S.O.S-Roronoa Zoro-(Under Con...

By moonysmoose

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------------ Valerña Adelía Varcòs is a woman of many talents. She always had her strongest by her side, and... More



969 25 4
By moonysmoose

The Pirates Are Coming

(I can just imagine Valeriña next to Nami and Zoro comes and shoves in between them cus hes jelly)


Beers and Cannons


"Did you just call that guy grandpa?" Zoro asked Luffy, stupidly in Valeriña's opinion.

"No he called him Mami, yes he called him Grandpa you fucking idiota." Valeriña stared at Zoro, he replied without looking at her. "We need to have a serious conversation about your need to yell at me while we are being attacked."

A cannon shot right in front of the ship, everyone but Luffy ducked. Valeriña grabbed her head at Luffy's sudden memories hitting her.

Valeriña was standing on a beach, watching a young Luffy finish building and playing with a pirate ship. He's wearing the hat Valeriña pouted with a smile watching him happily play. "Our ship is ready to sail."

She saw an old man come up from behind him. "What's the meaning of this?" He asked calmingly but sounded ready to kill.

"Grandpa, it's my first ship" Luffy looked over at his grandpa, a little scared.

"How do you expect to be a marine when you're wasting time on this?''  His grandpa spoke nodding towards Luffy's 'ship', he almost seemed disgusted with Luffy.
Poor Luffy.

"I don't wanna be a marine'' ¡Dale, Luffy! "I'm a pirate!" Luffy yelled at his old man.

The old man stalked towards Luffy, throwing him aside. Valeriña ran at Luffy, wanting to help, but knowing she couldn't as this was just a memory.

Luffy's so-called Grandpa started throwing and destroying Luffy's play ship. Valeriña wanted to kill him for treating Luffy like that. "No! Grandpa, Don't! Stop! It's my ship!"

This is why he was so happy to get a ship, Valeriña thought sadly.

Just as the man was finishing destroying his grandchild's ship, Luffy ran over to the destroyed parts, grabbing the flag. Valeriña walked closer to them, just when the old man grabbed Luffy by the shoulders and turned him around.

Pointing a finger at his face he spoke harshly. "Your training begins today." Valeriña watched as tears grew in young Luffy's eyes.

She was definitely gonna hug him after this. He lifted Luffy and flung him over his shoulder. "But first..." "Let me go!" "..lunch."

Valeriña watched as he turned with a struggling and yelling luffy on his back. "No, let me go! I'm a pirate!"

Valeriña was thrown back into the real world, she felt Zoro's hands on her shoulders steering her, knowing she had gone to someone's head, but she ignored his questioning stare, only looking towards Luffy, who was glaring at the Marine ship. "Luffy" Valeriña started but was interrupted.

"Hit the deck!" Usopp yelled, pointing at the cannon coming straight towards them. They all fell to the floor, Zoro holding Valeriña still.

"Everybody okay!" Luffy yelled. Even after a tragic memory, he's still a sweetheart. Zoro, who always had access to Valeriñas thoughts, looked at her confused.

Nami yelled out to them. "I think so." But Usopp thought differently. "No. Not okay. Not even close to okay." Luffy ran towards the railing of the ship. "Usopp, fire back at them!" 

"Or how about we sail away as fast as we can" Usopp offered. Nami shrugged at Luffy when he turned his stare to them. "Run from the Marines? No never! Nami, trim the... the sail thing. Let's sink their ship."

Valeriña was still trying to get Luffy's attention, but Zoro gave her a look that said you can talk later.

"We don't have time. They're stealing our wind. If they pull up alongside us, we're finished." Nami pointed out.

"You're the navigator. Do something." Luffy told her, still manning the cannons with Usopp.

"Zoro, Valeriña, sheet in and hard to port!" She yelled at the duo that wasn't doing anything. The trio blocked out the duo that was loading the cannon.

"Which way is the port?" Zoro asked at the same time Valeriña asked. "What's a port?"

"The left!" Nami yelled before going to yell at the cannoneers "Usopp, load the cannon in the barrel. Light the fuse. Then get the hell out of the way!"

Usopp dropped the cannon, making all the other cannons roll with it down the steps, by Zoro and Valeriña, who still didn't know what a port was but just copied Zoro. "Usopp!" Luffy exclaimed, worried for his friend.

Nami went to the railing at the noise "What the..." "Joder!" Valeriña finished for her, helping Zoro while watching the idiots chase the cannons.

They rolled towards Zoro and Valeriñas feet but Zoro nudged her out of the way before one could hit her 'precious shoes'.

He looked up in disbelief at Usopp, who was on all fours on the floor looking at the cannons.

Nami dropped her head in dissatisfaction.
Luffy watched his untrained crew. "Oh, man."

A loud voice interrupted them all.
"Pirate vessel. By order of the Marines, lower your sails and submit to my authority."

Luffy looked as murderous as a rubbery boy in a straw hat could. "Never!"

They all watched from afar, the old man grabbed a cannon and with alarming strength, threw it at the ship, but Luffy stretched his stomach and made it bounce back to theirs, luckily.

It hit their main sail, making it fall. "That was amazing! You saved us!" Usopp hyped up his friend.

Zoro grinned over at his crew, raising a hand to his messy hair. Valeriña smiled at him. He's beautiful.

She knew he could hear her but she didn't care, not right now. He shyly looked away.

Nami had something else to add. "You didn't tell me you could do that." "I didn't know I could '' Luffy spoke in shoke with himself.

Usopp ran down the steps and jumped at Luffy holding his arms and spinning around with him, both laughing and whooping like crazy.

"Can I brag now?" Valeriña asked Zoro quietly, watching him smile at the pair. "Can i?" He replied smugly, thinking back to a second ago when she thought he was beautiful.

She was about to reply, but Luffy interrupted her. "Nami, get us out of here." "On it. Lets disappear" she suggested piloting the ship.

Valeriña wanted to talk to Luffy about the memory but didn't want him to find out about her powers, and did not want to ruin his happiness. So she and Zoro checked on the ship, before going to talk to Nami.

"How's the ship look?" She asked when the duo appeared in the fog.  Zoro responded. "broken railing. Minor damage." "Could've been way worse," Valeriña added. Nami gave her a look "Could've been better"

Usopp spoke from in front of the trio. "Can't see the Marines anywhere" Valeriña answered him.

"That's kinda good though right? You know other than the fact we could crash at any time. We can't see them, they can't see us." Nami responds to Valeriña .

"Val's right" earring a small "i am?" From Valeriña. "Yes. We could technically crash at any time. What we need is a place to lay low, wait out any reinforcements they send after us. But my charts are useless in this fog" she spoke clearly, glancing at all of them.

Zoro rested a hand on his katanas and pulled Valeriña towards him, seeing as she was closer to Nami.
"What did captain Luffy say?" Valeriña asked.

Of course Usopp answered. "He's on the bow. Hasn't said anything since we hightailed it."

Valeriña glanced at Zoro, not wanting to ditch him but needing to speak to Luffy.

"Well, somebody needs to talk to him. About this and that other thing." Nami said, not so subtly glancing at Zoro and Valeriña.

Zoro was oblivious, as per usual. "What other thing?" Nami and Valeriña took their chance to make fun of him.

"Oh, gee, I wonder." "Maybe about the fact he called the Vice admiral of the Marines his abuelo. But I'm not sure, Ro could be about something else." Valeriña said sarcastically, staring in utter disbelief at him, Nami gestured to her.

Zoro pinched her hip.
"Oh, that." I guess Usopp is as oblivious as you, maybe you guys can bond over that.

Zoro pinched her hip again, watching Usopp and Nami. "Yeah, I don't really know the guy that well. '' Usopp said, that made Valeriña scoff loudly, Nami pointed at her in agreement.

Usopp looked at the two women, confused, they ignored him.  "Doesn't seem like a big deal, '' Zoro shrugged. "Fucking dumbasses" Valeriña mumbled, they both looked at her offended. "I'll go talk to him." She said, stepping away from Zoro who pouted at her.

"No." He said. "No?" Valeriña questioned. "No." He stated, pulling her back towards him. "Ro, i have to talk to him about the thing" Valeriña told him, not saying what it was because of Nami and Usopp. "What thing?" Usopp asked.

Valeriña didn't look at Usopp, just kept her gaze on Zoro. "He knows what thing." They had a staring contest for a few seconds before Zoro blinked and looked away. "Fine." He agreed.

"I wasn't aware I needed your permission" Valeriña tilted her head at him. He ignored her, but gave her a kiss on the side of the head gently pushing her towards the stairs to Luffy.

He watched her walk away before turning to Nami and Usopp who hadn't said barely anything during their conversation.

"What?" He said grumpy as they continued to smirk at him. Nami looked at Usopp. "You wanna take this or should i?" "You go ahead." Usopp replied to her.

"What's going on with you and Val?" Zoro kept a straight face. "Nothing"

Usopp and Nami laughed out loud at his words.

"Are you kidding me?" Usopp giggled. "Even right after I met you guys, you wouldn't stop flirting in the kitchen." Nami looked at Usopp, like she missed the biggest drama in the world.

"No way! When did that happen?"
"We weren't flirting!"
Zoro and Nami both spoke at the same time to Usopp.

He answered Nami first. "The night we got to Kaya's house. Don't lie to me Zoro i saw the whole thing."

Nami giggled at Zoro's face. "They did that right in front of you?" "Yep, ask Luffy," Usopp concluded.

Two can play at that game. "What's going on with you and Luffy?" Zoro asked, knowing Valeriña would be proud of him.

Oblivious Usopp looked towards Nami, like she was the one being questioned, but when he saw Nami looking at him he looked between both of them realizing what they meant.

"Me!?" He screeched out.

Nami spoke. "I've seen you two, but we can talk about that later, Val would wanna hear that conversation, also don't change the subject Ro."

He glared at Nami for her use of his nickname. "Don't call me that" Nami got exactly what she wanted. "Oh so only Val can?" Zoro took the bait this time. "Yes, only Lía can"

"What's with the nickname anyway? Her name is Valeriña" Nami asked, not teasing but actually confused. "Adelía is Lía's middle name." Zoro crossed his arms while explaining.

Usopp giggled at the nickname. Nami's smirk grew. "Oh, im sorry." She said mockingly, before she started her teasing again. "Luffy told me you two were cuddling in the hammock, and she was sitting on your lap earlier sharing a beer. And don't even get me started on the bathroom."

"We were tired!" Zoro defended. "And what bathroom?" Nami looked almost giddy. "When Val left for the bathroom at Kaya's and you followed her."

He knew he could have used a better excuse but he was panicking because they were magerly flirting in the bathroom. "She was covered in blood."

"And she still has your handkerchief, I saw it in her pocket. Also when we got the ship you both were staring into eachothers eyes for a few minutes" Nami stated. "We told you we were whispering," Zoro said, reusing their horrible excuse.

"Fine, lie about that but you can't lie about the kisses. I've seen her kiss your cheek tons of times, and you kissed her head before she left."

"Friends kiss friends." Zoro said, looking away, over to where Valeriña and Luffy were, even if he couldn't see them through the fog.

Nami scoffed, giving up on getting him to confess but she could always get him jealous. "You know Val and Luffy have been getting pretty close"

He ignored her statement, but looked at her as she spoke again.  "Zoro, your first mate, kinda seems like talking to him about stuff, falls under your job description. Maybe you should join him and Val" she enunciated on 'Val'.

"Fine." Zoro said, taking his chance to walk away.

Nami and Usopp high fived when he left.
"So tell me more about the kitchen flirting."


Abuelo - grandpa
Dale - go ahead/you go(cheering someone on)
Joder - Fuck

An: Probably my shortest translations but I don't think there's anything else I have to translate. I'm tempted to post a shit load of chapters(like at least 8) today and the next few days to get over with this story so I can post like 3 more, but I really want to focus on Puppet so I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm gonna post a few tonight. Oh, one more thing, actually about the story, ik people ship Luffy and Zoro(I don't but go off ig) but since watching the live-action show(I've seen a few eps of the manga but not a lot) I just thought Usopp and Luffy would be kinda cute, they just give me boyfriend vibes, anyway if u don't ship just ignore it. I think the number one reason I don't ship Zoro and Luffy is cus I wrote him and Val to be older and almost like siblings so it's just weird to me now. (sorry? don't hate me)

Bye, losers :)

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