Glass Hearts || Noah Sebastia...

By HolyFxckk

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[[BOOK 2]] Noah thought he had seen the last of Veronica after she up and left without a trace while he was... More

19. (Part 1)
20. (Part2)


411 14 6
By HolyFxckk

"Blair, I need you to run to the basement and find me a case of Smirnoff" Mel approaches breathlessly, cheeks pinched red like she had been running a marathon. Which isn't far from the truth. It's been a busy evening, and we have all been running ourselves thin trying to keep up with the needy party goers that have been bothering us relentlessly.

"Okay, I can do that. Anything else?" I question, reaching behind her to grab the basement keys from the small nail they hang on.

She thinks for a moment, weight leaning over to one side as she places her hands on her hips. I'm sure she is running through a mental list of different items we could be running low on, and what's most important to grab for the rush of college kids that walked through the door a couple of minutes ago.

"If you can carry it, maybe also another case of jack. Frat boys like whisky" she mutters the last part and dresses it with an eye roll.

I nod, stepping out from behind the large marble top bar and going around the backside to make my way to the basement. It's not too far off from where I am at, a small walk down a narrow hall and down a steep flight of steps. It's dark as I turn the key in the lock, revealing a set or stairs, I can't see but a few feet ahead of me and that's only due to the small glow of neon lights behind me. My palms feels up the walls beside me, searching for a light switch against the concrete. When It turns out to be useless I sigh, pulling my phone from my back pocket and turning on my flashlight. It's not nearly bright enough- but it's better than nothing.

With my right foot leading I slowly descend the steps, careful as I put my weight on each one. I can hear the boards moaning as I move down further into the basement. The noise echos off the empty hard walls and makes the already creepy space take on an entirely more eery aura. It's cold as I reach the bottom, a shiver running up my spine as I shutter. It smells wet and unkept down here, the dust that had settled between now and the last time someone came down here now picking up around me and entering my airways.

"Jesus Christ" i mutter to myself as I find the large stack of boxed vodka. It's piled high, but not too far up to where I can't grab a heavy case from the top, on my toes I reach out and take it in my hands. It's a lot heavier than I was anticipating, the weight coming down hard against my groin as I slide it off.

"Fuck" again, speaking to myself and placing it down on the ground to find the case of jack that Mel requested.

It also isn't hard to spot, just beyond the stack of vodka it sits not nearly as tall. Only four boxes high, but just as heavy. I'm going to have to make two trips in order to get these up to her. I slide both boxes over to the edge of the steps, using the strength in my legs to hoist what feels like a hundreds pounds across the old crackled concrete flooring.

Just as I'm about to take the top case into my arms, the room lights up dimly. My head snaps to the top of the steps to see the tall frame of a man. I can't make out his features as my eyes try to adjust to the sudden change in exposure and he slowly begins to walk down the steps.

"Do you need some help?" He speaks in a deep vibrato. His voice seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

My heart hammers in my chest, still caught off guard by his sudden presence I can't speak just yet. My voice is lost somewhere in my throat as it searches for some kind of moisture.

"I didn't mean to startle you" he speaks again, but this time he is closer and I can hear him more clearly. I'm certain I know that deep timbre from somewhere, I've heard it before.

And when he finally steps into my line of sight I am met with deep sunken in blue eyes that chill me. I've seen them before, finding familiarity in the deep lines that pepper the corners. His hair is dark, as dark as the feeling that hits my stomach as I realize who he is. Dressed in a grey suit- one that is tailored perfectly to his body that is cut with thick, broad muscle. He's the perv from the bar that I went to a few weeks ago. The one who slid me his number written down on an old crinkled up napkin, the bad omen. Jasper. Just the mere thought of him sharing a name with that vile man puts a bad taste in my mouth for him, and his blatant disrespect for me was definitely the cherry on top. I just can't imagine why he would be here, offering me help.

As he gets closer I can tell he knows exactly who I am, once again. And I straighten my position as he finally stands on the bottom step, only a few feet from me.

"I don't mind making two trips" I finally speak, attempting to hide the discomfort in my voice but not doing a good job.

"Really. It's the least I can do. I know you have a very busy night ahead of you. Can't have you wasting your energy running up and down these steps with boxes that weigh as much as you do" he's trying to be sincere, acting like he didn't offer me a job as one of his corner girls a few weeks ago.

Most people would appreciate that, but I find it annoying.

"Really, it's no big deal. I don't think customers are allowed down here anyway" I brush him off with a simple and believable excuse.

He just laughs at my comment, bending over to grab not one but both cases of alcohol from the ground and taking them into his strong hold. I can say I am impressed at his strength, just one of those boxes almost made me double over in exasperation.

"I think I'll be fine" and then he begins walking up the stairs.

I have to stop myself from standing there in disbelief at his blatant disregard for what I said. He clearly thinks he is above everyone, and who the fuck comes to a club in a suit? I'm quick on his tail, taking two steps at a time to catch up with him. He's fast, his long legs carrying him at least five feet ahead of me and I find myself struggling to keep up with him. He appears to know exactly where to go, taking the few turns with full confidence before approaching the bar with his chin high and proud. He places them down on the marble top, and I am finally at his side. Chest tight and breathing a bit staggered. I really need to stop smoking, maybe get a gym membership.

"Thanks. You can go now" I say, moving past him to stand in front of the boxes and preparing to unload them.

I don't mean to be rude, however he is not only testing my patience but creeps me out. His presence causes a shiver to run up my spine.

But he doesn't move, he just stands there and I can feel his eyes burning into me as I pop open the case and begin to pull the handles of vodka from it. I have to maneuver around him to place them on the liquor shelf that he is standing directly in front of him. By the time I empty the first case I am ready to scream at him, turning to face him I lean to the left and cross my arms over my chest.

"Do you need something ?" I question

But before he can answer Mellie's coming up beside me, a large smile on her face as her eyes bounce between the two of us.

"Blair! I see you've met Jay who has finally decided to Grace us with his presence" she speaks with a joking tone, throwing a soft giggle in at the end of her statement.

Her words causing my mouth fall open in disbelief, as I stand there wide eyed and gawking at the man in front of me. I hadn't even the slightest inkling that he worked here, let alone Co owned the place. I have only met Asher in what is nearing but only a short week of being employed. From what I heard Jasper, or Jay as everyone refers to him, has been busy tending to something outside of the club that required his attention. At first I didn't think much of it, Im sure a well off club owner has an abundance of responsibilities. But now as. I see the shifty man that stands before me, remembering his malevolent nature and sleazy remarks, I can't help but wonder what exactly kept him tired up for a few days.

"Yes. I was just helping her with these boxes. Don't need any work related injuries before the club is even a month into operation" he remarks, and I scoff slightly.

Yeah, okay

"Thank you. I think I have it from here" I give him a forced grin and continue unloading the final box.

Him and Mel start chatting but I get lost in my task, setting the bottles onto the shelf and knocking off the small layer of desk that peppered them. I can only imagine how long they have been in that crypt, but by the looks of the white mask that covers them I can tell it's been a while. It's probably overstock from the last few bars that have come and gone in this building. None of them lasting more than a few months before they eventually got shut down due to poor business. In a city with more options than most people can fathom, it takes a lot to run a business that will last. None of them had the wow factor needed to succeed in Vegas, and I'm not sure this place does either. It has lure, and I'll give them that. They have done good with making the high ceilings and stacked levels look sleek and high end, but the tacky strobe lights give it a cheap appeal.we always have a bar stocked full of more than enough liquor, and pretty faces to appease the masses. But that doent take away from the tacky art that plasters the walls and the same mid 2000s mix that pumps through the speakers since we don't have a permanent DJ yet. I should keep my eyes peeled for any other job, just in case.

"By the way" jay speaks as he begins to round the corner, his eyes falling on me to let me know he is speaking to me. He gives me a sick smile, turned up at the ends with a mischievous tilt that sends a shiver up my spine.

"A congratulations is in order for the newlywed" he speaks flatly.

I grimace. Of course he saw the countless articles swirling around, I'm sure he keeps up with the lives the of employees and especially if they are tied to people he feels will serve him a purpose.

But maybe i am being too harsh on him, and I would play with idea for a while longer if not for the way he plants his hand on me. Too close to the cusps of my ass and a little too snug for my liking. His fingertips digging into my flesh, reminding me of just how much power he truly has over me.

"Really. It's not big deal" I confirm with a shrug, trying to step away from him but his firm hold makes it hard.

He positions himself to be just above my ear, hovering over it slightly and causing the hairs on my neck to prickle with awareness.

I steady my breathing, reminding myself to stay calm. He's my boss.

  I need this job.

"My offer still stands if you decide that the bartending life doesn't suit your needs" his voice is callous and cold as he speaks. Emphasizing each word and towering over me in a way that makes it nearly impossible to turn away. I feel the hairs on my hair stand pin straight, unease pricking my skin. Despite the harsh exterior I put up for the world I am a weak girl deep down, and I seems as if he can sense that part of me. The part I try so desperately to hide away. It doesn't take much for a man like him to see right though the rigid armor I have built up, and by the way his eyes beat my own I know there isn't much of a battle I can put up.

"Thank you, but no thanks" I finally retort, trying my best to keep my eye roll back at my boss.

He only smiles, giving me a small pat on the back before strolling away.

He is a handsome man, and any woman with the slightest bit of taste would be fawning at his mere existence, let alone at his touch. But not I. My heart truly belongs to one man, and even if he was far from the picture i still would not find him anymore appealing. His over the top cockiness and supercilious attitude is enough to make my skin crawl with distaste.

He doesn't say another word, only giving me a tart smile before turning on his heels and walking away. And when he is gone I allow my eyes to roll at the unsavory man who strolls in the opposite direction of me.

  He is lucky I really need this job

The rest of my evening goes by without much action, jay keeping a close eye on me the entire time. I try to pretend that I can't feel his eyes burning into me as I work, but every so often I can get a quick glance of him as he stands back and observes my every move. It makes the entirety of my eight hour shift pass by sluggishly. As I count down every second until I am clocking out and I can be as far him his direct line of sight. It's a relatively slow night, the rush of the past weekend hasn't lingered like I am use to at the strip club. There are plenty other more exciting business for people to funnel their money into.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, letting me know that I have a text waiting for me to view. Withdrawing it from my pocket, the light glows across my face as my eyes scan the screen.

From Noah: I'm waiting outside for you, can we get tacos?

I can't help but chuckle at his requests, telling him that I am more than happy to grab a bite with him when I get off in 10 minutes. I drove over with Mellie, but by the looks of her nonstop texting game with Folio this evening I'm sure she won't protest at the idea of some alone time.

Washing the few shakers and empty shot glasses I have piled into the deep stainless steal sink I throw them onto the drying rack. Wiping my hands clean of the water that litters them before collecting my bag from under the bar and heading to the break room in order to clock out. It's just around the small bend in the wall that hugs the bar, dimly lit and filled with lockers that no one bothers to use. I take my tired body over to the time clock. Noticing that I have three whole minutes until I can formally time out for the evening.

With a grunt I throw myself onto one of the many chairs that decorate the small room unhappy that I have to wait but needing every second of pay I muster up. There's not much else I can do at the bar that won't trickle into overtime hours that the bosses so desperately doesn't want anyone to collect. There aren't but only three other bartenders that work this place and the hours are meticulously divided betwixt all six of us. Sending Mel a text to let her know my plans, she quickly replies with "Okay" as I sink into the cold plastic chair. It's hard surface moaning slightly against the weight that I throw back into it.

As I continue to count down the few minutes between myself and freedom I see a tall figure slowly approach the threshold. I gulp as I watch it make its way into the room, not being able to see who it is. My heart thumps in my chest, I can hear it's drumming as it echoes in my ears. The hairs on the back of my neck stand aware as I watch him approach me out of the corner of my eye. His presence is heavy, his eyes weighing down on as I try to keep my attention on anything but him.

He bores into me like I am glass, seeing straight through and striking me to the bone. My skin tightening with nerves as he strides behind me.

"I was surprised to see that you were the new girl everyone was ranting and raving about" when he finally speaks its low, as he stands behind my chair and looks down over me.

I stay silent, pulling my phone from my pocket to see a few more texts from Noah and Mel flash across my screen. The time telling me I only have 120 minutes standing between myself and the escape of Noah's rental. I swipe the screen to message back Noah, sliding my thumbs across the keyboard, but before I can get the words typed fully I see feel large hands rub across my shoulders. His strong fingertips digging into the exposed skin of my shoulders.

"You're gonna put me on my ass dressed like that in here every night. I'm finding it hard to keep my hands to myself" his words sending a chill up my spine- and not in a good way. I recognize the tone he carries. It's the same bone shattering voice I've heard fall from the mouths of many different men from many different walks of life-all of which wanted to same things from me, willing or not.

"Well, try a little harder" i deadpan back, pushing his hand off of me before I rise to my feet.

Not caring that it's too early, I quickly punch in my numbers to stop my time clock. Watching the time flash red to make me aware that it's still 60 seconds too early, but I can spare the few cents on my check. I need to get away from him, and as I grab for my bag that sits next to the chair I catch a glance of his smug expression. Liking the uncomfortable look plastered on my face, liking the way I fear his presence. It makes my stomach burn, an angry hot knife twisting in my pit.

I won't fear anyone ever again. Especially a man.

I throw the tote over my shoulder, standing straight up as I point my chin upward. We lock eyes, and I almost look away when I see how they have gone nearly black, his entire face morphing with a narrow expression that holds an evil that I have only ever seen once. He expects me to back down, but I surprise even myself when I speak

"I'm here to work, make money, and go home. Nothing more. Keep your unsolicited offers and hands away from me"

His doesn't give any indication that he gives a fuck about what I say, which would usually irate me. But I don't care if he cares, it was my first and only warning.

I see his lips turn up at the corner before I spin around and hurry for the door with my head held high. I've been reminded so much of who I once was lately, that I forget who exactly I am now. People seem to have been making a habit of walking all over me and at this point I am fed up with it. Especially tired of crafty men thinking they are entitled to any parts of me- good or bad.

"It's a matter of time before he's tired of you. Girls like you are hard to keep tied down"


We have been sitting in silence for the last thirty minutes, the only sounds being that of Noah who hasn't let the shift in dynamic affect his appetite. I, on the other hand, am not so lucky. Between the events of the last few days and the spiteful words of my new boss my body is packed too full with disgust to stomach much of anything else. There being tension between Noah and I only adds to the heaviness that weighs down on me. It seems as if the only time we aren't thinking about the shambles that our lives are in is when we are under the covers.

Or when he's proclaiming his love to me.

Which I had managed to have forgotten about up until now, and I wish I could push it back again. It's the last thing I want or need to be stressing over right now, but it's the only thing running ramped in my mind.

"I was able to pull some strings and get the article taken down. I can't promise there won't be more, and the damage has already been done with what was out there. But I'm trying to make this right, roni. You don't deserve this shit" he's the first one to break the silence. And when he does I am surprised at what he says. Not expecting him to take the initiative to make the situation somewhat better.

"Thank you, Noah. I really appreciate it" my throat is dry as I speak, the nerves taking full swing as the topic gets brought up.

"I know it doesn't make it better, but for what it's worth I am sorry about what happened at the coffee shop. Im coming up with something to make it right" his voice has gotten lower, sorrow lacing his words as he speaks, he has his eyes downcast to his lap, too afraid to look up and see the look spread across my features.

I let out a long sigh, running my palms over my face a few times in order to gather my barings. I think the entire situation is a mess-fucked even. I want to scream and cry and blame everyone else for being so loud that it caused the avalanche of my life to come tumbling down. But it's not his fault.

Even if he is the easiest one to take the blame.

Reaching over with my left hand, I place it on his thigh. Giving it a comforting squeeze and causing him to snap his head up and finally look at me. His whiskey eyes are swirling with emotion, the firewood color lit up with a heavy sadness. His waterline reflects with the guilt he has crowned himself with, his nose red as he tries to keep everything at bay. The heaviness of it all weighs down on his shoulders, furrowed brows and pouty lips hinting at the depths of his sorrow.

I open my mouth to speak, wanting to say something -anything- to make it all okay. But it's impossible to form the words, and even more impossible to spit them out. Searching for my voice, I can't seem to find it. Not that I have even the slightest inkling of what to say, to what would make both of our worries melt away. So instead I lean over the leather center console, pressing my lips against the softness of his cheek. The sound of my connection echoing in the otherwise silent car. I feel his face swell with a smile, the apples of his cheeks perching high. Pulling away I can see a small red outline left behind across his jaw. It makes me smile, my heart warming at the thought of marking him with my mouth. I run my thumb across it for a moment, seeing the buttery lipstick smudge slightly under my finger.

"I guess I'm just going to have to start swinging on your crazy groupies" my attempt to lighten the mood is well received when I hear him chuckle from beside me, turning his head to face me. Our noses now only but an inch apart, I can smell the sweet mint gum mixed with Tabacco that kisses his breathing that comes out shallow and greedy.

He closes the space, the tips of our noses butterflying ever so slightly as he leans all the way in, pressing his forehead to my own.

"You're too pretty to fight, baby" he plays into me, placing his much larger hand on top of my own.

"Too pretty to have coffee thrown on me too. I'm lucky it was iced" I joke back

But his smile falls at my words, and he gives me a stale face.

"It's okay, I think Eli scared the shit out of the poor girl" I add in.

"Should have done more that" he deadpans, pecking me quickly on the nose before turning back to start up the car and begin driving.

I just chuckle at him and his volatility. I understand his ire with the situation, but there's something oddly sexy about the way his knuckles clutch the steering wheel, making them go pale under his strength. The vein on his neck that only makes its appearance when he's especially vexed.

We drive for a while, light chatter filling the once silent car as we have found some way to melt away the icy awkwardness. He drives aimlessly, windows down as the music blares through the speakers. The sun is long gone, and the stars are masked by a thick layer of clouds that have rolled in this evening. Cool air rumbles around the car, it tosses our hair around us as it rushes through the cracks in the window. For the first time in what only feels like forever, we manage to let go of all the issues we have been facing lately. We can't be bothered to ponder over the what ifs and abundance of worst case scenarios. Instead we talk about random memories of our lives far before the difficult one we are trapped in. Laughing as we recall our lives. With his hand resting on my leg he leads us down winding roads. I have been in Vegas for two years now, and haven't bothered to explore the city once. We cost past mile high mountains, the stone structures creating natural works of art. Endless fields of grassy plains and old desert trees that stretch further than the eye can see. The dark heather sky giving us a silky backdrop as he continues to cost around Vegas. It's a much needed escape, and I have half the mind to tell him to keep driving until there's nothing but broken memories behind us- but that's a pipe dream.

We end up rolling back into town when the time strikes a quarter past 2 am, and my eyes are too tired to keep open much longer when Noah's parallel parking outside of my condo and he waits for a moment. Going on his phone for a while as I hear the pads of this thumbs tap against his screen. His eyes scan over the message for a bit, reading and retyping whatever it is that captivated him. After a moment he sets his phone down, letting out a sigh before turning to me and speaking.

"Whatever happens now that the news is out, I am sorry. I should have responded better when it happened but I was just freaked out about the entire ordeal" he admits with a drawn out sigh, he runs his hands over his face to work away at the nerves.

"I don't know why, but everyone is so entitled to us. And there's only so much I can say. But check twitter" and at his words I pull out my phone, clicking the blue icon that I have had muted for ages now and the first tweet I see happens to be from the official page of his band.

@badomenscult : the recent events circulating around Veronica have been appalling. I really expected you guys to do better. Be kind. Be mindful. And stop being so goddamn annoying. She's human and most importantly she is special to all of us as.

And I reread it far too many times, my face aching with a smile that plasters itself unwilling.

Maybe we can rewright the past.

Maybe we are not doomed.

Or maybe I am all wrong.





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