Meant To Be Together ||Jikook...

By LostJams2

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# Modern A/B/O Dynamics # Mpreg # Mention of death # Angst # And more.... Alpha Jeon Jungkook,a famous busin... More



2.2K 209 34
By LostJams2


Jimin froze in his place when he saw Park Min-sung entering inside the restaurant surrounded by his bodyguards. But before any of them could go closer to him one of the bodyguards informed something to Min-sung causing him to go out of the restaurant inside his car.

"Why didn't my people inform me that Min-sung was going to come here. We would've met him if we knew about it before." Seulgi said with a disappointed tone. And Jungkook nodded agreeing to her statement but Jimin was still thinking about that same person in his dream. After that seulgi went back to her home leaving a couple standing there.

After watching Min-sung this close now he was getting a blurry image of the man in his dream. It was none other than Min-sung. But how can he be the part of his dream? Is he his real dad? Jimin was lost in his own thoughts that he didn't even realise he left the alpha behind him before entering the elevator. But till he realised what he did, Jungkook was already fuming in anger thinking his omega forgot about him again.

"Alpha.... Why are you standing there. I thought you were following found me." Jimin replied nervously but Jungkook didn't reply to anything instead he entered the elevator behind Jimin and pressed their floor number. Soon they were inside their room. Jungkook still didn't say anything and directly went to take a shower.

Jimin took the key card of the room and headed outside to explore since he knew Jungkook would take some time to freshen up and he was sure he would be back before the alpha even knew it. He entered the elevator and went to the ground floor. He explored the hotel a little bit. He was deciding whether he should go back now then he bummed into an unknown alpha.

"I am so sorry I didn't see you mister." Jimin said apologising to the person he just bumped and lifted his face to get a look at the stranger. He saw a handsome alpha looking back at him making him feel like he had seen that person somewhere else already but where?

(Hoseok's outfit visual)

"It's fine. Be careful next time. I am Jung Hoseok by the way." The stranger introduced himself offering Jimin a smile. And went ahead of him turning towards the opposite side then Jimin noticed how that guy was also surrounded by the similar guards which he saw with min-sung making him wonder if this alpha is related to the park family or not? But Jimin decided to ignore the familiarity in alpha and went back to his room before jungkook could find out he went out without telling the alpha.

Jimin entered inside the room tiptoeing and found his alpha was already glaring at him with disappointed eyes.

"Where were you? Have you forgotten that you promised me you won't see any handsome alpha except me?" Jungkook asked with irritation. He was feeling like Jimin was thinking about everything except him.

"I-i was just outside. I wanted to have fresh air and this air I mean Busan's air is so refreshing. You should also take a look and I mean experience it's not that we will always come here right? That's why. Yeah that's the only reason..." Jimin started rambling and Jungkook understood that it's because the Omega is nervous that he is definitely hiding something.

"Enough. Tell me who you met?" Jungkook asked pulling Jimin in his arms holding him by his petite waist making Omega stop his rambling and stare at the alpha whose sandalwood scent was invading in his senses now.

Since Jungkook just showered and he hasn't worn any scent blockers Jimin could literally breathe his favourite scent in the world sandalwood.

"I-it wasn't my intention. I really went to take some fresh air. Then I bumbed to a handsome alpha but he was definitely not more handsome than you. He said his name is Jung hoseok. And I don't know but I swear I have heard that name before. I am sorry that I didn't inform you. " Jimin said pouting and showing his most irresistible puppy eyes to Jungkook which alpha couldn't resist anymore. And the next moment Jungkook has already captured those pouty lips on his own.

"Okay but don't leave my side now." Jungkook said kissing his omega again who nodded like an obedient puppy.

Next day

It was the 1st day of the conference and everyone had already arrived at the meeting hall. Since Jungkook was the CEO of Jeon corporation so his seat was in the front row and Jimin's seat was the back row with other employees of Jeon corporation.

"I can't believe that I have to sit away from you." Jimin said clinging to the alpha's hands.

"If you would've let me inform them about you being my finance then they would have arranged your seat besides me but you refused it so now bear the consequences my peach. " Jungkook said pecking Omega's lips and hurriedly went towards his seat leaving a flustered Omega alone. This was the first time Jungkook has addressed him by nickname other than baby so his cheeks were already on fire but he controlled himself and went towards his own seat.

Soon the conference started and Park Min-sung also arrived. Being the organiser of the whole event he has to give a speech there. Jimin was trying to see Min-sung and was trying hard to connect the dots of the person in front of him and the person in his dreams but since his seat was backside he couldn't see clearly.

When Min-sung started his speech Jimin's head was again showing him those confusing visions which he was sure were his past memories but they were somewhat clear this time. But his head was throbbing in unbearable pain that he has to sit down holding his head.

"Minnie were you both waiting for me to join you for dinner? I already told you I will be late you shouldn't starve yourself like that."

"Come out Minnie. We are going to make a snowman just the way you like it."

"Drink this soup. It's your favourite right. Your mom made you your favourite dish also."

Jimin got those visions again and this time the man in his dream was none other than Min-sung with another lady whom he suppose was his mother but her face wasn't clear yet.

"Mr. Park are you okay?" Jimin's secretary asked him but he just told her not worry since he is having a mild headache due to travelling.

Jimin's headache didn't stopped till Min-sung didn't finish his speech. After the speech Jimin felt like he was sleepy and he slept in the same position he didn't know how much time has passed since he slept. He woke up when Jungkook woke him up.

"I heard from your secretary that you are not feeling well? Are you okay? We missed the chance to meet Min-sung. But don't worry we have another chance to meet him in today's party at night." Jungkook said and then Jimin remembered the reason he slept.

"Alpha I feel like I know Min-sung personally. I am getting weird visions whenever I see him but I don't know if it's truth or just an illusion." Jimin said with frustration.

"It's okay. You just need to rest. Everything will be fine." Jungkook assured him since he didn't want the omega to worry even more and took him to the hotel room.

After taking a rest for some time Jimin got a call from seulgi to join her for shopping and of course Jimin said yes.

"You saw today Min-sung right? Did you meet him?" Seulgi asked as soon as soon they joined seulgi for their shopping.

"We didn't get a chance. Maybe we will meet in today's party." Jimin said.

"It's fine then but I have a feeling that maybe since Min-sung in in charge of everything related to JP corporation now so he is the one who is after you. So you guys better sort out everything as soon as you meet him." Seulgi said to both of them and Jimin nodded going towards the mall Seulgi mentioned.

Jimin and seulgi were entering every section and trying outfits while poor jungkook was just following them with jimin's shopping bags. Seulgi was happy that she got a friend like Jimin. She never had any genuine friend. Since everyone was either jealous of her or they never liked her straight forward personality but now as Jimin was with her she felt happy that she has a good friend now.

Seulgi was that mall's regular customer so she already knew which section is better for which type of clothes and Jimin was excited for their shopping already. Suddenly there was commotion at the mall and they saw that all of the staff members were greeting someone. When Jimin saw who just entered the mall he saw that it was none other than the same alpha who he met last time Jung hoseok! Jimin saw that seulgi gasped seeing the alpha so he decided to ask her more about him.

"Do you know who he is?" Jimin asked

"He is Jung hoseok. Right hand of former head alpha of park pack. Even though the Min-sung is the head alpha now, no decision about company or any pack related issues can be taken without agreement of former head alpha park Jae-hyun. Even his own son Min-sung can't meet his own father without an appointment but Jung hoseok can! He has one of the most important places in the park pack. No one can say no to him or his decisions. One more important thing is he has a cold aura and he never even smiles towards anyone. Sometimes I feel like he is like a robot. This mall also belongs to the JP corporation. So maybe he comes here to get his suit." Seulgi said making Jimin wonder about his own meeting with the alpha.

"But he introduced himself to me and even smiled at me." Jimin asked curiously.

"WHAT? You mean this cold ass alpha smiled at you? He must've been bewitched by your beauty then. But why haven't he spared me a glance. I am pretty too." Seulgi said pouting and remembering the amount of times she has encountered with the alpha.

"I guess he is also important for meeting Min-sung then." Jimin said walking towards alpha to have talk with him but before he could go anywhere near alpha jungkook pulled him back hugging him and placing his face into his neck making it unable for omega to see what was going on in the surrounding.

"Jungkook what are you doing? Leave me I need to talk to hoseok-shi. He is an important person in the park family." Jimin said trying to get out of alpha's hold but he was unable to do so.

"I know who he is but I will talk to him and not you. I know you're just finding excuses to have a look at another handsome alpha." Jungkook said in a displeased tone.

"How are you Mr. Jeon. I hope you're comfortable with our arrangement." Hoseok said to Jungkook approaching him.

"I am fine Mr. Jung. Thank you for the invitation by the way." Jungkook said formally but before they could start another conversation hoseok got a call and he excused himself. When Jungkook finally let Jimin go, Hoseok was already out of his sight making Omega sulk.

"You shouldn't have done that. Everyone has the right to see handsome alphas." Jimin said accusing alpha then he noticed how other omeags were ogling at his alpha. Jungkook is handsome and rich, so of course everywhere he goes he always gathers attention and Jimin knew it but he was still jealous.

Jungkook smelled Jimin's jealousy and smirked at Omega.

"Didn't you just say that everyone has a right to see handsome alphas. Isn't it applicable for everyone?" Jungkook said teasing the Omega who was already glaring at some staff for ogling at his fiance.

"You're right but only if that alpha is single and you're not available. You're mine and mine only. " Jimin said in a possessive tone and pulled Jungkook's face by his tie kissing him in front of all the staff.

"Can you both stop making me feel so single? Stop being so clingy to each other." Seulgi said with annoyed tone.

"It's called as love. But you won't understand it." Jimin said going towards Seulgi.

"I can't believe that a pretty and talented omega like you is still single. You need to find someone sooner. " Jimin continued teasing seulgi making her more annoyed. When they reached billing counter Seulgi paid for her shopping and then both Omegas went ahead leaving Jungkook to pay for Jimin's shopping bill

"I don't think I can find love due to my reputation." Seulgi whispered but Jimin heard her and asked what was wrong?

"Do you know I told you once that jin's mansion was just besides mine right?" Seulgi asked and Jimin nodded.

"When I was 6 months old my mother died due to an illness and then dad became busy with all business and everything so I become lonely at home. I used to watch Jin and his little brother playing with each other in their backyard from my balcony. I was nearly at the same age of jin's brother. Both of them never looked similar but they used to love each other a lot. Seeing them I always wished to have a younger brother."

"Then after another 4-5 years dad bought my stepmom and their son at home. I was so happy to got a brother as I always wanted. Even though I knew we weren't blood related but I loved him as my little brother. I always shared everything with him and he was also my little brother who did everything for me just like I did for him. But when we got older and I started to work at dad's company there was a weird rumour started to spread among the employees that I slept with my client sometimes to get the deal done. When I investigated about it I found out it was my younger brother who started that rumour. I even comforted him but he said that I am taking his position in dad's company that's why he did it. And he doesn't see me as a sister since we aren't blood related." Seulgi explained while her eyes were filled with tears and Jimin hugged her tightly.

"It's fine. I guess your stepmom is behind your brother's behaviour. You're so strong. I am afraid that your brother and stepmom will use your father also against you." Jimin said with worry.

"Don't worry about that. My dad thinks we have a good brother-sister relationship since my brother's behaviour is good in front of him. I know they can't take my position since my brother is too dumb to reach my level of knowledge and my dad loves me too much to go against me. My dad gets worried even if I sneeze once so there is no way he will go against me." Seulgi said chuckling and Jimin felt relieved then.

"Okay then see you at the party." Seulgi said going towards her car.

At the party

Jimin entered the party hall with Jungkook. He didn't know why but he was feeling nervous about the meeting with Min-sung. He was hoping that his assumption about Min-sung being his dad is true or else he doesn't know what he will do if that turned out to be another false hope of his family.

He was really hoping that he will get all the answers in today's party. Jungkook squeezed his Omega's hand softly seeing his worried expression.

"Don't worry everything will be fine. Trust me." Jungkook whispered in Jimin's ear making him feel better.

Since Jungkook was busy with talking to some of his business partners Jimin was getting bored. He was waiting for seulgi since she was the only one who he was familiar with. Soon he spotted her coming towards him and smiled at her.

"Thank god you're here. I was dying by boredom. I can't even drink anything because this alpha won't let me." Jimin said complaining like a pup making seulgi laugh.

"You're so cute. I get why Jungkook loves you so much. " Seulgi said making roll his playfully.

"Did you find out where Min-sung is? I can't see him here." Jimin said looking around his surroundings.

"I guess he will come soon. Have some patience." Seulgi said then Jimin saw Jungkook coming towards him.

"I got an appointment with Min-sung. Let's go." Jungkook said and Jimin left with the Alpha.

Jimin entered one of the party rooms with Jungkook. He saw that Min-sung was sitting on the couch with a drink in his hand. Even with being aged he was still handsome as ever. As soon as their eyes met Jimin felt the same familiarity with those brown eyes of alpha but he didn't know if the person in front of him was thinking the same about him or not since he was wearing scent blockers and couldn't detect any emotions through scent.

A/N :

Will Jimin get all his answers from Min-sung?

Is Min-sung really Jimin's dad?

Anyway finally our hobi is here!!!!

I am starting my prefinals since next week so the updates will be late. Still I will try to update whenever I can. I hope you will wait.

Please vote and leave lots of comments. It always motivates me to write.

Feedback please 🥺

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