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By jackssfox

1.1M 19.6K 125K

What if Aaron Warner's sunshine daughter fell for Kenji Kishimoto's grumpy son? - This fanfic takes place alm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 11

27.5K 623 4.5K
By jackssfox


"Zade, stop being so annoying," I threw a stress ball that was next to me at him when he stood in front of the TV.

"I'm literally just walking. In my house," Zade snapped, throwing himself on the couch next to me, "plus, haven't you seen this movie, like, a billion times before?"

"Pride and Prejudice never gets old, alright?" I rested my cheek on my hand, my eyes still on the small screen.

"They don't make movies anymore. Full stop."

"Don't remind me," I groaned, "these masterpieces need to come back."

"You've been watching everything you want since you came here yesterday, next movie is my choice," he rested his head on my shoulder, and I smacked his forehead lightly.

"You should be nice to me. Aunt Alia said I can do whatever I want."

"Well, you took the invitation so seriously. Emma, you finished my ice cream."

"Whatever. And no, I'm playing a movie of my choice next."

"Over my dead body. I'm tired of this," he pushed off of me, turning his body so he was facing me, "rock, paper, scissors."

"Really?" I rasied my eyebrows before rolling my eyes, "fine, but if I win, you'll shut up the entire movie."

"Yeah, sure," he fisted his hand, and I did the same. He won first round, I won the second, he won the third, "yes! Loser."

He wiggled his eyebrows snatching the remote from the table next to me, "no! You said after this movie—"

"Shut up—"

"You shut up—"

"Oh my god," Jett's voice grabbed both of our attention, my hands were gripping the sleeve of his hoodie, as his elbow was about to push me away from my stomach, "I left for one minute."

"Well, your cousin sucks."

"She's your cousin too," Jett gave him a confused look, "plus, we all know you're the jerk in this family."

"Hah!" i laughed taking the remote back from him when he was too busy glaring at Jett, "now leave."

"Whatever, your loss," he shrugged, getting up, "but I am coming back for my movie, Emma."

"All yours, buddy," I smiled, eyeing the TV again.

Jett's phone rang, grabbing my attention. It was seven now, I guess. When I woke up today, I called my dad because I felt bad about not calling him yesterday and said that I'm sorry for not telling them I'm coming here, because I didn't know I'll be here. After that I tried not to think of anything at all. The only person who knows why I'm really here was Jett, even Zade doesn't know. He'll go running to Kai to either scold him or understand what happened then scold him anyway.

"Who is it?" I asked, and she looked up from her phone still ringing.

"Nothing," she smiled, "just a friend from school. I'll answer it real quick and come back."

She didn't give me a chance to reply and headed to the dining room, away from earshot. I lowered my eyebrows, still looking at her until she was out of eyesight. I had a feeling that was nothing close to a school friend. I think I knew who was it, the same person who wouldn't stop dialing since yesterday. But I didn't hear anything from him today. Nothing. It was my fault, I know. He called a lot, and I didn't answer. Why would he keep trying?

I shouldn't care anymore, I told myself that. I'd act so normal when I go back home, I'd act dumb when Kai asks me why I didn't answer him, I'd lie and tell him I'm not upset with him when he keeps on asking. Still, I couldn't help but follow Jett, walking on my tiptoes so she wouldn't hear.

"Where the hell where you?" She asked, waiting a second, probably the person on the other line talking, "I called you twice... what do you mean didn't hear the phone? I know you called a lot, but you should have come here."

I frowned, was she talking to Kai? Did she tell him to come here? What the hell?

"She doesn't want to talk— what? Since when do you listen to her when she tells you that? I sweat to god, Kai, if you don't come here and make sure she's— what? What do you mean you can't? Where are you?..." I cringed my jaw as she waited for his reply, staying silent for a few seconds before she scoffed, "screw you, Kai."

She turned around, and I didn't bother hiding, seeing her stop in her tracks, blinking at me. I didn't ask why she called him, or what was she doing, I only said, "where is he?"

She opened her mouth, before closing it, looking down at her phone, and winced, "he's... well, he said he was out right now."

"Out where?" With who?

"His friends?" I raised an eyebrow until she sighed, "he said Clara called him to hang out, and he said okay since he wasn't doing anything."

I was already nodding before Jett finished her sentence, ignoring the twist in my heart, "okay. That's fine."


"Trust me, it's fine," I smiled, "Kai already cared about me a lot, I don't know why I wanted more. It was greedy, if he wanted to be with me, he would have been obvious about it years ago."

"Emma, you didn't even know you wanted to be with him until, like, a month ago."

"Hmm... right," I whispered, "well, anyway. It's fine, really. I was going to go home tonight anyway and tell him that I'm sorry I lashed out at him. It's fine."


"Jett," I warned with a tilt of my head until she let out a breath and nodded, "let's finish the movie before Zade hides the remote."

We went to the living room in silence, sat in silence, watched the movie in silence. I wasn't even paying attention anymore, just thinking about him. Again. I was so successful on ignoring what happened and him, and I finally felt like it's going to be okay. But now, he's all I could think about. Liking Kai wasn't supposed to hurt, it was supposed to be nice, exciting, peaceful, but it was the exact opposite.

I told him we were written in the stars, and maybe we were. But not the way I wanted, maybe we were fated to be best friends forever. Fated to always love and protect each other as family. That's it. Or maybe I was just being delusional and ridiculous. Stars were a thousands of light-years away, their lights were nothing more than an illusion. They are just burning balls of gas I would never see up close. Something I can never touch because I couldn't reach it, and even if I did, it will burn me. Hurt me.

Clara, or Clarissa, was the exact opposite of me. I had green eyes, she had brown. I had long brown hair, she had short blonde one. If Kai liked her that meant he can never like me, right? I was going to let it go, let him go. Key word; was. Because I had every intention to do so, but now, knowing that he's with her, instead of with me, made me angry. Again. It didn't hurt me, not as much as yesterday anyway, it just made me fuel with rage.

I knew it was my fault, but since when does he give up on me being mad at him? I couldn't tell him that because it's selfish, but I couldn't help but feel it even when I felt bad about it. I felt my hands curl into fists in my lap, fighting the urge to grab my phone and call him. Don't do it.

Well, apparently, yesterday me was making a comeback, because I grabbed my phone from the table next to me and stood up, "hey, I'll go to the bathroom real quick."

"Okay," Jett smiled and looked back at the screen as I walked past her. I headed upstairs, seeing Zade's door slightly open, hearing him talking to someone on the phone, so I moved slowly, opening Jett's door before lightly shutting it behind me without a sound.

I took a deep breath, before flipping my phone, going to my contacts, stopping my finger above the button when I reached Kai's number. Was I originally a little crazy without noticing it? Or was loving Kai turn me that way? Does it matter? Nope. Before I could change my mind I pressed the button, putting the phone against my ear, waiting.


"Where are you?" I cut him off, running a hand through my hair, "where did you go?"

"Hmm... these are two questions I asked myself a lot yesterday about you," he said calmly, "so infuriating, isn't it?"

I exhaled a frustrated breath, "I didn't jump into another universe, I called Mum when I got here."

"I don't care, you didn't—"

"I asked you a question first," I let out through gritted teeth, "where are you?"

"Out," he simply said and I could picture him shrugging as if I'm crazy for asking. You are crazy.

"I need to tell you something important," I snapped, "come here before going out."

I wouldn't let him go out after he comes here, I wouldn't let him see her again. Stay with me instead.

"You can tell me now."

"No, I can't," I lied, "It's important. I need to talk to you about it face to face."


"Fine, tell me where you are," I opened the door, heading down the stairs, not caring anymore who heard me. I couldn't even hear my own thoughts, "tell me where you are, I'll come to you."

"You can't come to me, Emmaline," he sighed, and I huffed angrily, working my jaw because it actually hurt from clenching.

"Fine," I repeated with a more calm voice and nodded, "then you leave."

"No, I don't want to leave."

I closed my eyes, feeling my chest go up and down furiously. Why was he doing this? Even if he didn't know I liked him, Kai wouldn't be like this with me, "Kai, get out of there. I'm asking you. I really need to talk to you about something."

I'm going to tell him. I'm going to tell him that I like him. Even if he doesn't feel the same way. The most important thing is that he had to get out of there right now, he has to be away from her. That's the most important thing right now.

I couldn't take it. I realized that I couldn't just move on. I had to have him, I'm going to convince him that this can work. I'm going to convince him that I'm better than she'll ever be. I hated to see him happy when it's not because of me, when it's because of some other girl.

"I can't," he replied flatly. I couldn't even read what he was feeling, how was he so calm? Wasn't he freaking out yesterday? He just moved on today like nothing happened?

I was already putting on my shoes, seeing Jett stand up, giving me a confused look, but I ignored her, "Kai, I said get out of there right now."

"I said I can't," he fired back, making my chest tighten even more.

"What are you talking about? What's wrong with you?" I grabbed the doorknob, twisting it, I didn't even know where I would go, but I was hoping I'd get him to tell me where he is, "what do you mean you cannn't..."

I trailed off once I opened the front door, only one foot stepping on the porch.

"I can't get out of there because I'm not there, sunshine," that didn't come from my phone, because I watched him flip his own, shove it in his pocket. He was in front of me, one elbow leaning on his motorcycle with a small smile on his face, "hi."

"What..." I lowered my phone from my ear, slowly moving forward, blinking before rubbing my eyes to make sure I didn't really go insane, hearing him chuckle, the sound making the anger I felt slowly go away.

"How many times do I have to say it?" He slightly shook his head, but didn't move, "I'm real, I swear on my life."

"But," I let out through a soft voice, "weren't you with her? How are you..."

"It was the only way I'll get you to talk to me once I knew you're obsessed with me," he shrugged, and I jerked my head back, what? He looked over my shoulder and nodded, "thanks for your service, Jett."

"Yeah, sure," I looked behind me to see her leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed, her blonde hair falling on one side of her neck, "you owe me one."

"I give you my word," I heard Kai say but I was still staring at Jett, tilting my head in question, but she just winked at me, pushing off of the doorframe.

"What? You looked miserable, and he was losing his mind. You guys are idiots, have fun," she slammed the door in shut. A second later it opened again, her head popped out, "not so much fun though." Then she slammed it in our faces. What. The...

"I am... so lost right now," I turned back to Kai slowly watching him finally lean off of the bike, standing straight, moving a step towards me.

"I couldn't sleep," he simply said, ignoring my last sentence, "I felt like I was going crazy."

I eyed him, for the first time actually checking him. He did look tired, exhausted. He was wearing black sweatpants and a black shirt, something that looked like he just put on, like he was in a hurry. Even then, he looked beautiful. Even with the exhaustion in his eyes, I couldn't look away from them, from him. Black hair, brown eyes, olive skin. Features that would have been normal on anyone, nothing special, but on him? I just couldn't pry my eyes off of him.

"It's been one day," I quietly replied, putting my phone in my pocket with my eyes still on him. I didn't even know what to say, what to feel. I didn't understand what's happening.

"Exactly, one whole day," he took another step, "what the hell, Emmaline?"

I swallowed, my eyes roaming all over his face. What am I supposed to do? Why was he here? What did Jett tell him? Or what did he tell Jett? I don't understand.

"You don't know why I'm here?" He tilted his head, and I slowly shook mine.

"I mean I think I know? To understand why I got mad at you yesterday?" I asked, but he just shook his head, making me frown. Then what did he want? Did he know I have feelings for him? Is that why he's here? Was he here to tell me he did too?

"I'm not here to tell you I love you," he said as if hearing my thoughts, making the air get knocked out of my chest. I took a step back and opened my mouth but closed it again. What? What am I supposed to say to that?

I saw his lips curve up before he said calmly, "because you already know that. I told you I love you more times than I can count since I learned how to speak."

My shoulders relaxed a little, but I felt my lips still parted, tilting my head in confusion until he took another step closer, my neck tilting back so I could look up at him, "you're the best, Emmaline. My best. You're my best friend, the one person I'll always end up going to when I need someone. I thought that was it, but it turned out it wasn't. You asked me why I always call you by your name, remember? Why I always call you Emmaline. Can I give you an answer now?"

"Why?" I breathed out. His best. Woah.

"I wanted to be special." He shrugged with a smile, his fingers brushing against my knuckles. Goosebumps broke all over my arms even when he didn't hold onto my hands, "I wanted you to always remember me. I wanted that when you went up to people and said 'hey, I'm Emmaline, but you can call me Emma.' You'll know damn well there is this one annoying person in your life who you'll never catch calling you Emma. I didn't even know why I wanted that, I just did. I think a part of me always wanted to be on your mind, always wanted to be with you even when I physically wasn't."



I wanted to shut up, to keep listening to him talk, but I found my tongue moving on its own, "I thought... I thought you liked her."

"Emmaline," he sighed, his fingers finally holding onto the mine, "I'd tear my own heart in a half before it falls for a heart that isn't yours."

My mouth popped open, my eyebrows shot up for a second before lowering. I was so scared to move, to talk. So scared for this to end up being a dream.  I could feel my lungs expanding again. The butterflies that were being crushed underneath the weight of the conversation we had on the phone a moment ago were now fluttering around violently, banging off of my ribcages. I didn't want this to just be a fantasy in my head, but I had to ask.

"If that's true, then why do you always smile at her?" I whispered, "why do you spend time with her? Why you treat her so differently than all the other girls at school?"

"Because she treats you good," he simply said, cocking his head to the side as his thumb brushed against my knuckles, "she's nice to you, she talks about you even when you're not there. She tells me to invite you whenever Rio or Amelia make plans. I like people who like you."


"Mhm," he smiled, "but I like you more so I promise I won't hang out with her again unless you're there, unless you actually want to be friends with them all. I don't even care if you wanted me to drop all of them."

"No, that's not what I want," I lowered my eyebrows, processing what he said, trying to process what he's saying. She's nice to me. I thought a lot of awful things towards her. I knew she wasn't actually nice to me. She was just smart. Most girls who like Kai show me how much they hate me. She didn't, she made him approve of her as a friend. She got on my good side to get on his.

"You know, I realized that no matter what, there will always be this part in everyone's heart that will always be filled with love to one person and one person only. Like it's this person's property, and you've been filling this part in my heart since you were born without even asking for my consent."

"I have?" I smiled, tilting my head. He nodded slowly, his hand moving up my arm, making me gasp and saw his smile widening until his hand rested on my neck.

"You broke right in," he whispered, he was so close. So close that he had to tilt my chin up with his thumb, lowering his head, his forehead brushing against mine. He didn't rest it against mine though, was he trying to kill me? I felt like I was in a fever dream, this felt unreal. So sudden, so happy. I felt so happy.

"Well, that's rude of me," I joked, and he chuckled, resting his forehead on mine and closing his eyes as I kept mine open, "so all I had to do was disappear for one day for you to like me?"

"No," he slightly shook his head against me, his thumb rubbing against my skin, I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest from how fast, how hard it was beating, "I think I always liked you. I just didn't know it, I was stupid. But I'm serious now, I would rather tear my heart before it ever decided to love someone else."

He leaned back, opening his brown eyes that stared right at mine, not breaking eye contact, "I'm in love with you, Emmaline."

In love. That was it. We were in love. I lifted my hand, wrapping my fingers around his one on my neck, "took you long enough."

"I'm really sorry," I saw his lips curve down just slightly, it was barely visible, but it was there, making me lower my eyebrows as he went on, "I was confused, I didn't know what was happening, but I knew I didn't want to hurt you."

I felt his other hand go to mine by my side, linking his fingers through mine, "I know I can be confusing. I know I can be hard to deal with sometimes if things got complicated. I know you deserve better than that—"

"I don't," I cut him off, squeezing his hand, "you're good enough for me, Kai."

"No," he smiled kindly, "but I promise I will be. I will try to be better, but I'm so new at this, Emmaline. You're going to have to help me out."

"I'll always help you out," I returned his smile, "I love you."

"You do?" He tilted his head, "damn, I never would have guessed."

My smile dropped, letting go of his wrist and smacking his shoulder lightly even when he didn't budge an inch, hearing him laugh, and I grinned. A little too hard, I felt my cheeks hurt until his laugh sobered, tugging on my hand that he was still holding so I moved a tiny step forward, "have I ever told you how much I like your dimples?"

I pursed my lips to keep from smiling and shook my head, "no."

"I love them," he said lowly, and my stomach twisted at his tone. He never talked like that to me before, that tone was new. I wanted to hear it more. I wanted to hear it a lot, "you're so beautiful. I've been wanting to tell you that for a long while now."

"You could have done it," I shrugged, and I don't know how, but I gathered the courage to step closer to him again, until our chests almost brushed against each other, looking up at him, "hey."

"Hey," he said, his eyes dropping to my lips and staying there until I pulled my lower lip in by licking it, his hand going to the side of my throat again as I held my breath, "there is another thing I've been wanting to do too."

"Yeah?" I was now also looking at his mouth, "what is it?"

He smiled, flashing his teeth before it sobered as he pulled me in, his nose nuzzling against mine. I could feel his breath against my mouth, my hand going to his shoulder because I felt like my legs were going to give out. The moment I touched his shoulder, he tilted his head, angling mine too and was about to lean in more when suddenly, out of nowhere, water drops touched my face. Kai went still as I blinked rapidly, looking up to see rain faking from the sky. It was just a light shower, though.

"No," I heard him groan and looked back down, "not every goddamn time."

"Oh my god," I was already smiling, pulling away from him, and looking up again. I couldn't help the giggle that slipped away as I jumped on my tiptoes, putting my palm up. I didn't even pay attention to what he said, this was the first time it rained this year. It was so pretty. I looked back to see Kai with his arms crossed, giving me an annoyed look making my smile drop, "what? What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," he shrugged, "just how I poured my heart out to you, and you're more excited about rain."

"Funny," I chuckled, "pouring... like the rain."

"Are you serious?" He asked flatly.

"I love the rain," I shrugged like it was obvious, fighting the laugh begging to come out at his annoyance.

"Oh well, my bad. I'll leave you and the rain alone because I feel like I'm interrupting something," he turned around.

"Hey!" I grabbed him by his forearm, "when are you going to stop being this dramatic?"

"I'm not dramatic," he frowned, but his hands went to my waist, my breath catching for a second before I relaxed myself. His hair was now falling to his forehead from being drenched, his black shirt sticking to his body, making his muscles visible, "I'm being completely logical."

"Well, the rain is not the only thing that I love," I moved my hand up his forearm, resting both on his shoulders.

"Yeah?" He tilted his head, his hand moving up and down my ribs. This was so new, so overwhelming, but at the same time it felt right, as if it had happened a million times before.

"Yeah... I also love chocolate, coffee, and—"

"Okay," he cut me off, stepping backwards.

"Wait, wait," i laughed, holding onto him more, restraining him, "I love a lot of things but... I have favorites."

"You do?"

"Yup," I nodded, "and don't worry, you're on the top 3."

"Oh? Glad I could make the list."

"Mhm, you should definitely take that as an honor because you beat coffee to it—"

"Emmaline?" He whispered, interrupting me.


"I'm going to kiss you now," before I could even process what was happening his hands went to both sides of my face as mine dropped to his wrists. He leaned down so fast that I gasped when his nose touched mine. He hovered in front of my face to give me a clue of what he was doing before locking his lips on mine.

I parted my lips on instinct, gasping against his mouth. I never kissed anyone before, I didn't know how it was supposed to feel like. Or if what I was feeling was normal because I felt like an electric spark shot all over my body, stilling me in place, my only movements being my hands tightening their hold on his wrists, which only caused him to lean in closer until his body was flushed against mine. Even in the cool wether, with the rain, I felt burning heat off of me. Once I kissed him back, it was like time had stopped, nothing moved except for us. The only proof that I was still on earth, that the world existed around us, was that the droplets of water quickly increased to a downpour the moment my tongue met his. It started pouring rain.

"Wow," I gasped out a breath when he leaned back, his forehead still on mine, "you just got qualified to top two"

He let out a chuckle, his body vibrating against with small laughter against mine, "okay, what about now?"

This time he slid one arm behind my back, the other one going to the back of my head, his fingers tangling between my wet hair as my hands went to his shoulders again. He forced my lips open with his, pulling me in when I let out a sound I didn't even recognize as my own into his mouth, my hands moving to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. His body was already slammed into me, but I wanted him closer, it wasn't enough. I couldn't get enough. I felt his heart hammering against me, or was it mine? I don't even know, I only knew that it was too fast, like it was going to explode.

This felt so good. So unreal. This was Kai. The boy I fought with as kids, the boy I went to school with, the boy whose house was already considered mine too, the boy I grew up with. I know every single thing about him, yet this side was new. I wanted to know it more. I felt him sigh against my face and realized he already leaned back, waiting for my answer.

"Meh," I tilted my head left and right, leaning back so I can look at him, "still hard to pass the top one."

His soft expression turned into a frown, making me smirk. He's so cute, "but don't worry, you already earned your place somewhere else."

"Where?" His hands went to my lower back, resting there.

"You know that part of your heart that I've been filling my entire life?" I asked, and he nodded, "you own mine too, Kai. I love you in a way I can never love anyone. I will never feel the same connection I do with anyone if it isn't you, and I am more than okay with that. You know why?"


"Because you will stay. You will always stay, and I don't doubt for a moment you will."

"Always," he repeated, one hand coming to tuck a strand of my hair that was stuck to my face behind my ear, and I held my breath, my chest tightening as he pronounced each word next, "and I mean always, Emmaline. Even if your stars align and you're light years away from mine, I'll find a way to be there for you."

Stars. The ones I almost gave up on a few moments ago. He still believed in them. Because I believed in them. I have no idea what he meant when he said he didn't deserve me because I didn't want anyone else. I don't understand how he can't see it, how he can't see that he's perfect. I don't think anyone can care or love me the way Kai does and that was why I know he'll always be here. Written in the stars next to me.

"I know you will," I whispered, blinking against the water falling on my lashes, "I told you, we're written in the stars."

"Yeah, okay—"

"You can't make fun of that phrase anymore," I pointed a finger at him, "I'm serious. You literally got it tattooed."

"Well, just because I thought it was—"

His phone ringing cut him off, and I backed away, letting him check it, "it's my mum."

"I think she's checking on you because it's raining," I said, suddenly aware of how drenched we both were. I was wearing Jett's clothes, a black crop top and some sweatpants, both of them now soaking. Kai's shirt now clung to his body, I could literally see his abs through it. The shirt was already firmly fitting on him, hugging his torso and forearms, but now if it wasn't for it being black, it was like he wasn't even wearing a shirt. How dare he walk around like that? It should be illegal.

"Wait," he answered the phone, "hey, mum... yeah, but it's fine— I'm with her right now. Alright. Don't worry, we'll be safe... bye."


"She's saying we should head home now before it gets messier."

I nodded, "okay, let me just grab my stuff."

We walked to the door, knocking until Aunt Alia opened up, her eyes widening on instinct, "oh my god! You're soaking!"

"It's okay," I smiled as we got in, "it's just water."

"You'll catch a cold that way," she lowered her eyebrows, eyes going back and forth between us, "where you standing in the rain all that time?"

"It just started raining, like, 5 seconds ago, Alia," Kai soothed calm voice, making Aunt Alia give us a confused look.

"It's been raining for 10 minutes."

"Oh," Kai and I said at the same time. Woah, so time was not indeed freezing.

"Just get in," she shook her head, "I'll find you something to—"

"I already have the clothes I came with," I said with a wave of my hand, "and we were leaving now anyway, the clothes will get ruined again."

"You're going to walk home?" Uncle Adam asked coming from behind Aunt Alia, putting an arm on her shoulder.

"No, I came here to take Emmaline with my bike," Kai said, messing with his hair to get the water to stop dropping from it.

"You can't drive that in the rain, it's dangerous," Uncle Adam said, "I'll drive you home."

"You don't have to—"

"No, he's right," he smiled, interrupting me, "I'll make Zade drive it to you in the morning. Let me just go change real quick. Wait here."

He turned around, heading upstairs before we could say no again.

"Okay," I said to Aunt Alia, "I'll go get my stuff."

I put my hair up to keep it from ruining the floor with every step I take, knocking on Jett's door before going in.

"Hey, friend!" She grinned, "did you have your first kiss yet? Was it good? On a scale from one to 10 how good of a kisser is Kai—"

"Are you serious?" I crossed my arms, "that's all you have to say? Girl, what happened? What does he mean by thank you for your service, Jett. What did you do?"

"Nothing," she said innocently, but I pinned her with a look, stumping my foot on the floor until she rolled her eyes, "he called me earlier, I wasn't going to answer, but he wouldn't leave my goddman phone alone, so I did. I was about to yell at him when he told me that he needed my help. He said that we all know you won't talk to him unless you want to, so he was going to make you want to. Simple as that."

"What?" That was anything but simple.

She sighed, "he told me that he'll call me in 10 minutes, and that I should be standing in front of you, and make it obvious that he's the one talking because then you'll follow me because you can't resist him, his words not mine, and act like we're arguing, and that he's with Clara so you'll get mad and call him."

"How did you guys know I'll call him."

"Please," Jett scoffed, getting my bag from her bed, handing it to me, "didn't you see yourself yesterday? You lost your sanity at the thought of him liking another girl. Of course, you wouldn't stay away if he was with her instead of you."

I took my bag and blinked at her silently. Well, "I would like the normal Jett back, please. This version is surprisingly more intimidating than the normal scary one."

"Don't worry, I'm still here," she threw herself on the bed again, "but I really need details, what happened? Did he confess his undying love for you?" She put a hand on her chest, dramatically sighing, "tell you he can't live or breathe or survive without your love? That you were the light of his life, his heart belonged to you? That he'd fall from the heavens just to touch you—"

"Enough," I laughed, "you're very dramatic."

"Meh," she shrugged, "it's always like that in movies, all the same. So disgusting and unbearable."

"Jett, I love you, but you're ruining my day," I opened the door, "goodnight!"

"Night, babe! Don't have too much fun!"

"Oh my god!" I scoffed, slamming the door behind me before shaking my head. Going down to see Kai and Uncle Adam waiting for me, "sorry, let's go."

"Be safe," Aunt Alia said when Kai opened the door.

"Will do," Uncle Adam replied, rubbing his hand down her arm, "I'll be right back."

"Okay," she smiled waving at us until she closed the door behind us. Once I was in the backseat of Uncle Adam's car, I felt fingers brushing against my knuckles, linking with my own. I looked to my right at Kai staring at our hands, not saying anything, not even smiling. It was dark anyway, so Uncle Adam wouldn't see, and I couldn't really make up Kai's expression, but I found my own smile drawing when he pulled our hands closer to him and didn't let go the entire way home.


"So you want to date me?" Kai wondered in a low tone, swinging our arms between us, by holding my hand again once Uncle Adam dropped us off and left.

"Mhm," I hummed looking from my house to him as we took slow steps forward.

"That means we're dating," he said stopping us, turning so we were face to face.

"Look at you putting together basic math," I oozed in a baby tone patting his shoulder lightly.

"Does that also make me your boyfriend?" He tilted his head, lowering his eyebrows in question.

"I don't know... does it?"

"That's what I'm asking you."

"And I'm asking you," I fired back pocking his chest with my index finger, his upper body slightly leaning back from the simple touch.

"Do you want me to be?" Kai pressed, his thumb rubbing on my knuckles. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

He was so soft with me right now. He was always kind to me, always treated me delicately when we were around people, like he was always trying to make sure I'm okay. But now was different, now made me feel so many things, not having the words to express them. I smiled and grabbed his collar, tugging on it, making him lean down until my lips brushed against his and whispered, "yes."

And then I kissed him. Even when I was so nervous, I could feel my hands shaking, I tried to pull myself together, kissing him softly until I felt him kissing me back. I put my other hand on his chest, his heart, and felt it thudding rapidly against it. He looked so calm and collected, but I could feel his chest moving heavily, his heart pounding, like he was losing it too.

"I love you," he whispered once we broke apart. I took a calm breath, smelling hint of petrichor in the air, along with the earthy and fresh scent of damp grass and soil. It had just stopped raining when we were a minute away from home. I loved this smell. I loved how Kai smelled like it too. Like rosemary. It made me feel like I'm in his world.

"I love you too," I let my hands fall down his chest. Saying these three words now felt so different. I remembered hoping to hear him say it the way I wanted, and here he was, holding me, whispering it an inch away from my face, "let's not tell them about us right now. Let's tell them tomorrow. Together."

"So there's an us?" He smiled innocently, and I rolled my eyes.

"That's what dating is, Kai," I grinned.

"Okay," he lifted a shoulder before dropping it, leaning back, "we'll tell them tomorrow. If that's what you want."

"Okay," I replied with a nod, I should move now, say goodnight, "I should go."

"Mhm," he nodded but didn't move. Didn't let go of my hand on his chest, "your dad will probably bury me in my place if he saw us right now."

"Stop ruining the moment!" I pushed him lightly with a chuckle, "how are you planning on telling him you're dating me then?"

"With you standing between us as a barrier."

"Tomorrow is going to be a long day, huh?"

"I have a feeling my powers are going to come in handy," he said, more to himself than to me, "probably going to run to the borders."

"Well, good luck with that," I pulled my hand away, getting out my keys from my bag, "because I'm not going to come with just to stand as a barrier. Try to come back to me alive."

"No promises," he put his hands in his pockets, "I just barely made him act normal towards me again after the stunt you pulled yesterday."

"What do you mean?" I asked as we walked to my door.

"You know how your dad is, blaming me for every minor inconvenience that comes your way," he leaned agains the wall next to the door, his hands still in his pocket. Pull yourself together. You're in front of your house.

"Mhm," I nodded, looking in front of me, fuddling with the keys, "well, you better rest well today to save up energy."

"You too. My dad and your mum won't leave you alone," he said, "you're easier to let things slip from your mouth."

"No, I'm not," I frowned, "I'm an excellent secret keeper."

"Other people's secrets, yes," he leaned off of the wall, "your own? Not so much."

"Goodnight, Kai," I rolled my eyes, twisting the keys in the door lock, "you're ruining your charm by being annoying. Like always."

"You think I'm charming?" I can hear the smirk in his voice, "like always? See? Horrible at keeping things to yourself."

"I don't like you," I threw over my shoulder, opening the door, "go away."

I slammed the door in his face, smiling to myself proudly. He was still Kai after all, he can be frustrating. I turned around and my smile dropped so fast, seeing Mum walking towards me with her arms crossed and a blank expression, "you came back."

"Yeah," I said softly. Was she mad? Was she going to scold me? Because I really don't want that to be the last thing that happens to me today.

"Did you and Kai talk?" Woah, what?

"Umm... yeah, we're good now," I took off my shoes to distract myself from holding eye contact, "it was nothing to begin with, I just wanted to spend time with Jett."

"Right," she said, "okay, goodnight."

Why was she acting so weird? I watched her head upstairs and sighed, deciding to let this a problem for future me, going to my room. Once I closed the door, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and resting my forehead against the door.

I'd tear my own heart in a half before it falls for a heart that isn't yours.

Even if your stars align and you're light years away from mine, I'll find a way to be there for you.

I let out a very embarrassing squeal, jumping on my bed, but I didn't really care. He was so good with words. I loved the way he talks. How can someone just say stuff like that? So casually? Like, this is how his brain works.

You're so beautiful.

Emmaline, I'm going to kiss you now.

I touched my lips with the tips of my fingers, replaying the memory of Kai's lips on mine again. I didn't mean for it, but I felt my breath quicken at the thought, my heart pound more. I still felt like I was dreaming, scared to wake up and find myself passed out on the couch next to Jett with the movie credits ending on the screen. I'd be so furious.

A light knocking on my window snapped me out of my head, looking to my left at the curtains covering the window until I heard a knock again and slowly walked up to it. Brushing my fingers against the curtain, pushing it an inch just enough to look and my jaw dropped. What was he doing?

I opened the curtains wider, seeing Kai pointing at the lock for me to open, and I shot him a confused look, making him widen his eyes in command as I rolled mine, unlocking the window and pushing it up, "what are you doing?"

"What took you so long to get here?"

"I was talking to my mum and— what? I asked you first," I hissed lowly, "what are you doing? Did you seriously climb up to finish the argument about me saying you're annoy—"

"I want a goodnight kiss," he cut me off with a flat voice, causing my eyebrows to shoot up in question, "you left suddenly before I can say goodnight, rude, by the way."

"You did say goodnight," I pinned him with a look, checking behind me in case someone walks in, "Kai, you can get hurt."

"I said I want a goodnight kiss," he repeated, ignoring my last statement, "come on, then I'll leave."

I bit the inside of my cheek before letting out a breath, leaning closer. Before I closed my eyes, I caught a glimpse of his lips curving up, and he leaned closer. The quick peck turned into one, two, three, and I murmured between them, "you're ridiculous."

"I'm amazing," he leaned back with a smug smile on his face, and I arched a brow, "you're so lucky."

"So luck— I'm going to push you and make you crack your bones."

"For giving you a goodnight kiss?" He gave me a shocked expression, "what kind of girlfriend are you?"

"Goodnight, Kai," I stepped back, gripping the window to pull it back down and waited until he leaned his head back so I can close it, "and don't do that again, that's 1) creepy. 2) very dangerous."

He rolled his eyes, and I watched him climb down until his feet touched the ground and looked up at me, waving his hand. I couldn't help the smile that creeped up on my face, lifting my hand and waving my fingers until he was out of sight.

Girlfriend. That's what he called me right now. I was his girlfriend. I was so not going to sleep tonight.


Now put on "In Between" by Gracie Abrams and reread this. (I had it on repeat while writing this chapter)

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