Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3...

By AlexisKindness

34K 729 968

So for this one you're a male. (Sorry to the ladies!) You're either gay. Also credit to the person who made t... More

New world
Mario lost his liver?!
The video ends when no one is watching it.
Mario goes Bowling!
All I want for Christmas is for Mario to freakin' behave!
Mario updates his data plan and I get a new phone!
Mario bakes a cake and so do I!
VINES or short stories...
Staying home for the day
Mario goes on a diet!
Mario, SMG4, and I play Slendytubbies 2
Mario goes fishing!
SMG4...Are you okay?
Mario goes to Ohio
Mario steals the..THE WHAT?!
Mar10 day!
Some drawings i did of SMG5's emotions
It's gotta be perfect... Pt.1
Its gotta be perfect... Pt. 2
Waking up...and spending time with SMG3!
Going on a road trip!
Different world!
Our new home!
A very safe and legal SMG4 show!
Every Luigi is personalized...
A dream?
Ginger bread houses
Mario breaks McDonald's ice cream machine...
Going to a carnival!
Mario is fine
The Game Cube
We interrupt this broadcast
Have a picture
School is boring but killing isn't! Also HOME!
Vine sor short stories 2.0
Western Spaghetti...
Im tired. But i aint stopping!
You made Mario do this
Let's go visit Peach!
They're back...
Three's browser history.
Ten...ten thousand+?!?
Watermelon man...
We don't talk about what happened in the elevator...
Mario goes coo-coo crazy
SMG4 kids
Have drawings/doodles I did
The lads play Shrek online
Forced to hold hands and telling the truth...
Trust no one..
(CLOSED) The questions for the WOTFI..
WOTFI: Its time to be spies!
Wonder flower!!...gross

Finally playing gmod

512 9 28
By AlexisKindness

So.... Uh. Today Three invited me to play Gmod with him for a stream. So when set myself up next to him, since I brought my laptop, I joined to see his shrine for Eggdog.

"Pfft- What the f—k Three?! What?! Do you have a shrine for me too?!?" I fall out of my chair laughing.

Unknowingly Three blocked a wall that goes to another shrine. Mario wanted to join us but Three told him off.

"I'm streaming! Go away!" He pushes Mario away and continues to play.

I get back on my chair just to see  Mario placing a nuke in the shrine and blows us up causing us to die.

Three sighs. "Fiiiine, we'll play a few games."

Mario is instantly happy and I smile happyily.

Death run

On the screen it says death run and Mario is singing and dancing while Three just looks upset and I'm just sitting here looking pretty- I mean handsome~.

"Alright Mario, welcome to my..epic fun time game! Don't worry, it's super safe! Super simple. Ignore the lava and the fireballs..." Three explains.

I am with Three at the barrier. "Three, this specifically called 'Death run' for a reason. Your suppose to die multiple times if you suck at this."

"Mario does not suck! He will prove it!" Mario then makes an attempt over the first part.

"It would be a same if..." he presses a button causing the platform to disappear and having Mario fall in the lava. "...if you fell! Oh no!" Three says sarcastically.

"Told you."

"Ooooohhh! YOU PEICES OF SHIT!" When Mario revived he tried to shoot us. Three hides behind his desk and drags me down with him. 


"Woah woah woah! Mario! C'mon man! Violence is never the answer!"

I look over to him with annoyance. "You're a hypocrite you know that."

"Shush. I wasn't done. ...unless it needs to be." He says darkly.

"There it is!" I joke.

Mario is now focused on his games because his eyes are popping out of its sockets. Three just looks confused ? I don't know. I'm just enjoying the show.

"What? I can't make them fall again!"

Mario looks over to me. "Yea he's telling the truth."

Mario still doesn't believe me.

Three groans. "Look. I'm moving away from it." He grabs me and pulls me back too.

Mario makes it over and he celebrates.

"Good job Mario!" I thumbs up as I walk back to my computer. Three walks back too. Mario then says that this level is too easy. Though that's a lie. He's too confident.

"This next one's very simple. All you have to do is get across the pipes."

"Something's 'bout to pop outta there."

Mario thumbs up and just ran over it while screaming. It left me and Three surprised but Mario dies due to spikes.

I start to laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA oh my gosh! That was funny!" I calmed down a bit, ending my laugh with a few chuckles.

"Wow" Three is now wearing glasses and has popcorn. I eat some of his popcorn and he doesn't seem to mind me taking some.

There is then a montage of Mario dieing over and over again.

Mario had it. "It's time to do the ANCIENT TECHNIQUE passed down my family."

Three stops petting eggdog, I stop filing my nails. (somehow I can file my nails through my gloves)

Mario then does a nurato(?) reference to his hands and summoned a go kart.

"Dude that ain't goin' work." I deadpan.

Mario ignore me and do it anyways. He falls into the lava.


"Wow! Well, that explains why you don't have a family."

I smack the back of his head lightly, causing him to say ow. "Dude! Don't tell people that! We technically don't have parents either so...hypocrite again."

3 hours later...

Three is sleeping on my shoulder while I'm watching Mario making his jumps.

"HEYY! MARIO MADE IT GUYS!" Mario shouts that startled Three causing his head to get off my shoulder he muttered an apology and I said it was fine.

"I may have broken my table in rage. So that's why Mario's on the floor."

"He did, I watched him break it."

Three smiles. "Welcome to level two! Very simple! Another platform if challenge." He gets closer to his screen, "Nothing bad is gonna happen at all!" He presses a button but Mario didn't jump.

Three chuckles nervously. "I wonder how that happen?" He ask, acting innocent.

"Dude. Really?" I deadpan at him.

Mario comes out for beside me looking at him darkly. Three smiles nervously and clasped his hand together, a sun behind him.

Mario makes it over some steps. Three presses a button causing the ceiling to go down fast, Mario dodged it out of luck.

"You almost fell in my trap."

"lol I guess the student has become the master." I said crossing my arms behind my head and leaning on my chair.

Three deadpans at me and looks back at his computer.

Mario moves to his left too much causing him to fall off the platform.

Me and Three are surprised.

"I didn't even do that, that time round."

"I know right? Mario you gotta watch where you're walking."

Mario rages. He did something to the video and the translation turned into Traditional Chinese.

Three puts a hand behind his ears, I look at him confused.

"Oops! If my Traditional Chinese is correct...I think Mario wants to play a different gamemode."

"Wait you know Traditional Chinese? Can you speak it?"

"Yea I can."

"Ooooh! Tell me something please!"

Three hums. "太愛你了,帥哥~"

"Aww man I wish I know what you said... anyways to the next gamemode!"

Prop hunt

Me and Mario are hiding. I get away from Mario because I don't want him telling or showing my hiding place. I hide as a chair and hide in an office space.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Three then looks for Mario first. I just laugh a bit and keep my screen away from him. I see SMG3's character passed by me. I hear Mario screaming and I see his character passing by and Three's.




"Lmao! Now that's funny!"

Mario starts to have a little moment with him self and then smiles, crossed eyed. "I GET IT!"

"Now to find Five.."

A few minutes passed by and Three still haven't found me. "Do you need a hint?"

"NO! I can find you!"

"You sure? You passed by me so many times..."


I move my character. "IM A CHAIR!"

Three looks at my character in surprise. "How the fuck did I miss you that many times?!"

"Ha! I did it!" I throw my fists in the air, and celebrate.

Three just smiles and admires my excitement.

"Our turn!" Mario then restart the game. This time Mario is the seeker.

"What?! Why isn't Five on my team?!" Mario says angrily.

"There only needs to be one seeker. If you find one of us the we turn into a seeker and help you find the other." I explain, hiding as a house plant.

"Oooohhhh! Imma go fine Five first then!"

"Really? Going for him first? Why not me?!" Three ask.

"What? Jealous that I, Mario, won't go for you first? MMMMMMMMMM?"

He scoffed. "Whatever go luck finding him. He's pretty good."

I smile brightly at that.

Mario tired to find me but gave up and is now going for Three.

I look at Threes screen and see that he is a cup and Mario passed by him. I had to hold in my laughter. Three chuckles while holding a cup of steaming coffee.

"You walked right past me!"

Mario gets upset and gets out a steering wheel and rushes back towards him.

Three is no in the hallway more and Mario looks right pass him. Three is now eating some popcorn with shades on.

Mario rages more.

"What's that coffee cup up too huh?" Three ask.

Mario pauses for a second. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!"


Three is now following Mario's character and Mario still didn't find me or Three.

Three looks at me and moves his eyebrows up and won and then slides over to Mario.

"Why are you crouching?" Three ask in a whisper.

Mario screeches and start to break his table and keyboard. Three records this. I'm just bored, wanting this round to be over. Mario's character died due to running out of time so we won.

"WOW! That was EASY!" Showing his view pers the video he took.

"That's just because he was look too fast and didn't take the time to scan the room more closely." I explain.

Next round. Mario and Three is the hider and I'm the seeker.

"Haha! Get ready for the most fast game of prop hunt ever!"

"Don't get too high in confidence Five. I'm sure we will win."

"I like to see you try!" I challenge him.

"Fine! If you find me under...5 minutes then.. you get to choose where we go for our hang out. But if I win then I get to choose where we go for the hang out, deal?"

"Deal!" I shake his hand.

"ALRIGHT! Now you will see my TRUE SKILLS!"

Mario hides somewhere and says that his spot is perfect. He try's to move his character but I guess it's not working for my preventive.


"Well that's makes it easier for me to find you then." I walk in a room. Mario immediately calms down. I look at a paper towel roll stuck in the shelf. "Really?" I hit him multiple times and got him.

"You still have to find Three!"

"Actually he got me when you were hiding..." Three says, embarrassed that he lost.

"WHAT?!" Mario shouts.



Obstacle course

"I'm going to beat you to the end of this obstacle course." Three says, challenging Mario. I decided to sit out for this round. Obstacle course seems hard and I'm tired. Plus I felt weird. So I sit out for this round.

"Oh no..." Three sees the platform very small.

"And now you see why I decided to sit out.."

"Yea now I do..." Three says nervously.

"Uh ooh SMG3 doesn't know how to juuuump?" Mario teases.

Three tries to jump on one but fails.

"How are you possibly supposed to do this-" He dies. So Three tries again and again while Mario is just smiling and I'm just annoyed with this.

Three gets upset with Mario's laughing and throws his keyboard at him and hit Mario on the head.

"No!No I can't let him win!"

"Like you did with me~?" I tease. His cheeks get pink.

"N-NO! I didn't let you win..." He then tries to make a jump on the impossible platform but keeps dieing over and over again.

Mario just smiles at the webcam and cheats by activating fly mode for him. "Wow Mario so good at this game! How yah doing back there?"

"F—KING CHEATER!" I shout over at Mairo. He just smiles at me evilly.

Three is somehow dirty and with bloodshot eyes. "I'm gonna find whoever made this and murder them!"

"I'll join you!" I raise my trusty knife. My knife needs a name... but what? (Name the knife!)

Mario is at the end. "Man it sure feels great to be a winner!" Mario falls through a floor and dies. Leave Mario surprised.

Three starts to hyperventilate a little. "I made it! I made it! I'm cracked!" But then the game resets. Three cry's a bit.

"It sent me back!"

I let his head. "It's okay..."

"I think we died too much.." Mario says with a frown.

"Now we have to do it all over again!" Three says waving his arms around.

Three then grabs my wrist and pulls me to his lap, causing me to blush, and pushes away from the desk

"Nope I'm not doing this sh¡t again!" He turns around and we both fly off.


I told Three I'm going home and waved goodbye. He seemed sad but waves goodbye. I teleport home and see eggcat, mini me, and Beeg around a tied up Four.

"What the hell is this?!" All of the kids immediately ran in different directions, leaving Four and me alone.

I sigh and go over to four and start to untie him. "So what happen?"

"Well I was working on my video and I saw the USB. So I decided I was going to finally upload it but then your kids and mine burst in my room and tied me up!"

"How long?"

"After you left actually..." he says embarrassedly.

I sighed again and got him untied. "Well I don't actually know why but maybe don't upload it kids can sense danger so let me have the USB until I know it's safe to upload on YouTube or your computer.."

Four nods and give me the USB he had in his hand. I take it and thank him. I put it in my hat and made dinner for all of us. After eating I go to my room and shut the door. I take the USB back out of my hat and I place it on my desk. I go take a shower, and get redressed. I take out my journal.

Dear Journal,

Today Three invited me to his stream and we got to play for awhile before Mario came and joined. First we played death run, Mario had a hard time on that... second, we played prop hunt and I won bet over Three.

Third, Three and Mairo play an Obstacle Course, I stayed out of it because I felt off and I had a headache, I decided to leave because it was getting close to the time for supper and I wanted to see what Four and mother kids were up to.

Turns out Four tried to upload the USB on his computer but the kids, mini me and Eggcat, stopped him and tied him up. I wonder why?

And where should me and three go for out hang out? (Please answer this question! I want your guys opinion/ideas)



I put my journal away and go to bed.

Sleep welcomes me...

The USB glitches out, dark purple and sky blue glitch boxes appearing and disappears.


I FINALLY GOT THIS CHAPTER OUT! Sorry I didn't post a chapter yesterday or the day before? But now i did! I was tired Anyways! I hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night!

Fun fact: I think most of my readers and followers are half way across the world.

Words: 2347

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