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By vkangst

4K 318 904

๐–จ๐—‡ 1920๐—Œ ๐–ซ๐—ˆ๐—‡๐–ฝ๐—ˆ๐—‡, ๐–บ ๐—†๐–บ๐—…๐–พ ๐—…๐–บ๐—๐—’๐–พ๐—‹ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–บ ๐—†๐–บ๐—…๐–พ ๐–ผ๐—‹๐—‚๐—†๐—‚๐—‡๐–บ๐—… ๐–ฟ๐–บ๐—…๐—… ๐—‚๐—‡ ๐—…๐—ˆ๐—๐–พ... More

Introductions + warnings


113 11 21
By vkangst

3rd person pov

"Of course, Jungkookie! That sounds like a great idea!" Taehyung exclaimed with a wide smile, eager to go on a bike ride with his pretty boy

The attorney couldn't contain his excitement and began kicking his legs in the water. Jungkook was delighted to see the attorney so happy and joined in, splashing around with him in the cool ocean water. The pretty boy couldn't help but be amazed by the attorney's childlike joy and the two of them laughed and played in the waves for 1hour straight.

"Taehyungie hyungie hyung! Now stop playing with water or else you'll catch cold!" scolded the pretty boy, as he watched Taehyung splashing water around in the ocean. Taehyung whined and begged for just a few more minutes, but the pretty boy was having none of it. "No Mr. Kim, no more minutes!" he glared at the attorney who had been standing nearby, causing him to immediately shut his mouth.

Luckily, Jungkook had brought towels with him and he remembered them just in time. "Thank goodness I was smart enough to bring these!" he thought to himself, as he handed them over to Taehyung as he kept the his bags of towels near a tree middle of beach. The pretty boy then turned to the attorney and said, "Sit on that bench near the tree! I'm coming!"

Taehyung obediently sat down on the bench next to the beach, feeling the wind on his face and listening the waves crushing.

Jungkook returned to the beach, finding the attorney still wet from the shower. He walked over and sat down beside him, playfully signing "Mr. Kim, I had no clue that you were such a delicate baby that I have to take care of you!"

Taehyung chuckled sheepishly and responded, "Hehehe, yeah, please take care of me. I'm feeling a bit lazy to dry myself with the towel."

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at the attorney's childlike behavior. "You're such a kid in this big body," he remarked softly. He admired the attorney's smile, which transformed into a boxy grin. The pretty boy couldn't deny that the attorney's cuteness was not a threat to anyone.

Jungkook then proceeded to ruffle the attorney's black hair with the towel, gently massaging and drying it. Taehyung closed his eyes and relished in the moment, feeling completely at ease in Jungkook's presence.

After carefully drying the attorney's hair, he helped him put on the coat he had just brought. The attorney was surprised by the gentle and considerate nature of the young man, little did he know that there was more to Jungkook than meets the eye. As Jungkook was about to put the towel away, the attorney stopped him and offered to return the favor. But Jungkook politely refused, telling the attorney to take a break and relax while he finished drying his own hair.

The attorney couldn't help but tease Jungkook, "You seem to notice everything I do, don't you?" Jungkook simply smiled and replied, "Of course I do. I notice all the things you do, and even the things you don't do. But you don't even realize it!" He whispered the last part under his breath, almost to himself.

The attorney was curious, "What did you say after 'yes I do'?" Jungkook chuckled and shook his head, "Nothing, don't worry about it."

With his hair now dry, Jungkook stood up and suggested "let's ride towards our first destination" . The attorney agreed with a smile.

(A/N: this is how jungkook's bike looks like, just imagine it's looking like this at night time!)

Woah! Your bike is so gorgeous!" exclaimed Taehyung, his eyes fixed on the bike in front of him. It was adorned with sleek black and classy golden stripe borders, giving it a rich and elegant appearance. To Taehyung, the bike looked nothing short of stunning.

As an attorney, Taehyung had ridden many motorcycles during his college days, but they were of a different type compared to this pretty boy's bike. Despite being in town for three years, the bike still garnered attention and created a buzz among the locals.

"Do you want to ride the bike while I sit at the back?" the pretty boy asked, noticing the sparkle in Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung was speechless, filled with both excitement and amusement at the proposition. Without hesitation, he agreed, "Yes, I want to ride it if you trust me enough to hand over your bike!"

"I trust you with my bike, and I'll be right here with you," the pretty boy replied softly, expressing his faith in Taehyung. Grateful for the trust bestowed upon him, Taehyung enthusiastically jumped on the bike, making space for the pretty boy, whose name was Jungkookie. Both were ready to have a thrilling and enjoyable night ahead.

Jungkook couldn't believe that he had asked the attorney to ride the bike, especially since he didn't like anyone touching his bike. He was not the type to lend his bike to others either, even for a second. But now, he had surprisingly offered the attorney to ride the bike by himself and even permitted it. "Jungkookie, give me the bag of towels. I'll keep it here on the handle, and I promise it won't cause any problems. So, it's fine to keep it here!" The attorney took the bag and placed it on the handle of the bike.

"Jungkookie, hold on to me! Hold me tightly!" the attorney said, grabbing onto the pretty boy's hand and making him hold onto his body so that he wouldn't fall from the bike. "Chill, Taehyungie hyung, I'm fine without holding on too!" the pretty boy replied, but the attorney was quick to respond, "No, hold on to me, that's it!" Jungkook took a deep breath and held on tightly to the attorney, who started the bike and headed towards their first destination, the food shops, because they were both hungry.

Jungkook, the pretty boy with a heightened sense of smell, found himself lost in the enticing aroma emanating from the attorney. Resting his head on the back of the attorney's seat, he couldn't help but be captivated by the musky fragrance that filled the air. The gentle caress of the wind against his face only added to the sensory experience.

As they rode together, Jungkook held onto Taehyung's waist tightly, finding solace in the attorney's presence. It was a surprising revelation for him, as a dangerous criminal with a troubled past, to feel such comfort and care from someone like Taehyung. The attorney's innocence and genuine smile had a profound impact on Jungkook, who felt an overwhelming desire to protect and take care of him.

Despite his troubled past, Jungkook was grateful for the kindness he received from the attorney. He was willing to go to great lengths to ensure Taehyung's happiness and well-being, as it brought him a sense of peace and purpose.

However, Jungkook couldn't ignore the actions of Miss Eunu, who viewed him as a stalker. Although he no longer cared about her opinion, he had a deep-seated desire to harm her. Yet, he refrained from taking any action, knowing that she was the daughter of the attorney's father's friend. Jungkook was well aware that he would not hesitate to eliminate her if she ever made the attorney uncomfortable.

In this complex web of emotions, Jungkook found himself torn between his dark past and the newfound light that Taehyung brought into his life. The attorney's presence, along with the alluring fragrance that surrounded him, continued to captivate the pretty boy, leaving him longing for a future where they could find solace and happiness together.

He knows Taehyung barely, but he feels like he should know him more. In the past few weeks, Taehyung has held a special place in Jungkook's heart. Jungkook is ready to adore him and love him. The weather and them is perfect, and the pretty boy is glad that on this particular street, not many people can be present. Otherwise, it would be high-risk for the attorney, as he is a renowned lawyer in the country.

The pretty boy had murdered two boys prior to stalking the attorney with the girl. He knew that the girl had seen him, but now the question is, who will believe him when he tells his story? His appearance is sharp and mysterious, but he's not dumb to act like a macho killer man. Taehyung, too, won't believe it, as Jungkook's innocent doe eyes and smile are beyond convincing. The pretty boy's thoughts came to an end when Taehyung said, "We're here, Jungkookie. Get down!" The pretty boy immediately got off the bike, and so did the attorney.

What do you want to eat, Jungkookie? taehyung asked as he watched the stalls of foods. The pretty boy, Jungkookie, replied confusedly, "Pizza or burger or fried rice with chicken, I think!" The attorney, taehyung, then interjected, "Okay! Let's have some pizza, burger, and fried rice with chicken!" Jungkookie seemed surprised by the attorney's decision, commenting, "Huh, who will eat this much food? And I don't like to waste food!" Despite his concern, Jungkookie agreed to go ahead and order the food.

The attorney, on the other hand, was eagerly anticipating the meal. The attorney whined with hunger, the pretty boy exclaiming, "Listen, Mr. Kim! You're going to pay for food!" However, the attorney protested, "Why should I pay?" jungkook replied, "Because you're rich!" The attorney, got agreed seeing the pretty boy's innocent smile and eyes, "Fine, I'll pay. Now can we order food already?"

Jungkookie and the attorney proceeded to order the food and sat down at a table with two chairs. As they waited for the food to arrive, they began to engage in conversation. Jungkookie asked, "How was your meeting with the lady lawyer?" However, taehyung seemed uncomfortable and replied, "Not at all good!"

Jungkook, despite being a stalker, had a genuine intention to seek the truth from his attorney. He wanted to see if the attorney would really tell him the truth, despite his persistent actions. Surprisingly, the attorney admitted his discomfort and disclosed the truth to Jungkook. This revelation left Jungkook intrigued and he couldn't help but admire how open the attorney was with him.

However, Jungkook felt guilty for not sharing anything about his own life, not even revealing small details about himself. This lack of personal connection made him feel uneasy, even though he was enjoying the fact that the attorney was willingly sharing so much with him.

During their conversation, the attorney expressed his discomfort with the lady he had been stalking when the attorney was there. He only stalked them for the attorney. He described his behavior towards her as "weird" and stated that her presence was making him even more uncomfortable. Jungkook, sensing the attorney's discomfort, asked "what you did when she continued with her "nasty works" ?".

The pretty boy, curiously inquired about the attorney's actions. The attorney revealed that he had stood up to the woman and told her not to worry about her bills for food, as he had taken care of them already. Furthermore, he instructed her to finish her dinner.

After delivering his message, the attorney left the scene, leaving the woman on her own. Jungkook, intrigued by his assertive response, expressed his admiration for the attorney's actions. "Sir, your orders are ready!" the waiter interrupted, bringing their food plates to the table.

Jungkook, unable to control his hunger, dug into the food with enthusiasm. The attorney, joining him in enjoying the delicious meal, agreed with Jungkook's comments, expressing his satisfaction at the taste.

As they continued to eat, Jungkook and the attorney shared a moment of camaraderie and satisfaction. Their hunger was temporarily satisfied, allowing them to focus on the important matters at hand.

The attorney and Jungkook were sitting in a crowded restaurant, both enjoying their meals. The attorney, known for his messy eating habits, had sauce here and there on his clothes and face. Jungkook, on the other hand, couldn't help but admire the attorney's appearance. The attorney couldn't help but notice the pretty boy's  admiring gaze.

Without hesitation, the pretty boy reached over and wiped the sauce off the corner of his lips, bringing his finger to his mouth seductively and suck on it. The attorney was shocked by the pretty boy's actions, but he couldn't deny that it was turning him on.

Just as the pretty boy was about to say something, the attorney spoke up. "Jungkook, can we move away from here?" he asked in a deep voice, his voice full of desire. The pretty boy hesitated for a moment, unable to keep the desire out of his own voice. "Sure," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

As they left the restaurant, the two made their way towards the pretty boy's bike. Jungkook jumped on and the attorney drove them towards a dark and quiet place. As they arrived at a secluded spot, the attorney stopped the bike and said to Jungkook, "Get off."

The pretty boy got off the bike, confused at the attorney's behavior. "What's up with the behavior, Jungkookie?" the attorney asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He leaned in close to the pretty boy, his eyes trained on his lips. The attorney couldn't resist the urge to breathe heavily near the pretty boy's piercing lips, longing to kiss him desperately.

However, the pretty boy acted like he didn't teased the attorney, was feeling proud seeing the reaction of the attorney. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, his voice filled with evil teasing glint knowing very well. The attorney stared into his eyes, a hint of desperation lingering in his own.

As the tension in the air grew thicker, the attorney finally broke the silence. "I just want to kiss you, Jungkook," he said, his voice barely audible. The pretty boy's eyes widened because of straightforwardness, unsure of what to say.

Let's it for today!!!!!

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