Boxer's Girl

By wickedangel8

6.8K 257 37

After moving in with her uncle Daniel, Hannah experiences life with 3 professional boxers living in her house... More

boxer's girl // one
boxer's girl // two
boxer's girl // three
boxer's girl // four
boxer's girl // five
boxer's girl // six
boxer's girl // seven
boxer's girl // eight
boxer's girl // nine
boxer's girl // ten
boxer's girl // eleven
boxer's girl // twelve
boxer's girl // thirteen
boxer's girl // fourteen
boxer's girl // fifteen
boxer's girl // sixteen
boxer's girl // seventeen
boxer's girl // eightteen
boxer's girl // nineteen
boxer's girl // twenty
boxer's girl // twenty-one
boxer's girl // twenty-two
boxer's girl // twenty-four

boxer's girl // twenty-three

136 8 4
By wickedangel8

Hannah's POV

I was in the kitchen with Tatum, Jad's new girlfriend, when we decided to cook something. You see, Tatum and I love cooking, but we aren't too good at it. We keep trying though.

"Lets make pancakes." I said excitedly. Cole wasn't up yet, so it'd be perfect to make.

"Okay." She smiled brightly.

When we finished the pancakes, we tried it, and amazingly, they weren't bad! They were actually really good.

I ran up the stairs with the pancakes in my hands and jumped on Cole. My legs placed on both sides of him.

"Cole, wake up. I made pancakes." I said happily.

"Mmm." He groaned as his eyes fluttered open. "You're so cute." He laughed, looking up at me.

"You think so? I think I'm more hot, stunning, sexy, gorgeous." I smirked in my playful state.

"That's definitely something we can agree on." He smirked back at me and pulled me down to kiss me. "Tatum still here?"

"Nope. She left to bring some to Jad." I smiled.

"Good." He muttered and pulled me down completely, his arms wrapping tightly around my body. "I want to cuddle."

"We need to go shopping for food, though." I said into his chest.

"We have no food?" He said, suddenly sitting up. I nodded, and he bursted up to get dressed. "That's a problem."


After getting all the food, we made our way to the checkout when it all just went down hill.

"How are you, beautiful?" The little checkout guy really was doing a great job checking me out.

"I'm good." I said bluntly.

"I get off work in 10 minutes." He winked at me. Seriously, dude, back off.

"That's great." I said sarcastically.

"Want to meet up, babe?" He was getting worse and worse.

"I'll just take the groceries. Thanks though." I gave him the money and left with my cart. Not until then did I notice the fuming Cole beside me. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Are you kidding me?" He yelled as we got in the car. "You did not just ask if something was wrong!" He yelled.


"No. We'll talk when we get home. I don't even want to look at you right now." He growled, so we didn't talk. Not one word was spoken between the two of us the entire trip home. And it sucked knowing he was mad at me.

"Can you please just tell me what I did wrong?" I asked after we put the groceries away.

"You're telling me you don't know why I'm pissed?" He yelled.

"Yes." I said silently.

"You were flirting with the goddamn cashier, Hannah!" I flinched at the use of my full name.

"No, I wasn't." I said back.

"You didn't stop him from making passes at you. You didn't prove you were taken with the ring. You didn't say anything about me." He yelled and slammed his hands on the counter making me flinch.

"I don't need to prove anything to some guy that works at a grocery store. He doesn't mean anything, so why prove it? We are never seeing him again." I countered.

"If you aren't going to prove it, then why the hell did we even get married?" He yelled loudly.

I could feel the ache in my heart at his words. "You're right. Why did you even marry me? Obviously I'm not good enough for you." I finally yelled something back to him.

"Goddamn it, Hannah!" He yelled frustrated. "You're such an annoying brat! No wonder all your family died! They just wanted to get away from you."

"I'm going to stay at Tatum's for a little while." I said quietly, sobbing lightly.

"No, babe. I-" But he didn't finish. I was already out the door.

I ran until I reached the woods about 2 blocks from our house. I ran and ran through the trees. I ran until I tripped and fell onto the moist moss that covered the ground everywhere. And I just laid there. I gave up trying to run.

I sobbed as I laid in a ball on the ground. I sobbed for myself. I sobbed for my marriage. I sobbed because he hated me. Cole hated me, and I thought he loved me. I thought I finally found someone who loved me as much as I loved him. But I didn't.

I found someone who broke my heart beyond repair. I found someone who made something so unimportant so problematic. That fight caused so much to come out. It caused so much to turn to ruins.

I listened as my phone rang over and over again. I watched as Cole's called ID popped up over and over again. Then Tatum's name popped up. Then Jad, Dylan, and even Kaylee. I still didn't answer the phone. I didn't want to talk to them. They would try to justify his side of the story because we're all friends, but that's not what I want right now.

Then Braden's name popped up, and I couldn't ignore it. I slid my finger accross the small screen, my tears falling on the small black device.


"Where are you?" Braden was as stern and controlling as ever.

"The woods." I whimpered. It was getting cold, and I wasn't dressed for this weather.

"Don't move." And then he was gone, leaving me to my painful thoughts and my wet face.

It physically hurt. Everything was hurting. Like I was just thrown off a cliff.

I continued crying until my head was throbbing and my face was numb. I closed my eyes and felt the darkness. I could hear someone yelling my name, but I couldn't call back out. I had no energy left, no power.

"Hannah." Braden sighed out in relief. I could tell he was close. His voice was louder, and I could hear his breathing.

I felt him lift me, and I immediately sifted into his arms. They weren't as comfortable as Cole's arms, but I'd have to get used to not being in them anymore.

I couldn't take the painful thoughts anymore. I couldn't do anything anymore, so I just let everything go black. There was no pain when everything was black. There wasn't anything but black.


Waking up was different. It wasn't happy and peaceful like usual. It was dark and gloomy.

The throbbing was back and so were the thoughts. It all came back, and I immediately wished for the dark again.

"Hey." Braden mumbled next to me while rubbing his eyes. He was sat on the chair next to the bed I was in.

I didn't say anything back. I just laid there, looking at the simple pattern on the comforter.

Black, white, black. The same colors repeated.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked cautiously.

Black, white, black.

"Are you hungry?"

Black, white, black.

"I can make you something."

Black, white, black.

"What happened with Cole last night, Hannah?" He finally got to the hard question.

Black, white, black. Black, white, black. Black, white, black. Black, white, black.

"You can't avoid talking about it."

Black, white, black. Black, white,- oh, no. It wasn't black, white, black anymore. The colors were swirling together to make a grey color. Everything was going blurry.

"Hannah! Hannah, breathe!"

Grey. Grey. Grey.

"Dad! She's not breathing right!"

Grey. Grey. Grey.

"What happened to her, Braden?"

Grey. Grey. Grey.

"She wouldn't talk. Then she started freaking out."

Grey. Grey. Grey.

"She's having a panic attack!"

Grey. Grey. Grey.

"She's getting worse! Lift her up, Braden!"

Grey. Grey. Grey.

"We need to get her to the hos-"



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