House Sitter- Boyfriend femin...

By aishaa2204

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'Twenty one year old girl is watching a house for a month while the family is on vacation, giving her a chanc... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Feminised by Girlfriend
Chapter 3: Blake learns girlhood
Chapter 4: Blake meets Mrs. Mauro
Chapter 5: Where Blake meets David
Extra Chapter : Characters & Costumes
Chapter 6: Going for Lunch
Chapter 7: Asking to watch a Movie
Chapter 8: Watching "Action" Movie
Chapter 9: Shopping for Baby Gurl
Chapter 10: Little King (Princess) gets 'her' reward
Chapter 11: New Dresses and Heels
Chapter 12: Sneaking out
Chapter 13: Blake's punishment
Chapter 14: Liz remembers her friend's b'day
Chapter 15: Blake's getting periods
Chapter 16: A nice afternoon with 'Aunt' Mauro
Chapter 17: Blake and David: Date 2 ;)
Chapter 18: The fake Wedding 💍
Chapter 20: Dreamin' Fantasies

Chapter 19: Liz makes it up to Blake

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By aishaa2204

Getting back home, or his temporary home Blake let David play the gentleman and open the car door for him and then arm in arm they walked up to the front door. Since they were both going inside he had expected him to just open the door, not for the kid to turn to face him.

"I had a really good time tonight Blake." David said truthfully, over the moon, type of happy, that she agreed to be his girlfriend. He had also hoped after what they talked about something more might happen in the car, but there were people about in the parking lot and they couldn't do it here in the driveway where his mom could see them. He wished there was a makeout point like there always seemed to be in tv shows.

"Yeah, me too." Blake said with a smile, feeling awkward, knowing what was coming and really wanting to avoid it. "I really like this." He said holding up his hand, fingers splayed like he was showing off an engagement ring, before popping the watermelon flavored candy into his mouth. He was hoping that would buy enough time for the moment to pass, but it seemed David was having one of his unfortunate moments of confidence as he felt the young man's encircle his waist and pull him closer. To get it over with Blake took the candy ring from his mouth and leaned into the kiss. Blake almost always had to initiate any smooching sessions with Liz, not always, but mostly and even then he tended to be in control of how things went, or he was till she let him know he crossed a line, a line that changed from day to day depending on her mood. It was perfectly fair, but he always wanted more and Blake was sure that was true of every male. The problem here was that Blake wasn't in control, he was the smaller... submissive partner that got swept up and held, David taking the lead.

Holding his date close, David didn't have the experience to know her chest was fake, he hadn't ever touched a girls breasts before so what he had pressed against his chest now made his manhood swell as he tasted the girls watermelon flavored lips and mouth. As the kiss lingered, his face turning slightly to cause friction between their lips, one of David's hand drifted down feeling a bit emboldened by the fact Blake made sure her mouth tasted good for him, for them as they kissed. His hand slid down to her rear and gripped it lightly and when she didn't react he gripped her tiny wonderful ass a little tighter, overjoyed to hear her moan into his mouth and her body tremble at his touch.

A spike of shock ran through Blake, he had stopped moving when he felt David's hand touch his rear and then when the horny teen cupped his ass cheek to pinch it his entire body shook. Pressing both hands to his chest Blake pushed on the much stronger man to get him to pull back. He was happy it was over and was about to say how they should head in when the next kiss happened, this time not on his lips, but his neck. Once more Blake felt his body grow stiff, but then his eyes started to roll back, his legs felt weak from a wave of pleasure. He kissed Liz on her neck, her shoulder, her collar bone, her upper back, her lower back, her ass cheek... anywhere he could really, but till this second he had no idea what she felt and it was intoxicating.

"I guess we have to stop."

Blake heard those words, but it was like coming out of a fog as the necking stopped. The wind blew across his wet flesh sending another shiver through him. "Wha?" He said blinking his lashes that he thought had no right to feel as heavy as they did. That was when he noticed the porch light flickering on and off. "Oh, yeah, yeah. We should go inside." Stepping out of David's grip Blake took a few steadying breaths. 'Get a grip! You didn't like that, you don't like boys, you like girls, you love Liz.'

Waiting for the love birds to step into the house she gave them both a knowing smile, but didn't mention out loud what she had caught them doing. "I hope you kids had fun, I would love to hear all about it." She made sure they both saw her smile before picking up the purse she had bought for Blake earlier, holding it out to her. "I think you missed something."

"Oh!" Blake took the purse, he had forgotten it, but he didn't really miss it. "Thank you, Aunt Heather. I was wondering where I left it."

"David, sweetie, would you mind giving us girls a moment to chat. Girls stuff." She added so her son wouldn't argue. If what she saw on the porch was any indication of how he felt, she didn't think her son would want to be separated at all from the pretty girl. Waiting for him to leave she turned her full attention to Blake. "We all forget things, but if you noticed you didn't have it, you should have had David turn around to come back and get it. That said, are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Yeah I'm fine." He mentally carried on. 'Unless you call going on a date with a horny boy when you aren't into boys at all being not okay. Because then I'm not okay.'

"No honey, I mean you didn't have any tampons with you." She could imagine how Blake would feel if she needed to change but only had toilet paper available and cheap toilet paper at that considering where they went.

"OH, yeah that. Well..." He panicked for a second. "Borrowed one from someone who was helpful."

"I'm glad to hear hon, you being healthy and safe is my number one priority. That said, we do have a problem."

'Did she finally figure it out!? Is she going to call the police? Liz isn't here with her, did she kick Liz out or have her arrested already!?' he thought looking at the older woman wide eyed.

"Went up to clean up the bathroom upstairs and took out the trash. I found the wrappers for your tampons, but that was it." Heather was trying to tow the line between being concerned and being stern. She didn't need the extra bill to hire a plumber to come out if Blake's flushed tampons caused a problem.

"Ummm..." Blake wasn't sure what to say, he wasn't even sure what she was getting at. He had taken some tampons from Liz's toiletries and threw away the extra stuff and flushed away the part that women stick up in themselves. 'Did I not open enough tampons? Was four not enough?' He looked around the room as if he could find the answer laying about. "Well... umm..."

"Hon, you can't flush your tampons down the toilet, it can cause a clog and no one in this house wants the toilets to get backed up. Do you do that at home, hon?"

"I ahh, didn't know, sorry." He said, making a disgusted face. 'Girls put that up in them and they don't flush it!? That is like saying you don't flush toilet paper because it could clog it. Gha! Never going to look in a bathroom trash again.'

"Well, now you know. Liz had a full day and passed out on the bed, why don't you see about waking her up from her nap so you can tell her about today's adventures."

Blake didn't need an extra reason to extricate himself from the conversation about girls periods and what they do with their things an ran up the stairs as fast as he could. Having no idea that it gave the impression to Heather that she was excited to tell her babysitter everything about what happened. Getting to the top of the stairs he almost ran right into David. "Woah!"

"Sorry." David said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I Just thought you might umm want this." He said smiling as he handed over the certificate for their little ceremony. It had the date listed next to "married on" then right below that was a hand written addition saying "became boyfriend and girlfriend" the entire piece of paper made his head spin. He didn't want it, but if David kept it the boy might frame it and at least in his own possession he could dispose of it.

"Thanks." Was all Blake said, wanting to make his way around the teen and get to his room.

"Yeah, I thought you might want it. Say, I know it is starting to get late, but do you want to maybe... watch a movie?" David asked, pointing his thumb over to his bedroom.

Tracking with his eyes where David was pointing, Blake absolutely didn't like or want to do anything with that idea and where he was positive it would lead. "Sorry, not tonight, long day you know."

"I get it, well..." David put one arm around his new girlfriend and kissed her on the lips lightly once. "Goodnight Blake, I'm happy you are my girlfriend."

Extricating himself from that situation as best he could, at the low low cost of one more kiss and a hug, Blake was able to make it back into the safety of the guest bedroom. He expected to see his girlfriend passed out on the bed like he had been told, she was a bit of a lightweight when it came to drinking, not that he could judge. While she was legally allowed to drink and he wasn't, he had done a lot more drinking than her and still she could drink him under the table. Instead she was standing close to the door with a smirk on her face as she looked him over.

"Loved the photo you sent me and I'm loving your outfit, princess. Wanna tell me about your day?"

He in fact did not, so he gave a shake of his head before going to go sit on the edge of the main bed, the smaller one he slept on had been pushed under it when he guessed Aunt Heather had cleaned it. Putting the certificate to the side of him and tossing what was left in his pocket on top, his cell phone and two red fair tickets he pulled a leg up to remove the shoes he had been walking in all night. They really hadn't been that bad, they were too tight on his feet after a while but whatever they did to pad the shoe made them decently comfortable, he had dress shoes at home that hurt his feet more. He wasn't sure really if it was the shoes or girls exaggerating how much of a pain heels really were. The entire day felt exhausting to Blake, he had somehow gotten both a fake aunt and boyfriend all in a single day. Fake boyfriend... Blake mentally corrected before going over the thought a few more times. 'Been on two dates, we have kissed, we have made out... gah! And that other thing happened. Is that fake? Yeah, I'm not really a girl, it is fake.' Pulling off his shoes and lost in his own thoughts Blake didn't consider the ramifications of putting down that piece of paper next to him and not crumpling it up.

"What do you got here?" Lizbeth said, picking up the piece of paper as she sat on the bed next to her little feminized king. "This... oh my god this!" She turned the paper around so Blake could see, like he hadn't already read it. "This is perfect, you need to tell me all about what happened."

"Liz, please I had a long..." He stopped talking when his girlfriend leaned closed putting one finger to his lips.

"That is Miss Liz to you young lady, but I think I know something I can do to give you a little incentive to tell me all about it." She then kept eye contact with her boyfriend as she slid down to her knees. Still looking up into Blake's brown eyes, she pushed up the dark skirt, her fingers moving up, sliding along the white pantyhose till they reached the top where she started to pull them down. "Shimmy a bit for me so I can get these down."

Running his tongue across his bottom lip, Blake complied as he enjoyed his girlfriend's touch. Her touching him through the pantyhose and then on his smooth skin that he had run a razor over again earlier that day. 'Now that is the right touch...' he thought, feeling her hands on him in a completely different manner than David. By the time she freed his manhood and balls from the tuck his small member was already standing at attention.

"Now." Lizbeth said, one of her hands pressing into the flesh of Blake's inner thigh, while her other was cupped as she bounced her boyfriend's member around. "Do you want to tell me all about your date? How much fun did you have with David?"

"Yeah..." Blake nodded.

"Good, good." She said moving her cupped hand to grip his member, rubbing her thumb just under the cock's head. "This is the same boy that you love kissing right?"

"I didn't..." Blake stopped talking when he saw Liz's expression change so something harder as she leaned back from his crotch like she was already done. "Yes."

"Say it with his name, tell me who you went out with, princess." Leaning in, Lizbeth tapped her boyfriend's member against her tongue like he enjoyed.

"Mmmmm... David... I love kissing and making out with David and we went to the fair." The warm breath of Liz's mouth as she played with his member Blake groaning in pleasure. What he said didn't matter, all that mattered was what the gorgeous woman was doing to him.

"Do you like what I'm doing?" She asked right after running her tongue up from the base of his prick to its tip.

"Yes, yes, I do!"

"Tell me you love it."

"I love it... I love you."

"Tell me you love blow jobs."

"Yeah, yeah... I love blow jobs!"

"Tell me you love him."

"I love him!" Blake said with just as much energy, not really considering what he was saying, just riding the blissful wave. It took a second for what he said to actually click and when his closed eyes snapped open Liz already had his entire member in her mouth and didn't dare question her in the moment. "Mmmm, ehhh, ehhhh." He felt like he was getting close as Liz sucked in her cheeks, turning her head from left to right. I'm gonna...aha, aha... I'm gonna..."

Pulling the palmed sized cock from her mouth Lizbeth cupped her boyfriend's tight balls, running her nails lightly over the surface of his skin. "Tell me you love him, tell me you're in love with David." When she asked him if he loved blow jobs she already knew the answer, but pairing it with the feminine creature talking about how she liked a boy brought her imagination to life. Blake kneeling like she was now and giving the dark haired boy the same attention she was giving, the thought was leaving her with warm arousal and dampened underwear.

"Wha...?" Blake's eyebrows practically went up to his hairline, but he felt so close, on the very edge that he thought he would confess to killing JFK if it had been asked of him. "Yes... ahaha, ahha... yes. I love David."

"Say it again." Liz purred, taking her man back into her mouth.

"I love David, I love David, I l loooooove David ehhhhhh aahhhhh!" Blake proclaimed, his body growing tense and his hobbled legs thanks to the partially pulled down panties and pantyhose kicked out as his cum filled his girlfriend's mouth and slid down her throat. The fact that she stayed on her knees, still suckling him, getting every last drop of his seed filled his body and soul with bliss. "Oh, oh…" He shook his head thinking about what she had just did, what she had just made him say. 'What kind of kinky shit is that?'

"Mmm." Lizbeth made the sound as she rocked back on her legs, wiping the musky, salty, thick fluid from the corner of her mouth. The first time she had done this she had no idea what she was doing and when she felt his cock quiver and pulse she still hadn't been ready for it to explode and his cum had spilled out of her mouth, covering her chin and ruining a blouse. Over time she had learned exactly what her little king wanted and right now picturing her princess on her knees, her first time with cum down her chin, it spilling down to ruin her clothes… Liz squeezed her legs together at the very thought. "Now I think it is my turn."

Feeling the cool air from the room on his now shrinking privates Blake took a few steading breaths. "I don't think I can go again for a bit, but… I will happily go down on you." he said with a smile, just imagining Liz having to clamp one hand over her mouth from alerting the house to what they were up to.

"I was thinking of something else." Lizbeth said getting back to her feet and starting to remove her dress and thinking of Blake holding the dildo she had packed when thinking she would be alone.

Seeing Liz take her dress off reminded Blake of what he was wearing. Bending down he pulled both the panties and white pantyhose off him, tossing them to the side before reaching up to the hair band with the little black bow.

"No, no. Leave that on." Lizbeth said with a smile and a wink.

"Sure." Again Blake shook his head, willing to play along with her games after what she had just done for him. Letting out another breath he noticed a blinking message on his phone. Reaching over he opened it up seeing a message from his mother.

Mom: You looked cute at the fair
Mom: Your father would like to know who that boy was

Blake's jaw hung open. He had pulled back the message but she must have seen it first and had to have been sitting next to his dad when he sent it. "This is bad… this is bad." Looking up he saw his girlfriend standing there nude, her hand inside a drawer.

"What's wrong?" She asked her cute boyfriend who appeared to be on the verge of tears. She was suddenly hit with a pang of guilt that she had pushed too far.

"My… my parents saw the picture of David and me… you know, kissing. What am I going to do?"

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