Ash And Horizons

By Rekuta1

19.2K 373 326

Ash Ketchum has finished the world championship, but that also means he's closer to be a pokemon master. He a... More

The pendant of beginnings Part 1 (Arrival at school)
Back to the battle again
Back to Battle again 2
Real Trouble coming up!
Trouble rising
Explanation Time
The first step
OVA: Valentine
Liko's First Journey (Part 1)
Sad news (not new chapter or me quiting this fanfic)
Liko's First Journey (Part 2)
A Question

Pendant of Beginning part 1 (New pokemon)

1.6K 33 42
By Rekuta1

Ash and Pikachu walked around the school and so far they already covered some areas like the cafeteria, classroom, and the meeting hall. And now both of them decide to check out the last place to check.

The school field.

The field is filled with some mini arena that is designed for student to have a battle when they want to.

As Ash looked to the field, he manage to spot Liko and this time she's not alone. Sitting beside her is a different girl, a darkish purple twintail short haired girl.

"There's Liko! let's greet her, Pikachu!"


Ash approach Liko with a grin.

"Oiii, Liko!"

The girl in Question looked at Ash, who is approaching her.

"Ash!" Liko looks happy to see Ash for the second time.

"I just finished checking out the school out. They had many things in school as well."

"Ehhhh, is that so??"

Ash then noticed someone is sitting with Liko.

"Hm? Is that your friend Liko?"

"Hello! I'm Anne, Liko's roomate, nice to meet ya!" Anne held out her hand towards Ash.

"Nice to meet you as well!" Both Ash and Anne shook hands.

After that, Ash take a seat besides liko with Pikachu jumped on Liko's shoulder and nuzzled his cheeks on her.

"Ehehe, that tickles Pikachu."


Anne, with her starry eyes looked at Pikachu with her happy expressions.

"Kawaiii!! Is this your pikachu, Ash??"

Ash nodded, "That's right! Pikachu is my first partner, and my best buddy as well."

Out of nowhere, Anne in a blur hugged pikachu.

"Wahhhh, So soft!"

"Wait Anne, DON'T!"

Ash warning came too frickin late because Pikachu suddenly used a thunderbolt and litteraly smoked Anne only.

"So... powerful.."

"Pikachu, you cannot do that!" Ash grabbed Pikachu from Anne, "Sorry, my Pikachu doesn't like suddenly get hugged like that. Some of my companion back then got shocked when they hugged pikachu like that."

Now that he think about it, some of his friends got fried by Pikachu's thunderbolt because they hugged him, except for Serena. And now he realized pikachu didn't use thunderbolt on Liko.

"Sorry about that Pikachu." Anne apologized while pikachu just huffed, "Oh i cannot wait to get our partner after the opening ceremony."

"Eh? We get a partner after a ceremony?!" Ash wasn't aware of that.

"You didn't know? Every new student get one starter pokemon." Anne informed, "So Ash, what starter would you like to pick?"

"Well.. i don't care which pokemon i got since i welcome any of them."

"Ash.. that was really nice of you." Liko truly felt amazed with how confident Ash really is.

"Thanks Liko, what about you? What pokemon you wanted?"

"U-Umm.... i.. still don't know what pokemon that i want, but it made me nervous."

"Right...?" Anne agree on that one.

Just then, a charmender is looking happily at them before the owner have to pick it up to not go on their own.

- Time Skip -

It was night time, Everyone in school already sleep except for Liko. The girls is writing her diary with pictures on it on the Rotom phone.

'My first day is filled with new experiences. Leaving home, living on my own at school... and because of that i..... can't sleep at all.'

Liko looked back at Anne, who's snoring in her sleep which led Liko to show her smile.

'It's one thing led to another, and tomorrow's the entrance ceremony.'

Liko finally finished the last touch of cheerful Anne picture and a pokeball that hold mystery on what pokemon she would get as her partner.

'The day i finally meet my partner pokemon.'

She then swiped the screen to the left, to see the picture she made featuring Ash, Liko herself and Liko on her lap back on the bus.

'And then i meet Ash, he's a cheerful person but he also radiate some charisma which made me comfortable with him.'

Liko remind herself how he and Ash met together back in the bus, 'His pikachu already likes me a lot, maybe i don't have to worry too much about getting my first partner.'

- Time Skip -

After the opening ceremony, Everyone went back to the designated classroom. And fortunately for Liko, Ash and Anne are on the same class as her with Ash sitting on her left and Anne on the right on a back bench.

With Ash condition with Pikachu, the teacher allows him to keep pikachu out of the ball but with the rules that pikachu didn't trouble everyone when the class started.

Since Ash has the pokedex already back when he's working with Professor Cherise lab, he didn't need to install the pokedex to his rotom phone like everyone else.

"Liko, Ash, this is it! the meetup we've been waiting for!"

"I cannot wait at all!" Ash truly cannot help but say it excitedly.

'My partner pokemon... What will it be like? My heart's pounding.'

"Next, Ash Ketchum."

"Right here!" Ash rushed to the teacher desk where there is a pokeball lined up 3x21.

"Here, pick it up."

"Okay let's see..." Ash looked at the selected pokeball before he decide to pick it up, "Pikachu, which one should i take?"

Pikachu decide to look at the pokeballs, until pikachu decide to pick the one on the corner right, "Alright, i pick this one!"

After that, Ash and Pikachu went back to their dask. When he opened the pokeball, the pokemon that came out is a galar region bunny that is called Scorbunny.

"Scorbunny data has been added to your pokedex."

Ash felt excited to see scorbunny, because it reminds him of Goh's cinderace and he know that this bunny is truly powerful.

"A Scorbunny! Hello buddy! My name's Ash ketchum and this is Pikachu! hope we can work together!"

"Scorbun!" Scorbunny already cheered and give a fist bump with Ash, while pikachu give him a high five.

After that, when Anne get called, she get an oshawoot as a her partner and she's hugging the said pokemon and spin happily.

"Next is Liko!"


Liko nervously walked to the desk with both Anne and Ash watching her. After she picked the pokeball, she went back to her desk and let out the pokemon that is inside the pokeball.

The pokemon revealed it was way different from what Ash recall. The pokemon looks like a green cat and it looks amazing on it's on way.

"Sprigatito has been added to your pokedex."

"..Nyao??" Sprigatito looked at Liko curiously.

"CU-" Liko almost shouted so loud so she had to close her mouth, "So Cuuuute!"

Liko want to grabbed Sprigatito but it used the claw to scratch Liko's hand.


Sprigatito run out of the classroom, caught Liko off guard for the unexpected event.

"Okay everyone, that will be all for today."

Fortunately, the class is over so Liko has the chance to go for her pokemon.

"Looks like Liko needs some help, let's go pikachu! Scorbunny!"

Both Pokemon nodded and followed Ash out of the classroom.

After out of the building, Ash finally catch up with Liko, "Liko! You need a hand?"

Liko nodded, "Sprigatito suddenly left me like that, can you help me out??"

"I could, but i think we should split up so that we could cover more grounds!"

"Thank you Ash!"

With that, both Liko and Ash split up to find where sprigagito went to.

'Why? Why? Why?! No! No! I never thought this would happen at all!'

And then she remembered the pokedex entry of sprigatito, 'Oh, right! My best lead is Sprigatito's sweet scent.'

After that, Liko decide to smell the sweet scent that comes from sprigatito. It took a while, but she manage to get a lead of where sprigatito went.

The top floor of one of the building.

Went liko get on top of the said building, she continue to look for sprigatito.

'The scent is strong up here, but i still don't see Sprigatito at all..'

Liko looked around until she spotted sprigatito, but the worse came with sprigatito is chilling on top of a roof.

"Found it!"

Meanwhile down there, Ash, Pikachu, and Scorbunny still looked around to find sprigatito.

"Sprigatito, where are you?!"



Apparently Ash didn't have enough luck at all.

"It's dangerous if you're up there!"

The three of them manage to heard Liko from above.


Sprigatito manage to heard his/her (Idk sprigatito gender at all lol) trainer on the other side of the building.

'Why did you go up there? What were you thinking?'

She quite shocked to see Sprigatito stand up and face it's body towards Liko.

"Wait! I didn't mean- Stop! Stop! Stop!"

And Liko's word being ignored by sprigatito and the cat itself jumped in a big leap towards Liko.


Liko tried to catch sprigatito, but sprigatito manage to land on top of Liko's self. It would be over, but unfortunately Liko's body leaning outside the fence and then both trainer and the pokemon fall off of the top building.

"AAAAAH!" while midfall, Liko hugged sprigatito to protect it from the fall

"Liko!" Ash rush away and leaped towards Liko and catch her before she falls to the ground.

After Ash landed on his feet, he looked towards Liko.

"Are you okay, Liko?"

"Y-Yeah, i'm okay now, Ash."

When Liko looked at Ash, liko cannot help but keep staring at him nonstop and her cheeks reddened.

"What's wrong Liko? Your face looks red."

"Eh, e-e-emm, n-n-nothing's wrong at all." Liko turned her head away to not make things worse.

'W-Why am i get a feeling like i'm sort of a main girl inside a story?!'

Sprigatito jumped away from Liko and running to the woods, which made Liko get out of her thoughts.

"Ah, Wait!"

Ash put Liko back to the ground, and start chasing Sprigatito to the woods. After a while, they manage to get to the other side of the woods with a beautiful scenery of a lake and the forest around it.

"So beautiful..."

"It's really amazing.."

Both Ash and Liko sat on the ground, distracted by the scenery when suddenly sprigatito appeared on Liko's right side.

"Sprigatito! What a relief!" Liko picked up sprigatito with both of her hands.

"Glad you manage to find sprigatito, Liko."

Liko nodded, "Thank you for helping me out, Ash."

"it's what friends for." Ash replied back.

Liko nuzzled sprigatito cheeks, before she get to held it in front of her face, "What a nice scent..."

And then the cat just paw punch Liko's closed eye.


Sprigatito walks away from the area with everyone watch the cat leaving.

"Why...?" Liko cannot help but ask sadly.

Ash, pikachu, and scorbunny sweatdropped when seeing that.

"This.. is oddly familiar... right, Pikachu?"

"Pikachu..." Even pikachu knows what Ash is thinking.

And then Pikachu remembers what happened after Ash catches Liko, 'Great, now it's almost like kalos all over again. Instead of Serena, it's Liko now.'

Author note:

Alright, here is the second part of chapter 1, hope you guys enjoy it because it kinda took me a while to write em down.

(Also how do you guys think of the scene i made with Ash and Liko?)

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