Miracle's Knox

By Asuhii

67 1 0

Can love bloom from a simple game? More

Miracle's Knox

67 1 0
By Asuhii

Chapter 1: First Meeting

Miracle's POV

I checked my Event Log to see more quest to do while I'm waiting for my favorite part of the game ... The Arena! I smiled as I clicked the Rankings on my Mini Map. I clicked PVP Rankings. I looked at the #1 and admired MY rank. Oh yes. It's MY rank, because since I started joining arena no one else took the number 1 spot other than me. People hate me when I'm on the opposing team, while they cheer when I'm their team mate since it's a sure win. I looked at my chatbox.

<Guild>Silvex: End, are you joining arena later?

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Of course ;) When did I skipped arena.

<Guild>Shiro: Please, you know she's addicted to arena. Pfft..

<Guild>Silvex: Are you going to join later shiro?

<Guild>Shiro: Yup.

Silvex and Shiro, They're my guild mates. They also join the arena, but unlike me who only join for fun, they join arena for the prize they'll get. Since the Top 20 Players who got the most wins and kills get prizes which you can sell to get gold. I looked at my computer's clock and I still have 14 minutes before arena starts. I stood up from my afk'ing area and mounted my dragon to go to Haven. Haven is like a safe heaven, it can also be treated as a market since there are NPC and players who sells different items, weapons, costumes, there's also an auction. Though most of the time, people make it as their afk'ing area, because no monsters that will attack you. Other than that, you can rent a room for yourself or get married with your couple. A lot of people just freely hang out in here, taking a break from clearing dungeons, quest, events. Some people duel each other fun.

As I fly through Haven with my dragon, I received few greetings and invitation for dungeons but I rejected them all, especially that arena is just in a few minutes. I got down from my dragon as I reached the NPC that gives the arena quest. I need to get 3 wins so I'll get Warstone. Warstone, is an item you can use for crafting, awakening weapons or trade it for Crystal. Crystal, is an item you can use at the altar to gamble for different item, mostly people aim for costumes. Altar, in the real world, it's like casino, you can get costumes, charms, mounts, potions, gems etc. A lot of people is addicted at gambling at altar even you have a small chance of getting the best items.

I opened my Archive. (Archive, is place where you can safely hide all the treasures, weapons, armors, pets, mounts, costumes you got.) I removed all of my armor, weapon and accessories and archived them all, and then I took out my arena set, weapon, and accessories and equipped them. I also took out my Forest Goddess Luna Rock, it's a special item that increases my Agility by 7%, next I took my White Serene Fire Star Stone, it's also a special item that increases my Luck by 7%, I clicked on both, equipping them. Then I changed into one of my favorite class Illusionist. I checked the time once again and I still got 5 minutes before Arena opens so I stood up from my seat and went to the kitchen to get Chocolate drink.

Arena is now opened! Press Y to join!

I saw the announcement as I take my seat, I pressed Y before placing my chips and drink beside me.

You have joined the arena! Please wait for 10 seconds and we will teleport you.

I opened my bag of chips and munched some while waiting.



After few seconds of waiting, I'm teleported, I sat up while waiting for other players to get ready. I still have 35 seconds before round 1 starts so I pressed Y once again to view the names and classes of my opponents and team mates.

Round 1

Lunatic Revina

EndlessMiracle VS Rose_

DecemBear Knox

No one from my guild huh. Then a unfamiliar name caught my attention, Knox? A newbie maybe? I've been doing arena for 6 months now so I'm very familiar with the usual PvP players and this is the first time I saw Knox, but I just shrugged it.

Round 1 Start!

As the round started, Immediately used Dimensional Jump to teleport myself 20 feet forward. Then I used Hypnotic Eye when I spotted them to make them fall asleep for 12 seconds, but unfortunately I only caught Revina and Rose. Then I cast Deadly Icicle a triple hit skill at Revina, getting 1/4 of her life. I grinned feeling the excitement in the battlefield. I hit her 4 more times before she died. I moved closer to Rose and cast Aerolite to knock her down, I'm able to cast deadly icicle 2 times before the effect of Aerolite disappear so I casted Fireball next, trying to stun her, luckily I stunned her on my 2nd Fireball, and one last hit with deadly icicle and she's down.

I turned around seeing how Knox already killed my team mates and now he's at Cyber Up (A skill of engineers that turns them into a robot which boost HP and reduces damage received.) and he's casting Armor Repair to heal himself. I bit my lower lip, I jumped towards him and cast Hypnotic Eye to stop him from fully healing himself, but unfortunately when I finished casting he's already almost fully healed. This is definitely going to be a tough fight. Damn! One of the hardest class to deal with are engineers because they have a skill that can reduce Magic type damages (like me) by 30% and that 30% reduce on damage is ridiculous! Plus they got a 2 skills that lowers resistance with Pierce type attacks which makes their attacks more painful.

I cast Deadly Icicle, but my jaw dropped on how low my attack damaged him, I immediately looked at his profile and saw his another jaw dropping stats. He got freaking 52% Ice resistance! Damn! I bit my lower lip, I turned around and jumped away. One of the disadvantages of Magic Classes is that we got the worst defensive stats, which means I can't stand close combat battles or else I'll easily die. As I reached the other end of the battlefield, my sleep's effect disappeared, I saw him summoned Missile, It's a self destructing robot that lowers Pierce resistance by 15% when got hit, It's pretty hard to dodge because it runs so freaking fast and it won't literally stop chasing you. He aimed his gun at me what I didn't expect is that he'll use Knee caped, a skill that stops me from running around for 6 seconds, then he launched his Missile, hitting me by 9,846 and lowering my resistance by 15%, I tried hitting back with deadly icicle but he's out of my range so I can't do anything to counter back. Damn this guy is smart. Then he used Soul Destruction Arrow, lowering my Resistance by 7%. I impatiently tapped my finger on my laptop, 2 seconds remaining for the knee caped. He once again summoned the Missile and launched it at me. As it hit me the effect of knee cape disappeared but before I could even jump away, he used Heavy Artillery, stunning me for 5 seconds. I muttered a loud curse this time. I'm so fvcking dead! Ugh! Then used Cyber Up and hit me with Oil bomb, then cast Black Explosives, hitting me 2 times because of the effect of Oil bomb.

I took a deep breathe, calming myself down as my character get murdered by Knox. After few seconds, I saw my screen turn black and white signaling, I'm beaten and Knox wins. I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at the wall. Damn Engineers! Damn Knox! I bit my lower lip, trying to process that for the first time ever. Someone killed me in arena. Oh gosh, I can't believe that a newbie will beat me easily. Damnation!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 2: Witnessing Knox's strength.

<Guild>Obeiron: End, come on. How long do you plan to sulk in your house. It's been a week! Play with us.

I saw our guild leader said as he enter my house. Yes. It's been a week since Knox beat me. And since then we never saw each other again. Even though I saw him online and joining arena battles, we never meet again. And yes. I've added him so I can stalk him freely. Damn this. For the first time ever, I've officially stalked someone. I sighed. Then another person went inside my house. It's Shuu, my guild mate at the same time one of my closest friend.

<Guild>Shuu: Baby! Hai <33 *Hugs*

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Hii.. *Hugs*

Cain is now online.

Snail is now online.

<Guild>Obeiron: Cain! Snail! Morning!

<Guild>Shuu: Babyyy! <33

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Caiiinnn<3

<Guild>Cain: Morning <3

<Guild>Snail: Hey.

Cain just like Shuu, she's one of my closest friends. Though she's not as active as me, Shuu, Obeiron, Silvex and Skie because she's kinda busy with work.

<Guild>Shuu: Let's run trials :D

<Guild>Cain: Yes! Let's run Slain and Malice

<Guild>Snail: Count me in.

<Guild>Obeiron: Okay, sure. I'll make the party.

Obeiron has invited you to party.

Distribution Type: Random Mode

Distribution Type: Items > Green

Confirm Cancel

I rest my head on my chin as I click confirm, joining wouldn't hurt, plus it's not like I have something else to do.

You have joined the party.

Distribution Type: Random Mode

Distribution Type: Items > Green

Shuu, Cain and Obeiron is already in the party as I joined in, I leaned on my chair waiting for them to invite more people.

Snail joined the party.

<Guild>Obeiron: Silvex, Skie, wanna join?

<Guild>Shuu: Skie is afk.

<Guild>Obeiron: Ohh. Ok.

<Guild>Silvex: Invite.

Silvex joined the party.

Obeiron passed the lead to EndlessMiracle.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: What?

<Party>Obeiron: Find 2 more. You're famous so go, find people.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: .__.

I switched my chat into Peer.

<Peer>EndlessMiracle: LF2M> Slain and Malice.

(Lf2m means looking for 2 members)

<Whisper>Miko: Invite.

Miko joined the party.

<Party>Shuu: Miko!

<Party>Cain: Hai <3

<Party>Obeiron: Miko., sup.

<Party> Hey xD

<Whisper>Knox: Invite.

I froze in my seat as I read Knox's whisper.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Guys Omfg.

<Party>Shuu: hmm?

<Party>Obeiron: What's wrong?

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Guys. Meet Knox. The guy who beat me.

As I entered my last chat, I immediately invited Knox and he accepted it.

Knox joined the party.

<Party>Shuu: Omg.

<Party>Silvex: It's him?

<Party>Obeiron: HAHAHA! Hey.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Fml. >.>

<Party>Miko: o.o?

<Guild>Obeiron: Now we'll see how strong he is XD

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: :(

<Guild>Shuu: *pats* It's okay baby xD

I just ignored everything else and went inside the trial. Trial is the stronger version of normal dungeons.

After few minutes of waiting and we're all inside, this time he's using Blade Dancer. Another Physical type. I rolled my eyes. I hate Physical type class, they're hard to build and use for me. So I'm always in Magic type. And Obeiron is our healer most of the time.

<Party>Obeiron: Can go o/

As he said it, Knox immediately charge forward, luring all the monsters in the way. We all followed him till he reached the end of the hallway and started attacking. My jaw dropped that within just 2 hits he killed all the monsters.

<Party>Silvex: wtf!

<Party>Shuu: That Opness. Dayum.

<Party>Obeiron: Inb4 he don't even need a healer.

<Party>Cain: We got a carry pfft.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: The hell. We can't even hit them!

<Party>Miko: XD

But then Knox just ignored us and continued murdering all the monsters, just after 3-6 minutes we're already on the first boss and he did all the killing, we hardly touched the monsters. How seriously strong this guy is .__.

<Party>Cain: That was fast xD

<Party>Shuu: Ikr xD

<Party>Obeiron: Ready, can go anytime.

Then Knox once again charge first.

We finished Slain and Malice faster than ever because of Knox, damn this guy. As much as I hate to admit. Yea, he's stronger. Way stronger than I am. I sighed. I can't just let him take away my rank. I bit my lower lip, trying to think of a good class to used against his Physical DPS.

* * * *

It's been 3 days since I saw how strong Knox is. It's also been 3 days since I'm trying to figure how can I make my Magic class stronger. Stronger to be able to stand his attacks, stronger in damage. But then.. Only one thing comes on my mind ... It's to use Physical class against him. But also... I know myself how much I hate it. But then, maybe I should give it a try. It wouldn't hurt right? I bit my lower lip as I change my class into Ranger.

I put all of my magic equips and get my physical equips and bow. I sighed when I saw my stats. There's no way I can beat him with this kind of stat. I nibble my lower lip thinking of a way to improve my stats. Maybe I should try Melee. I thought then I change into Thief. My defensive stats are pretty much above normal but my offensive stat is not even average. I sigh, I really suck at these class. Then a acquaintance of mine message me, if I wanna join their trial run, I instantly said yes since everyone in the guild is either off or afk.

You have joined the party.

Distribution Type: Random Mode

Distribution Type: Items > Green

<Party>Romeo: Hey End.

When I joined the party, we're already 6 members. I sighed as I recognize the name of noobs in the party. I am not being an bitch or what, but I've been in a trial with them and they are noobs who can't even do anything properly, more likely ... People who doesn't even have the proper equips. At this rate I don't think I'll be able to train myself into using Physical DPS if no one decent is coming.

Flame joined the party.

Knox joined the party.

My eyes widen when I saw Knox's name. Well.. At least I'll be able to train my PDPS (Physical DPS).

<Party>Romeo: End.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: What

<Party>Romeo: Can you switch into Magic DPS?

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Why

<Party>Romeo: For more damage.

I rolled my eyes. I knew they'll just leech. Ugh. These people.

<Party>Knox: Let Miracle use her Thief, I'll just deal her damage. I have more than enough damage for 2 people.

<Party>Romeo: Oh ok.

I felt like my jaw dropped when I saw Knox's chat so I immediately whispered him when I entered the trial.

<Whisper>You said to Knox: What the hell was that??

<Whisper>Knox said to you:What?

<Whisper>You said to Knox: The thing you said on party chat!

<Whisper>Knox said to you: Ahh. What about it?

I face palmed, I don't know if he's just fucking with me or what.

<Whisper>You said to Knox: Dealing MY damage? Seriously? We're not even friends!

<Whisper>Knox said to you: I know.

<Whisper>You said to Knox: What the hell! Stop fvcking with me!

<Whisper>Knox said to you: Pfft XD sorry sorry. There's nothing wrong with what I said. Plus I remember you. You're the Rank 1 from arena. Right.

<Whisper>You said to Knox: And so?

<Whisper>Knox said to you: And so? I'm pretty eager to know more about you since you're the rank 1. I'm so eager to beat you and replace your rank ;)

<Whisper>You said to Knox: What the fuck? There's no way I'm going to let you steal my rank! Jerk.

<Whisper>Knox said to you: Hahaha. We'll see. You should even be happy because of me you can train your thief.

<Whisper>You said to Knox: Shut up!

After my last chat we started clearing the dungeon and as expected he kills the monsters within just 2-3 hits. I can't even hit the monsters! How can I train my thief with this! Damn this guy.

After almost 30 minutes we finished-- more like, Knox finished running the whole dungeon, everyone is praising him on how strong he is but he just ignored everything. What a weirdo. And now only the 2 of us is left in the party. I'm just sitting in front of the trial we just cleared while Knox is in Haven.

<Party>Knox: So what now.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: I don't know.

<Party>Knox: We could run more trials if you want, we still got 2 hours and 26 mins. Before arena opens.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Why the hell did you suddenly became so talkative. .__.

<Party>Knox: I'm not.

Then after that I suddenly got a loading screen, I furrowed my eyebrows, what the hell happened?! But then I was shocked when I saw me and Knox is inside a trial. Looks like he used party teleport.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: What are we doing in here?

<Party>Knox: Training your thief.

Then he changed into a healer, a Cleric to be exact.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Weirdo.

<Party>Knox: Hmm?

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Why would you even help me get better when you wanna beat me -__-

<Party>Knox: Of all the people I've met in arena, you're the only one that took me time to kill. And beating you this early would be boring because I've got no one to compete with. And you should get better weapon if you wanna use that class at me.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Jerk.

<Party>Knox: XD

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 3: Hellish Training, Couple and Gifts!

10 days... 10 fucking days of training my PDPS with Knox. 10 days of him making fun of me, insulting how weak I am. Damn that guy. But then I cannot deny the fact that we became closer, a lot closer, we now clear dungeons, trials and events with just the 2 of us. After that we head to Warrior's Sanctuary. It's a place where we can freely train without getting disturb by monsters or players. It's like arena but in here, no rounds, no time limit. What we usually do in here is he just let me attack him, while he measures my damage, look at my strategy. Then we will duel each other seriously. But then, I've never ever beaten him. We dueled countless times but he always easily kill me. And even most of the time, he's such a jerk and keeps on teasing me and I curse at his name million times. I still appreciate the fact that he helps me.

We also have a challenged that whoever gets the most wins at arena next month, can make the losing one do one thing for him/her. So right now, we're just chilling with the ranking, though he's still the 2nd, because he said he'll let me have my last moment as Rank 1 cuz next month, he'll definitely be the rank 1. We don't do arena that often now, there are a lot of times where we just go to Warrior's Sanctuary to duel each other rather than join the arena. We don't really mind if people get wins since I got 126 wins atm, while Knox got 121 wins, while the rank 3 got 57 wins. It's a pretty huge difference so instead of going to arena, we just train together.

Right now, I'm in my room, just chilling while waiting for Knox, he should be online in 20 minutes.

<Guild>Obeiron: End.

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Hmm?

<Guild>Obeiron: Wanna kill some world boss?

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Oh sure sure, invite o7

* * * *

Knox is now online.

I automatically smiled as I saw him online. Gosh! I can't hide my freaking excitement.

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Obei, can you pass the lead to me pls.

Obeiron passed the lead to EndlessMiracle.

You have invited Knox to party.

Knox joined the party.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Hey. We're killing world bosses, can you wait? Unless you wanna join.

<Party>Knox: Nah, it's fine. Take your time. np.

<Guild>Obeiron: What the hell?

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Hmm?

<Guild>Obeiron: When did you two became friends

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Err.. Like almost 2 weeks ago?

After almost 30 minutes, we're done with world bosses and Obei left the party, because he needs to sleep. And now, me and Knox are just sitting next to the fountain in Haven cuz I kinda feel worn out from killing all of them. Though Knox decided to buy 100 Crystal to gamble in the Altar, and I can't stop myself from cursing at him whenever he gets someone really good, but he just laugh and show it to me to make me jealous. What a kind of guy. Ugh.

Knox has landed on Wedding Veil (Prime).

My jaw dropped at the announcement.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: What the Fuck!

<Party>Knox: Hmm?

<Party>EndlessMiracle: The wedding veil QwQ nooooo!

<Party>Knox: Oh. You want it?

<Party>EndlessMiracle: YES!!

Wedding Veil is a really expensive costume, it cost over 120k gold. I love it so freaking much but spending 120k for a costume is ridiculous. Knox is so freaking lucky QwQ

<Party>Knox: Uhh.. I lost your chat with the sea of whispers, sorry.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Pfft.. You should have expected it because you know a LOT of people wants to have it.

<Party>Knox: I don't know because I don't even check the market.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Damn this rich guy.

<Party>Knox: Tss xD

Then he just quietly continued to gamble, I see him land on more once in a while. I don't see him selling the veil or anything, making me wonder what is he going to do with it especially it's for girls.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Do you have a couple?

<Party>Knox: Never had one. Why?

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Nothing, just asking.

<Party>Knox: You wanna couple?

My eyes widen with his sudden question.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: what?

<Party>Knox: You don't wanna? Okay.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: What's with the sudden question geez.

<Party>Knox: Please. We'll both benefit with it anyway, we'll activate our couple buffs.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Hmm.. Not a convincing proposal.

<Party>Knox: -__-

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Hahaha XD

<Party>Knox: Fine. I'll give you the Wedding Veil for FREE, if you'll couple then marry me.

I gulped at his offer. It's the costume I've wanted for a long time now. Damn.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Just the wedding veil then I still need to marry you? Not worth it. :(

<Party>Knox: Fine, I'll give you a blue ninetail fox and the legendary butterfly wings.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Are you serious?!

<Party>Knox: Yea.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Fine!

Knox has confessed his feeling for EndlessMiracle, will she accept it?

Accept Decline

I immediately clicked confirm and the system announced that we're officially a couple now. Then I got 3 mail and when I opened it, I was surprised when Knox really gave the veil, the blue ninetail fox and the wings. I suddenly felt guilty that he gave so much to me just for the sake of us getting coupled. Especially the price of the blue ninetail is 300k+ gold, while the legendary butterfly wings is 250k+ gold.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: thank you Knox.

<Party>Knox: NP miracle. :)

* * * *

At Warrior's Sanctuary...

<Party>Knox: Now for Martial Artist. It'll be good if you'll use a Cestus and a shield. But for dungeons and trials, use club and cestus. Now, the use Lion's Roar and Smash Defender or Forbidden Guard. But if it's me, I prefer Smash Defender.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Yea, I prefer Smash Defender too. But I think Forbidden Shield will be good for the time where we're against Magic DPS.

<Party>Knox: Yea, that'll work. Now some people slide cast, so get Falling Star so you can attack them from a distance, it'll save you from chasing them. But now let's try cestus and shield, hm?

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Okay okay. Ready.

I took a few steps backwards while waiting for his signal.

<Party>Knox: In 3

As he said I immediately Vajra Roars to reduce the damage I take and reflects 30% of the damage I will take back to him. I next used Persistent Intent to increase my Accuracy and Evasion than Encourage to increase my strength.

<Party>Knox: Now!

I charge to him with Charging Assault to stun him, then I next used Suppress to increase the critical hits he take by 100%, then I used collapsing Blow to lower his block since like me he's using a shield, and the effect of my stun is now over. This time he used Charge to increase his P-atk then Charging Assault, stunning me. Then Hurricane Armor damaging me every 0.5 seconds for 8 seconds. Then he used Suppress before the effect of stun disappear, I immediately used Energy Control to heal myself but he used Spirit Scar to cancel my Energy control. I cursed. I decided to used Defender's Strength that increase my defense every attack I make to at least lower his damage. But I wasn't able to see that he used his Vajra Roars, that reflects the attack I gives to him which resulted to my death..

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Come the hell on.. :(

<Party>Knox: Pfft xD *pats* It's okay baby.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Shut up. I never won't. Ugh.

<Party>Knox: You shouldn't have used your stun if you have Vajra Roars on so I'll attack and the reflect will work, you literally wasted that nice buff. Plus, you know I haven't used my suppress so you shouldn't have used you heal because you know I can easily cancel it. You should also used charge then stunned me so you can freely attack.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: I hate you :(

<Party>Knox: hahaha, let's cool you down xD let's take a break.

Then he used Spatial Conversion, teleporting us to Haven's beach side. I immediately made my character sit on the sand then I leaned on my chair to regaining my strength. He quietly sat beside my character.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Few more days..

<Party>Knox: Hmm?

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Few more days and our challenge will officially start. And yet. I haven't improve. I mean, I still can't kill you.

<Party>Knox: At least you deal more damage on me now. That's a improvement.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Not enough :( I can't win on our challenge at this rate. I need more. :/

<Party>Knox: It's okay. Who knows, you might be able to kill me after a couple of years.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: What the hell?! Years?! I'm NOT that weak! You jerk!

<Party>Knox: Maybe ;)

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Just wait and see! I'll train more and one day I'll be able to beat you like a pulp! I swear!

<Party>Knox: You probably should sleep before you start dreaming sweetheart.

<Party>EndlessMiracle: Shut up! And Stop those freaking endearment! You're not playing fair! >:(

<Party>Knox: Oh? It's working eh? XD

<Party>EndlessMiracle: I hate everything about you >:(

<Party>Knox: I "love" you too xD

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 4: Let the challenge begin!

Knox is now online.

<Whisper>You said to Knox: KNOX! :D

<Whisper>Knox said to you: Hey sweety. ;)

<Whisper>You said to Knox: Have you got your prize?

<Whisper>Knox said to you: Yea. You know what it means right?

<Whisper>You said to Knox: Ohh yea~! Let the challenge begin!! o7

<Whisper>Knox said to you: Indeed baby ;)

* * * *

Knox Ean Nicholls is calling...

Accept Decline

I automatically pressed Accept when I saw Knox's name

"Hey." I greeted him with a smile.

"Afternoon. What are you doing?"

"Nothing really. I was afking for hours because I was sleeping."

"Oh." Then I heard him typing in the keyboard.

"You're going in?"

"Why? I can't?" He said with a playful tone. I giggled.

"I don't mind, it's in my favor so I can catch up at your wins." He laughed.

"Not gonna happened baby." I felt my cheeks heat up with his endearment.

"Shut it." He laughed more.

When we got our prize for arena ranking last month, Knox asked for my Skype so it'll be easier for us to communicate while we're battling. Attack and defending with typing is hard so we decided just to be on call every time we're together so we won't need to type.

But to me, I feel like it's a bad idea because every time we're against each other and I lose to him, he tease me and it piss the hell out of me. Or there are times where he uses his endearment while we're in the middle of fighting which distracts me, resulting to my death. Ugh this guy and his deep manly voice. He's not playing fair but when I rant at him about it he just laugh at me, amusing himself. Like seriously, what the hell. -__-

Right now, our standing is Knox got rank 1 with 38 wins, while I'm at Rank 2 with 32 wins. The rank 3 which is Silvex got 17 wins at the moment and the list go on. I've also noticed the difference of before and now. When he first beat me, I was so mad I even sulked. But now, it makes me more pumped up, more eager to defeat him, plus it makes things more exciting and way more fun.

* * * *

Right now, I'm just chilling with Obei, Shuu, Shiro, Cain and Kaeru in Shuu's house. We're having a small party since Kaeru came back for being inactive 4 months ago. While Knox, he's busy gathering materials for the thing he wanna craft. I don't what it is since he just keep on telling me Secret -__-

"Miracle" I heard Knox spoke on the other line.


"Last night. After you went to sleep." he paused and I heard mouse clicking on the background then he cleared his throat. "Deity's guild leader asked me to join their guild."

"Oh? Well.. No shocker here. What did you said?" Deity is the strongest guild in here. A lot of people wanna join their guild but they only pick the strongest players in game. And I wouldn't be surprised if they'll want Knox in there.

"I declined."

"Why are you not joining any guild anyway?"

"Uhh.." "I don't know to be honest. Hmm.."

"It's such a waste of fame."

"Are you joining Guild vs. Guild?"

"No!" I chuckled. "I mean. We're not really interested on that. Plus have you seen the top guilds? They got like more than 25+ players in a guild and the lowest level is like what? Hmm.. 85 i think? There's no way we're going to win in that" I playfully said.

"Have you tried joining?"

"Yes. Like 1 time. And we won."

"Against which guild?"


"Oh.. That guild is weak."

"How did you know? You're not even in their guild! And Yes, we know they're weak that's why we joined the Guild vs. Guild when we're against them because we know we can own them."

"I saw some of their members in arena. Pretty lame. Plus they have the noob players. Not that many people in the guild too. The lead rarely online."

"Are you stalking them?" He laughed.

"I'm just saying what I see baby."

"Tss.. Yea right." He let out a delicious laugh.

* * * *

I took a deep breathe. "Knox. Can we take a break please." I said while taking a series of deep breathes to regain my energy. He chuckled.

"We've just started and already tired? Come on Miracle."

"Just started?! Please Knox! After those intense arena battles we immediately headed to dungeons! I'm tiredddd!" I whined like a child. I pouted, though I know he can't see me. He laughed harder.

"Fine. Just sit in the entrance. I'll clear the dungeon alone." And I did what he said. I just sat in the entrance of the dungeons while he does mass murdering. I mean, why would I say no? He's the one who already offered it. It's bad to decline on grace ya'know? XD

<Guild>Obeiron: End, are you running alone? Let me join your runs.

"Knox, pass me the lead"

Knox passed the lead to EndlessMiracle.

You have invited Obeiron to party.

Obeiron joined the party.

<Guild>Obeiron: Oh, you're running with knox.

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: No xD He's running it alone. I'm just in the entrance while he clear the whole dungeons. Come in Come in.

<Guild>Obeiron: You already have a couple? That Forever Love buff.

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Ohh. Yea, like 3 weeks ago. We coupled.

<Guild>Obeiron: We? You and Knox?

<Guild>EndlessMiracle: Yupp.

<Guild>Obeiron: Ohh.. I see..

(Forever Love, is a couple buff that appears when the couple is together, it increase their stats a little. But it disappears when one of them is offline or they're on different location.)

"Who is that?"

"Hm? Oh. That's my guild lead. He said he wanna join the runs." Then I didn't heard him answer back.

I took the chance to check our ranking, it surely updated by now.

Rank Name Wins Kills

1 Knox 73 185

2 EndlessMiracle 67 139

3 Silvex 36 67

4 Lunatic 34 63

5 DeathIllusion 29 51

6 Skie 28 57

.... And the list goes on

I tapped my finger on my desk thinking how will I get more wins. Especially since our challenge begun I haven't won once against him ... More like, I've never killed him since the day we met. I sighed.

"What are you thinking? That's a really deep breath." Oh yea, I forgot he's still on the other line.

"Thinking on how I'll get more wins."

"Do you want a handicap?"

"No!" I shouted. "I mean.." I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. "When I beat you, I wanna make sure it's fair. I don't wanna win just because you have restrictions. I will feel insulted with that." I buried my face in my palms, I heard him sighed. "I hate the fact that I'm trying my very best and yet you're doing everything in a very relaxed way, like you're thousand years ahead of me. It kind of pisses me off. But then, just watch! 'll pass you someday and I'll be ahead of you. And when it happens. I'll be the one to help you out like what you're doing to me right now."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 5: Missing

I stared at my friend list, hoping he'll be back. Damn that Knox. I bit my lower lip as I felt my eyes sting. It's been a week, a week since he disappeared. A week since our last talk. Right now, I'm at Rank 1 and he's at rank 2 though Silvex is near on taking his position.

I feel more frustrated because in 5 days, our challenge will end, and at this rate I will definitely win. But ... But ... I don't wanna win in this way. I miss the days wherein we're fighting each other, where I feel so pumped up when we're on different teams. I also missed the time where we do dungeons, trials, events together. I missed the times where we're in Warrior's Sanctuary, having our training.

I miss those times so fucking much. I miss his laughs, his voice, his teasing. I miss him so bad.

Knox ... I miss you so bad.. Please come back..

I wiped my tears and let out a sigh. I exited the game and turned off my laptop. I walked to my bed and cuddled my pillow, letting myself drift off to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 6: Winning ... Losing

6 days had passed... I won.. I won on our challenge.. I'm the rank 1 and I already got my prize.. But still .. there's no sign of Knox, even in Skype. I feel lifeless these past few weeks. Even though I won, I felt like I lose. Yea.. I did lost. I lost him. I wonder.. If he'll still come back. I wonder... What happened to him..

If only I can go back in the past. I wouldn't let him go that day. I feel silly that now he's gone, I just realized, he's special to me, even he's such a jerk sometimes. I smiled bitterly upon remembering our happy times.

Knox... Did you already forgot about me? Because you know what? I can't forget about you. I can't stop thinking about you. I keep on wishing that when I wake up the next morning, I'll see your status as Online. Please come back. I miss you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


After 4 years...

I gently wrapped my fingers on my cup of coffee, feeling its warm. I looked outside the window of the coffee shop. I just got out from the office and decided to have a coffee while waiting for my friend Sarah or known as Shuu. It's heavily raining outside, you can see lightning and hear thunder once in awhile. I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket so I pick it up.

Sarah is calling...

I immediately pressed the green button and placed it next to my ear.

"Hey." I said with a playful tone.

"Hi baby." She chuckled. "Where are you? Are you out? I'm almost done. Like, give me 15 minutes." I heard papers ruffling on the background.

"Yea. Like 30 minutes ago. I'm in the coffee shop in front of the office. And take your time. Rain is still quiet heavy."

"Uhh.. Okay okay. Wait for me. I'll hang up now. Bye"


I let out a sigh and stared at my coffee.. It's been 4 years. Time flies so fast. But then, my feelings haven't changed since then.


10 months... 10 months had passed...

10 months of hoping I'll see him again...

I took a deep breathe before opening my friend list.

But like before.. He's still offline.

Did you really forgot about me Knox?

2 more months and I'm going to graduate. I wonder what's waiting for me in the future, hm?

Oh yea. I've stopped joining arena 8 months ago.

You wanna know why?

Because I can't stop myself from remembering you..

I can't stop myself to remember that we shared countless of battle in that place.

I can't stop myself from remembering how happy I was when we fight each other, we we're on the same team and we're having each others back.

I can't stop myself from moving on. From forgetting my stupid feelings for you.


Where are you..

Why did you disappeared..

Why did you left without a word..

Why did you left me hanging like this..

I'm longing for you..

End of flashback...

I immediately wiped the tears that escaped. It's been 4 years but I still can't move on. I still can't forget about you. Silly me.. You probably can't even remember me by now. I'm here, being so pathetic. Loving someone who just disappeared and never came back. I sighed. Then I heard my phone beeped.

From: Sarah

Baby, I'm outside the coffee shop. Come.

-- End --

After I replied Coming. I pack up my things, I flings my bag on my left shoulder, while my left hand is holding my coffee and on my right hand is my handkerchief. I stood up immediately and I didn't noticed the guy coming so out shoulders collided. I accidentally let my handkerchief go, when I tried to stop my coffee from spilling. While the folders that the guy's folding scattered on the floor.

"I'm sorry!/Sorry." We both said at the same time while we both bend down to get out things. I helped him picked up the folders.

"EndlessMiracle?" He said questioningly as he stare at my handkerchief. It's one of my favorite handkerchief because my old in game name EndlessMiracle imprinted on the corner.

"Uhh, yes?" Then I noticed his I.D.

"Knox Ean Nicholls" I said almost breathlessly. I instantly felt tears run down in my cheeks. I shifted my gaze on his face when I felt his thumb gently wiped my tears.

"Miracle." He said while his eyes is forming tears. I wasn't able to move, I felt like my whole body suddenly got covered with ice. He's here. They guy I've been waiting for. They guy I'm loving these part years. He's right in front of me. Then I felt him pulled me and hugged me tightly.

"Miracle.. My Miracle." He whispered as I feel those warm drops on my shoulder, damping my blouse. But I don't mind at all.. The guy I've been waiting for all these years is finally here, right in front of me. I hugged him back tightly, not letting him go this time. I won't let him go this time.

* * * *

After 1 year and 8 months...

"Knox! Come on! Wake up!" I shake his shoulder to wake him up. It's already 9:38 A.M. And he' still sleeping. My god.

"Mmmm.." He just moaned, not moving or opening his eyes. I pouted and goes on top of him, gently sitting in his stomach.

"Come on, wake up. We still need to talk with the wedding coordinator later." I said as I teasingly touched his chest, forming different pattern. He groaned and caught my hand squeezing it gently, I giggled.

"Let them wait and I'm still sleepy."

"Lazy bum." I grinned. He opened his right eye and looked at my dreamily.

"Ah!" I squealed when he shifted our position. He chuckled then buried his face on my neck, I tilted my head to give him more access.

He started to plant small kisses on my neck which make me giggles, I was about to gently push his face away to stop him when we heard his stomach growl.

"Pfft... Ahahaha!" I burst out laughing. He lift his face and made a sad face.

"I'll make breakfast, come on, stand up." I said as I lightly tapped his chest. He kissed my lips before standing up, gently pulling me up. I head to the kitchen and started preparing our breakfast. After 5 minutes, I heard Knox's footsteps, entering the kitchen.

"Have you decided who you'll invite?"

"Uhhh.. Not really." He scratched his head as I place coffee in front of him.

"I'm thinking of my co-teachers, family of course and hmm.. Other than that I haven't really decided."

Co-teachers, yes. Knox is a freaking professor can you believe that? Though other than being a professor, he owns 2 coffee shops. He also told me why he disappeared without a word. He got into a car accident with his parents, he got into a coma for 4 months while both of his parents died on that accident. When he woke up, he have a problem on using his legs and right arm so he went into therapy for months. After that, he manages the properties and business that his parents left plus he's still studying that time. He said it's the darkest times of his life, everything is falling apart, things are piling up that's why he wasn't able to come back in game. Though like me, He said he wasn't able to forget about me, If I still remember him or If I think about him, how am I now. He said he also wished for us to meet again and it happened. That's why he's so happy when he saw me in the coffee shop that he owns. Sarah, was so happy for us, she's the first to know. Then after that, Knox asked me to his girlfriend, and after 1 year and 7 months, he proposed to me. That's why we're planning our wedding because in 2 months we're finally getting married.

I don't know if our meeting is just coincidence, or a miracle happened. But all the years I've waited. All the tears I shed. They are all worth it. Because right now. I can't contain the happiness that life has been giving me.

I guess in games. We can call this as our Happy Ending. My happy ending with Knox.

** End **

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