You are mine

By itsryn1221

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(Yandere Oneshots x Reader) Note: My first book like this got deleted before and this is my attempt in making... More

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New Yandere Book!!!
(⚠️ 18+)Yandere Step-brother X Reader (Re-write)
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Yandere Alien X Human Reader (Re upload

934 18 13
By itsryn1221

Warning: Race discrimination, Death, Gore, Blackmail, Abduction, Kidnapping, Swearing, And Cursing.

Note: This is a work of fiction any names, locations, or events are purely made by the author's imagination.





Where did it all began?

How did this all start...The word is fully taken over by Aliens. They are know considered as the most superior race. The way they abducted and annihilated humans to fulfill there desires and use them as pawns for their experiment.

It all started when a gigantic extraterrestrial spaceship landed on your countries capital. A week later several outer galactic beings took over the world. These aliens have the ability to transfigure themselves and blend into humans. They use this ability to trick and kill any human that comes there way. They have fully been able to take down any form of human communication making survival really hard.

It was like those distopian movies that you'd watch as a kid. But now it's you, living in this reality. You'd doubt you call it "living" to be honest, you and your family are just trying your best to actually survive. Everything was a lot easier with your family by your side, as a never ending hope filled your heart...

Well at least before tragedy struck......

You lost your family and friends when your city was being terrorized. Your parents sacrificed their lives to save you, but at what cost? The sacrifice left nothing but a heavy burden on your well-being. The burden to actually stay alive. Because if you die, what was the point of them losing there lives. It was like an everyday torture you had to deal with, as guilt slowly eats you up.

So there you are now, standing infront of a cliff, surely from this high the impact will be very fatal and surely end your miserable existence. Surely this will put and end to the burden that's slowly killing you inside...

It's has been a full on month since you last saw a living person. It was either a dead corpse or alien like beings roaming around the broken downed and abandoned cities.The isolation is driving you mad. Madness and thoughts of suicide filled your clouded mind.

How could you do this to your own parents!?

They risked there lives for you?!

And this is how you repay them?!

"I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!" You shouted at the top of your lungs to the valley under you.
"I'm so sorry, mother..... father," you sobbed endlessly as you closed your eyes jumping of the cliff. You await for the sudden impact but it never came. Instead you felt a hand grip yours with such force. By now were hanging of the cliff and the only thing preventing your fall was this iron grip on your hand.

You look up to see the man who dared stop you from unaliving yourself, to see a boy your age. He pulled you away from the cliff and gently placed you on the ground while yelling incoherent words at you.


"I'm sorry ok!" You sobbed endlessly. He was right what were you just about to do. Where you just about to commit suicide and waste the lives your parents gave up to save yours? How could you, you ungrateful brat.

"It's alright I'm here," the male says as he pats your back comfortingly. "Just tell me everything when your ready okay..."

The man was kind enough to offer you shelter. The walk there consisted of you crying endlessly as he comforts you. His hideout was an underground bunker from WW2 that he renovated. He told you to take a seat as he finds you something to drink.

Later, he comes back and hands you a  cup of water and offers you a blanket. Giving him your thanks you wrapped the blanket around your cold form as you gladly took the water he offered.

"Names Glee Ash Vergara by the way," he says sitting beside you. "What's your name."

"(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)," you answered.

"If you don't mind, (Y/N). May I ask you why you were about to commit suicide." He asked giving you a faint smile. You hesitated for a bit but later answered.

"My parents were killed during an alien attack and I couldn't bare to hold the guilt anymore so I- I tried t-to k-ki-kill mys-self," you stuttered the words barely able to escape your mouth as tears start to peak up.

"Wow," he heavily breath out. "That's tough." You glared at him through your teary eyes. He raised his hands up in a defensive position before the look on his face softens. "Look, I want you to know that we're on the same boat."

"What do you mean?"

"What I'm saying is that, I lost family during an alien invasion as well. Well technically they were my adoptive family, but it still hurts," he laughs in bittersweet, giving you a smile as he asks. "But we can we change the past?No, we can't. So that's why we must learn from the past, enjoy the present, and hope for the future! Hope for are fallen love ones. We must continue living because life is a beautiful thing that comes only once. Your never going to live again after you die, well you will in heaven with the lord... Hopefully. We are now experiencing god's greatest gift, the gift of life! That itself is one of the millions of reasons on why you should live. Don't just stay 'alive' but live! Together you and me, let's hope for the better."

Heat forms in your heart as hope burns in your soul. He re-ignited your will to actually live. Maybe he was right. This is not the end, no. Maybe there is a brighter future to come.... Who knows? God maybe.



The three years you've spent with Ash was better than living alone. He's always and I mean always got your back. Life has been fine except for the fact that both of you are alone in this country, alone in the whole world even, who knows. Maybe in a few more years time the aliens would probably think that all humans have gone extinct and leave the planet. Then all the remaining humans that were hiding can finally come out and everything would go back to normal.

You deeply wish that things would go that way... But alas, you do not hold the strings of fate. You are but only a mear pawn in game which you have no control over. But, at least your still alive and well. That itself is something to be grateful for. You didn't expect change to happen in your everyday life, but it did! Not in the way you wanted it to thought....


An ear defining sound of the door being banged on repeat harshly awoken you from your ever dreaming slumper. It's night time, who could be knocking at your door. Not to mention it's been years since you last saw a human being aside from yourself and Glee Ash. Turning your head towards your companion you saw that he was already awake. The same confused look was plastered on his features.

"PLEASE I BEG YOU HELP ME!" A voice from outside the door begged. He sounded like he was in agony. Begging for you to open the door and give him aid. Getting up from your sleeping bag, you were about to go to the door but before you could Glee Ash grabbed your hand and made you look at him.

"What are you doing?! That thing could be an alien for God sake!" He whispered-yelled at you. Opening your mouth to answer, but you were cut off the the same person outside shouting once more.

"PLEASE HELP IM GONNA DIE!" Your heart skipped a beat and your blood chilled as you heard those words. Glaring at Glee Ash as you argued.

"Ash he's in pain we need to help him, please!" You gripped on his collar as look straight into his dark eyes. "Remember when I was in pain? And when I was about to die, didn't you help me, Glee? So why can't you do the same for that person outside? Please Glee, I don't want to see another person die. Especially if I could've done something to save them. Please Ash, just this once."

Glee Ash gave you a hesitant look before sighing." Fine, but you have to stay in the safe room until I come get you okay?"

You nodded, giving him a quick hug before you left. Unbeknownst to you, a flush of red appeared on his pale face. Making his way towards the bunker's entrance. Flipping the lever, the door opens, causing the injured man to fall inside the bunker. Glee Ash cautiously walks towards the body, examining it closely. The man had blonde hair and gunmetal blue eyes. He looked to be around 6'4 to 6'6 in height, making him an inch or two taller than himself ( Glee Ash is 6'3).

The man instantly sat up in a crawling position and hugged both of Glee Ash's legs, keeping him in place as the man cries. Glee Ash tried pushing his head away, but he wouldn't budge.

"Please I'm bleeding," the man pointed towards his left lower abdomen, that specific are of his clothed form was covered in blood. Glee Ash swallowed thickly before speaking.

"Let go of me and I'll help you," with that, the man instantly let's go of Ash's legs. "Can you stand?"

The man shook his head, Glee Ash sighed, frustration was clearly plastered on his face. He helped the man up, wrapping the man's arm around his neck for support. The both of them limp there way towards the medical room.

Ash lays the man on the medical bed as he searches for supplies. He grabs some cotton balls, sanitizer, gauze, and a couple of bandages. Retuning back to the injured man, Ash lifts the man's shirt up, examining the wound.

It was a deep cut. He used the sanitizer to sterilize the wound. Glee Ash ripped off a piece of gauze, applying pressure on it as he pressed the wound. Later wrapping it in bandages to seal the wound completely. Pouring drops of sanitizer to the cotton ball, tapping it lightly to clean the left over blood.

Ash cleaned the workspace, telling the man to sit there and wait until he returns. He made his way to the safe room. Opening the door using the passcode. Seeing the door open you got out and started bombarding your friend with questions.

"Where's the man Ash? Is he alright? Did you help him? Glee Ash, Ash, Ash, Glee Ash?!!!"

"Cut it out will ya!" He said frustratingly as he wipes the sweat of his forehead. "Let's go upstairs and you can see for yourself..."

The both of you went upstairs, with you running up there and him slowly following in pursuit. As you got to the medical wing you saw the man sat down straight on the bed. His half naked form had bandages wrapped around his stomach. The man sensed your presence as he moves his head towards yours. Your (e/c) eyes made contact with his. He had beautiful gun metal blue irises, yet his pupil's where slanted. Normal pupil's were round, yet his looks slanted for some reason. You shaked the feeling of as you began to approach him.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N), what's your name?"

He hesitated for a bit before answering. "Zade," he said plainly. Ash walks to your side as he observes your conversation with the man.

"Where you from, Zade?" His eyes look deep in your, not blinking once.

"I don't recall. I was stabbed by those huge robotic guards. Then I saw this bunker and asked for assistance..."

"He's seems weird," Glee Ash whispers in your ear. "Why does he talk so... Artificially.".

You gave Ash a glare that said 'shut the fuck up'. You turned towards Zade and gave him a smile. "Why don't you stay with us, it's better than living alone..."

"I'd be glad to," he replied emotionlessly.

"Then it's settled, Zade. Your apat of our family now...."



It's been five months since Zade accepted to be a part of your group. This might sound mean, but you think he's a little bit.... weird. For this 5 months you've never actually seen him eat or even drink, you've never seen him go to the bathroom, you've never seen him sleep. It's like he's not human, but he is. If he was an alien, you and Ash already would have been captured and killed right now, but he didn't, so maybe he's just weird....

That's not the only weird thing that's been happening so far. Yours and Ash's health has been deteriorating ever since Zade came. It's not fatal but, you've been getting sick quite often than before and this all started on the first week that Zade came. Maybe he's got something to do with this? Or maybe it's just all a coincidence and your blaming an innocent person for no reason...

It's not just you who's sick though, Ash is sick as well. Back then Ash would be the one taking care of you, he would be the one to go out and scavenge for food and supplies. But now he was too sick to go out. Ash himself insisted that he would be the one to scavenge for food, but you disagreed saying it would be better for him to stay inside and get some rest.

Speaking of rest, Ash is in the medical wing resting while you prepare some soup for him to feel better. As you turned of the burner, Ash came running inside the kitchen, surprising you. Fear was plastered all over his face.

"(Y/N), WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! I KNEW. IT I FUCKING KNEW IT!" He says shoving canned foods inside a bag, he opened the drawers and started gathering the knifes.

"What are you talking about, Glee Ash?" You asked clearly confused at his rash actions.


"An alien." Zade cuts Glee Ash off as he entered the room. A scream escaped your mouth as you saw his new form. His legs have been disintegrated and transformed into tentacle like things, the outer corner of his eyes were now black instead of white, his tounge was long and blue, his once straight teeth were now sharp and stained.

"It took you long enough to notice," Zade chucked. "But I was really really good at trying to hide it too. If it wasn't for that moron waking up as I was about to inject poison inside his body-"

"Wait so your the reason why were sick. You've been poisoning us," you say.

"No baby, I wouldn't do that to you, just to him." Zade says gently as he tries to approach you. Glee Ash blocks his way, opening his arms wide in an attempt to protect you from Zade.
Zade clicked his tounge, transfiguring his right arm into tentacles using it to flick Ash away and to pinned him to the wall.

"I'll give you a choice sweetheart. Go with me freely and I'll leave him alone, or struggle and I'll kill him and take you by force."

Anger filled your veins, clenching your fist you stormed up to him and launched a punch square in his face face. Backing up a bit before replying.

"You're seriously going to kill Glee Ash, your own friend just to persuade me to go with you? That's fucking disgusting."

"That's just how life is. And he's not my friend," Zade shrugged, trying to laugh the pain away.


Glee Ash was cut off by Zade's tentacles wrapping themselves around Ash's mouth.

"The only reason why you're alive right now is because of me," Zade stated calmly, looking at the wall. "I ordered the robotic guards to hold their horses, and not attack the both of you. Shouldn't you be expressing me your gratitude."

You were about to run away when he used one of his tentacles to grab a hold of your leg pulling you back.

"You can't go anywhere. Your literally cornered. Either we make this deal, or poor little Glee Ash dies."

Biting your lip, you wanted to run away, dragging Ash with you and to re-start your life again . But it wasn't that easy and you both knew that.

What ever choice you choose there's no getting out off. One can save your friends life, and the second one can ruin both or your lives.

Glee Ash had a determined look in his black eyes, ready to sacrifice himself for you. Ash your best friend, the one who saved your life and inspired you to live once again. You can't just betray him like that, he saved you. In everyway you could be saved....

"I want Ash to live his life without me as a burden to him. I want him to be truly happy. I'll go with you on two conditions. One, you let Glee Ash go and promise that you'll never hurt him. And two to give him an antidote towards the poison."

"Just that? Then it's a deal!" Zade smiled, he lets go of Ash and hands him a vile containing a green liquid. Zade came to your side and injecting something into you, later on you passed out.


"Good morning, love!" A soothing voice whispers in your ears as Zade cooed down at you. Your eyes fluttered open as you sat up.

"What... happened where are you, Ash?" You mumbled, looking around. Instead a tall, gunmetal blue-eyed male was in front of you.

" Glee Ash is gone, or have you forgotten?" Your captor asked, faking a sad tone laced into his voice. You glared, fully sitting up.

"Son of a bitch," you hissed. Although it seemed to be directed at the alien infront of you,but it was mostly to yourself. The only thing good out of this was Glee Ash staying alive and well.

"Please, you'll be living the most luxurious life with me sweetheart," he chuckled, placing a light hand on your thigh. You inched away a little, wanting to punch him in the face.

"I'd rather go to hell than be with you."

He frowned, retracting his hand as he sat next to you in silence. With a sigh, he stood up and headed to the door. "I left some clothes for you on the end of your bed. Get dressed and I'll come fetch you in about...  Ten minutes."

You shot a glare at him as he left, the doors closing behind him with ease. Dragging yourself out of the comfortable bed, you grabbed the clothes and held it up, scrunching your nose up.

His eyes cast to the ground after he checked his watch. Zade had wanted you for quite awhile, and you were here! You were finally where he wanted you to be; right in his arms. All he needed was your love, and everything would play out like a fairy tale. There was one catch though.

You were a human. A nineteen-year old girl to be more precise, but still human nonetheless. His parents would want him to marry another one of his kind and keep all "filthy humans" as lab experiments. He didn't want that fate to be bestowed upon you. You were quite cold and uninterested in his advances, yes, but you also had a wifely side to you as well. He just needed to draw that part of you out.

The timer on his watch went off, making him jump at the sudden vibration running up his arm. He shook off the shock and entered the room to a grumpy-faced you, which was quite adorable in his eyes.

"I must say, I have good tastes," he complimented. Your face flushed as you tried to hide your skin a plain black open-back dress that showed your cleavage adorned your body, while the only accessory on you were the silver bangle bracelets.

"Fuck you," you grumbled, flustered and somewhat ashamed of the outfit choice. Zade just grinned, licking his lips.

"Oh I will."


As you were suffering with Zade, Glee Ash couldn't help but think of you. The boy couldn't deny that he missed you. In fact he was shell-shocked when he realized that you were gone for good and had submitted yourself to that alien.

No, monster would be a better word to describe that man. Understandably, you stood up to save his life and if you hadn't he would've killed everyone in the joint and take you anyways, but all that matters was that you were gone from the him. And he needed to get you back.

He gathered around all the supplies he will need to infiltrate the alien's mothership -thats were you are now.

"Gosh. When you're in love," he said, wearing the bag, "you can do pretty crazy -and stupid - things." With that, he left the bunker.

The only thing he knew about the aliens is that they all live inside the mothership, making it somewhat of a walk for him to get to where you were. Since he was flying solo, it was easier for him to manage himself.

And it also gave him time to think. Yes, you were worth saving and you deserved a happier life than the one that has been provided for you.

As he traveled to your destination, you felt like you were in your own little circle of hell, with Zade always by your side. It pissed you off immensely but you kept quiet.

"You're being quiet, love. Everything alright?" He asked in a somewhat innocent voice. You whirled around, glaring at him.

"You destroyed the entire human race, your kind killed my family and if I didn't comply you would kill the only person that was daer to me. Yes, I'm perfectly fine," you retorted, raising your hand to slap him. He caught your hand inches away from his face, faking a pout.

"Aw, I thought you warmed up to me," he faked cried before smiling deviously, "I must inform you though... You can do whatever you want except escape. The bracelets won't allow you to do that. Actually, you should be thanking me! You're not feeling like your insides are boiling alive because I somewhat deactivated your bracelet."

"...Yeah, sure," you replied, crossing your arms as you passed a window. You stopped, staring outside.

"Well, do I get a thank you or not?" He mused with a coy smile.

Swallowing nervously, you avoided his eyes as you mumbled your thanks. He patted you on the head with a cheerful grin.

Satisfied with your answer, he walked away in the other direction and leaving you to your own, somewhat free, will. You decided to try out the courtyard, since you had fallen in love with the many colors adorning the lovely garden on this summer day. Not only that. but it there was a small chill in the air.

You strolled through the winding corridors, finally reaching two very large doors with silver vines marvelously carved in the double doors. You noticed a small, circular stand residing next to the door with the middle emitting a soft electric blue light. You placed a hand over it, before jumping at the sudden surprise of the door effortlessly opening.

You stood there amazed, but shook it off quickly and hurried through the door. They closed behind you as you drank in the sight before you.

Large bushes looked like they touched the cloudless sky, and the grass what a healthy, natural green. The shrubs were trimmed to perfection and the flowers were in a beautiful pattern, looking like they've been arranged by a machine.

"Well shit," you mumbled as your feet took control of your body, letting you take a wonderland-like walk through the garden. The trees were in full bloom, a few petals here and there decorated the bottom of the tree.

You scrambled your way up like a nimble squirrel, brushing strands of hair out of your face once you had reached the top. WIth the tree rising higher than the wall, you got a clear view of what was outside.

To your surprise, you were right on the edge of the large spaceship that levitated off the ground. Only the most privileged of aliens lived on the mothership, shadowing most of the other ones that still lived in large homes and mansions on the ground. A large wall separated the new world and the forgotten world; the world you once knew.

You shifted into a more comfortable position, finally able to drink in the view below and clearly see the social divide. These creatures have taken over your entire world, and now one was willing to do anything to take over your life.

"I hope Glee Ash alright," you whispered softly, letting your mind slip as your eyes trailed over to the barren wasteland. A small buzzing caught your attention, making you swat at a fly in front of you. Clearly it was Zade.

"Forget about that damn bastard will ya," he buzzed. His body started to morph smoothly into a human body sitting in the tree next to you. "You do know how to climb, don't you?"

"I've had experience," you glared, not bothering to make eye contact with the alien. He noticed your animosity and sighed. You agreed to this, so you had to endure it.

"No one is going to come for you. I won't let them," he stated casually. Your body tensed up. You didn't want your friend to get hurt just because you were foolish enough to switch positions willingly. You would've been better off dead than make him worry that you were with this son of a bitch.

"I'll find a way to escape here myself. Just watch," you retorted with a small sigh, staring back out into the desolate world. You had to agree that everything had gone to complete shit.

Zade hummed, the wind blowing in his neat, blonde hair. He brushed it out of his pale face, staring out into the clear sky. Ever since these aliens have invaded your planet, the thought of clouds seemed like a distant memory.


Glee Ash looked up at the large mothership that was hovering over the destroyed city. His face broke out into a tired smile as he stared up at the giant land mass.

"Hang in there (Y/n), I'll save you," he yelled as he walked to the wall barricading him from the hellish landscape to paradise.

Since many aliens suspected that all humans were eradicated from Earth, there were no such thing as guards (except in the abandoned city of course). He touched the wall, its smooth surface making him sweat slightly.

"Shit, this is gonna be hard," he groaned as he looked around for something to latch onto. To his luck, there was a ladder on the far right of the dusty world that surrounded him.

He ran over and started to climb quickly, skipping rings at a time and taking giant leaps at a time. After awhile, he finally made it to the top of wall, panting like a wild dog. Peering over, he looked around.

"Fuck, aliens living in luxury here while we waste away," he grumbled as he stared back up at the floating ship. If he had to guess, you were up there and not down with the other aliens basking in the artificial sunlight.

He didn't see anything that he could use to climb to the large ship, but noticed the many flying cars swarming the imaginary streets.

'I know what I have to do', he thought as he started to scale the wall. It was time to hitch a ride.

As soon as he reached the lush grass, he almost breathed in the fresh, artificial air. His face broke into a grin as he took in the living surroundings. No more dirt, no more shitty food. It felt like it was a carefree world, where people would always have your back.

But he had a mission that he had to fulfill. He turned to the right, seeing a female alien exit their car. With his remaining energy, he sprinted over to the car, throwing her out and hijacking it.

He's never driven before, but he had an idea. He grabbed a handle and pulled up. He felt the small jet skyrocket into the air.


You sat on your bed once more, unwillingly petting Zade's feline head. He opened an eye, a loud purr emitting from him.

"You know I love you," he cooed, rubbing his head on your leg. You shivered lightly, his fur brushing your bare skin.

"I hate you so much," you growled, looking out the window. An object seemed to be getting closer, ripping through the air. Your eyes widened as you tried moving your hand. The bracelet flashed red, emitting a severe shock. Yelping, you relaxed your hand.

No sooner did the object crash into the large room, skidding on its small wheels and finally coming to a halt after crashing into the wall. Glass flew everywhere, nicking you on the skin. You hissed in pain as a groan emitted from the large vehicle. You ran over to it and climbed to the top.

The top opened, revealing a battered and bruised Glee Ash. He rubbed his temples before finally smiling up at you.

"Hey. Sorry it took me awhile," he said casually. Tears pricked your eyes as you pulled him into a tight hug.

"My god Ash! I thought you were dead!" You exclaimed, burying your head into his dirty shoulder. He patted you weakly on the back with a small grunt of happiness.

You were surprised that you weren't zapped, so you decided that hugging was alright. Because your eyes were shut, you didn't notice the shadow looming over the two of you.

Zade had never tried to transfigure into a large animal. He usually stuck with small housepets or smaller animals, but he's never changed into what he was now.

With an ear-splitting scream, he charged at your feeble body and shoving you out of the way by grabbing your poor excuse for a shirt and tossing you to the side. Teeth bared and claws poised to strike, he started to circle his prey.

You watched in shock as the bear seemed to smirk, somehow locking you in place. Trying to move, you squirmed helplessly as he pounced onto the damaged Coal, who could only stare into the jaw of death as he took his last breath, smiling down at you. It was as if to say that he would be alright, wherever he was going. His messy black hair and beautiful dark eyes that were filled with streaming tears was the last thing you saw before it was bitten off.

Droplets of the sticky, red substance dotted your cheeks and legs as you stared up in horror as your friend's body fell out of the vehicle. Your screams and pleas for the monster to stop went unheard as he ripped up the skin, muscle and bones in the most grotesque way possible, savoring every moment.

When he finished, all that was left was a pile of an indescribable, bloody mess. He looked up, glaring at you as a familiar ooze coated his body, shaping into a human-like form once again. Blood painted his clothes a sickening red and his body remained in a calm, elegant stance, he walked over to your unmoving body, kneeling down next to you. Your eyes were avoiding the massacre in front of you, trained onto anything else than your dead friend.

"Isn't it beautiful? I think we should get it framed," he giggled, pulling you into a hug. Your fighting spirit seemed to have left you as you hung limply on his body. He brushed some blood off your face before putting it up to his lips and taking in the taste.

You wanted to fight back, but the energy you had seemed to have wilted away, leaving you in a doll-like state. He picked you up, the doors sliding open for him as he walked down the halls.

"I'm guessing you want an explanations for my actions, no?" He assumed. You meekly nodded your head. "Well, what can you do when you're crazy in love? Let some other guy sweep you off your feet? This was the only solution, honey."

"Murder... isn't the way to go. You should've never killed him," you whispered, feeling his body heat start to sway you into a slumber. "You'll pay..."

"I'm sure I will. Karma has its ways," he replied softly, taking a right down another hallway. "But for now, it's just me and you. I love you."

"...I will forever hate you. You'll never get me to love you," you retorted with a small glare.

"I have power and money. I'm sure that you'll love a creature like me someday. I'll make you fall for me, and I think it's best if I keep you here with me until you submit everything you have."




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