We Are Young

By night_skxy

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This Story is about a group of boys at New York High, a private boarding school in New York. All the boys com... More

Information & Characters
Chapter 1 - The first day
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

686 19 1
By night_skxy

Emiliano pov:

I haven't talked to her yet. She looks so cute and innocent. I always give her some glances and I know she notices.
In school I'm known as the womanizer. I party and sleep around, never with the same girl twice. Every girl walks after my like lost puppies, but she doesn't. I never really cared if girls did walk after me, but I don't deny that I dodn't enjoy it. But I want Arabella to want me, its starnge I never feet like this not before Ashley... But it won't take long untill she notices me...

Arabella pov:

It Saturday morning and I just sit at my window and watch outside and see all the cars and people pass by and the sun rising up, like always. Now I see that it's kinda depressing that I am always alone but its what I am used to. 

After haIf an hour, I take a quick shower and dress myself in a white top and skirt and over the top  a light blue jacket. And of course my favorite necklace.

Then I go over to my own library, which my father got  for me on my 13th birthday. For me it's a magical place , where I can be myself and don't have to stress about anything. On my way I grab me some strawberries covered with white chocolate. We have always some in the fridge, because I love them so much. Lucky me. Its the best snack ever, I mean who doesn't like those? Anyway when I reach the library, I sit down in a corner made of pillows and begin to read.

A few houres later my phone rings. I lay my book aside stand up and make my way over to where my phone is and pick it up. I look at the screen and see that 'My knight in shining armour' calls me. It's Nico, he saved himself as that in my contacts and on his phone he saved me as 'My princess'. Its very funny and also cute, so I didn't  change it.
I answer him.

"Hello love. How are you?" he says.

"Hello my knight in shining armour. I am alright. How are you?" I ask him.

"I am fine myself, thanks for asking. Do you have any plans for today or do you want to do something together? Maybe we could drink a coffee  somewhere."

"I don't have any plans for today, and I would love to havve coffee with you. I will only ask my dad real quick and write to you when I know."

"You go do that, I will wait for your answer. Bye."

"Bye." I say and hang up.

I make my way to  fathers office.
I knock at his office door and enter after I here him say "come in".  He is sitting at his desk, busy with something on his computer. I always hated his home office, it reminds me that he is never really here even though he always sits and works here. As a toddler, I tried to sneak in here so often I could, just to be near my dad. I would sit under his desk and quietly read a book.
He sits there and doesnt even look up, he probably thinks I am his assistant.

"Hey.. Dad." I mumbel nervously, I never asked my dad if I could go out and hang out with friends.

My dad turns from his computer to me, a smile forming in his face. 

"Hello, honey. Is there anything I can help you with? he questions.

"Ye-eah, actually t-there is. I wanted t-to ask y-you if I c-could go o-out and m-meet with N-Nico." I tell him looking at his face.

"Of course you can Honey, but you will be back before dinner and you'll have your phone with you the whole time." He says. 

I take a breath and the side of my lips turn upwards.

"Thank you, dad. I love you."

"I love you too, honey. Have a great day. And you never have to be nervous when you want to ask me something. Okay?"

"I know."

With that I leave the office and go to my room. I quickly text Nico and tell him that we can meet up.
He answers immediately and tells me that we're going to meet up at Abby's. Its a little café near the school. I grab my purse and put on my white sneakers.
Outside I get in to the car, which is already waiting for me and tell my driver the adress of the café and he starts to drive.

As I walk into the café I look around and see Nico already waving at me. I make my way to the table and sit down opposite from him. 

"Hey, love. I haven't orderd yet. So what do you want?" he wants to know.

I never was here before, so I have no idea what's good and what isn't, but I decide to go with a Iced Coffee and a apple pie. I tell Nico that and he gets up and goes over to the counter to order. I am so glad that I don't have to do it. Nico is also shy, but in another way he doesn't open up easily. I on the other hand, hate it completly to talk to strangers or people I am not comfortable with. 

He comes back and we start talking about Noah and about school.
Then a cute waiter comes over and gives us our order. We thank him and he gives me a smile and then we begin to eat. Nico got himself a Caramel Iced Frappocino and a blueberry pie.
We eat and continue to talk.

"So...whats going on with you and the kings?" he asks. 

I begin to feel nervous, but I try to play it cool. He can't know what happend with these girls, I don't want to seem weaker than I already am.

"W-What do you mean?" I try to sound clueless.

"You know what I mean. Come on love, give me details. I told you everything about me and Noah. I heard that you sit next to them in math and don't you think I didn't notice that Astraeus kept looking at you the other day when we had art." he says.

"Okay... Helios said to me that I have to sit next to him every math lesson. And I really don't know why Astraeus kept looking at me." I tell him.

His eyes widen. "Why?" 

"If I would know, he was quite angry when I sat at another place and came over to me and told me that my sitplace is beside him." 

Now his jaw is literally on the floor. "OH MY GOD! I think he likes you, I mean like 'likes likes' you. He never acted thsi way before and I know everthing that goes on in school." he shrilled.

He can't like me. ME? No way. He is just nice. And it doesn't matter anyway, because I have too stay away from him and his friends, if I want to avoid these girls. 

"Hello? Ara?" I hear Nico and see his hand waving in front of my face. I shake my head and look at him.

"Sorry, I just thought about something." I explain. "And I don't think he likes me, he is just nice." I continue.

"You sure? Wait. Do you like him?" he asks.

Do I like him? I mean he is nice, but he makes me nervous and I can barely speak a sentence without stuttering. And I have to stay away from him.

"No. Of course not." I say, but by the look in his eyes I can see that he isn't really convinced.

"If you say so."

After we finished eating, we made our way to the mall. Right now we are in a clothing store Nico's family owns and he is searching outfits for me. I told him that I don't need any new clothes and that I have more than enough. But he didn't even listen to me and said that it isn't a problem at all. 

I am in a changing room and Nico lets me try on like a million outfits. I have the next dress on and Nico is waiting for me to come out and present to him.

"Nico, can't we just stop. All these outfits are lovely, but I really don't need them. And I feel bad, if you just would give to me." I whine.

"Ara just come out here and you have no right to tell what I can do and what I can't do. If it makes you feel better see at as an early birthday gift." he yelled.

I step out side the changing room and look at Nico. 

     "Beautyful. Turn around." he orders.

I sigh. "Where should I even wear this?" I ask him while turning. 

When I turn back to him, I see 4 pairs of eyes behind him. The twins and their friends. Nico follows my eyes and turns his head around. The 4 of them are coming closer to us. 

"You look beautiful, Mariposa." the tallest of them says. I saw him staring at me a few times in class, but we never talked before. I can feel my cheekes turning red at the compliment. (Butterfly)

"T-Thanky you." I stammered not knowing his name.

"Emilliano, Mariposa. We haven't met officially." he says.

"A-Arabella. N-Nice to m-meet you." 

He chuckles in respond.

He probably knew my name. I'm do dumb.

"Hello πολυαγαπημένος. You really look beautiful." Helios says. (darling)

"Hey Αγαπημένος, I agree with him. You look stunning." Astraeus agrees. (sweetheart)

I throw a glance at the boy from my history class. He gives me a ressuring nod.

"T-thank y-you. N-Nico chose t-the o-outfits." I inform them.

They all look at him and their eyes turn a little bit darker. 

I shouldn't be talking to them. What if these girls find out. I need to get away here right now.

I start to breath more heavy and take my phone out. I look back up to them.

"I-I have to g-go n-now. M-my father t-texted me." I lie and step quickly back into the changing room befire they can look me in the eyes. I change back into my clothes. When I step back out of the room, the four of them are still here, standing beside an frightened Nico. I walk over to him. I look at his face and calm down.

"Thank you for today and I really don't need all of these clothes."

"As I said earlier, I can do whatever I want. Espacially when these things typically are mine." he argues with me. "I will send them to your house, give me your adress." he demands.

I tell him my adress and hug him goodbye. I turn to leave the store when I bump into someone, Astraeus. 

"We can give you a ride, Αγαπημένος. If you want." he says. (sweetheart)

I shake my head. "M-my d-driver is w-waiting for m-me, but t-thanks f-for the o-offer." I explain.

"Okay, we'll see you on monday Αγαπημένος." (sweetheart)

They all say goodbye to me and then I leave. I step outside and take a deep breath. 

How can I avoid them? I have to come up with something. Maybe they all get sick and I have more time to think? Or should I tell the principal about those girls. But I don't even know their names and it would be 3 against 1. No one would belive me.


(A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Happy 2nd advent. )

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