I Reincarnated as Louis XVI t...

By KageNishi

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A man playing a history game falls asleep and wakes up in the Palace of Versailles. To his shock, the man was... More

Prologue: Welcome to France
The Man, Louis XVI
Box of Versailles
Let's Dance at the Ball
Red Rain Incident
Bourbon Reforms
I Will Conquer, with the People
Dawn of a New Era
Attitude Survey Results
In the Swaying Carriage
The Start of Reforms
Bath Arc
17 Years Old
Whereabouts of Foreign Currency
Be a Sword, Be a Shield
Academy of Sciences
Doctor Sanson
Enriching Meals
Operation Stork
New World Disturbance
Villainous Intentions Righteous Opportunity
1st International French Fashion Fair
If I Shouted Too Much Love in the Middle of Versailles, They Got Mad at Me
Swedish Noblemen
His Majesty's Holiday
Made in Taiwan
Operation Leviathan
Bourbon Doctrine
How About Spices?
Last Kingdom
Fire on the Other Shore
Looming Threat
Economic Index
Anti-Britain Grand Alliance
Opening Moves for Dominance


580 14 1
By KageNishi


"Inviolable Territory 1777"

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May 2, 1777

It has been three months since the convening of the European Conference...

The establishment of the European Pact, an anti-revolutionary organization, and the installation of police agencies are steadily progressing. In France, with the Department of Land Administration taking the lead, directives on nationwide communication and strict enforcement of revolutionary measures were issued on March 29, one month after the establishment of the European Pact. In line with the documents at hand, measures against the New Treatise of Government were steadily being implemented. The past six months have been filled with desk work, including meetings on countermeasures against the revolution, interim debriefing meetings, and meetings to predict the future.

A break? Hardly any, except for Sundays!

"First, address the New Treatise of Government and issue comprehensive directives for intensified enforcement to the police, military, and intelligence agencies. With the European countries setting 'standards,' it's become easier."

Not only within France but also in European countries (excluding the UK in the midst of civil war), the unification of enforcement standards has allowed for a streamlined response to the New Treatise of Government. Based on the European Pact standards, selected individuals from each country's police force manage and operate, adhering to the following standardized procedures:

- During the enforcement of measures against the New Treatise of Government, inquire about the reasons for supporting that ideology without recording the opponent's address, name, gender, etc.

- Immediately report to the king if there is a tendency of support or alignment with the New Treatise of Government among the government's upper echelons or the intellectual class.

- In case of surpassing the danger level criteria of the European Pact, request large-scale crackdowns and assistance from neighboring countries.

- Conduct reforms as swiftly as possible to prevent revolution and ensure tax reduction and social security for the common people to garner support.

- When sharing information, provide detailed records and promptly deliver them to headquarters.

With these procedures, police agencies in each country are enforcing measures, and government agencies have recognized the need for reform, ensuring steady preparation and action against revolution. This is considered a positive report. If this fails, Europe itself might disintegrate...

For now, after the European Conference, I've individually summoned representatives of each country for face-to-face meetings. It's not something to be resolved only at that gathering. After entertaining the guests, we delved into their inner thoughts. Prussia, Russia, and Poland remained somewhat unenthusiastic, leaning towards passive cooperation. Nevertheless, building a cooperative relationship with them is better than nothing. The situation was even more tense with the Republic of Krakow, as Russia and Poland had an antagonistic relationship with them which resulted in sparks flying. Please, at least for now, get along on the surface...

...So, the first challenge, the New Treatise of Government, along with the establishment of mutual cooperation for disaster preparedness in response to the Laki volcano eruption and the signing of a non-aggression treaty stipulating no wars for a minimum of five years in preparation for the anti-revolution war, were successively carried out. Four meetings lasting one to three hours each with representatives from various countries were held continuously for five days. I was quite tired on the last day and leaned on Antoinette, letting her pat my head before falling asleep.

In fact, on the first day of the European Conference, there was an incident of poisoning at a party hosted by Countess Polignac that stirred quite a chaos. Two high-ranking officials from Poland suddenly vomited, foamed at the mouth, and collapsed after drinking wine transported from a distillery owned by Countess Polignac. Additionally, a model prisoner responsible for tasting also drank the wine and, about an hour later, began sweating profusely and experienced difficulty breathing. While the Polish officials recovered smoothly with lingering consciousness impairment, the model prisoner suffered multiple organ failure and passed away in the hospital.

The internal security personnel from the Department of Land Administration, responsible for security, immediately instructed people at the party to cease consuming food and beverages. They conducted a thorough inspection of all food and drinks. The results revealed traces of a delayed-action poison mixed into the wine barrels brought to the venue just before the event. The distillery staff mentioned that the gendarmerie conducted a night inspection and tasted the wine, but according to the military police, there was no checkpoint at that location. Moreover, the officer who allegedly handled the situation, Second Lieutenant Sergei, had been missing for several years. Consequently, various departments, including internal investigations, were in a state of panic. Due to the use of a delayed-action poison, symptoms in the tasting personnel appeared later, causing a delay in detection.

"After receiving the report, I checked the progress of the investigation at the Bourbon Palace until 2 o'clock... If fake military police are involved, it's even scarier. Sergei, who is said to have poisoned the wine, seems to have been missing for years. The military police are conducting a thorough investigation in collaboration with the Department of Land Administration and sharing information to clear their name."

Anthony and Jeanne, who had played a significant role in suppressing the unrest in Saint-Domingue, are assigned to this investigation. They are tasked with tracing Second Lieutenant Sergei's whereabouts, and there is a suspicion that there might be information linking Countess Polignac and Sub-Lieutenant Sergei.

After the incident, Countess Polignac was interrogated and questioned, but there were no suspicious points or motives for committing the crime found in her case. As a result, she was excluded as a suspect, but for the time being, the Department of Land Administration is maintaining constant surveillance on her under the pretext of protection. However, there are apparently some concerns, so the investigation is proceeding cautiously.

Whether it was the work of revolutionaries or someone harboring resentment against Countess Polignac remained unclear. Nevertheless, it is a fact that two Polish officials were injured and a model prisoner died at the party she hosted. As the safety of meals was jeopardized, it has become mandatory to securely seal drinks in advance and rigorously manage to avoid carrying poisons, not only for the royal family but also for meals prepared for important foreign guests in diplomatic situations.

Moreover, to the Polish government, promises of condolence money and full cooperation in the investigation were given. Currently, 35 personnel from the Polish government's investigative agencies have arrived in Paris, collaborating with the gendarmerie, the Department of Land Administration's internal security, and the Office of Internal Special Investigations to conduct a thorough investigation. So far, they have successfully apprehended two subordinates of Second Lieutenant Sergei since the incident occurred until today.

Despite thinking the case might be resolved, these two individuals, upon being apprehended, ingested the poison that had severely harmed the Polish officials immediately after the arrest and died. When Brother Sanson examined the remaining poison, it seemed to be a powder made from dried wolfsbane, and the wine was suspected to have contained the bulb part of wolfsbane. Since there was no indication that they sympathized with revolutionary ideas, it is speculated that Second Lieutenant Sergei acted independently out of resentment against Countess Polignac.

'Countess Polignac had gained influence after the demise of the Adélaïde and Orléans factions. Perhaps forces disapproving of such developments orchestrated this as harassment. It's also possible that Second Lieutenant Sergei belonged to one of the factions.'

Regardless, if fake gendarmerie indistinguishable from the real ones have emerged, it's a truly dire situation. Finding Second Lieutenant Sergei's whereabouts is crucial. Although three months have passed since the crime, the investigation is still ongoing, and there is hope for further developments.

Next month at the latest, notifications about the incorporation of Saint-Domingue and Qinglong as overseas territories should be sent out. Of course, managing overseas territories is also the responsibility of the government... and ultimately, the king.

The first group of pioneers left for Qinglong, consisting mainly of those who had applied to the government and British nationals who applied through general applications or sought new opportunities as refugees or exiles, has departed. Although the number is around a thousand, it is sufficient for the initial development. Once the production of crops from state-sponsored sugar and banana plantations reaches exportable levels, plans are in place to sell them to places like Ryukyu, Dejima in Nagasaki, and Qing China.

Upon completing the foundational work for the trade hub port, the plan is not only to expand plantations but also to develop irrigation channels and implement measures against infectious diseases such as malaria to ensure safe colonization. Additionally, the Kingdom of Mysore is expected to send personnel, but it seems that significant deployment may not happen until the following year. Regarding Dejima, efforts are being made to negotiate with the Dutch for sending envoys, such as Gennai Hiraga, Genpaku Sugita, or Ryōtaku Maeno, to France.

The reason for choosing these two individuals is that they are currently favored by Okitsugu Tanuma, who is currently dominating politics as the rōjū (senior counselor) of the Edo Shogunate. If we can also invite prominent figures in science, such as Gennai Hiraga, who is renowned as a scientist, as well as medical scholar and Dutch studies expert Genpaku Sugita and Ryōtaku Maeno, I believe it will deepen our relations with Japan. The goal is to deepen relations with Japan, but due to the isolationist policy of the Edo Shogunate, bringing them along might be a bit challenging. Therefore, the plan is to entice them with the advantages of learning about southern crops such as sugar, as well as French medicine and science. After all, it's my former home...

Moreover, at least a chef who can prepare Japanese cuisine or a cookbook would be appreciated. The taste of soy sauce, miso, and the pungent kick of wasabi are starting to feel nostalgic. While Western cuisine is enjoyable, the desire for authentic Japanese food is growing. I want to enjoy a proper Japanese meal with Antoinette and Thérèse.

"It would be great to invite Japanese people to the Palace of Versailles as soon as possible... Oh, but considering the current era, these Dutch scholars are primarily focused on Dutch studies, meaning they would have studied Dutch and might not understand French... Well, maybe we can have an interpreter who speaks Dutch... By the way, I wonder if the situation in London can be resolved somehow..."

Yes, even this modest wish of the king is under threat due to the ongoing revolutionary turmoil in London.





In any case, the current situation continued to be a standoff with the London Revolutionary Government, and the confrontation persisted without direct military engagements. Although six months had passed since the outbreak of the London Revolution, the British government had not only failed to suppress it but had also suffered successive defeats and retreats. To be honest, the situation in Britain is worse than anticipated. It's surprising that the aftermath of a defeat worse than the OTL American Revolutionary War has led to such a deterioration...

Beyond deterioration, the security situation in Britain was already on a path to becoming the worst.

Firstly, the southern part of England had been subdued, and the renowned birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, Birmingham, had fallen. The once-famous Royal Hotel is now a facility serving as both a prison and an execution site for those labeled as counter-revolutionary thinkers. Particularly, entrepreneurs who tried to suppress labor uprisings and those who supported them are being subjected to impeachment trials, with almost all cases resulting in death sentences. It seemed like a complete carbon copy of the OTL French Revolution...

"April 29, 1777: Quoted from the material created by the British Investigation Team, Foreign Lands Administration Division, Department of Land Administration."

Taking into account the situation in Britain and the rebellion of the false emperor in Russia, a new department, the Foreign Land Management Department, was established to continually monitor external conditions. Overseas information and the like are managed and investigated there. This department is divided into different organizations for each area, and with the expansion of the department, buildings that were once owned by former nobles belonging to the Adélaïde and Orléans factions in Paris, which had no buyers, were purchased and allocated as placement locations for these respective departments.

Until then, the intelligence agencies were centered around Grand Trianon. However, following an incident of poison contamination by false gendarmes, concerns were raised that in the event of a terrorist attack or incident by revolutionary forces, if intelligence agencies were not dispersed, the command structure might be disrupted when under attack. So, a sensible suggestion was made, and at Grand Trianon, only a headquarters for coordinating communications from various locations was established. Other departments were then decentralized and placed in various facilities. Each department, now renamed as investigation teams, operates with a renewed restructuring of the command structure.

For the British Isles and Ireland, the Britain Investigation Team was assigned, and for North and South America, there is a New World Investigation Team, each handling their respective areas... In strategically important European regions like France, investigation teams from various countries were assigned. A system was also set up to oversee regions with multiple small countries, like territories and the Italian Peninsula.

A dedicated base was established for the British Investigation Team, the source of the documents being reviewed. Their base is a state-owned lodging facility called Repose en Paix in the city of Paris, which also functions as a bar on the first and second floors. The third to fifth floors serve as accommodation, allowing patrons to go upstairs and stay even if they get drunk at the bar. However, in reality, it functions as a location for honey traps, eavesdropping, and the like, all managed and operated by the Department of Land Administration's internal security.

The Department of Land Administration, being an organization under the jurisdiction of the government, is not inaccurately described as state-owned. The clientele includes wealthy commoners, aristocrats, and diplomats from various countries. The sixth floor serves as the office of internal security, while the seventh floor is allocated for rooms of the Britain Investigation Team. Several rooms have been specially renovated to include counterespionage facilities, functioning as domestic bases for the operations in Britain.

Amid preparations for the upcoming anti-revolutionary war, d'Eon personally takes command of this team. D'Eon organizes information sent by intelligence agents of the Department of Land Administration stationed in Britain and delivers reports to me every Monday and Friday, waiting nearby in this room...

So, without delay, I asked d'Eon several questions.

"While assessing the current situation in Britain... hasn't the Department of Land Administration's intelligence agents against Britain relocated or taken other measures?"

"As of now, agents have been sent to Edinburgh to investigate the movements of the upper echelons of the royal family and politicians. Simultaneously, establishments in various locations in London, such as taverns and high-class courtesan establishments, are employed to gather information about the revolutionary government, including local collaborators."

"I see... Regarding Charles Harrison, the leader of the revolutionary government, have you learned anything?"

"At the moment, it is understood that although he controls personnel decisions within the revolutionary government, he is not actively involved in its day-to-day affairs. It seems that several professors who previously taught at the law faculty of Oxford University are the ones actively shaping politics... They are said to be introducing laws that strongly reflect anti-royalty and anti-aristocracy sentiments."

Charles Harrison is, at best, a figurehead. Nevertheless, d'Eon suggested that the professors from Oxford University are the ones truly influencing politics. Indeed, considering his age is not much different from mine, it's plausible. Maybe, to avoid concerns about his youth, they installed a democratic system nominally and put professors in the gears of politics. Well, it might be better than entrusting politics to someone who knows nothing about it. Let's carefully examine the government objectives set by the revolutionary government, as they seem to be quite radical.

"1777 London National Equality Government's Objectives"

- To promote income improvement plans for the lower and impoverished classes within the revolutionary government, use confiscated funds, factories, and mines to circulate workers like steam engines and drive the economy.

- For criminals, aristocrats, royal family members, and citizens opposing the revolution, transform several forts on the outskirts of London into reeducation training facilities, provide education, and encourage them to become members of the new citizen government.

- Except for the noble inheritors who have agreed to the predetermined distribution of assets in line with the revolutionary government, execute all families of imprisoned nobles. For children under 15 years old, provide educational guidance in reeducation training facilities to instill egalitarian ideals.

- The revolutionary government does not recognize the monarchy. Confiscate all royal assets in London and evenly distribute them for the benefit of the impoverished.

The term "reeducation training facilities" may sound ominous, but it's a method revolutionaries often favor. Moreover, idealists like lawyers and professors tend to prioritize idealism. The enactment of anti-royalty and anti-aristocracy laws likely aligns with these intentions. Those who go to such extremes in one direction often face equally strong reactions in the opposite direction.

Certainly, to release the likely accumulated frustration in Charles Harrison, I inquired about any scandalous activities, especially those involving questionable behavior. Throughout history, it's been said that scandals related to relationships with women are more effective in bringing down politicians than their own verbal mistakes. If anything came up, I planned to spread it as part of diplomatic efforts.

"With such stringent government objectives... Are there any scandals involving Charles Harrison?"

"No... While we've gathered information about several high-ranking officials in the revolutionary government, unfortunately, Charles Harrison is said to be largely indifferent to matters of the flesh. There are no reported romantic involvements with women, and there isn't even a rumor suggesting a penchant for men..."

"Is that so..."

"Rather, it seems he focuses more on spreading the ideals of the new citizen government than on sexual desires. The occupation of Birmingham by the National Equality Army was carried out with internal cooperation..."

Lunar Society, a social group of influential figures and intellectuals in the Birmingham area, included a philosopher and scientist named Joseph Priestley. Despite being a devout Christian, he supported the actions of the revolutionary government. Lunar Society apparently persuaded intellectuals and, with their guidance, infiltrated hidden revolutionary forces into the city. This led to a simultaneous uprising, catching the British military defenders off guard and allowing the revolutionaries to occupy Birmingham.

"Birmingham fell with Lunar's help... At this rate, nowhere in Britain might be safe."

"Yes, the British royal family is also in considerable turmoil. It's possible that in another six months, the entire country will fall into the hands of the revolutionary forces."

"...It's a matter that France can't overlook. But, I suppose Prussia and the principalities don't want to get involved too much?"

"That's correct. Considering their failures in the New World, there's a strong reluctance to further involve themselves in British domestic issues. We'll collaborate with the Prussian investigation team to monitor developments."

"Very well, I trust you."

In the war in the New World, defections from both Prussia and the principalities led to a complete collapse of the front lines. They seem to fear a repeat of that scenario. Additionally, intervening in a civil war would require dealing with not only Prussia and the territories but also a multinational force involving France and Spain. However, since there hasn't been a request for intervention from the British side, it's challenging to intervene even if they want to. It seems that the collapse of Britain is now imminent.



"Second Person"


"Another one of these isn't good... We need to promptly address both the situation with Britain and the poisoning incident, so that we can live in peace..."

"Your Majesty, the Department of Land Administration is making every effort to address the issues related to Britain and the poison contamination incidents. How about taking a short break? ...You seem a bit unwell..."

"Hmm? Am I really looking that unwell...?"

D'Eon spoke to me anxiously. Is my complexion really that bad?

Let's check the handheld mirror in the desk drawer.

...Hmm, indeed, my complexion doesn't look good. It's not that I'm unwell, but dealing with problems one after another like this makes me naturally appear tired. I'm still in my twenties, but somehow I don't look entirely out of my thirties...

It's probably because I've been busy lately...

"Indeed, now that you mention it, I do appear a bit worn out. I've been advised to take a break by my close aides too."

"In that case, you should definitely rest! If Your Majesty were to collapse from overwork, it would be a major crisis! There's also the Queen to consider..."

"...True, sorry, d'Eon. Well then, I'll take your advice and rest a bit today."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'll take care of what can be handled here, so please take your time and take care of yourself..."

D'Eon, looking worried, emphasized that the Department of Land Administration and others would handle the work before leaving the room. Looking at the recent situation, there are times when I can't sleep well... but maybe I'm pushing myself a bit too hard... No, this won't do... myself! Especially during busy times, it's crucial to take a break when you can...

I must avoid letting my body break down at all costs... Forcing my body to get sick is absolutely out of the question. The coffee from Saint-Domingue that I brewed in the morning was getting lukewarm. I'll gulp down that lukewarm coffee.

"When things get stuck, there's no use in pushing through... Taking a break is important. D'Eon probably received indirect requests from Hauser and Antoinette as well... Alright, I'll take a short break and go see Antoinette..."

After receiving the report from d'Eon, I decided to take a short break. It's not good to push myself too hard, but it's a bad habit that I tend to do it without realizing. As d'Eon mentioned, I'll leave the tasks that can be entrusted to the Department of Land Administration and focus on ensuring that there are no mistakes in settlements and final checks. Standing up from my chair, I headed towards the bedroom where my beloved wife Antoinette was resting. On the way, I encountered a staff member carrying snacks for Antoinette, so I asked about the menu for today's snacks.

"What's on the menu for today?"

"We have buckwheat flour galette with spring vegetables and cheese, Your Majesty."

"Ooh, a galette with spring vegetables... It looks good and seems delicious."

"I'll prepare Your Majesty's portion right away."

"That's helpful. Please go ahead."

She brought a galette made with her favorite buckwheat flour and cheese. This is the best meal for Antoinette right now. After all, she is currently expecting her second child. To minimize the burden on the second baby growing in her belly, since the revelation of her pregnancy on the 13th of last month, she has reduced her workload as much as possible, with Princesse de Lamballe and Louise taking care of her duties.

Unlike during Thérèse's time, this time, they roughly know the period when she became pregnant. Therefore, since the confirmation of pregnancy, she has been mindful of Antoinette's health, ensuring she gets a diet to regulate her condition. Even for Thérèse, who is now approaching three years old, she is considerate not to burden Antoinette. When I saw Thérèse patting Antoinette's back, asking, "Mama, are you okay?" I couldn't help but feel my eyes well up with tears. She seemed to be aware that she would have to be more responsible when she has a younger sibling, and I think she's less selfish these days.

If it's a boy, will he be equivalent to the historical Louis XVII? No, Louis XVII was the second son, so... Maybe he'll be Louis Joseph?

It's not confirmed yet if it's a boy, and a boy would be sufficient as an heir to the throne, but even a girl would be fine. Right now, it's crucial not to burden Antoinette, so it's best to behave naturally and gently. Standing in front of the door, the guard guarding the room bowed and quickly opened the door for me. Inside, Antoinette was sitting in a chair, engrossed in reading.

"Ah, Lord Auguste! Welcome back!"

"I'm home. I finished work early. I thought it would be better to be close by."

"Ooh...! I'm so happy! Just receiving that sentiment is more than enough for me."

"Hahaha, well, if you ever have any trouble, feel free to let me know... By the way, what's that book about?"

"Oh, this is a book about the latest fashion trends! It focuses on dresses and such scheduled to be released in the latter half of this year, with illustrations and explanations!"

"Hmm, a book about fashion... Can I take a look with you?"

"Yes! Of course! Lord Auguste, please take a look too! It would be a great help if you could help me choose dresses together!"

I pulled out a chair that was empty next to her and sat down. While it's good to maintain some distance to not disturb her, it's also challenging to find things to talk about in that case. Since we have the opportunity, it's not a bad idea to look at women's fashion together, knowing what's in trend. It will probably come in handy during conversations with women.

"List of Trendy Dresses in the First Half of 1777 and Upcoming Dress Releases"

This book detailed illustrations of dresses that have already been released or are currently in fashion in the first half of the year, along with dresses scheduled for future releases. The inclusion of illustrated content makes it reader-friendly, allowing readers to understand the dresses even if they can't read the text.

"The illustrations are also in color... The cover is quite elaborate."

"Yes, it's a book created for people who visit shops and are displayed there."

This book seemed to have been featured and released by Jarrett, a renowned female journalist from the Paris Industrial Gazette. The illustrations seemed to be the work of a specialist in fashion, with detailed descriptions down to the finer details.

"Authenticity over eccentricity... The cutting-edge fashion dresses created to discover beauty are available at this store..."

Under such a headline, an illustration of a lady in a dress is depicted. She is quite beautiful... but the most beautiful is probably Antoinette, who is looking at the book with kind eyes. Moreover, the lady depicted in this illustration seems familiar from somewhere... Oh, in the credits under "Illustration Collaboration," it's written as "Louise Marie"! On the next page, the dress is labeled as belonging to "Princesse de Lamballe"!

"...Did Louise and Princesse de Lamballe model for these dresses?"

"Yes, indeed! Recently, both of them have been receiving job offers from the fashion industry. Occasionally, when they have free time, they take on the role of models... Well, even so, it's a good thing that they've become more active than before."

"Yeah... Having them publicly engaged adds a touch of familiarity..."

Antoinette, looking at the illustrations of the two, murmured. Louise and Princesse de Lamballe are both important advisers to Antoinette and, at the same time, friends. While they continue to maintain a close friendship and support Antoinette, recently, they have also emphasized their involvement with the business world to enhance the image of our reformist group domestically and internationally and to build connections. Although it brings joy, there might also be a slightly lonely feeling. I gently touched Antoinette's shoulder and decided to lean in to gradually hear her feelings.






After finishing the galette and cheese, I spent time with Antoinette reading magazines and engaging in conversation. It was a rare moment of private time for the couple. Just like when she first came to France as a bride, we were both excited. It's been a long time since we had time alone, perhaps due to busy schedules recently. Spending time together like this was truly a rare occasion. While time with Thérèse is precious, time with Antoinette is also important.

"...Mother said that it was still too early... but I thought if I didn't hurry, my favorite cake would be gone. So, I hastily stabbed the cake and ate it."

"Hahaha, indeed, you want to eat your favorite cake first! I understand the feeling!"

"That's right! It's a funny story now, but Mother must have been quite worried..."

Talking about old times with Antoinette, I listened to her stories, and it was quite interesting to hear firsthand. Wanting to eat her favorite cake first, she couldn't find strawberries, so she went to the garden, picked wild strawberries, and stabbed them into the cake. Unlike the freshly cultivated strawberries, wild strawberries native to Europe were prevalent during that time, so she foraged them and enjoyed them with the cake. What a spirit of adventure and immediate execution. It was so amusing that I couldn't help but laugh.

"So... how did the strawberries taste?"

"They were delicious! I picked three that looked good to me, stabbed them into the cake, and they were really tasty with the cake! Well, later, Mother scolded me for about an hour, saying, 'What are you doing, stabbing wild strawberries from around here into the cake!'"

"Ahahaha... but it's good that the wild strawberries were delicious. Among wild strawberries, there's this infamous one called 'hebiichigo' that tastes really bad. If you had eaten that kind or if the strawberries you picked were spoiled, maybe... you would have developed a trauma for strawberries."

"That's true... looking back now, if they were bad or spoiled strawberries... I might have refrained from eating strawberries in the future."

"But your spirit of trying anything is amazing. I think I should learn from that too..."

We continued our talk with laughter and shared stories. Antoinette's stories were interesting, and she had a captivating charm. I always wanted to talk with people who are good at storytelling, and, conversely, even a short conversation with someone I don't want to talk to feels long. Just listening to the strawberry episode was entertaining.

Lately, there have been frequent dark news and events, and I haven't laughed much. I was happy during Antoinette's pregnancy, but other than that, I've mostly been in a serious mood. So, now, let's have a good laugh talking together. No looking back. I want to fill the time with her with bright topics. The discussion about fruits is still ongoing.

"When it comes to strawberries... they are conducting Dutch strawberry breeding experiments at that test farm over there. They are building a greenhouse for the upcoming year to enable cultivation even in winter... but is the goal still to make tropical fruits available even in winter?"

"Well, although foreign currency and catering to the affluent are factors we consider, the main goal isn't strawberries but lemons. We are in the process of making them for sailors and naval personnel on long voyages as a preventive measure against illnesses."

"For sailors and naval personnel...?"

"That's right. Unlike on land, vegetables aren't readily available at sea anytime. There's a high risk of contracting a terrible disease caused by a lack of vegetables and fruits called scurvy. When Captain James Cook of the British Royal Navy docked in Nice earlier this year, he stopped sailing due to the situation in Britain. He shared recipes for meals to prevent scurvy, and mentioned that citrus fruits like lemons, when juiced, were effective for long-term preservation and scurvy prevention."

"I see... so you're aiming for greenhouse cultivation to make it possible in France as well."

"Well, it might be tough in Paris, but if we can cultivate them in relatively warm southern regions like Montpellier in France, it's not impossible to distribute them domestically."

James Cook is a well-known British explorer who proved through practice that scurvy was caused by a lack of vitamins. Originally planning to embark on his third circumnavigation, in OTL he was in the midst of a survey voyage through the Atlantic towards the Pacific, where two years later he would sadly meet a tragic end, being involved in trouble with indigenous people in the Hawaiian Islands during a stopover and ultimately killed... But why he is in France now? It's due to the butterfly effect of the revolution.

Just before departing, the London Revolution broke out, but Captain Cook, judging that the chaos would subside soon, decided to sail as planned aboard the Resolution and headed for the first destination, the Canary Islands, crossing the Atlantic. However, when he stopped in Cádiz, Spain, for supplies, he unavoidably heard the tragic news of the revolution. Moreover, with reports of large-scale chaos occurring throughout Britain, anxiety among the crew only increased, even though Captain Cook himself felt fine. Just before departing from Cádiz to the Canary Islands, the majority of the crew directly pleaded with Captain Cook to cancel the voyage.

Divided into three opinions – whether to return to Britain, wait for the turmoil in Britain to settle in a third country, or forcibly proceed with the exploration – the crew became more concerned about the voyage itself. Furthermore, the administrative government in Cádiz, foreseeing the uncertainty in Britain, requested an increase in the supply amount. Since the government was deemed untrustworthy, a rational but somewhat harsh measure was taken, seizing funds from ships that had physical cash, gold coins, and other assets to avoid being cheated.

Experiencing mental stress, Captain Cook, after consulting with officers like sailing master William Bligh, decided to abandon the idea of forcing the expedition and instead opted to wait for the resolution of the chaos through a third country before resuming the exploration. After paying a considerable sum to the Cádiz government, France was chosen as the third country to spend time in, and they docked in Montpellier on the Mediterranean side... that's how the situation unfolded.

"I'm quite intrigued by the recipes used by Captain Cook, who applied them practically for scurvy prevention in the British Navy. Sanson also found it medically fascinating, and if it's going to be used for disease prevention on long voyages in the future, I'm thinking of promoting it further."

"That's a good idea! Lemons are sour, but we can only get those from the Italian Peninsula... and they're incredibly expensive too."

"Lemons can't be cultivated if the climate is too cold. In Europe, they can be grown in places like Italy and Spain... so in France, especially around Montpellier, it should be possible... Paris might just be able to manage greenhouse cultivation, so we'll have to wait for the results next year."

Lemons and oranges can be cultivated right on the borderline of the southern part of France. Montpellier, relatively warm and considered one of the warmer regions in France, is at the same latitude as Kushiro in Hokkaidō. If you go to even warmer regions, there are only Saint-Domingue and Qinglong in France. In other words, without relying on greenhouse cultivation, trees cannot survive the winter.

The plan is not to grow them in modern-style plastic houses but to surround the trees with structures like houses to trap warmth and manage the temperature, similar to the wintering method used for lemons cultivated in the Italian Peninsula. Lemons are said to have a shelf life of only two weeks at room temperature, so unlike beans and other foods with longer shelf lives, they do not preserve well. Therefore, due to the limited cultivation areas in Europe and the associated high prices, lemons were even considered a symbol of wealth.

"If we can make citrus fruits and jams like lemons and oranges available, the dining table will become even livelier... Next time, when we get lemons, shall we try making some dessert together?"

"That sounds wonderful! I'll be sure to make plenty at that time!"

It's great to have lively discussions about lemons. If greenhouse cultivation can provide consistent results and be supplied to sailors and naval personnel, it may reduce the number of deaths from illness on long voyages. In today's world, lemons and oranges are one of the few bright topics.





"Her Highness has just returned."

"Oh, welcome back, Thérèse."

"Welcome home, Thérèse."

"Father! Mother! I'm home!"

Soon, Thérèse, who had learned etiquette from Brigitte, returned.

She was in a particularly good mood today, so when asked why, she mentioned that her favorite crème brûlée was served as a snack. Similar to modern-day custard pudding, it was soft and quite delicious. Even in this era, despite differences in ingredients, one could experience similar textures to the present, making it one of my favorite sweets on the menu.

"We had crème brûlée for snacks! It's so sweet!"

"Ah, that's great! Thérèse sure loves sweet treats. But remember to brush your teeth properly afterward; otherwise, you might get cavities. Let's brush our teeth together later."

"Mm! I'll make sure to brush my teeth!"

"Antoinette, want to join us? There's a technique to brushing teeth, so I'll teach you what I can."

"Yes... then, please do."

Interestingly, Antoinette was said to dislike brushing her teeth. Even the letter from the Archduchess Theresa to Antoinette emphasized, "Make sure to brush your teeth before going to bed." While it might not be a struggle if there were automatic toothbrushes like those in the modern era, dealing with cavities and aftercare was very difficult in this era.

"When your teeth get dirty, the stain between them goes inside and damages the teeth. If you don't know it... my great-grandfather (Louis XIV) got cavities, and in the end, he had all his teeth pulled out."

"All of them!?"

"Yes, even including the ones without cavities. It was done according to the mysterious theory in France at that time that it was good for health. However, losing teeth made it difficult to eat hard food, and it harmed his health. At that time, denture technology was almost nonexistent... Even now, people often remove dentures before eating because eating with modern dentures is hard. Strong dentures might be okay, but cavities are genuinely frightening, so brushing your teeth every day is important."

Public hygiene regarding teeth in this era was relatively advanced, comparable to modern standards. However, without regular dental check-ups, teeth were considered a lifelong asset. Dental issues like cavities were often left untreated until they became severe, requiring filling or extraction. It is said that Europeans began practicing regular tooth brushing in the 20th century when modern toothbrushes became widespread, suggesting that, until then, oral hygiene was not a common practice.

Furthermore, there were people who used dentures made from materials like pottery, but some even used animal bones, and such dentures were prone to discoloration and decay, emitting foul odors. Additionally, there were issues with springs and other components not fitting the jaw properly, making them defective for use during meals... It seems that in this era, dentures in Japan were made by taking molds of the jaw, so Japan might have been leading in terms of denture technology.

There are scenes where older ladies use fans to cover their mouths, and there's a theory that this is to conceal the unpleasant odor of dentures. In Japan, dentures that would still be applicable in modern times were already being made during this era, and they were widely popular due to being reasonably priced even for the common people. Although techniques for fillings and extractions had progressed reasonably, the use of a toothbrush, essential for preventing cavities, had not yet been widely adopted among the general population.

"We need to make toothbrushes more affordable for the common people... I also plan to negotiate with the Netherlands to bring technicians who make dentures for us to France."

"Toothbrushes are expensive?"

"The toothbrushes we use have decorations of gold or silver on the handles, so they are naturally expensive. Even toothbrushes for common people often cost around one livre each... Moreover, some of them have densely packed bristles, making ventilation poor and susceptible to mold after brushing. I'm thinking of creating ones with fewer bristles and exploring the possibility of mass production... If we can establish a habit of brushing teeth, it might reduce the number of people needing dentures..."

"You've been considering that much..."

"I've been busy with anti-revolution measures lately. If it weren't for the revolutionary turmoil, I would probably have prioritized dealing with these issues first, but I have to settle them as a priority."

While there were some comparable to modern toothbrushes, these were used by the royal family and the wealthy, made from materials like whalebone or pig hair. It still seemed to take quite some time before everyone could afford them. Dental diseases, especially gum disease caused by cavities, were said to have a severe impact on the brain. Therefore, maintaining healthy teeth was crucial, a practice applicable even in modern times.

"Thérèse, you should take care of your teeth too."

"Aaaa... these teeth?"

"Yes, if you brush them properly and keep them clean, you can enjoy the taste of food by chewing. Having strong teeth is a sign of good health."

"Um... so if I brush them, I won't get cavities?"

"Well... not necessarily. If you don't brush them properly, cavities can still form in the areas you miss. So, by brushing your teeth properly, you can prevent such dental issues."

"Lord Auguste, you're quite knowledgeable about teeth!"

"Hehe... and for Antoinette, I had a special toothbrush made as well..."

"Huh, a special toothbrush?"

"Yes, I'll give it to you later... I'll teach you how to use it at that time."

Originally, the plan was to give the gift tomorrow, but since the topic of teeth came up, it might be better to give it today. The toothbrush prepared for Antoinette was a dental floss made with silk thread, used to clean between the teeth. Of course, it was made with high-quality silk, and it should be explained that using it before bedtime would effectively prevent stain buildup.

Proper dental care was essential for Thérèse too. If she neglects to brush her teeth, she might end up with cavities. Well, during these challenging times, taking care of such things might be necessary... Doing these little things in daily life, especially during precious breaks, might be important.



Teeth Museum

Homepage: https://www.dent-kng.or.jp/museum/ja/ (2021.2.21)





This is my first post as we have entered the 300th chapter.

★ ☆ ★

Today, through brushing my teeth, I had a day of learning various things from Lord Auguste. I learned about toothbrushes, the importance of brushing, and today, the enthusiasm was particularly intense. It was mentioned that the usual way of brushing might not reach the grooves between teeth, so I also took out and practiced using a toothbrush made of silk thread.

Lord Auguste mentioned that maintaining dental health is a testament to overall health. He expressed a desire to innovate and create such new tools to maintain health, making them affordable for the common people. When I tried it, the silk thread reached deep between teeth, effectively removing stains from the grooves of molars that couldn't be cleaned with a regular toothbrush. However, it was recommended to visit a dentist specializing in teeth to have tartar removed every six months.

"Thérèse, try brushing your teeth at a slight angle. It helps to remove the stains better."

"Um... like this?"

"Yes, exactly! Good! By spending about ten seconds on each tooth, brushing slowly and thoroughly, you can develop strong teeth less prone to cavities."

"Can I do it faster?"

"This is not a race, Thérèse. It's important to take your time and brush carefully. Try brushing your teeth while watching this hourglass, aiming to finish when the sand reaches the bottom."

"Okay! I'll try it!"

Lord Auguste is good at teaching, and he instructed Thérèse to take her time and brush thoroughly, using an hourglass as a guide. In addition to manners, Thérèse must learn various knowledge from now on. During my childhood, I often made excuses to avoid lessons from my mother and tutors and played instead. After finishing brushing with a toothbrush, I rinsed my mouth and finished brushing my teeth.

"Like this... yes, and once you finish brushing, rinse your mouth."

"Phew... this is a bit of work. Do you always take this much time, Lord Auguste?"

"Yes, he does. I take my time to brush because I don't want cavities. If the decay is severe enough to require extraction, several staff members hold the person down while the tooth is pulled out... in the past, they used a hammer-like tool to crush the tooth. It's painful for the tooth...!"

"Using a h-hammer!?"

"Yes, now they use pliers... a tool that splits into two branches to pull out the tooth. But there are still parts of the tooth that feel pain... so, extracting it comes with a tremendous pain... that's why it's important to brush the teeth carefully and keep them clean."

Listening to Lord Auguste's description of the tooth extraction process, I couldn't help but shudder. To think that teeth could be crushed with a hammer or forcibly pulled out...! Moreover, sometimes they do extractions while the person is drunk, and generally, the extraction is done forcefully while feeling pain. It's a terrifying experience! It seems the pain can be so severe that even men often lose control. It's said that when extracting a tooth, onlookers sometimes pay money to witness the process.

"Father! Is this okay?"

"Yeah, it looks like you've brushed properly until the hourglass is empty, and there doesn't seem to be anything left."

"Then may I go to bed now?"

"Of course! Take your time and rest."

Lately, I've been a bit lax with my tooth brushing, so I'll make an effort to use the toothbrush made of silk thread that I received. Hehe, doing things like brushing our teeth together as a family is another opportunity for Lord Auguste to provide Thérèse with a learning experience. The importance and joy of learning... I should have realized them more before coming to France. Thérèse, having finished brushing her teeth, seems to have crawled into bed for sleep. Perhaps due to the day's activities, she appears to be tired. Watching over her with Lord Auguste is a pleasant way to spend the evening.

"Learning little by little is important... Let's warmly watch over Thérèse."

"Yes, let's do that..."

My father was not someone deeply involved in such academic pursuits. He did value the family, but he was particularly close to Anna, my sister. Although Anna got along well with Father, her relationship with Mother and Brother Joseph, was not very good, or rather, it was strained. There were instances where a furious Mother scolded her in letters due to repeated love affairs. I have been scolded by Mother as well, but I had never seen her so intensely angry before.

There may come a time when Thérèse does something wrong, and there might be a need to scold her. At that time, it might be essential to explain what went wrong while scolding. Amalia, my sister, probably felt discontented because her wish for a love marriage couldn't be fulfilled. Such situations must not happen. As much as possible, when the time for Thérèse to marry comes, it might be good to lay out conditions that can be met based on her preferences.

Thérèse quickly fell asleep once in bed. She really is fast asleep. The rhythmic sound of her breathing is truly adorable. As I sit on the bed and stroke Thérèse's head, Lord Auguste, sitting next to me, spoke softly.

"Well then... we need to talk about what lies ahead..."

"...? Is there something?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to convey my true intentions to you. The future of France..."

"The future of France...?"

Lord Auguste, more serious than usual, broached the topic of the future political system.

"It's still a discussion for the future, but I think by the time Thérèse grows up and marries, the political systems of Europe will have undergone significant changes. A counter-revolutionary movement, particularly in France, and the associated idea of reforming monarchy... The idea is to prevent a revolution actively by having the king provide a better life for the people. I plan to change laws as well to expand the benevolent monarchy."

"Changing laws... Does that mean you're also planning to change the system?"

"That's right. Before the London Revolution, I was considering introducing a constitutional monarchy like in Britain. However, that comes with its limitations... If the parliament becomes dysfunctional, the king who is bound by the constitution, cannot act. Moreover, any action could be seen as deviating from the constitution and subject to punishment. So, I'm thinking of finding a way to transition to a political system that can prevent tyranny while maintaining the monarchy. I'll discuss the details with you alone..."

The transition in political systems that Lord Auguste talked about is one where the king conducts political leadership in accordance with the laws prescribed by the constitution. If the king, in opposition to this, breaks the law and engages in dictatorial and exclusive oppressive politics, the citizens can vote to dismiss the king. In essence, it aims to introduce a democratic system with royal sovereignty, but the citizens do not hold sovereignty. It was so shocking that I found myself frozen in place.

"...It's still just my personal opinion, and I'll probably have to make adjustments eventually..."

"So, in other words, if a tyrant appears, the citizens can overthrow that system?"

"Simply put, yes. Of course, not all decisions will be made by the king. I want to make decisions by incorporating the opinions of ministers and advisers. Granting sovereignty to the people can make responsibility ambiguous. However, with royal sovereignty, the king bears the responsibility. It's like a chain to prevent arbitrary actions in running the government. The king directs politics, ministers assist the king's politics, and the system is set in motion to protect the country's economy and the lives of the citizens. By the time Thérèse reaches adulthood, I want to establish and enforce laws and regulations following this model."

A democratic system with royal sovereignty. The king takes responsibility for politics, ensuring the protection of the country's economy and the lives of the citizens. It is grand and implies a much heavier responsibility. Furthermore, there is a proposal to unify Europe into a single political system.

"Or I'm also thinking about unifying the entire Europe into a single political system... This possibility is low, but when the monarchies across Europe become weakened due to anti-revolutionary wars or similar, we might introduce a united kingdom system to consolidate the European region into a single political system. Anyway, if things continue as they are, there will be chaos in politics after I'm gone, and I don't want that. We'll thoroughly discuss it at some point."

"To think you've considered it to that extent... But, you shouldn't let yourself get too overwhelmed with thoughts, right?"

"I understand. I got carried away, and I wanted to hear your thoughts... Was it bothersome?"

"No, on the contrary, I think it was an enlightening conversation for the future. Lord Auguste, for Thérèse and... for the child in my belly, let's work hard to create a better situation than now! Well then, Lord Auguste... It's about time for bed."

"Oops, I talked for quite a while, didn't I? Well then, let's go to sleep. Thank you for listening to me today, Antoinette."

Lord Auguste smiled. There must have been some burden on his mind. He is someone who tends to push himself harder than I do. Without relying on the Princesse de Lamballe, Monsieur Hauser, or even me... Lord Auguste thinks and plans alone. But now, when it's time to rest in bed, he should distance himself from such thoughts and take a break. I'm sure Lord Auguste's ideas can come to fruition. I had a certain conviction about it.


I will be submitting the next 500 chapters.



"Black 1"

★ ★ ★

May 16, 1777

Norfolk, Virginia, Confederate States of North America

As the capital of Virginia and the secondary of the Confederacy, Norfolk is recovering from the war with Britain, and the reconstruction of buildings already burnt down by the flames of war is underway. Perhaps due to being a fortress of the British military and resisting until the end, twenty percent of the buildings in Norfolk were in a state of destruction and damage, such as burning and destruction, as a whole. This was not a result of direct conflict but rather the outcome of the British military employing a scorched earth tactic. Normally, Norfolk would not have been chosen as the location for a secondary capital. However, due to its advanced development during the British colonial era, its reconstruction and its strategic significance were a top priority.

The first President of the Confederacy, George Washington, set New York as the capital on October 11, 1776, and aimed to create the Constitution of the Confederacy, planning to enact it by 1780 at the latest. While New York and St. John had British military bases, they were occupied through surprise attacks, resulting in minimal human and economic losses. But Norfolk was different. This place still bore deep scars from the British, unlike the others.

Let's rewind the clock for a moment.

August 8, 1776...

A simultaneous attack by the Continental Army and militia groups sympathetic to it had begun on the fortresses in Richmond, eliminating the forces of the British army and a few territorial forces, such as those from Hessian Principality, which had been resisting sporadically in the North and South since July 20, in an effort to expel Britain from the New World.

This was the Siege of Richmond. Half of Richmond city had been occupied by the Continental Army, and the road leading to Norfolk (historically Route 460) was cut off. Land routes were blocked, leaving only the sea route for secure supply.

"It's hopeless... this battle is our defeat... it's over..."

British military officers in the Norfolk administrative government were looking at maps with somber expressions. Among them, Thomas Gage, who had been appointed as the supreme commander, was lamenting with his head in his hands. Even they, who had been struggling as the British Army's North American area command, had no way to overcome the desperate difference in military strength and the rapid expansion of the military power of the Confederate Army. Norfolk still had a solid defense, and it could hold out for another two months.

"Is there still no support from the homeland?"


"...I understand. You don't have to say more. It's probably an order to suppress the rebellion with the current forces anyway."

"...Yes, sir."

Even if they could hold out, it was based on the assumption that they could maintain supplies. However, half of the stockpiled food and ammunition had been transported as relief supplies to Richmond, significantly reducing the reserves from the initial plan. The lingering distrust of soldiers from Prussia, hired as mercenaries or from allied states, had also caused paranoia within the British Army in the colonies, causing them to miss the opportunity to turn the tide of the war.

Due to the dissatisfaction among the reinforcements who had been dispatched, stemming from the rough treatment by British soldiers, desertions and defections increased. Barely remaining on the British side were the contracted mercenary forces, relied upon for their trust from the Hessians. Even this precious mercenary force was allocated to the defense of Richmond, leaving only about three regiments for the defense of Norfolk.

With already half of Richmond fallen, it was only a matter of time before a total assault would be launched on Norfolk. Thomas Gage, as a military man, could not allow his subordinates to die any further.

"We have run out of options... I am considering accepting surrender... Does anyone object?"

At 09:30, just after sending a letter of surrender to the envoy sent by the Continental Army, chaos intensified.

"Commander! Urgent report! The members of the 3rd Pardon Regiment in charge of defending the harbor, have refused to surrender... They've started massacring those who tried to disarm following the surrender recommendation!"

"...What did you say!? Suppress them at once!"

"T-That's... large-scale fires have been set in both military and civilian buildings—"

"Enough! What are you doing!? Gather the troops immediately and suppress the members of the 3rd Pardon Regiment!"

Just as the decision was made to retreat to the homeland or surrender to the Continental Army, some units executed a scorched earth tactic. Furthermore, they were not regular troops but unruly prisoner units sent from the homeland in exchange for amnesty. If they surrendered, they feared being treated even worse as prisoners, and in the worst-case scenario, they might face execution. In such a situation, they had no choice but to resist to the end, refusing to discard their weapons according to the surrender recommendation.

Following the destruction by the 3rd Pardon Regiment immediately after surrender, military facilities in Norfolk were set ablaze, and the navy's warships anchored there were scuttled for fear of confiscation. A strange battle unfolded as Thomas Gage took command and fought alongside the Continental Army against the 3rd Pardon Regiment within Norfolk city, resulting in a battle between factions of the same British army immediately after surrender, dubbed the "Struggle of Norfolk." The 3rd Pardon Regiment fought until all members, except those who didn't join the rebellion, were killed, continuing for two days.

Even after the surrender of the British army, Norfolk remained an important port in North America. Seized muskets, cannons, shipyards, and more were used for the reconstruction of Norfolk. Even now, the city has not been completely rebuilt and is still being rebuilt with aid and assistance from the Confederacy's states. In Virginia, bonds were issued for the purpose of capital reconstruction, and support companies for reconstruction were being recruited. Among these support companies was the name of the Lagoon Cooperative.

And now, in the mayor's residence in Norfolk, discussions were underway regarding specific plans for reconstruction support.

"It is an honor to be able to contribute to the reconstruction of Norfolk."

"Well, I've heard rumors even in New York. Thanks to you handling high-quality goods, we're saved too. We're still in the midst of reconstruction..."

"Reconstruction is also one of the crucial economic activities. Moreover, we intend to support the redevelopment of Norfolk's logistics network, making it easier to travel between districts and the port... We plan to invest in road maintenance, providing support in terms of funds and manpower."

"Oh! Please, by all means!"

Liselotte, the representative of the Lagoon Cooperative, conducted a meeting with the mayor of Norfolk and was taking steps to integrate the Lagoon Cooperative into Norfolk. Reconstruction projects require funds, and sometimes the government puts its full effort into advancing them, providing financial assistance. Liselotte in her role aimed to broaden the Lagoon Cooperative's presence for this purpose. Currently, she was also making efforts to assist the Countess Polignac, her employer, who was semi-confined in France.



"Black 2"


After concluding the meeting with the mayor of Norfolk, Liselotte boarded the waiting carriage. As she observed the port facilities that the 3rd Pardon Regiment had set on fire on their way here, she pondered on the brutal nature of the civil war that would be unfolding in Britain. This was not a war of independence from colonial rule, but a war that saw royalists, British capitalists, and a large number of British soldiers executed.

Not only men but also women and children were hanging from the branches of large trees. The eruption of anger towards the colonial rulers, burdened by heavy taxes and indulging in luxury, had led to such a result. Liselotte, even from a distance, witnessed the scene and realized the danger of the havoc that an enraged mob could cause.

'Mutual hatred and resentment... the negative chain of events resulting in the colonies gaining independence and internal strife in the homeland. I truly think it's fortunate this didn't happen in France... Well, not in the homeland, but it did occur in Saint-Domingue. I remember the aftermath being quite troublesome...'

Several years ago, during the Great Command Uprising in Saint-Domingue, there was an incident where a mulatto slave, who had suffered abuse from a violent white plantation owner associated with Countess Polignac's business, snapped, attacked, and killed the owner with a knife used for cultivating cocoa. However, the perpetrators were not held accountable, given that they were supporters of the slave-owning faction who rebelled against the king's decree, and there were testimonies suggesting issues with the deceased during the interrogation.

The Black Rose had dealt with individuals closely connected to Countess Polignac during the Great Command Uprising, killing Emile Férrile, an advocate of the slave-owning faction and assistant to the top administrative official in Saint-Domingue at that time. They successfully framed James Burberry, a British merchant and a business rival, making it appear as though he had cut his own throat with a knife, while Férrile was intoxicated.

If such a tragedy had occurred in France, even the radiant Paris might have turned into a desolate ruin.

"Reconstruction efforts... gaining independence has boosted morale, and there are enough resources and capital to sustain the economy domestically. Truly, the Confederacy is a 'wealthy' collection of nations..."

She couldn't help but feel envious of the Confederacy. Factories were already springing up like water, and machinery, steam engines, and more were being produced overnight. As part of diplomatic efforts, they had even copied steam engines stolen from France, setting up a system to mass-produce usable items, albeit of lower quality compared to the originals.

"Economic Advancement Policy"

The Confederacy was still a newly established nation. Nevertheless, due to investments from Britain and others, port facilities and the surrounding urban areas had developed. Washington and others proposed a self-reliant economic system, prioritizing domestically produced industrial goods over exports to establish an economy independent of exports.

There is still much undeveloped land, and the construction of farms and accommodation facilities is progressing. Additionally, among the soldiers who defected from the British army and those from the Kingdom of Prussia, there were many who wished to remain in the Confederacy. They have been successfully integrated by offering them work in road construction, reconstruction facilities, and providing favorable treatment in terms of allowances and salaries, especially for technicians. Thus, there is no doubt that the Confederacy is experiencing a rapid development pace compared to Europe.

The Lagoon Cooperative, which has a powerful backing through a personal agreement with Washington, did not try to act recklessly. They remained behind the scenes and, as instructed by Countess Polignac, focused solely on carrying out covert operations in North America.

However, concerning the poisoning incident at the party hosted by Countess Polignac, Liselotte found herself forced to make a decision. She inquired with Camille Collette, one of the few female operatives who worked closely with her and handled tasks for the Black Rose, whether there had been any news from France.

"...By the way, have we received any information from France?"

"Yes, an express letter came from the ship that arrived in Norfolk just a while ago. It's in this sealed envelope... Please check it."

"! ...It came directly from her, didn't it..."

When Liselotte asked Collette about the situation in France, she presented the sealed letter. The sender was none other than Countess Polignac, who could be considered Liselotte's true master. At present, she was in a state of house arrest under the guise of being guarded in Paris, and her freedom of movement had become more restricted than before. Sending a letter like this itself was a risk, and doing so directly indicated that Countess Polignac had made a significant decision. Upon opening the letter, the following words were written:

To the Representative of the Lagoon Cooperative,

Liselotte, how are you? It seems things are going well on the other side of the sea. If your work is proceeding smoothly, please continue with your regular duties as usual. As for the issues that have arisen here, don't worry. His Majesty the King's personal troops are ensuring my protection.

Certainly, it's painful not being able to leave the building, but considering the possibility of walking around the city and facing the risk of death, it's safer to stay here. Besides, for now, I can handle work from the room, entertain myself by playing musical instruments, and read books to pass the time without any problems.

Be extremely cautious about trying to defeat Second Lieutenant Sergei if you've come to France thinking that way; it might play into his hands. He is more cunning than I thought, and he's determined to undermine my trust. There are signs that even the King is harboring suspicions about me. If he is captured, and our involvement is exposed, do not come back here to rescue me. If things are revealed, I will take full responsibility. For your part, be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances, maintain ties with the Confederacy, and keep your influence intact.

For now, everything may be fine, but depending on the future situation, France might end up in a war with the revolutionary government of Britain. If that happens, the Confederacy is likely to support either the revolutionary government or France. Therefore, be vigilant over ports, military and weapon factory facilities, and let me know if there are significant movements. That is the mission I entrust to you.

Well, since there are only a few lines left in this letter, I'll stop here. Work diligently.

With love from Countess Polignac

Reading the letter from Countess Polignac, Liselotte was overwhelmed with sadness and the knowledge that Countess Polignac cared for her. Collette, her aide, seemed to sense the situation and remained silent in the carriage for a while. Without the letter from Countess Polignac, Liselotte had planned to enter France by July and retaliate against Sergei with the Black Rose's full force.

"I've read the letter... It seems Sergei will be handled by the French intelligence agency..."

"So... are we maintaining the status quo?"

"That's right. Acting rashly might lead to exposure, and if we take action, we risk losing the face of the Lagoon Cooperative... As per Countess Polignac's instructions, we'll prioritize our usual public operations."

"Understood. I'll make sure to convey the instructions to the others."

With the personally signed letter from Countess Polignac and the sealed wax, the handling of Sergei was left to France. Under strict orders not to act recklessly and to avoid any circumstances leading to Countess Polignac's death, Liselotte, having received the letter, decided to maintain the policy of steadily advancing public operations as the Lagoon Cooperative.

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