Yoonmin |[The Dollmaker 21+]|...

By oxLittleLeoxo

579 24 7

A Very confusing Story of a Dollmaker and his dolls that came Alive. Their past lives and an Angel in need o... More

Chapter 1 Dollmaker
Chapter 2 Change...
Chapter 3 scary day's
Chapter 4 another Victim?
Chapter 6 Risks...
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Monster
chapter 9 at Ease

Chapter 5 Back and fourth

51 3 0
By oxLittleLeoxo


A Few days had passed... Taehyung just busy with work...

While yoongi and Jimin sat together in the new workspace Hoseok gave them...

Jimin quietly worked on creating the doll for Taehyung...it was already looking really well... Yoongi of course did most of the work....as Jimin learned the whole process of making a doll by working on this one...

Yoongi: "You're doing so well princess~ You are learning very quick."

Yoongi said praising Jimin

Jimin: "He looks just like the picture already...should we add genitals as well?"

Yoongi: "Yes. He should be as realistic as possible."

Jimin: "I think you'll be better at this...can you do this?"

Jimin said with a pout as Yoongi gave him a smile

Yoongi: "Of course Princess~"

Yoongi then began to work on the genitals

Carving the soft wood into a beautiful big shaft and some soft balls from the material he brought overseas

Jimin: "I kind of want to try and make him alive...that would surely make Taehyung happy!"

Yoongi: "That might freak him out actually..."

Yoongi: "But the only thing I did to make you alive is using this material that I put in his ball sack."

Jimin: "I wanna give him the same skin texture I had..."

Yoongi: "That's exactly what I'm using on him so it might bring him to life but only time will tell."

Jimin: "I hope he will! I wanna have a friend!"

Yoongi chuckled and just kissed the top of Jimins head

Jimin Just pouted and went to the sewing machine to make an Outfit for the doll

Jimin: "He'll look sexy!"

Yoongi: "Especially with you dressing him~"

Jimin blushed at that and just a few minutes Jimin finished with the leather pants he wanted the doll to wear making them tight and very fitting to the dolls figure

Yoongi: "That's amazing! You are really good at making clothing Princess~ Maybe I'll have you make some lingerie to wear for me~"

Jimin: "I-I could do that..."

(Jimin said looking down very shy...)

Yoongi then finished up the final touches of the doll so Jimin could dress him up

And eventually they actually got it finished in just two days...

Yoongi: "Woah this is perfect!"

Jimin: "I think he would love him!"

Yoongi: "Well let's get in contact with him and tell him his doll is finished

Jimin: "He might be in the area

Yoongi: "Should we go out and look for him or have Hobi look?"

Jimin: "Maybe hobi?

Yoongi nodded and called out for Hoseok. And not too long after Hoseok walked in.

Hobi: "Is everything alright Yoongi?"

Jimin: "everything is okay Hobi. We just wanted to let you know that Taehyung's doll is finished and ready to be given to him"

Hobi: "Oh! I'll go get him then."

Hoseok then walked out to call for Taehyung.

Taehyung was of course close by Jumping down from a very high building once he heard Hoseok's calls... giving him a smile

Hobi: "Wow....that was hot..."

Hoseok said blushing and basically in awe at how cool Taehyung was.

Taehyung even perfectly landed on his feet and just kissed Hoseok's nose

Taehyung: "I could teach you~

Hoseok looking up at Taehyung with an adorable excited look.

Hobi: "R-Really! That would be so cool! Oh but before we talk about that Yoongi says your doll is finished. He tried to make it look as realistic as possible."

Taehyung's eyes widened giving Hoseok that excited look...

Taehyung: "That's Amazing! Can I see it"

Hobi: "Of course~ they asked me to come get you! Don't leave me for the doll."

Hoseok said with a cute pout as he held Taehyung's hand

Taehyung shook his head just giving Hoseok a smile

And when they got there Taehyung broke down into tears immediately going over to the table... touching the dolls soft face...

Taehyung: "T-This...looks just like him..."

The doll resembled Taehyung's sadly dead Partner...They used to be together...and Taehyung wasn't the only assassin... Taehyung and His love...used to be a Duo... The best assassins known in their land

Yoongi: "There is something I must tell you. The material I used...I don't know if it has a special property or not but when I used it it brought my life sized dolls to life. My boyfriend Jimin was the doll that your father was jealous of and one night he just came to life and I have no idea how or why...so if that happens with your doll I apologize but I don't really know how it happened so I'm not sure if it will happen with yours."

Hoseok was a bit worried about his relationship with Taehyung now. Seeing how attached Taehyung was to the person this doll represented

Hobi: "I-I see you loved him a lot...."

Taehyung: "I did...He was everything to me...And Mr. Min... How is this even possible... "

Taehyung was definitely very shocked and didn't know how to react... His tears just falling down onto the doll...

Yoongi: "I don't know how Jimin became alive....all I did was use the same material for him as I did with yours. And I cried on him too."

Hobi: "T-Tae...does this mean you don't like me anymore....if you're going to have him back you wouldn't want me right?"

Hoseok asked in a quiet and nervous tone.

Hobi: "D-Don't get me wrong I want you to be happy...I...I just..."

Hoseok tried his best not to tear up.

Taehyung immediately broke down into more tears holding onto Hoseok's hand...

Taehyung: "D-Don't say stuff like that sunshine..."

Hobi: "B-But he was your first love...why wouldn't you get rid of me if he comes to life...?"

Hoseok holding Taehyung's hand tightly crying now

Taehyung Just kissed Hoseok's lips to shut him up suddenly a blinding light lighting up the room

Hobi: "W-Whats happening why is it so bright...."

Hoseok said after he kissed Taehyung back hiding his eyes from the light.

Suddenly they heard a gasped for Air the light slowly disappearing...

Jimin: "That's just like what happened to me!"

Yoongi: "I-It actually worked again....what the hell makes the dolls come to life...?"

Taehyung and Hoseok looked over to the table... The guy that was once a doll now sitting up

Hobi: "I-It actually worked..."

Taehyung: "K-Kookie!?"

(Taehyung whispered touching The person's hand)

The person immediately looked up to Taehyung sparklers in his eyes....

JK: "T-TaeTae...? H-How am....How am I...?"

Jungkook said confused

Taehyung Just immediately hugged JK Kissing his forehead...

Taehyung: "I missed you so so much..."

JK: "I-I missed you too...but...are we both dead....? And who are these people?"

Taehyung: "I wish I knew...But no...we aren't dead...You came back to life somehow...but I have no idea how this is even possible....These two are dollmakers...Min yoongi and Park Jimin...and His name is Jung Hoseok...The person I actually fell for just a few days ago..."

JK: "So you actually did as I asked you...my last words to you were don't stop looking for love. I never wanted you to feel like you couldn't be with someone else...and of course I don't want you to break his heart just because I'm somehow alive....okay?"

Jungkook said with a warm smile kissing Taehyung's cheek gently his first tears since coming back rolling down his face.

Taehyung: "b-but I also love You... can't we try to be together as three...I don't want to lose you again...or him..."

(Taehyung said tearing up again holding Hoseok's and JK's hand)

JK: "Of course we can love~ If he is also okay with it~"

Hobi: "I-I am!"

Taehyung: "If this ends up not working out I won't leave any of you two...we stay friends and family..."

(Taehyung said serious hugging them both)

Both of them hugging back.

Yoongi: "I can't believe he remembers you...that shouldn't be possible..."

Yoongi was very confused about this

Jimin: "Maybe It's not the material! Maybe you have a gift Yoongi!"

Yoongi: "Maybe...that's crazy...well anyways I'm glad this worked out Taehyung."

Taehyung: "Thank you so so much Mr.Min...You truly are an amazing person... I'll tell everyone I know about this..."

(Taehyung said just giving Yoongi a hug which kind of made Yoongi's heart skip a beat)

Yoongi: "T-Thanks Taehyung...but um try not to mention it too frequently it takes a long time to get enough of the material shipped from overseas."

Taehyung: "of course Yoongi...and thank you so so much"

Yoongi: "My pleasure~"

Yoongi said bowing.

Taehyung then left with JK and Hobi so they could talk about everything that happened the passed few years

Jimin and Yoongi actually happy about this too...this meant Yoongi was a very special guy...and he could get very rich even faster than before if More people knew of this

Yoongi: "I could make so many living dolls like this~"

Jimin: "Definitely! And I could get many friends like this!"

Yoongi pulled Jimin in for a deep kiss

Jimin of course kissing back letting out a moan of pleasure

Yoongi: "I love you my princess~"

Jimin: "I love You more Mr.Min~"

Yoongi just immediately pushing Jimin against the wall kissing him even deeper.

Jimin broke the kiss for a moment holding Yoongi's face in his little hands...

Jimin: "We will build you a new shop and be the best doll maker out here"

Yoongi: "It'll be perfect as long as you are with me Princess~"

Jimin nodded with a little giggle Hiding in Yoongi's chest


Meanwhile Jin was sitting in the living room watching as Taehyung Hoseok and a random guy walked out.

Jin: "hey Hobi where are you going? And whose that?"

Taehyung: "This is Jeon Jungkook...Jungkook this Is Kim seokjin..."

JK: "H-Hello..."

Hobi: "He's the doll Yoongi made Jinnie! He was brought back to life!'

Jin: "Again!? Damn... Never thought I would see another"

JK: "I don't understand how it happened....but I'm glad it did."

Jin: "Nice to meet you then Jungkook"

Jin: "I was planning to go to the club in Just a bit...would you three want to come along?"

Taehyung: "Mmh..I mean Hobi has work now there anyways so why not?"

Hoseok smiling as he held Taehyung and Jungkook's hand as Jin followed them outside

Jin was definitely very lonely and appreciated Hoseok and Taehyung coming along with him of course Jungkook too but he didn't know him at all so He was glad the other two came along as well...and once at the Bar Hoseok went to get changed into his work clothes...

Jin: "So Is this just like how Jimin is? Do you not know what being human is? I'm asking because that's what Jimin was like after he came alive."

Taehyung: "He actually remembers everything...Yoongi made him specifically like he used to be...Kookie was my Lover and Partner during the Job as An assassin...He died during a Very dangerous Job years ago...and I've Never imagined I would be able to see him again

(Taehyung whispered with a smile holding JK's hand as he felt his hand on his thigh)

Jin: "Wow that's an amazing thing! But what about my Hobi? You aren't dumping him are you? I won't let anyone hurt my precious little Hobi."

Jim said in that protective mom voice he used sometimes

Hobi: "J-Jinnie... you're embarrassing me....and no he isn't dumping me..."

Taehyung: "We will try to be together as Three and I'm sure this will definitely work out...Since JK and Hobi are very alike...well outside the bedroom...Since Kook can be very dominant..."

Jin just gave JK a raised brow definitely not believing that.

Taehyung Just looking down embarrassed as Hoseok handed each of them a Glass of the best drink he could think of to celebrate JK's return to the living

JK: "It's true I can be very dominant in the bedroom~"

Jungkook said as he downed the drink he got.

Hobi: "You just came to life I don't know if you'll have the same tolerance you did before you passed. Although I don't know what your tolerance is..but Taehyung is a lightweight apparently."

Hoseok said with a giggle

Taehyung Just shook his head and drank his glass in one go as well to prove a point...

Jin: "Hey... careful Tae!"

Taehyung Just shook his head giving them a smile.

Taehyung: "Don't worry I'm sure I'll be fine"

Jin Just sighed but kept quiet as A Guy sat next to him ordering a Strong whiskey...

???: "Mr.Jung I would like the Usual ~"

Hobi: "Of course!" Hoseok made the guy his drink and handed it to him.

???: "So Who's this hottie here Mr.Jung? Haven't seen someone this handsome around here~"

( The guy said giving Jin a wink)

Hobi: "That's my best friend Jin. Jin this is Namjoon."

Jin blushed from the compliment. Jin: "H-Hi...nice to meet you."

Namjoon: "Nice to meet you too beautiful ~"

Jin: "I-Im not beautiful but thank you~"

Hobi: "Jinnie you are too! Let the man compliment you! He's a real nice guy Jinnie!"

Jin: "O-Okay okay...sorry Hobi..."

Jin said just ruffling Hoseoks hair.

Namjoon: "I think You are gorgeous...would you like to go on a date with me at some point?"

Jin: "A-A date?!"

Jin said shocked blushing intensely. He hadn't been asked out for a date in a very long time

Hoseok and Taehyung smirked as they looked at each other...

Namjoon: "Of course... someone so handsome needs someone to love"

Jin: "I-I guess we could go on a date then...~"

Namjoon: "How about tomorrow evening? And we meet up by that new Fancy restaurant close by?"

Jin: "Th-That works!"

Namjoon smiled and ordered him and Jin a drink paying for everything of course like a Gentleman

Jin: 'Thank you!"

Namjoon; "Cheers lovely~"

(Namjoon Said with a wink)

Taehyung already drunk after his second drink only clinging onto JK like a Kid...

Taehyung: "I-I wanna cuddle daddy~"

Hoseok a bit surprised by the sudden change in personality from Taehyung since he only saw him in a dominant way

Jungkook just chuckling and kissing Taehyung on the head pulling Hoseok into his embrace as well.

JK: "We can all cuddle~ But it looks like you're drunk so we'll leave now."

Taehyung pouted and just nodded leaning into JKs arms and Reached for Hoseok's hand Kissing it...

Taehyung: "Nighty Hoseokie~"

JK: "Hoseok I'll come by to grab you when your shift ends so we can all spend time together."

Hoseok nodded with a smile. Hoseok: "Get home safely"

Jungkook and Taehyung Leaving the bar Now it was just Joon, Jin and Hoseok

Namjoon: "So what are your interests? Do You perhaps like to enjoy walks outside after a stressful day taking in the fresh nightly Air and Nature?"

(Namjoon Said almost in a poetic way holding Jin's Hand Like a gentleman)

Jin: "I do like that actually...I also like painting and sculpting."

Namjoon: "Oh Really Would You like me to be your muse For a Project?...I usually don't have much time once off work but I do enjoy things like this too...I'm a Sergeant very high up in the Military so I'm busy most of the time...but I finally got a few vacation days off~"

Jin: "Wait really? You don't look like an officer"

Jin said blushing knowing Join was definitely his type

Jin: "An officer willing to be a muse isn't normal."

Namjoon: "Really? Why not? I'm used to flashing my body in the showers to all the other soldiers every morning so I definitely don't mind~"

Jin: "I-If you really don't mind..then I'd love to have you as my muse"

Namjoon nodded kissing Jin's Hand...

Jin blushed intensely from that

Namjoon: "Would you like another Drink?"

Jin nodded looking down at their hands still blushing.

Jin: "T-Trying to get me drunk hm?"

Namjoon: "Mmh maybe?"

(Namjoon said with a chuckle just ordering them both a water)

Jin: "I-If you wanna... sleep with me...J-Just ask..."

Jin said in a slightly nervous but cute way

Namjoon raised a Brow letting out a very amused chuckle his hand on Jin's thigh now...

Namjoon: 'Didn't think you would be so Straight forward sweetie~"

Hobi: "Jinnie is never this straight forward with anyone but me and our friends...Go ahead and have fun Jinnie I'll see you at home~"

Hoseok said winking at Jin

Namjoon: "Your place or mine~"

Jin: "I-If you are able to take me back home...your place..."

Namjoon nodded holding Jin's Hand.

Namjoon: "He'll be back at your place At 12 hoseokie"

Hobi: "Treat him well Joonie!"

Hoseok said with a chuckle and a wink as he continued serving others at the bar

And then Jin and Namjoon just left the Bar together... namjoon holding Jin's Hand all the way to his place which wasn't that far...and very cozy on the outside to look at

Jin: "The outside looks so inviting!"

Jin said smiling

Namjoon: "Don't worry the bedroom is even more Inviting ~"

(Namjoon then led Jin inside)

Jin blushing as he followed Namjoon

The place was absolutely fancy but as Namjoon opened his bedroom door Jin blushed hard...it was completely in Red colors...and all sorts of whips hang from the walls as well as Chains and handcuffs....

Jin: "Oh wow...such an extensive collection..."

Namjoon: "Some of them are from my work...so I guess it became a Little kink of mine to collect and use those ~ Would You like to be tied up too~"

Jin: "Is the pleasure more intense like that?"

Jin asked genuinely curious. He used toys before but nothing as creative as all of this stuff but he was definitely open to it.

Namjoon nodded definitely interested in Making Jin lay on his bed all tied up like a prisoner ~

Jin: "Then Tie me up~"

Jin said blushing like crazy

Namjoon nodded and just pulled Jin in for a deep kiss pulling out handcuffs and without even breaking the kiss Jin's wrists got chained together behind his back

Jin letting out a sudden moan.

Jin kissing Namjoon back just as deeply

And Namjoon of course Just Pushing Jim down on his bed While still kissing him making sure He was okay and landed on the soft mattress....his other hand Pulling on Jin's belt

Jin was extremely hard just from this kiss they shared already showing a big bulge underneath his pants.

Namjoon eventually managed to get Jin Naked even with the help of some scissors The cold metal against Jin's chest gave him goosebumps...

Namjoon just gave Jin a Grin and Just immediately Fingered Jin with three of his very slim long fingers

Jin immediately letting out moans

Namjoon: "Call me Master inside this room~ and I'll make you crave my dick forever~"

(Namjoon whispered Loving the soft feeling around his fingers as Jin's hole clenched around his fingers that found his sweet spot immediately... penetrating the area very carefully)

Jin blushed at that but obeyed letting out a loud moan.

Jin: "Y-Yes Master~!"

Namjoon smirked to himself adding a fourth Finger going a little harder than before

Jin's eyes widened as he felt so much more pleasure from the stretch letting out gasps and pants as he moaned his hole clenching around Namjoons fingers even more.

Jin: "M-Master.... Y-You're fingers are S-So deep inside...I-I might cum...~"

Namjoon: "Don't...I want you to hold it~"

(Namjoon whispered in that dominant tone as he just kept going till his entire fist could fit in...)

Jin: "Nngh~!! M-Master ~!! I-I don't know If I c-can h-hold it..."

Jin moaned out in pleasure as he felt Namjoons fist all the way inside him trying so hard to hold in his orgasm

Jin: "I-Im trying so hard to h-hold it M-Master~!"

Jin moaning like crazy with each movement of Namjoons fist inside him.

Namjoon Chuckle holding Jin's hips in place with his free hand... pulling his fist out once Jin was stretched enough...

Namjoon: "Have You ever heard of Wax play?~"

Namjoon then just lit up a Red Candle making the wax drip down on Jin's thighs

Jin unexpectedly letting out a soft seductive moan from the new feeling

Jin: "W-Why does it f-feel so good~"

Jin mumbled in between pants and moans

Namjoon: "I can't tell But I do enjoy this kind of stuff too~"

(Namjoon whispered with a grin kissing Jin's bare Chest while Making the wax drip down On Jin's Right Nipple)

Jin immediately moaned out his nipples getting hard from this sensation.

Jin: "M-More...~!"

Namjoon: "What would You like me to do~ Maybe I should tease You more~"

(Namjoon whispered with a grin leaving a hickey on Jin's chest)

Jin: "I-I want a-anything Master~"

Jin said in between pants and moans

Namjoon nodded and Just spread Jin's legs apart pushing his dick into him immediately thrusting in and out at a passionate pace

Jin immediately screaming in pleasure his cock dripping pre-cum as he was getting fucked deeply

Namjoon still had the candle in his free hand dripping the wax down on Jin's Dick with a grin trying to close it up so Jin couldn't cum

Which made Jin moan even louder since now he couldn't release

Namjoon perfectly hit Jin's Sweet spot dead on smirking at Jin's extraordinary reaction to it.

Jin: "M-Master~!! H-Harder~ P-Please~!"

Jin couldn't believe how good he felt. He didn't want this to end. He wanted Namjoon to tie him up in so many other ways and do anything to make him feel this kind of pleasure again.

Namjoon: "As You wish princess ~"

Jin screamed out in pleasure as he felt Namjoon going harder and deeper inside him, wanting to hold into the bed sheets so badly but he was still cuffed unable to do anything but feel everything Namjoon was doing to his body.

But Eventually Namjoon Removed them Blowing the Candle out and setting it aside pulling Jin up on his lap to Bounce on his dick...

Namjoon: "Move It princess~

Jin blushed intensely from this but grabbed onto Namjoon's shoulders and began bouncing up and down as fast as he could moaning seductively, drool trickling down from the corner of his mouth as he took Namjoon's huge dick deeper and deeper inside him. Jin moaned every time he moved.

Eventually both Namjoon and Jin came

Jin screaming out in Please as he was finally allowed release. Just immediately holding onto Namjoon tightly

Namjoon holding Jin close Kissing His cheek

Jin panting as he was laid back down and Held gently in Namjoon's strong arms...

Namjoon: "You can stay the night... I'll take you back home in the morning~"

(Namjoon whispered just pulling the covers over them Seeing That Jin actually already fell asleep...which made Namjoon chuckle...and eventually he slept as well...)

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