The Job, Mary-Kate Olsen

By istwisf

7.7K 369 230

"Give it to me." I looked at her and she smirked at my confusion. "Just give me the cigarette. You're not goi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Three

578 23 21
By istwisf

The cold morning hair was sliding in and out of my lungs, waking me up a little more with each breath I was taking. After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at the local café where Ashley told me to get her and her sister's coffee. When I entered the warm and coffee-smelled-like place after walking in the cold, I felt a sort of wave of comfort washing through me. I would gladly stay here all day, sitting at a table by the window while sipping a warm latte.

"Hi Miss, what can I do for you?" I looked at the young lady behind the counter.

"Hi, umh, I'll have..." I took a look at the post it onto which the twins' order was written. "One flat white with soya milk for Mary-Kate and a matcha latte for Ashley please."

The strawberry-blond haired lady smiled "They always order the same." She chuckled "It's funny how they stick to their order every single day, I would get bored after a week".

I smiled."Do they always order their coffee at this place?" I asked, curious.

"Yes, it depends, sometimes it's one of their employees who comes to get their coffee, or they come and get it themselves." She answered as she started putting together the two different beverages.

"Are you a friend of theirs?" She asked and I slightly frowned my eyebrows, confused. "Oh, umh... no, no. I'm their new employee actually. I'll be getting their orders every day now." I smiled.

When she was done with my orders, she placed the two cups on the counter right before me. She had a small blush painted on her cheeks. "Good for me then." She said softly and the corners of my lips went up.

"Well," I took the trail in my hand while I wiped the credit card Ashley gave me into the payment machine. "I'll see you then." We exchanged a quick goodbye and I swiftly left the coffee, heading to the The Row offices.

Once I had overcome the elevator ordeal, I made my way towards Mary-Kate's office and took a deep breath. I didn't know if she was already inside or not so I knocked.

"A minute." she declared. I waited. After what seemed like a short five minutes, the door opened curtly. There she was, standing halfway through the door, a stolid expression plastered on her face.

"Morning" I simply said, not exactly knowing what else to say. I extended my hands to her "Here is your coffee".

Barely a second after uttering the word coffee, I saw Ashley excitedly rushing in front of me to grab one of the two cups of coffee as if her life depended on it. She took a  big sip then looked at me with her eyes wide open.  "Now you are my favorite employee!" She exaggerated, which made me giggle. She smiled and went out of Mary-Kate's office.

"Is that a flat white latte?" Mary-Kate questioned, looking at her phone. I turned 90° so that I was facing her and nodded.

"I don't like cow milk." She added and finally looked up at me.

"I know, it's soy milk" I insisted and handed it to her. She noded nonchalantly and took it.

I placed my coat and bag next to my desk. Mary-Kate was sitting at her desk. I felt like we were going to ignore each other the whole day. She was intentionally avoiding any possible discussion. Just like yesterday, I read loads of emails. It was approximately lunchtime when Ashley emailed me to let me know I had to make a selection of songs that could go into the next playlist that The Row posts on Spotify every month. That meant that I had to examine the playlists previously made to get an idea of the vibe they were going for. Then, make a selection of several songs and artists that would match.

I poked around the old playlists and time went by quickly. After a few hours, I had a long list full of songs. I watched the time and noticed that it was already 3 p.m. I sent the selection to Ashley, hoping I had made it in time.

Suddenly, a small, quiet voice echoed. "You skipped lunch."

I looked up and, to my surprise, it wasn't Ashley who had made her way into the office, but instead, it was Mary-Kate. "I didn't see the time. I was too caught up in this playlist-thing Ashley emailed me." She thoughts for a moment and then went back to the papers she was reading.

"It's not good to skip a meal." She added while reading her papers. I ignored her and continued working.

After a while, she got up and left the office without saying a word. I discreetly looked out by the window. She was talking to Ashley. Then, Mary-Kate borrowed her sister's coat and left the building.


Instead of back to my apartment tonight, I decided to spend the evening at Valentina's, my best friend. Ever since I started this new job, she has been begging me to fill her up with every single details and thing that had happened so far. It's possible, however, that I didn't tell her that the people I was working for were none other than Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen. Once I had reached my destination, I got out of the Subway and headed for her house.

"Valentina, open up! It's me." No answers. I waited a few seconds before calling her again. "Valentina hurry up-" There she was. She opened the door and glanced at me.

"Couldn't you just wait two seconds?" She deadpanned. "No" I rolled my eyes playfully and went past her to get inside the apartment.

I sat on the couch. "I am exhausted." I complained and let out a deep sigh.

She smirked and stood in front of me, "What have you done again?"

My eyes widen at whatever assumption she was trying to make. "What? No no no, I have been working geez!" "Boring." She deadpanned and left to the kitchen.

"With the Olsen Twins." I added.

A couple of seconds after I said this, she reappeared and stared at me. "I'm sorry, say that again?" She looked flabbergasted.

I laughed. I wish I could have taken a picture of her face. "You heard me. Now, can we eat? I'm starving." She looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Wait a second young lady. Did you just randomly say that you are working with the Olsen Twins, and then moved on saying you were hungry? I don't believe you Ana- these kinds of things don't just happen-"

"Well..." I paused, smiled playfully, then continued. "They happen to me" I stated, faking a proud expression. She furrowed her eyebrows.

I got up from the couch and walked to her kitchen. Two boxes of Chinese food were on the table. "Oh great, noodles! Why didn't you tell me you had this this whole time?" I complained, sitting on one of the chairs.

She gave me a blank stare. "What do you mean this whole time. You weren't even here five minutes ago." She stated, exasperated.


"So, one day she literally tells you that you shouldn't smoke and asks you to give her your cigarette. And then, the other day, she doesn't even cross your gaze?" Valentina questioned,

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'.  She thought for a brief instant. "She's jealous". She stated and I laughed. "And you're totally off the mark."

"No I'm not. Look, she's jealous that you get on so well with her sister, that's all I'm saying". She added.

I grabbed the blanket and pulled it all over my head. "W woud se be jelous, it's ben two days snce I wok there". Scolded my feet. "I can't hear you Ana get the blanket off your head". She said, smiling.

I sighed and repeated. "Why would she be jealous of me when I've only been here for two days? And why would she be jealous of me getting on with her sisters. This is bullshits." She shruged

"You know, there's this other thing. On the first day, Mary-Kate was the one who welcomed me. And, even though she didn't give me a tour of the building, she still was the one to get me to the offices."

"Yeah, what about that?" She asked, rasing a eyebrow.

"Let me finish. So, later on during the day, you know the two friends I told you I met?" She nodded and I continued. "Well, Emily, she said Mary-Kate would never, ever, welcome a new employee in, but she kind of did it for me. And you know what's more? When Mary-Kate asked me if I wanted to be in her or Ashley's office, it was almost like she wanted me to say I wanted to stay in hers! And once I said I could stay in hers, she sort of sighed like she was reassured or something. Then she started looking at me but Ashley walked in and she stopped."

I looked back at Valentina, who was now smiling. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." She said.


I got used to working at the Row after the fifth day. I had made my marks and had already befriended with Niguel and Emily. I was having cigarette breaks with them twice a day. They even invited me to a party Saturday night.

As for Ashley, she remained very polite and pleasant to be with, even as boss. She wasn't taking her role too seriously.

With Mary-Kate, on the other hand, things were a little more complicated. She was becoming more and more disagreeable as the days went by, and I couldn't help thinking that she had something personal against me. Thank God, tomorrow I was going to move on from her office to a personal one. Because, let's be honest, working every day next to your boss who refuses to even look at you in the eyes, wasn't really pleasant.

It was now 9 in the morning, which meant that I was on my way to the usual coffee shop. In these last few days, I had talked more with the girl on the counter. Her name was Florence and her job at the coffee shop was actually a half-time job she was doing at the same time as studying literature. She told me yesterday that she'd like to be a translator, but she was scared that the industry wasn't really hiring because of the rise of AI and technology. Her second plan was to become an English teacher in high school, which was still good in my opinion.

"Hello!" I greeted. Florence was standing, as per usual, behind the counter, taking care of some coffee cups. She looked up and exclaimed."Oh, Hi Ana!" She smiled. "Same as always?" She asked and I nodded.

Ten minutes later, I was inside the The Row building. I took the elevator, which I was really proud of doing honestly, and walked to Ashley's office.

As I was about to enter, I paused after hearing voices from the inside. Both of the twins were inside and talking. "I don't want to go Ashley, there will be press and paps and-" I think Mary-Kate said.

"I know Mk... I know. But, it's a good opportunity for you to dress up? Think about the good things, okay? You love dressing up!" Said what must be Ashley.

Then, there was a brief pause. "Yeah, I know... You're right I do love dressing up."

I heard someone walking down the corridor behind me and immediately stepped away from the door. I couldn't be caught eavesdropping.

I knocked.

"Come on in".

I entered to see Mary-Kate sitting on Ashley's chair, and Ashley standing. "Hi Ana" Ashley smiled, and I smiled back. "Morning" I approached and gave her her usual matcha, then, I did the same to Mary-Kate.

I turned back around to the door but Ashley called me. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to let you know, we chose your selection of songs for the December playlist. Mary-Kate and I thought it fitted perfectly." She informed me and I smiled. I was actually very happy they chose it. I felt like I had done something right and that at least the reason for Mary-Kate's behavior wasn't that what I was doing wasn't good enough.

"Great" I murmured, still smiling. I took my focus from Ashley to the other twin who was still sitting on the chair. This time, and for the first time since that day, she looked at me. Actually, she was already looking at me even before I did while fidgeting with her rings.

I looked away.

"Well, umh, thank you" I looked back at Ashley. "Is that all?" I demanded, not quite knowing how to act now. Ashley smiled softly and nodded "Sure Ana". And on that note, I left. I didn't realize how quickly my heart was racing until I was outside.

"Hey Ana, what's up?" Niguel's voice got me out of my thoughts. "Hi Niguel" I responded quietly. "Everything's okay doll?" "Yeah, just thinking". I started walking next to him. "Well, you better be 'cause the party is tonight remember?"I had, in fact, forgotten. "Yep, what time is it already?"A notification popped up on his phone and he quickly responded. "10, on the rooftop of the Plaza. Don't be late okay? I got to go, I'll see you!" He said and left hurrishly.


I had never been to a party like that. A party on the rooftop of the Plaza in New York City; it was a big deal. I was standing in front of the building, rethinking every of my life's decisions.

I could just go home. I wouldn't have to talk to all these fancy people that will be here. But to be honest, I was kind of paradoxical because this is how I've always wanted my life to be. And now that I had gotten dressed, I couldn't just leave. I was wearing one of my designs. It is was a long black dress with a slit filled with grey and turquoise tiles that I made back when I was in law school.

(The one on the left, my picture :)

I took a deep breath and walked in. A man in front of the building indicated me the way, and barely five minutes later, I was standing on the NYC Plaza rooftop.

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