the raving Rabbid King (a Mar...


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Imagine a world where Bowser, the infamous villain, had a mischievous doppelganger in the form of a Rabbid. T... Еще

Chapter 1: the queen and her child
chapter 2: how to be sinister
Chapter 3: mayhem in sarasaland
Chapter 4: cackle in the night
Chapter 5: What is her appeal?
Chapter 6: a battle of egos
chapter 7: an audience with the Koopa king
mini chapter: caring for your underlings
Chapter 8: try, try & try again dang it!
Chapter 10: burn rubber
chapter 11: sparks fly on the high seas
Chapter 12: a new kind of jungle hijinx
Chapter 13: a royal royale
Chapter 14: heroes have it rough too ya know
Chapter 15: test your luck and your patience
an incorrect quote type thing?

Chapter 9: the prince of the bwahpera

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we start this chapter with Rabbid Bowser and his men hiding in background of Rabbid Luigi's excursion through spooky trails accompanied by his brother rabbid Mario who the prince sispised for his embarrassing defeat, oh a hatred born out the fact that the hero knocked the villain of their high horse doesn't that give off a massive feeling of deja vu? Either way, Rabbid Luigi has a lesser-known passion for delving into the mysterious realm of the occult. It's not just about devils, although they are not completely ruled out. His interest lies in exploring any eerie forces that originate from mystical or unnatural origins. The occult acts as a parallel to the paranormal, housing a plethora of things that go bump in the night. Unlike the person he is based on, Rabbid Luigi enthusiastically pursues these investigations, chasing after them with a sense of curiosity and whimsy. The prince got distracted listening to Rabbid Luigi's knowledge until his minions pushed his focus back in the right direction and then put his troops in for team huddle to hype them up and  go over there plan of out snipe to legs so they retire there kidnapping plot "okay so if go here the stage should be hop skip and boing" rabbid luigi said as his brother sigh as he was promised so ravishing ghost woman  if he came along but before he finished his rebutal the prince attack from far causing them to run "oohh i love the smell of fear! and mint but mostly fear!" the prince remark as he chases them the brothers. the chase was trying because the playful boo's messing with lay of the land and the taunting from both sides annoying each other out there minds. rabbid Mario saw right through Rabbid Bowser false bravado but the same could be the same for his opponent as they tried to pick away at the other guise, the three found themselves at the stage that Rabbid Luigi was talking about and they saw as the perfect spot to finish this dispute but as the 1st blow was about to be struct the a darkness fell as the light went to the middle of the room and ghostly lights around the stage catching the rabbid prince's eye and as music notes came in and merge with the lights the charmistacitc and world beloved ghost with the most appeared and hes probably the guy you been waiting for since this book started. The phantom of the bwahpera himself emerged and asked who dared his domain. Rabbid Luigi had his light up as he brought his notes, rabbid Mario face palmed at the sight of  this guy but Rabbid Bowser simply clapped in simple adoration, "Finally some with my same eye for presentation," and the phantom scoffed at the prince, and ignored him to answer rabbid luigi questions. the phantom ignored rabbid bowser with the fact that he had someone's attention is way more important. rabbid bowser grabbed rabbid mario's hat oddjob style at Phantom causing the ghost to push Rabbid Bowser off his feet "yes yes rabbid bowser I heard of you," he said begrudgingly "i dont talk to B-list actors, you should be thankful i let even look at me" which made the princes blood boil with the minions finally catching up at the best part. the prince blast fire out in the sky to show off his power going to point of making throat sore only to be called a one-trick pony   "i remember the days you were just street rat grabbing any snacks he could find from greater Rabbids like me, i guess not much has changed" the phantom said that struck rabbid bowser where it hurt reminded him of failure he was before his life was turned around by the lava queen that still lingers in his mind and with his honor on the line he made bold demand and challenge phantom to contest to show that he not street rat he was before, phantoms opera vs the prince's performance in cinema show for the ages which the phantom could help but agree to with his own hunger for the spotlight forcing his hand.


Rabbid Bowser was sitting in the back in the mirror workshopping his act with his minions grabbing all the props they could to help out but going into a massive blank with most his own prefomacies relying on his destruction and crimes as backdrop and just burning everything is getting cliche. a ziggy walked up and asked him what was wrong but he had nothing to say as he the words phatom said echoed in his mind hearing in the other room nonchalantly as does his makeup. the prince has his fire breath at the base of the act but nothing else cause there not much you do with it besides shoot it out, that is until he remembers how the lava queen manuplated lava to her own desires and how she wanted to teach him to do the same but then has been unsuccessful. rabbid mario walked in to everyone surprise but meant no harm as they drew there weapons "im here to talk to the royal pain" he said chuckling to him self heading to rabbid bowser side with the prince ready to strike at moments notice, rabbid mario showed a little bit sympathy for him talking about how "what phantom said was a low blow, anyone can be improve if they just let go there doubts and face life head on!"  and rabbid mario said he like was friends with the prince and he just wanted to help which rabbid bowser couldn't comphere hend as embers mouth as he tried to speak.  rabbid bowser stopped the second he reaziled it "was it something i said?"rabbid mario asked "if i get bit angery my fire breath my react on refelx" was the answer he received and that's when hit the two like lighting bolt, if can trigger like that it can manipulated. so there plan began with rabbid Mario being a part of this performance and the with the gears of there brains turning things were looking it up,maybe let Phantom go 1st so the prince can build up fire rabbid Mario brought up or put itchng powerd in his jacket to fuel the fire but that's  too tedious what they need something that  would fuel the stream and then there the problem of hurting his throat if he goes too far but maybe that what  they needed no that wouldn't work either. rabbid Mario got just started rambling on and getting on rabbid boswer last nerve but maybe that was the answer, no who he gonna spount his greatness with someone constantly breathing him his whole act. we need answer quick because we only have a few minutes before showtime and the minons arent trained for this kind of stuff what was anyone going to do, eventually it seems like going with his classic  style is the only way to go. Meanwhile, the phantom was completely ready for his show to being knowing just what to do to turn around and see a ghostly aura around rabbid luigi as he went on with the interview "whats your unfinished business? Are you over a hundred? did you any effect on history unknown to the public?" to which the Phantom said that all three of those questions are classified, but he did see the ghost of a certain celebrity haunting the ladies room one time. little did Rabbid Luigi know that the phantom was fed off his attention like a leech saping him of every last bit of energy he could get his charismatic hands on. the phantom gathered his equipment and put rabbid luigi in VIP seat and peeked  to see the full house of ghost and ghouls and girls and boys of all ages. the phantom began with same entrance he did before and began, Oh, how audacious Rabbid Bowser dared to infiltrate my sanctuary, but alas, only a simpleton would dare to impede my reign, I proclaim. His destiny was sealed from the very moment of his birth, a prince adorned with a crown of falsehood, truly pitiful. He boasts of his mightiness, a prince worthy of adoration, yet he is naught but a lowly vagabond traversing the streets, I beseech. With a putrid stench akin to that of a decaying carcass, the world was justified in abandoning him, so to speak. His foolish "mother" filled his mind with deceit, and with his so-called army, I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She led him to believe he could be better, oh what a treacherous deception. Do you not recall when he was merely a rat to be shooed away, or the instances he concealed himself in the woods, where he rightfully belonged? He ought to possess the integrity to acknowledge his disgrace and never dare to exhibit his countenance in the realm of his poorly crafted fanfiction. For I am the luminary that shall forever shine, the one who genuinely merits your attention, oh my! And he dares to label himself a villain, but a comedic spectacle would be a more accurate portrayal. Let us abandon this street urchin to meet his inevitable demise. The young upstart should have never embarked on this endeavor, oh what an unforeseen revelation. A prince devoid of any skill, a master of failure, his wounds grow more severe with each futile attempt. He shall never come close to the fervor and sentiment I infuse into my creations. He claims to be the paramount villain of our era, but he is merely a toothless coward, spewing insipid rhymes. Whenever the heroes vanquish him, he scurries away and hides, his aspirations destined to perish, oh how fate mocks him! and with that last verse the show ends with phantom taking bow reveling in all power he gaining due to the attieon truely feeling like its his finest hour  but rabbid wasn't going to let it slide, him role his minions that they may not be properly trained but he trust them to has his back and then rabbid simply grabbed rabbid bowsers shoulder and asked if he was ready only  the prince to give an uneasy smile saying that he was sure but hes not gonna let phantom have say on whether or not he's good enough  and that really all he needs. phantom was knocked off the stage by a Rabbid Bowser hammer flying straight into his face. As the prince channeled his anger, he sang his countersuing, lighting his minions and grabbed Mario's spears with fire as he twirled them around him, the prince himself engulfed in the red hot aura.In the spotlight, my heart's ablaze,Here I stand in this dire phase,The phantom challenges, but I won't yield,I'll bring an end to his reign, sealed.He claims to shine like a star so bright,But illusions fade, they won't take flight,I see through his facade, his empty show,All talk, no action, no seeds to sow.He calls me gutter trash, how funny indeed,But he hasn't looked in the mirror, agreed?His best performances tearing others apart,But what has he done for himself from the start?While he whines, calling me a fool,I'll climb to the top, breaking every rule,I may stumble, make mistakes along the way,But I'll rise again, no matter what they say.You can't handle what you dish out, my friend; when faced with resistance, you quickly descend,Your pride is undeserved, it's plain to see; without an audience, who would care for thee?So go on, hide behind your hollow words, But without your diss tracks, who would be stirred?Trust may be misplaced, but my adoration is real, Unlike your parasocial existence, a shallow ordeal. the prince took a bow and was once the one who laughed at now was the one being cheered for because of his magical performance that blew them away, making his heart bubble with joy at the fact that someone who gave his act the time of day,  rabbid Mario patted his co star on the back before posing for  the cameras bringing rabbid bowser to do the same, they still hated each others guts but today they revel in this joy together.  but the phantom however was furious at such slander on his name not being able to take the harsh words he once shot mercilessly  causing his powers flow around the theater as all the props began to move and everyone hanging on there seat for dear life  as the once proud star wailed like deathly ghoul "YOU SHOULD KNEE IM THE STAR! ME ME ME ME!" he cried out but rabbid bowser wanst afraid of him anymore "this ghost is full of air rather slime huh?" rabbid Mario joked wich made rabbid bowser laugh "alright you big oaf grab everyone and leave the  phantom to me, this inst gonna be pretty!" he shouted jumping into battle with nothing but his bare paws and sheer force of will "how!? i cant reach all of em in time my musles are increbale but this too much" the mustachioed rabbid yelp as he followed "you soummoed that big spirt version of yourself before do it again!? its not that complicated"  rabbid bowser groaned "well excuse me prince! i did on accident it just sort of happened i dont know how to trigger ot again!" rabbid barked back with some sass. rabbid bowser knew just what do " okay just do what i did, focus on one thing, it all in the mind its made of energy there for it can be manipulated by whoever casted it" which wasn't too hard for rabbid Mario and he closed his eyes and put mind dead set on thing and that be bigger, being  greater, being the hero the people needed as soon he was swept of his feet soon inside the core of jumbo size version of himself, he moved his hand a liite and it responded accordingly, it was like a puppet or more acturaalty an extension of his own will and that baffled phantom leaving him and audience in awe which rabbid Mario took advantage of to punch the daylight out the self-absorbed specter. but the phantom would not stop his tantrum so rabbid Mario focused  his energy on saving on many poeple as he could meanwhile rabbid boswer focused all of his anger on phantom calling his clown car to pepper him with its impressive fire power and with the spotlight not being able to protect him in this encounter, it was open season as he unleashed everything its got. rabbid bowser focused on disturbing the fire in his stomach to burn to  hot it caused his own body heat to rise, a small trick he learned from Liltih, as he the temperature of his body increased he felt he got step closer to victory as the loud voice inside  in his head told to move forward that sounded just his own. the rabbid prince did what  he always did when he was fired up, he pushed his body more than he resanble should with no since of the risk he was putting himself in, his body screaming for a  break he jumped unto  the debrie and made a  b-line for the phantom with each platform he landed on burning up to ash. when rabbid  mario finally grabbed everyone he placed them some where safe  with  brother right behind, as the green clad rabbid approved  the phantom  with his  brother at his side he pulled out his  comically heavey rocket luacher in hand which stunned the phantom long enough for rabbid bowser  to get closer and grab the phantom by the ears and pouned his face until he the phantom was no longer airborne. The mischievous rabbid brothers seized this opportunity to trap the phantom, with rabbid Luigi using his weakening ability to gradually exhaust the ghost. Meanwhile, the prince unleashed all his pent-up frustration on the phantom, leaving no ounce of it unexpressed. As the phantom pleaded for mercy, rabbid Bowser stared him straight in the eyes and uttered, "Why should a ghost fear death when it is born from it?" With his anger dissipating, rabbid Bowser returned to his normal state, revealing a few proud burn marks on his body. Finally, he released the phantom and departed from the stage with a satisfied smile, followed closely by the brothers. The trio left the spooky trails and the phantom to suffer in despair, for how could he perform when his stage was engulfed in flames?

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