House Sitter- Boyfriend femin...

By aishaa2204

108K 261 54

'Twenty one year old girl is watching a house for a month while the family is on vacation, giving her a chanc... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Feminised by Girlfriend
Chapter 3: Blake learns girlhood
Chapter 4: Blake meets Mrs. Mauro
Chapter 5: Where Blake meets David
Extra Chapter : Characters & Costumes
Chapter 6: Going for Lunch
Chapter 7: Asking to watch a Movie
Chapter 8: Watching "Action" Movie
Chapter 9: Shopping for Baby Gurl
Chapter 10: Little King (Princess) gets 'her' reward
Chapter 11: New Dresses and Heels
Chapter 12: Sneaking out
Chapter 13: Blake's punishment
Chapter 14: Liz remembers her friend's b'day
Chapter 16: A nice afternoon with 'Aunt' Mauro
Chapter 17: Blake and David: Date 2 ;)
Chapter 18: The fake Wedding 💍
Chapter 19: Liz makes it up to Blake
Chapter 20: Dreamin' Fantasies

Chapter 15: Blake's getting periods

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By aishaa2204

Holding onto the rail as he descended the stairs Blake made his way through the living room and into the kitchen. Seeing David's mother in their wiping down the counter, her back to him and rear end sticking out, swaying slightly side to side brought a bit more wakefulness to his primary and lower, secondary brain. He had been a bit distracted the previous day and really hadn't taken the time to appreciate how good the blonde woman looked, doubly so considering she was supposedly forty three. Having stopped walking once his bare feet, bunny slippers still upstairs and not even considered his mind was focused on the site in front of him. Her ass and her long legs... he continued to stare, not thinking about how awkward things would be if caught, till he felt his member start getting excited as he pictured himself walking up, sliding up her skirt to reveal her probably thong panties, getting a good handful. Her protesting, but not pulling away, saying how wrong it was, but still pressing into him before they started to kiss and make love here in the kitchen. Blake's eyes snapped down to see an obvious tent in the feminine clothes where none should be and quickly dashed over to the table to sit down and hide his shame. 'Real life is not a porno...' The feminized man chided himself.

Hearing one of the chairs behind her slide across the kitchen tile Heather turned around, rag in hand and gave the new arrival a welcoming smile. "Morning pretty girl."

"Umm, morning pretty lady," Blake said back feeling completely foolish, looking down at the table, wishing his hard on would go away. Seeing the mostly full mug of coffee in front of him he took it in his hands, happy to have something to focus on, a distraction for his mind as he took a sip.

"Pretty lady." Heather touched the open fingers of one hand to her chest as she bent her rest asking a little dramatic at the complement from the teen girl. "Why thank you, I never hear such niceties from my boys and just this morning both you and Liz were so free with kind words. I swear I wish I had girls around more often."

'Thats nice.' Blake thought, taking another sip of the coffee before making a disgusted face. The coffee tasted like it was one third sugar and that told him it had been marked by Liz. Scraping his tongue against his teeth he put down the mug and slid it away from himself.

An amused smile played at the corner of Heather's lips as she saw the girl try coffee and rejected it. She had once been like that too, not liking the taste and now the very smell of a good pot of coffee helped her wake up. "Let me get you something to eat and drink that will suit you a bit better," she said taking the mug of forgotten coffee off the table.

"Mmm, thanks."

"I heard you aren't feeling the greatest last night. How you feeling today?"

His member finally starting to calm down, but not wanting it to get any ideas Blake put his head down on the table, resting his forehead on his arm as he closed his eyes. "Tired."

"I get the low energy, how about bloating and cramps. Are they too bad for you?"

Not sure what she was talking about, Blake chalked it up to an excuse Liz must have given about him being sick. Not as much, still there but it is okay, I can take it," The idea of playing the sick card to lay around and watch tv sounded good, but he also hadn't been the one to explain what exact sickness he had and he didn't want to pretend he had cramps or whatever. 'Dehydration?' Blake asked himself, wondering what Liz might have told her. He had gotten some leg cramps once when he hadn't drinken anything but beer all day when he was studying, more playing video games than studying, but the lack of water was the important component here.

"I'm glad to hear that honey, don't worry, the first day of our periods tends to be the worst. Or at least the most flow," she saw the girl slowly raise her head up to look at her, the embarrassment clear on her face.

"Don't worry about it honey, it's just a part of growing up, but you already know that," she said hoping that was true, not really knowing anything about the girl's parents, she hoped her mother had sat her down for the talk.

There hadn't been a lot in the fridge Heather had found. They had planned to be away for no short amount of time so she took one of the strawberry flavored yogurts that her house sitter had bought and gave it to Blake. She had considered making something for her, but the girl didn't want to eat meat, even if she said the other day she would try to be better about it. There were eggs in the fridge, but she wasn't sure if that was on the good list or bad for the girl, so she stuck with something she knew she would like. "You eat up honey and then you can go get ready. I have a few ideas of things we can do together today that will be fun."

"Do together?"

"Liz didn't tell you?" Pressing her lips together in a line Heather considered how little time there had been to communicate the change. "Liz has plans today with her friends, so the two of us are going to spend the day together. Just us girls, how does that sound?" Looking at the girl, no longer bent over she was surprised to see she was a lot more flat chested in her nightie than the day before, but then she knew Blake had been wearing a bra. She now thought she understood part of the root behind the girl being so shy. Sixteen and flat as a board, it wasn't something she had experience with, by the time boys were old enough to know they were interested in girls she already had a chest that held their attention.

'Bad, it sounds real bad!' Blake was not sure what to actually say to that. She made it sound like a question, but his mom asked questions she already knew the answer to or wanted a very specific answer given. "Great!" he said with a toothy smile and fake cheer, not feeling great at all. He was going to ask about what so called fun things were on the agenda when the kitchen door, that led out to the garage opened up and in stepped a very sweaty David.

"Hey," David said out of breath, sweat dripping from his brow. It wasn't even noon yet and he felt like he was sweating like a pig. He had wanted to mow a few lawns so he had some money to ask Blake out on another date and not have to ask his mom, but instead he had helped one of his elderly neighbors pull up a line of dying bushes along the side of his house. Taking a few deep breaths he walked over to the sink to grab a tall glass and filled it with water before quickling downing the entire thing in a few gulps and repeating the process a few things. Feeling a bit better he wiped his arm across his brow, smiling at the girl who looked like she was captivated by him. "Hey," he said for a second time, giving the girl a wave, a smile forming on his face as he looked at her in her sexy pajamas. "I was, well I was wondering. You see the fair, the state fair that is. Well it is in town," David found himself fumbling with just about every word. He had thought this moment through over and over again after he saw a commercial for the state fair the night before and thought it would be an amazing place to take Blake. "Would you like to go? I mean with me? Just the two of us."

Blake was ready to turn the boy down, he was not going on another date, but like much of his life he was not actually in control. Walking into the room, looking beautiful as ever was his girlfriend, the sound of her wedge heels reaching his ears and causing a smile to form on his face, the boy standing in the kitchen taking the for something directed at him. The problem wasn't the smile, but what his girlfriend said when she came in.

"Awww, that sounds like a perfect date. I know Blake would love to go," Coming through the living room she could hear the boy she used to babysit talking nervously to try and ask out her little princess and immediately picked up her pace. She had loved the story about Blake and David going to the movies and she felt like she needed to see Blake go on a second date.

"Ahhh..." Blake started. "Miss Liz, I think we need to talk."

While in a hurry, Lizbeth knew two of them really did need to talk. She needed to tell Blake how he was on his period and how she was going to leave for the day and should be back before five and how she was leaving him with Heather. Before she could give a reply to her feminized man, Heather spoke up.

"She is feeling a lot better." She then put her hands over her son's ears as if that would block out the sound of her voice. "Bloating and cramping are much better."

"Mommm!" David pulled himself away from his mother, easily able to hear what she had said and didn't want any part of the conversation. "I got more to do," he said to the room, before looking directly at Blake. "Tonight is all on me, okay? You don't have to worry about it," he then took off back out into the garage and down the street, wanting nothing to do with a conversation about girls' periods.

With a light hearted laugh and a shrug Heather gave the other girls a smile. "Well at least he is responsible," she said out loud before finishing the sentence in her head. 'Some of the time.' Not hiding the eye roll she picked up from where she was. "So Blake and I will be fine today, you go run along and have an amazing day. You just try and be back before we send the adorable couple off, I know I will want a few photos."

Blake just buried his face in his hands.

Moving over to her boyfriend Lizbeth put one hand on his back, rubbing it. "Since you already know everything." She leaned down, giving the melancholy man a kiss on the top of his head before whispering. "Sorry about the period excuse, it was all I could think of and I really did forget I had somewhere to be. Be a good girl and remember to tuck."

Looking up at Liz, Blake gave a pair of slight shakes of his head, but all he got in reply was a stern look that told him that he better be good or else.

"Okay, I'm off, but if she starts being too willful, her mothers words not mine. We got some coloring books that she can use to distract herself." Lizbeth gave a wink to her depressed boyfriend, feeling only a little guilty. She would tell him later about the bullet he actually dodged by spending the day with Heather instead of with her.

Craning his neck Blake watched his girlfriend go for as long as he could, one of the few times he wasn't doing so just to ogle her rear. 'Great, great, today is just great, it's going great, it will be great. Everything is just great... so, so terribly great.'

"Just the two of us now hon. Finish up and get yourself in the shower, we have plenty to do today!"

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