and he's sure Kenji, his bartender friend, is already awake, preparing for the day.

"Kenji," he mutters, throat hoarse from last night's festivities.

His friend first berates him for forgetting his keys, then laughs when Kishibe explains that somehow, some way, he managed to fall asleep on someone else's couch. He could have woken up in worst conditions, that's for sure.

Kenji agrees to stop by after running his errands, in about two hours or so. Beggars can't be choosers, so Kishibe has no choice but to wait. When they're phone conversation is over, he sinks back into the cushions, trying to piece everything together from just a few hours ago. He recalls snippets of it, and he grows increasingly embarrassed as the memories play vividly in his brain. He's certain he called his neighbor an angel, and even more sure that he was begging her for a kiss. How shit-faced was he to compel him to do that? Obviously, very. How could he let his intrusive thoughts blurt out of his mouth like that?

Call it cliché or whatever, but yes, Kishibe is attracted his young, pretty neighbor next door. However, he's held off on making a move because he doesn't want to make things between them awkward. Once he crosses that line, their relationship gets more complicated. And the devil knows that Kishibe doesn't do complicated. So, he's content with gazing from afar, exchanging basic small talk with one another whenever they pass each other in the hallway. That's as far as it's gone with her, and that's as far as it will go.

Of course, that's all fucked up now thanks to his drunken antics from last night.

Before he can make his move, he hears a bedroom door creak open from behind him. She comes out, looking fresh out of the shower, dressed in skimpy pajama bottoms that are short enough to expose that tantalizing curve right below her ass. Surely, she's doing this on purpose, right? She has to know how fucking sexy she looks right now, there's no way she doesn't.

He clears his throat, preparing to explain himself right off the bat to avoid an awkward confrontation. But he's rendered momentarily speechless when she flashes a bright smile at him. "Morning, Kishibe."

He huffs out a short laugh. "Morning."

She steps towards him, sitting at the opposite end of the couch by his feet. Her shorts ride up and he's sure he can see the lacey outline of her panties. Or maybe it's just his perverse imagination, who knows at this point. "How are you feeling?" she asks, genuinely concerned.

He grunts. "Like shit," he answers. "But it could be worse."

"That's the spirit," she teases, patting his knee.

His head pounds from his hangover, though it's his heartbeat that thumps loudly against his eardrums, aroused by her touch. He has got to control himself. Doing his best to distract her from the raging boner growing beneath his slacks, he asks, "What happened last night?"

She explains her account of the evening in detail, her voice soft and soothing, cautious of his current headache. She leaves out the parts where he embarrasses himself, which he's grateful for, not wanting to relive the humiliation. When she's done, she offers, "If you want, you can take a shower while you wait for your friend to arrive. I can get you some towels. I even have a toothbrush you can use."

He raises a brow at her. "Are you trying to tell me I stink?"

"Do you need someone to tell you that you stink? I thought it was pretty obvious given the state you're in," she quips, matching his expression.

He laughs, genuinely amused by her response. "Yeah, can't argue with that."

She leads him into her bathroom, showing him how to work the knob for hot water, pointing out the shampoo, conditioner, and soap kept neatly on a corner shelf of her bathtub. She lingers for a bit while he starts the shower, then hands him a clean towel and new toothbrush. "Let me know if you need anything."

Surprisingly, he makes it through his shower without succumbing to the temptation to touch himself. As degenerate as he can be, he still has some sense of respect and pride in him, enough to resist masturbating in his neighbor's shower. He does, however, give her shampoo and conditioner bottles an extra-long sniff.

He dries off, scrubbing his hair with the towel, cleaning behind his ears with cotton swabs, checking his piercings. Towel wrapped around his waist, he brushes his teeth, making sure to go the full two minutes, scrubbing his tongue after. He hasn't made the best impression so far, so he figures he should try to change that now, if there's still a chance. Feeling fresh and clean, he stares down at his clothes in a pile on the floor. Even from where he stands, he can smell them, almost like they've been diluted in liquor and musk. Without thinking, he steps out of the bathroom, calling out her name. "Got any clothes I could borrow?"

She's in the kitchen when he comes out, leaning over the stove as she cooks something that smells wonderful. She turns to face him, staring wide-eyed as he stands almost naked in the middle of her living room. Her gaze drifts down his bare body, lingering on his sculpted abs, then at the towel wrapped precariously around his waist. She snaps out of it in time, saying, "I don't. Sorry."

"My clothes fucking stink and I don't want to wear them right now. Mind if I just walk around like this?"

"Sure. I mean, I don't mind." She focuses her attention back to the pan, continuing to cook what looks like scrambled eggs.

He knows this is a bizarre request, though this day couldn't get any more bizarre than it already is, can it?


You're not exactly sure how to refuse Kishibe's request to walk around half naked in your apartment, so instead, you agree to it, claiming that you don't mind. In actuality, you mind very much, simply because you can't help but fantasize about the delicious sight beneath the towel. One wrong move like a bump to the hip is all it takes to see that pesky cover fall down. Geez, when did you become such a pervert? And for an old man?!

Desperate for a distraction, you maintain focus on the eggs in front of you. While he was in the shower, you decided to start breakfast, something hearty to combat that hangover of his. Scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage, comforting foods to soak up the remaining alcohol left in his body. He makes his way towards you, scooting a chair out from the table to take a seat. He strategically maneuvers himself to not accidentally expose you, though you really don't mind if he does. Again, perverted thoughts, shame on you!

Finished cooking, you scoop the eggs out onto his plate and the other meant for you. He thanks you, taking a whiff of his breakfast, a small smile on his face. "Smells good."

You pass him another glass of liquid, this one filled with an electrolyte drink meant for hydration after a night of drinking. "Drink this. It'll help with your hangover."

He eyes it suspiciously, then takes a gulp without questioning it further.

The two of you eat in a comfortable silence, ignoring the obvious tension hanging in the air. From your peripheral, you notice the glint of steel hooked to his ear lobe. Piercings, which you never noticed before. Sexy.

He ends up finishing his entire meal, popping a few painkillers to chase it all down. He even chugs the electrolyte drink, claiming it isn't so bad. While you take the last few bites of your toast, he excuses himself to brush his teeth again. You're surprised at how hygienic he is, considering how he appeared before you just mere hours ago, hunched against your front door covered in his own liquor-soaked sweat. You take the plates, stacking them in the sink to wash for later. How much longer is his friend going to take to arrive here? You're getting nervous, thinking of other ways to fill this gap of time without making your attraction to him so obvious.

You sit on the couch, turning the TV on to a random sitcom with the volume low, listening to the rush of water from the faucet inside the bathroom. When it stops, you try to find a comfortable position to sit in. It's only now that you realize how short your pajama bottoms are; they ride all the way up your thighs and you can practically see your underwear through them. It's too late to change when Kishibe returns, still clad in just a towel, taking a seat on the other side of the couch a safe distance beside you. It's silent for a brief moment, neither of you knowing what to say in this odd situation. You shift nervously, tugging at the hem of your shorts.

"Thank you," he starts, avoiding your gaze, staring ahead at the television. "For taking care of me. Must have been annoying to deal with a drunken old man."

You smile, relaxing. "It wasn't so bad. Besides, I couldn't just leave you out there like that. Someone could have taken advantage of you."

"Like you almost did?" he smirks, facing you now.

Laughing, you meet his gaze. "You remember that?"

"I do." He spreads his legs apart just barely, towel draped dangerously over his knee, almost ready to slip.

You swallow hard, avoiding a glance in that direction, heat surrounding your cheeks. "Well, I was a good girl, remember? I didn't do anything."

He hums, nodding slowly, eyes drilling into yours. "You were a very good girl."

Your breath hitches and you find yourself gravitating towards him, scooting closer. He grins, the scar on his cheek curving with it, voice low and seductive. "You gonna be bad for me now?"

"Only if you want me to," you purr, sliding your hand beneath the towel, up his thigh, arousal pooling between your legs. Fuck it. He wants it, you want it. There's no denying it anymore.

"Fuck," he swears under his breath, pulling you in for a kiss. His mouth is cool and minty against yours, the remnants of toothpaste lingering in his spit. You slurp it up, hungry for any taste of him. He removes the towel from his waist, shrugging it to the floor, leaving him completely naked. You glance at his lap and bite back a moan, amazed at how fucking big he is, way too eager to have him inside you, desperate to be filled to the brim.

"Not bad for an old man, huh?" he chuckles, wrapping his fist around the shaft, stroking it.

"Not bad at all," you smile, stripping out of your clothes hastily, kneeling between his legs with your mouth open.

He feeds you his cock, humming when you surround him in your wet heat, swallowing him to the hilt. One hand grips the back of your head, guiding you gently up and down his shaft. "You're filthy, taking your neighbor's cock like this. Who knew you'd be such a slut?" he mutters, caressing the side of your face with his other hand. "Touch yourself while I fuck this filthy mouth. Get that pretty pussy wet for me."

You obey, spurred on by his vulgarity, reaching for your arousal, rubbing your throbbing clit with fast fingers. His cock hits the back of your throat and you guzzle him down to resist gagging, drool leaking from the sides of your lips. He moans, bucking his hips slightly, enraptured by you. With his thumb, he brushes away a tear welling at the corner of your eye, pulling out halfway. "Don't hurt yourself, kiddo. It's okay if I'm too much for you."

You release him completely, moving down to his balls, nuzzling your nose to them. "I can take it, don't worry."

He clicks his teeth, beckoning you on the couch, almost like you're being scolded for something you weren't supposed to do. You roll your eyes, sitting beside him begrudgingly. He leans close to you, hot on your ear, one hand sliding between your legs while the other continues to stroke his dick. "I want to touch you too. That okay?"

You whine in response, tugging him in for a passionate kiss. He massages deep circles around your clit, fingers squelching from your slick gathering along your entrance. "I want a taste," he growls, splitting apart your thighs, staring at your glistening cunt.

You nod, sinking into the couch, relinquishing all control to him. You let your pleasured moans speak for you as he dives into your pussy, eating you out sloppily. His facial hair grazes against you with each careful stroke of his tongue and you ache to see his chin shiny with your cum. Eventually, he slips inside you, pumping two digits in and out, mouth still working your bud. Soon, it becomes too much and you're gushing for him, whimpering his name with ragged breaths, soaking his face in your essence.

He chuckles, the vibrations resonating to your clit, causing you to twitch with overstimulation. "That's my girl, making such a mess for me."

"Fuck me, Kishibe," you breathe out, craving to be stuffed full of him. You're reeling from your high, and if he's not inside you soon, you're sure you'll go insane.

He hoists you up onto his lap, precum oozing from the tip of his dick. "How about you fuck me? Show me how much of a slut you are."

Too fucked out to argue, you lift up on your knees, position him to your wet hole, sinking down slowly. He slides in easily, pussy sleek from your previous orgasm. It's better than you imagined, every inch of him stimulating every inch of you. You savor it, rocking against him slowly. He kisses along on your neck, trailing to your nipples to suckle on them. "That's it, sweetheart," he moans, thrusting up into you to match your rhythm. "Take this cock however you like. It's all yours."

You bounce on him faster, whimpering into his mouth as you kiss him. He palms your ass cheeks, squeezing them in his firm grip, delivering a few loud smacks that echo off the walls of your living room, stinging your skin. "Fuck, I knew you were a good girl. Knew it the moment I met you," he growls, pressing his thumb to your swollen clit. "Always wanted you like this."

You kiss him harder at his confession, your chest swelling, pussy fluttering. You're approaching another climax, teetering on the edge. As if he senses it, he tightens his hold on you, fucking into you faster, deeper. "Come for me, angel. Come on this cock."

And you do, clenching him with your orgasm, making him mutter, "Fuck, I'm coming. I'm coming with you." He shoots his load inside you, filling you up, just like you wanted.

It takes a moment for the two of you to catch your breaths, relaxing into each other's arms, exchanging soft kisses without speaking. You study his face again, similar to how you did just several hours before, when he was slumped against your door, drunk. You thought he was handsome then, even more so now. "How's your hangover?" you ask, breaking the silence.

He smiles, nuzzling his nose to yours. "Much better."

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