Princess of Mardalia

By blackgirlwriter97

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~BWWM. WMBW. Interracial. Love Triangle. Historical. Royalty. -Oops I fell in love with my brother's wife...~... More

~*~ Princess of Mardalia: Characters ~*~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

70 4 12
By blackgirlwriter97

Upon arriving to the castle Atticus hurried to get the things in order while Aisha went looking for her family.

She found them in the great hall with the King, the Queen, Aurelius and Axel.

"Ah finally she joins us," Mosi says loudly.

"Forgive my absence Family," she said politely hoping they would not want an offered excuse.

"And where were you," asked Olori. Of course she'd ask.

"Umm. I was," She paused reprimanding herself for not thinking up an excuse before coming to them, "I was-"

Suddenly Nef ran in trailing behind the puppy.

"I was helping Nef with her puppy!"

Nef scooped the dog up and looked at Aisha bewildered.

"Isn't that right Nef?"

"Uh, yeah!" She said staring are her siblings wide-eyed.

"And where did you get that," Queen Izella asked quizzically.

"Oh, Prince Atticus gave him to me. He's my gift," she said smiling innocently.

All of her sisters gasped. Aisha shot her look. Nef suddenly remembered and said, "oops."

"Why is Nef so special?" Nia asks.

"I'm the princess," she says with a shot of her tongue.

"Now Nef, that is not becoming of a princess," Hasani said. The youngest princess rolled her eyes and sat down with her puppy in hand. Aisha joined her and sat next to her at the massive oak table.

"Hmph," Olori huffed. "Where is your husband to be? Does he not want to greet your family?"

Aisha was just about to speak out when Atticus arrived.

"There you all are." He strode in confidently with a few servants in tow holding the things that they had gotten under pieces of fabric.

He bowed in front of her family. "Your majesties. I apologize for my delay in welcoming you. I was finalizing a few surprises for you. I hope my apology is accepted and my gifts are met with joy."

"Thank you, Prince Atticus. We accept your apology and are pleased to meet you," Mosi says standing up to bow to him as well. The other members of her family stand and follow suit.

Atticus spots Nef with her puppy.

"I see Princess Nef has already exposed my reason for being late. I have a few gifts for each of you princesses, as a thank you and to show my gratitude. I'm honored to marry your sister and to have you here in our home."

The women begin whispering amongst each other with smiles and giggles in their voices.

"Thank you Prince Atticus, you may proceed with your gift giving," Olori says sitting up even straighter than she had before.

He bowed and turned to his servants. The first gift he grabbed was the scepter.

"Princess Olori this scepter is for you, it is truly a gift meant for a Queen. May you reign alongside Prince Mosi triumphantly for your people, as the future King and Queen of Mardalia."

He handed Olori the scepter and her smile widened at its appearance. She rubbed her hands on the jeweled orb and down its long shaft.

"This is beautiful Prince Atticus. Thank you," she said pleasantly. Aisha watched as her eye gleamed with appreciation and her sisters all looked in in quite anticipation.

He smiled making eye contact with Aisha who was relieved things were going well. As he walked back all 6 women leaned in to admire the scepter.

"He probably gave you the best gift cause he's scared of you," Nia says upset and with a pout.

"This was meant for a Queen, and that is not you, Nia," Olori whispers quietly to her with a smirk of satisfaction. The two almost begun bickering when Atticus speaks again.

"Princess Nia. Aisha had told me about your fiery spirit and unwillingness to yield. I present you with this sword."

Nia's eyes lit up. "Oh wow," she said as she took it from him and examined it. "This is beautiful. Thank you Prince Atticus."

"That is not Princess like," Olori spoke.

Nia sucked her teeth. "Appreciate your gift- I'll appreciate mine."

"Princess Amara, I've been informed that you have an inquisitive mind and you thirst for knowledge. We were gifted this puzzle many years ago from a dignitary from an Asian island called Japan. Inside is a rare jewel, but none of us in the castle have been able to thwart it and reveal the secrets within. I want you to have this."

"What's inside as well," she asked.

"Of course! I will be glad to know it lies with you once you have unlocked it."

"Thank you Prince Atticus," she said as she began toying with it.

"Lastly, Princess Imani. Aisha has expressed that you are warm and tender. I could not think of a material thing to gift you, but we agreed that we would like to make you the god mother to our first child. We hope that you will accept this gift. I'm aware that it isn't physical like your sisters, but we are hopeful that it will honor you still."

Olori snapped her eyes in surprise towards Imani. A brief look of anger passed over her face, before she concealed it. Atticus walked to Imani who was still stunned in silence. He brought the contract to her.

"On the day that our heir is born. You will sign this, making it binding forevermore that we have bestowed this honor onto you."

She stood with tears welling in her eyes to hug the Prince. She releases him and looks to Princess Aisha, across from them.

"I hope this gift suffices amongst the jewels and intricacies of the other's gifts," Aisha says. "It is the only gift that seemed truly befitting for you, sister.

"You two have given me the greatest gift. I am beyond esteemed that you would choose me."

She sits down next to her husband holding the piece of paper with a soft smile on her lips.

"Well sisters I hope you all liked your gifts-"

"They all got jewels, gifts from abroad and right to the heir and all I I got was a puppy," Nef speaks out.


"Nefertiti!" Mosi calls out, "that is no way to act. Prince Atticus and Aisha graced you with a gift, and you shall be grateful."

She rolled her eyes at him with a huff.

"He only got you guys gifts because I was the only one who actually received one," she muttered under her breath loud enough for only Aisha to hear.

"What was that," Mosi asked sternly.

She snapped her head up and smiled. "I said, thank you for this lovely puppy."

Aisha tried hard to suppress her smile.


After dinner the women of Mardalia all joined each other in Aisha's room for gossip and catching up.

Olori expressed her annoyance at not being chosen for god mother.

"For gods sake. Mosi and I are the future King and Queen of Mardalia. What better way to solidify alliances then making me the god mother?"

Aisha smiled softly. "Olori, Atticus did his best to gift you all things that were a reflection of who you are-"

"Based off of your tellings of us," she scoffed.

"Yes, and I think he did a good job. Look you're pouting and throwing a royal fit, while Imani combs my hair for bed. Which of the two of you is really the maternal one?"

Olori gasps, Imani smacks Aisha on the arm, while the rest of the sisters hold back laughs.


"Do not disrespect Olori like that, her feelings are hurt."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry, but truly, each gift was given with the utmost care and thought. Please believe that."

Aisha rubbed her arm where it stung.

"I love my gift," Amara says looking up for the puzzle for the first time since they had arrived to the room. "When we get back to Maldaria, I must find some Japanese merchants to bring me back more puzzles."

"I can not believe all I got was this dog. What does Prince Atticus think of me, that all I got was a puppy," Nef pouts.

Amara, Aisha and Nia all could not help but think that Nef and Olori were so alike yet so different.

"Well, on another note, how is father? How is home?"

"Your father is doing well. There have been more whispers about this war making its way to Mardalia, but nothing alarming as of yet. We still have time to keep amassing our troops and supplies," Nia says.

"The aid coming for Pantoran has boosted the moral of the men- thanks to your sacrifice, Aisha," Olori says.

"How do you feel now that you are here," Imani asked softly.

"How does it feel? Cold," she laughed.

They all laughed.

"You know of what I mean. How do you feel in your heart about Prince Atticus?"

The question everyone loved to ask. A question she wasn't so afraid of answering anymore.

"I like Atticus and know that I will come to love him without trouble," she sighed lovingly, "He is kind, attentive, devoted. He will do anything to bring a smile to my face. When he does not have to attend to royal affairs, his sole purpose is to bring me pleasure.

Nia gave her an expectant look.

"So you two have expressed your marital duties already," Nia asked scooting closer.

Aisha's eyes flew open in shock as she looked at all of her sisters who were keenly awaiting her answer.

"I am a princess! No! We aren't yet wedded. I would never."

Olori and Imani both share a look of relief.

"Good, continue waiting." Imani hummed.

"Nia, you're a bad influence, don't give her any ideas." Olori shunned.

"Oh," she scoffed, "I already told you all about Bako and I. From the moment your father declared that we would be betrothed, we decided then; why wait?"

"We are not having this conversation again, all of you out," Aisha declared standing up.

Her sisters began grumbling. They all gave Nia a look, letting her know this was her fault.

"Before we go, we do want to let you know, we will be doing our Mardalian bridal ceremony with you before the wedding to get you ready for that special night," Olori said.

"What's that?"

"Ooh! It's an ancient ceremony done by the women closest to the bride. We will shave you, bathe you, and adorn you with the most beautiful jewels for your wedding night. It's Mardalian tradition that a new wife be given to her husband as the gift that she is," Amara chimed in. "We spared no expense and brought all of the finest accessories, scents and clothes from the castle."

"When will we have time for this?"

"After the dinner and dancing, before you and Prince Atticus finally join together as one, we will do this for you. It's tradition."

"I have no recollection of being part of this tradition with any of you?"

"You were still a child and an unwed woman may not partake," Imani said.

"Oh wow. First the puppy, now I cannot even partake in the making over of my sister for her first night in her husband's bed? What is even the point of being the youngest princess when it seems that I am the forgotten one?"

All of the women turned to glance at her. Aisha with a look annoyance, Olori distaste, Imani shaking her head, Amara with a smile and Nia rolling her eyes.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Princess Aisha, could I speak to you for a moment," The Vice called out.

"You see? You all should have departed from my room ages ago. That is Atticus. I will see you all out, except Nefertiti."

Aisha opened the door and was met by Atticus. He smiled down at her before noticing the crowd of women in her doorway.

"Oh. Am I interrupting?"

"No! Uh, my older sisters were all just leaving," She looked back at them with wide eyes. "See you tomorrow."

They filed at one by one with smirks on their faces as they bid a bright faced, Atticus good night.

When they were further away and Nef had gone deeper into the room the two visibly relaxed. Atticus let out a light chuckle at Aisha's sigh.

"I did not think we could feel this awkward around one another again."

"Me neither. Something about my whole family being here makes this...different," she chuckled.


"Marriage will make this real- oh! And the things they have planned for me..." she trailed.

I cannot believe what my sisters have in store for me. I pray Atticus will like it.

"What might it be?"

She tried to think about it briefly. Her sisters helping her get ready to seal the ultimate deal with Atticus. Her body began heating up at the idea and a bashful smile graced her lips.

"I cannot say, but it shall make a wonderful surprise. Hopefully."

"Well, I look forward to what they have planned then."

They both stood there in comfortable silence. Both not knowing what to say next. Aisha's thoughts preoccupied with her sister's plans and Atticus wondering what the surprise could be.

"Well...shall we end our visit?" Aisha asked.

"Yes. It is late and we have many festivities tomorrow to bring in the wedding," he paused, "I have a surprise for you."

Aisha's face lit up. "You do?"

Atticus was pleased with the eagerness in her voice and the excitement on her face. He knew this surprise he had for her would send her over the moon. Especially with the new boats their kingdom were receiving in a few days time.


"What is it, Atticus?"

"I can't tell you. It's part of my wedding gift to you."

She stomped her foot and crossed her arms. "You can't tell me there's a surprise, and then not tell me. That's so rude!"

He laughed.

"That's what you've done to me, isn't it?"

She huffed. "That surprise is different from this one. That's a Mardalian tradition that I cannot escape."

"When I tell you what it is, you will be happy I kept it."

He brought his hand up to her cheek and rubbed it softly with his thumb.

Thoughts of Axel's rendition of her in Mardalia swirling through his mind. Seeing how alive and vibrant she had become just from the few hours in her family's presence. It made him love her all the more.

"I promise," he whispers dropping his hand. "Goodnight Princesses! I'll see you in the morning."

With that Atticus departed from his lovely bride and strode down the hall to his chambers. As he entered the massive room he examined it.

It was a lot colder and masculine than Aisha's. Papers strewn across his desk, his armor chest on prominent display, and seldom decor in the room, except the portrait of himself above his bed. His large bed was situated in the middle of the room, his fireplace boasting two armchairs, and literature on the art of war and history.

In a few days Aisha would join him here and he was sure she would not find this room appealing compared to her own.

In a few days he would share his bed with Aisha. She would be his wife.

The idea brought a warmth to his chest.

He knew what he would do. He would get all of the lovely women who had come into his life to give this room a much needed feminine touch. Anything to make Aisha comfortable in her new home.

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