By Rinelexxy

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"YOU ARE MINE , LIKE IT OR NOT." Mr. Maximilian is the type of guy who does not take a "no" for an answer li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 45

170 5 0
By Rinelexxy


I woke up feeling exhausted. My body was numb all over. Looking around I met with his sleeping body. He had placed his head on the hospital bed and his left hand held onto mine. I didn't want to bother him thus I tried to get out of bed. I needed to use the washroom.

"What are you doing?" I heard his sleepy voice.

He was already awake. Those sexy eyes really messes me up every time I see them. I don't know when I'll be able to get used to it.

I slightly smiled as of getting out of bed was a sin. "I need to use bathroom."

" You could have just called me I'd be glad to help."

"Didn't want to bother you." I stated.

"So you see me incompetent." He looked serious.

"I didn't..."

"Don't ever do that again. The doctor said you can't move so much. You just gave birth." He cut me in my sentence.

"I'll help."

"Does it hurt?" he asked his voice indicating he was worried.

"Not anymore." I honestly answered.

"I got scared seeing you hurting in the ward."

"Max are you seriously apologizing right now?" I spoke while laughing at him.

"The heck you just had to ruin the moment." He complained.

"Okay. I won't do that again." I promised.

"Get ready we will go see baby Tasha when Gabby and Lukah arrive." He informed me.

The rest of the time he kept feeding me just because the doctor said I should eat more to gain the energy lost. My belly was still big but the doctor said in due time it will go back to normal.

" You are up. "Gabby spoke excitedly when she saw me seated.

" You look... "she dragged.

" Great. I know. "I bragged.

" I meant to say bad. You really need to start working out after you get better. "

" Damn you. "I cursed her.

" Are you ready? "she asked.

"Mh." I nodded.

Max helped me onto a wheelchair and pushed it as we headed to the incubation room. At first I was scared to look but later Max convinced me saying she looked exactly like me.

"But she has Max eyes." I heard Gabby speak and Lukah agreed.

I slowly opened my eyes. There she was. Lying in the incubator as she looked around suckling her fingers while kicking. I was happy beyond doubt that I never noticed I was already teary.

"It's okay. She is our daughter." Max whispered to me.

We both watched Tasha playing on her own before the doctor came to check up on her.

"Doctor how is she?" Max asked.

"Everything is great. Her vitals are fine. She's a  strong one. Just a few days and she'll be out. Give a week and a half." He informed us.

"Would you like to touch her?" the nurse asked.

I slightly nodded. She took me to where the incubator was and told me to put my hand where there was a slight windows. I followed her guide.
She was so soft. Her little fingers held my index finger tightly.

" Baby, mummy is here. "I spoke while tears rolled down my cheek.

" And daddy too. " Max spoke behind me.

He brought his hand and touched Tasha's little hand and mine too. Our little family was now complete.

" Eey! You guys are making me want a baby now. " Gabby complained while taking the other space to hold baby Tasha's leg.

This was everything I needed. My best friend and the person that I loved most with me. And of course Lukah too since he is the father of Gabby's unborn child.

" Ma'am. We need milk for the baby. Here this will help extract milk from your breast so we can feed her using a baby's bottle."

I took it and did exactly what she told me. The days we were in the hospital, that was the trend. Me extracting milk while they fed baby Tasha since she can't be out of the incubator till her incubation period was over.

Days went by quick and a week and a half was over. Doctor Eliakim allowed both Tasha and I to be discharged. Max was so happy that he couldn't contain his joy. Baby Tasha was brought to my room fully clothed. She was so tiny. The only thing she did was suck her little hands.

"You probably should feed her. " the nurse urged me.

Max got the baby and handed her to me. At first she was reluctant to suckle since she was fed through a baby bottle over the days when she was in the incubator. Later she came around and enjoyed her milk.

" Why is she holding so much on your breast?" Max spoke with a little hint of jealousy.

"Max seriously." Gabby reprimanded him.

"What!" he tried to pretend his way out.

"Done." Lukah came back and informed us he was done with the discharge papers.

Soon I was also ready to go home with baby Tasha. Gabby was the one who carried her even though she was pregnant herself. In the car Lukah drove as Gabby and I took the backseat. The car was filled with a baby's scent and her little mumbles too.

"We are here." Max announced.

It was so good to be back home. Max helped me to get my room while Gabby strongly agreed to stay by my side just to play with baby Tasha. Max and Lukah gave us some space.

"She is so cute." Gabby spoke while she toyed with her cheeks.

Suddenly she cried. Immediately Gabby started apologizing to baby Tasha trying to calm her down. She didn't want to stop crying. The door to my room flung open Lukah and Max invited themselves in.

" Why is she crying?" Max asked while coming closer to us.

"I didn't do anything." Gabby quickly  defended herself.

She brought her to me as I breastfed her. Lukah on the other hand took Gabby away. This raised alarm in me. Max eyed me a couple of seconds before sitting besides me in bed.

"Say it." I broke the silence.

"About the business. I need your authority on this since you are my family." He started. I paid a keen ear to what he was saying the entire time.

"When is it going to be?" I asked curiously.

"In two months time."

"That's good I'll be able to walk by that time." I eased his worry.

"You agree to it?"he looked surprised.

" Max you are the father of my child. It's only right for me to help you out. "

Soon Tasha was already asleep. Max placed her in her crib then came and laid besides me.

" Anny I don't want you doing something you don't want to. "He spoke in a low voice as he helped me cover myself.

" I know. "

We both cuddle for couple of minutes.

" Luther wants to meet with you before he signs the proposal. "He stated.

I should have guessed. He was the only one capable of denying Max the partnership. He alone owns so many companies. If he says no then the rest will bail out on him. It's not that he is incompetence but partnership boosts a a business.

" Anny let's get Married." He spoke out of the blues.

That came as a shock to me. We have never talked about that nor has he ever shown interest in marrying me.

"Max. I..."

Suddenly his lips met mine shutting me up. That was the most sweetest kiss he has ever offered. Seems he is serious about the marriage thing. I went with the flow.

Night fall reached rather fast. Lukah came up to call us for dinner. Tasha was yet to wake up. Max helped me to walk as we headed to the dining table.

"Any better?" Gabby asked.


I was feeling much better after taking some meds and a little rest. We both enjoyed the meal.

"I was thinking about getting three or four nanny's the both of you."Max informed us.

" No. Why do that? "Gabby objected.

" You already have a baby. Things are going to be hard here for just Lukah and I. "He paused." And also Gabby is going to deliver in a couple of months. "He spoke while looking at Gabby.

" That seems a bit much. "I agreed with him getting Nanny's for the kids.

" But why four?"I asked.

" Two for you and the baby then two for Gabby and the unborn baby. "

That was great. He was so considerate of us. In a couple of months the house will be lively with kids running around.

" Any objections. "Lukah asked.

Both Gabby and I shook our heads. It was a done deal. The night was still young but I was already sleepy. I bid them goodnight as Max helped me back to my room.

" Little one." He paused getting my attention.
" Thank you. "

His eyes never leaving mine. I saw his happiness through his eyes. He has come to be the man that I love so dearly as well as the father of my child and my family too.

"Can I stay here for the night?"

I agreed. We both got in bed and cuddled for the rest of the time till I dozed off.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The babies cries woke me up from my sleep. Max was no longer by my side. The room was dark. I made my way to the left wing of my room where Tasha's bed was. Her eyes were still closed but she was crying. I carried her as I tried to calm her down till she fell back asleep.

Trying to put her back in bed she started crying again. I had no choice but to take her to my bed. Each time she cried I tapped her gently getting her back to sleep.

"Anny. Wake up it's already past eleven am." Gabby woke me while she opened the curtains inviting sun rays to penetrate in my room.

"You don't look so good." she stated.

"Tasha has been crying the entire night. I couldn't sleep." I spoke while my eyes were shut.

"Good news Max already found the four nanny's he was talking about." she informed me.

"That was fast."

"Get ready they will be here in an hours time."

She helped me put of bed and into the shower. A warm shower was all that I needed. It calmed my nerves and relaxed my muscles. Soon I was out. Got dressed and headed down stairs.

"Took you long enough." she teased. "They are here."

Max and Lukah both walked towards us as the maid servants followed.

"Anny, Madison and Trice will be in charge of you while Gabby, Sheila and Jane will be in charge of you."

They all bowed as respect to Max.

"You don't look so good. Feeling unwell?" Max spoke coming closer to me.

"Didn't get enough sleep. Tasha kept me awake by her cries."

"Come I need to talk to you." He took me away from everyone as he dismissed the maid servants. He had already requested for Lukah to show them around.

"You are scaring me, what's wrong?" Max seemed a bit tensed.

"Remember when I took you away from your dad's residence?" He asked.

"Mh!" I answered.

"Anny you can do better than that. I need words little one." He became serious by the second.

"Yes." I finally spoke.

"I need you to keep your men in check."

I did not quit understand what he meant. I questioned him some more but the only clue he gave me was the location and the title that my dad left to me as the  Underboss of Shadow Gang. In short I was to be the boss of the gang after he dies thus the ownership of his necklace that was engraved 'Omertà '.

"Where did you get this?" I asked with an inquiry tone.

"Your dad gave me before dying." He stated.

"How did you know all this?"

"You ask too many questions."

He walked away leaving me in the hall way by my own with my thoughts running wild. I went back to my room when I felt a patch of milk dripping on my top. It was already full.

" Time for feeding." I spoke out loud.

Tasha was still asleep yet the milk was dripping a lot. I tried waking her up but I ended up making her cry. Now I was obligated to get her back to sleep.

"I heard her cry is everything okay?" Max took a peek from where he was standing behind the door.

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