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Por blxckdxliah_

28K 982 2.5K

20 years had passed since William Afton was springlocked, and your friends were avenged. You finally got to l... Mais

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449 16 51
Por blxckdxliah_

June 13th, 2015.

That was your daughters birthday.

Yes, it was a girl, and you were over the fucking moon. And as promised, Mike let you pick the name.

You had thought for so long what you wanted to call your future kid. And you found the perfect one, after so much overthinking. You weren't gonna call her something basic, because that would be boring. You weren't gonna call her something embarrassing or weird, because she might hate you in later life for kids at school making fun of her name. You thought of a beautiful name with meaning and passion, and once you informed Mike about it, he couldn't agree more, and he absolutely adored it.

Your daughter was now 3 months old, and if you were going to be honest, she was a little angel. She was adorable too. She barely ever cries, she's barely needy, and she pretty much sleeps all the time. You thought she was going to be the total opposite, but you thanked your lucky stars that she isn't. She has basic baby necessities: yearning love and affection, food and hydration, diaper changes, and sleep.

The only time she ever did something wrong was when she bit Mike's nose. She didn't even have fully grown teeth yet, so it didn't hurt him, but watching the scene was absolutely hilarious to you.

You had gushed to Sophie how brilliant your daughter is, and your friend was begging you for her to meet her. You eventually came up with a proposal. You and Mike had wanted to go out on a date for a while, and now seemed the perfect opportunity to get Sophie to babysit. You were quite hesitant, as Sophie could be quite overbearing, and you didn't know what she was like with kids. But she was the only option you had, plus she's a literal nurse, so she can't be terrible.

You and your husband were currently getting ready for your date, awaiting on Sophie's arrival. As you looped your favourite earrings through your ear lobes, you saw Mike admiring you from the corner of your eye. You turned to look at him, a smirk on your face. "Take a picture, it'll last longer"

He chuckled. "Can't help it. Your absolutely breathtaking". You playfully rolled your eyes, but you walked over to him and gave him a sweet kiss. He immediately welcomed it, snaking his arms around your waist.

Your moment was interrupted by your doorbell ringing. You hesitantly pulled away, giving him one last peck, before rushing off to go answer the door.

Swinging the door open, you met eyes with Sophie. "Hey girlfriendddd!" she said excitedly.

"Soph! Right on time" you smiled. You let her in, and closed the door behind her. She immediately embraced you in a hug.

"Eeek! I'm so excited!" she pulled away and admired your outfit. "You look fabulous"

You wore a body-con black dress, hugging your body in all the right places, with mesh sleeves. Your hair was kept down, your silky tresses shining in the sunset that made you look heavenly. You wore black clover strapped-heels, your wrists were adorned with beautiful silver bracelets, the interlinked necklace Mike got you for your birthday hung around your neck resting on your collarbone, and your wedding ring fitted perfectly on your finger. You really were a sight to see.

You flipped your hair over your shoulder playfully at her compliment.

"Where is the little angel?" she asked happily.

You jerked your head to the side, gesturing for her to follow, and she did so. You led her to your daughter's room, and you literally saw Sophie's heart melt at the adorable little room.

"She's sleeping right now" you whispered as you neared her cot. As soon as Sophie laid eyes on her, she put a hand to her heart and mouthed "awhhh" as she looked at your daughters peacefully sleeping form.

You both stepped outside of the room, and you closed the door quietly behind you, letting her sleep. You checked the time.

"Is that the shitting time?" you grumbled, with wide eyes. "We gotta leave in just over 5 minutes"

"Help yourself to anything" you informed Sophie as you rushed away. She nodded, then made her way to the living room and plopped herself on the couch.

You and Mike continued to rush around, until you were finally ready. You did a quick pat down. "Purse, bag, keys, phone, lipstick" you rummaged through your bag, Mike doing the same. "Okay. I'm all good"

"Me too" he nodded. You slipped your favourite coat over your shoulders and fitted your arms inside, Mike doing the same. You both strolled into the living room to see Sophie sat there, munching on a cookie while watching Friends.

"Okay, we're off now" you informed her. She looked at you, only realising you were there, and stood up, walking up to you, swallowing the last bit of her cookie.

"I sent you a message of..well, things, you'll know what I mean when you see it" you told her, as she nodded in understanding. You and Mike headed to the front door, hand in hand, as Sophie followed to see you off.

"I already fed her about half an hour ago, and I highly doubt she'll need anything else to eat. Maybe her milk bottle from time to time" you informed her. "We'll be back at 8pm. That's 4 hours. You can handle that right?" you asked. She quickly nodded "Yeah of course, don't worry"

"Okay well, um, we'll see you later" you smiled, and she muttered a "Will do". She stayed at the front door as she waved you both off, and watched as you drove away. Once you were out of sight, she stepped back inside and closed the door, locking it with the house keys you trusted her with.

Sophie's POV

For the first hour of me babysitting, the little angel has been no trouble. She pretty much slept the whole time. Until everything quickly went downwards.

I was chilling on the couch, munching on some chips while watching my favourite romance movie, The Notebook, until I heard mini Y/N crying from her room.

Y/N had sent me a messages of all the do's and don'ts when it comes to her little ray of sunshine. She told me all the information I had to know. There was a message she had sent that had said: "She only cries when she needs her diaper changing or her milk bottle"

I had no problem with babysitting, especially newborns, as I am a nurse and I did babysitting as a part time job just to get some money as a teenager, so it would be a piece of cake. Surely?

I paused the TV then rushed upstairs to go see to her. I walked into her room, her cries making my heart swell up. As she had a dropside cot, I slid the gate down so I could pick her up easier. I did my business and checked her diaper, but surprisingly there was nothing in there. I changed it anyway.

Once I put on her fresh diaper, she stopped crying, and started..laughing? She looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eye, her cheeky giggles continuing. Did she cry on purpose just to annoy me?

"I see how it is" I hummed playfully. I carefully laid her back down, sliding the gate back up securely. Her giggles died down and she quickly snoozed off again. I quietly exited the room, closing the door behind me, then I jogged back down the stairs to continue watching my favourite movie.

About 10 minutes later, she started crying again. I furrowed my brows. Again? I rushed up the stairs anyway to go see to her. I went to go see in her diaper, but once again there was nothing there. And once again, she started giggling hysterically, taking the absolute piss out of me. She is definitely the troublesome type.

I managed to get her back to sleep, and left the room again. I resumed my movie.

It had been another hour and she had made no noise, surprisingly. I had now switched onto another movie, The Perks of being a Wallflower, which was my favourite after The Notebook. I'm romance-movie crazy.

I was ten minutes into the film, until I realised something. Something bad, it made me sit right up in my chair with wide eyes.

The last time I checked on mini Y/N, I had left the sliding gate on her cot down. The whole way. And I left the door to her room ever so slightly open.

"Shit" I quietly cursed. I shot up from my seat, and jogged up the stairs as the door was now wide open. With wide eyes, I looked down into her cot, and to my absolute terror, she was gone.

"Fuck!" I cursed again. She seriously is the mischievous type if she's willing to explore the house and maybe cause chaos instead of sleeping peacefully in a comfy cot.

I groaned as I realised I'd have to throw a full on search party to find this kid. Y/N and Mike's house was medium sized, so surely it wouldn't be that bad. Right?


I've spent the past 20 minutes looking for this child. And I swear i've looked everywhere. Clearly not though. She couldn't have gone outside, because the front and back door are locked.

I marched into the kitchen, slowly losing my patience. As I stepped into the pantry, I heard her giggles echo through the kitchen. I whipped my head around, and saw the little devil sitting there on the tiled floor, laughing at me like I was covered in shit or something.

I huffed. "Finally" But before I even had the chance to react, she quickly crawled away out of the kitchen. I tried chasing her, but once I rounded a corner, she had disappeared again. I groaned in annoyance.

I checked the time. Y/N and Mike would be home in half an hour. 30 minutes. Surely I can catch her in that time.

I continued to search the house, this time I decided to try a different tactic and do it in a more calm and friendly demeanour. I slowly walked through a corridor. "Come out, come out, wherever you areeeee" I dragged on the last word.

Silence. I peered around the corner of the living room, even though i've checked it at least 10 times already. She wasn't there.

"Come on sweetheart, it's past your bedtime" I hummed in my nicest tone. "You wouldn't want me to tell your mommy and daddy, would you?" If she heard me, I doubt she even understood what I was saying, but it was worth a try.

I jogged up the stairs, and continued looking for another 10 minutes. Until I saw something in the corner of my eye.

The door to Y/N and Mike's bedroom was open. They never leave it open. And I noticed that their bedsheets were quite messy. They'd never leave it like that either, unless they had raging sex before I arrived and didn't have time to tidy it.

I entered the room quietly. I squinted, and made out a small outline underneath the blanket. I approached the bed, and slowly pulled the duvet back, and lo and behold, mini Y/N was laying there in a fetal position, sound asleep. I couldn't help but feel my heart swell with how adorable she looked, no matter how much of a misfit she is. Just like her Aunt Sophie, I thought.

I carefully picked her up, like she was the most delicate thing in the world, and quietly tip-toed back to her room. I laid her back down in her cot, this time pulling up the gate, keeping her securely locked in, then I exited the room, actually closing the door this time.

I made my way down the stairs, and headed to the front door. The lovers should be home very soon, so I unlocked the door so they could let themselves in. I sent Y/N a quick text just to let her know.

I headed into the living room and plopped myself down on the couch, letting out a loud sigh of relief. I resumed my movie for another 10 minutes, until I watched the clock hit exactly 8pm and right on cue, I heard the front door open and then close again.

"We're back" Mike called.

I stood up from the couch and greeted them. "How was your night?" I asked, giving Y/N a hug. When I pulled away, I noticed a faint mark on her neck. Then I saw one just on her jawline. It was very faint, but I still saw it. I quickly glanced at Mike, and saw a lipstick stain on the corner of his lips, and a few faint ones just above the collar of his shirt. Oh.

I said nothing about it, as they both gave each other a glance, then looked at me. "Really wonderful, thanks" Y/N grinned, nodding her head, Mike doing the same.

A small smirk grew on my face. "Oooookay" I said in playful suspicion. Y/N quickly cleared her throat. "How was she?" she asked.

I decided not to tell them both about the events of this evening, just in case they'd never trust me or want to be my friend again. "An angel. Really no trouble at all" I lied through my teeth. "Yeah she pretty much slept, I only changed her diaper once"

She let out a sigh of relief "Thank goodness for that" she chuckled.

Yeah. Thank goodness for that.


just a silly little chapter about silly little Y/N 🥰

fun fact: i made baby Y/N's birthday the same date as mine 😘

anybody got ideas for a future book? i'll give full credits ofc!

that's all for now!

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