By ElementalxWolf29

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Bakugo x ProHero Reader This is a crossover of MHA and the MCU. This is just a story I wrote for my friend b... More



93 1 3
By ElementalxWolf29


I'm loosing conscious. I can't see anything but I have to use the last of my power.

"Ha! Looks like I finally killed her in the end!"


"In order to kill you I will punch you with the ultimate combination of quirks I have stored up within me right now. This will end you. Izuku Midoriya! He is the child you passed One For All on to, isn't he? I bet he came here without your asking. You have no control over him do you? It sounds as though you'll die full of regrets all might!"

I use all my will power to bring myself up. I lift myself in front of Toshinori.

"No Y/n! Get out of the way! IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE DON'T USE IT!!!!"

"No... regrets..." I say

I raise my fist to the air

"You are going to die Y/n! Ha ha ha!!" I hear AFO laugh

I let my full powers surge through my body. This will be my end

"I love you all..." I say before unleashing my powers like an animal caged for years

( A/N I'm cringing now ngl)

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I scream with all of my emotion.


I will die here...

I see Y/n grip the ground


her whole body starts to glow

Oh no...

She stands up in front of me again

I plead for her to get out of the way

"No... regrets..." I hear her

She raises her fist like I do

She is the hero here, I'm not

She reminds me of my master. I guess she will never know who her grandmother is or who she has as a brother

Her broken body standing up with only her will power supporting her

Her body glows more and more. Her eyes become white and I see black tears coming out of her eyes

"I love you all..." is the last thing I hear before I see a surge of blinding white light and the most painful scream.

The wind pushes us all back. Once the dust settles I see All For One on the ground and Y/n...

Her fist still up in the air. Her arm falters and it falls

Her body falls and I rush to catch her

"Y/n... no... why did it have to be you..." I start to cry

I hug her like my life depends on it. I hear foot steps slowly come up to me

"She could still be alive. You may not think about it but I also knew her since she was a child. She made such an impact on my kids. I won't admit it but she changed me. She stood up to me. She never feared me and she is someone I'm grateful to have in my kids life."

"Endeavor..." I turn to him


I move away as instructed and let him check her pulse. I look at him and he looks back

He nods at me proudly

"She's alive!!!!!" I shout

"Let me take her to the ambulance. You need to rest"

"Thank you endeavor"

"We never speak of this again" he says picking Y/n up and running towards the newly arrived ambulances

I just sit there thinking about what happened.



I was rushed to the hospital along with Y/n. They separated us even though I refused. The doctors and nurses treated me and I waited in my room for hours. They had to get Y/n into surgery so I waited. I decided to get some rest so I went to sleep.

Around 12 hours later I'm woken up to a nurse telling me I'm able to see Y/n. As I'm walking over there with help of a nurse I see young Bakugo, Midoriya and todoroki enter her room. I decide to join them.

"All might!?" The boys seem surprised

I just go over to side and grab her hand. And I'm not surprised to hear Keigo and Rumi bursting into the room.


"BUN BUN!!!"

I laugh while they are bawling their eyes out. I let a few tears slip out as well.

"I suppose the avengers will be here any minute now too" I hear young todoroki say

"Yes. We better move out of the way" I say

"I don't wanna move! I can't leave my baby bird!"

"Yeah I don't wanna leave my bun bun!"

I sigh at their childish behavior and I hear the door being broken

"What the hell!?" I hear young Bakugo shout

I see Bucky storm in here with a scary look on his face.

"Who the hell are you!?" Young Bakugo shouts again

Bucky just ignored him


Pietro comes in a blur and he appears by her bed and Wanda follows behind him along with black widow.

"Wanda do your thing" black widow says

Wanda's eyes glow a bright red

"Is she okay Wanda?" Pietro asks

"She is barely clinging onto life but her head doesn't show anything"

"Этот идиот" Bucky sighs

(That idiot)

"Don't call her that. It's not her fault" Wanda says

"Она была близка к смерти!" Pietro says

(She was close to dying!)

"Still. You know she is stubborn" Natasha says

Meanwhile the others are observing the avengers in confusion. A huge silence overcomes everyone. Pietro and Wanda start crying staring at their friend. Every person in the room keeps their head down in remorse

"Just wait until Fury gets here. He will kick her ass for doing that." Bucky sighs again breaking the silence

"It's like the 3rd time she has done this" Wanda mutters

"3RD TIME!?" The observers shout

"Yeah... so none of you guys know what happened in Sokovia?" Bucky asks

"Don't mention that Bucky. Pietro still has nightmares from it" Wanda scolds him grabbing Pietro's hand

"She was shot multiple times saving me, Hawkeye, and a little kid..." Pietro mutters letting more tears stream down his face

"I remember seeing that on the news..." hawks says trailing off looking at Y/n.

Hawks also can't help but let more tears fall. He tilts his head to the side so no one sees. Another silence overcome everyone

The four avengers start to stare at the bird man

"Damn Y/n was right." Natasha says

"What?" Hawks questions

"Sam could really do better. I mean look at this guy" Bucky says

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Speak of the devil" Pietro chuckles but with a hint of pain. He grabs a chair quickly and sits next to his friend and grabs her hand

They point at hawks and sams eyes widen

"Dammit Y/n was right." Sam sighs

"I'm confused" hawks deadpans

"Sam put the suit on" Wanda encourages

"We are in a hospital room!" Sam replies trying to keep his voice down

"If bird man can fit his wings in here than you can too." Bucky points out

"Fine..." Sam grips his hands together and his wings fold out

"Capsicle can you tell bird boy to stop blocking the doorway?" Tony says

"Oh great stark is here..." Pietro mutters

"I heard that speedy" He calls out

Sam folds his wings back up

"Who did you bring?" Natasha asks

"Everyone... But the helicarrier is here so most of us are on the ship" Steve says

"Who are you guys?" Steve eyes the three UA boys who look so confused

"They are friends of Y/n's" all might answers

"How ya holding up?" Steve asks him

"I'm fine. Y/n is the main concern"

"Who the fuck are you guys!?" Bakugo yells

"Kacchan those are the avengers!"

"Bakugo calm down"

"How do you guys know Y/n!?" Bakugo shouts

"We are her family" Pietro replies peeking his head up to glance at the blonde

"Bull shit! Why wouldn't she tell us!"

No one replies. Tony and Steve look at each other deciding what to do.

"Come on kids. If you want an answer. We need to get Y/n anyway" Steve says

"Steve. These kids are not coming on the hellicarrier!" Tony counters

"Stark. They deserve an answer. Look at their faces" Steve raises his hand at the miserable boys

"Wait wait wait! You are taking her back to America!?" Mirko shouts

"No. We are just taking little avatar here up to the ship so banner can look at her." Tony says

"We have already sorted it out with the doctors. You should come with us to the ship. I'm sure fury would want to talk to you anyway." Natasha says

"What about the boys" hawks says gesturing to the kids

"They are coming too"

"Do you have the Quinn jet set up for Y/n?" Bucky asks

"Yes. Banner is waiting." Steve answers

"Okay let's head out. Get Y/n on one of those moving beds"

The boys in the corner are just glancing at each other in disbelief

They had some trouble getting up to the roof because of Toshinori's drip bag and Y/n being in a bed but they managed.

Once everyone got in the ship they started setting everything up.

"Banner we have Y/n, and here is the report from the doctors" Steve says pushing Y/n's bed towards him and handing him a clip board


Bakugo couldn't help but stare at Y/n along with everyone else. He found a seat and stuffed his face in his hands. Couldn't keep it in anymore and let his tears fall.

Todoroki also had his head in his hands and his mind racing.

Bucky and Natasha kept glancing at the boys. Somehow feeling sympathy for them.

Wanda started biting her nails and holding onto Pietro, both of them staring at their friend with teary eyes.

Bruce examined Y/n with saddened eyes. He grew close to his lab partner.

Tony also looked at his little lab partner in remorse. He won't admit it but he was scared when he heard that Y/n was dying.

Steve and the pro heroes just keep their head down in shame for not being able to protect her.

"Jeanist would want to be here..." Mirko said

"He was injured bad as well..." Toshinori mumbled

They all just sat in silence while FRIDAY took them to the hellicarrier. The silence was soon broken

"Dammit! Tony get over here!" Bruce panicked

"What's going on banner?" Tony went over to Y/n's bed and looked at her monitor.

"Her heart rate is dropping and I don't know what's wrong!" Bruce panicked more

Hearing this everyone raised their heads in alarm

"What the hell is happening to her!?" Bakugo shouted

"We're loosing her!" Tony said in fear starting to search the screens for a problem

"No..." Pietro says in denial

"No no no!" Bakugo shouts

"She can't die..." Todoroki mumbles

Midoriya starts to cry along with the others.

Bucky starts walking towards the two scientists.

"Can you give her some of my blood?"

"What? That won't work!" Tony shouts

"No he is on to something. We could transfer some of our serum into her." Steve walks towards them too

"He is right! The serum could stable her body." Bruce says

"We can't transfer it just like that! We would have to extract the serum from them!"

"We can do that on the ship! But right now I can transfer energy into Y/n!" Wanda suggests

"That could work. Come on Wanda" Tony says

Wanda quickly grabs y/n's hand and activates her power

"Bucky come here!" Wanda shouts

Bucky rushes over there and Wanda grabs his hand.

"Red and white boy. Grab Y/n's hand"

Todoroki jumps at the task and runs to do it. He wraps his hands around her free hand and closes his eyes.

Bakugo and midoriya stare at the scene in front of them still confused but worried for their friend.

Bakugo keeps staring at Y/n in horror.

He can't loose her...

He can't...

"Mr stark we have arrived on the hellicarrier" FRIDAY announces

"O-oh. Yes! Let's get Y/n in there!" Tony gets snapped out of his worried daze

"Okay she should be stable enough you can let go boys" Wanda says trying to keep a calm composure

Pietro comes up to her and hugs her. She lets more tears fall along with her twin.

"She will be okay..." Toshinori puts his hand on Hawks and Mirko's shoulder. They just give him a grimace

Steve pushes Y/n quickly into the ship.

The pro heroes and the three UA students look around the runway. They are mesmerized from the height.

Steve takes Y/n to the lab along with Tony and Bruce following behind.

Natasha directs everyone else to the main control room where fury is.

They walk through the door to see a huge window with computers and people bustling around. Close to them they see director Fury on his platform with agent hill, Hawkeye, Rhodey, Thor, standing to the side.

"Y/n is in the lab with the nerds. We brought some of people close to her up here because they need an explanation. It's only fair fury" Natasha says

They all turn around and look over the people that came into the ship.

"Sit down" Fury gestures to the long meeting table behind his platform.

The confused heroes and boys sit down along with some of the avengers.

"What exactly are you going to tell them?" Pietro asks

"We will tell you everything" fury answers looking at every one

Fury takes a pause and gestures to Allmight

"I found little Y/n in an alleyway. She was starved and was bloody. She slept on cardboard and when I approached her, it was clear she had trauma. Her parents were abusive. I took her in and she met new friends. Hawks, Mirko and Best jeanist. One day I decided to learn more about the girl. I did some digging and learned that her abusive parents weren't her biological ones. Her grandma is Nana Shimura. Nana Shimura was my master. But since that's the case, she is also related to Tomura Shigaraki. It's a shock but we won't get into that. Anyway, Y/n was an attraction. She was incredibly smart for a kid and she had an amazing personality. She wanted to be a hero like me. She would beg me to start training her and I always refused because of how young she is. But she never stopped asking. She was determined to do anything to keep people safe. We started training her together and eventually ran into endeavor. He was impressed by her skill and she ended up getting close to the todoroki children." Toshinori explained and looked towards todoroki to continue

"When I started getting close to Y/n, my whole life changed. She was my comfort to get away from my father. She made a big impact on my siblings too. Especially...Touya. She became like family. She's my best friend and my family. But one day I never saw her again..." todoroki let a few tears slip

"All for one has the ability to steal anyone's quirk. When he started to rise again I noticed he had taking a liking to Y/n. I couldn't let anything happen to her so I sent her away. I sent her to America where she stayed with the avengers, you guys" Toshinori gestures to the hero group.

"Y/n instantly was a hit. She made an amazing impact on this group. But that didn't last long. From what I know if that someone who worked for hydra broke into the avengers tower. They kidnapped Y/n and we weren't able to find her. You guys can take this part" fury gestures

"In Hydra, they erase all your memories. They torture you. You are on the verge of death everyday. You are barely fed and they make you take cold showers that freeze you to the bone. In her case she was experimented on and was made a super soldier." Bucky explained not bothering to look up

"She was also put into the red room. All of the young girls that go through there are trained to be killers. Kill becomes our instinct and they manipulate us. We would dance to train our bodies to move easily. You danced even after your feet start bleeding. If you pass you go through a graduation ceremony.But luckily Y/n didn't have to go through that." Natasha looks down

"We met Y/n when she was moved to our HYDRA base. She wouldn't talk and looked traumatized like us. We became friends but of course that didn't last long either. She was moved again to a different base." Pietro says

"At that base is where we found her. She looked so different and mature but also broken. We got her out of there and we got into another base where we found the twins" Hawkeye joins in

"I remember every night I would have to rush into her room. I still suffered from nightmares back then and she is still going through the same thing. I would wake up in a cold sweat to the sound of her crying and whimpering. After a pain full mental process she had less and decided to become an avenger. She makes me so proud for overcoming that dark time in her life" Bucky smiles sadly

"Any questions before we move on to more information?" Fury asks the depressed looking group

"What's t-the graduation c-ceremony that black w-widow talked about?" Midoriya stutters

"They rip out your reproductive organs..." Natasha answers without missing a beat

Most of the group gasps along with some of the avengers that didn't know.

"Nat..." Rhodey realizes

Todoroki looks mortified

"She never fucking told me..." bakugo's voice starts to break. He eyes well up and he covers his face while he cries

"She kept things from all of us." Rumi said

"She never wanted to tell you guys because-" Natasha started

"She didn't want to be a burden" Natasha, Bucky, Pietro and Wanda say at the same time

Everyone just stares at the four. They looked so sad and zoned out. It's clear they have been through so much like Y/n.

"Dammit" hawks curses under his breath

"She was just a child..." Toshinori mumbles

"You should know not to blame yourself. No one could have helped us. All of us were alone. Including Y/n" bucky speaks up

"Let's just continue..." Wanda says

"We had a meeting. Y/n had just got done with training. We talked about sending her to Japan for a year. I knew she needed to reconnect with the memories and people she was deprived of. She was hesitant but she agreed. We sent her with Tony. That where she met All Might, Mirko, Hawks, and best Jeanist again." Fury explained

"We were so exited when we got the call that we would be able to see Y/n again. Most of us were in tears" Hawks sadly chuckles

"Once she got down from that plane. Me and hawks just jumped on her. But she didn't know who we were. It pained us to see that she forgot us." Mirko says in a bittersweet tone

"We all arrived at the penthouse where Y/n would stay. She showed us an example of her power by crushing a watermelon with one hand. Tony then sent her up to her room so she could unpack. Meanwhile we talked about what happened but we didn't know it was this bad. After we got some food we had a sparring session" Toshinori explains

"Me and her sparred. I ended up on the floor after she kicked me in the crotch. After that we went on call with you guys and met each other." Hawks says

"The next day she met Aizawa. After we trained he said that she would be a great addition to the hero team. And then he mentioned how she is someone who would get Endeavor to shut up. That seemed to make something click in her mind. The only names she thought of was Shoto and Touya. He explained that Touya died and Shoto was alive. That's when she wanted to meet you again" Mirko says turning to todoroki

"Touya and Y/n were very good friends. She never asked for the details though. I couldn't bring myself to talk about it either. When she came to the house, all of us were surprised. I just heard Fuyumi call me and when I came, I saw Y/n. she explained about how she lost her memory but never said she was a hero. We became close again but she said she had to leave after a year of staying in Japan" todoroki explains

"I decided since Y/n wanted to stay in Japan i could ask Fury to let her stay is she had a new mission." Toshinori says

"Y/n's mission is to go undercover in class 1-A to protect the heroes being trained under eraser head. And she fulfilled that mission." Fury ends

"Now you know everything. You guys are free to check on Y/n in the lab" fury walks back to his screens

"If you touch anything in the lab, the nerds will kick you out so be careful" Agent Hill warns

Next thing they know Pietro disappears in a blur.

"H-hey todoroki. Are you o-okay?" Midoriya asks

"Yes. I'm alright Midoriya thank you" Shoto gives him a small smile

"Stop flirting idiots" Bakugo mumbles

"W-what Kacchan!"

"Shut up Bakugo"

"Whatever" Bakugo grunts while the blushing boys hide their faces

Bakugo's mind starts racing about Y/n. He is completely traumatized from what Y/n had to go through. He is just overwhelmed he wasn't there for her.

Once they get into the lab they are greeted with many floating screens and tech.


"This is insane technology!"

Tony, Steve, and Bruce are by the screens talking

They then spot Pietro and another teenager standing by Y/n's bed

"aren't you Y/n's friend that was at the mall?" Bakugo asks him

"Oh y-yes. I'm Peter Parker" he awkwardly reaches his hand out to shake

Toshinori shakes his hand and looks towards Y/n.

"How is she?" Hawks asks turning towards Bruce

The three men immediately stop talking and Tony quickly closes the tab they were on

"What was that?" Mirko asks

"Oh nothing" Bruce answers

"Why was Y/n's name on it?" Hawks asks

The three men look at each other. Steve nods.

"This is one of the files we got from a base Y/n was held at" Steve answers

"It also came with some videos..." Bruce looks down

"You guys don't want to see them" Bucky says

"Why what happened?" Todoroki asks

"Nothing kid" Bucky shuts him down

"It's videos of her getting tortured. Isn't it?" Peter gulps

They all look down.

"Show us" Mirko says

"Please..." hawks mumbles

Tony gives in a turns the screen towards them and starts the video

Natasha and Bucky look away. Wanda tucks her head into her brothers chest. Clint walks up to Natasha and hugs her. Bucky sits down


"What the fuck do you want this time?" Y/n says with a thick Russian accent

She is sitting in the chair with Zola in front of her. Her body is bruised and beaten.

"What is your name?" He asks

"I don't know my name you son of a-"


Zola slapped her across the face.

"Touchy are you?" Y/n smirks turning her head back to Zola

"What is your name?" He asks again

"I don't have one"


"What is your name!?"


"Tell me..." he grabs Y/n's face

"I know what your name is" she begins

"A mother fucker!" She laughs

A kick in the stomach

A punch in the jaw

"Your puny hits won't work on me bitch" she doesn't flinch

"What's your name"

"A bad bitch" she smirks again

Zola gestures to a soldier patrolling the room. He grabs a metal bar and hits Y/n across the head. Her head stars to bleed

"God damn... your too weak to hit me with that? Pathetic!" She spits in his face

"You are the only pathetic one here. You weren't able to protect your little friends" he laughs

"Заткнись, сукин сын!"

(Shut up you son of a bitch)

"You are the only bitch here" Zola grabs her head

"Oh really? I'm not the dog here!" She steps on his foot

"Shit! What is you name!?"

"You know what? I don't give a shit anymore. You are just doing this to eventually kill me! MY FUCKING NAME IS Y/N L/N!! GO AHEAD AND WASH MY BRAIN AGAIN!! But remember this. I will always be more powerful then you!"

"Get the machine ready. We need our winter soldier back"

"Fuck you!"

"Are you ready soldier?"

"That's not who I am!"

"It's who you always will be"

They put the machine on her and turn it on. Her body starts surging in pain.






"No..." Y/n starts to struggle in her restraints





"Shut up..."








"Let me go! Stop it!"





"NO..." her fists clench



They take the machine of her and she stops surging. Her head is kept low.



Y/n raises her head

"Готов к соблюдению" she replies with a dark look on her face

(Ready to comply)

"Good..." he smirks

"Shut it off!" Bakugo yells looking away.

Everyone looks down. Bakugo walks over to Y/n and sits next to her bed. He grabs her hand and rests his head on it.

"What were the words he was saying to her?" Toshinori asks

"Trigger words. 10 words that relate to your life.All winter soldiers have them." Bucky answers

"What do they mean?" Midoriya asks

"Темнота" Bucky stands up

"Darkness" Wanda translates



















"Let's not talk about that anymore" Pietro says

"Ok! So Y/n is stable" Bruce changes the topic

"Thank you banner"

"When is she going to wake up?" Bakugo asks looking up

"We don't know" Tony says wiping his face

"You don't know?" Peter asks

"The damage to her body is devastating. Her being alive is an absolute miracle. With her spirit, probably a week minimum" Bruce sighs

"Dammit..." bakugo raises his head and closes his eyes

"It will be okay young Bakugo. Y/n is a fighter" Toshinori puts a hand on his shoulder

"Sir, King T'Challa is calling" FRIDAY says

"Ah!" Midoriya and hawks jump

"What the hell was that?" hawks asks freaked out

"My AI" Tony answers accepting the call and putting him on the projector

They see the king appear in front of them

"How is she?" He asks

"Stable. A week minimum if she wakes up" Tony says

"Who are they?" T'Challa asks pointing at the Japanese heroes and students

"Friends of Y/n's"

"Alright. When are we moving her to Wakanda? Shuri is already setting things up for her"

"What are you talking about?" Midoriya asks

Fury then comes in

"We are moving her. She won't be coming back to Japan" he answers

"WHAT!?" Bakugo yells

"You can't do that! She is like a daughter to me!" Toshinori says

"She is like family to all of us. We can't risk her getting hurt. She has a job in America and a group to return to. I'm sorry but she is our most important asset."

"You are taking Y/n..." todoroki's eyes widen


"You can't fucking take her away!" Bakugo protests

"I agree with the kid over here!" Mirko says

"Im sorry, but the decision is already made" fury answers

"I'm going to go..." T'Challa hangs up and the hologram disappears

"She will be in good hands" Steve puts a hand on Midoriya and todoroki who are both frozen in place

"No..." bakugo's voice breaks

"Y/n..." Bakugo cries and clenches his hand around hers


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