Will you save me? (SidXOC)

By ChristieHart

4.8K 100 18

A girl named Ashley ran towards a lake. She didn't realise that Slipknot's tour bus was parked there. She cam... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

1.2K 24 5
By ChristieHart

Ashley's POV:
I have to get out of here! I shouldn't have gone to that club! I was asking for trouble going there... Why did I let that man take me home? Why am I so fucking stupid?! I thought he was a taxi driver, but he wanted to have sex with me... Luckily I fight back, but he has stolen my money! And not to mention, he's probably still in my house! He's waiting for me to come back... I have a few bruises from when he tried to rape me... He sexually harassed me, luckily he didn't actually have sex with me, as I just ran. The bad thing is, I'm just in my underwear... I can't get clothes from the house as he will rape me... I have no money to buy clothes either...

I ran in the shadows, I had my phone, but no signal. It's about 11pm. I ran towards a quiet park. There are a few RV vans around there, also a tour bus. I am too scared to ask for help so I ran past the tour bus. I am hysterically crying, shaking, and having a panic attack. I fall on my knees, in front of a river stream. I cry into my hands.

Sid's POV:
Everyone is getting ready for bed. Corey is cleaning... Weird... I look over to see Paul and Shawn laughing at a video on YouTube. I watch Joey, Mick, and Jim talking about music. I see Craig walking over to me.

"Sid are you ok?" He actually spoke.

"Yeah... Just tired." I am sad... Because I recently had a break up, and I thought she was the love of my life. Oh well plenty more people out there...

"Guys!" Chris comes out of the bathroom. "Did you just hear that?"

"Hear what?" Corey cleans up some plates.

"Someone running past crying?!" Chris motions his hands towards the door. The rest of us look at him weirdly. "Don't give me that look! I'm being honest, I SWEAR!" I could tell that he's telling the truth.

I walk over to the door and open it. The other guys are behind me. "What if it's a cereal killer?!" Joey's voice whispers. I look left, then right. I see a shadow over to the river. I walk out with the others behind me. We slowly approach the shadow. As we got closer, I saw a girl crying on the floor. She has purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red hair. But she's in her underwear. I blush...

"Erm... Are you ok?" I say, and reach out for her shoulder. I place a hand on her shoulder, I felt her tremble. The others walked over too, watching me kneel down the the girl.

"G-go aw-away!" She cries. I could feel her shake in fear.

"We wanna help! What's your name?" Corey kneels down also.

"No you don't! This is the last time I speak to strangers! Cuz the-they always t-take advantage of me..." She bawls.

"No no! We won't! I think you need to come and get in the warm." I hear Mick say. I mean this girl was half naked and it's pouring down with rain.

"Am I safe?" The girl lifts her head out of her knees, and looks directly into my eyes. I could see fear in them.

I nod, standing up and offering her a hand.

Ashley's POV:
I can't really see who these people are, because of the dark night. But I slowly take the guy's hand. He lifts me up, I shiver as I'm cold. I feel insecure as I'm just in my underwear, and it's lacy... I fold my arms, across my chest. I cross my legs over, then realising that was a bad idea, I nearly fell, but that guy stopped me falling. I blush, not realising he is looking at me.

"Let's get you inside." Jim says, opening the tour bus door. I walk inside, to see a really clean bus. I look back at the 9 men. My eyes widened?, realising that they are...

"SLIPKNOT?!" I scream. The members are shaking their hands and shooshing me. "Sorry..." I sheepishly say, looking towards the floor.

"If you don't mind me asking, what size are you in clothes?" Joey walks over to me. I am blushing...

"Small size..." I look down at the floor then back at him, laughing at me.

"That's good coz you can wear my clothes!" He smiles, giving me a black t-shirt, and black shorts, that end to my knees. I look over to see the Craig guy, and he throws me a towel, to dry my hair.

"Erm... Are you sure about the towel? Coz I kinda don't wanna ruin it with my hair..." I say, feeling bad.

"No it's ok." I hear Craig say, thinking that he never speaks.

"Thank you for the clothes and towel... Sorry to be an inconvenient bitch..." I start to cry again.

"Woahhh!! It's ok! We don't mind." Paul walks over to me. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"Ashley... But you can call me Ash... That's my name shortened if I had friends!" I giggle slightly.

"Ok Ash! If you don't mind, could you explain what happened?" Shawn speaks.

"Well... It's a little personal... Maybe later, I'm kinda sleepy..." I say yawning.

"Hey we don't have a spare bunk..." Chris lowers his head.

"Thank you, this isn't necessary! I'll just have to find somewhere else to sleep..." I say walking towards the door. I then felt a hand hold my shoulder. I turned to see Sid, toplessssssss. No no snap out of it! I blush and look at him deeply.

"No... You can have my bunk! I will sleep in the lounge!" He offers but I refuse.

"No that's not fair... I will just go..." I walk to the door, then a giant man blocked my way.

"You heard the man. You take Sid's bed." I look up to see Mick smiling. I look back at Sid, who smiled at me.

"Thank you! I promise I will leave tomorrow! Thank you very much!" I smile.

"Stay as long as you want. We don't mind if you tour with us." Corey says. "Let's get some sleep now." We all said our goodnights. Sid walked me to his bunk.

"Here you go. If you have any problems just come to me." He smiles. I still feel like this is wrong.

"I can sleep in the lounge! I feel like a bitch! I don't want you to do this for me..." I feel tears rising up.

"Hey it's ok... I don't mind one bit!" He grins.


Sid walks to the lounge, but I stop him for one last thing. "Sid..."


"Thank you!" I say and hugged him tightly.

"Your welcome!" He hugs back. We embraced for a while, then broke apart. "Goodnight Ash."

"Night Sid." I blush, watching him walk to the lounge. I've never had a person act so kind to me before... I climb into his bed, slowly falling asleep.

I wake up to hear voices coming outside of the bunks. The boys are awake and I can smell burning food. I slowly get up, and open the curtain of the bunk. Joey, Shawn, Chris, and Sid are trying to make, what it looks like, eggs.

"No no no! You don't put oil in the pan coz it will ruin the eggs!" I hear Chris say. Doesn't he know how to cook?

"Yes you do! So it doesn't stick to the pan!" Shawn argues. I see them fighting over the oil. I look to see Joey and Sid looking hungry as ever.

"We should have just ordered breakfast." Joey mumbles.

"Well you can't really say no to Shawn and Chris, coz they like to make a DISASTER out of things..." Sid lowers his head on the table.

"Em... I can help!" I slowly approach the kitchen, with my hands behind my back, rocking on my heels.

"You cook?" Shawn asked. I nodded.

"Hehe! Yea, I have a degree in catering and art. So I'll cook breakfast... That's if you want me too..." I blush to see Sid looking straight at me. Chris hands me the frying pan.

"Ok Ash! Let's see what you've got missy!" Chris shouts, then winces as Shawn hits in on the back of the head. I take the frying pan, crack some eggs, put some bacon strips in the pan. I got some plates for the four in the kitchen. I put the food in and hand them the plates on the table.

"There you go!" I grin with my hands in front of me, clapping together.

"Are you not going to have any?" Sid politely asks, with my shaking my head.

"No, I'm not really hungry. Don't worry about me!" I blush, looking away from him. I wasn't hungry at all, plus Sid is topless and he's my favourite member of Slipknot. Don't get me wrong, I love the others, but there's something about him that I like. Corey walks in.

"Omggggg! Foood!!" He rushes in the kitchen and grabs a plate. "Did you make this Ash?"

I giggle in shyness. "Yeah... I thought of helping out, since you guys are letting me stay for the tour..." I look to the floor. "Do you guys know what time it is?" I ask sheepishly.

"It's 12:35, why?" Chris asks, and I have wide eyes.

"OH NO IM GONNA BE LATE THIS IS NOT GOOD NO NO!" I rush out of the kitchen.

Sid's POV:
I see Ash rush out of the kitchen. I have the urge to follow, so I got up and did. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her politely.

"I'm late! I was supposed to go and pick up a friend from the hospital! But I don't have my bike, and can't drive! She's gonna kill me sooooooo bad!" I could see that she was nervous, shaking. I place my hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry! I'll take you!" I say. What am I doing?!

"Would you really?" I can see happiness shine in her eyes. I nod and grin. "Would it be ok... Ermm... Actually no don't worry..."

I am curious now. "No no, go ahead. Finish what you were gonna say."

"Well my friend, she's a massive Corey Taylor fan... And she like loves him to pieces! Is it ok if I surprise her with him coming with us?"

"Sure! Corey would actually like that, he needs to meet someone new anyways!" I smile. "Oh wait here!" I say.

"Ok..." She raises an eyebrow as I rush to the kitchen. I see Corey eating his food like a pig. I grab him by the ear.

"No no! I haven't finished! SIIIDDDDDDDDDDD!!" I hear him cry, he really likes food, as he tries to pull back to the table.

"No! Get change Corey!" I grab his ear and walk him to the bathroom, which is occupied. I bang on the door.

"Hold on Jesus Christ!" I hear Jim shout.

"No Corey needs to get changed! It's urgent!" I hear Corey cry for his food. "Plus he's pissing me off!"

"Ok I'm done!" Jim states as he opens the door, with a confused look on his face. "What's up with Corey?" He tilts his head to the side.

"He needs to get changed! We are going to the hospital, to pick up Ash's friend!" I smile slightly.

"Ok!" Jim takes Corey off me and shoves him in the bathroom. I throw some clothes for him. I hear Ash giggle. She's so pretty... NO STOP IT SID! I only met her yesterday... I swear I'm such a dick...

The bathroom door opens up, with Corey looking annoyed. "Come on loser, we're going to the hospital!" Corey pouts, walking behind Ash with her following me. I quickly grab a hoodie, and slip on some pants. I open the door, with car keys in my hands.

"Why we going to the hospital?" Corey asks.

"To pick up Ash's friend. She's a big fan of you!" I say, with Ash giggling again. Her hair is so bright outside, it's pretty.

"SHOTGUN!" Ash shouts. We look at her with confusion. "I'm sorry... Me and my friend do this thing where if someone drives us, we sat shotgun. So the person who says shotgun first, gets to sit in the front!" She softly explains, with a little smile. She's so cute omgggg...

"I guess you lose Corey! In Le back!" I laugh, with Corey pouting.

"Finneeeeeeeee," he walks to the car and sits in the back. "I still angry about my food..." Corey folds his arms like a child having a temper tantrum. Ash gets in the car, I smile as she still is wearing Joey's clothes. I run the car, and drive to the hospital.

We get to the hospital. "Wait here! I'm just gonna get her, she's gonna be so happy with this surprise!" Ash says, with happiness.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did she go to hospital?" I ask Ash. She smiles.

"Oh! She had to have a blood test, to see if she still had an infection. You see, she has a disfiguration to her spine, which her spine is curved. It's called Scoliosis. So she has a big hump on her back." Ash looks sad, as she continues, "she recently had an operation to stop the spine from growing, and her skin is to thin to stretch, so she had to have a tube in her arm for three weeks, so she wouldn't get an infection."

"Oh... Well you better go get her!" I smile at Ash so she would feel some comfort. She obviously felt bad for this girl.

A few minutes later, we see Ash walking with a friend. She is two inches taller than Ash, with shoulder length hair. Black hair with pink streaks, flicks in her hair.

Corey's POV:
Woah... This girl is pretty... I see her eyes start to widen, when she looks at me and Sid. She opens the back door and hugs me! "OMG OMG OMG! You're Corey! The Corey Taylor! I love you and your music and your books and I basically love you!" I smile at her.
"I'm Cassandra... But you can call me Cassie!!!" She looks so pretty! I notice that she has a tattoo of the Slipknot 'S'. But then I realise her back was abnormal, and she has a bandage around her right arm.

This is just a quick message. All the characters that are not Slipknot are not real. But fun fact: I have Scoliosis and I thought it would be fun to use this on a character.

Thanks for reading!
Cribby xx

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