Johnny Depp's Good Fortune

By Grindelwaldscookie3

692 80 58

[2/2] The previous book is called, 'Johnny Depp's Misfortune'. This is a continuation of that story. ... More

Beginning Again (1)
Bath Time (3)
Our Glorious Daughter (4)
Top Secret (5)
Throwback (6)
Flashback (7)
A Very Sad Day (8)
Twin Boys (9)
The Skeleton In The Closet (10)
Tomorrow At 8AM (11)
Mine All Mine (12)
Goodbye Boys (13)
Date Night (14)
Secrets (15)
Xmas Shopping (16)
Dad's Distractions (17)

Meeting The Family (2)

45 3 3
By Grindelwaldscookie3

1st October

Now baby Tomi-Le was a month old she was old enough to be introduced to the family. Lily-Rose, Jack, Johnny and Leah had already met her, but that wasn't everyone. The baby hadn't yet met Johnny's closest friends and family yet or Leah's family (for good reason). Leah's family were never close with Jacob and Leah's father hated that Leah had a baby with a man who she didn't end up marrying (Evil Joey) So the likelihood of Leah's new daughter meeting her side of the family was slim, but after Leah's mistake with Jacob's dad, Leah did hold out hope that her dad might be happier now that she and Johnny were married and proud parents to a beautiful baby girl.

Today was the day that Johnny's good friends came over to see the baby for the first time. Gina and Stephan Deuters were due to arrive first thing this morning. Johnny thought it'd be a good idea for his friends to come over while Tomi was sleeping so Jack went on the computer and made a timetable of the best times where visitors could see her. The times were 7am-9am, 11am-1pm, 1:30pm-3pm, and 3pm-5pm. Any other time was off limits. Gina organised with Dan and Johnny that she and Stephan would arrive just before 7am this morning.

"...Lom?..." Jack wondered as he walked through the house shirtless. "Lom, do you think my sister would mind if I went to the gym?" Jack really liked calling Leah Lom (a mix of Leah's name and mom) now his sister was born.

"Aw, Jack. I think she'd be ok with it."

"Ok... I just don't want her to forget me while I'm away from her. I watched a documentary about babies and how they learn smells before they learn peoples faces. What if she gets upset because she doesn't smell me?"

"She'll be fine. If she does get upset I'll go to your room and grab one of your t-shirts and wrap her up in it so she feels closer to you."

"Thanks, Lom. Who is coming over today?"

"Stephan and Gina. They'll be here any minute."

"Alright. See you soon..." Jack kneeled down beside his sister who was laying on the floor on her back. "Bye, sis. I love you, but I have to go to the gym now. See you later, ok?" He then tickled her belly with made her make a cute little noise and then he left. On his way out of the house, Jack saw Gina and Stephan arriving outside. He waved at them then got into his car and drove to the gym.

Gina and Stephan rang the doorbell and Johnny answered it.

It looked like Gina and Stephan had bought Johnny and Leah's baby some presents. 

"Hello! Where is my little niece?"

"She's here." Leah said in a loud whispered and pointed down at the sleeping baby so was laying on the floor surrounded by blankets and pillows. 

Gina walked towards Tomi first and  and kissed her tiny forehead. "She is so cute. She looks the spitting image of Johnny and Jack. The Depp genes are strong!"

"I know. That was obvious even during the baby scans months ago. This little one is going to be a little heartbreaker when she's older."


Stephan put a bag of goodies down on the sofa and kneeled down beside the baby. He tickled her chin with his finger, but was carefully not to wake her up. "She is beautiful." Stephan looked up at Johnny, who was stood in the kitchen, "Dude, you did good with this one!"

"Ha, thanks, man. Do you two want a some tea of coffee?"

"No thanks, man, we won't be here long. We just wanted to stop buy with some presents we got her and we wanted to say hi to her."

"How is she? Is she behaving?" Gina went on to ask Leah and Stephan and Johnny chatted in the kitchen.

"She's doing good. We have been having a lot of sleepless nights, but that was expected. What did you get her."

Gina grabbed the bag Stephan brought in and pulled each item out. "I know you told us not to buy you guys anything, but I couldn't help it. I know she's very tiny right now, but I got her some cute clothes." The first thing Gina pulled out of the bag was a tiny pair of shoes that were pink. They looked like ballerina shoes. "I saw them in a shop and I knew I had to buy them."

"Aww, they are so tiny."

"And then Stephan and I got her a book called 'Why I love my family' which is about her family members like her mum, dad, brothers and sister. It's quite generic but I thought she might like it when she's older."

"Aw, that's so cool."

"And lastly we got her a pirate toy! Ya'know, cause her dad is Captain Jack Sparrow." Gina pulled out a little pirate toy. The toy was only a few inches long, but it was the perfect size for Tomi to hold since she had tiny hands.

"Oh my god! That is so cuteeee." Leah exclaimed. She jumped up and ran over to Johnny in the kitchen and showed him the pirate toy. "Look what Gina got the baby!"

"I erm... bought it too." Stephan added.

"Aw, cool. It's a tiny pirate, just like her daddy!" Johnny took the toy from Leah and held it in his hands. "I love it, man."

"No problem, man. Look, Gina and I better go now. Your little one is so cute, man."

"Thanks, man."

"Don't you guys want to give her a cuddle?" Leah asked.

"I'd love to, but we better get going." Gina said. "I'll come over next week and hold her, ok?"


Gina and Stephan left and a while later Jack returned and more of Johnny's friends arrived.

The day was long and tiring for not only Tomi, but also Leah. She also kept having naps in between feeding Tomi. Johnny eventually came into the bedroom at 5pm with some dinner. He brought in a plate with mash potato, chicken and  gravy and laid it on her bedside table. Johnny then shook Leah awake.

"Huh?" She replied.

"I, well, Jack made you some dinner. It's chicken and mashed potato."

"Thanks. Where is Tomi?"

"She is fine. Jack is feeding her a bottle of milk in the living room. I just changed her diaper too."

"Ok, good. Did she get along with all your friends?"

"Yes. She never woke up at all. Do you want me to get you anything else?"


"Do you want me to run you a bath?"

"Yes, please..." Leah said innocently.

"Alright. I'll give you 15 minutes to eat your dinner then I'll come back and run you a bath."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

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