
By Sabrina_Lynette

3.7K 749 1.6K

≫ A Dark Mafia Romance ≪ Francesca "Frankie" is undeniably stunning, her ethereal beauty drawing all eyes tow... More

1 - The City Of Savages.
2 - Daughter of a Don.
3 - Of Blood and Bond.
4 - Savage Pursuit.
5 - Crimson Currency.
6 - Ruthless and Royal.
7 - Law and Disorder.
9 - An Eye For An Eye.
10 - Blood Oaths and Cigar Smoke.
11 - Sweet Wine, Bitter Memories.
12 - Coffin Is The Only Way Out.
13 - Unattainable Desires.
14 - Mistresses and Mistakes.
15 - Remnants of Past Memories.
16 - A Fight Against All Odds.
17 - Anchor in The Storm.
18 - Dangerous Affairs.
19 - A Dance with the Devil.
20 - Napoli's Most Feared.
21 - Organized Chaos.
22 - Risks of the Reckless.
23 - Intoxicated by Sin.
24 - Running the Racket.
25 - Denying the Inevitable.
26 - Primal Urges.
27 - Music Of Secrets.
28 - Unholy Retribution.
29 - Bound by Shadows.
30 - Intoxicating Darkness.
31 - Spoiled Brat.
32 - The Big Apple.
33 - Haunted by Guilt.
34 - Family Secrets and Silent Whispers.
35 - The Invisible Threat.
36 - Twisted Game.
37 - History.
38 - Price of Power.
39 - Unforgiven Mistakes.
40 - Unveiled Deception.
41 - Vendetta Ignited.
42 - In Love and Loyalty.
43 - When Loyalty Lies.
44 - Children of the Capos.
45 - No Remorse.

8 - Fury, Fear, and Favors.

110 19 46
By Sabrina_Lynette

"People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance."

- Niccolo Machiavelli

As soon as I walked into the restaurant, Hector, looking absolutely dashing in his sleek black Brioni suit, warmly greeted me at the door. He graciously helped me up the first few steps, extending his hand in a chivalrous gesture.

"Good evening, Ms. Monroe," he warmly addressed me then glanced over at Sawyer, acknowledging him with a nod. "Sawyer."

"Hector," Sawyer returned.

We made our way inside the restaurant, while Sawyer stood watch at the entrance. The place was deserted, with no other customers in sight except the two of us.

"I hope you don't mind that I've reserved the entire place just for us," Hector said, helping me to a chair. "I thought some privacy wouldn't hurt."

"Not at all, that's a nice touch," I replied, giving him a small smile.

As we sat down, Hector called for the waiter to serve our drinks.

There was something in Hector that exuded confidence and sophistication. At a striking six feet tall, with hair like the darkest honey and piercing grey eyes that shimmered with intensity, he was an undeniable picture of charm. A roguish dimpled smile completed the picture, giving him a devilish allure.

Despite my initial attraction to his aura, I couldn't help but sense a dark undertone.

Hector Pierce had a reputation for both his remarkable negotiation abilities and his astoundingly precise skill with a blade. Tales said he could slice through a crowd without a speck of blood on his suit. Debates on whether to refer to him as The Soulless Butcher or The Icy Surgeon were not uncommon.

Equally remarkable was Hector's talent for staying a step ahead of the law. I found myself, for a moment, captivated by his intimidating aura.

Collecting myself quickly, hoping he hadn't caught me gawking, I broke the silence. "I'm here, Mr. Pierce," I said, raising my glass of Rosé for a quick sip.

"You don't beat around the bush, Ms. Monroe," His tone was filled with faint amusement.

In response, I simply gave him a nod.

"Fair enough," he began. "I looked into your impressive work on the De Laurentiis case, and I must say, I was greatly impressed. Especially with how you managed to get Ronan out so quickly. Your methods, though, are rather...unconventional."

"You're stating the obvious, but what are you trying to say?" I interjected, already knowing exactly where he was headed.

"Sasha. You tamed that beast, bending him to your will. A gamble that could've easily gone south," he paused to gauge my reaction, before continuing. "I'm curious, how did you pull that off?"

"Nothing a smile and a gun can't solve," I replied, playing it off nonchalantly.

He smiled wryly. "I see. But I'm not here to pry into your affairs. I was just thinking that since we work with the same man, we could benefit from knowing each other's plans. Don't you think?"

"And why would I do that?" I asked, arching a curious brow at him.

With a deep exhale, he eased back into the plush chair, his gaze steady on mine. "Consider this, I understand how crucial you are to Conor," he pressed on. "This world can be overly harsh for..." His voice trailed off, although I read his meaning.

"For a woman like me?" I finished for him, irritation beginning to simmer beneath the surface. I despised being underestimated.

"No, not a woman," he swiftly countered. "For a person of your importance. Don't misunderstand, I'm not undermining your capabilities. In our business, I've known women to be more skilled than men. But consider the people who depend on you. Avoid reckless gambles."

Depend on me?

My heart pounded ominously. Did he know about Noah? I'd tried so hard to protect Noah for years, always keeping him safely hidden away from prying eyes. The thought of anyone using him as a means to harm me was suffocating.

"I appreciate the counsel, but I can look after myself just fine," I countered.

"No doubt. I can testify to that," he offered with a complimentary tone.

I looked away, reminiscing about one particular night and the swell of emotions it provoked.

"I'm sorry if I woke up any old demons," he said regretfully.

"My demons never sleep," I responded, hoping he couldn't see the dread in my eyes.

Without a second's hesitation, he gently placed his hand on top of mine on the dining table. I caught his gaze and we locked eyes momentarily. His eyes were deep and piercing, overflowing with compassion and understanding that seemed to see directly into my core. My heart pounded wildly, leaving me feeling exposed and uncertain, not wanting to be swept away by his enchanting gaze. Swiftly, I pulled my hand away from his warm touch and turned my gaze.

Despite his tendency to irritate me, I couldn't deny that there was something alluring about his charm and charisma.

"I truly appreciate you bringing Matias Delgado and his son home safely, but I also want to ensure that you and your loved ones are secure as well. Sergei may have us on his radar, so it's important to take necessary precautions," I said.

"Don't worry, I have everything in hand," he responded in a reassuring tone.


As the night wore on, I found myself caught between my fascination with Hector and my hatred for his family. But I knew that I was always in control, and I would never let myself be swayed by his dark allure.

Our dinner was actually quite pleasant, and I found myself close to enjoying our talk, until my phone started to ring.

"Hey.." I was just starting to say when my words were cut short by the sudden, piercing scream of Layla from the other end.

A chill ran through me as I heard the sound of gunshots in the background, and I feared that Noah might have been hurt. My heart raced as I thought of him, and I knew that I needed to get to him as soon as possible.

Without even thinking, I dashed out of the restaurant with Hector close on my heels.

"Frankie, what's going on? What happened?" His voice pierced the silence as he followed me.

"That fucking psycho's after my house!" I roared back, every syllable heavy with an onslaught of fury.

"I'm coming with you!" he declared as we ran out of the restaurant.

"I just got the call! Let's go!" Sawyer jumped into the G-class, revving up the engine.

We raced towards home, with Hector reaching out to Zane and Goat over the phone, ordering them to join us at my place and ensuring they brought their weapons. Not missing a beat, I scrambled for my own guns, securely hidden away in the glove compartment of the car.

As soon as we arrived at my home, three black SUVs were pulled up outside the gate. A group of men wearing black clothing and ski masks surrounded the entrance and were opening fire at the house.

"The fuckers are surrounding the house!" Sawyer seethed.

I quickly kicked off my heels, jumped out of the car unhesitatingly, and started running with my guns drawn, towards the bastards who were gunning at my house. I took as many shots as I could, successfully taking some down.

Hector and Sawyer followed suit, unloading their weapons at the four men coming at us.

"We'll take the flanks!" Zane instructed as he, along with Goat, charged towards the house.

"Frankie! Get back behind me!" Sawyer shouted after me. "Frankie please!"

I couldn't possibly listen to him, knowing full well that Noah was in grave danger. I kept pushing my way through the bodies that lay down lifelessly, making my way past the gate. My ammunition ran dry, and I lost sight of Hector and Sawyer. Quickly, I seized one of the masked men's AK-103 and advanced gunning down more of them. Steve lay on the ground, unconscious and soaked in his own blood.

"Sawyer!" I called out in urgency, pointing to Steve.

The sight of my men lying motionless in pools of their own blood ignited a bitter mix of sorrow and fury within me.

Fury. It engulfed me, overpowered me, possessed me with a grip as strong as steel.

Sergei was going to regret this, and the price would be expensive.

As I ventured upstairs towards Noah's room, I couldn't help but notice that there was no sign of Andy. Upon reaching the door of the bedroom, I noticed it was left slightly open, light spilling out from within. Yet, no sound broke the tense silence. Warily, I stepped into the room, only to be greeted by a harrowing scene. Noah and Layla were tied up, forced to kneel on the ground while a man in a mask loomed over them, a pair of guns trained at the back of their heads.

My heart sank and confusion clouded my thoughts about what should be my next move.

"Lower your gun! Lower it, or else I'll blow their brains out!" The man's demand rang out, muffled slightly by the black ski mask he wore.

Pain and fear gripped my heart as I saw Noah's terrified face.

Fear. Such a powerful emotion that I could nearly taste its rawness on my tongue.

How I yearned to jump on that son of a bitch and rip his heart out with my own two hands. But my only option was to follow his command, I couldn't gamble with Noah's life. I cast a look at Layla, hoping to communicate the reassurance she desperately needed. I sighed in relief as she caught my eye, giving a small nod in return before sidling closer to Noah for comfort.

Stuck to the spot at the doorway, I felt useless. Sawyer and Hector sprinted upstairs, firearms ready, positioning themselves behind me.

"I'll rip you apart, you -" Sawyer started, only to be silenced as the gun barrel pressed tighter against Noah's and Layla's heads.

"Frankie, get back," Hector commanded softly, gesturing for me to step back while edging closer towards the man himself.

"No! She stays right where she is!" The masked man snapped back. "Both of you, drop your guns and slide them my way. Immediately!" he directed at Sawyer and Hector.

Sensing their resistance, I had to step in. "Listen to him! Drop them!"

Without further ado, they complied, sending their weapons sliding in his direction.

Time was like a heavy fog that descended around us as I waited with bated breath.

Any time now..

"YOU." His masked face directed me, his voice stern, commanding. "Pick your gun up, put it to your temple. Fire."

"NO! Sawyer and Hector bellowed together, a cry of desperate pleas, their faces stricken with fear.

"If you want your brother to live, then shoot yourself," he coolly suggested, his voice carrying a hint of satisfaction in my angst.

"Frankie, don't listen to him, for God's sake!" Sawyer cried, desperation layering his voice.

"Frankie, there has to be another way," Hector joined in, his pleas almost drowned in hopelessness.

"Your pathetic boss couldn't get me any other way, and this is how he wants me to go?" I picked up the gun and fearlessly aimed it at my temple, not missing a beat.

"Frankie, please, no!" Sawyer's voice wavered, but he was almost drowned in the echoing silence that engulfed us.

The suspense hung heavy in the air as an uncomfortable silence enveloped the room, and I waited...

Any time now..

Abruptly, the jarring ring of a phone sliced through the cruel silence, effectively interrupting the little focus the masked man was obviously struggling to keep.

"I suggest you take that call," I instructed coldly, the chill of my voice was impossible to ignore.

Confusion swept across his face as he met my gaze, and I gave an insinuating tilt of my head, a non-verbal command for him to take the call. Slowly, he holstered one of the guns and pulled out the phone from his pocket and gazed at the screen before answering it as though his very existence depended on it. I could easily read his expression as he listened attentively to the one on the other end.

Right on time!

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Hector making a futile attempt to creep up on me and snatch my gun. My swift reflexes came into play and I swerved to prevent him. After ending the call, the masked man stared back at me, terror palpably etched in his eyes. Sweat poured from his forehead like a stream. Frankly, if I was in his shoes, I would be dripping sweat in anxiety too.

"You know what to do." I ordered, my tone sub-zero cold this time.

We engaged in a stare-down, fear blatantly displayed across his face, though I didn't rush him into his doom. Abruptly, with trembling hands, he raised the gun to his temple and without hesitation, he pulled the trigger. His lifeless body folded into itself and collapsed onto the floor. Instantly, I was beside the heap that once was him, filling what's left of his empty vessel of a skull with the remainder of my bullets.

"Frankie! Noah!" I heard Sawyer shout.

The weapon slipped from my hand, and I turned to Noah. He was shaking visibly, eyes filled with terror. My instinct was to pull him close, soothe him, but the fear radiating from him created a barrier I couldn't break through. With a heart-wrenching burst of speed, he sprinted out of the room, Sawyer hot on his heels.

"I've got him," Sawyer offered reassuringly.

Guilt knotted my insides as I reflected on the rage that had clouded my judgment, made me forget Noah's fear of guns. I didn't even notice how my blood-stained face and hands would have terrified him.

What was I doing?

I retreated to a corner, back pressed to the wall, hugging my legs tight to my chest. A deathly quiet filled the room as a realization crashed into me with devastating force. I had morphed into the very monster Noah had feared, scared him away. My dark side, which I had constantly hidden from him, was finally revealed. This world, from which I tried to protect him, had ruthlessly found him.

"Frankie.. Frankie." Layla's gentle call brought me out of my guilt.

I glanced up at her, my mind a loud chaos. Though I could see her lips moving, none of the words she said seemed to register. I simply stared at her with a vacant expression. Silently, she left to find Noah.

Hector stood before me, urging me to get up, but I couldn't move. He crouched down and and gently lifted my chin, forcing eye contact.

"Frankie," His voice was soft and comforting. "I know what you're thinking, but it's not your fault."

"It is," I muttered back in disagreement, my tone empty and lifeless.

I noticed an unusual tranquility setting in, worsening my guilt. Avoiding his compassionate stare, I turned my gaze away.

He snapped firmly, pulling me back. "Frankie, look at me! You're doing what you're doing for a reason, I believe in you. Noah's safe now, and that's all that matters. But Frankie, Noah needs you now, even if he doesn't know it. Come now," he reached out, helping me to my feet.

Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes, surprising me. After the whirlwind of emotions I'd experienced, I wasn't sure I still had tears left to shed. Hector's comforting arms enveloped me, the warmth of his embrace offering familiarity in a chaotic moment. Unable to control it anymore, I allowed the tears to cascade freely and I held onto him tighter, letting his comforting presence melt away the tightness in my chest.

I slowly made my way downstairs to the living room. Settling next to Noah on the sofa, I tried to clear my tear-streaked face.

"I'm sorry...I'm so, so sorry," I whispered, my voice hardly more than a rasp.

I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze, the guilt etched on my face. But suddenly, I felt Noah's hands wrap around mine, and he turned to face me.

"Don't be.. Don't be," he reassured, his tone filled with compassion and understanding. "We were both scared. But Sawyer and Layla helped me understand what happened. He was a dangerous man, Frankie. I'm not upset with you, not anymore."

A wave of relief swept over me at his words, causing fresh tears to spring from my eyes. He gently brushed them away, the tenderness in his touch evident. I marveled at the love in his heart, his innocent understanding, and his loyalty to me. Without hesitation, he hugged me, offering comfort despite his own ordeal.

Sawyer and Layla caught my glance and I sent them a grateful smile for their help.

The bodies scattered throughout the house had already been dealt with by Hector, Sawyer, Zane and Goat. I deeply appreciated everything they had done, going above and beyond for me despite the risks.

My father burst into the house, fear etched into his voice as he yelled our names, "Frankie! Noah!"

"Papà!" I sprinted toward him and flung myself into his arms, as he held me with an intensity that felt like a lifeline.

"Thank god, you're safe!" He exhaled a sigh of relief. "I feared the worst. Where's Noah? Is he okay?"

"He's alright now, he's just asleep." I responded, fatigue dragging at my voice.

"That fucking cunt! I'll kill him! He won't get away with this!" Papà practically growled with his simmering rage.

"No, papà. We don't need any trouble with Big Solly. He won't appreciate it." I cautioned.

"He can't stop me, Frankie! Sergei's going to pay for this!" He retaliated with grim determination.

And I knew my father would keep his promise, one way or another.

"Any instructions, boss?" Irving came into the living room where everyone had assembled, asking me.

"Well done, Irving. Well done," I complimented.

A palpable confusion hung in the air. Everyone still uncertain about the night's events.

"Irving, take the boys down to papà's hospital. Steve needs a blood transfusion," I instructed.

"Of course, boss!" He nodded before quickly leaving.

I leaned back onto the couch, my gaze on the ceiling. "I'd assigned Irving to keep tabs on Yulia, Sergei's daughter, just in case things turned sour like they did tonight. I had a bad feeling this morning, couldn't shake it off, so I told Irving to be ready. And thankfully I did, as soon as Layla rang me, I signaled Irving."

"To do what?" Hector probed.

"To get the girl. A single picture to her father was all it took. I've never been fond of dragging families into my battles, but Sergei left me with no choice," I admitted, my voice a storm of mixed emotions.

"You did what you had to do, Frankie. Don't you dare feel guilty for it," papa interjected, kissing my hand softly.

As he caressed my hair, I leaned my head onto his lap. "I'm here, darling. I'm not going anywhere." His voice soothing, gentle.

The comfort in his touch lulled me into a sudden peaceful slumber, safe in the warmth of the people who had stood up for my family and me. A favor, I'd never forget.

Favors. Beautiful gestures provided precisely when most needed and repaid with a profound sense of appreciation.

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