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By _____Mr-Idiot

2.4K 64 86

-โšœ_______-๐Ÿ“œ-______โšœ- Y/N is a medic in EVADE, they do NOT like seing others hurt, they hate it. Since the st... More

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328 10 43
By _____Mr-Idiot

Im sorry for the delay of this chapter.
But my WiFi decided to go for milk

F/P:Favorite plushie

This chapter is like a fan-service (kinda), i ain't saying the character, figure it out by yourself :3.
Also uhh...vacation time!, now i can post more often since in vacation my motivation goes🔛🔝
I hope the Evade halloween update is finished soon, but eh, the devs can take their time, it's their game and they choose when to update.

Glorp glop gnarp glarp - Zack
(A/N:Im not mentally stable)



Chapter two:

You "prayed" to roblox for it to be an open map so you could run arround without any problem, and damm, this is not what you meant by not liking to see the bots.
The map was backrooms, known for the amount of hate everyone has with this map, if you get downed there's a very low chance of someone finding and reviving you, and you have the same exact opinion about this map, you did not even care of making a map for this one, the only thing you maked for this one was a text saying "My Back-hurts" with a backrooms background, and a little doodle of you complaining about your back, since drawing while running wasn't your best idea.
You knew you were safe as long you were away from the nextbot spawn since they had no probability of finding you, specialy if you were alone...talking about that, what's going on, why were you spawning alone since your burn happened?, did it had something to do about it?...probably not, as you remembered that this was still on a beta you brushed the though off.

Round started...yet again, and you were pretty far from the nexbots so you were not worried about 'em finding you so you thinked of sleeping so you could be more energetic in the next map or special round if you waked up, and also because since you got trleported here you were very tired out of nowhere.
So you rested your back in the wall, you were in the "secret" part were instead of it being normal floor it was full of holes, in was pretty difficult for you to pass because the only thing that was floor were some lines that barely could be seen.

You did try to open the door yet it didn't work, the door was locked, wonder where it leads to...Anyway, your eyes closed slowly as you fell asleep, not bothering if you teleported or a bot finded you, you would deal with that later, right now you wanted to sleep since in the night you actually did not sleep well.
Well thats enough talk about sleeping, lets just jump into your dream shall we?.




You woke up in a floor full of grass, around you were some trees with...feet on them?, huh, thats pretty weird, and somehow the air didn't smell badly.
The grass was pretty weird, it smelled like alcohol...oh yeah, you were in a dream, everything makes sense now.
The air was thick, you could barely breath, wonder why you dreamed with this...you thinked of a mirror and it "magicaly" apeared in front of you, the glass of this one was brocken but that doesn't matter, you looked to yourself, your right arm was gone and you had an eyepatch in your left eye, you pulled it up and you could still see, it just hurted your vision since the eye aparently was delicated, so you putted it back to were it was before.

The mirror disapeared with a "poof" and you saw a figure some steps away, it was pitch black, long hair the same color as their body.
You walked to it and when you were finally behind it, you tapped their shoulder, it looked at you...probably, it didn't have a face so you weren't sure about that, you waved at it trying to start a converstation, normally you would just ignore people or just flip them off but this person or thing looked rather interesting.
It took your hand and walked over a tree, it maked you sit down and then they did the same, it "looked" over your now non-existand arm and gived you a confused movement of their head.


"Do you...wonder how i lost it?"It nodded in response.
"Honestly i don't know i woke up and it was gone...but at least now i dont have a giant scar hehe"The thing nodded and started doing sonething with their hands...oh, sign lenguage!, sadly you didn't understand at all what it mean, yet you tried to translate it.
"I face loss reason don't know too"

So you weren't alone in the "I forgot how lost my body parts" club, thats nice.
"Oh...i see, if you want to you can touch my arm...or what it was in the past i supose"Your "arm" was covered by a sleve from your shirt and it was tied up.
It touched your shoulder and "sayed:it warm...i like" or something like that.
After a while it fell asleep in the floor, you know that because it snored when it fell.

This dream is weird, but you like the company of this thing, it was pretty quiet so you just spend time looking at the sky.
After a while the sky turned a dark blue and the sun turned into the moon out of nowhere, the time here is so fast yet slow at the same time...You were alone now, the thing dissapeared just when it became night and now the vibe was lonely instead of calm, you were used to this honestly, many testing leaved you with not many time to see your friends, wich lead to you being lonely most of the time, holy crap, you were getting emotional out of nowhere just because you were thinking of your life, pretty ###### up life you had, being a tester its hard, you just wished to be like a player, just playing arround in random games when you wanted to, make friends pretty easy and just...ugh whatever, you just brushed all those thoughs off since you didn't want to cry or just get more emotional, it was your job and your point in life...literaly, so you nedded to get used to this moments.

(A/N:Y/N is like an introvert who dislikes people yet they dont like being alone)




You were walking arround, thinking of what you would do to meet more characters, Zack is probably looking for you now that you think about it, you hope he wont get that worried about you...
This world seemed like it was an endless loop, same patern of trees with feet, same clouds, everything was the same over and over again, you looked to your right and surprisinly there was a house there, it looked like your home, exept for the fact that it was less colorful, all the colors it had were darker now, seems that you're an emo in here.

You went inside the house, it looked the exact same, it was obvious it was yours but now the house has depressed and was saying:"It"s not a fase mom, it's a life style!", anyway, you went to your room and powered up the computer, looking for a game to play since the dream was getting pretty boring...there, the game butted up starting with a menu screen, you pressed play and started doing random stuff while talking with other players...wich you suppose that were bots since it was a dream.

You were having a fun time walking arround in the game but...something was off, you feeled watched, so you closed the game and looked over your windows...nothing, you must be alucinating.
You left your house and went to walk again, since you didn't feel safe in there anymore, it was day now, and the sun was shining way to much, ow, but that doesn't matter right now.You were tired, you didn't know why but you tough that you were waking up since thats what happends when you're in your dreams and you have to wake up, so you passed out in the floor and woke up inmediatly before hitting it.




Time goes fast right?, the special round already started and you had no idea what it was, what a shame, you walked arround hoping the round isn't quiet or invisible again, now thinking of where were Zack and Jard, because this place is pretty lonely, no one arround, just you and the darkness...wait, are those...footsteps?.
You looked arround trying to find the place of where the footsteps were coming from, it was just one person, you though you were alone, but it seems that you were probably wrong, you didn't stop feeling watched and after a while of staying frozen it didn't putted it's eyes off you, it wasn't like the other time, instead of feeling comfortable and protected you feeled the exact opposite: Uncomfortable and in danger.

You looked everywere you could before you started running to random directions, hoping that you wouldn't get into a dead end, yet the feeling didn't even stopped for one second, it was always there.
You started paniking more and more since you started hearing lound footsteps and whatever it was, it was getting closer and closer, you feared looking to another direction that isn't North so you just evaded a wall if you saw one, your breathing was getting worse and your vision was blury, you legs were shaking from the uncontrolled amount of adrenaline you had so they gave up making you fall in the cold floor.

You were trying to get your breathing to a normal one, but something was stoping you from that, in your eyes there was a dark figure in front of you, it was pinning you to the floor with it's feet to the ground, it was very painfull, mostly because it was literally steeping in your head with a great amount of streight, you were struggling to get it off you so you could hide while you calmed down, you tried over and over again but nothing worked, you started feeling dizzy and your vision went darker and darker every second, aparently the thing couched down closer to you and revealed one of it's eyes, it was a realistic eye wich creeped you out since the world isn't really supposed to have realistic things in people or animals, the only thing that is probably realistic is the backgrounds or maps/worlds, and those are rare occations, after that you say the thing look at other place and run to that direction really fast, you were about to pass out in the middle of nowhere and the worst part is that you would probably die by that thing, you think its probably an illution but that was way to real to be one, after some seconds you saw a figure aproach you, but before you could figure out who it was you passed out in the cold floor.


You woke up with a headache, wondering what happened, and in a flash all your memories went back to you making your headache worse, you whined in pain while grabbing your head and moving your knees up leaving you in a position where your face couldn't be seen, you heared something come closer to you but you were so in pain that you didn't even pay atention to it, you started crying because of the pain, mainly because your head is your second most weak body part and the pain was awfull.
You feeled something pat your head while hugging you, the thing that was taking care of you aparently did not know how to hug, because instead of it being comforting it was weird and also feeled funny, at that feeling you letted out a little giggle since the fact that someone doesn't know how to hug is kinda funny to you.

The thing was still patting your head but now it was a more gentle touch, making your headache less painfull and making you feel more safe in this things hands...
After a while the pain calmed down so you could see a little less blurry, enough to reconise your suroundings, so you looked up to see the place you were at and the thing got scared so it fastly runned behind a wall, making the figure for you so blurry that it looked like 2 pixels.

(A/N:Blurry = Pixelated, so basicaly you see in the lowest quality + The oldest pc that can run roblox)

Instead of trying to figure out who it was or what it was you decided to know where you were, it looked like a big room and behind you were...3 big windows?, you didn't know what those were honestly, and you didn't have the time to figure it out, you then looked at your right, seeing a path blocked by...barriers?, was that the name?, then you looked in front of you, looking back at the same thing that brough you here, you standed up with some dificulties wich maked the thing worrie and go fast to you to make you sit again.

"You shouldnt move to much after what happened, you might look fine but that thing maked your nerves so weak that by making a very fast move you could literaly never be able to move ever again, so please, don't move"

You obeyed them since you didn't want to not be able to move, normally you would move and risk it but you knew that getting an injure like that wouldn't heal unless you talked to...him...and it's very dificult to get him to talk or help even when you're a very good friend, but that doesn't matter right now, you were trying to figure out how they looked like, sadly your vision didn't help, but they did.

"Look, i don't really trust you, but it's better to have someone instead of nobody in here, my name is Rebel"You got a little scared by this, since you knew rebels weren't exactly the kindest characters in this game, but again he calmed you down. "Hey, don't panic, i suppose you already know my friends, wich are other rebels, but don't worry, im the only one here, and i don't have the intentions to hurt you, but first i gotta tell you what was that thing and what is this place"

You were pretty confused about this, since you though that this map was pretty normal since it's a map that you can vote for, oh how wrong you were.

"So...this are the backrooms, you can only get here by no-clipping accidentaly when you're teleporting to the next map, i sadly cannot get out of here unless theres a military incurtion happening so im trapped here...forever...alone......
But...that doesn't matter anymore, the only things that im begging you to do is to stay here and talk to me, you can help me regain some of my sanity since being alone almost everyday isn't the best expirience, but let me tell you about the thing that attacked you..."

You stopped hearing him since you were very confused about what was this "map", since you no-clipped that would mean that this is a glitched map?...probably, but now you were looking at rebel, who was saying something, you didn't hear him since you were more busy analyzing him, he was like a normal rebel but his uniform was ripped almost everywere, most of this parts were covered by red bandages or normal bandages, some had blood some were just there to not expose his skin, he had tired eyes and very noticeable eyebags.
You were worried about him and his mental health, so you did what came into your mind, you hugged him and dipped your face in his chest, it was very soft and you couldnt denie it, from what you feeled he went frozen for some seconds before he hugged you back while snuzzling his head in your neck and...he was...crying?, yeah he was, but in silence, you guess it's because no one really no-clipped here and when they did, he found them dead thanks to the thing that you faced before so his sanity went lower and lower every second that passed, so now the thing that matters is make him recover and try to get him out of here so he doesn't have to suffer anymore since you could teleport to you anything that you were holding to the next map.

But...you were very tired...and you were very comfy right now so you randomly decided to sleep on him, hugging him more thighly since for your now sleepy mind Rebel was a giant plushie of F/P.


Change of POV - Rebel

I am really confused now, why did the hug me as their choise?, they did earlier but they didn't even knew who i was before they woke up, this is very confus-
...Are they...sleeping?...hmm, i ain't gonna lie, thus position is very comfortable, and this is really helping me into regaining my sanity!...i can even think properly now...they are very helpfull and sweet for worring about me....i-i can't let her take me away from them, i know im nothing compared to her but...they're worth everything.

Ugh i gotta stop thinking of this, i better just take care of 'em again till they wake up...again...
16:40...Round is about to end i see...i hope i get out of here this time, it should work since they're from there and if they teleport anything that they're holding that means we can leave this place together!...i hope...she doesn't ruin it...again.


Are those...footsteps?...oh no...



I runned the faster i could do it, i even took a cola and drank it in a sip wich maked the effects be better, i went to the barried part so she gets slowed down for at least some seconds, i putted my map out to guide my self better since remembering while paniking isn't the best idea.
This was a very, VERY bad time for her to show up, specially when they're here, i know what happends when she takes someone away, and i can't let her do it again...####, she's close, we gotta hide quick.

Rebel went to a hidden place that he had that was iluminated by a red light, he builded it so he could sleep relaxed or to bring someone there if needed, and now it was usefull for both.
He pushed the wall so both of you could pass, after that he pushed the wall back to where it was and putted a hand in his mouth so she couldn't spot correctly the breathing
Was she gone?...yes, she went pass the hidden place, but honestly i know she can't fit in that tiny space, even in her nextbot form she couln't fit, no nextbot could, so i calmed down after remembering that...huh?...

Your sleeping body wanted to make theirself be more comfy, and it worked for it, you sitted on his legs so the rest of your body could be in his lap, your face was dipped in his chest while your arms were wrapped arround him, rebel was surprised by this, since he didn't had human contact in years and this was strange for him, yet he liked it since you really helped him think correctly and also helped 'em sleep, since he feeled very sleepy he dicided to lay his back in the wall and wrap his arms arround you, returning the hug to then fall asleep making you two cuddle while you both took a rest




Change of POV - You

I was felling now very energetic since i just slept a lot and enough to have the exact energy to not sleep for the rest of the day...yet the position that i was in...i don't even want to move...ugh guess ill be laying here for some minutes before the round ends...
Round ended, your vision went white as always before you were standing in front of a tunnel, instead of the light of the tunel being white it was...red?, thats strange...but maybe it has to do with something of me not teleporting when it had to...i hope rebel is alright...he seemed like he was about to go insane if i didn't show up...good thing i did, but ill just have my hoped high for him to teleport in the same map i will be...

After teleporting i was in...Desert bus!, one of my favorite maps!, overrated but acctually good not gonna lie...huh?, what was happening to your time?, wasn't it 17:00?, why was it going backwards...
...Seems that the time in the backrooms is way to different, but i better find Zack quick before he worries way more.
Random npc's...npc...ah, thats Jard!, he should help me find Zack!.

"Hello Jard!, sorry for disapearing without a word, but lets say that i was busy with something...anyway, where's Zack?"Jard got a little scared since you apeared out of nowhere, but soon calmed down when he realized it was you, so he turned arround to see you face to face
"Hello Y/N, Zack is currently looking for y-..."
"Hmm?, what happened Jard?, you ok?"

He looked over your shoulder before he pointed at it making a very confused face, so you looked at the same direction and...what a surprise!, Rebel was resting in your back while he wrapped his legs arround you to not fall, with one hand he was holding your right shoulder and with the other one he dragged your backpack.

You got scared by this, but soon realized who it was, so you calmed down and got realived about him not being in that place anymore, yet you knew that the characters really didn't have a good relationship with rebels...so you had to explain everything to him.

...After some explaining to Jard

"Ohhh...alright, i understand, and yeah, he can be in our team if he wants to, BUT, if he turns out to be a backstabber remember that i warned you...alright?"Jard sayed with a serious face, but also a worried one
"Sure thing Jard, if he betrays us ill be in charge to fix everything, because it would be 100% my fault since i know how rebels can be...but...can you help me find Zack first?, i gotta explain everything to them too..."
"Yeah sure thing, follow me, honestly, i didn't know Zack could be that worried about someone, i though he was a dumbass since he didn't help you when you were saving me...thanks for that again..."He sayed while walking to a specific direction
"Nah, dont even mention it, i just did my job as a medic"You sayed while following him while you also carried Rebel, you didn't knew were all your streight came from but it really helped, guess the sun does something to you.
"But i have a question, how do you heal people so fast?, like, Zack told me about what happened before i found both of you, and honestly i know very well someone can't be healed that fast so tell me...whats your secret?"
"Oh!, yeah i knew you were gonna ask about that soon, so i got this stethoscope from a store wich somehow makes the healing speed increase, very strange but also helpfull in various situations"
"Hmm...oh yeah, i remember know, thanks for answering my question...ah, there is Zack, and also i must present to you a friend"
"Oh, alright, and thanks you for helping!"
"____, this is Y/N, Y/N this is..."





OhHhHhhH who it might be?, im joking it's obvious who it will be, anyway, thanks you for reading this!, i putted way to many effort on this chapter since i want to make clear Y/N's lore here, it's not that deep bealive me, but it's rather kinda confusing not gonna lie...

ANYWAY, i want to make clear that this rebel is a creation of mine because one time i was playing angry munci in the backrooms in a private server and i somehow figured out how to spawn a Rebel so he literally stayed with me and didn't shoot at me anytime, he was literally crouching at my left while i was sitting- and he also stayed there still when the round ended he was still there, so i created this one to remember that little glitch that happened to me!, and also, ISimpforRebel, i did not expect you to be here that soon, im a huge fan!, your comments make me laught way to much lmao.

Anyway lets get to the extras and then i will continue my A/N.


-You're very clingy when sleeping, since in the past you always hugged a giant plushie when sleeping, and now you still do it.

-Rebel is mentally insane, he often thinks about everyone he cared about leaving him behind or just them laying on the floor...lifeless...it was all thanks to her, since she tortured him for fun mentally and phisicaly, and now he has problems of thinking normally thanks to that.

-Bobo is no longer lost and he's happy to meet you :D.

-She is a nextbot, you might already figured out who it is but if you didn't she is angry munci!, yes, i maked her a girl since i like the idea of it being a she and yes...she is in the harem.(No regrets)

-Nextbots see the word love or liking as hurting, since they don't really know how to express theirself other than hurting others in a mental way(this doesn't mean that munci likes Backrooms!Rebel)

-There will be another rebel that is like a normal one that is ALSO in the harem.(Ayo maybe a threesome🙀?)

-??? was looking for you while you were gone, now he's very happy to see you, and kinda mad about you being with another person...

-Zack was so worried that he accidentaly maked himself bleed by playing with his nails to much...ow.

-Jard doesn't trust rebel that much since he had a very bad experience with one in the past.

-When you see an oportunity to sleep you take it inmediatly, healing many players in HOME is very tiring, mostly if some are missing a body part.

A/N:RAHH TYSM FOR EVERYTHING YALL :D, i was loosing motivation but seeing yall comments maked me smile so much, i promise to not discontinue or quit while making this story, and im also taking requests!, for more info about this visit my comment section later, since i will explain everything there.
And as i said before, vacation time!, i will post chapters more often since im not suffering from school while writing, even if its just 3 weeks and half i promise ill try to update daily or every 2 days, anyway, see yall in the comments! :P



Next chapter:The team
Total words:4670
(I almost reached 5000 damm)

Reward from staying: A picture of you and rebel :)!
(Ill put images later since im still without WiFi and i ain't wasting "Datos Moviles" to take screenshots, idk how to write it in english lol)

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