Hyperdimension neptunia: The...

By Omnigoji

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Gamindustri, a world outside from our own. In gamindustri exist four main nations that are protected by the f... More

A/n Please Read
Prologue (part One)
Prologue (part 2)
Chapter One: Dezso's Training Begins
Chapter 2: Dezso's First Monster Hunt.
Chapter 3: The Second Floor.
Chapter 4: The Third Floor Part One
Chapter 5: The Third Floor Part Two.
Chapter 6: A Long Overdue Reunion.
Chapter 7: Back To Planeptune.
Chapter 8: Rising Up In The Guild
Chapter 9: A New Encounter
Chapter 10: A Hangout
Chapter 11: Meeting A New Friend
Chapter 12: The Encounter That Changed Dezso Forever
Chapter 13: Meeting The Thief
Chapter 14: Talking With Protestors
Chapter 15: Meeting With IF And Compa
Chapter 16: A New Opportunity
Chapter 17: Welcome To Vdonia
Chapter 18: Meeting An Old Friend
Chapter 19: First Day In The Academy(part One)
Chapter 20: First Day In The Academy (part 2)
Chapter 21: First Day In The Academy (part 3)
Chapter 22: Academy Shenanigans
Chapter 23: Against The Forces Of Time
Special Chapter: First Meeting With William Bismarck
Updated Bio
Chapter 25: Dezso Vs Rei Ryghts Part 1
Chapter 26: Dezso Vs Rei Ryghts Part 2
Chapter 27: Restoration Effort
Chapter 28: Just Peaceful Days Ahead... Right?
Chapter 29: A Talk
Chapter 30: The Hardest Choices Require The Strongest Wills
Chapter 31: Acceptance
Chapter 32: A Talk With Death
Chapter 33: Hanging Out With The Planeptunian Crew(Part One)

Chapter 24: Dezso Returns To The Console Continent

43 2 0
By Omnigoji

Recap: last time, dezso helped defend Amelia and William against kronii. Dezso as the Deity of wrath managed to defeat kronii in the space between time and eventually earned her trust. And now the Deity of wrath is returning back to gamindustri

3rd pov

After the Deity of wrath managed to beat kronii. He made a portal and returned to gamindustri.

Deity of wrath- *sigh of relief* phew, that was quite the battle.

Gloria- *telepathic* "Indeed it was, and you fought splendidly master.

Deity of wrath- ah Gloria, you were watching?

Gloria- of course I was, don't forget that I am your power, even if my physical body is away from you. I will always still be a part of you. So I was there the entire fight. I'm really proud of you you know, to defeat one of the strongest members of the council is practically impossible for anyone. Mortals and gods alike. This is a great achievement master.

Deity of wrath- *smile* Thank you Gloria, that means a lot to me. Now then, I should probably change back before-

Amelia- Mr. Danzel?

Before the Deity of wrath could change back in time. A voice called out his name. In his slight surprise, the Deity of wrath turned around to see Amelia and William staring at him with a shocked expression on their faces.

Amelia- you are Mr. Danzel... Aren't you?

Deity of wrath- I...

The deity of wrath contemplated whether or not should he reveal his identity towards Amelia and William. On one hand, he doesn't want any mortal to know of his identity. But on the other hand, he knows that Amelia and William are special and are capable of holding secrets. After thinking for awhile, the Deity of wrath sighed.

Deity of wrath- *small smile* yes Amelia, it's me.

After hearing the truth, William and Amelia became even more shocked.

William- Mr. Danzel, is this the power that you said was forced onto you?

Dezso- That is correct William.

Amelia- eh? How do you know about this William?

William- we talked with each other around a week ago. During that talk he told me that he had a power that was forced onto him.

Amelia- *pout* really? Come on, why didn't you tell me any of this.

William- because 1, it's meant to be a secret and 2, even though I knew he had a strong power I didn't know that it was this...

Amelia- *sigh* well, when you pit it like that, then I guess I can understand. Let's get back on topic, Mr. Danzel, just what is your power?

Deity of wrath- before I answer your question Amelia. I need a promise from both of you.

Amelia- a promise?

Deity of wrath- yes, a promise to keep everything that I will tell you to yourselves. I don't want anyone else to know of my power, the only other person that knows is calli.

Amelia- wait, calli knows about this too?!

Deity of wrath- yes, but aside from her, no else must know. Understood?

Amelia- alright I understand, I promise.

William- I promise too.

Deity of wrath- good, to answer your question Amelia. I am a God.

Amelia- A GOD!!

Deity of wrath- please be more quiet Amelia, but yes, I am a God. What you see before you right now is my true nature. The me that you usually see is simply me in a human form. My true nature is the Deity of wrath.

Amelia- holy... My teacher is a god...

William- unbelievable..

Deity of wrath- yes, though I am not proud of being a god, it is who I am. I really prefer being a human rather than a god. If it were up to me, I would never use this power ever. But reality isn't that kind, there are many beings out there who wish to hurt the ones I care about. And if the enemy is too strong for my human form, then I will not hesitate to protect them as a God. That is why I protected you two from kronii.

Amelia- you care about us?

Deity of wrath- Of course, though I may only be an assistant teacher. You all are still my precious students. The moment I became your teacher, I already made up my mind to teach and guide you to the bright futures that lay ahead of you.

Amelia- *smile* wow... That's really nice to hear.. Thanks Mr. Danzel.

William- *smile* yes, thank you... It's been a long time since someone said that they would protect me.

Deity of wrath- you're welcome. Oh yes Amelia, speaking of kronii, I have something to tell you.

Amelia- *worried* oh, is it something bad?

Deity of wrath- *smile* no, quite the opposite in fact. After our battle, kronii and I came to an agreement. Kronii will allow you to keep the watch and will no longer chase after you to get it back.

Amelia- really?!

After hearing this, Amelia smiled from ear to ear and hugged William out of excitement.

Amelia- haha, you hear that William! I won't get chased by kronii anymore! Hahaha!

William- *slight blush* y-yes yes I'm happy to hear that too, but calm down Amelia!

Deity of wrath- before you get too excited, you need to know that there is one condition Amelia.

Amelia while still holding onto William looked at the Deity of wrath.

Amelia- a condition?

Deity of wrath- yes, kronii has agreed to let you keep the stopwatch so that you can help those in need. However, if you ever use the stopwatch to do something that would ruin the timeline like time travel, then not only will kronii hunt you again to take the stopwatch back, but I too will aid kronii in taking the stopwatch off your hands.

Amelia- oh, I see.

Deity of wrath- Amelia, you are a gifted young lady who was gifted with an extraordinary power. As such, you must understand that with great power comes great responsibility. You must never use your power to harm innocents or use them for your own self gain. If you can do that, then you will truly become a great person. Do you understand?

Amelia- I understand Mr. Danzel. I won't waste the second chance you gave to me!

Deity of wrath- *smile* good, that's the response I wanted to hear.

The deity of wrath then takes one look at the night sky before returning to Amelia and William.

Deity of wrath- it has gotten quite late, I believe it is due time that we all return home. Will the two of be okay on your way back? Do you need me to escort you both home?

Amelia- oh come on Mr. Danzel, We're not kids anymore! We'll be just fine on our own.

William- yeah, same here. I'll be fine, there's no need to escort me.

Deity of wrath- of course, excuse me for asking that question. I should have known that as young adults that you can fend for yourselves. But remember, the threat of the Joryu Shakai is still at large. And considering that the two of you are tracking their movements, the both of you could very well be one of their targets. So please, be on guard.

Amelia/watson- we understand!

Deity of wrath- good, be safe on your way home.

And with that, Amelia, William and the deity of wrath went their separate ways. Before reaching home, dezso quickly transformed back into his human form.

Dezso- I'm back.

Kanna who was studying in the hotel room quickly reacted to dezso's announcement.

Kanna- papa!

Kanna quickly jumped off her chair and ran towards dezso and hugged his legs. In return, dezso bent down and patted her on the head.

Dezso- *smile* I'm back kanna. How was your day today?

Kanna did not respond to dezso's question, instead she just kept nuzzling her head on his legs and mumbled incoherently.

Dezso- kanna? What's wrong?

Gloria- she was quite lonely and worried about you today.

Dezso looked up to see Gloria standing in front of him with a sad smile on her face.

Gloria- since you were out so late, kanna here got really worried about you. She thought something bad had happened to you, even when I tried assuring her that you were okay, she wouldn't stop thinking about you. She couldn't focus on her studies.

Dezso- kanna...

Gloria- kanna is a sensible and considerate child, so she understand that you have work to do and have to be away for long periods of time. But a child, especially kanna here has her limits.

Dezso-... I understand.

Dezso picked kanna up and hugged her while rubbing her back.

Dezso- papa's sorry for leaving you for so long kanna. Will you forgive me if me and gloria slept with you tonight?

Kanna- *nod* Nn.

Dezso- alright, let's go brush your teeth and head off to bed.

As dezso carried kanna to the bathroom, he thought to himself.

Dezso- *thoughts* "kanna was so hurt by this... I'm sorry, I really would do anything in my power to make sure that this never happens again.... But, when the day comes when my power comes to light. Will I be be able to keep that promise?"

Unbeknownst to him, Gloria could hear dezso's thoughts, but decided to not say anything to dampen the mood further.

Gloria- *thoughts* master...

Timeskip brought to you by dezso jogging while kanna cutely tries to catch up.

A few days have passed since dezso met and fought with kronii. These past few days have been rather peaceful to say the least. There were no major sightings of the Joryu Shakai or any other threats. It was just dezso and zentreya teaching the students the ways of combat, all while having a good time.

Which is why no one could have expected the calamity that soon followed.


Suddenly, the sky turned dark and a dark orb started to shoot lasers everywhere around gamindustri . Hitting everything randomly and without mercy. Of course, this mysterious attack also affected the continent of Vdonia.

Tanigo- all teachers! I need an update on the situation!

In response to this sudden attack. Tanigo gathered all the teachers of the academy including dezso to help mitigate the effects of this sudden crisis.

Vox- All of the students have been safely evacuated in our safety bunkers!

Tanigo- good! What about the source of this attack?! Shu?

Shu- unfortunately I'm not quite sure about that. All I can say is that this doesn't feel like a attack from the Joryu Shakai, and that the person attacking is an absolute monster. I can feel almost no limit in the energy of that attack.

Tanigo- is there anyway to stop this attack?!

Shu- not at the moment I'm afraid, the only saving grace is that these attacks are completely random. So we haven't been targeted yet. However, when one of the lasers got too close to the academy. Zentreya tried to deflect it, but it was too strong, while she did manage to defect it. It left her severely damaged. We can't take another hit like that.

Tanigo- damn it... What do we do...


Upon hearing Vox's warning, tanigo turned around to see that a laser was headed straight towards them.

Shu- no!

However, before it could hit them, shu put up a magic barrier to protect them.


but it was not enough, the laser easily broke through the barrier. Shu tried to create several barriers in order to stop the laser.

Shu- arrrrggghhh!!!

This placed an enormous strain on shu's body. Causing him to slowly fall to his knees while crying out in desperation and pain. The laser kept bulldozing through shu's barriers until finally shu's body couldn't handle the strain anymore and collapsed.

Tanigo- shu!

Shu- *struggling* I'm.. Sorry... I can't stop it...

All hope seemed lost as the dark light of the laser slowly engulfed tanigo and the other teachers.

That is until another barrier appeared, this one being able to completely block the laser until it dissipated.

Tanigo- what?

Tanigo was bewildered as he saw the barrier effortlessly block the laser that shu, one of the best magicians couldn't defend against. And he became even more so when he saw the barrier expand and covered everything that he could see.

Shu was also shocked at this display. He wondered where this barrier could have come from. Until he felt an immensely strong presence in the same room. With all his remaining
strength, he turned around to the source of the barrier.

It was dezso, a shadow loomed over his face as he was holding his hand out with an orange aura surrounding him.

Dezso-... There is no need to worry anymore, I erected a barrier that spans the entire continent of Vdonia. I only apologize for not doing so sooner.

Shu- *struggling* D.. Danzel?

Dezso put his hand on shu's shoulder as he was trying to get up.

Dezso- you have done well my friend, but you must rest now. Don't worry, leave the rest to me.

With dezso's assurance, Shu completely collapsed as dezso laid him gently against a wall. Dezso then slowly turned towards tanigo who also held a shocked expression on his face.

Dezso- mister tanigo.. Everyone. I must once again apologize to you. Not just for being too slow to put up this barrier. But for also hiding my true identity from you.

Tanigo- your.. True identity?

Dezso- yes, truthfully I would have rather lived out my entire life without ever revealing this to anyone. To live as just a normal human. But... That is quite difficult when you are an immortal.

Dezso then transformed into the Deity of wrath and with a wave of his hand, strengthen the barrier surrounding Vdonia.

Deity of wrath- this is who I truly am mister tanigo. I am the deity of wrath.

Tanigo- your a god...

Deity of wrath- yes. though I am not proud of it, it is who I am.

The Deity of wrath closed his eyes in sadness before looking at everyone with resolve.

Deity of wrath- Everyone! As you know, Vdonia is being attacked by mysterious lasers from the sky. However, it is not only Vdonia that is affected by this attack. This phenomena is happening across the world. And I know where the source is. Back at my home continent, the Console continent.

Vox- the console continent? Are you positive?

Deity of wrath- yes, I can sense an individual of immense power in the direction of the console continent. There is no doubt in my mind that there lies the source of this calamity. And so, I have decided to return to the console continent to confront this crisis. Before it can hurt anyone else.

Tanigo- I understand... If you feel that that is what needs to be done. Then you may go. But please stay safe. You have made quite the impact on all of us. Teachers and students alike.

Deity of wrath-... I am not sure if I will be capable of keeping that promise... But I will try. I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly. I do not know if I will be able to return, but I swear that I will come back as soon as I can.

The Deity of wrath created a piece of paper from thin air and passed it to tanigo.

Deity of wrath- when this crisis is over, could you please pass this to Lukas for me.

Tanigo- this is... A letter?

Deity of wrath- yes. A few parting words, that's all.

Tanigo- Danzel... Why do you keep talking as if you are going to die? You... Could it be...

Deity for wrath-... Well, anything is possible mister tanigo.

Just as the Deity of wrath finished talking, Gloria who was carrying kanna walked through the door.

Gloria- master.

Kanna- papa!

A terrified Kanna quickly ran up to the Deity of wrath. The deity of wrath quickly picked her up and consoled her.

Deity of wrath- Gloria. Are you ready?

Gloria- always, I am at your beck and call.

Tanigo- miss Gloria?

Gloria- since my master has already revealed his true identity, I may as well reveal mine. My name is indeed Gloria, however I am simply the power of my master the deity of wrath. The body you see before you is merely an avatar made up of energy.

Tanigo- I see... Incredible.

Deity of wrath- we will be leaving now. I'm sorry that we could not give proper goodbyes. If fate allows it, we will meet again.

Tanigo- Danzel wait!

And with that, Gloria disappeared into the Deity of wrath's body as he quickly flew away with kanna in his arms before tanigo could stop him.

Vox- will Danzel be okay...

Tanigo- I don't know Vox... All we can do now is pray that he will be.

Chapter 24 end
(hello everyone, omnigoji here. sorry this took so long, I was too busy with schoolwork to continue updating this story. However I am happy to announce that I finally get a holiday for a good three weeks. And with that I will be working on this story everyday so my uploads should get more frequent. I can only say thank you to all those who have stuck by me despite my terrible upload speed and I promise to improve in the future. And with that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you all in the next upload. Bye bye!)

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