LOST YOU, FOUND HIM (a redisc...

By Authorashy

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True love never dies, it all induces when Kathy has a little crush on her neighbour Ryan who is goofy, and a... More

𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱
𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗔𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰
-22/ Part-1-
-22/ Part-2
- Finale-


8.8K 509 36
By Authorashy


I turned to look at Ryan. Realising he was presented here too. As expected I was bombarded with many questions from Evan's  side. "Kathy, what is Mr Ryan doing here?" He questioned and I kept staring at Ryan.

I wanted to speak but I discerned that my throat was choked and I felt like I lost my sense of speaking ability. ''I crossed paths with her at the clinic''. Ryan spoke without wasting any second as I kept hearing him.

"I saw her booking an uber." "The driver kept ditching her." "And I waited there to get my prescriptions." "Until and unless she approached me for a ride home."

Hearing that, I raised my eyebrow. "And since I met her in the opening party and remembered her." "I couldn't deny, as a gentleman I safely took her here." He spoke as I pressed my lips together internally cackling on his impressive story which he narrated to Evan. This could be expected from Ryan.

"Gosh, Kathy, he is so amazing." Evan spoke, being all impressed by him. I folded my arms across my chest and glanced at Ryan.

Who was smiling at Evan's behaviour. "And what's your relation with Kathy?"

Ryan said as I gulped and looked at Evan. "By the way, Kathy and I are college mates." Evan stated, a small smile appeared on my face.

"Let's get inside the house." "It's getting cold now." Evan said while expecting Ryan to come along with us.

He said and was about to leave. "I'm sorry I have a presentation to look for."

"I will join you guys next time" he glances at me. I stood there expressionless and observed him leaving from the spot. Taking a deep breath I turned around and looked at Evan glowering at me.

"Where is your car Kathy?" "In a mechanical shop." I said while walking further. And opening the entrance door of the house.

"Why did you ignore my messages earlier?" He asked while walking inside with me. "My phone died." I spoke while removing my laboratory coat.

That's when Evan held my wrist as I instantly darted my eyes at him. Looking at my wrist being held by him. "Wait a sec what happened to your cheeks?" He said while freeing my wrist. I looked down trying to hide my rashes.

Fuck! Earlier there wasn't any street light out so it must not be observable to him. Now what excuse do I make? "Kathy what happened?" "Ahh it's nothing." "Earlier in the morning I ate pineapple cookies." "I didn't realise there was pineapple mixed in the cookies."

"So I had a little reaction to it." "Did you take the medications?"He said, sounding concerning. I smiled and nodded my head. "Don't worry I took the tablets."

"Anyways, you tell me why did you come here?" " What do you mean it's been a week since I saw you."

I narrowed my eyes while sitting on the couch while he sat next to me giving me "what did I do?" look. "You know we usually don't see each other for weeks." " Stop acting up! And tell me what's going on?" I said while looking at him. He seemed to go silent for a moment.

As I observed his actions. His whole face seemed so tense. His demeanour was making me mystified toward him. "Hey, Evan you okay?" I said, sounding fretted for him.

With a slow pace he lifted his head above and looked at me. His lips spread across his ears forming an acute smile on his face. "I have something to tell you." I looked at him with a straight face. He was about to speak. But suddenly his phone started vibrating.

I perceived him taking his phone out of his coat's pocket while looking at the screen. "Shit! What happened?"

I said while looking at him. "I need to go?" Promptly he stood up from the couch and so did I, he removed his eyes from the screen and looked at me. "My dad came today from London and he is waiting in the airport." "It just utterly erased out of my mind that I needed to go and pick him up."

"Then what are you waiting for?" I said while he nodded his hand and made his way out of the house.

While tittering I followed him through the exit door. Before his hands could extend towards the door knob he turned around and uttered "I have something to tell you." "Let the right moment come."

He said while opening the exit door. "Okay." "Reach safely" I ejaculed out as the door shut behind him.

I turned around, why did he have to tell me? It sounded like something really serious and essential. Anyways he told me to wait for the right moment.

I stepped in the living room. Realising till the moment I'm back home. Kaira was nowhere to be seen. Instantly I made my way upstairs towards her room.

detecting her voice which was nearly audible to my ears. But I could hear her mumbling words. She must be revising. I ascertained the door was half opened till now.

I tried peeking in the room. And I could see the whole room was dark and she was in the corner with her study lamp switched on.

Efficiently working and engrossing herself in her studies. Kia All the best for you tomorrow's exam. Slowly mumbling it Meticulously I held the door knob and closed the door by not agitating her. At last I made my way towards my bedroom to end this day.


The next day, Crooning towards the song being played. Enthusiastically swinging my hips around. I was mixing the batter of pancakes. With an ecstatic smile all over my face. Instantly I switched the gas stoves while placing the pan over the stove. While it was preheating. I took the strawberries, gently rinsed them and diced them up. Knowing how much kaira loves strawberries.

Increasing my speed I grease the pan with some oil. And added some batter on it gently to make sure it doesn't ruin.

And soon after my pancakes were ready as I placed them onto the plate. While spreading her favourite Nutella and placing a few strawberries on the top and side.

Perfect, it's time for her to come downstairs. I detected the bedroom door being opened. My smile got huger as I saw her from the above walking towards the stairs and making her way downstairs.

I took the plate of pancakes as she walked towards me. I placed the pancake onto the dining table right in front of her. She seemed astounded by my actions.

"Good morning," I said with a bright smile looking at her. "Morning" she said and disorderly sat on the chair. "I know you've been working hard for your exams so I just wanted to cheer you up." I said as her hands made their ways towards the pancakes while she sliced the cake from the between through fork.

She took a bite. While I looked at her extensively, eagerly awaiting her to give feedback. As her lips spread across I knew she liked it. Thank yo- she pauses in completing her words while looking at me. "What happened to your face?" She asked as I discerned. "Nothing" I said while standing up. "Eat fast I need to wash the dishes." I tried to seque the topic while trying to hide my face.

"You ate pineapples right?" She said while holding my arm as I looked at her. She was looking at me emotionlessly. "Yess i forgot but don't worry I got medications." She freed my arm. "Hmm please be careful next time." "Anyways, your graduation day is this week." " Are you excited?"

I asked as she looked at me. "Noo." She turned around and got her book and bag from the couch. While she was making her way towards the exit door of the house.

"Wait kaira," I said while hastily walking towards her. "Don't come behind me, I'm already late!" As she was about to leave I held her hand. I was perplexed towards her sudden demeanour.

"Please eat something before leaving." I said, trying to stop her. Truculently she freed her hand from my grip.

"Why don't you fucking understand? Just leave me alone." " Noo i won't until I don't get to know the reason."

Do- you- even un- understand how- she starts tearing up while I could feel her stuttering between her words. "Kaira calm down." I spoke while holding her shoulders and making her walk towards the living room. I made her sit on the couch.

"Do you even know how lonely I feel without mom?" She said as tears kept rolling down her eyes. "She left me." " She left dad." "She left you." " She left us."Her words were piercing around my heart. "She is with us." "Always." "She is watching us from the skies."

"When I think about it deeply, how mom would be really happy about my graduation day if she was here."

She wiped her tears away and looked at me. "At least the people who are beside me should be presented when I'm achieving or taking a step further towards my goals?" "I will be there." "And dad?"

She said while standing up from the couch. "Ask him if he can at least visit at his daughter's funeral?" Kaira said while holding her books and bag. She hastily walked towards the exit door of the house. While slamming the door behind her.

My body fell on the couch. Having an intense pain in my heart. Since mom's dad I have been living and taking care of kaira. Mom's death left dad devastated.

He couldn't let us see him in that awful stage. So he took the step to make us stay away from him. Away from the memories we had with mom in California. We had to leave everything behind in order to be disordered. This decision of dad's left us astonished but it was betterment for me and kaira.

And after that it was intermittent of him visiting us. And calls happened just once a week.

I wiped my tears away and bent my head towards my chest glancing at the necklace which was gifted by my mom. Please pray for us mom. We really miss you.


After 2 days, "Ahhh lower the volume." I said while glancing at my phone while looking at a few patient reports. "I guess it's high time they should promote you." "Or increase your salary." Megan said as I chuckled, "you're right" "The amount of patients I handle in a day is nothing to the monthly income I earn in a month." "But you know it's not easy."

"Dr Elena is really clever." "You either have to break your ass." "Or have the same position."

Megan said as I sighed and looked out of the window. Extensively observing, I squinted my eyes. "Omg, Megan stopped the car" I said, blaring out loudly.


"Omg just do what I said." I spoke as she instantly stopped the car in the side. I got down from the car.

While I observed her following me behind. "Kathy what's wrong?" I ignored her questions and kept walking ahead.

Hastily walking towards the shop I made my entrance. "Good evening mam, welcome to Krispy Kreme." The shop attendant spoke as I smiled and looked at the display counter. "Hiee" "Can you get me These Christmas chocolates ice doughnuts around 3 and get me the assorted doughnut box."

I said while gleefully looking at the counter. "Okay anything else for drinks?" "Uhm, get me an iced latte and Iced mocha latte." "Omg I know you won't eat this alone so for whom you're getting this?"

Megan spoke as I smiled and looked at her "for my Kai." "Her exams are over today so I want to cheer her up." "Do you also want anything?" I said when Megan smiled before she could speak I gave the order

"Can you add 5 Chocolate donuts too and add them in a separate box." I said when Megan glared at me. Take this as my treat.

After a few minutes, I made my way towards the entrance of the house. While unlocking the entrance through the extra keys.

I made my way ahead inside. While observing the living lights were dimmed. I kept the parcel on the table. "Kai, I'm home." I spoke loudly. But it was deep silence. Since that day she cried in front of me about missing mom and dad being away.

We haven't talked properly as per she was engrossing herself in her exams. I didn't bother him much.

After a minute I waited for her to come downstairs but there was no response. Instantly making my way towards her room. I opened the door.

Kaira whe- before I could complete my words I discerned that she wasn't here. I checked in the restroom, balcony, and in my room. Possibly all rooms in the house but she was nowhere to be seen.

Immediately making my way downstairs, I grabbed my phone and texted her while making a call.

She wasn't responding to any of these. Trepidation aroses over me. As I tried calling her friends, none of them were responding. I sat on the couch. While tears started rolling my eyes. Did she leave me?

Cause I failed to be a good sister? Countless questions circled around my mind.

But I needed to find her. Where are kaira? I wiped my tears away. And immediately grabbed my phone but

I couldn't stop weeping. As my vision was blurry I made a call to Evan. In a few rings the phone call picked. "Evan, k- kaira has left somewhere without informing me." "I can't fin- find her anywhere." "I'm really worried for her." I blurted out immediately. As I tried calming myself down.

While there was a silence of matter for a second. "Don't worry I'm on my way." "I will find her anyhow and bring her safety back to you." Recognizing the owner of the voice my heart beat skipped for a while.

"You just try to calm down Kathy." Before I could even speak, the call ended. I removed the phone from my ears and wiped my tears to get a clear vision.

I looked at the screen. As my eyes stiffen to the sight. WTF- how did I end up calling Ryan?

Author note: Can y'all give me some couple name suggestions for Kathy and Ryan. And I really want y'all to comment as much as you can about this chapter. It will motivate me a lot. And

I just completed this part a minute ago 😭 it took me so long to post here cause I got mild fever I between plus my pre boards are going on. By next week they will over so I will post the part asap.

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