Flower of Death

By XJapaneseX

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◇a young Japanese high school girl going through a time period of strange encounters and paranormal moments b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 23

18 0 0
By XJapaneseX

"Hope integrity, love, kindness, power, rich, humanity. I am your leader. qu cai of the Yu Lu family of china. am I here to tell you about my life in a poetic manner. as I embark on my own culture. as you can see. the creator who made me also loved the very aspect and meaning of asian culture. making asian based dark stories and being a complete and utter fangirl of the asian culture and world. my name isn't qu cai.
That is a counterpart to my real heritage and name.
My name is Li Sushaz. the head...of the Amaryllis Lu family. my role as a family head matches exactly like uri Rose. Or should I say..rosebari Thorn. of the rose family in Japan. I'm here to say my poetic life in a paper, made by the finest paper in the history of the world, as my handwriting graze in the soft paper. as your leader. I will make sure to make your time more valued is more than my life. To the hundreds of people in this opera house. please be sure to listen to my voice. and embark on me. ahem..*cough* oo.. sounds raspy. but anyway.

the ocean gush down into the glass mirror.
My timid legs fall down, nearly shattering the glass with my weight. I pick up a flower from my trembling hands as it echos to the mirror.
It follows my rhythm of my body as I pick up this beautiful flower.
it's a
Amaryllis flower. As my ocean tears continue to fall. a flooding dark void consumes my full body.
It eats my flesh down, and it corrupts his souls, pulsating it with veins.
With the serum of sadness. the darkness is a hand.
Scented with the smell of sweet roses.
it crushed me to death and attached my limbs to serve as a puppet.
My blood started to sprinkle through my ruthless wounds. and my bones snap back to be a human..
But to be controlled with metal ropes in the meat of my limbs.
it shreds me to pieces, but I feel no pain at my blood spitting from my body.
the pain rips me... and tears me down.
I cry in emotionless anger as my mind screams in pain and leadership.
I look up to see a light shade of dark teal fall under my soul. My tears fall under my own face.
As my limbs continue to bleed to mix into it.
I look up. Full of anger but full of light to my own people just as a facade. my face full of pools of blood as I keep on my facade. Smiling like my cheekbones are going to break from the force.

she shed a few tears after saying all of that bluntly to her own audience.

"This is my story. how I came to be. I love you all. And I don't want anything to happen to you all. I can't even believe how I got in this position. Most of my performances are happy, and it's only purpose to entertain all to make Juianyu Kau the best region you ever got in. i thank you all for moving me forward to be a stronger person and to give you all love in this new region held up in Tiwan, China. as a chinese girl such as myself. I love every one of my people. being a different culture and history isn't an issue. So... just for everyone in here. everyone in my opera house. I will be giving out a 500k cake that is made in France. Please enjoy and I bought it for all of you♡ I will be taking my leave so.. enjoy."
she dissappears as if she did a magic trick. But she really went under the stage.

"Ah...that was so hard to share out to my own people. Now, they are probably going to raise suspicions that I'm being controlled or I'm not fit to be their leader. I HAVE to remain as their leader..if I dont.. I will die. or everything I worked for in Juianyu Kau is going to deteriorate. I can't..."

"At least you are aware that I can kill you right here and right now if you ever blow my intentions on blowing up MY own region. This isn't your region.  I only kept you as a leader to be a pawn to cover up my plans for when the war started. and it starts this week. don't be such a baby♡"

her eyeballs are falling of tears, but she turned around to see suki.

"Li Sushaz...what a beautiful name. I almost forgot your family name is supposed to be a Chinese flower in the magnolian side of the world. That's surprising. but I must have a little talk with you. I heard everything you said. from your meeting with yui black and your preformance that you did just right now. I didn't... say anything about it. but spreading out information about me to a family head kinda pissed me off. You even shared your true feelings about me. As well as impressions... how do you feel if I go every info, wallet, personal info, security, and address all in one paper?
To your mother, to your father, to your sister, to your brother, to your cousin, to your anicent family heritage that is somewhat still alive. all get their info exposed to everyone. Come on...~
Tell me you do your job right."



"I can't keep hiding my true feelings like this. It's starting to become unhealthy for my own personal being. but you.
You will give out my family's information just so you can keep this facade and be a good controlled pet to you!? my smile is stitched. It's one thing to be a kind leader to all. But to expose all of it!? NO. I WONT D-"

she got slapped to the ground, and suki had a dark glance more than her usual one after what she said.

"....dont talk to me like that. You are here to serve under me just so I can finish my plans. You are not allowed to express your feelings. the only thing you will feel once the war starts is dread, dispair, and a suffocating tone of sadness piercing through your pathetic soul. you are allowed to express yourself as a leader. If you press me any further about your own narcissistic timid ass. I will put this information to terrorists and to all the internet platforms in the fucking world. Do you understand me? I don't mean to keep torturing you like this. But that mouth will either be ripped off or to be happy to your own people."

"What will you do if i said no? you aren't going to control me when im my own person. A living human and a human to serve a purpose as rich blood -"

"Keep ranting about your role as a family head. I have all the information in a folder. and it's in a file on my computer in my mansion. so you dong have no luck trying to stop me. I have full authority to destory you and your family. So do your damn job. You don't even know where I live, either."

she shoved a paper into her face that has even her family's faces on it.


"Look at it. your mother's name is Xiao Sushaz/ Cai. she has a history of modeling and practicing martial arts to protect herself and also take her father's legacy since he was an old shoalin master in 1984. You were born in 2001. and your father died in 2008 due to a rare disease. your mother is 56 and is a master swordswomen. your mother's father is Shuchang Sushaz/ Cai. he was born in the republican of china but moved to the Shanghai province. your sister is 29 and is in North america for a business trip. Your brother is in jail for committing numerous crimes to humanity. Is that enough information to get you riled up to listen to my words?"

"FINE...FINE. I will keep quiet. Just...dont share that. please promise me."

"HMMM? I didn't hear that. come on. Beg for it~"

suki put her heel on her forehead once she held her slap wound.

"Please... I'm begging you..dont do this to my family. I will do anything you say... just don't do it. I'm a family head. I'm supposed to fulfill my family's dynasty. so I will do it.."

Ha.. good. continue to do your own thing. But if I hear any complaints about your people saying shit like "I think our leader is being controlled" or "Is she ok? Is someone trying to manipulate her?"  I will tear you limb to limb.
Un.der.stand. ME??"

"I will keep that in mind. I won't do that. I will make sure that people know that I'm ok."

she left the door with a face full of glee. just leaving Li in a state of overwhelm.


"Murder murder murder murder....heheheahaha.."

a bunch of men were killed on the floor, it was the hairilari family army.

"I'm surprised you are able to face them off. As a formidable opponent as a family head. I'm fumiko. The next head of the hairilari family. I want to find the person who murdered my sister. even though I don't really care for her. but you...you murdered so many of my men in a single shot, Yuri of the RoseWitch family. I will be sure to defeat you.💢"

"Hmmm....I would rather see my own sister than fight someone like you. you have caused enough damage to china just to get to Juianyu Kau. only because of your piece of shit as a sister. humanity is falling apart, but what is Nuviei's death only able to affect you? You don't even care for her♡ you sent many of your men to come out and try to kill me, but..you didn't succeed. I'm not dead."

"You only used poison. Your combat prowess doesn't count. fight them with your real strength and I won't consider you to be a weak son of a bitch."

"....did I ask?"

Fumiko slammed her head against the ground right out of anger.

".....shut it. I don't know why you have an obsession with suki. other than trying to commit rape just to see her cry and scream once you put yourself on her body without her consent. we dont know anything about her family, so...
This is a question.
Are you her sister? Or a relative of her in the same heritage. suki is part of the rare remarks that one family has multiple history or heritages to them. this goes for uri, qu cai, suki, and hairilari. come on...spill it out here."

"nghhh... I always knew you were a serious one to bash someone's head into a wall to make them tell the truth. but you see. Fumiko darling♡ i always have been inspired by suki's antics and plans to kill whoever goes against her path to be the richest woman in the world. monopoly, politics, profit, blackmail, deals, wealth. she's a smart woman. For someone of her intelligence. how do you feel?"

"Yuri. your capacity for cold reasoning to hurt people puts you at least at a higher level in any situation. But here you are. knowing damn well you can't win. This isn't the way."

"awee. You dont get it, do you?..."

her expression darkened as her eyes had a glance of madness on it.

"she is the next infinite ouroboros. do you know what I'm talking about? she has control over all of us in the industrial production of our own living conditions. she made a region to serve as a battleground and to destory right at her own property. It's all a well thought out plan to keep us all in no suspicion of her own actions. the only person suspicious about her plans and intentions to hide like a snack is yui and kiki. The two most mysterious people in this entire war situation. her plans are simply perfect and simply fucking intelligent enough to get my blood pumping through my veins, sucking to my veins so gushing. her plans are paving the way to chaos so sneakily like an assassin in a mission to kill a millionaire. Think about it. why did she make Juianyu Kau? why did she hire Li Sushaz to be the leader and to be used? If the fabric of the world depends on it. I wouldn't be surprised if she even made plans to destroy china's industrial production♡ and destroy an entire nation! Ahh♡ I love her so much. To be a sister from her secondary heritage is so good♡ she's such a hottie♡"

"Ouroboros? who is... that?"

a notorious, dangerous, and damaging criminal to multiple governments. she's dead, but she did a scar on the world to poison the world to make it bow down to you. suki is starting to resemble her a lot. And it isn't consuming. she's the next villain of the story. to live is to hurt other people and being made commit a sin. come on...
For something of your intelligence. It's like we are trapped in a peaceful purgatory. You're better than that♡"

"What are you talking about?"

she has a piece of explosive material. lathered with ouroboros's poison on her hand.

"This is what she's going to use upon us. use her poison for an old cathedral owned by Infinite Dragon. It's abandoned, but she gave it good use♡ this is explosive weaponry. She let me borrow a peice of it for a while. All of this..all of this will end with her heel still down in the chair, sipping her wine while everyone is fighting to the death. she will use this weaponry and detonate everybody fighting in the grounds of Juianyu♡ our selfish richness did that!"

"You are sharing out this information when you just decided to involve yourself in this war? who gave you this information, and what is it doing to help? Cause chaos or give the people of Juianyu Kau a warning that their fates are written if they stay there any longer!?"

"Plaza of the Corpse. that's the name for our potential doom and the murder of 500k people. The population of Juianyu Kau had increased drastically. but all of them are going to die. we care about nothing but ourselves. I may seem like I'm clinically insane for adoring suki like she's my high school crush. but it's for a good reason, I swear."

"It seems like you guys don't learn."

a voice called out aside from both of them, it's a long haired girl

"fumiko, let go of me💢"

"Learn what? who are you?"

"Umi Rose of the Rose Family. The Daughter of Rosebari Thorn/ Uri Rose, And...
The most powerful family head in here."

Aren't you the girl that got us in this situation in the first place? Aren't you the one that was the part of the issue in asumi High School? if it is true, then you are a problem maker, aren't you?"

She's wearing a kitsune mask with a kimono short dress, also with a sword.

"Yes, but that issue is way past me now. I have gotten stronger. Doing training in the sidelines to all of this drama.
Drama after drama after drama. My mother had to suffer isolation because of everyone's riot about her cause of this war after the original issue is a bullying problem in a japanese school. it's so dumb. Many of your kind decide it would be a good idea to make hundreds of people die just by one issue.
A fucking bullying problem. only to get stronger just so all of you can get your act right. I'm done trying to stand down and not wield my blade to the battlefield. If you want to fight, then let's fight. Come on.  anyone anyone?"

"tch.. you are just putting yourself in this situation. and now you want to fight like the coward you are? I knew that the rose family is just a bunch of psychological freaks. come on, fight me - "
Umi went straight to the point and slapped her in the face.

"Oh my God. Shut the fuck up. Do you know how many times I had to get told that in my life? it's so damn annoying,"

"Ow... but it's true."

".....ugh. I'm going to Juianyu Kau. if any of you decide to fuck with me then come on. Get your ass beat. did the leader say it's held up in Tiwan, china?"

"Yes... it is."

she stepped outside without a word, having the two of them silent.

suki took her explosive material and analyzed it.

"Poisonous...,breathes fire but spits metal... effective and polluting, can be fired down at a big distance away. can be qualified to do marksmanship. and can hit targets and burn them. This is perfect..too perfect to be shared with the public eye♡ having to blackmail Li Sushaz just so she can keep her role upon her people.. keep a smile and keep up her performances to show everyone that everything is fine. these insolent families don't know what's coming to them♡ how does it feel to be used?
Malori's mother?♡"

"Why did you lock me here? you stuffed me in a closet every time a visitor comes to talk to you about something. did you come to kill me, or did you blackmail me more after what I've done...?"

"What you've done? you have the most explosive access to arson weaponry more than anybody else in korea. I had to kill off your employees.. your family, and destroy your own business just so i can get my hands on your arson weaponry♡ it's so special. and your knowledge of explosives is so special, too. I cut off your children's heads, murdered all of your employees in your business, and sprayed fire to your business. and now. I upgraded it to be more powerful and more... deadly. I know what you're feeling♡ are you depressed that your eldest, oldest daughter is dead?"

she laughed when the material blew up a small explosion to be used in the war.

"I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to hear it... just please..dont."

"If you didn't let her go fight in that war.   her death wouldn't have happened. she's an optimistic person who has been with a gamer girl that basically caused our upcoming demise to hairilari's anger to her head getting killed, and princia's family started to take note of her death.
Her death was terrible. And you must have gotten the news that her body is decomposed and rotting upon a trap in an elementary school. I know what you did♡ over drink alcohol and have sex with multiple men in order to get money. life died down and went downhill once malori died. isn't it?"

"What are your intentions? what is your endgame? use me until I'm dried of explosives, and then I'm ran out? Hm. malori's death has nothing to do with my downfall."

"This may sound dramatic or something a super villain say..but."

she slammed her heel onto her face with an emotionless face of intentions.

"Im going to kill everyone in this war. once Juianyu Kau is used as a battleground. I'm going to use every single aspect of the weapons and then kill all of them. I don't care if I'm making Li Sushaz suffer since she grew attached to her own people and grew attached to my own region. it's a bit hilarious♡ junko is also my girlfriend♡ but I'm probably going to kill her next if she's even fighting in this war, wielding her blade to many of these families mindlessly getting it down to spill blood. "

"What are your plans in the aftermath or this war?"

"Hmmm... good question. I have many plans for the aftermath. if I'm dead. Then I'm burning in hell, in pain as my skeleton metals and decays in the lava of the torturous afterlife of hell. If I'm alive. I'm going to conduct myself to an even richer scale. become rich enough to be immense. That's my plan♡  hell isn't a party to be in, but I accept my fate. and... try to find infinite ouroboros in the 9th circle of hell after what she's done to humanity."

"That chick who killed my child? I hope she's getting the worst punishment in the spear of Satan. I'm done.."

she squats down to see the eye bags in her eyes.

"But of course. So I'm still gonna use you for more explosive products♡ so I'm going to let you go once I'm done with you. All drained and wasted down in the drain of human use."


>To be continued<

>Hidden part in the last book<

"This is just in. the government enables martial law upon the cult army in the parts of America. A terrorist attack all around America.
the death is under 300,000 people in under 5 hours of the apocalypse all around the earth. the japanese government had been killed, and the person doing it is coming for the Russian government next. we plan to put the people of america under shelter in hawaii. we will be launching helicopters and tanks to fight off the cult and to transport. We will keep you all updated. Until then. I hope this catastrophe can end. Mankind is in its standstill to this disaster. it's up to us to save our people. This goes for all the other governments of this war.
Canadian government
French government
Spanish government.
Good luck to all of you.. and survive.
News reporter Bob out."

ouroboros turned off the TV, laughing in her blade, being full of blood.

"pathetic... enabling martial law to fight off my army in an attempt to save their lives. blood on my face...it's funny how they can't stand up to omocide but don't care about school shooting and turning their own country dystopian and controlling. it's really funny. america is like a drink.
It's canned. If it's expired, then it's falling apart and thrown away in the  trash. if it's fresh, then it continues to kill its people off being a crusader of infections. Nobody had a real death of old age in that damned country. It's all infections and sicknesses♡"

someone came in horror when ouroboros looked right back to them.

"Who are you?"


"yea I did. Is that an issue? I have to go take care of the american government next. So why are you here wallowing about your family's corpses. I already killed a lot of people, so this is nothing new♡ come on... try to attack me and get sent to hell."

"You are the most edgy-"

"Cease your sadness because I feel nothing to your bullshit. I have to go soon. so im going to either trap you in here and watch your family's bodies decompose. It's only to protect you from the poisonous danger out there. Or kill you right here. so come on, attack me.."

"Why are you here in the first place? To brag about your atrocities or be a casual psychopathic control-loving killer. Because I already gave up on my life as it is."

she ran her hands through her blade as she still stared at the man in joy.

"It's...it's all for the control..for the very aspect, definition, and meaning of control. for fucks sake. I murdered my own guild members back in the game. This is great. I must discard my own family, my own friends, and my own allies. just for the sake of control♡"


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