Wof Truth or Dare: Born

By Moonseabeam

816 7 33

Truth or dare, with the Dragonets of the destiny, the jade winglet, the lost continent, or any dragon that yo... More

Welcome to hell! May I take your order~?
Weird Dates part 1
Weird Dates 2
Turtle and Paper Airplanes
Singin Glory
Secret Santa
Who knew? People can Become Death at Art Contests.
Spirt Animals
Don't mess with the Rainwings or Nightwings
Murdering, Money, and Matcha
PIRATES!!!!! Part 1
Some Sunny truths and a Death to the Deathbringer
Join us. (:

Nice to meet you, I'm your Worst enemy!

133 1 6
By Moonseabeam

Sunfeather: Hello, my name is Sunfeather, but you can just call me Feather. *holds up a kitchen knife* And this is my best buddy, Sally! She is the best, and I don't want to hear anything that says that she is not the best.

Blacksand: Hi! I'm Sand. Also, Feather? *turns head* Who are we talking to?

Sunfeather: Don't ask me! Ask Sally! *holds up a swiss army knife* oh shoot, SALLY WHERE ARE YOU!

Blacksand: I'm sorry you had to see that? *holds up Sally* Anyway, welcome to the game where things happen, that are weird as heck. *tosses Sally into a pit of lava that appears out of  nowhere*

Sunfeather: NO SALLY!! * turns head slowly to Blacksand* You. Are. Fucking. Dead.

Blacksand: well that's my queue run. So uh *Begins to run as fast as possible*

Sunfeather: *grabs Blacksand, and slowly drags him back*

*the DOD appears *

Tsunami/Glory: what is this?! You can not kidnapp a princess/queen, and get away with it! HEY. STOP COPYING ME. STOP! STOP!

Blacksand: *pulls popcorn out of thin air* want some popcorn?

Sunfeather: Yes please. *grins*

Sunny: Excuse me! Can you tell me where are we? And why are we here?


Starflight: Yes, can you tell, me if we are getting kidnapped or something?

Clay:  And do you have a cow? I didn't have lunch yet.

Sunfeather: Well, welcome to truth or dare, AKA hell!

The DOD: *goes quite* I'm sorry, WHAT?!

Sunny:  I once read some truth or dare fanfics once, and they were all crazy! (But really good)

Tsunami: *narrows eyes* which one of you are the crazy one and the innocent one?

Sunny: are you two hybrids? Also, I don't think we caught your names?

Sunfeather: oh yeah. So I'm Feather, and this is Sand. And yeah we are both hybrids. Sally would be here to, if Sand had not thrown Sally into a pit of LAVA. *glares at Blacksand*

Sunny: *gasps*

Blacksand: ... Let's just say that you don't want to meet Sally. Any-way. *pulls out a piece of paper, and opens it* the first dare is from, *looks around* THE AUTHOR.

Starflight: ... Okay?

Sunfeather: It says that they are being nice with you guys, and is having you shout the dragon's name of that you hate most, on the top of jade mountain.

Tsunami: oh that's easy.

Sunny: yeah, we can totally do that.

Blacksand: well, here we go! *snaps fingers*

Everyone: *waits for something to happen*

Sunfeather: *rolls eyes* you have to snap both fingers for it to work.

Blacksand: Oh, right. *snaps with both fingers."

Everyone: *appears at the top of jade mountain*

Sunfeather: *slaps down a stool* Alright, who wants to go first?

Glory: *Sighs* might as well get it over with. *goes to the stool* I FUCKING HATE CHAMELEON!

Tsunami: I'll go next. *inhales* I HATE WIRLLPOOL, THAT SON OF A BITCH.

Sunfeather: Good, good, very good.

Starflight/Sunny: I HATE MARROWSEER.

Clay: um. I guess I hate not having food for a day?

Everyone:  *facepalms*

Everyone: *appears at the base*

Tsunami: Clay, that's not a dragon.

Clay: I don't hate anyone though!

Sunfeather: *looks at hidden camera* Well Clay is weird!

Blacksand: Again, who are you talking to?

Sunfeather: How would I know? Wait. Who am I talking to? One second. *pulls out Sally from the underworld* Okay Sally. Who and why are we talking to? Sally? SALLY!

The DOD: *sees Sunfeather trying to get information out of a kitchen knife*

Glory: *whispers* just pretend we are not here. *turns invisible*

Tsunami: *quietly diving into a nearby pond*

Starflight: *hides in some trees*

Sunny: *hides inside glory's wings*

Clay: *looks around* hey where did everyone go?

Hosts: *shoot their eyes over to clay*

Glory: oh your dead.

Hosts: *nods to each other, and then jumps on Glory, Sunny, and Clay.*

Sunfeather: *ties some rope around Glory and sunny*

Blacksand: *gets a cow, and throws it into a pit*

Clay: *jumps into the pit* thanks for the cow!

Blacksand: thanks for unwillingly cooperating! *jumps onto Starflight, and ties him up*

Sunfeather: *throws some piranhas into the pond, Wednesday style*

Tsunami: *jumps out of the water* crap, crap, crap!

Sunfeather/Blacksand: *tackles Tsunami*

10 minutes later...

Blacksand: *covered in scratches, and bite marks* okay! Now that has been taken care of, time to move on to the dare form ... *looks around* THE AUTHOR!

Glory: And what is that supposed to mean?

Blacksand: Well, well, well, well. Looks like little Glory has finally turned arou-

Sunfeather: You know the dragon's that you shouted put on jade mountain? Well, now you have to spend the rest of the day with them, and no one else.

Sunny: *sighs* this is where the pain kicks in.

Blacksand: *snaps*

*Chameleon, Whirlpool, two Marrowseers, and a contract appears*


Sunfeather: *pats Tsunami on the shoulder* Sorry. You got to do it.


Blacksand: *cough cough* there-is. *snaps*

*contract for unlimited chicken for free appears*

Glory: That's what you made us sign?! A contract for free chickens, and you didn't even read it all?!

Clay: No I did read it all! *reads, but still doesn't see it*

Sunny: Why is it when you snap your fingers, and then something happens?


Sunny: Okaaaaay.

Sunfeather: Alrighty, now let's get on with the dare! *shoves everyone*

Tsunami: wait! Are we allowed to kill them?

Sunfeather: Hell yeah.

Tsunami: Can we borrow some of your weapons?

Sunfeather: *grins even more* hell yeah!

Tsunami: guys! We can borrow some of Sunfeather's weapons, and kill them! *grabs a knife*

Glory: Nice! *grabs two knifes*

Starflight: thank you. *grabs three disks*

Sunny: *somehow already has a knife*

Clay: *crying in a corner*

Tsunami: Uh Clay, are you oka-

Blacksand: NO communicating.

Tsunami: ... Fine. *goes over to Whirlpool* Heyyyy Whirlpooool. *tackles and muffles Whirlpool*

Glory: *puts venom on knifes, and throws them*

Chameleon: AHHHHHHH

Glory: *smiles*

Sunny's Marrowseer: *already dead*

Starflight: *is dead*


Blacksand: Don't worry, he's not truly dead. Sense one dragon from each pair is dead, should we stop?

Sunfeather: No.

Blacksand: but then wouldn't they just keep on going thought the day but themselves?

Sunfeather: *grins* No.

Blacksand: Oh I see. *grins, and snaps fingers*

*Marrowseer, Whirlpool, Chameleon and Starfight get resurrected*


*a day later of people murdering each other*

Sunny: *cleaning her hands* Well that was fun!

Starflight: ... Sunny, I feel like there is a lot we don't know about you.

Blacksand: *grins* 

Clay: *still crying*

Tsunami: um, what's wrong with clay?

Sunfeather: Oh, you know how yesterday Clay said that he hates not having food?

Tsunami: *nods*

Sunfeather: Well because he said that, he has to not eat food for a day, and he doesn't know that it has been a day, and he can eat again.

Glory: *looks over to Clay* Oh. So that's why Clay has been crying in the corner.

Sunfeather: Well that's was fun! See you guys tomorrow!

(If you have any truths, or dares, please put the, in the text right here. Have a good day! Sunfeather: or don't. Up to you. )

Word count: 1,125

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