Black air sweeps across [natu...

By pttcch

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黑氣席卷[天災] / Black air sweeps across [natural disaster] 作者︰金彩 Summer... More

Chapter 1 - 10
Chapter 11 - 20
Chapter 21 - 30
Chapter 41 - 50
Chapter 51 - 60
Chapter 61 - 69

Chapter 31 - 40

1.2K 7 12
By pttcch

Chapter 31

Looking at the black air mass that was rotating more and more violently, Xia Zhi's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to face the direction of the team: "Run..." The surrounding

sounds were very noisy, but Xia Zhi's voice miraculously reached everyone. In one’s ear.

Many people looked up in confusion, looking for the owner of the sound.

However, the place was full of minions, and no one knew anyone.

Vincent was standing at the junction to help. After his ears received the reminder of Xia Zhi, he unconsciously glanced at the black abyss. Then I found that the black air seemed to be steaming up. His vision seemed to be cast into a shadow.

Without thinking, he pulled Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu beside him and yelled at the team members: "Get out of here quickly."

The others held tools in their hands, with puzzled faces on their faces.

Some people were obedient, threw their things on the ground, and ran up the mountain behind Vincent and others.

At this time, Xia Zhi had already taken out the armband-style dagger she had made while running. She didn't need to look back, she could feel a huge amount of energy being accumulated in the black abyss behind her, and it would be completed soon. Moreover, as the black energy gathered, the blue mark on her chest became frighteningly cold.

The feeling was deeper than ever, and she couldn't ignore the warning.

And just as a few of them were running desperately away from the black abyss, those who had experienced the mutation had their senses sharpened a lot.

Some people began to notice abnormalities in the Black Qi Abyss. Gritting his teeth, he picked up his equipment and followed Vincent and the others as they evacuated.

However, most people are still working hard.

However, no matter what choice is made. A minute later, in the black air abyss where the energy had been accumulated, the huge black spiral black air masses stopped rotating.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed.

But in the next second, this thing started to spin desperately again. Huge amounts of energy were ejected from the center of the spiral air mass.

Like a volcanic eruption, many black air masses were sprayed into different areas of the entire Nanming Mountain. Except for places with an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, no other place was spared. Even in residential areas, like volcanic ash falling from a volcanic eruption, a large number of black lumps fell from the sky.

Xia Zhi saw this and called Lao Mo worriedly. It happened that at this time, Lao Mo's phone couldn't be reached. Xia Zhi could only call her daughter's smart watch instead.

The moment the call was connected, Xia Zhi asked anxiously: "Feifei, Feifei. Are you okay? Where is old Uncle Mo?" The

voice on the other end of the phone was very noisy. There were many exclamations and screams.

"Mom, Mom, it's okay!"

"Xia Zhi, this is Lao Mo. We are okay. A lot of black air suddenly fell from the sky just now. I quickly took the child back to the house. Now we are all hiding in the house, and the door is closed. It's safe."

After hearing the words "very safe", Xia Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, many people not far behind her were desperately calling their families to confirm their safety.

Of course, there are also those who are alone. After seeing the black air abyss, a large amount of black air was sprayed out and fell to the ground. I walked over curiously. Then I discovered that the black air mass was somewhat shaped like the shell of an egg. I just stepped on it with my foot and there was no sign of any breakage.

"Oh my goodness! What the hell is this!"

The black air abyss was still spraying various small black air masses, most of which were busy escaping from the junction. No one really satisfies this man's curiosity.

However, soon, he knew what this thing was without anyone having to answer.

Because, just when he moved his feet away from the black air mass, he was about to continue running. Suddenly, a gap opened in the black air mass. Then, a metallic color came out from the gap. Before the man could react, he saw a flash of cold light. My calves felt cold as they stepped on the black air mass.

Then a stream of blood spurted out and splashed on many people passing by.

The man looked down belatedly and found that his calf had disconnected from his body at some point. Then, his body tilted and he fell directly to the ground.

At the last moment of his life, he finally saw clearly what was in the black air mass.

Metallic sickles stretched out from the black air mass one after another. Metallic tentacles flashed, followed by a pair of blue eyes and a triangular head. After the triangular head appeared, he tilted his head and glanced at himself. The last moment he saw was the afterimage of the mechanical mantis, which was as big as an adult's palm, jumping onto him.

In the end, the man's head fell to the ground, and the last thought in his mind was actually the comfortable days when he and a few old friends were sitting in a teahouse, drinking tea and chatting before the black energy broke out. He thought it would be nice to die like this.

There were calls for help and screams coming one after another from behind. Correspondingly, black air masses fell to the ground one after another, like eggshells cracking, and mechanical insects emerged one after another.

The moment these mechanical insects appear, they will attack the humans closest to them. As for the cracked black gas shells they left on the ground, they turned into a stream of black gas, directly dyeing the nearby grass and trees with an ominous black.

Clang sounds occurred one after another. Xia Zhi shook the dagger blade that had been stretched by her, and swung it towards the mechanical insect blocking the way again. When these mechanical insects encountered Xia Zhi's long dagger, they were completely helpless.

Xia Zhi mechanically waved the long dagger, just wanting to rush back to the board house area as soon as possible. There, her family was waiting for her.

However, she also discovered many types of mechanical insects that appeared along the way. There are mechanical cockroaches, mechanical earthworms, mechanical beetles, mechanical mantises, mechanical grasshoppers, and even mechanical dragonflies. Xia Zhi didn't understand why these winged insects didn't fly high when they encountered black air. Instead, he was infected with black energy and eventually became mechanized.

The mechanical insects with wings are not as easy to deal with as the mechanical ants that can only crawl.

"Wow, there are so many new species! Aren't you going to give them away if you catch them?"

Some of the salvage teams who were escaping around started to exclaim. There are even attempts to use metal nets to catch the mechanical insects that begin to appear in mid-air.

However, as soon as the big net was cast out, it directly scratched the sharp legs of the mechanical insect.

"Holy shit, how come these things have become so powerful?"

Xia Zhi ran while chopping, and behind her, Vincent had already rushed to her side with Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu. I heard many people from the salvage team screaming, and my heart sank slightly.

The enemies seem to have evolved more, but they are still weak.

In the process of escaping, many people were attacked by various mechanical insects that appeared around them. Some people were lucky enough to escape, but their isolation suits were in tatters. Some people are so unlucky that they lose the ability to move after being attacked by a mechanical insect.

Whenever this happens, it is the key to testing human nature.

But often human nature cannot stand the test.

Xia Zhi noticed that Sister Wen was not far behind them, with two members of the salvage team beside her. The two members of the salvage team were local villagers in Nanming Mountain, from Bai Pangzi Village.

After the first wave of black air masses burst, Xia Zhi began to feel a sudden increase in pressure. She had to chop the mechanical insects while secretly using the power of the blue light group to melt the mechanical insects that the long dagger touched directly onto the blade. As a result, her long dagger became longer and longer, and its lethality became more and more powerful.

But the people around him who were busy running for their lives didn't notice this at all.

Just when everyone ran halfway up the mountain and was about to arrive at the residential area. Different types of mechanical insects scattered throughout Nanming Mountain. It seems that I am gradually getting used to this place where there is no dark atmosphere. Slowly began to gather together with the same kind.

One after another, large-scale small insect waves were born.

These mechanical insects are very smart and understand the principle of fighting with more and less.

Whenever it passes a person, it will focus on attacking that person. Completely ignoring the fact that the tribe has been under attack from other external forces.

At this time, the gap between supermen who have undergone mutations and ordinary people who have not undergone mutations is revealed.

When those supermen realized that the mechanical insects were killing them, they picked up any weapons they had that could kill the mechanical insects and started fighting.

Of course, there are those rookies who don't have any combat experience. Actually, a burning wooden barn was used directly on the mountainside with lush vegetation. As a result, the mechanical insects were not eliminated, but triggered one small wildfire after another.

And these small wildfires have, to a certain extent, blocked the way for humans to continue running up the mountains.

Xia Zhi cursed a few words and nimbly dodged the lightning-like attacks of a group of mechanical mantises. But he accidentally stepped into an area of ​​burning weeds.

She could only immediately take off the isolation suit that had begun to melt and continue fighting with a gas mask on.

As for many of the team members following her, they had already fled for their lives.

After once again killing a small group of mechanical cockroaches blocking the road, the weapon in Xia Zhi's hand had changed from a short dagger to a long dagger, and then to a mandarin duck knife. Each hand held a sharp silver-white blade with cold light. Two knives, one long and one short, can be used to protect the body from attacks by mechanical ants, whether for long-range or close combat.

At this time, there was a burst of curses in the woods not far away.

Xia Zhi felt familiar, and saw a person wearing an isolation suit. So he walked forward quickly.

"Vincent, why are you still here?"

Vincent looked very embarrassed in front of him. The yellow isolation suit on his body was stained with various bloodstains and even pieces of meat. Of course, his face doesn't look very good either, the gas mask is gone. Instead there was a long cut. It spread from the bridge of the nose to the corner of the right eye. It was almost impossible to save my eyes.

Vincent was still very nervous when he heard the footsteps. When he saw that the person coming was Xia Zhi, Vincent was instantly relieved. Then he was surprised by the Yuanyang knife in Xia Zhi's hand. But he was so smart that he didn't ask. Instead, he briefly talked about what happened after the two separated.

"I got separated from Fatty Bai and the others. Then I met a few lone mechanical cockroaches. I finally killed these disgusting things, but my face was stained." Vincent pointed to the

gas mask that was broken in half on the ground. With a wry smile on his face.

What he didn't tell Xia Zhi was that he was separated from Fatty Bai, Fatty Liu and the others. But when she was attacked by the mechanical cockroach, Sister He happened to be passing by with several villagers from Nanming Mountain. However, when he called Sister He for help, Sister He left without saying a word.

Seeing her behavior, Vincent could only risk his life to save himself.

Fortunately, it seems that the result is pretty good now.

Also because the crowd ran towards the mountain in large numbers, the number of mechanical insects left here unexpectedly decreased. Otherwise, he, a bloody and lonely man, might have met the Lord of Hell long ago.

Xia Zhi didn't know Vincent's complicated inner activities.

She thought for a moment and pretended to dig something in her pocket. He took out a disinfectant spray, disinfected Vincent's wound a little, asked him to get up, and returned to the boardroom area as soon as possible.

Xia Zhi, who was running ahead, was busy on his way and didn't notice that where Vincent had just been sitting, there were several shriveled mechanical ant corpses.


"Listen to my command and launch..."

"Residents please close doors and windows, residents please close doors and windows..."

"Here...there are wounded here..."

"Ah... Squad leader, go quickly. I'll come to the rear..." ..."



The closer you get to the residential area, the more you can hear various sounds.

Xia Zhi held the two knives tightly and waved them while trying to calm down. Not to mention anything else, Lao Mo's fighting ability is pretty good. Although he is fifty years old, he is comparable to many young guys.

When she finally arrived at the living area, what she saw was pieces of flames shooting into the air.

The smell of burning fuel is very pungent.

If Xia Zhi hadn't been wearing a gas mask on her face, she believed she would have had a stinging nose.

Flames like fire curtains densely filled the air, making the entire sky appear a strange blood-red color.

On the ground, there is a large area of ​​plant blackening.

After passing through a narrow safe passage, Xia Zhi looked back at the fearless soldiers standing on the front line. For the first time, I felt that I had a responsibility for the world.

Most of the mechanical insects were blocked from the first line of defense in the residential area. Most of the remaining scattered mechanical insects will be wiped out by the soldiers on the second line of defense.

When Xia Zhi and Wensheng crossed the third line of defense and returned to the cabin area, they found that there were very few mechanical insects here. However, there was a lot of black and red blood and flesh on the ground, as well as patches of grass and trees contaminated by black air, indicating that a fierce battle had occurred here.

"Vincent, I'm going back. You should go back quickly."

Vincent nodded quickly, thinking only of his parents.

The summer solstice has also arrived at home at this time. When she knocked on the door, she still listened hard to what was going on inside. When the door was opened a crack and it was confirmed that his family was safe, Xia Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is it outside?"

Lao Mo held up the crossbow left for him by Xia Zhi in his hand and looked outside warily.

"The soldiers are still fighting. It seems like many people died along the way..."

Before Xia Zhi finished speaking, he felt his daughter hugging his thigh. Gouzi followed closely behind and almost threw Xia Zhi to the ground.

There were two clang sounds, the sound of the Yuanyang knife falling to the ground.

Read) novel; Jia &weixin%xiamu Xia

Zhi hugged her daughter and Gouzi and had a nice intimate time with them.

"Mom, you scared me to death, you scared me to death." The three-year-old baby still doesn't understand many things, but he can already keenly feel the unsafety outside. She hid in her mother's arms, cooing and being scared to death.

KK, on ​​the other hand, kept moaning softly. From the looks of it, he was probably quite frightened. A dog's ears and nose are much more sensitive than humans. This big guy must know that something dangerous is happening outside.

While Xia Zhi was making love to his children and dogs, Lao Mo had already picked up the Yuanyang knife that Xia Zhi had just thrown on the ground, looking at it and marveling at it.

"Xia Zhi, your ability is too easy to use."

Old Mo probably knew Xia Zhi's ability, but the transformation of the dagger armbands before was surprising enough. Now comes the handsome mandarin duck double swords, which is very surprising.

Xia Zhi stood up from the ground with a smile. Only then did she notice. The only toilet with a window in the whole house was locked. And there are several mechanical insect corpses on the ground at home.

"Did mechanical insects get into the house?"

"That! KK discovered that first. I killed them. Fortunately, there were soldiers in front of us. Otherwise, our ordinary wooden houses would not be able to stop them at all. The sharp legs of mechanical insects."

Lao Mo said, pointing to a scratch that looked like a crack at the foot of the house. The scratches went directly across the exterior wall made of color steel plates. It is conceivable that this new batch of mechanical insects is no longer on the same level as the previous mechanical ants.

At this time, a message came from Xia Zhi's mobile phone. She picked it up and saw that it was a message of peace from Vincent. The message also mentioned that Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu returned home safely. As for the other team members, most are safe. They were protected by Sister He and did not suffer any serious crimes.

After Vincent sent this message, he turned off the phone screen. Then he walked to his parents and squatted down.

"Mom and Dad, I did something. After this thing, I may die, or I may become even more powerful."

Mother Wen touched the gauze that had just been wrapped on her son's face, and her tears kept falling. stop.

Father Wen patted his son on the shoulder and said in a muffled voice: "It's okay, it's okay. If you are really not here, your parents will not let you go alone..." The two elderly people often check the news on the Internet.

I already understand what choice my son made.


fierce battle ended after an hour.

The newly emerged mechanical insects, like a hodgepodge, still follow the habits of the previous mechanical ants. After leaving the black air for more than an hour, they will immediately retreat back to the black air abyss.

The soldiers on the front line waited for this moment and immediately issued orders to launch a general offensive.

Countless flaming wooden warehouses and reinforced metal nets rushed toward the sky and the ground. A large number of mechanical insects are trapped in the reinforced metal mesh. Just as he was about to struggle, he was scorched by waves of flames.

And when all these invaders were evacuated, what was left behind was a mess.

"At this time, I'm actually glad that the black gas polluted the vegetation."

Captain Hu, whose hands had been blistered by the flames, finally put down his weapon. He looked at the surrounding vegetation that was faintly on fire due to the flames burning the wooden barn.

These plants and trees had previously been contaminated by the black air mass shells surrounding the mechanical insects. Large areas turned black. These blackened plants only emit a few sparks when exposed to flames. There was no sign of a fire starting.

At the same time, Xia Zhi, who was always paying attention to the fighting outside at home, already knew about the retreat of the mechanical insects.

Although the soldiers did not cheer, the words they shouted for doctors could already explain the problem.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at various messages on the Internet.

It was found that the black air jets and large-scale mechanical insect attacks at the Nanming base have become hot searches.

Only at this time did Xia Zhi find out. Of all the bases across the country, only Nanming Base was attacked by this enhanced version of mechanical insects.

This forced her to think of her previous question again: Why was Nanming City the hardest hit area by the invasion of robots? Is this really a coincidence?

The blue mark in the space that had been cold before gradually returned to its original state. But Xia Zhi feels that the serious situation in Nanming City must be related to space. But what the relationship was, she had no way of knowing. The blue light ball in the space seemed not to be ready to tell her any more news.

Three hours after the battle ended, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the residents of the base received the news and could enter and exit freely.

But when they opened the door and looked around.

They were shocked to find that Nanming Mountain, which was once full of green vegetation, was covered by small patches of black. It's like a green watercolor painting that has been splashed with a lot of ink and no longer has any sense of beauty.

If Nanming Mountain used to look like a paradise, now Nanming Mountain looks more like a doomsday wasteland.

The patches of vegetation polluted by the black air looked very ugly and ominous.

The blood and flesh on the ground were still not cleaned up. There is a lot of smoke from burning wooden barns remaining in the air, which makes people feel choking.

A large number of mechanical insect corpses dropped on the ground have been collected and taken away by officials. Occasionally, you will see the remains of mechanical insect corpses in the corners.

Many people feel a faint feeling of despair when they see such a scene.

Xia Zhi stepped out of the house and saw the same scene.

Especially when she discovered that the mountain in the agricultural area was seriously polluted by black gas, she felt very uncomfortable.

The food in the agricultural area can be said to be the future hope of this base. But now, most of the hope has been destroyed. What destroyed hope was just a surprise attack by mechanical insects.


Not far away, a middle-aged man suddenly broke down and cried.

Xia Zhi recognized this man. He was one of the few people in the Banfang District who had a formal job at the base. He was also responsible for farming in a very popular agricultural area. Logically speaking, such people should live in better conditions. However, this person's family has a large population. From parents to children to brothers, nephews and nieces. So many people have to be supported by him alone. Life is tight.

"It's gone, it's all gone..." The middle-aged man knelt on the ground and wailed.

And there were many relatives around him, all of them looking pale and desperate.

Xia Zhi probably knew the truth of the matter from their few words.

It turned out that the farmland that the middle-aged man was responsible for planting was polluted by black gas, and the agricultural area management office informed him that he did not have to work for the time being.

The middle-aged man simply couldn't bear the feeling of despair that his family's only job had been smashed.

And there are many people who have the same misfortune as middle-aged men. Social platforms were suddenly flooded with all kinds of negative emotions from Nanming base residents.

At this time, people in other bases looked at the green waters and green mountains of their own bases and suddenly felt very happy.


the same time, Zhao Zengguang, the director of Nanming Base, was looking through the battle report submitted by Commander Li. As for the battle damage report, it is provided by the base logistics department.

These reports were placed on the desk. After he quickly read through them, he looked at Commander Li: "Old Li, the first person to be attacked in this attack was the salvage team. Some of this group have undergone mutations. I heard that Did they make a great contribution this time?"

Master Li nodded slightly, but he was actually more worried about this matter.

"The first group of salvage team members to return to the residential area have reinforced the troops in many battles. However, after this battle, I estimate that many people will choose to take a gamble." At this point, Commander Li himself sighed

. tone.

Of course Base Manager Zhao understood why the other party sighed. Even he had to wonder if God was playing a big joke on them.

Otherwise, why had they just finalized the policy on mutation, and the mechanical insects on the back invaded again. And this time it was an all-round and large-scale invasion. When he thought of the farmland and woods mentioned in the report that were polluted by black gas, Base Chief Zhao felt a sting in his heart.

Director Lin is also here. He suggested directly: "There won't be only one attack like this today. It will probably become the norm in the future. I suggest that all soldiers in the army carry out all mutations." "

Bah! Lin Daqiang, you idiot. You want me Soldiers die!"

Commander Li knew very well how high the mortality rate was by actively letting the mechanical ants bite him to achieve the purpose of mutation. Even though the benefits of the mutation seemed very attractive at the moment, he was firmly opposed to using human lives for this experiment.

"If you have the ability, develop a 100% safe mutation agent. If you don't have the ability, don't make random suggestions here. I suggest you never make suggestions in the future." After

Mr. Li finished scolding, he directly called Base Commander Zhao. Say hello and leave first. He couldn't bear to be with that man named Lin. He was afraid that if he couldn't help but dig out the wooden warehouse, he would pop off this man's head that was exposed to bad water.

Director Lin was just about to scold Mr. Li for calling him by his former name. But the other party left in a hurry. He could only look at the base commander, hoping that the other party would be interested in his suggestions.

However, Base Chief Zhao obviously had a clear mind: "Director Lin, please go back and study why this black air suddenly erupted. Will there be any pattern in the attacks of these mechanical insects in the future?"

After sending everyone away, Base Chief Zhao Looking at the logistics battle damage report in his hand, he let out a long sigh.

The base's fuel is almost exhausted. The base's food reserves are only enough to last until the beginning of next spring. However, in the base that has gradually become a wasteland, I don’t know where to replenish these things.

In the end, base director Zhao worked all night to compile a report and sent it directly to Central City. I just hope Central City can make better decisions.


the next morning, Xia Zhi heard a lot of exclamations outside.

She didn't know until she came out of the house. Today, there are more than a dozen salvage workers who have mutated, using their skills to prepare to go to Pingpo to continue working. It turned out that the road to the Pingpo side was completely blocked by the authorities. The last news I heard was that the black energy was rising again last night. The height is now over four meters.

Such bad news was brought back to the boardroom area, causing a burst of noise.

Many people looked at the mutated people who came back and were very envious: "If I had known it, I wouldn't be so afraid of death. I will mutate with you. The worst is to die. It's better than being without a job now and not knowing what to do in the future." Done!" "Hey, I regret it too. If you don't die now, you might die next time when the mechanical insects come again. Anyway, you will die sooner or later, so you might as well give it a try. Just

buy a scratch ticket."

The comments are filled with the semi-slum area of ​​Banfang District.

Xia Zhi also discovered something at this time.

"Sister He, are you moving?"

Sister He smiled unconsciously when she saw Xia Zhi approaching.

"That's right! Isn't there someone from Nanming Village in the team? I'm going to rent their house. It's not safe to live in a board house."

Xia Zhi thought of the gap in the wall of her home and agreed with Sister He's words.

"Oh, then go ahead and get busy! I won't disturb you anymore."

After saying that, Xia Zhi and the unhappy Mrs. Cheng nodded and walked towards Wen Sheng's house. Behind him, Old Mrs. Cheng was teaching Sister He softly: "Tell me, what are you doing!" The

hatred in her tone made Xia Zhi, who had turned her back to them, feel a little confused and confused. A glimmer of clarity.

Her doubts were quickly answered by Vincent.

Mother Wen opened the door to her house and saw that the visitor was Xia Zhi, so she stood at the door. The meaning is very clear, I just don’t want to go in during the summer solstice.

Xia Zhi is also a smart person. He directly handed over the small paper bag he was holding. What was inside was a bottle of disinfectant spray, a roll of gauze and a small half bottle of white medicine. These things are leftover from the medicine cabinet at home before the summer solstice. As for brand-new things, she didn't dare to give them away. Otherwise, people will definitely be suspicious.

Mother Wen didn't expect that Xia Zhi was here to deliver medicine for wounds. You know, current drugs, especially trauma drugs, are in short supply.

"Mom...let Xia Zhi come in!" Vincent's voice was dull.

As soon as he said this, there was a series of sneezes.

And this weird sneeze made Xia Zhi understand something, and his face became not very good-looking.


"I made you laugh." Vincent's face was tied with slightly bleeding gauze, which made this man who usually looked gentle and elegant look particularly embarrassed.

"No, this is your choice. I won't stop it. By the way, Sister He is moving away. Do you know about this?" When Sister He just

talked to her, her eyes flickered and she looked at Vincent Guilty conscience in the direction of home. It made her feel that something must have happened between Sister He and Wen Sheng.

When Vincent heard this, a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips.

"You should stay away from her in the future. This person has drifted away..."

Xia Zhi was shocked after listening to Vincent's story about how Sister He ignored his plea for help and even sped up to leave.

Although she knew that Sister He had already drifted off after becoming the so-called mutant superman. But I didn't expect that she would be so cruel. You know, at that time, the area where Vincent was located was actually not very dangerous.

If it was dangerous, the summer solstice wouldn't come close. After all, humans are selfish.

"Hmph, she must have moved to Nanming Village!"

Xia Zhi immediately realized the people from Nanming Village in the team. Not all the families Sister He rescued yesterday had houses and land in Nanming Village. Such a realistic Sister He made Xia Zhi feel that she didn't know how to evaluate this person.

"Huh, I'm just waiting to see what happens to her..."

Vincent snorted and pulled at the wound on his face, grinning in pain.

Xia Zhi glared at him: "I still have a few anti-allergy pills, and I'll bring them to you later."

When Vincent heard this, he was about to say no.

"Hey, don't refuse. These are all lent to you. When you become a mutant, just remember to return them to me."

Xia Zhi said, not looking at the grateful looks of the three members of the Wen family, and hurried home. Pretending to be looking for medicine. As for whether Wensheng can succeed in the mutation, Xia Zhi said that it will definitely succeed. Even someone with a physique like Sister He can succeed, how could Vincent fail?

She has realized that the reason behind Sister He's success must be closely related to her long-term contact.


the next few days, the entire Nanming base fell into an eerie silence. But this kind of quietness is filled with depression and despair. Especially after people working in agricultural areas and even breeding areas were laid off one after another, this despair spread.

I don’t know who posted the pollution situation of the entire agricultural and breeding areas on social platforms. The large areas in the video are polluted by black gas. The grass and trees that were dyed black, the big fat pig that died in the black air...

Such a scene, not to mention people from Nanming Base, even people from other bases found it shocking after seeing it.

When the latest demographic data came out, people compared this data with the previous permanent population of Nanming City. I was surprised to find that just over three months had passed since the black gas outbreak, and the entire population of Nanming City had already dropped by nearly one-third. Such a huge population loss has made this base even worse, which is already about to explode.

People began to go to official shopping malls to stock up on food and drinking water. Then he huddled at home and waited for death to come again.

There are also people who don't believe in fate and are trying to find the mechanical ants that can mutate people. Then they were surprised to find that the mechanical ants seemed to have evolved. The metal mesh previously used was of little use.

Neither moving forward nor retreating, the entire base fell into endless confusion and fear.

At this time, Central City officially released the latest base classification standards. According to this standard, Nanming Base became the first medium-pollution base in Flower Country.

This incident was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.

The mentality of many people in the Nanming Base was shattered...

Xia Zhi was sitting at home, watching the words "Medium Pollution Base" appear on the screen, and felt that it was finally coming.

"The rich people at the resort have begun to evacuate in the past two days. Huh, such people have connections and planes, and they have fled directly to a safer base."

Xia Zhi looked at Vincent, who rarely said harsh words, and said funnyly: " Do you think there is really a so-called safe place in the entire country or even the entire Green River Star?"

Chapter 32

"Our resort has an excellent location. It is built right in the center of the base. It also has water, electricity, internet, and complete household appliances. Tenants can choose to cook by themselves, or choose delicious food carefully prepared by our resort restaurant . Now the resort is holding activities. There is a discount for renting for one year, which is very affordable..."

Xia Zhi interrupted the resort manager's endless sales pitch, and asked directly: "How much is the rent for half a year's rent? How much is the rent for one year's rent?"

Bai Bai The manager was suffocated by this question. He reached out and touched the hair on his head with a smile on his face: "Currently, if the customer rents for one year, the rent is 200,000 points, which is a 10% discount. If the guest rents for half a year, the rent will be 200,000 points." 100,000 points will get you a five kilogram bag of rice."

This price is similar to what Vincent had inquired about before.

However, one day has passed since the Nanming base was officially designated as a medium-pollution base.

In just 24 hours, a lot can happen.

For example, some of the rich people who lived in the resort took their families and left in helicopters. As for why they were able to leave, it was because most of the large amount of supplies they sent to the mountain before the black air broke out were detained by the base. This gave him the opportunity to leave the base.

The poor live an even more hopeless life. After spending all the points on their hands, these people huddled at home, cherishing the last time with their families. Then he waited silently at home to die.

There are also some smart people and mutant people who are starting to pick up the slack. The specific performance is to rely on individual strength as much as possible to salvage mechanical insects in order to continue trading with the base. Or like summer solstice, just change to a new place to live.

The resort is the area with the best conditions in the entire residential area. After most of the wealthy people evacuated, many rooms were vacant. No, Xia Zhi finally decided to move her home to the resort after discussing it with Vincent. At least the houses here are made of reinforced concrete. The security is always much higher than that in the board house area.

"Manager Bai, please stop joking. The price you paid was when the base was still very safe. Now the base is a moderately polluted base. The agricultural and breeding areas, forests, vegetation, and water sources are all polluted. You can still live in the future. That's good. Otherwise, why would you have so many vacant rooms in this resort?"

Vincent smiled and started talking to Manager Bai, looking like he was sitting on the Diaoyutai.

Manager Bai also knows that Nanming Base is now a base that everyone avoids. If it weren't for the fact that the only family property was this resort, it wouldn't be easy to make a living leaving the Nanming base to go to other bases. Manager Bai himself wanted to fly away on the guest's helicopter.

"Oh, Mr. Wen, it's not easy for our resort! Do you think I get the rent I charge you alone? I have to pay most of it to the official as tax!" Also because of cooperating with the official, Manager Bai

Only the family can save such a large resort.

The two parties came and went to discuss the rent, while Xia Zhi carefully looked at the houses in this resort area.

Like many mountain resorts, the resorts here are divided into single-family houses and hotel-style rooms. Xia Zhi and Wen Sheng aimed at hotel-style rooms this time. As for single-family houses, they are too expensive and not cost-effective.

In the hotel-style room, I plan to rent a suite during the summer solstice and directly separate it into two rooms with a screen. This type of suite has simple kitchenware such as a TV, microwave, and induction cooker, as well as small appliances such as a refrigerator and a washing machine. It can be said to be very convenient.

Vincent also had the same idea as Xia Zhi.

Since he confirmed the success of the mutation early this morning, he has been full of energy and full of strength. Then, come with the summer solstice and decide on the house.

After cutting the price in half, Wensheng walked to Xia Zhi with satisfaction: "That's okay, we will move in today. As you said, we will rent for half a year first and pay the rent once a month." Xia Zhi heard that the rent should be paid once a month.

, also showed a smile.

Although she is confident that officials will not abandon this base. But taking out such a large amount of points at once would make even Xia Zhi feel very distressed.

Both of them are people who do what they say, and soon moved their family from the cabin area to the resort. There was also an incident when we were moving.

Because he was worried that KK would be regarded as a moving piece of meat, Vincent volunteered and wanted to try his abilities. There was a person carrying KK on his back, with a tent covering behind him. One person carried the two military tents belonging to KK and Xia Zhi's family to the resort room in one go.

Lao Mo was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"Mom, Mom, so beautiful!"

After arriving in the new environment, Feifei was like a little butterfly, wandering back and forth throughout the suite.

The entire suite is not large in area, but it has one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, and the water and electricity grid are connected. Compared with prefabricated houses, the living conditions have jumped several levels.

KK, being a dog, was sniffing here and there.

Xia Zhi stroked its shiny golden hair, knowing that this big guy wanted to run outside. But it is very sensible and knows that it is not safe outside. Never bother to go out for a walk.

Living next door is Vincent's family of three. This family of three is also busy. Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu came over to help. The two of them worked together with Vincent to move the big bed in the suite to the wall. He made room to set up a tent and said without forgetting the gossip: "Wen Sheng, remember your neighbor named He!"

Fatty Liu winked at the side and smiled obscenely. Fatty Bai bumped him with his elbow, and then continued: "That woman actually fell in love with the son of our village chief..."

Accompanying this sentence was Fatty Bai's expression full of exclamation marks.

He really couldn't understand it, the black energy exploded, and the apocalypse was coming. Why are there still people who are busy falling in love instead of thinking about how to survive? Especially now that this area has been designated as a moderately polluted area, most of the indigenous people are very anxious. After all, everyone is an old farmer, and even the nouveau riche don’t have the connections to leave the base at this time.

When Vincent heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched. He knew that Sister He was a bit arrogant, but he didn't expect that she would become like this.

"Don't talk about that person. That person has nothing to do with me now. Our salvage team has been disbanded. By the way, can you still grow vegetables on your village's private land?" "You can grow it, but you can't grow it

. The vegetables are all small and don't look like they will grow very big. But they are grown on the balcony and can still grow normally."

Vincent thought thoughtfully after hearing this.

This situation is very similar to when plant black root disease first appeared. This should be related to the land being polluted by black gas. It now seems that the pollution of the land will not be eliminated in a short time. Maybe it will be permanent.

This conclusion is really depressing.

After the two families packed up their things, they were going to have a good meal together at the resort's restaurant. After that, it’s time to live frugally.

There were not many people in the restaurant, and the food was worse than what I had seen in the base canteen before. One can imagine how bad the situation at the base is.

Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu had a meal together and enjoyed themselves. During the meal, the two asked directly about Vincent's actions after that. Vincent reached out and touched the wound on his face. The wound has scabbed over the past two days, which is when it started to itch.

"We'll see what we do when the outside stabilizes. It's best for you two to go out less during this period. After eating later, you can go home early."

Xia Zhi had long noticed the wound on Wen Sheng's face. She didn't ask, but she already had a guess in her mind. Does this so-called mutated person have a qualitative change in his or her entire body? Otherwise, why would the wound heal so quickly? It really looks a bit like a super warrior from a science fiction blockbuster.


guess about the summer solstice is very reasonable. In fact, many scientists have discovered this.

At the headquarters of the Black Gas Research Institute in Central City, Director He fell into silence as he looked at the test reports sent from different base branches.

Mutants are different from ordinary humans in terms of their physical fitness and cell activity.

As for the sign of the success of mutation, he discovered it during another project. It's just, even though that project is successful now. But when people know the price of mutation, I wonder if they can accept it?

After a while, he got up from the office and took the elevator directly to the pharmacy laboratory on the top floor.

One after another, huge thickened glass tanks are filled with transparent potions. Then, tube after tube of thick black unknown substance with unclear status was injected into the huge glass tank. Dye the potion in the entire glass tank black.

In the center of the glass tank, a blue stone about the size of a walnut was floating in the center of the glass tank.

At first, people couldn't see clearly what was going on in the glass tank that had turned completely black. But when the instrument detected that the unknown energy began to fluctuate and formed a stable energy field, about an hour passed. The thick darkness in the glass tank began to gradually recede, and the color of the entire glass tank returned to its original transparency.

"What's the situation with the pharmaceuticals?" He Mingzhi crossed his arms and looked through the thick, high-radiation-proof glass of the laboratory at the pharmaceutical processing production line controlled by a microcomputer.

"Director, the current production speed can only be maintained at 1,000 pieces/day. The main reason is that the extraction of black substances is too difficult." The black substances are

extracted from mechanical ants and even mechanical insects later sent from the Nanming base. However, due to serious technological barriers, this extraction work is very difficult.

The extracted black substance is the key to human mutation.

"If the number of blue stones increases, the production efficiency of the medicine should also be improved." Another pharmacist took over.

He Mingzhi looked at the blue stone floating quietly in the glass tank. This stone was found in a scientific research ruins in the northwest. This thing was considered useless at first. It just came from the place where a major accident occurred and was sent to the warehouse by a researcher in the institute.

Who knew that when the plant black root disease appeared, this blue stone began to show subtle energy fluctuations. This kind of energy fluctuation would be possible if it were not for the fact that it is placed in the research institute with the most testing instruments in the country. He Mingzhi believes that the magic of this stone will never be discovered by humans.

He Mingzhi felt a little happy when he thought about the series of things that happened after the stone was discovered. Sometimes when he looks at this blue stone, he will have an illusion. It feels like this thing is conscious. It's just that this kind of consciousness will not be noticed by humans in low-dimensional space.


From the perspective of an imaginative scientific researcher, He Mingzhi believes that black air, blue stones, and the mechanical insects that are jumping around now are not native species on Green River Planet. This kind of thing is more like a product of a high-dimensional universe. But for some unknown reason, they invaded the Green River Planet. It brought a devastating disaster to the Green River Star.

Fortunately, all things are interdependent.

The thing that restrains the black energy is actually the walnut-sized blue stone in front of me. Just thinking about it makes me think this world is magical.

Of course, they once had the naive illusion that blue stones could absorb black energy. But it turned out to be impossible. The role of bluestone is more like a catalyst? Or maybe a converter?

Because it is impossible to analyze the blue stone and the black energy, many speculations still remain in the guessing stage.

As for the medicine in front of us, research and development had actually begun when the plant black root disease broke out. The research and development at that time was to purify plants and purify the land. Now with Liuzi, a living human being, as a model, after the hard work of many pharmaceutical experts, a pharmaceutical suitable for human use has been developed some time ago.

The function of the medicine is to promote human mutation.

Mutation, that is, abnormal change. This mutation is not natural evolution. It is also inconsistent with the theory of biological evolution. The mutation is more like a mutation caused by external interference.

Using mutation potion will cause the mutation process to be much gentler, and may also fail. But never letting humans melt from the inside.

Even though He Mingzhi considered himself to be a firm-minded person, he felt that that scene of human beings melting was too cruel.

I only hope that after this potion appears, it can improve mankind's weak position in this battle.


“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Have Aress on

" .

Lao Mo had to hold the dog in his arms and plug its ears with his hands, hoping to reduce the dog's irritability.

Xia Zhi tied her daughter to her chest with a strap and covered her ears with her hands. At the same time, he opened a gap in the curtains and looked outside.

The room they were in was on the sixth floor, and the entire building was only on the eighth floor. Because the building itself is the highest in the entire residential area. Therefore, during the summer solstice, one can easily overlook the entire residential area from the window.

The entire base has been in chaos for the past two days.

Vicious incidents such as beating, smashing, burning and looting occur from time to time.

Most of the people involved in such incidents are loners. And he's still a loser who doesn't have the guts to gamble on a mechanical insect.

These people shouted that this base was hopeless and the rich people had fled. They want to vent this anger. Let everyone know your pain.

However, they did not dare to rob the official warehouse or attack the official area. They don’t even dare to go to agricultural areas and breeding areas. They only dare to run wild in residential areas with the largest number of civilians.

Such meaningless declarations and actions made Xia Zhi sneer after seeing it.

These people are social babies who need to be dealt with, and they are cowards without courage.

At this time, if they really muster up the courage to get a mechanical insect at the junction and mutate it, Xia Zhi will still respect them as men.

You know, there have been incidents of mechanical insects appearing at the junction in the past two days.

However, these mechanical insects did not appear in groups and did not cause casualties for the time being. Again, this kind of mechanical life form can be trampled to death by ordinary humans as long as it is not in groups.

As far as Xia Zhi knew, many people had tried to catch a mechanical ant in the past two days. The purpose is also very simple, to become a mutant. As for success or failure, we have to wait a day or two to know the result. Although the results are often tragic. But it's better than the scum currently wreaking havoc in residential areas.

As for speech on the Internet, the scope is enlarged to the whole country. In fact, everyone seems to be in a good situation, at least they can make ends meet. But narrowing the scope to the Nanming base, those remarks are really ugly. Most of the videos and posts posted are full of pessimism.

Even though the base has been working hard to maintain social order, it has even begun to distribute relief food. But this still cannot stop people from despairing about the future. And this kind of despair is brought about by those lands polluted by black air.

If this collective despair is not controlled, the Nanming Base may usher in a man-made disaster.

Xia Zhi sincerely hopes that Central City can stand up as soon as possible and change the pattern of Nanming Base. After all, this should be the most unique place in the entire country and even the entire Green River Star.


"What's that sound?"

Another day passed, and many of the people who caused trouble in the residential area were arrested. People numbly turned on the faucets and began to cook tonight's porridge.

And at this moment, many people heard bursts of roaring sounds in the distance. The roar was very rapid, unlike the sound of helicopters when rich people fled collectively. It was more like a sonic boom sound caused by a fighter jet flying overhead.

Xia Zhi’s ears are the sharpest in the family. While the sound was still far away, she had already noticed that an aircraft was approaching. However, at this time, she only thought that the aircraft was passing by.

But when the dog at home also heard this sound, Xia Zhi knew that the destination of the aircraft was the Nanming base.

"Help is probably coming..." Xia Zhi smiled slightly, opened a corner of the curtain and looked up into the sky.

When other residents in the residential area heard the sound, many people had blank looks on their faces. Some people even posted directly asking if someone from the military was going to run away this time.

But soon, everyone knew that help was coming.

When a video was posted directly to the official account of the Nanming Base, the rows of fighter jets and transport planes flying the national flag; the figures without hesitation; the boxes of supplies being sent into the transport planes... the whole video is not long

. It's even silent from beginning to end. Only at critical moments will the screen add brief introductory subtitles. At the end of the video, the figures of planes flying away are frozen. Two large "Come on" fonts appeared at the top of the screen.

After watching such a video, many ordinary residents of Nanming Base, who had been depressed for a long time, shed tears unconsciously. This silent cry spread throughout the residential area.

Even Xia Zhi felt like his eyes were hot, his nose was sore, and his tears were out of control when he watched such a video.

Gradually, many videos and posts encouraging Nanming base residents began to appear on the Internet. Although this kind of care is not material, the spiritual gains have also gradually warmed up the numb hearts of many Nanming base residents.

And when the base APP on their mobile phones received a text message for receiving supplies at the same time, everyone couldn't help but cheer.

Without him, the supplies in the supply list can be called a big gift package.

Not only does it cover clothes, food, and even household medicines. And the quantity is quite large, enough for one person to live well for a month. In addition, material packages are distributed according to population, regardless of age. This means that families with more family members will benefit more.

Apparently half an hour ago, there was an air of despair everywhere in the base. And now, you can even feel a kind of joy spreading during the summer solstice.

"It's great, I've recovered..."

Lao Mo also looked away from the phone and looked at Xia Zhi: "It seems that your guess is correct."


"Are you going to work in the agricultural area today?"

Early in the morning, Xia Zhi opened the door and prepared to take out the trash. I saw Vincent next door quietly closing the door to his room.

"That's right! I guess I won't have any more work to do after today's work. However, as soon as this support team arrived, I felt that the atmosphere of the entire base was different." Vincent smiled and took the garbage bag in Xia Zhi's hand: "I want to go down anyway

. Lou, I'll throw it away for you. You should take advantage of your free time to spend more time with your family."

After hearing this, Xia Zhi had a smile on his face: "Okay, I won't be polite to you. Be careful when working!"

said Then, Xia Zhi returned to her home, then walked to the sofa in the small living room and sat down.

In the simple kitchen at the corner of the door, Lao Mo was holding the children's milk that had just been brewed, ready to bring it into the room for Feifei. When he saw Xia Zhi coming back, he said directly: "Meet Vincent again!"

Xia Zhi nodded.

Since the aid team sent by Central City arrived a week ago, in addition to delivering supplies, it has also assisted the base in sorting out work. In fact, the base has been doing this work. It's a pity that everyone was in despair at that time and did not cooperate with the base work at all.

Now the aid team from Central City has arrived and the supplies are in place. It actually activated the entire base.

The residents of the base all agree and cooperate with whatever the aid team says. It really echoes the old saying: foreign monks like to chant sutras.

"Wen Sheng's job, the workload is quite heavy, right?"

Vincent works in the planting area on the mountain next door. The content of the work is not to cultivate the land, but to mark the land polluted by black gas. This kind of work is very trivial.

The black air mass that erupted some time ago split into small black air masses. Because these black air masses are not large in size, the scope of pollution is limited. The bad thing is that there are too many, resulting in a small patch of contaminated land appearing in many places, then a small patch of normal land, and then a small patch of contaminated land. In this case, it is simply impossible to continue farming on this entire piece of land.

What's even more deadly is that after this black energy seeps into the land, it cannot be eradicated at all. Anyway, according to the current research results, it is impossible to drive away these black gases.

Vincent's job is to mark out these polluted areas one by one. After that, it is naturally a matter for agricultural experts and farm workers.

Of course, in addition to Vincent's type of work that is currently popular in the entire foundation industry, there is also a safer but tiring job. That's digging.

Dig out the uncontaminated soil and place it in a large indoor greenhouse. This kind of work requires digging, picking and soil preparation. This kind of job is more suitable for ordinary people than the previous one. Moreover, this work is paid on a daily basis.

Xia Zhi has seen photos posted on the Internet. In the workplace of these jobs, there will be baskets of large steamed buns stacked on top of each other. And for such hard work, you can get five big steamed buns a day. The big steamed bun was about the size of an adult's hand, and it was made very solidly, not the kind of strong steamed bun with a lot of baking powder.

Such real steamed buns and such real work are simply delicious.

Of course, Xia Zhi did not go out to work. This week, she was almost exclusively around the resort. Spend more time with my daughter and dog. She had a hunch that she would be busy soon.


the premonition of the summer solstice came true after the sorting work at the base was completed.

"According to the current research results of the Black Gas Research Institute Headquarters, we are happy to announce the birth of a new mutation-promoting safe agent. This agent is safe and harmless and only plays a role in promoting human mutation. Of course, mutation The results are uncontrollable. Currently, there are only two results: success and failure. The good news is that even if you use this mutation-promoting potion, you will not lose your life..." Xia Zhi did not expect Central City to release such a

bombshell. It was so explosive that people simply couldn't recover.

What is being played on TV is the live press conference of the Black Gas Research Institute Headquarters.

As soon as the live broadcast started, the director of the head office came to the stage to speak in person. It was also at this time that Xia Zhi found out that the director of the headquarters was actually He Mingzhi, one of Tian Sheng's mentors when he was in school. Isn’t Teacher He also studying dynamical systems? Why did he become the director of the Black Energy Research Institute?

Xia Zhi had doubts in her heart, but this little doubt was completely forgotten when Teacher He announced the release of the mutation potion.

She really didn't expect that Central City could actually produce mutation potions. And it's a safe medicine.

It's not that Xia Zhi doesn't want this result to happen, but because according to her knowledge, the only safe mutation requires the assistance of a blue light ball. It can't be that there are fragments of blue light balls over there in Central City!

Xia Zhi secretly complained a few words, completely unexpected. How surprised would she be when she saw the mutation potion.

Of course, the live news broadcast is still continuing at this time. And the Internet has exploded.

No one doesn't want to become stronger. The pursuit of strength is the instinct of living things, and humans are not exempt from it.

In the past, the evolution of mechanical insects was so dangerous that it could not stop people's enthusiasm. But this time, the Black Gas Research Institute has directly produced a potion with no mortality, isn't it just to make people crazy?

"Of course, everything has two sides. The reduction in risk means that the success rate of the drug is reduced by 30% compared to directly using mechanical insects. I believe you all know how to weigh it."

Good news After finishing speaking, He Mingzhi during the live broadcast did not wait for reporters to ask questions. Instead, he continued to finish what he had prepared earlier: "In the past, human mutation events occurred too suddenly, and a lot of research data was missing. But after a period of time and a certain amount of statistics and analysis of mutant human data, we currently My opinion is..."

At this point, He Mingzhi's expression became solemn, and the atmosphere in the entire venue, which had just become relaxed due to the good news about the potion, calmed down again.

"Our opinion is that all mutated people have different degrees of mutation. The higher the degree of mutation, the higher the physical quality. The lower the degree of mutation, the lower the physical quality. The specific degree of mutation depends on the mutation. A person's own genes have a significant relationship."

He Mingzhi took a moment and continued to finish today's highlight: "Mutated people, regardless of the degree of mutation, have lost their fertility."

This conclusion is like a bombshell , the explosion made many people unable to recover.

Especially the rich who are watching live at home. These people have supplies and connections, and just now they were calling old friends to get potions. As a result, before the phone call was finished, the news broke on live TV.

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This kind of news is simply a disaster for the rich who value future generations.

Compared with rich people, poor people are relatively peaceful.

Many people on the Internet are saying that they can no longer survive, and they are still thinking about whether they will have descendants or not.

Xia Zhi didn't expect that there would be such sequelae after the mutation. She herself should be considered another form of mutation. But she didn't feel any physical discomfort. Of course, she didn't plan to have a second child.

As netizens say, living in the present is the most important thing to consider.

Just when the live press conference was going on with great vigor, it was in a place where people didn't know. At the Black Gas Research Institute branch of the Nanming Base, an operation is underway.

"Lin Qiang, we are from the National Bureau of Investigation. You are suspected of conducting illegal experiments, and now in accordance with the law and temporary management regulations. With immediate effect, you will be relieved of your position as director of the Black Gas Research Institute Branch of the Nanming Base. At the same time, a thorough investigation of your handling All experiments, all approved purchases. You will be monitored at home..."

One accusation after another emerged from the mouths of these Central City residents. Lin Qiang was so angry that he was shaking all over.

He was watching the live news just now, cursing He Mingzhi for not being a human being, but actually secretly secreted some mutated potion from these branches. He just planned to get some so-called safety medicine and study what was going on. But in the blink of an eye, he was pushed to the ground by a group of people in uniforms who rushed into the office.

He struggled desperately and shouted: "You are violently enforcing the law, violently enforcing the law..." "

Lin Daqiang, I advise you to be quiet."

Mr. Lin Weimin walked into the office at some point and saw the investigator holding him down. The people on the ground couldn't help laughing.

"You've got this day too."

As he said that, Commander Li looked at the captain of the investigation bureau: "Comrade, I'm here to receive the patients from the institute on behalf of the base."

After the base director's approval last time, Commander Li's subordinates People only sent away some of the so-called patients in this institute. These apparent patients, who were actually the experimental group, were sent to the city hospital that had not yet been completely evacuated for treatment. This time, he came here. In addition to taking the remaining people on the list out of the laboratory, he also wanted to see what happened to Lin Daqiang.

"Mr. Li, all affairs of the institute will be handed over to the team sent by the headquarters. You can directly communicate with them." The team

leader said, calling his subordinates to force Lin Qiang back. His residence is located not far from the institute.

Lin Qiang had completely calmed down now. He lowered his head and did not look at Mr. Li's old face that looked like he was looking at a joke. I began to think about whether my data in the laboratory had been backed up. At the same time, he was also glad that his treasure had been sent to his secret laboratory the last time Old Man Li visited the laboratory.


the press conference, the entire Nanming base fell into a strange atmosphere. Some people are happy, some people are sad. They were happy because they had found a safe mutation potion. Sad because the relatives and friends of these people had failed, melted and died as early as the first batch of mutations.

No matter what kind of mood people are in, the launch of pharmaceuticals is unstoppable.

When the potion was put into the official store of the base, everyone looked at the transparent potion stored in the refrigerator and salivated.

Xia Zhi took her daughter out to watch the fun with Lao Mo, Wen Sheng, Fatty Bai, and Fatty Liu.

As for KK, the goal is too special. Before going out, Vincent's parents suggested that they help take care of him.

Before Xia Zhi went out, he considered that there were patrols patrolling the resort, and the Wen family's parents were reliable, so he finally agreed to their proposal. Of course, she also promised to give KK extra food when she came back, so she made the dog obedient and stay at home.

The entrance of the official mall was crowded with people, and the yellow and black iron horse guardrails that were often seen in the subway in the past were reappeared. Many people obeyed the arrangement and queued up obediently in the curved queue surrounded by iron horses.

It’s impossible not to line up! Surrounded by soldiers with live ammunition in Hemu Cang.

The child He Feifei in Xia Zhi's arms has not seen so many people for several months. She wore a mask, kept her mother's instructions in mind, and did not make a sound. Instead, he leaned quietly on his mother's chest and looked at the strange world in front of him.

The people around were very noisy, and everyone was discussing the potion.

Whenever he was caught in this kind of environment, Xia Zhi always felt that his ears were too sensitive which was a trouble.

And when she finally walked to the entrance of the mall, she was attracted by the rows of potions arranged in the transparent refrigerator.

"Xia Zhi, what's going on? The price of mutation potion is indeed very expensive. Fortunately, my mutation is free."

Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu couldn't help but glare at Vincent when they heard what he said.

They also want to mutate without spending money.

But, they don’t dare!

It was actually the two of them who came here to buy potions today.

After selling out all the valuable things in the family, the two of them collected the money to replace the medicine and hurried over to buy it. As for whether the medicine is effective. Look, don’t all the soldiers use it?

At this time of summer solstice, I had completely ignored what the people around me were saying. Her eyes were filled with the bottles of transparent mutation potion in front of her. She actually felt very subtle blue light energy in these mutated potions. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xia Zhi would have thought he was dreaming.


As expected, the best aid for mutation is the blue light ball.

The potion in front of me must have used the energy of the blue light ball.

This could mean that there are blue stone fragments she needs in Central City's Black Energy Research Institute.

This discovery made her think again of the request that the blue light ball made to her.

Should she collect blue stones?

After Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu got the potion, they opened it on the spot and drank it before coming out from another passage.

This is what many people who buy potions do. Everyone is afraid that if such expensive things are taken out, someone will rob them.

"That potion is actually a bit sweet."

Fatty Bai looked cheerful, without any worry that the potion would have no effect on him.

Feifei rarely saw such fat people, and she was staring at the fat man's bulging belly without blinking.

The fat white man, who was beaming with joy, couldn't help but take out a lollipop from his pocket when he saw such a cute baby.

"Here, little Feifei. Uncle, treat you to some candy."

Feifei looked at her mother and asked if she wanted to take it.

Xia Zhi nodded.

Looking at the child who was holding a lollipop and smiling and thanking him, Fatty Bai sighed: "In the future, I won't be so lucky to have such a cute child to call daddy." "

Tch, you can find a partner without taking potion. Something like that." Fatty Liu complained, and with a smile, he also gave Feifei a chocolate bar.

Anyway, one person is fed and the whole family is not hungry. There were grandparents at home before. But he died shortly after the black gas broke out. Only some relatives from the same village are left.

Now, after drinking the potion, if the mutation is successful, there will be no more children. I don’t know if I will regret it in the future. But I definitely don’t regret it now.

Everyone who just lined up at the scene will probably not regret it.

Because, if they don't improve their strength as soon as possible, they may be eliminated by this increasingly cruel world.

The reason for such a sigh was that shortly after the mutated potion press conference, the Nanming Base once again discovered signs of mechanical insects landing on the shore. These ghosts are not too far away from the black air. They only attack humans in the border area between the Black Abyss and the base.

Although there were no fatalities, some people were injured.

Such attacks will only become more frequent in the future. What ordinary people can do is to improve their strength as soon as possible and save their lives.

Just when everyone was chatting and laughing and preparing to go home, there was a violent explosion on the mountain peak where the official area was located. Because it is far away, many people cannot actually hear it. But after the explosion, the black smoke and red fire that shot up into the sky made people on this mountain peak in the residential area see it clearly.

"Oh my God! Something won't happen again!"

"Leave me alone! There seems to be hope for the day just now, but don't cause trouble again."

"It's the mountain in the official area."

"Could it be something? Experiment or directly explode the gunpowder magazine..."


The people around were noisy and talking. Xia Zhi immediately put the hood of the strap on her daughter's head. Then he said to a few people around him: "Let's get out of here first..."

They were still in the area where the business district was located. A lot of people gathered here today, all coming to buy potions or watch the fun.

No one knows what happened in the official area. But at this time, staying away from crowds is the safest option.

Chapter 33

Time goes back to an hour ago.

The mountain peak where the official area is located is only separated from the residential area by a mountain peak. This peak itself is the main peak of the Nanming Mountains. Both the mountain area and altitude are top-notch. The official area is located halfway up the mountain. The so-called official area here covers almost all functional departments of the base, except for the military area.

Including administrative departments, logistics departments, law enforcement departments, and the residences of employees of these departments, etc. Of course, as an official research institute, the Black Gas Research Institute is also located in this area.

And Lin Qiang, the former director of the Black Gas Research Institute who had just been placed under home surveillance, is still staying in this important area.

While people were busy buying mutation potions, he was planning a big event in his residence.

And this incident will have a certain impact on future world changes.

Of course, even the person involved, Lin Qiang, doesn't know it now.

He was just executing his backup plan.

[Are you sure you have the helicopter ready? ]

Lin Qiang was holding a small, untraceable contact device and typing quickly.

On the other end of the communicator, a middle-aged man wearing a mask, with a shaved head and a body that could be described as skinny and skinny, was typing a reply to Lin Qiang with fingers that were not very flexible.

【Ready. ]

Lin Qiang had a smile on his face after seeing this reply. He looked up at the empty residence. All the papers and experimental reagents were taken away by those damn investigators. However, these fools would never have imagined that they overlooked the most critical point.

Because there was only a toilet without a monitor, Lin Qiang got up and walked to the small toilet attached to his residence.

The small toilet provided in the dormitory of this kind of research institute is very small, only about one square meter. And this palm-sized place has been transformed by Lin Qiang a long time ago.

I saw Lin Qiang walking under the toilet water tank, bending down and reaching out to pull it.

The toilet tank, which appeared to be intact, actually had a section pulled down.

If anyone looks closer at this time, they will find it. The large water tank that was supposed to have a capacity of six liters was shortened to half its volume. The remaining half was taken up by an imitation porcelain suitcase.

After the suitcase was pulled out, Lin Qiang sat on the toilet seat. Call this white porcelain fingerprint suitcase.

There was a sting.

What came into view were several transparent glass jars. There were colorful liquids of unknown origin inside.

Lin Qiang nodded, making sure everything was in use. He stood up and walked out of the toilet with his suitcase.

The investigator who was monitoring Lin Qiang's situation felt a thump in his heart when he saw the suitcase suddenly appearing in his hand. Before he could react, Lin Qiang opened the door with his suitcase.

Then he smiled ferociously at the investigator squatting not far from the door.

The next moment, he pressed a button on the suitcase. Then he swung the suitcase toward the investigator.

"Bang bang..."

A violent explosion sounded, and sparks flew everywhere, igniting a lot of surrounding vegetation. At the same time, a pungent and choking chemical smell spread out.

Many investigators and patrolmen who wanted to chase Lin Qiang were stimulated by the smell, and their nasal mucosa, eye mucosa, and oral mucosa began to become congested, swollen, and painful.

Lin Qiang, on the other hand, took advantage of this moment and ran desperately towards the set destination.

Ten minutes later, in a hidden grove, the thin middle-aged man wearing a mask appeared in Lin Qiang's sight. At the same time, he was holding a small silver suitcase in his hand.

Lin Qiang saw this and immediately took the suitcase into his hands. While running towards where the helicopter was, he asked the man in the mask, "You did a good job this time. I will help you solve your problems after it is safe." The man in the mask did not say anything, but buried his head without saying a word.


The helicopter was parked in a very private place. Because this area belongs to the research institute, no one has discovered that there is a small helicopter hidden here.

Lin Qiang got into the cab by himself, and after letting the masked man come up, he hurriedly started the helicopter without checking the instruments.

Nanming base has very strict control over all aircraft. However, Lin Qiang had already registered this helicopter into the base's whitelist for entry and exit.

Because of this, the helicopter took off smoothly until it was about to fly away from the Nanming Mountain base.

A burst of violent shelling sounded, causing many residents who were worried about something happening to the base to stop running home.

They all looked up to where the sound came from.

I saw a small helicopter leaving the base. And a shell they didn't recognize was heading towards the helicopter. The shells left behind a long column of white smoke.

Most of the residents were ordinary people, and this was their first time seeing such a thing as a cannonball.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, watching the little helicopter being hit by a cannonball. The tail propeller exploded directly, and the cabin fell towards the black air abyss.

Of course, in the helicopter cabin that they couldn't see, Lin Qiang knew that he was falling rapidly.

His expression was ferocious and full of unwillingness. He struggled to open the small silver suitcase fastened to his chest.

A burst of cold white smoke evaporated. Lin Qiang shuddered. In the white smoke, he saw his treasure, a tube of silver-white potion.

Lin Qiang directly took the potion and plunged it into his arm roughly.

The cold medicine flowed into his body along his blood vessels, making him shiver with the cold.

I was originally going to use this tube of medicine on the unlucky guy next to me who was missing half of his face to see what the effect would be? Unexpectedly, one day, it would be used on myself.

Looking at the black abyss getting closer and closer, Lin Qiang was still in the mood to say to the masked man who was so frightened that his mask fell off: "If I don't die this time, I will give you a complete relief..."

Before he finished speaking, he and the masked man fell completely into the boundless black air... At the same time, Xia Zhi,


a person with keen senses, of course also discovered the artillery fire incident in mid-air. .

However, she didn't have time to study the ins and outs of the incident at the moment.

In front of her, there were a few idiots blocking her way.

When I ran towards the resort with Vincent and Lao Mo, they were scattered by the flow of people.

Lao Mo and Wen Sheng were pushed towards the board house area.

Xia Zhi thought that the two grown men would not be in any danger. And I was closer to the resort, with a baby bump in my arms. So there was no delay and we ran directly towards the resort.

As a result, in just one kilometer of road, there was a gangster who blocked the road and robbed him. This trend really makes Xia Zhi dumbfounded.

"Hurry up and hand over your ID card. Don't think about wasting time to call the patrol team to help. Maybe the official area will be finished today..." The young man wearing a mask and holding a fruit knife finished

. Finally, he burst out laughing. The few horse boys following him also laughed.

However, this kind of smile they think is scary. From Xia Zhi's point of view, it's really not enough to see.

"Did you hear what I said? You woman, please hand over your ID card quickly..."

Before the leader had finished speaking, he felt a sound breaking through the air. Then I felt a chill on my neck. I stretched out my hand and touched it, and it turned red.

"Get out of here if

you know what's going on." Xia Zhi held a small silver-white flying knife with a cold light in his hand. The blade is very thin and light, and it even feels like it is transparent. But how sharp it is, you can tell by looking at the wound on Xiao Zha San's neck.

At the same time, Xia Zhi also understood who these people were. They were the same gangs that used to hang out in the cafeteria. But after so many things happened at the base, no one was in the cafeteria. These people probably fled to the resort.

The little bastard just wanted to score some points while he was messing around. No one thought that it would be easy to pick a baby with breast milk, but it turned out to be a mistake.

As soon as Xia Zhi's threatening words came out, coupled with the small flying knife as thin as a cicada's wing, he would definitely run away.

When Xia Zhi saw this, he was just about to put the small flying knife with a spinning function back into the scabbard on his waist. She noticed that several people hiding in the corner suddenly appeared.

Xia Zhi is still wondering if these people are the accomplices of the little Zha San, otherwise why they have been hiding there and not coming out.

At first glance, hey, he is still an old acquaintance.

She didn't pay much attention to the other party, but directly inserted the small flying knife into the scabbard, nodded to the other party and prepared to return to the resort.

"Xia Zhi, wait a minute."

Feifei, a child, had just put her little head into her arms after her mother beat up the bad guys. Hearing the familiar voice, Qing Mimi raised her head: "Mom, aunt..."

Xia Zhi rubbed the little guy's little crotch, turned and looked over: "Sister He, long time no see. Is something okay?"

Sister He smiled sarcastically. How dare you say anything. But a young man next to her who looked about thirty at most pushed her. Then Sister He was excited: "Xia Zhi, I want to come over and borrow some points from you."

Xia Zhi thought of what Fatty Bai had said to Fatty Liu before, and asked funnyly: "Is it a little bit, or a hundred million points?"

You know, One tube of mutation potion costs 100,000 points. This is not something ordinary people can afford. Now that this potion is released, it serves more of an incentive and hope role. Only when people see hope can life go on.

It was probably because the sarcasm in Xia Zhi's tone was too obvious. Sister He walked quickly to Xia Zhi and smiled flatteringly: "Xia Zhi, just help me this time! My husband's family has too many people, and the family points are not enough to buy medicine. I won't borrow more, Just accept 50,000 points. I know you must still be hiding gold bars."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Zhi's passion for her was instantly extinguished.

"I'm sorry, I really don't have any. Even if I did, it would be all spent on renting a house."

After Xia Zhi finished speaking, he was too lazy to argue with the other party. I quickened my pace and soon entered the resort.

Of course, she kept listening to the movements of the people behind her.

"Didn't you say that this woman has gold in her hands and a big dog at home, so she can definitely borrow points?"

"Brother, I told you not to get involved with the old woman. Look at her, you can't get angry. Child, you are poor, what are you doing?"


The sense of déjà vu of this bloody family drama made Xia Zhi almost think that he was watching the eight o'clock show. It’s the end of the world, why are there still people engaging in love-making, sister-in-law and sister-in-law dramas?

Sister He was indifferent even when she was in danger while holding a child. I don’t know who gave her the courage to come and borrow points.

Xia Zhi completely forgot about this person. When he returned home, he found that his cell phone had been muted. There are a bunch of missed text messages and phone calls inside. They were all sent by Lao Mo and Wen Sheng. She replied to the two of them first. Then he took KK back from Wen's parents.

When KK saw his master coming back, he swung his tail happily and showed his big tongue to Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi funnyly took out a pack of ham from the space, peeled one off for Feifei, and then KK.

Lao Mo and Wen Sheng also came back not long after.

Both of them were covered in sweat, and they breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Xia Zhi and Xiao Feifei were safe.

"I said Xia Zhi, if the potion is really effective, why don't you and Lao Mo buy two of them? Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be very painful if we encounter what happened today."

Xia Zhi thought to himself that I have changed. And it is estimated that the transformation is more complete than all mutants. On the other hand, the topic was changed: "When you came back, did you meet Sister He at the door?"

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you, shaking their heads.

After Xia Zhi listened, she didn't say anything about Sister He asking her to borrow points. Anyway, now we are no longer neighbors, we are not team members, and we live without intersection. Don't bring this disgusting person up to spoil the fun.

She directly smoked a few ham sausages and gave them to Lao Mo and Wen Sheng, gesturing for them to eat them together.

As a result, the dog, which had been snarling and nuzzling just now, actually jumped up and snatched away the sausage that Vincent had just unpacked and had not even had a chance to eat.

Vincent: "KK's movements are too sensitive!"

Xia Zhi noticed something was wrong and said with a smile: "This guy can protect his food."

Xia Zhi said, glaring at KK who was pretending to be innocent. He got up and went to the refrigerator to get a small bag of steamed buns and stuffed them directly into Wen Sheng's hands.

"You're welcome. KK is so greedy. I must have eaten a lot at your house."

After Vincent left, Lao Mo immediately asked: "Xia Zhi, KK was a little too flexible just now."

Stay with KK I have been together for more than three months, so Lao Mo is very familiar with it. This dog is obedient and smart. But even though it has countless advantages, it is still a golden retriever, and it is also a greedy and slightly chubby golden retriever. Even if Lao Mo has a filter for the dog, he can't unconscionably say that the dog is originally so agile.

Besides, KK jumped and opened his mouth just now, and the two movements were done in one go. Not only compared to similar hounds, but even compared to cats, it was a bit too flexible.

What's more, the person who was robbed of the sausage was the mutated Vincent.

Xia Zhi sat on the ground a little worriedly and fixed KK's big head, which was happily eating sausages and wagging its tail.

Then he stared at the dog's eyes carefully for a long time. But no difference was found. Xia Zhi even masturbated this guy from head to me and found nothing unusual. Instead, he grabbed a handful of dog hair.

In the end, she could only peel off a sausage for the dog and watch it enjoy the delicious food. She whispered: "KK, tell sister, have you changed?"

What answered her was that KK was still immersed in eating, and its furry tail was swaying like a hot wheel.

Of course, it was also because of KK's lowering his head. Xia Zhi didn't notice that the depths of Gouzi's eyes began to glow with subtle blue light.


for the artillery-attacking helicopter incident that occurred in the afternoon, the official issued a statement about two hours after the incident. Along with the explanation of the situation, there is also super good news.

People were originally wondering if there was something wrong inside the base. When the good news comes out, basically everyone’s focus is diverted.

Xia Zhi's family was having dinner, each eating a chicken drumstick happily. When he saw the truth about the shelling incident announced on TV, Lao Mo recalled the work of the institute when he was young and said with approval: "Yes, it is because of the existence of scientific researchers who ignore morality, law and humanity that people are so disgusted with experts. Professor. That Lin Moumou is simply a black sheep and has discredited our group."

When the base announced the next piece of news, even Xia Zhi couldn't help but marvel at the level of scientific research in Central City.

On the TV screen, the base was displaying an instrument that looked a bit like detecting radiation values.

"This instrument is the latest research and development result of the Black Gas Research Institute - a mechanical insect detector. The metal that makes up the body of the mechanical insect has been proven to be a new and unknown metal. This metal has good memory properties. Through me The detector in my hand can detect the movements of mechanical insects hidden in the black air. With this instrument, the salvage team's work will be twice the result with half the effort."

Xia Zhi sounded fine at the front, but a bit a bit nervous when he heard the back. Depressed.

If this detector is really that easy to use, if I go out with a lot of cold weapons made from the metal bodies of mechanical insects, won't it be detected?

The speech on the TV continued: "What I am going to introduce to you is a brand-new metal mesh. This metal mesh is made of metal smelted by mechanical insects, added with various native metals on the Green River planet, and produced through high temperature and high pressure. This kind of metal mesh will be launched on the market tomorrow."

Just after the introduction of these products, the spokesperson of the base announced an exciting news.

"Starting at 8 a.m. tomorrow, all the junctions between the base and the Black Abyss will be open to the public. Residents are welcome to apply online in advance, enter the venue at that time, and capture mechanical insects." Before the news was finished, Xia Zhi received a message from Lao Mo on his mobile

phone Short message.

For the reopened salvage sites, you can already apply for access in your own name. Wen Sheng sent a message to apply with Xia Zhi and go to the salvage site tomorrow to have a look. These salvage sites have completely changed after the black air grew to a height of 4 meters some time ago.

However, when Xia Zhi actually arrived at the scene early the next morning, I was still shocked by this change.

"How come there are so many mechanical insects coming ashore?"

The junction of the Black Abyss and the base has always been the place where the salvage team works. When the black air rose one meter, the previously flat slope was naturally engulfed by the black air. Now they can only work while standing on the already angled mountain.

However, looking at the mechanical ants, mechanical earthworms climbing around in front of me, and all kinds of mechanical insects flying in mid-air.

Xia Zhi feels that this is no longer called salvage work, but should be changed to hunting work.

"At the very least, we can't use the latest testing instrument on the market for the time being."

Vincent said happily, but his hands moved very quickly. He directly used the reinforced metal net he just bought to catch the small group of mechanical dragonflies attacking him in mid-air.

Throwing these struggling mechanical dragonflies directly to the ground, stamping on them until they couldn't move, Vincent threw them into the bucket.

"After the mutation, I feel that my physical strength is really good. Look at these damn things. I couldn't crush them before. The fuel for burning the wooden barn is too expensive now. We can't afford it." The base is used to deal with

The biggest weapon of the mechanical insects is the burning wooden barn.

Since the last large-scale landing of mechanical insects on the base, the fuel in the burning wooden warehouse has been greatly consumed and can no longer be supplied to the salvage team. Nowadays, those who dare to salvage are basically those who are not afraid of death, and the second type are mutants.

The two chatted for a few words, but the movements of their hands and feet did not stop.

Because the salvage site has changed, salvage work now feels a bit like free hunting. Like Xia Zhi, they were in a small forest. The grove has been completely polluted by black gas. From the leaves at the top of the tree to the roots below, everything turned black.

Seeing that there weren't many people around, Xia Zhi simply took out his Yuanyang knife and started chopping the mechanical insects.

The Yuanyang knife is made of two knives, one long and one short. Usually the two knives can be combined together. When you want to use the double sword, you can separate it at any time.

Xia Zhi is currently using the two swords that are joined together.

While waving the knife, she used the blade to absorb some of the mechanical insect corpses when Vincent wasn't paying attention.

Because there were too many mechanical insect corpses, densely packed all over the ground, Vincent didn't notice this abnormality at all.

The two of them worked for a while, and after cleaning up the mechanical insects, they began to clean the battlefield.

"At our rate, I'm afraid we can get our money back today."

Vincent nodded with a smile. He is smart and has noticed the abnormality of the summer solstice. But he did not say anything, but supported silently.

Maybe it's because no one has cleaned the mechanical bugs for days. In addition, this place is close to the Black Qi Abyss. From time to time, mechanical insects return to the black air abyss, but more mechanical insects also come out of the black air abyss.

Not only Xia Zhi and Wensheng, but also many people who came here have gained a lot.

Thinking that the official had increased the price for purchasing mechanical insects, many people had smiles on their faces. Even mutants are no exception.

At the end of the day, most people carried their heavy harvests and walked directly to a trading point about three kilometers away from the salvage site. They directly exchanged their harvests for points, and then went to the official mall to spend money before going home.

Xia Zhi and Wen Sheng did not go shopping.

After Vincent converted today's harvest into points, he divided them with Xia Zhi and went home. The two discussed while walking, and after two days when the results of Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu's mutations came out, they would also bring them over to hunt together.

Yes, we now call it hunting instead of fishing.

The two of them went home talking and laughing without noticing at all. At the exchange point, their old acquaintance was standing there staring at them.


days later, Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu did not go as Xia Zhi expected, and the mutation was successful.

The summer solstice has already figured out some patterns. The mutation will not fail if you are in contact with someone for a longer period of time. And this BUG-like ability is thanks to the blue light ball in space.

Xia Zhi has already begun to pay attention to the blue light ball's previous proposal to collect blue stone fragments. But no major discoveries have been made so far. As for the bug caused by the blue light ball, Xia Zhi should consider buying a tube of potion for Lao Mo.

However, while she was still thinking about it, Vincent directly suggested that she buy two tubes. The firmness in his eyes at that time let Xia Zhi know what the other party was worried about. In the end, Xia Zhi bought two tubes of medicine and gave one to Lao Mo. The remaining tube is placed in the space for storage.

Before giving Lao Mo the potion, Xia Zhi asked him whether he would directly use mechanical insects to mutate. Xia Zhi's intuition told her that the degree of mutation would be relatively high if the mechanical insect mutates directly. However, in the end, Lao Mo still chose to use potion.

In his words, if he was discovered using mechanical insects, he would have more hands and tails.

After the advent of safe mutation potions, there are still people who are short of money and choose to secretly use mechanical insect mutations. Of course, the success rate is frighteningly low.

The first wave of mutation potions dropped on the Nanming base were quickly consumed. At this time, one-sixth of the population of the entire Nanming base had successfully mutated. Among the remaining people, one-eighth had no effect after using the medicine. From a scientific point of view, this kind of person is genetically insensitive to drugs. The remaining seven-eighths are due to lack of points.

At this point, the situation of the entire Nanming base has changed dramatically compared to before.

In the words of other bases on social platforms, it is easier for people in the Nanming base to make a fortune.

Because they are a medium-pollution base. Mechanical insects often jump around the junction and attack humans. Such unique conditions make it much easier for people in this base to hunt mechanical insects than people in other bases.

Coupled with the significant increase in the number of mutants in the base, the danger of hunting mechanical insects has been reduced a lot.

One month after it was designated as a medium-pollution base, the Nanming base became the largest source of mechanical insects in the country. Here, not only different types of mechanical insects can be captured. Moreover, there are so many mechanical insects that it is impossible to kill them all every day.

Who would have thought that the base that was in a miserable state a month ago would make a wonderful turnaround a month later.

Because of this, there are many mutants in the base who are greedy. They began to petition their respective bases and went to Nanming Base to pan for gold. After all, for mutants, hunting mechanical insects can not only kill these human enemies. Moreover, these mechanical insects can be exchanged for a large amount of materials and equipment.


"Another group of people are coming?"

Many mutants who were hunting mutant insects at the junction couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the sky. In the past few days, many people from other bases have arrived at Nanming Base. This kind of liveliness is almost like the bustle of tourist areas during holidays before the outbreak of black air.

Among those who arrived were scientific researchers. There are even more mutants from various bases. If the Nanming Base hadn't strictly limited the number of people who could log in, the entire base would have been overcrowded by these gold rushers.

"Do you think Manager Bai will regret signing the contract with us?" Vincent joked with Xia Zhi with a smile.

These people from the base outside are all rich in supplies. The supplies brought by these people have recently appeared at the stalls in the trading area. When these people come to the base, their first choice is the resort with the best living conditions. It's just that at this time, almost all the resorts have been rented out for long-term leases, and only a few small single-family villas remain.

Xia Zhi Recently, on the road or in the resort, you can hear accents from all over the world. These accents sound very friendly.

Of course, there are also many local mutants, and they just don't like these colleagues who come to grab resources.

Xia Zhi said, dancing with her hands. The blade of the Yuanyang Knife forms a fine protective net, protecting Xia Zhi airtight. Who would have thought that a bow-and-crossbow enthusiast would one day use two swords?

While Xia Zhi was hunting mechanical insects, he didn't forget to laugh at himself.

As for the fact that she dared to be so high-profile, it was because she was already a declared mutant.

"Why are there so many mechanical insects today!"

Fatty Bai complained while waving the two paddles in his hands desperately. These two swatters are shaped like enlarged versions of mosquito swatters. This racket is a new type of weapon recently introduced. The mesh part in the center of the racket is woven with a newly launched special metal. It is very convenient to deal with mechanical insects

. After all, mechanical insects are actually similar to the previous organic insects. It's just that because the body is mechanized, the mouthparts and legs are extremely sharp. This makes it appear extremely lethal.

When humans mutated, their physical fitness was improved in all aspects. The advantages of these mechanical bodies have also been lost.

"Stop talking, I also think there are a lot of these ghosts today."

Fatty Liu took over the conversation and waved his racket. Then he ran behind Fatty Bai and asked for help as if he was running away.

As the battle with the mechanical insects continues, people have been able to discover different mutants with different degrees of power. According to the Black Qi Research Institute, individual genes have different sensitivities to mutation agents.

For example, Fatty Liu, his degree of mutation is not as high as Fatty Bai. Fatty Bai can dance like a tiger with two iron rackets weighing one hundred kilograms. He can only dance a little. And Vincent's degree of mutation was much higher than that of Fatty Bai.

Xia Zhi was fighting while maximizing his perception.

During this time, the entire base was continuously exterminating mechanical insects. Logically speaking, it is impossible for these mechanical insects to form an insect tide. Unless a new mechanical body appears.

Summer Solstice never underestimates the role of black energy.

Things like black energy, like the blue ball of light, come from a place that you don't know clearly. Since this kind of thing can infect plants and insects. Sooner or later, animals with more complex genes will not be able to escape.

Despite this awareness, Xia Zhi was still surprised when he sensed some mechanical bodies that did not look like mechanical insects slowly approaching under the Black Abyss, near the junction.

Actually, did it appear so fast?

Xia Zhi secretly increased his vigilance, and then walked to Vincent while fighting: "Wen Sheng, we should retreat first, something is wrong down there." The

number of mechanical insects was particularly large today, so many outsiders who came with detectors were there It is said that there is no need for detectors here.

Vincent also bought one of these detectors, which he usually wears on his waist.

At this time, he also turned on the detector and looked down at the values ​​on the screen.

Normally, if there are mechanical insects, the number would be so small that they would be like a tide. The value on the screen will run from 0 to the middle value.

However, now, the value has reached the point where it is close to exploding.

But apparently not because of the mechanical insects.

After hunting mechanical insects for so many days, Vincent also believed that this kind of mechanical body would not appear on a large scale.

Just when four people gathered together, two were cleaning the battlefield, and two were on guard. Xia Zhi sensed the arrival of those mechanical bodies.

At the junction where the black air lingered, all the plants on the ground turned black. If it were not compared with the green trees high up behind them, many people would simply think that they are in a black and white world.

And this black and white world was quickly destroyed by a little bit of blue light. This kind of blue light is magnified countless times compared to the blue light eyes of mechanical insects.

When the blue light got closer, the mutants nearby could see clearly what these things were.

"Oh my God! There is actually a mechanical mouse!!"

Blue light eyes, mechanical body, and even the beard are all made of mechanical materials.

These mechanical mice look much larger than ordinary organic mice. The body made of silver-white metal, whether it is the joints of the head, limbs or tail, looks particularly natural. It's like they were born that way.

If this kind of mechanical mouse appeared at a science and technology exhibition before the black air outbreak, it would definitely arouse people's praise.

However, when this lifelike mechanical mouse appeared in the midst of the black energy, many mutants couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Mechanical mice don’t have as complex thoughts as humans.

*pó文, Qqún number +663~867#589

After they left the Black Abyss and discovered the existence of humans for the first time. I don’t know if it’s due to differences in species or rejection of organisms. They charged at the humans. It is no longer like the mechanical ant attacks that only targeted black gas patients a long time ago.

The mechanical body that appears now will attack any organism it sees. Including humans, plants, and animals.

The number of mechanical mice that appeared was not large, probably less than a thousand. And in this vast junction, there are more than a thousand mutants alone.

After the initial surprise and worry, all the mutants raised their weapons and began to rush towards the mechanical mouse.

The four people from Xia Zhi did not rush to the front, but stood on the hillside at the back, carefully observing this new mechanical body.

Then, Xia Zhi, who has the best eyesight, discovered that this kind of mechanical mouse is very thief.

Before the black energy broke out, mice knew how to avoid mouse traps and sticky stickers, knew how to climb stairs, and some even dared to bully cats.

And this arrogant creature, after being mechanized, its IQ seems to have increased a lot.

These mechanical mice, better than mechanical insects, know how to avoid human weapons and attack humans from behind.

When the isolation suit around the neck of the first mutant was bitten by a mechanical mouse, the other mechanical mice followed suit. Many mutants hurriedly backed up and got rid of the sneak attack from behind.

Xia Zhi also discovered the powerful teeth of these mechanical mice.

Those two huge mechanical teeth are simply the sharpest cutters.

Several mutants who had just been bitten on the back of their necks already felt that more than just their isolation suits were bitten to pieces. And a big hole was bitten directly on his neck. If you are not careful, your cervical vertebra may be bitten off directly.

This terrifying lethality made the mutants retreat.

They can kill the machine, but only if they save their own lives.

Most of the people here were mutated by mechanical insects before. Everyone has a tougher character and is more cherishing their lives.

At this moment, the patrol members who had received the warning arrived at the scene.

Although there was a gas mask behind the isolation suit, Xia Zhi recognized at a glance that the person leading the team was her acquaintance, Captain Hu.

I haven't seen Company Commander Hu in this time. He seems to be in high spirits.

Company Commander Hu arranged for the team members around him to line up, forming a formation of covering each other and advancing layer by layer. While shouting at the mutants to evacuate.

After hearing this, most of the mutants, especially those who were injured, hurriedly evacuated towards the mountain.

In less than a minute, only the patrols and a few smart people were left in the entire transfer area.

These smart people gathered around the four people of Xia Zhi, observing this new mechanical body together. They all know that the number of such mechanical bodies will only increase. Like mechanical insects appearing.

Captain Hu and the others were already fighting. Someone on the other end smiled bitterly and said, "I feel like I'm living in a survival game. After defeating a BOSS, a more powerful BOSS will pop up. I don't know how many more powerful ones will follow. The BOSS is waiting for us..."

Xia Zhi thought to herself, this kind of thing is hard to say. She is increasingly able to understand what the blue ball of light said. Black air will indeed bring about a series of problems. And now it seems that these problems will become more and more serious.

The task of finding the light ball fragments has become more urgent.

At this moment, there was a sudden clicking sound from the other end. The sound wasn't loud, but Xia Zhi's ears were good and he caught it right away.

She looked up and was stunned.

I saw a patrol member who accidentally exposed the gap. Then he was attacked by a mechanical mouse. Seeing that this patrolman was about to follow in the footsteps of those mutants before him.

As a result, his exposed neck turned out to be silvery white.

This silvery white summer solstice is very familiar, extremely familiar. It looked very similar to the Yuanyang knife in her hand. However, the metal of the thing that looked like a neck guard on the patrolman was not completely refined. It should only be able to withstand three attacks from the mechanical mouse.

This number was enough for the battle-hardened patrol members to end the battle.

More than two hundred patrol members killed more than a thousand mechanical rats. This kind of fighting power shocked all the mutants who were watching the battle nearby.

Some people think that after their mutation, they have a superior mentality. At this moment, I completely recognized my own strength.

When the battle reached this point, Xia Zhi and the others quietly left.

"Wen Sheng, do you think the things on the patrol members' necks should be sold?" Fatty Bai is very greedy for anything that can save his life.

Vincent thought for a while and said: "It will be launched soon, but the price will definitely be extraordinary."

The price is more than ordinary!

When the news of the appearance of the mechanical mouse spread to the entire Green River Planet at the speed of light. Many people began to ask their connections, what on earth is that silver-white neck protector-like thing?

Chapter 34

After fighting a new wave of mechanical rats again, tens of thousands of mutants in the entire border area breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the mechanical mouse appeared, not to mention other areas. Just the mountain where the residential area is located requires tens of thousands of mutants to come in and fight almost every day. Otherwise, it is very likely that rats will slip through the net and take the opportunity to escape into the core area of ​​​​the residential area.

At the same time, in order to prevent the large-scale invasion of this powerful mechanical rat, Nanming Foundation officials have set up warning lines throughout the base, including the six peaks.

An enhanced version of the mechanical object detector is set up on this cordon. It can play a certain early warning role.

Inside the cordon is the normal area, and outside the cordon, a large buffer area is designated as a combat zone. To facilitate mutants fighting against mechanical species. Currently, civilian mutants are mainly responsible for fighting on the peaks of residential areas. As for other peaks, they are directly taken over by the army.

At this point, the battlefield of the Nanming base against the mechanical body has initially taken shape.

Of course, everyone still doesn't know that in the future they will face a steady stream of machines pouring in like a tide. Now, they're just like they used to be with mechanical insects. In the battle zone, the robots were eliminated, and their bodies were collected in exchange for survival supplies from the authorities.

"Hey, this thing is big and can be exchanged for a lot of supplies. But the big teeth are too scary."

Fatty Liu shook his iron racket, and a lot of the mesh structure on it had been chewed out by the mechanical rats. entrance of the cave. Seeing that this weapon is about to be scrapped.

"Hey, I still want a piece of protective armor." Fatty Bai sighed with envy.

As long as they watched the battle between the patrol members and the mechanical rats three days ago, there would be no one who didn't want a piece of protective armor.

Three days ago, the appearance of the mechanical mouse caused a sensation throughout Lujiang Planet. After watching some battle videos at that time, people began to buy the equipment worn by the patrol members.

Something like the neck gaiter style thing they saw in Xia Zhi was finally announced on the official website of the Black Air Research Institute yesterday.

It turns out that this thing is a complete set of protective armor. A bit like ancient warrior armor. The complete set includes helmet, neck protector, chest protector, arm protectors, leg protectors, etc. The main material used to make this kind of protective armor is actually the body of the mechanical body.

All mechanical bodies are made of a metal with a very special structure. This metal is currently named mechanical metal. Depending on the type of mechanical body, this mechanical metal has certain differences in performance.

For example, mechanical insects are classified as level 1 mechanical bodies. The mechanical metal on them is naturally level 1 mechanical metal. Weapons and protective armor made of level 1 mechanical metal are naturally rated as level 1 weapons and level 1 protective armor.

The newly emerged mechanical mouse is designated as a level 2 mechanical body.

Most of the cold weapons currently circulating on the market are made of level 1 mechanical metal as the main material, mixed with other various materials. Among these level 1 weapons, the currently popular iron racket and reinforced metal mesh are the most popular.

A set of Level 1 protective armor, which is hard to find, is temporarily out of stock across the country.

Xia Zhi still remembers that when I read all these new terms and categories yesterday, my mind was opened. Today's mutated medicines all use the bodies of mutated insects as raw materials and undergo certain extraction and processing. So, can we also think that this potion is actually only a level 1 potion?

Of course, many people's focus is not on potions. People still focus more on how to get a set of protective armor.

"I'll definitely be able to provide this in the future. Now, you two, hurry up and fight mentally. Don't capsize in the gutter..."

Vincent laughed and scolded his two friends, not forgetting to protect them. Xia Zhi was also there to help.

Under the feet of the four people, the corpses of dozens of mechanical rats were already densely piled up. Just seeing this made the mutants around him extremely envious.

Of course, not many people dared to grab it. After all, the four of them also made a name for themselves during this period.

After another wave of mechanical mice were wiped out, mechanical insects would come ashore and wander around endlessly from time to time.

If Xia Zhi hadn't been able to feel these ghosts, she would have thought there was going to be another wave of mechanical bodies.

The Level 1 protective armor the four of them were chatting about was actually being produced at the processing plant affiliated to the Black Air Research Institute, which was working overtime. In the past few days alone, a steady stream of various mechanical bodies from major bases across the country has filled the entire warehouse. However, the processing is too difficult.

It should be said that the refining of mechanical metal is very difficult.

At the mechanical metal refining center in Central City, He Mingzhi looked sadly at the amount of mechanical metal that had just been refined and sighed.

"Processing plants still have a huge gap in mechanical metals. In addition, many departments across the country are asking whether they can increase the production of protective armor and even put it into civilian use. In order to deal with the surge in the number of mechanical rats in the past few days..." He

Mingzhi Don't you know that the gap in mechanical metal is huge. But except for a few people, most people actually don’t know. The refining of this mechanical metal does not rely on Lujiang Star's original technology. Instead, rely on this blue stone.

Yes, that's the blue stone used to make the potion.

After ensuring the production of a certain amount of mutant medicine, He Mingzhi had already used this stone to research and develop the body of the mechanical body. All current research and development is stuck in the refining of mechanical metals.

According to the current technical level of Lujiang Star, it is possible to carry out very crude refining of mechanical metals. But this kind of refined mechanical metal is simply not enough to reach level 1 mechanical metal. Weapons made with this metal as the main material are very undurable.

In the true sense, the level 1 mechanical metal is actually amplified using blue stones during the refining process.

But it is really embarrassing to have such a stone to stabilize the production of two things.

A wise man also tried to split the blue stone into two. The final result is that tens of millions of equipment in the entire laboratory will be directly scrapped.

He Mingzhi couldn't wait to find the second, third... or even thousands of blue stones immediately. In this case, all protective armor and mechanical metal weapons can be supplied.

It is also because mechanical metals and mutated drugs are related to the life and death of the entire human race. Finally, an order was issued to a certain number.


course Xia Zhi doesn’t know what happened in Central City at this time.

She had a busy day and after getting today's points, she was going to the official mall to buy delicious food.

During this time, she would visit the official mall from time to time. The advantage of this is that no one will doubt the source of the materials in her hand. After all, it has only been four months since the black energy broke out. Many pre-apocalyptic supplies can still be purchased in the official mall.

As for the battle zone, there will still be mutants fighting at night. Many super bright headlights have been installed there by the base for a long time. However, Xia Solstice has not participated in this kind of night operation.

Also because Xia Zhi left the battle zone, the bottom of the Black Qi Abyss was not found for the time being, and there seemed to be some inexplicable changes starting to occur.

And when Xia Zhi arrived at the entrance of the official mall, it was not easy either. Because, she was stopped by a not-so-good acquaintance.

"The surname is Xia, the surname is Xia, Xia Zhi!"

A skinny-looking man with his whole right hand wrapped tightly in the cool autumn stood in front of Xia Zhi.

When Xia Zhi saw this, she immediately became alert: "Who are you?"

In fact, she already had some guesses. But I never expected to see this person again.

"Who am I? I am Qian Xin on the 31st floor. Let me ask you, do you know where my family members are?"

Qian Xin was taken out of the black gas research institute at the base by soldiers some time ago. After that, they were placed in a temporary living area. But Qian Xin simply didn't know how to adapt to this strange world.

The mechanical insects flying and crawling everywhere, the artillery fire appearing in mid-air, and even the people carrying various cold weapons all over the street made him dodge.

His memory still lingered in the intense pain of melting the palm of his right hand. After that, Qian Xin remembered that he was taken by helicopter to a place that looked like a hospital. Then he knew nothing. Until he woke up in the laboratory mentioned by the soldier, he still couldn't get used to his missing right hand. After being sent to a temporary residence, he was anxious to find his family.

However, the contact information of many people on the mobile phone has been invalidated. The owner group and so on have been disbanded long ago. He couldn't find anyone at all. In the end, he had no other option. I can only hide in front of the official mall, hoping to meet my old neighbors.

Hard work pays off. After squatting hungry for a long time, he saw the summer solstice.

"I don't know about your family's affairs."

Xia Zhi didn't expect that the other party would come back alive. She had almost forgotten Qian Xin. Those bad things about Liu Fen made her feel sick just thinking about them. She simply didn't want to know anything about this family.

"No, you have to contact me. They must have come here too."

Qian Xin finally found a neighbor and went to catch Xia Zhi regardless of hesitation.

How could he encounter the summer solstice if he was so sick and weak?

After Xia Zhi jumped away, he said directly: "Go to the living area administrator. Don't come to me."

After saying that, Xia Zhi directly passed the other party and walked into the mall.

As for Qian Xin, he was a little dazed. He still hadn't fully understood his situation.

Xia Zhi looked at the other party's figure and frowned.

It wasn't that she cared about Qian Xin, but she felt that he was filled with black energy. This black air mass looks a bit like a mutant. But it seems that there is something more. It's not very comfortable to watch.


being rejected by Xia Zhi, Qian Xin rubbed his tightly wrapped right wrist. Finally, I stumbled to the residential area management office. With the help of the other party, I contacted the former community director Liu. From the other party's mouth, I found out clearly the tragic things that happened to my family.

Qian Xin simply couldn't accept that all his family members, including his unborn son, were dead. Only a girl like Qian Duoduo is left. Sent to the base welfare home.

"If you can, take the child back and take care of it."

Director Liu kindly suggested on the phone: "Now many people in the base can find a living job. Although they can't be as rich and generous as before. But at least they can make a living. Half full. It will be more conducive for children to grow up if they have a family..."

Before she could finish her words, Qian Xin on the other end of the phone hung up the phone.

He can't support himself, so how can he support his daughter?

Qian Xin seeks out his family so that others can take care of him, not to increase his burden.

The world now is too scary, there are actually some mutants and machines. It's simply a terrifying world.

Qian Xin left the management office while mumbling, not knowing where to go.

"Hey, you old man. Why didn't you apologize when you bumped into someone?"

A 1.9-meter-tall strong man was carrying a roast chicken home without incident. Qian Xin hit his arm and it actually fell to the ground.

You must know that this roast chicken was exchanged for the points he earned this day. He still couldn't bear to eat it, so he wanted to take it home for his wife and children to eat. As a result, he was ruined by a weakling who appeared out of nowhere.

The strong man carefully picked up the roasted chicken that was stained with a lot of mud. While cursing at Qian Xin. Seeing the other party lying on the ground pretending to be dead and silent, the strong man simply kicked Qian Xin twice.

As a result, he felt a chill on his ankle. Then a large amount of blood spurted out and seeped into the soil.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The strong man was in so much pain that he didn't care about the roast chicken. He quickly sat on the ground and raised his ankles. Then he pulled out his belt and tied it up around his knees.

At this time, people passing by the roadside also helped make emergency calls.

By the time the strong man came to his senses, Qian Xin had already disappeared.

The strong man was so angry that he could only go to the hospital to have his wound stitched as soon as possible with the help of the patrol.

The doctor at the hospital looked at the strong man's ankle and looked at the very clean cross-section of the wound. He sutured it and said, "Fortunately you are a mutant. Otherwise, with the amount of blood you shed, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to carry it to the hospital. Again. Speaking of which, were you cut by some sharp object? I don’t know what kind of sharp knife it was, but it went down with just one cut. You can even see the marks on the bones..." Because the injury was weird, the patrol team also

investigated monitoring. Afterwards, a base wanted order was issued for Qian Xin. But the Nanming base is too big, and there is no way to dig out a person at once.

Qian Xin didn't know why, but his feeling actually made him run to the war zone in the handover area. When he passed the mechanical detector, the value of the instrument soared for a moment.

But because the time was too short, not even a second. Therefore, the personnel responsible for testing found no abnormalities.

The incident made the news on the base that day an hour later.

Xia Zhi was eating roast chicken and watching TV. The roast chicken on the table was purchased from the official mall. I don’t know which chef made it, but it tastes very delicious. It's much more delicious than the ones packed in restaurants outside during the summer solstice. No wonder so many mutants are willing to spend points to buy this thing after a hard day's work.

Eating good food can really cure the mania of human mood.

Of course, playing with puppies and dogs can also make you happy.

The cub and the dog suddenly raised their heads, opened their oily little mouths, and looked at Xia Zhi with a smile.

"Feifei, don't feed KK your food."

Dogs can't eat too much human food. Human food is too seasoned for dogs.

"KK, you can't eat Feifei's food either. You still have a lot in your own basin!"

After teaching the two children at home, Xia Zhi continued to watch the news. I was very surprised when I saw Qian Xin actually on the wanted list of the base. The wanted order also stated that the other party received the news after attacking a mutant. Because he carries a sharp weapon with him, it is recommended that ordinary people stay away as soon as possible after seeing him.

When Xia Zhi saw this, his expression became even weirder.

Qian Xin, the weakling she saw in the evening, could cut the mutant's back ankle with one knife? You must know that the structure of the hind ankle neck is quite special, and it is not as easy to cut as pure meat. The injury report clearly stated "deep into the bones", which was even more surprising.

But she failed to see things that could surprise Xia Zhi even more.

In the dark night, some areas in the combat zone of the handover area cannot be completely covered by enhanced lights.

And Qian Xin was in this dark place, walking towards the abyss step by step.

His eyes were completely out of focus, as if he was attracted by something.

One step... one step...

without any of the panic of the day.


number of mechanical rats appearing in the battle zone today has finally begun to decline from its peak.

Many mutants who are used to it are still a little uncomfortable with it.

Mutants from other places can generally only stay at the Nanming base for a week. These people are often the most eager to pursue mechanical bodies.

Vincent also met a few mutant people from other places. During the breaks in the battle, there was no danger. People would even stand nearby and chat.

Of course, Vincent wanted to get information. As for the mutants from other places, they are more complaining about why there are no mechanical mice in their hometown yet.

Mechanical mice are large, much larger than mechanical insects.

This kind of prey, after the initial period of danger, people discovered the high profits of hunting it, and they were no longer afraid. Although in just a few days, many mutants died. But compared to mechanical insects, many mutants actually welcome the arrival of mechanical rats.

"If there was a mechanical mouse in my house, I wouldn't have to buy a round-trip air ticket. Let alone rent a house here. You are locals and don't know. Our air tickets to Nanming are expensive! Moreover, the price of renting a house is also scary. Go back After that, we have to hand over one-third of the harvest to our base."

The two foreign mutants complained while carefully looking at the ground, not letting go of any mechanical body. Even the tail of a mechanical mouse has to be picked up and thrown into the collection box.

At present, the mechanical body acquisition point has perfected the acquisition rules.

For example, the purchase price of a mechanical insect that is a level 1 machine is one-third cheaper than a mechanical mouse that is a level 2 machine.

This only makes people want to hunt more mechanical rats.

However, when this man picked up the tail of the mechanical mouse, the rubber glove he was wearing was scratched by something unknown, causing a large tear. Make this person howl in pain.

Gloves that come with isolation gowns are currently in very short supply. If it is cut, it can only be replaced with a new one. War zones have high concentrations of black gas. If you stay too long, even the mutants will feel uncomfortable. Isolation and protection must be done well.

Just as the man was yelling, Xia Zhi was already squatting and looking at the place where he just picked up the tail.

There were clusters of weeds about ten centimeters high. The adult plants of this weed are short but have sharp leaves. The locals call it shortfoot grass. Occasionally, dwarf grass appears in war zones.

But then again. This area suffers from severe black gas pollution. All vegetation itself has been completely blackened. At this time, many people have already heard the news about plant mechanization.

But the cluster of shortfoot grass in front of me was not only completely black. Moreover, it seems that it has broken away from the blackened state and turned into a complete mechanical plant.

This is the first time we have seen fully mechanized plants in the summer solstice.

"These dwarfs are all mechanized."

Everyone usually comes here fully armed and wearing boots. No one really knows when the bantam grass became like this.

Xia Zhi's words made everyone squat and look at the cluster of short grass for a long time.

"This plant is mechanized. Then it is made of mechanical metal! Do you think the purchasing point will accept this thing?"

Vincent shook his head: "Who knows? But it may be of some use."

With that, Vincent asked everyone to dig together. Afterwards, each person was given a small handful of mechanical straw.

Mechanical leaves, mechanical branches, and mechanical rhizomes. This thing is made of mechanical metal from start to finish. Xia Zhi pulled out the small flying knife from her waist and tried it, and found that this thing was much harder than the shell of the mechanical ant.

This thing is probably difficult to process. If the processing is successful, it will definitely be useful.

Xia Zhi touched the leaves of this thing again. Before mechanization, I heard the fat man say that the blades could easily cut people. Now it feels like the gloves will be punctured as soon as the fingers get close. This sharpness actually made Xia Zhi raise an eyebrow.

She took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and lost some space. I want to see what kind of changes there will be.

Not only Xia Zhi and the others, when everyone left in the afternoon, many mutants had already discovered the existence of the mechanical shortfoot. Everyone is not a fool. I got a lot and put them in the collection box.

However, the purchasing point said they could not collect this item for the time being.

Vincent looked at the disappointed expressions of the big guys, chuckled and joked: "Is it possible that everyone loves the more lethal mechanical rats more?"

People in war zones lost their lives every day because of hunting mechanical rats. But mutants are like leeks in the field, harvested one after another. There will never be a shortage of mutants pursuing profit in war zones. It was relatively easy today, not too many people died.

All of this, after all, is because of the lethality of the mechanical mouse. In addition, these mutants are ordinary people in peacetime. An ordinary person with no combat experience, given a superhuman body, still has time to adapt to his own abilities! But obviously, this rapidly changing world will not be kind enough to give humans time.

For the next few days, there were people collecting mechanical plants in the war zone. Moreover, when people began to pay attention to plants, they found that more and more types of plants have become completely mechanical bodies.

This kind of completely mechanical plant even appeared in the previously polluted part of the mountain.

There is a small piece of polluted land in the resort grassland where Xia Zhi's family lives. The natural turf in this polluted area used to look pitch black. But in the past two days, the blackness all over my body seemed to have been shaken off. Exposing silvery white leaves. Under the blowing of the autumn wind, he remained motionless.

Complete mechanical bodies appeared one after another along with the contaminated land one after another. The entire base and even people in other bases knew that a completely mechanical plant had appeared in Nanming Base.

While some people were worried about this base, they did not forget to ask: Why is the rate of change in the Nanming base so fast? They were the first to appear mechanical ants, mechanical insects, mechanical mice, and now they are the first to appear complete mechanical plants.

While there were still no mechanical rats in other parts of the country, more people came in from the Nanming base again. The first group of people were just taking off. The second batch of people landed immediately. It's just one after another, seamless.

During the summer solstice, I took my children for a walk on the cement road outside the resort. Looking at the foreign mutants carrying large and small bags to check in. Lamented that at the end of the world, people still have to fly around to make ends meet.

If Xia Zhi had not had a family, she would have felt that the world was a bit boring.

According to the speed of the spread of black air, all plants will be blackened sooner or later. If you don't find another way out. By then, humans won’t live too long.

Just when such negative thoughts flashed through Xia Zhi's mind.

Another group of people checked in with their luggage. This group of people looked more embarrassed than the ones who had just moved in. The thin coat on my body is not very clean. And a lot of patches have been made. These days, patched clothes actually appear.

Xia Zhi was secretly surprised.

The most exaggerated thing is that they book a room. There are eight people in this batch. Probably between 20-30 years old. Eight young and strong men only wanted a double room.

Needless to say, these people must be planning to sleep on the floor. After all, renting like this is very cost-effective. The resort has water, electricity and internet, and many convenient places.

Manager Bai was at the front desk helping with the procedures. He didn't look happy about it.

Of course, these are not the most attractive places for summer solstice. What attracted Xia Zhi the most was that among the eight people, someone must have brought fragments of the blue light group. Otherwise, the blue mark on the chest would not send out a chill. This coolness already made her whole body feel a little chilly.

Feifei held her mother's hand: "Mom, it's cold."

"Yes, mom's hand is cold." Xia Zhi coaxed the child, but kept staring at the eight people. He began to think about the fragments in his mind.


, Xia Zhi’s luck has always been good.

After a day's rest, the next day they continued to Xia Zhi, where they hunted robots, and saw the eight people in the battle zone.

They wear the same protective clothing as everyone else. But Xia Zhi felt that they didn't look like they were here to hunt mechanical bodies. It's a bit like looking for something.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, she saw the tallest one among the eight people suddenly turning his head and looking straight towards her.

Xia Zhi immediately realized that the other party was not simple.

This kind of person who can immediately feel his sight either has a higher degree of mutation than himself, or has more combat experience than himself.

Thinking of the strong bodies of these people under their tattered clothes yesterday, it was undoubtedly the latter situation.

At the same time, Xia Zhi also discovered that the fragment was on the strong man who just turned around.

But obviously, if you don't use other means, you can't get the fragments at all.

"Xia Zhi..."

Vincent quickly realized that Xia Zhi was not in the state and reminded her softly.

"I'm fine..."

The departure flight is usually once a week. These people will stay here for seven days. She had plenty of time to figure out their origins before making the next decision.


next two days seemed to be very peaceful. In addition to the significant decrease in the number of mechanical insects, the number of mechanical mice has increased again.

This rising number has harmed many foreign mutants. Of course, those who couldn't come to Nanming base to pan for gold were also greedy.

As for the eight young strong men that Xia Zhi had been observing, they came to the battle zone every day. Sometimes I go to the east, sometimes I go to the west. It was north an hour ago and south an hour later. This change of orientation has long been found troublesome on the previously flat slope.

That is to say, the area of ​​​​the battle zone is extremely large now, and it can almost be said to surround the entire mountain. This makes the movement of these people less conspicuous.

But for Xia Zhi, these strong men carrying fragments of blue light balls were as if they were carrying locators. Xia Zhi has memorized all their movement routes in just two days.

The entire route looked like they were looking for people and things.

After Xia Zhi was drawn up in the new battle zone, he basically hunted the mechanical bodies in the east area. Anyway, this stuff keeps coming. It’s still summer solstice and I haven’t thought about going to other areas for a stroll.

But looking at the actions of these people, Xia Zhi decided to change his actions.

"Are you going to act alone?"

During the lunch break, Xia Zhi mentioned to Vincent his plans for the afternoon.

"Do you need me to go with you?"

Vincent noticed that Xia Zhi seemed to be doing something in the past two days.

"No, Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu need you to watch over here."


steep mountain wall, the abyss below is no longer a jungle, but waves of billowing black gas, which seem to surge up at any time.

This area is the combat zone with the least human presence on the entire mountain. The terrain here is very complex and there are many cliffs. When a mutant is fighting a mechanical body, he will step on the air and fall off the cliff if he is not careful.

Fortunately, there are not many mechanical bodies ashore in this area.

From memory, Summer Solstice slowly walked along the edge of the cliff. I walked a little too fast at first and would occasionally kick gravel off the cliff. However, the gravel kept rolling down for a while, but there was no sound of falling to the ground.

This is something that has always puzzled Xia Zhi.

The black energy that permeates the entire earth cannot be penetrated or analyzed. However, no matter how special the Black Abyss is, its current depth is only a little over four meters.

But many times, Xia Zhi could find that whether it was a human body or an object falling into the abyss, there was no response or sound of landing. It's like the human body and objects entered another dimension at the moment they came into contact with the abyss.

This kind of conjecture is not only shared by Xia Zhi, but also by many scientists. Some scientists even proposed that the army arrange a death squad to enter the abyss.

However, this proposal was ultimately rejected.

Xia Zhi thought that maybe one day, humans would finally step into this land shrouded in black air.

"Ah, I found it!"

After arriving at the edge of the cliff, the blue mark on his chest kept exuding a cold breath. And when this breath became colder and colder, Xia Zhi knew that the target would be found soon.

However, when she stood on the edge of the cliff above the target and looked down at the extremely small blue gravel embedded in the stone wall, she couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

That piece of gravel is so small that Xia Zhi doesn’t even feel as big as a Skittles candy. If she didn't have her own bug, she would never have discovered it.

No wonder those eight strong men wandered around this area for half an afternoon and couldn't find anything. It seems that they have certain guidelines for finding gravel. But obviously not as accurate as my own.

After a visual inspection, the distance between where she was standing and the gravel was about five meters. Moreover, what is even more fatal is that the cliff where the gravel is located happens to be on the same level as the black air rolling under the cliff.

This means that no matter which method is used in the summer solstice, when you go down to the cliff, you are likely to be directly exposed to a large amount of black air.

This made her hesitate.

When the blue light ball's consciousness first appeared, it didn't mention much about black energy. Just mentioning this thing will cause a series of troubles.

Xia Zhi didn't know if she was willing to risk being infected by the black air and crawl down to collect gravel.

[Cover the body with mechanical metal]

On the spatial projection that suddenly popped up, a blue light ball emitted a huge light. At the same time, such a piece of information composed of codes was input into the mind.

Xia Zhi doesn't like this feeling of forced input. But I still feel like following the light ball’s prompts for the time being.

After turning off the space projection, Xia Zhi sent the Yuanyang knife on his waist and other things on his body that would hinder his skills into the space. Then he took out a large ball of mechanical metal from the space.

This blob of mechanical metal was extracted using a mechanical mouse. She has not personally tested the performance of this level 2 mechanical metal.

Five minutes later, two very rough mechanical gloves were produced. The five fingers of the gloves are embedded with long climbing nails. This thing will be used for climbing cliffs later.

Taking advantage of the fact that there weren't many people here, Xia Zhi threw his protective clothing and gloves into the space. Then put on the freshly baked mechanical gloves.

The gloves that are too big are not comfortable to wear. But a blue light group quickly appeared in Xia Zhi's palm, and it didn't take a second. A pair of mechanical gloves went from loose to as if they were tailor-made.

When everything was ready, Xia Zhi immediately measured the distance and started climbing headfirst.

It seems easy to say.

But climbing on a 90-degree vertical cliff, even if Xia Zhi was brave enough, the clothes on his back were soaked.

The performance of level 2 mechanical metal is indeed not fake.

The long mountaineering spike was driven into the hard cliff by Xia Zhi's clever move.

Seeing the effect, Xia Zhi immediately followed with the other hand.

Just like that, slowly climb with both hands. After about a few minutes, Xia Zhi touched the blue gravel. At the same time, she also felt the rolling black air.

It's hard to describe the feeling of being in contact with black energy. Because there is a layer of mechanical metal in the middle, even Xia Zhi can feel the coldness of the black air. This kind of coldness feels different from the blue light ball. It looks even colder and makes people very uncomfortable.

The action of picking up the blue gravel is very fast, it doesn't even take a second. Of course, the summer solstice did not come into contact with the black air for more than a second. After getting the thing, she immediately sent it to the space. Then he climbed up the cliff with skillful movements.

Before she could put on the protective clothing again, she felt a piece of blue gravel moving about a kilometer away.


Xia Zhi secretly screamed, not bothering to put on protective clothing. Taking off the mechanical glove in his hand, Ma Liuer flew towards the secret place. The speed is so fast that it can be said that there are afterimages.

Eight hundred meters away, eight strong men were rushing along at a speed that did not match their body types.

"Head, Blue Stone's reaction disappeared a few minutes ago. Because it disappeared very quickly, I can only roughly know the direction." A person on the way, holding

something similar to a compass in his hand, was reporting to the leading man. Condition.

"There must be someone else who got there first. Let's go to the site to investigate first."

The eight people quickly reached the cliff section.

Since they didn't know the specific location, a few people quickly scouted out all traces of human activity nearby. After a few minutes, we found the cliff where Xia Zhi stayed.

The leader soon discovered the traces of climbing nails left on the cliff. By now, it was certain that the blue stone had been taken away.

"Spread out and chase in different directions."


One of them ran, and eight of them chased, and soon the distance was widened.

Because Xia Zhi was worried about being discovered, she ran very fast and quickly left the area.

So she didn't notice it at the first time. When she put on the mechanical gloves and came into contact with the upper level of the black abyss. A strange energy wave escaped from the mechanical glove into the billowing black air.

This is the blue light energy fluctuation left on the gloves when Xia Zhi uses blue light to process them.

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to the huge difference in energy properties, this subtle energy fluctuation was captured by something at the bottom of the black air abyss.

Soon, bursts of energy fields began to appear at the bottom of the entire black abyss.

The huge energy field completely wiped out the negligible energy of the blue light.

But that's just this measly bit of Blu-ray. This caused an extremely brief energy disorder in the entire black air abyss.

If at this time, any human being could see the bottom of the black abyss. They will find out. The bottom of the entire black abyss is no longer the world that humans are familiar with.

Here, there are no organisms.

Flowers, plants and trees turned into gleaming mechanical plants.

The city roads were deserted, and countless abandoned vehicles took on a new look under the infiltration of black air.

The bare land turned into a wasteland.

In these scenes, the human beings who should have been the protagonists have long since disappeared.

Instead, there were black energy cocoons of various sizes.

This black energy cocoon looks like it is alive and has been moving slowly.

In the darkness, countless black cocoons were moving. Suddenly, a pair of blue eyes suddenly opened.

If anyone were to stare at Black Cocoon here, they would definitely be frightened to death by the blue eyes.

After the blue eyes opened, the black energy cocoon began to crack from the inside. The crack slowly widened until the blue eye jumped out of the black cocoon and stretched its limbs.

Then he looked up at the place above the black abyss, filled with an uncomfortable aura.

What happened at the bottom of the abyss was not noticed by any human being.

During the summer solstice, after returning home, I began to pay attention to the changes in the space.

Chapter 35

It still feels cold, and as far as the eye can see is a large area of ​​silver-white metal ground. These cold things finally seemed a little softer under the bright light of the blue light ball.

The fragments that newly entered the space have already automatically merged into the gap in the blue light ball. However, this fragment is too small.

At first glance at the summer solstice, the ball of light is still missing nearly a quarter.

The blue light ball sensed the spiritual power of Xia Zhi and emitted flashes of light.

Apart from this, there is no new information given about the Summer Solstice like last time.

This made Xia Zhi a little depressed and a little confused.

She carefully looked at the entire space and found no major changes in the space.

Just when she was disappointed and ready to withdraw her mental power, the corner of her eye suddenly glanced at the bottom of the blue light ball.

There, there used to be a silvery white that was smooth enough to look in the mirror. Now, a small section of metal began to appear on the flat metal ground.

Because of its small size, Xia Zhi didn't know what it was for the time being. But I can feel that when this thing is restored to its original state, it will definitely play a big role.

After withdrawing his mental power from the space, Xia Zhi just wanted to prepare dinner. I sensed the approach of blue gravel again. It is conceivable that those eight strong men should have returned to the resort.

Xia Zhi had already inquired with Manager Bai about the residence of the eight people. It was a double room located in the corner of the first floor.

Xia Zhi thought about it and decided to take a walk on the first floor.

The resort was newly built three years ago. At that time, relatively good building materials were used, and the sound insulation of the rooms was naturally relatively good.

These eight people should have very special origins. Xia Zhi thinks he has excellent hearing. But when I pretended to pass by their door casually, I couldn't catch much sound.

If they hadn't come to rent a house, Xia Zhi would have heard them talk. She even wondered if these people were mute.

The situation in the room is very similar to what I imagined during the summer solstice.

These eight people were scattered throughout the room, some were responsible for guarding, and some were responsible for reporting news to their superiors. Even when reporting news, text channels are used.

This is the main reason why there is no way to hear any sound during the summer solstice.

The entire double room remained silent for two hours. The team leader in charge of the report turned off the special communicator in his hand.

"Captain, someone took away the things first. Our next step is to go back directly?"

"Collecting the blue stone is the highest level task. Let's stay for a while and look for the blue stone while rummaging through the entire Nanming base. Take a look. Can we find new blue stones?"

They actually don't know what a blue stone is. All I know is that it is important for the future. I thought this mission was not too difficult. Who knew that the first person who discovered it would be intercepted.

Thinking of the mixed situation in Nanming Base, the team leader sighed.

Now, the missing blue stone is placed second. Prioritizing finding new bluestones is the right thing to do.

Fortunately, other brother teams have made some gains in other bases.

The origin of the eight-man team is unclear, but Xia Zhi speculates that they should be experts from special forces.

After confirming that she could not find out the news, she went home first.

Today's head start made her realize that the Black Qi Research Institute also wanted blue light ball fragments. The purpose should be to refine mechanical metals, create mutation potions, etc.

The blue light ball wants to collect the fragments to solve the problems caused by the black energy. The Black Gas Research Institute also wants the fragments to benefit mankind.

This puts Xia Zhi into a dilemma.

However, no matter what the future holds, Xia Zhi has decided to walk through the entire base as soon as possible during this period. Try to find all the debris in the base.

When Vincent received the news that Xia Zhi was taking some time off, Xia Zhi was already on his way to the planting area.


planting area happens to be on the next mountain peak, and the mountains at the base are connected halfway up the mountain. It would take a normal person about half a day to walk on the mountain road.

Xia Zhi wore ordinary hiking clothes, hiking boots, a mask and cap, and a backpack on his shoulders. Looking at her outfit, she looks exactly like those backpackers before the apocalypse.

However, in addition to these ordinary equipment, Xia Zhi also wears his own Yuanyang knife on his waist.

The mountain road leading to the planting area is not wide. It was carved out of the woods.

People walking on this road are generally workers working in planting and breeding areas. They would work at their posts for a few days, and then come back to live in the residential area on vacation.

Of course, there are mutants who take this path from time to time. They all went to hunt the mechanical bodies.

The air halfway up the mountain was not very good. Along the way to Xia Zhi, I saw a lot of land that had been polluted by black air. The vegetation on these lands has become darker than before. From time to time, these lands will emit wisps of black gas, polluting the air.

Most pedestrians walking on the road wear masks with the best protective effect. The summer solstice is no exception.

She felt that this black energy was not a good thing. Although all mutants have a faint circle of black air around their bodies. But black energy is definitely not a good thing.

As the only sober person in the world, Xia Zhi would occasionally worry about the black air mass in the mutant's body, and when it would change. After all, for ordinary people who failed to mutate before, the black air on their bodies exploded and scattered before they died. These scattered black air masses once again pollute the air, pollute vegetation, and infect humans.

At this moment, a whistling sound came into my ears. Then a gray shadow flashed past. Xia Zhi picked it up and found a skinny hare in his hand.

The skinny hare stared at its big round eyes and grinned at Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi held the hare in one hand and touched his nose with the other.

She seemed a little too vigilant.

But why is this hare so thin?

You must know that many places in these mountains and forests are polluted by black gas. But there is still a lot of greenery. You should have no problem raising animals like rabbits.

Xia Zhi put the pitiful hare on the ground that was punching him.

The other party stayed in place for a moment, then spread his legs and turned into the grass.

Completely unaware, the Twolegs were already following behind it.

In the small hole, as the skinny hare came back, little heads came out of the hole one after another. These little guys are furry and have round heads. It makes people's hearts soften.

Seeing these little guys, Xia Zhi determined that the hare was thin, probably because of taking care of the little rabbit.

She was just about to lift her legs and leave to continue on her way. But before he could turn around, he was surprised by a silver-white thing that suddenly appeared from the entrance of the cave.

Xia Zhi thought she was tired from walking on the mountain road, so she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to rub her eyes and blinked several times. She even took a few steps closer to the rabbit hole.

It turns out there's nothing wrong with her eyes.

The head of the rabbit that emerges from the rabbit hole at the end is not fluffy and fluffy. It's a cold-colored mechanical rabbit head. The two long and sharp teeth in the mechanical rabbit's mouth look more lethal than the mechanical mouse.

Why does the mechanical rabbit appear halfway up the mountain?

Before any of the rabbits could react, Xia Zhi jumped on the spot, turned his body 360 degrees, stood upside down in mid-air, and grabbed the rabbit's head that was exposed on the ground with one hand.

The cold touch made Xia Zhi's hair stand up without gloves.

Taking advantage of the force of her body falling, she pulled out the mechanical rabbit hiding in the hole from the neck down.

Then, before landing, she froze.

Who can tell her what the hell this is?

Before Xia Zhi could get the answer to the question in her mind, the mother rabbit, which had not yet entered the hole, jumped up from the ground, trying to snatch back the child that Xia Zhi was holding.

After Summer Solstice landed safely, he held the incredible bunny high in the air with one hand. The other hand took out some fresh vegetables from the space, trying to divert the mother rabbit's attention.

The result is definitely disappointing.

She didn't want to kill the rabbit for meat, so she finally used some clever tricks to knock out the crazy rabbit mother, and then she had the energy to look at the little one in her hand that was struggling and trying to attack her with super big teeth. rabbit.

It is said that it is a small rabbit, but the breed in my hand is very difficult to define.

Has anyone seen a rabbit with a mechanical head from the neck up and a furry body from the neck down?

Xia Zhi said that he must have never seen it.

This kind of spliced ​​species has actually been seen in reality. This had to make Xia Zhi once again shout that the world is unscientific.

This thing definitely cannot be said to be an ordinary biological rabbit. But it's definitely not a mechanical body.

Should I say it's a cyborg?

Xia Zhi finally classified this grinning cyborg rabbit into the cyborg category.

But, how did this weird semi-mechanical body appear?

Xia Zhi took some mechanical metal from space and made a mechanical rope on the spot for this overly ferocious cyborg rabbit.

At this time, there was an immediate response to the message just sent.

[The photo has been seen and the location has been determined to dispatch patrol members to respond. 】

Xia Zhi wanted to reply to the other party and received two words, but a new message quickly popped up on the chat interface.

[Why do you always find such strange things? 】

Xia Zhi thought that plant mechanization was discovered by himself. The now semi-mechanized rabbit was also discovered on its own. I couldn't help but sigh that I seemed to be a bit like a pig's feet in this world. But she really doesn’t want to be a pig’s foot!


"Tell me, do you have some kind of radar on you?"

Captain Hu took the semi-mechanized rabbit pulled by Xia Zhi, marveled at it, and laughed at her.

Xia Zhi shrugged and said helplessly, "Who knows? I followed its mother and then I found it."

"His mother?"

Xia Zhi pointed to the mother rabbit who was still fainting beside the hole.

"There are several normal rabbits in the hole. I don't know if they are the same female as this cyborg rabbit."

Company Commander Hu asked his men to put the female rabbit and the rabbit in his hand into the cage and start collecting environmental data.

"You're not in the combat zone of the residential area. What are you doing here?"

"I want to see what the combat zone of the entire base looks like."

Xia Zhi explained a few words, half truthfully. Then he said: "This rabbit family will not be dissected!"

Although the cyborg rabbit is very strange, in this world, we can see such a neat rabbit family. If possible, Xia Zhi really doesn't want to see them killed.

"That won't happen. Our Professor Hong still has a very professional ethics."

Xia Zhi was on his way and didn't chat with Captain Hu for too long.

After she left, Captain Hu looked down at the struggling cyborg rabbit and fell into deep thought.


Captain Hu returned to the military headquarters area with today's gains, he was called directly to a conference room.

The conference room was filled with his superiors and their leaders... including Mr. Lin and Professor Hong.

After listening to Captain Hu’s report, Professor Hong cheerfully broke the oppressive atmosphere in the conference room.

"Bring that semi-mechanized rabbit to show us old guys."

When the leaders in the conference room saw the grinning little rabbit, everyone stood up.

Although I had seen photos beforehand, when I actually saw the real thing, it was still amazing.

What is the origin of this semi-mechanized rabbit?

"According to the current research progress, our Nanming base is the first place to discover semi-mechanical bodies."

The first mechanical ant to appear, the first mechanical insect to appear, the first mechanical mouse to appear, and the first semi-mechanical body to appear ...

So many firsts have made all non-scientific researchers clearly understand a truth.

That means there must be something different about their base.

I have reported the news about this rabbit directly to He Mingzhi. After they send someone to take over the base's Black Gas Research Institute, this thing will probably be handed over.

He Mingzhi, who received the message an hour ago, jumped up from his seat when he saw the rabbit with a mechanical head and a biological body on the email.


summer solstice arrives at the mountain peak where the planting area is located around 3 p.m.

The planting area and the breeding area behind it are officially managed areas. Strict management systems are implemented in these areas. Outsiders like Xia Zhi are not allowed in. But when Xia Zhi stood not far from the planting area, he could vaguely feel the reaction of fragments of blue light balls inside.

Xia Zhi conducted a simple test on the sensing range of this sensing ability. It is estimated to be no more than five kilometers. Five kilometers sounds like a long distance, but in fact it’s just one step on the accelerator.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi sighed a little. To really fill up the ball of light, how many places would she have to run!

But there are barbed wire fences and surveillance cameras all around the planting area, so Xia Zhi really can't get in.

The place where she stood was about five hundred meters away from the gate of the planting area. There are many people setting up stalls here. It seems that the customer base is farmers going in and out of the growing area.

It’s not surprising that the summer solstice appears here. But she stood there for several minutes without moving, and a stall owner couldn't help but joked: "Girl, you are greedy for those millet! Unfortunately, we are not qualified to enter the planting area." Now is the time when the rice in the

terraced fields in the planting area is ripe. During the summer solstice, I smelled the unique fragrance of rice when I walked nearby.

"Auntie, I'm just going to stand here and look at the rice, just to satisfy my craving!"

Xia Zhi's words made the stall owners around her burst into laughter.

Strange to say.

As time goes by, people seem to be getting used to this world. When the black gas first broke out, it caused a large number of dry eye mucosa, nasal mucosa, and facial skin problems. It's much better now. Xia Zhi didn’t even know if this was a manifestation of human beings’ huge adaptability.

Especially after the emergence of mutants, the probability of these situations happening is even less.

Just like the aunt in front of me, she seems to be in pretty good condition.

"Sister, you're right to think so. The things in the planting area are very precious. However, many fields were destroyed by those damn mechanical insects before. If it weren't for the support from other bases, I would be afraid of this year's harvest. Plus the food reserves, it will be impossible to feed so many people in the base."

Xia Zhi listened to these people worrying about the country and the people, and didn't know what to say.

The situation will only get worse and not better. This is Xia Zhi's judgment on the current situation.

She didn't stay at the door too long. After confirming that the planting area could only be entered at night, she found a place to change into isolation clothes and went directly to the combat zone vertically downwards from the planting area.

Ordinary mutants can come here. But the people who come here to hunt the most mechanical bodies are soldiers.

The summer solstice is like a drop of water mixed into the river, and no one pays attention to her arrival. At this time, the double knives she usually used had been replaced by an iron racket.

"Coming, coming, coming again. These ghosts are really hard to kill."

As soon as they arrived, there was a sound of shouting and killing.

Xia Zhi held up the iron racket in his hand and carefully observed the movement of the black abyss not far away.

Sure enough, the next moment there were thousands of mechanical mice, swarming up the entire spacious transfer area like a tide.

Xia Zhi stood very far back and was not impacted by the mechanical mouse.

But Xia Zhi's heart was a little bit shocked.

Because she suddenly realized that the semi-mechanized rabbit today had dark eyes. I saw a mechanical head with blue light eyes. Leng Buding thought of the rabbit, and Xia Zhi felt more and more that something was wrong with the rabbit.

For a moment, a mechanical mouse who found every opportunity to take advantage of the situation arrived at the scene.

Xia Zhi flexibly danced the huge iron racket in her hand while nimbly avoiding the attack of the mechanical mouse.

This thing knows that human weakness is in the back. There are always mechanical mice trying to head towards Xia Zhi's back.

"Brother, do you want to help?"

Several figures in isolation suits emerged from nowhere. After they arrived nearby, they danced wildly at the mechanical mouse that rushed towards them.

Xia Zhi glanced at these people, and kept dancing with the racquet in her hand, directly slapping the mechanical mouse into a mouse cake.

"Si... you are really powerful."

After the people who had just emerged finished cleaning up, they picked up the corpse of the mechanical mouse while looking at the pile of flattened corpses at Xia Zhi's feet.

"It's nothing."

As soon as Xia Zhi opened his mouth, these people screamed again.

" are actually a woman!" One of the people raised his finger and pointed at Xia Zhi. There was disbelief in his tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My brother has never seen the world." Xia Zhi looked at these people pulling each other, and her voice sounded very young. Just know that he is a young man with little social experience.

"It's okay. Why did you come here so late?"

Xia Zhi noticed that these people came from behind. It's almost four o'clock in the afternoon now. This is the point when many mutants call it a day.

"It's not too late, it's not too late. You're from outside, right? We're here at night, and there are a lot of mechanical insects and mechanical mice." This is

completely different from that in the residential area. I’ve never heard of the summer solstice. I didn’t even notice this change online.

"Did it become like this recently?"

The other party nodded directly: "Just the past two days! It seems that it became crazy all of a sudden. If it weren't for the arrival of many outsiders, just us people wouldn't be able to withstand it. What about the army? I heard that many more soldiers were sent to clean up the scene."

Before he could finish speaking, another wave of mechanical rats rushed up.

"Oh my god, if a mechanical cat appears, will this mechanical mouse and the mechanical cat fight?"

These people kept talking while fighting.

This kind of cheerful atmosphere made Xia Zhi feel a lot more relaxed.

Occasionally, Xia Zhi would help them raid the formation and deal with a few mechanical rats that sneaked up on them. It even made several people scream with gratitude.

After this wave of mechanical rats were eliminated, Xia Zhi looked at the time and prepared to leave first.

"You're leaving now!"

A few of them were grateful for Xia Zhi's help from time to time. Such kind people are rare these days.

Xia Zhi nodded slightly and carried the things to the purchase point.

Several people looked at Xia Zhi's back and praised Xia Zhi for his strong fighting ability. He must be a kind-hearted person. After hearing this, she, who had a sensitive ear, was very funny.

She was just about to speed up the pace up the mountain, but the conversation among those people changed and they started talking about the planting area.

After hearing this, Xia Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly.


planting area is not pitch black at night. Above the barbed wire surrounding the key areas, there are not only monitors, but also huge solar lights.

The gate was guarded by soldiers, and Xia Zhi chose to climb in from a steep mountain wall.

Because this cliff is very dangerous, there is no barbed wire fence. As for why we don't break through here during the day, it's because there are so many farmers in the planting area during the day.

I still used the hiking gloves from last time to climb up.

Xia Zhi is now fully camouflaged. Not only was he wearing a gas mask to hide his appearance, but he was also covered in black clothes.

According to the induction, Xia Zhi quickly found the location of the fragments.

In front of me is a thick and tall mulberry tree, about 11 or 2 meters tall. It happens to be located in an area very close to the terraces, and it looks like it has been around for some time.

The fragment was stuck at the point about ten meters away from the mulberry tree.

Gee, even if you climb up like this, you will be easily discovered.

After Xia Zhi looked at the condition of the mulberry tree, he sighed.

Not far from the mulberry tree is a piece of polluted land, but the mulberry tree is very lucky to have not been affected in any way. Needless to say, it must have something to do with the fragments stuck in the bark.

Just after the summer solstice, I heard those young people talking about this magical mulberry tree.

The parents of those young people farmed in the planting area, and the mulberry tree was very close to the contaminated land. There has been no black root phenomenon for such a long time. They are already preparing to report this abnormal incident tomorrow after today's battle is over.

Otherwise, the summer solstice comes at just the right time. If it had been a day later, someone might have discovered the fragments stuck in the bark.

After deciding on the action plan, the summer solstice was not delayed. Instead, he just started climbing the tree. This time she didn't dare to use mechanical metal to climb the tree. Because this thing is very bright. When there are headlights everywhere, it is easy to reflect light.

In a few swishes, the summer solstice rushed up the trunk of the mulberry tree. At this time, the headlights with rotating function just illuminate this area. Xia Zhi immediately stopped and tried to hide himself in the cover of mulberry leaves.

Fortunately, the headlights swept past him and did not shine on him.

However, because of the headlights, I saw little silvery lights in the dense canopy of trees during the summer solstice. These silver lights are very subtle and only reflect the silver light at the moment when the light passes by.

That kind of silver-white light with a cold light is very familiar to Xia Zhi. It was so familiar that she knew what it was as soon as she saw it.

Because of the cyborg rabbit I encountered in the morning. At this time, Xia Zhi did not arbitrarily believe that he had encountered a mechanical body. After all, this place is quite far away from the Black Qi Abyss. Those mechanical bodies rarely come here.

A few minutes later, the light passed by again.

This time, with advance warning, Xia Zhi finally saw clearly what the little bits of silver light reflected were.

Because of this, she felt that this tree was really difficult to get rid of.

Trying to ignore what he just saw, he took advantage of the light and moved away again. Xia Zhi climbed up to the trunk of the tree where the gravel was again. He stretched out his hand and clasped it, not caring that he had taken off too much bark. It was thrown directly into space. Then he jumped directly to the ground, rolled away from the mulberry tree, and released his strength.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows, what she just saw was hundreds of white and fat silkworm babies.

I have never raised silkworms during the summer solstice. I wonder if it is still in season since it is already November. However, the white insect body kept crawling on the mulberry leaves, which was really unacceptable.

Of course, what Xia Zhi finds most bizarre is that nearly one-third of the legs of these silkworms are mechanical legs.

And the little bits of silver light seen in the summer solstice are exactly reflected by these feet.

The white insect body, coupled with the shining silver legs, looks awkward no matter how you look at it.

Xia Zhi also noticed that the eyes of these silkworms were all black.

Semi-mechanized body and dark eyes. This combination makes Xia Zhi feel that this is a new variety.

Because the pieces harvested this time are no bigger than a lollipop. During the summer solstice, I didn’t pay much attention to the changes in space. All attention was attracted by these cyborgs.

Because of this, she didn't notice the large piece of bark she threw into the space. In addition to containing the fragment, some silkworm eggs were also clinging to the bark.

After these silkworm eggs entered the space, they were not directly crushed by the space because they were organisms.


"Why are you coming back so soon?"

Xia Zhi mentioned to Lao Mo before going out that it would take about a week to come back. As a result, I came back within two days of leaving.

"If something happens, I'll come back first."

Xia Zhi said, having been knocked down by the two babies at home. One enthusiastically called mom, mom, and the other enthusiastically stuck out its big wet tongue and moaned while washing Xia Zhi's face.

Such enthusiasm made Xia Zhi laugh. Then he grabbed one and kissed his forehead.

After a lot of fun, the children and the dog were called aside to play. Only then did Xia Zhi mention the experience of the past two days to Lao Mo.

Lao Mo knew that he would collect bluestone stones during the summer solstice. It was the thing her parents had given her.

But I didn't expect to encounter something so strange.

"What does that cyborg look like?"

Xia Zhi took out a glass jar from his backpack and put it on the coffee table.

"Look, it looks like this."

Lao Mo lowered his head and saw an ordinary sauce glass jar with a fat white silkworm baby lying inside.

"I don't see any mechanical body in this thing!"

Xia Zhi directly picked up the glass jar and motioned to the other party to look at the bottom of the jar.

"Good guy..."

Lao Mo fell backwards reflexively.

In fact, the picture just now had a strong impact.

Anyone who suddenly sees a bunch of legs dancing in front of them, or mechanical legs, will be startled.

"What principle is used to combine the mechanical body and the insect body?" "

Who knows?"

Xia Zhi shrugged and went to the bathroom to tidy up a little. I took out some snacks from the space.

As soon as the snacks came out, Feifei and KK came together again to eat delicious food.

"Don't tell me, the food standard at home has dropped a lot since you have been away for the past two days."

After saying this, Old Mo turned his attention to the silkworm baby.

Although he is not a biological person, he is still very curious to see such magical things. How do the biological body and the mechanical body come together? It seems very flexible and has no lag at all. It is completely different from human prosthetics.

If this kind of technology were available, could it benefit many disabled people?

There are many experts who have similar ideas to Lao Mo.

Ever since the information about the cyborg rabbit was sent back to Central City that day. The news was quickly shared with Black Gas Institute databases across the country.

In the afternoon of that day, many flights from the base took off, and their destinations were all Nanming bases.

Experts wanted to see for themselves how the semi-mechanized rabbit survived.

Biological experts want to study the principles behind the emergence of cyborgs.

Physics experts want to understand the physics behind how the cyborg works.

Materials experts want to know the mechanical metal grade of a cyborg rabbit.

Medical experts want to create similar mechanical limbs to benefit mankind.


Countless experts and professors arrived at the Nanming base one after another on the day they returned from the summer solstice.

With such a big battle, many well-informed people got wind of it. Knowing that Nanming base seems to have discovered something amazing again. I don’t know what it is exactly.

However, such news was quickly posted online.

In this era when people cannot leave their base at will, the Internet has become an important platform for everyone's leisure and entertainment.

As soon as this news came out, netizens from other bases lamented that the Nanming Base was simply a Feng Shui treasure. I must have discovered something new. Only then can we attract so many experts and professors to conduct research.

Then, the air tickets to Nanming base skyrocketed again, reaching a scary level.

Xia Zhi retreated home first because he saw the expert professor coming.

When these people arrive, the base will definitely strengthen security patrols. She was ready to wait for the craze to pass before setting out again. She was very satisfied with getting a piece of it in two days.

"By the way, Xia Zhi. Vincent specifically asked you when you will be back today?"

Xia Zhi rolled a piece of seaweed into his mouth and nodded to show that he understood. Vincent sent himself a message, saying that the number of mechanical bodies in the combat zone has increased a lot recently. The other party must be eager for him to come back. Otherwise it would still be a bit dangerous for three people to fight there.

"I'll message him back later."


with the leisurely atmosphere of the summer solstice, the experts and professors who arrived at the base were reluctant to rest. As soon as I got off the plane, I rushed to the Black Gas Research Institute.

The base's Black Gas Research Institute currently has no new director assigned, and all work is at a semi-standstill. There were so many people coming this time that Professor Hong, the temporary scientific research representative of the base, arranged for these people to come to the Black Gas Research Institute.

As for the cyborg rabbit that attracted much attention, it was cuddling in the mother rabbit's arms and sucking milk. And its sibling, the little rabbit, also gets along well with this cyborg bunny.

The family of five were put into a huge glass box to be fed.

Experts stood outside the one-way glass and observed the behavior of this semi-mechanical rabbit.

"Based on my observations over the past two days, I can responsibly tell you that this cyborg rabbit will not actively attack organisms. In fact, it gets along very well with the female rabbit and its siblings. Regardless of its strange body, its behavior There is not much difference between them and ordinary rabbits. Of course, the lethality is thousands of times higher than ordinary rabbits."

Professor Hong shared the results of the two days of observation with colleagues.

They came to the conclusion of lethality because one of their researchers wanted to get close to the female rabbit, but was attacked by the semi-mechanized rabbit, and his fingers were bitten off.

This kind of attack is not like the indiscriminate attack of a mechanical body. On the contrary, it is more like the reaction of ordinary creatures when encountering danger.

"How can it drink the milk of a female rabbit?"

That big mechanical head, the long mechanical ears that can flick, and the big gleaming teeth. No matter how I look at it, I feel that this thing looks like a mechanical body. But the body below the neck feels very weird.

Dozens of experts in the observation room argued with each other and put forward hypotheses for each other. Everyone wants to prove that their point of view is correct.

Watch~Novel (plus & Weixin (xiamu)


People don’t know the reaction of the experts. However, early the next morning, I don’t know who put the photo of the cyborg rabbit on the Internet. At

first, the photo did not It didn’t attract people’s attention. Many people thought it was just a P-picture. Some people in the comment area joked that the boss’s P-picture technology was really awesome. But P-pictures have no future in this world. It’s better to work quickly to save money and buy and manage exotic products. Change the potion and change your destiny. After the quarrel for a while, a real technical expert analyzed the photo. Then, people were surprised to find that this photo was actually not a P photo, but an original one. At this time, the painting

in the comment area

The wind changed.

[Ah ah ah... What did I see? What did I see?]

[Who can tell me that it's not real, it was painted by an artist.]

[This... this is from a science fiction blockbuster. Is it?]

[Stuck in a science fiction blockbuster +1.]


Xia Zhi saw such a hot search when she woke up early in the morning, and she felt a little helpless.

She guessed that the base did not want to announce this semi-mechanized rabbit for the time being. I don’t know about that smart-aleck, Post this thing. Doesn't this increase people's panic?

By the time she finished her breakfast, the comment with the most likes had turned into a question.

[Will humans also embark on the path of mechanization?]


"See it Did you see it? I went, and there was a semi-mechanized rabbit." After Fatty Bai arrived at the gathering place, he hurriedly shared with everyone the hot searches that occupied more than 20 items related to semi-mechanized terms. These hot

searches A small part is rational, and a large part is just all kinds of imagination.

Some people think that sooner or later, humans will follow the footsteps of semi-mechanized rabbits.

Some people think that sooner or later, humans will become completely mechanical. Refer to the mechanical insects and mechanical mice that are now appearing. .

Some people think that if a human becomes a complete machine, will he still be the same person? Will he abide by the three laws of robots?

Anyway, there are all kinds of opinions.

Some people think that if he becomes a complete machine, he will not be hungry. Belly. Even, there is no need to be afraid of fighting mechanical insects and mechanical mice. After all, when everyone is the same species, humans are in an advantageous position.

"I don't want to become a mechanical body. In this case, I won't be able to eat delicious food." ."

Fatty Bai walked like an old man with severe Internet addiction, his head never raised. His fingers were flipping through various remarks, and his mouth was chattering endlessly.

Fatty Liu couldn't bear it anymore and patted the opponent's shoulder vigorously. : "Okay, okay, stop daydreaming, kid. It sounds like you have good food to eat every day."

There were many people discussing the whole thing on the road. Everyone's imagination was widening.

Wait until Xia Zhi returned home after working in the combat zone for a day. She found that there were a large number of people on the Internet who really wanted to become a machine. They felt that becoming a machine would increase their strength and not go hungry.

And those who thought these comments were stupid , I feel that I have become a robot, unable to experience the original happiness of human beings and unable to enjoy delicious food. I don’t know if I am still myself at that time.

"The comments of these netizens are really colorful."

As a dog who protects children at home Lao Mo, I looked at my cell phone all day today. If his eyesight hadn't been so good after the mutation, he might have suffered from acute keratitis or something.

Xia Zhi looked at Captain Hu's reply on his phone.

When she went out today, she sent a message to Captain Hu. The other party came over at noon and took away the first glass jar in his hand that contained several semi-mechanized silkworms.

She also struggled for a while, and finally decided to hand over the prepared things to the research institute. I hope those dozens of experts can come up with something useful. Of course, she didn't say it was found in a growing area. Just saying that I found it while walking on the mountain road. It doesn't matter whether Captain Hu believes it or not.

Of course Company Commander Hu didn't believe it. But since he thinks he is friends with Xia Zhi, he will not say anything unfavorable to Xia Zhi.

The other party has been helping the military and mankind along the way.

These semi-mechanized silkworms sent by Captain Hu are very popular among experts.

Of course, before that, the base issued a briefing on the cyborg rabbit incident.

The situation description of tens of thousands of words clearly explains the current general situation of the semi-mechanized rabbit. Finally, I would like to remind everyone not to think too much. The human body is much more complex than insects and rabbits. Even if there are any changes, progress is very slow. This time is enough for scientists to come up with countermeasures.

After Xia Zhi finished reading the entire situation description, he reached out and petted the dog that came over.

However, when her finger accidentally touched the dog's paw, a blood mark was drawn.

Chapter 36

KK seemed to realize that he had done something wrong and quickly curled up his paw. The two big furry ears are tightly attached to both sides of the head. The little eyes looked at Xia Zhi aggrievedly, as if a baby was aggrieved.

However, Xia Zhi was not attracted by its little expression at the moment. Instead, he directly raised the paw of the dog that made the mistake in front of his eyes.


"Stop it, I know it's not your fault."

After Xia Zhi said this in a funny way, his aggrieved little eyes immediately retracted. At the same time, he grinned widely.

This smile made Xia Zhi's tense heart relax a little.

As for the dog's paw raised in front of her eyes, Xia Zhi concentrated on staring at it for ten minutes, but there was still no change. Dog paws are still dog paws. If it weren't for the scratch on the back of his hand that was still bleeding, Xia Zhi would have thought he was dazzled just now.

"KK, tell sister. What's wrong with your claws?"

KK tilted his head and let out an innocent whimper.

Just when Xia Zhi was about to give up, she suddenly caught a flash of blue light in KK's dark brown eyes. At the same time, the black nails of the dog's paw he was holding suddenly became silver-white and sharp, and then disappeared instantly.

The whole process will never take more than five seconds.

But it was enough for Xia Zhi to see clearly what was going on.

KK is a pure golden retriever. It has a well-proportioned body, well-developed muscles, and its four claws are very strong. But the nails are actually dark and dull due to regular trimming and polishing.

The silver-white sharp claws he saw just now, coupled with the blue light in KK's eyes. Both of these characteristics are related to mechanical bodies. But it is somewhat different from the cyborg. Xia Zhi didn't know what was going on here.

But she can draw a conclusion, that is, KK, a dog who never leaves home, has actually embarked on the road of mechanization.

It's unbelievable.

This kind of change will still happen if An An is hiding at home. Will all living things in this world be mechanized sooner or later?

"What happened?"

Lao Mo came out of the kitchen carrying a basin of boiled fish. I bought this fish at the mall today. Today, the big lake on the mountain started to catch fish for sale, and many people ran over to watch the excitement.


Xia Zhi did not hide the matter, but expressed his guess.

"I wonder if KK also has a tendency to mechanize."

This was the only conclusion Xia Zhi came to regarding the wound on the back of his hand.

Lao Mo said in surprise: "That's not right! KK has hardly been out since the black energy broke out. Why did he suddenly become mechanized? Why does this sound so mysterious?"

Xia Zhi looked at him and pretended that he didn't know anything. The expression of the dog is a bit painful.

"Who knows? I suspect it has something to do with the air, water, and land."

The bottom of the entire base is surrounded by a black air abyss. The upper part retains some of the greenery before the black air broke out. However, the air was already filled with traces of black air. Although these black gases will disappear quickly after dissipating in the air. But as long as people breathe air containing black gas, they will still be infected with black gas. The only difference lies in the degree of infection with black energy.

The food and water that the family consumes for three meals a day all come from stockpiles before the end of the world. Then, KK will have this change, there is only one influencing factor - air.

When plant black root disease first appeared, research showed that black air was very heavy and would sink rapidly even if it escaped into the air. This point of view has been verified during the last large-scale eruption of black gas and black cocoon.

And has this sinking black air completely disappeared? Or swim back into the black abyss? No one can tell clearly.

Even at the Black Gas Research Institute, the understanding and detection of black gas is still at the stage of unknown substances and substances that cannot be analyzed.

Xia Zhi felt that he should find more animals to see if all animals had this change.

As for humans, Xia Zhi raised his eyes and looked at Lao Mo. Not a trace of black energy was seen on his body. This situation should be related to the blue stone on his body.

Just like the eight strong men living on the first floor, the black energy on their bodies is almost invisible. Apparently it was also related to the blue light ball they carried.

And those ordinary mutants will have a layer of black energy on their bodies. It's a bit like the fighting spirit in Western fantasy novels. Of course, fighting spirit appears when it is used. The black energy is attached to the human body all the time.

Some mutants' black energy will be thicker, and some will be thinner. This difference has a lot to do with the way they awaken.

Xia Zhi guessed that the Black Gas Research Institute didn't know this yet. She wanted to remind her but couldn't. You can't say that I have a golden finger and can see things that you can't see!


nine o'clock that night, the base's Black Gas Research Institute was still brightly lit.

Scientific researchers, experts and professors from major bases across the country gathered together. Research and discussion meetings are being held on the issue of semi-mechanization.

Several biological experts who hurriedly dissected the semi-mechanical silkworm babies showed the results on the big screen with bright eyes.

Those present were all big names in various academic circles. Almost everyone stood up from their chairs after seeing the anatomy information.

Professor Bai was very proud of the state of affairs of his colleagues. As the leader of the autopsy team, he was even more troubled than them a few hours ago.

Who would have thought that the perfect combination of machinery and biology would actually appear at this moment when the black energy is sweeping through it.

"Based on the results of the anatomy, we can clearly see that except for the legs of the semi-robotic silkworm, which are mechanical parts, the rest of the tissues are still normal biological tissues. Among them, the mechanical part and the biological part each have a complete circulatory system. The mechanical part The circulatory system is similar to a complete mechanical body. There is an unknown energy circulating in the system. The biological part of the cycle is exactly the same as an ordinary silkworm."

Regarding the operating theory of complete mechanical bodies such as mechanical ants and mechanical mice, There are currently no particularly significant breakthroughs.

A conclusion generally recognized by the scientific community is that there is an unknown energy circulating inside this completely mechanical body.

For example, the body of an organism, a mouse, relies on blood circulation to drive physical movement. As for the mechanical mouse, there is a very peculiar energy circulating in the circulatory system within the completely mechanized internal blood vessels. Thereby maintaining the mobility of the mechanical mouse.

And this strange energy is the key to promoting human mutation.

Regarding the discovery of the Nanming base, as the head of the Black Gas Research Institute, He Mingzhi did not participate in their meeting this time.

At this moment, he was in the office receiving several broken blue stones delivered to him. Each blue stone is different in size, the big one is as big as a cherry, and the small one is only as big as a peanut. This fragmented blue stone made He Mingzhi firm up his thoughts. Blue stone should be a complete whole.

He arranged these blue stones overnight and tried to produce more protective armor as soon as possible. Starting from the emergence of cyborgs in Nanming Base, many things may change at an accelerated pace.


Zhi did not go to the battle zone as planned the next day. Instead, he left home after breakfast early in the morning.

Her first stop was the entire residential area.

She had already walked through the entire residential area when she first arrived. That time she came to see the environment. This time, she saw people.

During the summer solstice, I walked around the outdoor tent area that was the most crowded and had the worst conditions. Most of the people living here are outsiders who cannot earn points or have just moved to the base. Almost all the people here are ordinary people. There is no black energy about him.

When Xia Zhi walked to the Banfang District, where he had lived for several months, he found that there were more and more mutants.

The popularity of mutation potions has brought about an increase in the number of mutants. Most of these people live in prefab areas, villa areas, and aboriginal areas.

Walking on the road that ran through the board house area, for about ten minutes, Xia Zhi passed 18 people. 8 of them are mutants. These eight people all had a layer of black energy about them. This black energy does not give people the feeling of dissipating at any time like the black energy in the black energy abyss.

The black gas attached to the surface of the human body is more like an external manifestation of energy.

Xia Zhi walked, counting silently. As a result, she happened to see an old acquaintance.

"Mrs. Cheng, didn't you move to Nanming Village?"

Isn't the person holding her granddaughter in front of me the same as Mrs. Cheng? Sister He's old lady.

Mrs. Cheng looks much older than when she left last time. Even the back that had always been straight was bent a little. Fortunately, the energy on his face is still very strong. The child she was holding next to her had a depressed look on her face.

The only thing the two of them have in common is that their clothes are quite torn and dirty. You'll know what's happening at a glance.

"Hey, Xia Zhi. I didn't expect to meet you again. I heard that your family moved to a resort?"

Seeing that the other party's expression was very natural, Xia Zhi did not take the initiative to ask about the other party's situation, but just nodded.

The two parties chatted politely for a few words and were about to separate.

Mrs. Cheng, who was standing behind Xia Zhi, suddenly said: "Xia Zhi, my ignorant daughter-in-law has offended me a lot before. I hope you and Wen Sheng don't mind."

Xia Zhi turned around: "We don't care..."

In the end, Xia Zhi also She didn't ask Exit what happened at her house.

Only when she met Shi Ming, the neighbor who wanted to buy mechanical ants from her at a low price, did Xia Zhi find out what had happened to this family.

"Are you saying that the grandfather and grandson are now sharing a board house?"

There are also many poor people in the board house area. After renting a single-room board house, these people will rent it out. It is equivalent to treating a board house as a Datong shop for rent. All occupants will be placed directly on the floor. This way of living is much safer than the outdoor tent area.

Shi Ming saw Xia Zhi chatting with Mr. Cheng and Mr. Sun. Knowing that Xia Zhi is a person with points, he is determined to sell her well.

After all, Xia Zhi had a good relationship with Mrs. Cheng's daughter-in-law. After that, the two parted ways, and Shi Ming could see clearly. He thought that Xia Zhi didn't like Sister He's family. He was very rude when he spoke.

"Isn't that right? It's been two days since we moved here. Speaking of which, the woman named He is really nothing. After finding a man in Nanming Village, my heart gradually turned away. Just last week, I heard that she went there every day Hunting mechanical bodies in the battle zone to exchange points for buying mutation potions for her new man. Hey, with those points, why not give them to his own daughter?"

Shi Ming rambled on about things at Sister He's house, peeking out of the corner of his eyes from time to time. With the summer solstice.

At first, he wanted to get a cheap mechanical ant mutation from Xia Zhi, but was eventually rejected.

Then he found a partner with the woman Xing He, but she killed the mechanical ant in one go.

Shi Ming couldn't afford safe potions after that.

After a month or two, he was still an ordinary person. Just thinking about it makes my teeth hurt.

Xia Zhi didn't expect to come over to investigate, but he heard such gossip again.

She glanced at Shi Ming's flattering smile. After thinking for a while, he took out a bar of chocolate from his backpack and stuffed it into the other person's hand.

"Thank you, thank you..."

Shi Ming didn't expect Xia Zhi to be so generous and actually gave himself a bar of chocolate. He couldn't bear to eat such a precious thing. You have to go to the commercial district to set up a stall to exchange points.

Looking at Shi Ming's back as he ran away, Xia Zhi felt that it might have been a wrong idea to say that this person was not good.

After wandering around the boardroom area for a long time, Xia Zhi probably recorded more than 500 people. Then prepare to go back first. As a result, when I was leaving, I happened to see Mrs. Cheng coming back with her granddaughter. This time, Mrs. Cheng grabbed some wild vegetables in her hand. It looked like he was preparing to cook wild vegetable soup to satisfy his hunger.

It's already November, and there are wild vegetables, but they are almost as old as weeds.

Seeing this wise and mighty old lady end up in this situation. Xia Zhi felt sour in her heart.

She watched the other person walk to a wooden house with a very dirty door. He took out a broken earthen jar and filled it with water to wash wild vegetables. As for her six-year-old granddaughter, she squatted beside her obediently.

Such a picture contrasts with the joy and harmony before. Xia Zhi really doesn’t know what to say.

However, she made a decision in her heart.


Mrs. Cheng was squatting on the ground, washing vegetables in a half-sized earthenware jar she picked up from the garbage dump.

Since leaving Nanming Village, she and her granddaughter only brought the things they moved in with them. There is absolutely no trace of that so-called new home.

Mrs. Cheng's face turned ugly when she thought of her daughter-in-law, who was not very smart.

A so-called mutation caused the daughter-in-law to slowly change into a different person. Mrs. Cheng felt heartbroken and angry. No matter how much emotion she had, when faced with the endless ridicule and rejection from that family, Mrs. Cheng chose to leave that place and become self-reliant.

As for the ex-daughter-in-law who is still struggling on the front line and wants to earn points for her new family, Mrs. Cheng no longer knows how to deal with her.

While she was washing vegetables, she was thinking about the ordeal during this period. Suddenly, something flew over quickly under the sun, and then fell into a broken vat filled with water and wild vegetables.

Mrs. Cheng is already over fifty, but her hands and feet are very nimble. She grabbed the object directly, thinking it was a stone thrown by the children around her playing a prank.

When I lowered my head, I saw a thin tube with clear liquid sloshing inside.

There's no mistake, this is the sought-after mutation potion.

After realizing this, Mrs. Cheng stopped trying to grab the potion. Then he looked around, trying to find the source of the potion.

However, Xia Zhi, who had thrown out the potion, had already quickened his pace and left.

I originally bought two tubes of this potion at one time. One is for Lao Mo to use, and the other is for covering himself. She didn't touch it, and kept it in the space.

It is estimated that because of the special ingredients of this potion, the color of the potion is still transparent after being left in the space for such a long time. But from time to time a little blue light flashed above.

Xia Zhi hopes that a sober old lady like Mrs. Cheng can have a promising life. And that potion should make the other party reborn and embark on a different path.

She is looking forward to Mrs. Cheng's future.


"Xia Zhi, you are back. You don't even know..."

After Fatty Bai saw Xia Zhi at the gathering place, he was so surprised that his whole body almost jumped.

It was Fatty Liu who reached out and held down the other party's chubby body.

Xia Zhi smiled and replied: "Then if I don't come, you can stay at home and rest!"

Upon hearing this, Fatty Bai quickly waved his hands: "That won't work, that won't work. I, Old Bai, will panic if I don't work for a day. . It’s better to work more, earn more points, buy more delicious food, and live a secure life."

Vincent brought their equipment over and stuffed it into each of their hands with a smile.

After Xia Zhi took it, he looked at the situation of the people around him. This is a stopping point on the way to the battle zone. During normal battles, you can rest, eat, or go to the toilet here. It's a supply point. Those who stopped here early in the morning were just to have a place to change into protective clothing and get equipment.

There were no such good facilities before. It was only because the number of mechanical bodies increased that the mutants were unable to take a good rest, and many people were injured or killed before they were built.

After Xia Zhi arrived here early in the morning, he began to observe the mutant people passing by.

Those who dare to come here to hunt mechanical bodies at this time are all mutants.

About a quarter of these mutated people were successfully mutated using mechanical ants. Now, put these people together with those who use potions to mutate, and the contrast is very obvious.

Those who use mechanical ants to mutate have a particularly thick layer of black energy on their bodies. Those who use potions are relatively thinner and lighter.

Some people on the Internet even came up with the conclusion that those who use mechanical ants to mutate are more powerful than those who use potions.

This view has been refuted by the Black Air Research Institute.

But Xia Zhi thinks this view is correct. Refer to the man who came over from the opposite side. The black energy emanating from his body can be described as billowing black energy. It's very similar to the appearance of a demon cultivator in a fairy tale.

"That is Wu Fen, the god of death in our area, the master among masters, and the nemesis of the mechanical body."

Such an attributive word made Xia Zhi's mouth twitch.

"Why haven't I heard of it?"

"He was blocked by people on the base forum. I heard that he can kill tens of thousands of mechanical ants and thousands of mechanical insects in a day. And, it's one person, one person..."

Fatty Bai That big mouth really kept talking, which made Fatty Liu and Wen Sheng frown unbearably.

After putting on isolation suits and equipment, the group immediately headed to the combat zone.

And the master among the masters, Wu Fen, has long since disappeared.

"Xia Zhi, you are very powerful, aren't you?"

The fat white man who had no one to talk to came over again, talking loudly. Xia Zhi had the urge to introduce him to the four young men in the planting area.

She wasn't paying attention to that Wu Fen, she was just paying attention to the huge black energy on the other person's body that was like a black cloud covering the top and the demonic cultivator appearing in the world.

The entire base is too big and there are too many people. I don’t know how many such “Wu Fen” there are.


hot topic along the way is still the cyborg.

People are eagerly discussing this new thing called cyborg. Every time something new appears in the Nanming base, it will make people in the base outside envious. This time, of course, is no exception.

"You said we already have semi-mechanical bodies, why are there no mechanical mice out there?"

Fatty Liu's focus was very strange, and his question aroused ridicule from the mutants around him.

"If mechanical rats appear in other bases, our base will be in trouble." "

That's not true. I heard that this year's harvest in the planting area is not enough for us to eat for a month."

Compared with the Nanming base, the outer bases are simply inferior. It can be regarded as a paradise. Xia Zhi watched the news these days and knew that other bases were having a bumper harvest.

Many poor ordinary people in the Nanming Base fantasize that the base can send them to those safe bases.

Of course, a fantasy is still a fantasy.

Given the non-renewable nature and importance of aviation fuel, air tickets are destined to be expensive.

At present, the food supply at the Nanming base is not bad. The base has the inventory before the black gas outbreak and the new food from this year. However, half of the vegetables and fruits are brought in by planes from outside. Not to mention other living supplies, scientific research supplies, military supplies, etc.

While these planes are transporting mutants to come and hunt for gold, they will also bring supplies to the base. And if mechanical rats appear in other bases, the current active flow of people and logistics may be reduced by most.

This will seriously affect the normal operation of the entire base.

In a low voice, Vincent analyzed the delicate status of the current Nanming base with Fatty Liu and Fatty Bai. The faces of these two people didn't look very good.

"So, don't we have to thank the mechanical mouse?" Fatty Bai couldn't help but complain.

"To a certain extent, it is indeed true." Vincent replied coolly.

At this time, the battle zone arrived.


four of them arrived at the place where they usually hunted mechanical bodies as usual. But today, a murderer actually came here - Wu Fen, the mechanical nemesis that Xia Zhi saw just now.

Wu Fen is more than 1.9 meters tall, and his whole body is covered in tendons. The loose isolation gown seemed to have shrunk when he was wearing it.

As for why Xia Zhi knew that this man covered from head to toe was Wu Fen, it was because of the excited fat man next to him.

After seeing Wu Fen, this man introduced them to the two super-large iron rackets that Wu Fen was wielding.

This iron racket is not a standard weapon and needs to be specially customized. I heard the price is very expensive. However, the high price is simply a waste of money for Wu Fen.

Xia Zhi stood not far away, watching this dear man kill monsters.

It was like he was playing a game of gopher. Any mechanical mice or insects that appeared around him would be swatted to death by him. This man had a racket in one hand, one in front of him, and one behind him. He was protecting himself airtight.

And as long as his racket is stretched out, it will definitely flatten the mechanical body.

Such great strength, coupled with such flexible reactions. No wonder he was given so many middle-class and cool nicknames.

Xia Zhi thought she could do what he did. However, she relies more on the ability of the blue light ball.

Wu Fen, on the other hand, relied on his physical fitness.

However, no matter how majestic Wu Fen is.

Xia Zhi didn't need to look closely to see that the isolation suit he was wearing looked fake. It has no protective effect at all. As long as he stood there, the black air on his body was like a black hole, slowly attracting the black air floating in the air of the battle zone.

This strange phenomenon is the first time we have encountered it in Xia Zhi since the black air broke out.

Seeing that the black energy on Wu Fen's body seemed to be getting thicker, Xia Zhi always felt that something was changing.


, Xia Zhi soon ran out of time to think about this.

Because more and more machines are coming up from the black air abyss.

These ghosts are like fighting guerrillas with them, climbing up from their nests to attack humans from time to time. Seeing that the situation was not good, they swarmed back into the black air. Everyone was worried about the power of the black energy and did not dare to get close.

Xia Zhi felt that the IQ of this mechanical mouse, which had appeared the most, seemed to have improved.

"I also think they seem to be smarter."

Vincent noticed Xia Zhi's thoughts and stood near her and agreed.

According to Vincent's combat experience during this period. Mechanical insects are fine, but they are too small and like to play gangbusters. Too bad there isn't much strategy.

The mechanical mouse has been a very shrewd existence since it first appeared. During this period of time fighting mutants, he probably accumulated a lot of experience. Now it’s more about team strategy.

This gives many mutants a headache.

As the mechanical mice become smarter, mutated people are gradually getting injured or even losing their lives.

Xia Zhi moved closer to his companions while fighting, frowning.

At this time, a super-large mechanical mouse that was five or six times larger than an ordinary mechanical mouse was looming at the junction of the Black Abyss and the base.

Just as Xia Zhi was about to secretly draw out a crossbow arrow and shoot at the big rat, he saw Wu Fen, who had been fighting, turn his head and look at the big mechanical rat in the black air. Then I saw him throw away the iron racket he held in his right hand.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning.

By the time the people around him reacted, the oversized mechanical mouse had already escaped Wu Fen's attack and rushed towards him.


"Get away quickly..."

The area of ​​100 meters around Wu Fen was cleared instantly.

As soon as the one-meter-long mechanical mouse appeared, all the nearby mechanical mice moved closer to it, forming a defensive posture.

In such a scene, anyone with eyes can tell that this giant mechanical mouse is the leader of this group of mechanical mice.

Xia Zhi noticed that many people picked up their mobile phones. Some people are notifying the base, while others are taking videos.

Such a giant mouse is almost like a spirit.

As the giant mechanical mouse approached step by step, Xia Zhi suddenly felt that the opponent's body contained a huge amount of energy. And this energy made her very uncomfortable.

Just as she frowned, the giant rat that was about to attack Wu Fen for revenge suddenly turned its attention to Xia Zhi and tilted its big, triangular head full of technology.

Others might not be able to see its expression clearly, but at this moment Xia Zhi got the idea of ​​a giant mechanical mouse.

It seems to be confused about its own feelings, and it feels like it wants to attack but also wants to retreat.

Xia Zhi immediately realized something. As soon as she raised the Yuanyang Knife, she saw the mechanical mice begin to split into two parts. Some of them attacked Wu Fen, while others ran towards Xia Zhi.

Because the combat zone was so spacious, everyone else stayed away from the area. Now seeing a flood of mechanical rats and giant rats, they don't dare to come over to support them.

The timid one even quietly ran up the mountain.

Wen Sheng and the three of them just thought that they were unlucky because they happened to be standing not far from Wu Fen, so they were angered by the mechanical mouse.

They didn't even bother to escape because it was too late. Everyone raised their weapons and started fighting desperately.

Xia Zhi knew very well that they alone could not stop this tide of mechanical mice.

Without looking at Wu Fen, who was more than ten meters away, his body was already stained with black and red blood.

The same situation occurred on their side.

The only good thing is that the giant mechanical mouse hasn't taken action yet. From time to time, I would shift my gaze from Wu Fen to Xia Zhi, and then from Xia Zhi to Wu Fen. It seemed like he was evaluating something.

Before the giant mechanical rats could attack, the patrol responsible for security at the trading point arrived.

Although he had known about the existence of a giant mechanical mouse, Captain Hu was still surprised by the fact that it was as giant as a monster.

Captain Hu came to the patrol today to see if there were any cyborgs here. Unexpectedly, not long after arriving, we received many calls for help. At the same time, many live broadcasts and various short videos began to appear on the Internet.

No, he just brought people over for reinforcements.

Xia Zhi didn't know who was coming. When she saw the patrol coming, she immediately shouted: "Wen Sheng, take Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu and retreat."

Fatty Liu is the least mutated among the three of them. There is a lot of color on the body. If it weren't for Xia Zhi's cover, Fatty Liu would probably be gone.

Vincent didn't want Xia Zhi to take the rear, but in fact the three of them were not as powerful as Xia Zhi in combat. He was smart, so he and Fatty Bai directly picked up Fatty Liu and ran towards the mountain. The summer solstice is responsible for ending the period.

There are more than ten people in the patrol team. Once they arrive, there are dozens of them. Soon Wu Fen was able to take a few breaths. At this time, the man was covered in black blood. The isolation gown on my body was already torn and tattered.

Probably seeing how powerful the patrol was, the mutants watching around began to try to help eliminate the mechanical rats from the outside.

The giant mouse was very angry now.

Wu Fen's attack just now has angered it, and now these humans are still killing their own people.

As a result, the giant mechanical mouse rushed towards Captain Hu and others.

Xia Zhi did not move away, but retreated a certain distance and rushed directly to a shadow where no one was paying attention. Then, directly combine the two Yuanyang knives into one. After a faint blue light flashed. A silver-white long wooden warehouse appeared in his hand.

The long wooden warehouse is about eighty centimeters long. The wooden warehouse has a sharp head and a cold light.

Xia Zhi was focused on the renovation of Changmucang and did not notice it. When a blue light appeared in her hand, the giant mechanical mouse became fierce in its movements.

This gave the soldiers responsible for surrounding it a few more wounds.

With Chang Mucang in hand, Xia Zhi found a slightly higher place. Observing carefully, the giant mechanical mouse's body was so agile that only an afterimage remained.

At this time, Captain Hu and several other soldiers who were fighting it were already injured and fell to the ground.

This kind of high-speed jumping mechanical mouse is very difficult for ordinary mutants to catch the opponent's figure, let alone attack.

Captain Hu and the others also used various methods of casting nets and waving weapons randomly, which made the giant rat pause for a moment. But this does not prevent the wounds on their bodies from increasing.

Xia Zhi looked at the afterimage and frequency of the beating of the giant mechanical rat, calculated the wind direction, wind resistance, and the size of the long wooden warehouse, and then took a step forward after predicting it.

Use one hand and one force.

The silver-white Chang Mucang was like a ray of silver light, shooting towards the giant mechanical rat at high speed.

The whole action is a bit like throwing a wooden bunker, but the effect is quite scary.

A rapid sound broke through the air.

Captain Hu felt a chill in his ears, and the friction sound caused by the sharp weapon cutting through the air made his ears buzz.

Before he could react, it felt like time had stopped for a second.

The giant mechanical rat seemed to be immobilized by someone, maintaining its ferocious expression and ferocious movements in mid-air. But there is something extra on the forehead.

The next moment, it hit the ground with a bang, killing many mechanical rats and causing dust to scatter all over the ground.

When the dust cleared, people only saw the giant mechanical rat that fell to the ground, the mechanical rats that were running away in all directions, and the silver-white long wooden barn that was still inserted into the giant rat's head, making a slight buzzing sound and trembling slightly.

There was silence.

All machines have withdrawn, and all humans have lost their language.

Xia Zhi wore the same gas mask and protective clothing as everyone present. Not afraid of being recognized at all. She walked quickly to the giant mouse and pulled up Chang Mucang with one force. Then he left the scene quickly.

The whole process takes less than a minute.

"Wocao, just now... did any of you see it when the long wooden warehouse flew out?" A mutant onlookers pulled his companions beside him, his face full of disbelief.

"Look at the ghost. Damn it, that Chang Mucang actually inserted it into the monster's head and nailed it several inches into the ground." The sharp-eyed companions had already seen the thin hole in the ground when Chang Mucang was raped. .

As for the giant mechanical rat, a big hole was forcibly opened by Chang Mucang between its two eyes that had lost their blue light. From the center of the eyebrow to the back of the head.


Captain Hu reached out and touched his ears, which were just chilly and buzzing.

Compared to others, he knew that the long wooden warehouse just came from behind him. The opponent's accuracy must be very good. Otherwise, the person who had his head pierced today might not be the giant monster in front of him, but his own fragile head.

Who is that master?

Master Xia Zhi has now left the battle zone and appeared halfway up the mountain.

In her hand, the conspicuous silver-white Changmucang had been restored to the form of a Yuanyang knife and hung on her waist.

However, during the process of restoring the blade, she touched some tiny black shiny things on the sharp wooden compartment. She didn't know what this thing was, but it had a lot of energy that made her uncomfortable. She packed the thing in a glass jar and threw it into space.

At the same time, at the moment when the giant mechanical mouse was killed, the black air abyss that had been dormant for some time surged again.

Chapter 37

"Xia Zhi, have you really not seen the hero Chang Mucang?"

Fatty Bai drank Coke, ate peanuts, and looked curiously at Xia Zhi, who was eating melon seeds at the side.

What happened in the battle zone yesterday shocked the whole country. The people in the base were running around, trying to find the hero who nailed the giant rat to death in Yimucang. Unfortunately, after a long time, I haven't heard any useful news yet.

As Xia Zhi is the rearguard of the team, Fatty Bai hopes that the other party will see the majestic demeanor of the hero Chang Mucang.

The words "Hero Changmucang" made Xia Zhi's mouth twitch.

God knows what those mutants did after she left. Anyway, when she got home, she didn't have time to sit down. Lao Mo was already holding his cell phone and looking at Xia Zhi with suspicion: "Xia Zhi, do you know that you have a new name?"

Others could not recognize Xia Zhi, but Lao Mo, as an elder who has taken care of Xia Zhi for many years, could still recognize him. of. Of course, it's more because of the long wooden warehouse.

Xia Zhi still remembers the numb feeling in his scalp when he heard the words "Chang Mucang Daxia" for the first time.

"You should drink less Coke. The injuries on your body will take two more days to heal!" Fatty Liu said a few words to Fatty Bai with a grin on his face.

None of the four of them went on a mission today. They were staying at Vincent's house chatting and exchanging information.

After Vincent evacuated with the two of them yesterday, he immediately went to the hospital to bandage their wounds. Fortunately, everyone is a mutant and has good recovery abilities. This kind of injury will definitely require hospitalization before the black energy breaks out. Now after bandaging, the doctor sent me home to recuperate.

Vincent was worried about the summer solstice at that time.

However, not long after he arrived home, Vincent was relieved when Xia Zhi came back safely.

"Fat man, I really didn't see the hero you were talking about." Xia Zhi could only give this answer in the end.

The moment the giant mechanical rat was killed was being played on the screen of her mobile phone. Nagamukura was so fast that even the camera couldn't fully capture it. If it hadn't been for the fact that the giant rat had its head inserted into Chang Mucang, many people would not have realized what happened.

When they reacted, the hero had already disappeared carrying Chang Mucang.

Xia Zhi saw that many people in the comment area were looking for Master Chang Mucang. Rich people who have points in their hands can even customize the same long wooden warehouse at a 1:1 ratio with the official one.

All kinds of adoring remarks and Mu Qiang's behavior all reveal the desire of human beings.

It was such a trend that temporarily suppressed the panic about the giant mechanical rats.


"Still unable to find out the other party's identity?"

In the base director's office, base director Zhao Zengguang looked at Master Li.

Mr. Li shook his head: "That person is very strong. Our people can't keep up with the opponent's speed. In addition, the opponent is familiar with the cameras everywhere and deliberately avoids them. He can't break through the surveillance facilities. I can only say that this person There should be no ill will towards the base. He doesn't seem to be a careerist. Yesterday's behavior was more to protect mankind."

Regarding the sudden appearance of such a powerful civilian in the base. While the base is happy, it will also worry about the other party's purpose. After all, this "Chang Mucang Hero" now has many crazy fans.

Zhao Zengguang nodded and did not continue the topic. Instead, he asked: "Is there any latest progress from Professor Hong?"

After the mechanical giant rat was eliminated yesterday, the body was immediately rushed to the base's Black Gas Research Institute. There are already many authoritative experts from across the country gathered there. Working on cyborgs.

As a result, such a big guy suddenly appeared, and many people put down their work and turned to study this big guy.

This research is incredible.

Professor Bai, who was in charge of the anatomy, worked with mechanical experts and used various methods. Finally, a knife made of level 2 mechanical metal was used to cut open the giant mechanical rat.

I thought that the strength of the mechanical giant rat's outer shell was terrifying enough. As a result, what was even more horrifying was that they found a diamond-shaped black crystal the size of a baby's fist in the center of the giant rat's brain.

There is also a small gap at the bottom of the crystal. Needless to say, it was the long wooden warehouse that caused it.

This thing, which had never appeared before, immediately attracted the attention of all the experts present.

After the report, emergency testing was carried out overnight last night.

Mr. Lin shook his head: "Lao Hong and the others didn't sleep all night. Experts in almost all fields are staying in the institute. There is no new news coming out at the moment."


Dozens of pairs of eyes are watching closely at the base's Black Gas Research Institute Looking at the diamond-shaped black crystal on the screen.

The black crystal was placed on a small metal platform, and various rays and lasers were impacting it.

"I think it will definitely work this time."

"If it doesn't work, this thing will have to be sent to Central City."

"Hey, I hope it can work this time."


Everyone murmured in a low voice, but couldn't bear to leave their eyes. The screen began to display The data comes out.

Until 30 minutes later, the entire laboratory erupted in violent cheers. The faces of these researchers, who usually looked cold and indifferent, were filled with wonder at this moment.

"This thing, this thing is indeed an energy crystal."

Professor Hong finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the test was successful.

As for its success, it is actually because the complete structure of the crystal surface has been destroyed. If not, this thing might have to be sent to the largest laboratory in Central City, so that there would be a way to break through the protective layer on the surface of the crystal.

All thanks to the great hero Chang Mucang.


Zhi, the hero of Changmucang, didn’t know that he was being thanked by the old professor at this moment.

After the four of them chatted, she went home directly.

The eight strong men who lived on the first floor had left the base the day before yesterday. This can show from the side that the base may no longer have blue light ball fragments. Or maybe the fragments are too small for them to detect.

No matter what the outcome is, Xia Zhi feels like settling down for a few days. After all, the popularity of Nagamukura Heroes continues to rise.

In the room, Xia Zhi used his mental power to turn on the spatial projection.

As soon as the space was opened, no abnormalities were found at the beginning of the summer solstice. Nearly five months have passed since the black gas broke out, but the preliminary supplies have been well prepared. The area where supplies are placed is still full of supplies.

As for the blue light ball in the center area, it still emits cold blue light. It seemed as if the entire space was covered in blue light. And under the blue light ball, a piece of metal suddenly appeared. I seem to have grown a lot taller in the past two days. It's already about half a meter high.

And because of this, Xia Zhi always felt that this thing looked a bit like the bottom floor of a building.

While she was meditating, a strange and subtle sound came from nowhere in the space. The sound was very small, but for Xia Zhi, it had reached the decibel level that she could capture.

Using his mental power, it didn't take Xia Zhi a second to find the place where the sound came from.

There is a plastic bucket specially used to place fragments of blue light balls.

Because we know that after the fragments enter the space, they will be attracted by the blue light ball and slowly merge together. Therefore, the small piece of debris that Xia Zhi collected in the planting area last time was thrown into the plastic bucket together with the pieces of bark.

But now, she saw something.

At the bottom of the ordinary red plastic bucket, the bark that was thrown in before has completely disappeared, and the fragments have merged into the ball of light. However, at this moment, there were actually a few small bugs squirming at the bottom of the barrel.

This bug is nothing new to the summer solstice. Isn’t it just a silkworm baby?

These silkworms look very small, but Xia Zhi can still find signs of mechanization in them. Although this time the mechanized area is no longer limited to the feet. But this already shows that these silkworms are semi-mechanical silkworms.

Was this thing brought in with the bark?

Xia Zhi tried hard to recall, and finally remembered that when he tore the bark off the mulberry tree, there seemed to be a few yellow-white balls attached to it. But the situation was urgent at the time, so she didn't pay much attention. Now that I think about it carefully, I guess these little things were the same balls at that time.

However, doesn’t this make sense?

At this time, Xia Zhi didn't care about anything else, and his mental power immediately moved in front of the light ball.

[Why can those worms survive in space? 】

The laws of space have always been clear to the summer solstice. Logically speaking, organisms cannot appear in space at all. As soon as it appears, it will be broken down into cosmic dust for unknown reasons.

The light ball with a big hole missing flickered. Then, a large piece of code was stuffed into Xia Zhi's head. After figuring it out, Xia Zhi was shocked.

Is there such a thing?

It turns out that according to the light ball. Cyborgs are no longer pure organisms. Therefore, these silkworm babies can stay in space well during the egg-laying stage.

This explanation of the summer solstice feels a bit thin. But I was still very unfamiliar with this technologically-rich space, and I couldn't tell the truth from what the light ball said.

The ball of light seemed to have seen Xia Zhi's thoughts and flashed rapidly again.

[Please collect all the fragments as soon as possible. There is not much time left for you humans. 】

After these words, Xia Zhi had no way to get any reply from the ball of light again.

After recovering her mental strength, Xia Zhi took out a package of ham sausage. While feeding KK, he also started eating.

This strange ball of light never stops talking. What does it mean that there is not much time left for mankind? Personally speaking, Xia Zhi would definitely not believe this kind of talk. But in terms of a magical ball, Xia Zhi knew that the other party would not deceive him. Because this is really unnecessary.

So, what will humanity face?


latest hot topics on the domestic Internet are all dominated by Nanming Base.

Cyborg Rabbit appears at Nanming Base.

The giant mechanical rat appears in Nanming Base.

The hero Chang Muchang who nailed the giant mechanical rat in Yimucang was also at the Nanming base.

Nanming Base seems to be at the forefront of this black energy sweeping the world.

And emails about requests for additional flights also flew to the mailbox of the base management like snowflakes.

"With so many people coming to the base, our base cannot accommodate so many people."

"We can consider moving those ordinary people away."

"Should we consider directly converting part of the land contaminated by black gas into construction land?"

Base Management At the top-level meeting, many people were quite happy that the base could attract people. But being limited to the Nanming Peak Group is destined to have great limitations for this base.

Base director Zhao Zengguang listened to the discussion among his subordinates without interrupting. In fact, he was thinking more about the abnormal movements of the mechanical body.

This thing shows up with a giant mechanical rat. According to the habits and population of rats, there must be more than one such thing. Moreover, this thing actually has a huge energy crystal in its head. This kind of plot that only exists in post-apocalyptic science fiction blockbusters has appeared in real life.

You know, when a giant mechanical rat appears in front of people. People should realize that there must be thousands of these giant mechanical rats hiding behind them.

And such a giant rat with such huge destructive power would have been attacked by a master that day. It was hard to say whether the patrol would be wiped out.

After taking this into consideration, he was no longer in the mood to think about economic development and infrastructure development.

The top priority now is to survive!


, Zhao Zengguang did not worry for too long.

A day later, a plane from Central City landed on the base's tarmac.

Twelve hours later, people were surprised to find that protective armor was actually available on the official store.

As soon as Xia Zhi got the news, she followed Wen Sheng and others and immediately rushed to the official mall.

When they arrived, there was already a long queue.

Xia Zhi raised his eyes and glanced around, finding that almost all the people who came were members of the hunting team.

At this moment, her eyes met a man who stood out from the crowd.

That person was Wu Fen.

Wu Fen was seriously injured fighting a giant rat that day. It's just that his physical fitness is very good. It didn't take long for it to feel better. Now that protective armor is on the market, he quickly came over to line up.

After the people around him recognized Wu Fen, they all kept a distance of about half a meter from him. As a result, this dear man took himself as the center of the circle, and the area with a radius of 50 centimeters around him was completely empty.

Wu Fen didn't care at all about the looks of people around him.

Before the black energy broke out, he was just a pig farmer and pig killer. After the black air broke out, most of his pigs could not be taken away. I could only follow the villagers to several places, and finally settled at the Nanming base. Because of my good physique, I didn’t suffer too much. Later, he was bitten by a mechanical ant and became a mutant.

The battle with the giant rat was his only failure in the past few months. And he didn't know who the person who saved him was.

Now, Wu Fen's combat intuition told him that he seemed to have found it.

So, without Xia Zhi knowing it, she found someone for herself who wanted to repay her life-saving kindness.

The protective armor on the market this time is more expensive than the mutation potion. But there were more people in line. Even ordinary people want to buy a piece of protective armor to protect themselves.

And when Xia Zhi actually saw the real thing, he still wanted to give Central City Black Energy Research Institute a thumbs up.

The silver-white protective armor does not look cumbersome at all when worn on a plastic mannequin.

A complete set of protective armor includes helmet, neck guard, chest guard, arm guards, leg guards, boots, etc. If you take this set off and wear it, it will definitely look very handsome.

When it was the turn of the person in the front row, he said to the counter: "I want to buy a set of large sizes."

The salesperson at the counter had a very good service attitude.

I saw her reply: "Protective armor has a good biological memory function, regardless of size, all sizes are one-size-fits-all. In addition, protective armor has level 1 protective armor and level 2 protective armor. Which one does the guest need?" Xia Zhi listened When thinking about

the biological memory function, I think of the infinite ductility and plasticity of mechanical metal, and I probably know what it is about.

Many mutants lining up around them were confused after hearing this. I just feel that if this thing is not divided into sizes, even if it is not a complete set of clothes and pants. If you are too fat or too thin, it will not fit.

However, they soon realized how ignorant their ideas were.

The staff soon brought out a set of protective armor and showed the customer who placed the order how to put it on.

The protective armor that was brought up was in pieces, a bit like the armor of the ancients.

And looking at the size of the protective armor, it didn't quite match the customer's body type.

But when the staff picked up an arm guard and placed it on the customer's thick arm. The arm guard, which was originally only ten centimeters wide, suddenly seemed to come to life the moment it came into contact with the human body.

The mechanical metal that makes up the arm guard can be seen with the naked eye, starting to stretch.

Soon, from a visual point of view, the arm guard has changed from one piece to a cylindrical shape, surrounding the entire forearm, making it very snug.

This feeling of seeing a living creature made many people around scream in surprise.

"Oh my God! This arm guard... This arm guard, how come it seems alive?" Fatty Bai grabbed Fatty Liu's arm nervously.

Vincent asked in a low voice: "Xia Zhi, that thing is a bit..."

Xia Zhi nodded. This is the ductility and biology of mechanical metal. This metal is essentially stripped from the mechanical body. It has the characteristics of a living being.

Those weapons that were previously made of mechanical metal were difficult to extract because of the mechanical metal. When the weapon was being made, a large amount of other original metals from Green River Star were added to it. That's why those weapons are not durable.

If we talk about the previous mechanical metal weapons, the mechanical metal content contained in them was 5%. Then, the proportion of mechanical metal in the protective armor worn by the customer in front of me should increase to about 30%.

At this ratio, mechanical metal shows such superiority.

It is conceivable that after today, people's enthusiasm for mechanical bodies will reach a higher level.

After the arm guards, neck guards, chest guards, leg guards, etc., all the armors began to extend automatically after contacting the human body. After putting on the protective armor, an ordinary middle-aged uncle actually looked heroic.

After being frightened at the beginning, some people began to joke: "Pair it with a Changmucang, and you will be almost the same as the Changmucang hero." There was a roar of cheers all around


After the first demonstration, sales of protective armor were very popular.

Xia Zhi finally grabbed a set and spent most of her points. After finally squeezing out, the four of them went back together.

Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu only had enough points to buy one item, so they bought a set together. As for Vincent, he also grabbed one. He couldn't buy more if he wanted to. One person could only buy one set.

In the next few days, some of the mutants in the hunting team put on this very cool protective armor and went to the battle zone to kill everyone.

This level 2 protective armor is half as expensive as level 1. But many people choose to buy level 2 protective armor. And such protective armor quickly showed its superiority in fierce battles.

First of all, the probability of mutants being injured is greatly reduced.

Secondly, the mortality rate also began to decrease.

Because of this, people still want to find the hero Changmucang. But I started to focus more on saving points and buying protective armor.

It was in this atmosphere that Xia Zhi once again chose to leave the hunting team for a short time.

This time, she expected to be away from the residential area for about five days. She didn't give the protective armor to anyone, but threw it directly into the space.

As for the protective armor of her family, including Lao Mo, Feifei, and KK, Xia Zhi made it by hand using mechanical metals she collected.

The protective armor she made contains 100% mechanical metal. It can almost be said that unless you encounter a very high-level mechanical body. Otherwise, it can be used for a long time.

After finishing the protective armor, Xia Zhi filled the refrigerator in the guest room. After that, I said goodbye to my family and left quietly one night.


is still the mountain peak where the residential area is located. However, it is already the highest point of this mountain.

The summer solstice left the family as night fell. Later, he took advantage of the darkness and evaded many cameras and patrols. Rely on keen senses and strong physical strength. Finally, we arrived at the top of the mountain at around 2 o'clock in the morning.

This is the restricted area of ​​the base.

No entry is allowed here without application.

Located at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters above sea level, this is a world with very little black air pollution.

In late autumn, the mountain wind is strong.

Xia Zhi was wearing mountaineering clothes and easily found a hillside with leeward wind. She needed to stay here until the sun came up.

Fortunately, time flies by. Moreover, in the mountains and forests at night, it seems that most animals have entered their resting time.

According to what Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu said, there weren't many large beasts in their area. There are animals, including wild boars, wild wolves, hares, and wild deer. But there are no such things as lions, tigers, and blind bears. In this era, these large beasts can only be found in real deep mountains and old forests.

The peaks of Nanming Mountain are a semi-developed peak group. Only the capped area was already a protective forest before the black air broke out. After the black gas outbreak, there was no development here.

After all, woods prevent soil erosion, prevent landslides, prevent mudslides, and more.

But then again. Since the black gas outbreak, the weather seems to have been sunny all the time, without a single rain. This kind of weather is not only at the Nanming base, other bases face the same situation.

At the same time, air humidity dropped significantly. Many people were not used to it at first but now they are used to it. Even the skin and mucous membranes of the body have adapted to the dry air and are no longer so uncomfortable.

Xia Zhi sat on a moisture-proof mat, with the sound of chirping crickets in his ears. In the trees not far away, there was an owl cooing.

It seems that a relatively good biological chain has been maintained here. These things appear to be unaffected by the black energy.

At this time, Xia Zhi thought so.

Early the next morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone on his face, Xia Zhi slowly opened his eyes.

She didn't fall asleep half the night, just squinting her eyes to rest.

The orange-red sun seemed to be very close to the top of the mountain. During the summer solstice, I felt that my body, which had been blown by the mountain wind for several hours, was gradually warming up.

She stood up and stretched her limbs, then took out wet wipes, water, etc. from the space for a simple wash. Afterwards I ate a box of steamed dumplings. After everything was ready, he started walking around.

The purpose of her coming to the mountain this time was to determine the current situation of semi-mechanization. The second is to determine the environment here. The last one is to visit the spot in advance.

Yes, check out the spots in advance.

While people are happy about the various changes in the Nanming base, Xia Zhi feels that since the mechanical giant rats were eliminated, the black energy has become more restless.

Standing at a high place, you can even see that the Black Qi Abyss is already like a huge pot. There were wisps of black smoke floating above. The smoke will be carried everywhere by the wind. This situation has never happened before. This was what was discovered in the battle zone yesterday.

Xia Zhi feels that it won’t take long before the black gas may erupt again. I don’t know what will happen with this eruption.

In the morning, birds began to sing on the top of the mountain. In late autumn, the vegetation on the mountains turns a lot yellow. But it can be seen that these plants and trees are still healthy. Unlike residential areas, many blackened plants have appeared one after another. It's just that the appearance of giant mechanical rats and protective armor diverted people's attention.

As soon as he talked about the giant mechanical rats, Xia Zhi saw several big gray rats running through the grass. Seeing this creature known as the Four Pests, Xia Zhi actually felt quite friendly. At least this thing will run when it sees people, and the mechanical mouse will attack when it sees people.

The mouse ran very fast, but Xia Zhi easily saw that it was an ordinary mouse.

The appearance of mice seemed to be the prelude to the emergence of animals. Gradually, we begin to see hares, lynxes, pangolins, wild deer and even wild wolves during the summer solstice.

And these creatures don't seem to have any tendency to be semi-mechanical or mechanized.

After walking around for a whole morning, Xia Zhi finally found a cave that was more suitable for human beings to live temporarily. The cave is not big, and because of the dry weather in the past half year, it is very dry inside. She made some marks in the cave. Then I got a big stone to block the entrance of the cave.

Just when she was about to sit down and take a break and eat something. Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps. The footsteps were quite heavy, and you knew the person coming was a person and not an animal.

Xia Zhi immediately grabbed the weapon and ran up the big tree behind him.

Condescending, Xia Zhi quickly found the person who made the sound.

It was a skinny middle-aged man. The clothes on the man's body were torn and dirty, and his face and body were dirty. He still limped when he walked. One look and you can tell that your leg must be injured.

The other party did not notice the existence of Xia Zhi, but walked not far from the big tree where she was hiding and sat directly on the ground.

Then, Xia Zhi saw the other party pull up the trousers of his left leg.

What comes into view is not a human leg, but a plastic prosthetic limb. Seeing this, Xia Zhi didn't feel anything. I can just feel that there is black energy in this person. He should be a black energy patient. And he is still a wild man hiding in the mountains and forests.

However, when the savage pulled his trouser legs completely to his thighs and reached out to pull off the prosthetic limb, a scene that shocked Xia Zhi appeared.

The broken leg in contact with the prosthesis is not a normal human body. Rather, it is a section of mechanical metal that shines coldly.

To be precise, the Savage has no legs below the knees, and the entire knee is a mechanical knee. Judging from the shape, you can be sure that this is his own knee, not some mechanical joint that was spliced ​​on later.

It was at this time that Xia Zhi saw the injured leg, compared the outline of the savage's face, and finally determined the identity of this person from distant memories.

This person was Chen Guangshi, the owner of the sixth floor, who came to her house when she first lived in the community and wanted to forcefully rent her home. He originally went to rob the owner of the seventh floor with Qian Xin from the 31st floor, Lin Hebin from the fourth floor, and the owner from the fifth floor. As a result, the limbs were directly dissolved by the blood containing a large amount of black energy. After that, all four people were sent to the hospital for rescue. No news came back after that.

Xia Zhi was surprised when she met Qian Xin some time ago. However, this person appeared once and then disappeared. I didn't hear that he took his daughter Qian Duoduo away.

I didn't expect to meet Chen Guangshi here. And it was Chen Guangshi who had already begun mechanization. This wound was originally caused by a high concentration of black energy. As for the wound section, a few centimeters of limbs were mechanized. This has to be extremely surprising.

Even though he knew that humans would mechanize sooner or later, Xia Zhi never expected it to be so soon.

Xia Zhi suppressed her thoughts and calmly took out her mobile phone to take pictures. Then he sent it directly to Captain Hu. As for the gaffe in the other party's reply, she pretended she didn't see it.

An hour later, Xia Zhi waited for Company Commander Hu in front of the blockade on the top of the mountain.

Company Commander Hu came here with a team of people. But when he saw Xia Zhi's figure, he asked his men to wait behind.

"I am causing trouble for you!"

Although he hesitated to report the situation directly, he would be exposed if he appeared in the blocked area without permission. But Xia Zhi finally decided to do so. Nothing more than wanting humans to have more information about black energy. She had a premonition that there would be a big battle sooner or later with some beings in the black abyss.

Captain Hu had been numbed by the fact that every time Xia Zhi contacted him, he would reveal some scary things.

"Don't worry, we will keep your identity secret. As for your appearance in the blocked area. Oh, you broke in accidentally. And then you discovered it accidentally." Xia Zhi chuckled when she heard his careless reply

. She knew that the other party would definitely help cover.

Afterwards, under Xia Zhi's guidance, everyone easily found Chen Guangshi.

Chen Guangshi didn't expect that he would be discovered by hiding in the forest as a savage. When caught, fight hard. It was after Company Commander Hu persuaded him with a few words. Only then did this person settle down. Surrounded by soldiers, he went down the mountain honestly.

"Is he afraid of being experimented on?"

Xia Zhi didn't want to eavesdrop on the conversation between Chen Guangshi and Company Commander Hu. But her ears were too good to allow her to be unclear.

Company Commander Hu did not hide anything from Xia Zhi, but told Chen Guangshi the situation of the four people. Finally, he concluded: "At present, it can be confirmed that Lin Hebin and Lin Qiang, the former director of the Black Gas Research Institute, flew a helicopter into the black gas abyss. The other three people were rescued a long time ago. At that time, there was no mechanization on them. "

"Qian Xin was wanted some time ago, but no trace has been found so far. Chen Guangshi was found here. The remaining one was killed by a mechanical insect when the black air erupted some time ago." In just a few words,

Summarizes a person's life. Xia Zhi could only sigh after hearing this.

After Captain Hu and others left, Xia Zhi did not return to the residential area. Instead, take another path and prepare to complete things that have not been completed before.


the same time, before Chen Guangshi was sent to the research institute for observation, He Mingzhi in Central City received news of the emergence of human mechanization.

"This is simply unstoppable!"

He Mingzhi looked at the last batch of blue gravel he had just received and sighed. For this thing, with the help of a certain department, we searched all bases across the country, spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and finally collected about ten yuan.

With the current detectors at the institute, we can only find so many. He knew there must be many outside, but the manpower needed to be withdrawn.

The man just breathed a sigh of relief. The matter of the semi-mechanized rabbit has not been solved yet, and the black energy crystal in the brain of the giant mechanical rat has not been studied yet. Now, another human being came out and began to mechanize.

He Mingzhi only felt that his head was extremely painful, and the little hair on his head would have to be used sooner or later.

He calmed down and immediately went to report the situation to the senior leader.

As for the Nanming Base, the base has issued a missing person order and must find Qian Xin.


where is Qian Xin?

That night, Qian Xin finally stepped into the abyss of black energy. After entering this place, he finally woke up.

Black air lingered, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Qian Xin thought he was dreaming at first. I just sat there until I was hungry and still couldn't wake up. He knew that he had entered the abyss of black energy. Know your own pills.

However, doesn’t it mean that humans will die if they enter the black air abyss? Why is he still alive and well?

Qian Xin was not smart to begin with, and he was used to bullying the weak and fearing the strong. After confirming that he was not in danger for the time being, he began to use his hands to explore where he was.

It was also his luck that he actually walked to a B&B a few kilometers away from the foot of Nanming Mountain.

The owner and customer of this B&B had already left during the initial exercise. However, many people at the time really thought it was an exercise. Therefore, a lot of supplies were left in the B&B.

For example, unpackaged vegetables, fruits, unopened rice and noodles, etc., have already been melted when the black air broke out. However, the canteen inside the B&B also has many vacuum-packed snacks. Relying on these and bottled water, Qian Xin was very lucky to survive.

But soon, he discovered that this abyss of black energy contained more than just black energy. There are also countless pairs of blue eyes that appear and disappear day and night.

In addition to these blue eyes, there are also many large things that look like ovals to the touch.

At this moment, Qian Xin discovered that he was an alien in this underground world.

However, if he could see, he could find the mirror inside the B&B. It can also be seen that at this time, he is not much different from those blue eyes.

And it was because of this that all the blue-eyed owners who discovered his existence ignored this two-legged beast.

Qian Xin lived in that B&B for several days without realizing it.

Until one day, he discovered that the number of blue-light eyes was increasing. These blue eyes are all heading in one direction. And that direction is the direction from which he came.

It was on this day that he found that he seemed to be getting less and less hungry. On the contrary, another desire surged in my body.

Chapter 38

"Go quickly, go quickly..."

"Ah! I will fight with you..."

"Son, take your mother and sister and run, run..."

"Grandpa, don't give up. I will carry you..."

… …

Sounds of fighting, clashing of sharp weapons, cries for help, cries, explosions, wooden warehouses…

all kinds of sounds intertwined together, making Xia Zhi, who has a keen ear, almost want to cover his ears in pain. However, she just held her daughter tightly in her arms with a determined expression. With one hand, he wielded a knife and cut the various mechanical bodies blocking the road in half.

Lao Mo and KK followed closely behind. Vincent, on the other hand, led his parents and friends and was responsible for the rear.

The smell of blood and gunpowder smoke from the wooden warehouse ammunition wafted in the air, making it almost impossible to breathe. Even wearing gas masks, many people were coughing and retching desperately.

Xia Zhi headed towards the destination numbly, wondering how things had reached this point so quickly.


hours ago, the edge of Nanming Base.

"It's great. After walking this mountain, I can finally go back and rest."

Xia Zhi stood on the branch of an old tree with his hands on his hips, looking up into the distance. Under the sun, the scenery of the entire Nanming Peak Group is very beautiful. Even in late autumn, the grass and trees are withered and yellow. But the unique natural beauty of nature is very magnificent. Of course, the premise of all this is to ignore the black air billowing at the foot of the mountain.

It has been four days since I left home to explore the mountain peaks.

In these four days, except for the first day when I met Chen Guangshi, whose knees began to mechanize. After that, everything went smoothly.

She has walked through the entire Nanming Peak Group, except for the peak where the military zone is located, and the tops of the other peaks. In the middle, I got lucky and harvested a small piece of light ball fragment the size of a fingernail. At the same time, the high-altitude peak was identified. Except for the occasional stray black air, it could almost be said to be a paradise. There was no sign of any cyborgs.

Xia Zhi stood on the branch of a tree for a while and felt that the wind was too strong. Then he jumped directly from the tree. Of course, because of her actions, some birds perched on the trees started chirping in surprise.

These cute little winged animals cannot be seen in the mountainside area.

Xia Zhi took out her phone and looked at it. The time was around 11 a.m. She didn't go anywhere, she just sat down and took out the home-made lunch box from the space to eat. After eating the lunch box, she needed to walk through the mountain to familiarize herself with the environment and see if there were any rudimentary pieces left. According to the plan, she can go home. The time to get home is between 7pm and 8pm.

After figuring out today's plan in her mind, she felt even more delicious when she ate. Soon, she could see Feifei and the others again.

After lunch, we set off again on Summer Solstice.

This mountain is the smallest of all mountains. A lot of the mountainside has been bulldozed and many small workshops related to people's livelihood have been built. This is the civil industrial zone of Nanming Base. There are some small handicraft workshops inside that will not pollute the environment.

Xia Zhi didn't pay much attention to these small workshops. As she walked, she recorded some special landforms in her notebook.

Occasionally, hares and pheasants passed by, but she didn't catch them. Anyway, there are a lot of supplies in the space, so she doesn't need to go out of her way to catch these little animals.

It was mid-afternoon, just as I was observing the landscape features on the summer solstice. Suddenly, the entire top of the Nanming Mountains peaked at almost the same time. Many birds flew out of the woods and flew into the distance in groups.

Although some birds have the habit of flying south in winter. But it’s not November yet, so how come there are so many birds moving together? It also includes nocturnal owls, nightingales, etc.

Such a large area of ​​black birds, it is almost suspected that all the birds inhabiting the entire base are out.

Of course, such thoughts only passed through my mind. The summer solstice was unknown at this time, and what she saw this time were most of the birds in the base that were capable of long-distance flight.

After these birds fly high into the sky, they spread their wings and fly in different directions.

This situation made Xia Zhi, a man with good eyesight, darken his face. She realized something must be wrong, but looked around. The entire peak group was normal, and the land-based animals did not show any panic. Then, it can be ruled out that it was an earthquake.

Another thing is that the black energy at the foot of the mountain is ready to move. But there are no other abnormalities.

Originally, after seeing this place, Xia Zhi should feel relieved.

But after surviving for several months in this dark apocalypse, her vigilance was at its highest at this moment. Without thinking, he picked up his feet and ran towards home.

There are many people who have similar sensitivity to Xia Zhi.

The official person in charge of detecting environmental changes reported the abnormality of the birds as soon as possible. When the report was delivered to the base director's office, Commander Li happened to be in the office. The two were discussing about cyborgs.

"I think something big will happen if birds have such abnormalities."

This was Mr. Li's first reaction after seeing the report.

Base Commander Zhao looked up, and the two experienced leaders looked at each other. They began to issue various warning orders to their subordinates.

And just this one order saved many lives in the subsequent battle.


o'clock in the afternoon, the battle zone in the buffer zone.

After a busy day, the mutant carefully began to prepare to leave while packing up his trophies.

These days, the mutants have basically been divided into two groups. There will be a lot of people during the day. Sometimes there are nearly 50,000 to 60,000 people moving around this area. At night, due to the reduced activity of the mechanical body, the number of mutants in the second batch fluctuated around 20,000.

For several days, basically nothing went wrong.

Vincent, who was leading the team to hunt the robots as usual today, suddenly received a text message from Xia Zhi. The text message was very short, just a few words. After reading this, Vincent's eyes froze.

"Pack your things, let's go home early today."

Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu didn't know what was going on. It's just that after a busy day, it's good to go home early.

The three of them moved quickly, packed up and left with the loot.

Wu Fen, who had been trying to find opportunities recently, saw the three people leaving in a hurry and thought they had encountered some problem. After thinking for a while, he also packed up his things and followed.

After exchanging the mechanical body for points, Vincent grabbed Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu who wanted to go home. I took them to the mall to buy some portable food such as bottled water, bread and chocolate.

Wu Fen, who was following not far away, was not a very smart man. But the instinct of the beast told him to just do it.

Vincent also noticed Wu Fen's presence. But this person's reputation has always been very good. He didn't bother to waste time.

In the text message she just received, Xia Zhi mentioned that she felt something was wrong. Let Vincent take the people home quickly.

Vincent still remembered how many people died the last time Xia Zhi felt something was wrong.

At the same time that Vincent received the text message, Xia Zhi also sent a message to Captain Hu.

She is not a savior or a danger detector. But her instincts told her that danger might be coming. But she didn't know what the specific danger was. The reminder text message sent to Company Commander Hu was more about his goodwill as a human being and his friendship for Company Commander Hu.

She can already be absolutely certain that the other party will not do anything detrimental to her.

Captain Hu's reply was quick: "After something went wrong with the birds in the afternoon, the base has been put on alert."

Seeing such news, Xia Zhi was very happy. It is a blessing for residents like them that the leadership of the base can be so wise. I believe that even if a crisis strikes, it won't be a big problem.

The same idea has appeared in the minds of many people.

But when the series of tragedies happened a few hours later. Only then did people realize how naive they were a few hours ago. His understanding of this world is so shallow.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Zhi hurriedly hurriedly returned to the resort.

At this time, Vincent, Fatty Bai, Fatty Liu and others were staying at Xia Zhi's home, watching TV with Lao Mo.

The appearance of Xia Zhi brought surprise smiles to several people's faces.

"How's it going? Everything goes well these days!"

Xia Zhi put down his backpack and hugged the dog that was already on him. There was also a daughter who hugged her thighs and refused to let go. She hugged them happily and said many words.

When I changed my clothes and came out, I picked up a bowl of instant noodles and ate them. Only at the summer solstice do I have time to answer my friends’ questions.

"On the summer solstice, Vincent won't let us go home, saying it's better for everyone to get together. When will this happen?" The

fat man kept mumbling as he gnawed on melon seeds.

Xia Zhi took a sip of the MSG soup of braised beef noodles and thought it tasted quite delicious.

After hearing Fatty Bai's words, she said directly: "I don't know."

In fact, she didn't even know if there would be danger. Everything now is just her intuition.

We haven't seen each other for several days. Soon they were talking and laughing.

During the summer solstice, I go to bed early and get up early in the mountains, so I don’t need to rest now. After going back to the room to pack up my things, I went out to chat with my friends.

And many people in the base were a little scared when the birds behaved abnormally. After three or two hours passed, nothing happened. It’s time to eat and drink. It was just past six o'clock in the evening, and everyone, whether poor or rich, was eating.

However, there are already many mutants in the battle zone who are accustomed to hunting at night, and they are working hard.

Everything is exactly the same as usual.

However, in the surging black air, the owners with eyes that glowed blue were approaching the base step by step. No one at the base was aware of this fact.


7 o'clock in the evening, the residents of the base began to enter the washing and entertainment time.

At this relaxing night with thousands of lights on.

In the buffer zone of the six peaks of the entire Nanming base, the mechanical detectors that had been set up began to surge from the middle value at the same time. In just ten seconds, all the instruments exploded at the same time.

After such an abnormal event occurred, the alarm sounded throughout the base.

"Ah, what happened?"

"What? Why is there the siren?"

"What on earth happened?"


Today's night happens to be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

The silvery disk-shaped moon hung high in the sky.

When people come out of their respective residences, they can see something by relying on the moon without using solar lights on the roadside.

But no one noticed anything unusual.

Even the mutants who were busy hunting in the combat zone were startled by the sudden siren.

The moment the patrol members heard the siren, they put on their equipment and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Please all personnel exit the combat zone immediately. Please exit the combat zone immediately." The mutants in the combat zone heard

After such a notification, I was a little confused. The few smart ones don't even want the mechanical corpses lying on the ground. Sayazi ran towards the supply point.

Many people followed suit.

There are still some people who are stubborn and still wondering what happened.

However, they soon changed their minds.

Because, one after another, mechanical mice and groups of mechanical insects suddenly appeared in front of them.

The entire battle zone was suddenly filled with more machines than mutants.

Such densely packed mechanical bodies were immediately discovered by the patrol team leader, who immediately notified the base.

"A tide of machines appeared in the battle zone, a tide of machines appeared in the battle zone..."

Before the captain could report the situation, the screams of human beings being killed could be heard one after another on the other side.

Before many people had time to resist, their lives were ended directly by a huge black shadow that appeared from nowhere.

The captain ignored the report and immediately asked someone to turn on the high-beam headlights.

In this way, the mechanical body that had been hiding after attacking the mutant finally appeared in front of people.

"Oh my god!"

There were countless gasps, and the captain himself was too frightened to understand.

Although it is known that mechanical bodies may appear in other animals. But the animal in front of me was too scary.

This is a 6-meter-long mechanical giant tiger. The body length of ordinary biological tigers is generally more than 1 meter to a little more than 3 meters. But the giant mechanical tiger in front of him was twice as big as an ordinary tiger.

Moreover, his movements are damn agile.

Just as everyone was stunned for a second, another mutant was directly bitten through by the giant mechanical tiger with its teeth. Facing such a giant thing, even level 2 protective armor is completely useless.

If Professor Hong were here right now, he would definitely tell everyone to retreat immediately. Or let them bring out weapons of mass destruction.

It's a pity that the people here are all people who don't know the power of the giant mechanical body.

They were facing a mechanical giant tiger with astonishing lethality. Although they were scared, they still went up to fight. Because they know that as long as this big guy enters the residential area. Then many people will definitely die.

Tigers, creatures of peacetime, are surprisingly lethal. Not to mention it is already a fully mechanized tiger.

Just when everyone was captured by the fighting power of the mechanical giant tiger, they desperately ran towards the mountain. The captain of the patrol had already moved out his mortar and fired straight at the giant mechanical tiger with an obvious target. At this time, the area tens of meters around this big guy was empty.

The cannonball directly hit the giant mechanical tiger, causing the opponent's body to shake.

The team leader was not discouraged when he saw that he could not defeat the mechanical giant tiger. Instead, let all the gunners take turns bombarding, and at the same time let all the mutants retreat.

Unfortunately, this mechanical wave is not limited to this giant mechanical tiger. Other machines are not polite to humans. They waved their limbs, mouthparts, and teeth, and any human they encountered would shed their skin even if they died.


7:10 p.m.

When the sound of shelling echoed in the mountains, Xia Zhi already knew what happened in the battle zone.

From mechanical insects to mechanical mice, the sequence of species is not horrifying. But from a mechanical mouse to a giant mechanical tiger, this species' jump is enough to make people stunned.

"Oh my goodness! Tigers have appeared, so can lions, leopards, and blind bears be far behind?" Fatty Liu sighed in a rare way.

At this moment, Xia Zhi's mobile phone received a message from Captain Hu. The message must have been sent out very anxiously. Company Commander Hu didn't even bother typing and sent the voice message directly to Xia Zhi.

"The giant mechanical tiger broke through the siege and headed towards the residential area..."

The voice stopped suddenly, and in the background were bursts of shelling. There simply aren't many details about the battle online.

Xia Zhi quickly stood up and opened the curtains of the guest room. From here, you can probably see the battle zone at the foot of the mountain, with the flames from the artillery fire rising into the sky.

At this moment, Xia Zhi felt the black energy surge again.

In less than a second, a huge silver-white figure once again cut through the night and jumped out of the black abyss.

The soldiers and mutants in the combat zone were anxious because the giant mechanical tiger had broken through the encirclement. They were about to follow and stop him. As a result, a mechanical body appeared again in the Black Abyss.

This time, more than a dozen giant mechanical rats over one meter tall that had appeared before appeared directly. At this time, people actually breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts: Fortunately, fortunately it is not another mechanical giant tiger.

The fight begins again.

And that mechanical giant tiger, with its superior mechanical body, excellent jumping ability and speed, had already got rid of the soldiers following it and headed directly towards the residential area with the most abundant organisms.

At the same time, similar situations occurred on the other six peaks. A giant mechanical tiger appeared in the battle zone on every mountain peak. All combat power is dispersed in six locations. On some mountain peaks, the battle zones were breached, and giant mechanical tigers attacked human gathering places. Some places are lucky enough to hold on.

Whether he defended or lost, it was destined to be a bloody night.


a few minutes after Xia Zhi received the text message from Captain Hu, the entire base sounded the piercing alarm again. Then, everyone received the same reminder text message on their mobile phones.

[There is a giant mechanical tiger in the base. Please try to find bunkers and confined places to take shelter. Please do not appear randomly in open areas in the wild. 】

At this time, Vincent had already brought his parents next door. Everyone was carrying a backpack with some survival supplies in it.

On late autumn nights, the temperature hovers around 15 degrees.

Xia Zhi took a breath and looked at the people who didn't dare to look away from their mobile phones: "Let's check the situation again. If the situation is not good, go straight up the mountain." "But, the base informed us

not to go into the wild."

Bai The fat man asked such silly and sweet questions that Xia Zhi didn't know what to say.

The six-meter-long mechanical giant tiger probably weighs tons. Almost like a little monster. Now this thing is for living. Xia Zhi didn't need to feel it mentally. He already knew that the other party was approaching and would reach the edge of the residential area in a few minutes.

If a big guy of this magnitude were to impact a building, Xia Zhi felt that with the current quality of the building, it would definitely not be able to withstand the impact of the giant mechanical tiger.

And, more seriously, others may not see it. And he had already discovered that there were too many pairs of blue eyes to appear in the billowing black air, and they were too numerous to count.

At this moment, Xia Zhi even wondered if all the machines in the country had come to the Nanming base.

In fact, in other foundations across the country, there were not many mechanical bodies that appeared on this night. However, the leaders of these bases also knew that the Nanming base was under siege by large-scale machines. And there's a big guy like a giant mechanical tiger taking the lead.


City Base General Leadership Office.

The big leader had just signed the order, and fighter jets one after another had set off from the base closest to the Nanming base. Hope I can catch up.

After the order was issued, the senior leader directly called He Mingzhi.

"Old He, do you know what happened at Nanming Base?"

He Mingzhi was walking around anxiously. There is his apprentice's wife and children in the Nanming base. How can he not know what is happening there?

"Leader, I..."

"Since you know, I'll keep the story short. The Great Northwest Project has been urged to complete the main structure within three months."

He Mingzhi did not shirk anything.

When mechanized humans appeared, he knew that there was not much time left for humans.

Thinking of the hardships and difficulties of the Great Northwest Project, he sighed again.


:20 pm, Nanming Base Residential Area Resort.

Xia Zhi had already carried the child on her chest and a backpack behind her back. And Lao Mo also wanted to carry KK on his back like before. But this time, Xia Zhi looked at KK and shook his head: "Old Mo, KK can do it."

The others were also carrying backpacks, looking like they were about to run for their lives at any time.

Outside the house, in the corridor, upstairs, and downstairs, from time to time there were anxious pacing and scared curses. Manager Bai called their guest room at this time. Meaning asking if they want to hide in the basement.

This suggestion was rejected by Xia Zhi.

Then, she heard the sound of people running outside and going downstairs. Apparently, everyone thought it would be safer to hide in the basement.

Xia Zhi, however, does not believe that there is any so-called safe zone in this base.

Just as people were running for their lives and hiding, the giant mechanical tiger that everyone had always feared was already killing people in the tent area outside the residential area.

The patrolling soldiers responsible for guarding, ordinary people in the tent area, and a very small number of mutants were no match for the giant mechanical tiger. Even a large number of soldiers came over for reinforcements later. When the weapon cannot break through the strong shell of the mechanical tiger, there is nothing you can do against this big guy.

Xia Zhi has now opened the balcony of the guest room. Here, she could see more clearly what was going on in the tent area.

Being condescending made her more aware of the terror of the giant mechanical tiger. Around him, a few people holding telescopes were also gasping for air.

If we say that the previous mechanical giant rat was a level 3 mechanical body. Then, Xia Zhi felt that the giant mechanical tiger in front of him should jump directly to level 6-8.

There is no way to defeat such a big guy with the current weapons made of level 2 mechanical metal. Even Xia Zhi himself was not sure of victory.

"Xia Zhi..."

Vincent noticed Xia Zhi's solemn expression. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt a violent shaking.

Xia Zhi's face changed: "No, run away..."

Chapter 39

: 7:45 pm, the fighting is still going on in the residential area of ​​the base.

However, Xia Zhi was no longer in the mood to pay attention to the fighting outside.

The vibrations under my feet became more and more violent, and the glass on the table and the crystal chandelier on the ceiling were also shaking desperately.

"Is there an earthquake? Is there an earthquake?"

Fatty Bai stumbled and pulled Fatty Liu ahead. Vincent and his parents followed closely behind, while Lao Mo urged KK to catch up together. As for the summer solstice that made everyone run away at first, it just lingered at the end of the crowd.

She spread her mental energy as she ran, and soon discovered the culprit causing the shock.

Xia Zhi's spiritual power was still very weak at first. But with the awakening of the blue light ball in space, and the recovery of the gravel. Now, her mental power is more like a scene scan in a holographic game.

As long as he releases his mental power and takes himself as the center of the circle, the scene within a radius of 500 meters will be directly projected into Xia Zhi's mind, just like a three-dimensional image that has been reduced several times.

This feeling is like stuffing something directly into the head, which makes people very uncomfortable. Therefore, Xia Zhi rarely uses his spiritual power outside. This thing is more often used for space.

However, this time the shock came too suddenly, and Xia Zhi directly released his mental power.

The scene obtained through the mental scan was quickly received by Xia Zhi's brain.

With black as the background, green lines representing buildings, furniture, plants, humans, machines, etc. outline the complete scene of the entire event. This is a bit like the three-dimensional image drawn by the CAD software that needs to be used in the summer solstice work.

In this three-dimensional image constructed through mental scanning, Xia Zhi could easily find that 50 meters underground from the hotel-style building they were in, one after another huge unknown mechanical bodies were gnawing at the supports. Building ground piles.

In the basement about 40 meters away from these machines, there were humans one after another, some hugging each other, and some walking around. They were the tenants who had fled to the basement to avoid the mechanical tiger.

The entire mental scanning process seems complicated, but in reality, it only takes less than 10 seconds.

By this time, they had already run from the 5th floor to the stairwell on the 3rd floor. The entire stairwell ceiling has cracked and fallen. When they are escaping, they need to pay attention to whether there are falling objects above and below their feet from time to time. The further downstairs you run, the more serious the damage to the building downstairs becomes.

Vincent now wants to put helmets on everyone. However, only a few of the mutants have the helmet that comes with the protective armor. He cheered up and paid attention to the surrounding situation at all times to prevent his parents from being harmed.

At this time, he regretted not borrowing points from Xia Zhi and directly bought two mutation potions for his parents. At that moment, he thought that it was not good to borrow points from friends all the time. Anyway, if he saves a little more, he will be able to save enough. Little did we know that things are impermanent, and the situation suddenly changed again.

The strong reluctance caused some changes that had been suppressed in Vincent's body to slowly proceed.

Holding the child in his arms to avoid a falling slate, Xia Zhi suddenly felt something change in Vincent. But the situation was urgent, so she didn't study it carefully.

When he reached the first floor, Xia Zhi immediately turned around and shouted at the stairs in the basement where he was sitting: "Manager Bai, run for your life!" By this time, the

house on the ground was already cracking. Many glass products and cabinets fell to the ground, making a lot of noise.

Xia Zhi's reminder was heard by Lao Mo who was running in front of her. Even Vincent, who was further forward, didn't hear it.

But just such a reminder, drowned in countless crackling and popping sounds, directly penetrated into the ears of the nervous Manager Bai.

This made him determined to escape.

Before escaping, he turned to those who were still hesitating despite the violent shaking and said, "I'm going to run away now. It's no longer safe here. You guys should run away too!" Manager Bai saved his life by escaping

. . Several years later, when the world entered a new world that people could not imagine, Manager Bai was grateful for that reminder from Xia Zhi.

As for now, he took one last look at those who dared not leave because of the mechanical giant tiger. He shook his head and followed Xia Zhi and the others as they left.


Zhi and others escaped from the building before they had time to take a breath.

I saw that the 6-story hotel-style building in the resort was like paper, starting from the depression in the ground. In less than a minute, the entire building collapsed into rubble. The collapse kicked up tons of dust and caused a loud noise.

With such a big movement, even the soldiers fighting with the giant mechanical tiger in the tent area subconsciously glanced over.

In the dust, Xia Zhi saw several figures struggling to run out of the ruins. Among them was Manager Bai, whom she was familiar with.

She was about to ask everyone to leave as soon as possible, but apparently the mechanical body that caused the building to collapse did not allow Xia Zhi and the others to leave.

A series of harsh banging sounds were heard, and one after another, like metal circular saw blades used in sawmills, rushed out of the collapsed ruins.

These mechanical bodies curled up into circular saw blades look silvery white in appearance. After curling up into a ball, you can see that it is covered with metal scales. These metal scales are now slightly open, like sharp blades, embedded in the mechanical body.

This is not the scariest thing.

The most terrifying thing is that these things did not open their bodies after rushing out of the ruins. Instead, it continued to roll on the ground in the shape of a ball.

Rolled across the lawn, which was covered in mud.

Rolling over the landscaping stones, the landscaping stones break into pieces.

It rolled past the big tree, and the tree cut it off.

With such lethality, as long as it rolls over the human body, it will only leave a puddle of flesh.

There was more than one such mechanical body...

everyone ran away.

Including Xia Zhi and others who escaped at the beginning, including Manager Bai and others who were chasing after them, and even more residents who did not know when they had fled towards the mountain from the tent area and board house area.

"Wocao, what the hell is this?"

The fat white man ran so fast that his lungs almost collapsed, but the mechanical body that kept rolling toward them gave him no chance to stop.

Lao Mo was well-informed, and when he heard this question, he was still in the mood to reply: "It's like a pangolin..."

Xia Zhi had already run to the leading position before he knew it. There were a total of 6 mechanical bodies that jumped out from the ruins. One of them was rolling behind them. The rest were left to chase the other residents.

Xia Zhi noticed that the only two non-mutants in the team, Vincent's parents, were almost unable to hold on.

They don't have the artillery fire of the army, and they obviously have no advantage against this kind of thing. Xia Zhi is not a hero and will not rush forward alone.

Maybe he felt that he couldn't hit any human beings even though he kept rolling around. The mechanical pangolin following them finally grew impatient.

It stopped scrolling.

Fatty Bai's face flashed with joy, then he looked sad and tried his best to speed up.

It turned out that when the spherical mechanical pangolin stretched its body and landed its limbs on the ground. The body length is actually more than 2 meters, and the height is close to 1 meter. And it looks similar to a biological pangolin, but as long as you study paleontology, you will find that this thing is more like a forest dragon from the Cretaceous period than a pangolin.

However, it doesn’t matter whether people know it or not. Everyone can understand that the big guy in front of them is incredibly lethal.

Xia Zhi looked at the mechanical pangolin blocking their escape to the mountain, and heard the mechanical giant tiger behind them that had crossed the tent area and approached the board house area, and was in a dilemma.

She reached out and patted her well-behaved daughter in her arms, then looked at Lao Mo and Vincent.

All three people understood what the other person meant.

"Fat Bai, Fatty Liu, I ask you to take care of my parents."

"KK, follow and take care of them." Xia Zhi told KK who was roaring at the mechanical pangolin. This guy is full of fighting spirit now, and his two front paws have transformed into mechanical bodies.


The changes here certainly attracted the attention of the base.

In fact, the same mechanical pangolins appear in areas where humans gather.

But not every mechanical pangolin can successfully cause damage.

In the base conference room, after listening to the logistics about the damage to the base, Professor Hong said directly: "Whether it is a mechanical giant tiger or a mechanical pangolin that came out of the ground. I tend to think that they are machines carrying black energy crystals. body."

Professor Hong said, looking around the conference room, he found that many people did not have a deep concept of black energy crystals.

So, he expressed his conclusion: "This kind of energy crystal can provide a steady stream of energy for the mechanical body." "

The theory that 'the mechanical body must return after leaving the black air abyss for an hour' does not apply to this kind of carrying The mechanical body of the energy crystal. This means that our battle with the mechanical body cannot end at 8 o'clock."

At the meeting just now, someone suggested that the soldiers should hold on a little longer. The giant mechanical tiger appeared at 7 o'clock. As long as it lasts for an hour, at 8 o'clock, the mechanical giant tiger will naturally retreat.

But now, Professor Hong's words directly shattered their beautiful thoughts.

"Currently, the goal is to evacuate personnel to the peak area as quickly as possible. There, there are a large number of tree roots and grass roots densely covered in the ground. These are still organisms and are still not contaminated by black gas. With these organisms blocking the ground, the mechanical pangolin must not be able to Attack from underground."

Commander Li listened silently to Professor Hong's analysis and uttered the only sentence at this meeting: "I propose to launch the final plan..."


Professor Hong about the sudden invasion of mechanical pangolins into the mountainside. Viewpoint, Xia Zhi happens to have the same conclusion.

When she used her mental power to scan the surroundings, she found that there were only trees infected by black air in the past two days. I don’t know when the root system has become completely mechanized.

It is by relying on these mechanized root systems that the mechanical pangolin can break in unscrupulously.

Xia Zhi did not sacrifice the Yuanyang knife directly. Instead, she pulled out a huge silver-white bow-crossbow. He pulled out a silver-white arrow from the big bag he was carrying and shot it directly at the part where the mechanical pangolin's neck connected to its back.

The speed of the arrow was very fast, like a silver lightning. Not far away, the sound of artillery fire, the sound of wooden warehouses, and the roar of the giant mechanical tiger were getting closer and closer.

Mechanical pangolins can sense danger. But Vincent and Lao Mo, who had been interfering with it, didn't give it any chance to react. At this time, the arrow pierced directly into the neck of the mechanical pangolin.

But this alone is not enough. This mechanical pangolin is estimated to have level 4-5 strength. The weapon in his hand is only made of level 2 mechanical metal. At this time, Xia Zhi regretted not taking away the body of the giant mechanical rat. The mechanical giant rat is estimated to be rated around level 3. In this case, you don't have to go through too many levels to defeat monsters.

The mechanical pangolin that was hit by the arrow instantly became angry. It no longer paid attention to Lao Mo and Vincent's tickling. Instead, rush towards the summer solstice.

Xia Zhi looked at the mechanical pangolin rushing over and sighed.

In the end, she had to use that method.

She strengthened the strap carrying her daughter, and then she was still in the mood to pat the little guy with bright eyes and asked: "Feifei, will you be afraid when mommy flies up later?" Feifei shook her head: "

Mom, I'm not afraid. ."

Xia Zhi chuckled and threw the bow and crossbow aside. Then he picked up the double swords hanging on his waist with both hands. He kicked his right foot towards the ground and headed directly towards the mechanical pangolin.

This was the first time that the mechanical pangolin saw a human dare to rush towards him.

It was stunned for a moment, and even its running speed slowed down.

However, Xia Zhi didn't care what it thought. After kicking up from the ground, he rotated 180 degrees in the air, held the two knives in both hands, and headed directly towards the mechanical pangolin's neck where an arrow had been inserted.

No one could see clearly what was happening.

All I know is that Xia Zhi glared from the ground and flew into the air. Then the two knives clicked, and the big head of the mechanical pangolin fell down, splashing dust all over the ground.

After Xia Zhi landed safely from mid-air, she swung her swords. In a place where others cannot see, a little bit of blue light gradually disappears into the air.

At the same time, in the abyss of billowing black air, human-shaped mechanical bodies, after feeling the power, desperately collided with an invisible energy field, trying to break through, and headed towards the Nanming base, which was just around the corner. Rush over.

"Give up! You fool. We can't leave here yet."

The speaker walked back and forth leisurely in the abyss where we couldn't even see our fingers. Perfectly avoiding underground rocks, mechanical weeds, and mechanical tree roots. Those eyes full of blue light flickered and stared at the Nanming base caught in the melee.

The mechanical body, which he called a fool, finally gave up after being hit countless times. He was unwilling to hammer at the energy field that was blocking their progress. He is also jealous of the various mechanical insects that can travel freely.

"Hey, you have the nerve to be jealous of such a low-level thing. Just stay well, sooner or later one day..." Before

the man could finish his words, there were many mechanical bodies like him around him, laughing loudly.

If Xia Zhi were here, they would find that the place where these mechanical bodies gathered was the flat slope where they used to salvage mechanical ants. This place was later swallowed up by the black energy and became an area occupied by the black energy abyss. But now, there are many unimaginable mechanical bodies gathered here.


soon as the mechanical pangolin's head fell to the ground, everyone was stunned, and then their faces lit up with joy. By this time, the scattered crowd around had already left. Some of them ran towards the mountains, while others panicked and ran back. No matter where they fled, there were one or two mechanical pangolins following behind them.

Xia Zhi let go of her mental power to sense the surrounding situation, and found that except for the people in their team, there were no other living people. As for the camera, it had already been completely destroyed. After she had some concerns in her mind, she said to Vincent: "Vincent, take people up the mountain. I will follow immediately."

Vincent didn't ask why and nodded silently. Taking everyone with him, he ran towards the mountain.

Xia Zhi waited for this opportunity and immediately reached out and melted the mechanical pangolin's head with blue light. After melting the mechanical head, a black diamond-shaped crystal the size of a human head fell out.

Although the institute has not announced what this crystal is, Xia Zhi can already feel the huge energy inside.

Without thinking, she threw this thing and the mechanical pangolin corpse directly into the space.

Afterwards, she held the mechanical metal extracted from the mechanical pangolin's head in her hand and rubbed it while running. Soon, two brand new Yuanyang knives were released.

However, before she had time to be happy, she discovered that crushed human bones were everywhere along the way.

The other mechanical pangolins have disappeared.

It took Xia Zhi ten minutes to catch up with Wen Sheng and others. They were anxious and finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Xia Zhi appear.

"Summer Solstice, where are we going now?"

They were only a few hundred meters away from the resort. Further up, there is the official blockade. Above, firelight and flashlight light flashed from time to time. Apparently many people were already hiding in the mountaintop area.

Xia Zhi thought for a while and led the people to run towards the cave he had visited before. She smiled bitterly as she ran. Who would have thought that in just a few days, her backup would come in handy.

At the same time, when the giant mechanical tiger that was entangled by the soldiers felt the dissipated blue energy, it struggled to be hit hard by the cannonballs, kicked off its legs, and ran directly towards the place where the energy appeared.

"Hurry up, gunner, fire off the cannon..."

The sound of shelling down the mountain became fierce again. At the same time, on the mountain road, many ordinary people and mutants gradually appeared, dragging their families and carrying various luggage, trying desperately to escape towards the top of the mountain.

In the process of escaping, many people discovered that the dark mountain road was covered with bone fragments. Some people vomited after seeing it, while others moved forward numbly.

Xia Zhi and his party all put on gas masks, trying to isolate the strong smell of blood.

Moreover, the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air is getting louder and louder. Xia Zhi even felt that the giant mechanical tiger was chasing them in their direction. That kind of panic-inducing tiger roar is particularly frightening in the mountain forest at night.

The people around who were already on their way began to cry for their fathers and mothers after hearing the roar of the mechanical tiger.

Some of them were anxious and tripped over the bones on the ground. Some lost touch with their loved ones in the dark and could never find them again.

Cries kept coming and going, making people even more irritable.

Xia Zhi held her daughter tightly in her arms with one hand, and grasped the newly made double swords with the other hand. Next to him was KK, whose eyes glowed slightly blue in the dark night.

Xia Zhi knew that this guy's claws were completely mechanized at this moment, and he was not afraid of this dark mountain road at all.

The others ran behind Xia Zhi, all of them looking panicked. They have all seen the power of the mechanical giant tiger with their own eyes.

When I run, the road ahead seems endless. Xia Zhi didn't know how long he had been running. When she came to her senses, she looked at her watch and saw that it was already 11 o'clock in the night.

At this time, the giant mechanical tiger, which had already arrived at the resort, failed to find its target and roared angrily.

And its roar this time was soon replaced by a more violent bombardment.

At this time of summer solstice, he has discovered that the giant mechanical tiger is looking for him. She didn't have time to think about why. Instead, we hurried and hurried slowly, and finally arrived at the previously marked cave before 12 o'clock.

Once here, there are fewer passers-by around. Many people don't rush as fast as they do.

Once we arrived at our destination, the summer solstice was not boring. Taking the lead, we entered the cave with a flashlight.

Before she did this, she had actually used her mental power to scan the surrounding situation. After making sure it was safe, she hurriedly entered the cave with others.

As before, the cave was very dry. The ground was dirt and gravel. But everyone didn't mind and just sat on the ground panting.

The gas masks were taken off, and everyone was rushing to replenish water and food. Xia Zhi also untied the child in her arms, fed the child water and a piece of chocolate, and then put the child to sleep.

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And KK, this guy, has already come over, looking like he wants to protect the little master.

"I wonder what's going on outside now?"

After being able to rest, everyone finally had the intention to care about the situation outside.

The roar of the tiger can be faintly heard even in the cave. You can imagine how durable this thing is.

Xia Zhi has just finished feeding KK water and is wiping its feet with wet wipes. After running all the way, this guy's limbs were covered in the flesh and blood from the mountain road. When taking these things down, Xia Zhi's heart was filled with disgust for mechanical bodies.

After the others discovered Xia Zhi's actions, they realized what they were doing and ran outside to clean the soles of their shoes with something. It wasn't that they were mysophobic, but they were stepping on human bones and flesh to escape, and they didn't realize it before. Thinking about it now makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, do you think those mechanical pangolins will still appear?"

The answer to this question was the continuous sound of shelling and tiger roars.

The cave gradually became quiet. No one dared to rest, but they also did not dare to make a sound. Everyone silently pricked up their ears, listening to the sounds outside, and kept scrolling through their phones, hoping to find more useful information.

At this time of the summer solstice, I finally had time to take out the black energy crystal that I had just thrown into the space. She turned her back to everyone, and under the cover of Lao Mo, she studied the energy crystal.

If she guessed correctly, when the first giant mechanical rat appeared, there should be a black energy stone in its body. She took out some black fragments that she had obtained from hunting the giant mechanical rats.

Putting the two together, it is obvious that they are the same thing.

The mechanical insects and careful mechanical mice that appeared before definitely did not have this thing in their bodies. And with this energy crystal, the combat power is off the charts, and the body size is also huge. This thing was taken out of the mechanical body's head. Xia Zhi thought of the crystal nuclei in zombie heads in the apocalyptic novels she had read before, and couldn't help but connect the two.

This world is becoming increasingly unpredictable.

At the same time, fighter jets taking off from other bases were gradually approaching the Nanming base.

Chapter 40

Just when Xia Zhi was about to try inputting some blue light into the black crystal. Vincent, not far away, suddenly groaned.

Vincent is a very tolerant adult. To make such a sound at this time, in front of parents and friends, one can imagine that something big must have happened.

Xia Zhi immediately threw the things in her hands back into space and turned on the flashlight in her hands.

In the dark cave, Vincent was covering his face on the ground, looking like he was rolling in pain.

In the shady cave at about ten degrees Celsius, drops of sweat dripped from the corner of his forehead, making the soil of the cave wet. Wen's parents had lost their usual calmness and gentleness. They hugged their son tightly and shouted loudly: "Son, son, how are you?" "Vinson, Vincent, tell your parents, what's wrong with

you?" "No, we have to When we go down the mountain, we have to take the child to the hospital." The parents, who were almost sixty years old, had lost their minds with anxiety. Xia Zhi handed the child into Lao Mo's hands and immediately ran to Vincent. She could sense that there was a powerful energy in Vincent's body. This energy is about to explode. Moreover, this energy actually felt very familiar to her. KK, who was obediently guarding his little master, now came over for some unknown reason, wailing at Xia Zhi and raising his paws. At this moment, KK's dog paws were fully mechanized. The two front paws glow with silvery white light, and look particularly beautiful against the golden hair. Xia Zhi reached out and rubbed KK's little head, understanding what the other person meant. "Vincent, Vincent, put your hand down, let me see..." " Xia Zhi, I..." Vincent's face was so painful that he couldn't finish his words. He only felt the scratch from the bridge of his nose to the corner of his right eye, where he had been injured before. The pain was so painful that he felt like his head was about to explode. Something was wreaking havoc on the flesh and blood on his face. The smell of blood gradually dispersed in the cave. But because of the blood all over the ground just now, everyone's noses were numb to the smell of blood. No one noticed that blood gradually appeared in the gaps between Vincent's fingers. Xia Zhi saw that Vincent's hand was still not moving away, so he pulled it directly. Then everyone in the cave saw the most speechless scene in their lives. I saw that the scar on Vincent's face from the bridge of his nose to the corner of his eye had completely cracked. In the cracked scar, apart from the blood, there was a silvery white light. The light flashes for a while and disappears for a while, which is very unstable. Xia Zhi knew that he was going to start mechanizing. Ignoring the surprise of others, Xia Zhi directly opened Vincent's eyes that were closed due to pain. Sure enough, subtle blue light flashed in Vincent's eyes as mechanization progressed. This is very similar to KK's mutation process. "Don't worry, this is a good thing." Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief after completing the inspection. "Really?" Wen's parents, Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu had no idea what Xia Zhi was doing. However, they all listened to Vincent. Vincent once said that Xia Zhi is very smart and keen. They need to listen to each other. Xia Zhi nodded affirmatively. "Feed Wen Sheng some oral rehydration salts to replenish his strength. The rest is up to him." Xia Zhi said, taking a box of oral rehydration salts from his backpack and placing it directly in the hands of Wen's parents. When Xia Zhi sat back down in his original position, Lao Mo quietly asked, "Is this going to be mechanized?" Xia Zhi nodded. She began to think about the opportunities for Vincent's mechanization. ——At the same time, there are a total of six battle zones drawn out on the six peaks of the entire Nanming base. These battle zones are the first line of defense for humans against machines. But now, this is the first line of defense. The black energy on some of the bodies of these warriors and mutants fighting on the front line began to undergo drastic changes. Their mutation process is different from Vincent's. However, when the black energy on their bodies began to become more and more serious, many people's limbs, faces, etc., began to have flashes of silver light. This change immediately attracted everyone's attention. In the base conference room, people here immediately discovered the changes on the battlefield from the drone footage. Professor Hong immediately sat up from his seat, his face full of surprise. At the same time, He Mingzhi also jumped up from his seat in the central city connected to the Nanming base image. At this moment, the two of them had the same thought in their minds, that is: mechanization has begun... - Different from Vincent's pain, these humans have entered the path of mechanization on the battlefield. With the advent of mechanization, everyone's hearts are filled with violence. The black energy on their bodies became thicker as they hunted more machines. The thicker the black air, the faster the mechanization process and the larger the mechanized area. Because of the sudden mechanization of human beings, the situation in the battle zone began to become clearer. On the other hand, the warriors who were chasing the mechanical giant tiger showed no sign of mechanization for the time being. At 12:25 midnight, the fighting zone is located under the mountain peak of the living area. Red, black and silver are the main colors in this area. The red and black are human corpses and the blood they shed, and the silver and white are mechanical corpses. And in such a tragic background, there was a sound of shouting, beating and killing. The air was filled with the seemingly indispensable smell of blood and gunpowder smoke. A middle-aged man who was mechanizing suddenly felt itchy on the back of his hand. In the blink of an eye, a metallic color began to appear on the back of his hand. The middle-aged man seemed to know that this piece of metal belonged to him and that he could control it. Then, his fist was gradually replaced by metal. A fist made of mechanical metal replaced the flesh and blood fist in an instant. He dropped the custom-made mechanical metal weapon in his hand. He raised his fist and smashed it at the mechanical cat who was trying to sneak attack him. "Meow..." The meow of the mechanical cat has a certain mechanical feel to it, which is very permeating. And when they scream, the scream is even more terrifying. The middle-aged man didn't show any fear at all. On the contrary, his face was full of excitement, and his fists hit harder and harder. Soon, a mechanical cat was smashed into a mechanical cat cake by the middle-aged man's mechanical fist. The middle-aged man's expression was full of uncontrollable violence and excitement. The eyes were fierce but there was no trace of blue light. After smashing a mechanical cat to death, the middle-aged man was not satisfied. Instead, he immediately rushed towards the surroundings and smashed any mechanical bodies he encountered. As he moved, the black energy on his body became thicker. As the black energy intensified, mechanization started from the right fist and spread towards the arm. Many people in combat zones have a similar situation to middle-aged men.

But there are also determined mutants and determined soldiers who are not controlled by the violence in their hearts, and reason has the upper hand from beginning to end.

Military aircraft sent from other bases to support arrived at Nanming Base under such conditions.


"A fighter jet is coming."

In the cave, Xia Zhi opened his eyes from his sleep.

The black air abyss tonight is very unstable. Moreover, many mutants have abnormal conditions. Even though she was so far away from the battlefield. But that kind of change is not just one or two, but the coming together of countless individuals. This change caused the blue light ball in the space to flash. It also made the blue mark on his chest glow and feel cold.

The fighter jets that arrived at the Nanming base did not choose to drop any bombs into the black air abyss. The order they received was that the mission target was a large mechanical body.

Taking advantage of the high altitude, they quickly found the huge silver-white body in the night.

After the target is determined, the personnel on the fighter jet immediately contact the ground troops. With the cooperation of the ground troops, after the giant mechanical tiger was lured to an uninhabited area, a small armor-piercing projectile specially customized for the mechanical body was immediately launched.

It was just to load these armor-piercing bombs that they came so slowly.

These armor-piercing bullets obtained from the Great Northwest Base are said to contain some special substance.

Pilots flying fighter jets don't care about these special substances. What they care about is the outcome.

And the results are gratifying.

An armor-piercing bullet went down and directly hit the huge mechanical tiger's belly. From the visual effect, it looks like a mechanical tiger with a dark thing piercing its belly. The huge impact caused the armor-piercing bullet to directly pin the giant mechanical tiger to the ground.

"Wow...this...this armor-piercing projectile won't explode, but its effect is really impressive..."

Many soldiers from the ground troops exclaimed.

You know, they also have fighter jets. But they really don't have armor-piercing bullets or anything like that. Their fighter jets would not dare to drop lethal ammunition unless absolutely necessary. That is simply an operation to injure the enemy by one hundred and stop the loss by three thousand.

Now, with such a sharp weapon, those big tigers running wild will be killed soon.

The giant mechanical tiger that was nailed to the ground was completely unable to move. It waved its claws desperately, trying to insert something into its belly. But the claws are too short to reach. Helpless, it roared into the sky, calling for support from other giant mechanical tigers.

Unfortunately, its expectations have been dashed.

The other five giant mechanical tigers have the same fate as it. Some were directly hit by the rhombus-shaped energy crystal in their heads, and their eyes that emitted blue light lost their light. Some who are lucky will be nailed to the ground. Then other soldiers will be responsible for solving it.

At this point in the battle, the situation has become completely clear.

The mechanical bodies that were struggling to their death had already begun to retreat when they heard the roar of the tiger.

However, the weapons that were effective against the giant mechanical tiger were not used to attack the various mechanical bodies that were retreating into the black air.

People have long discovered that there is some kind of power surrounding this abyss surrounded by black air. This power protects the mechanical body that enters it. Humans or other organisms that enter it will only sink into it and disappear.

No one knows what is going on in the black abyss. Even the drones, ground camera robots and other artificial intelligences that have been sent inside. After entering the black air abyss, it is like falling into an area with no signal and can no longer be contacted.

Therefore, even if the pilots want to attack those mechanical bodies. As long as they enter the black air area, they can only stop.

The large-scale collapse of the mechanical body made everyone rejoice.

Taking advantage of this good situation, many mutants and soldiers took advantage of the autumn wind to sweep away the fallen leaves, killing groups of mechanical bodies one after another.

"Damn it..."

In the abyss surrounded by black energy, the humanoid mechanical body that hit the abyss energy field at the beginning of the battle faced this sudden change and angrily hammered the abyss energy field that surrounded him.

"They're all just trash. What's there to be angry about? You're a fool. You want to leave the abyss so much. Hurry up and complete the transformation of the little flesh on your body..." Countless

humanoid robots ignored the conversation between these two people. They turned around half-heartedly and walked towards the center of the abyss together with the mechanical body that fled back into the abyss.

If someone could see through the black air at this time and see the situation in the abyss. They will be surprised to find out. These walking humanoid robots are still wearing more or less human clothes.

Among them were old people with bent backs, strong young people, and short and jumping children.

Without exception, these people's clothes were in tatters. Most of their naked bodies have been mechanized. Only part of the body remains, still bearing the characteristics of the biological human body.

Of course, these people all have one characteristic in common. That is, all their heads have been mechanized. Those eyes that emit a long blue light are the best proof.


cheers came from outside, Xia Zhi knew that the battle was over.

She put the child next to KK and quietly got up. First, I went to check on Vincent’s condition. It was discovered that a layer of mechanical metal would appear on his face from time to time. This layer of metal is not stable and can easily collapse. But it quickly condensed after collapsing.

This state, based on KK's situation, is expected to occur many times until the energy in the body is completely stabilized.

"Xia Zhi, Xia Zhi..."

Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu pointed at their phones and motioned to Xia Zhi to take a look.

Xia Zhi understood. After sitting back in his seat, he clicked on his phone. I found that the entire Internet was in a state of excitement. The video attached to the topic

#南明base unexpectedly appeared mechanical giant tiger was edited by the official in a hurry.

From the appearance of the mechanical giant tiger, to the astonishing destructive power of the mechanical giant tiger, corpses littered the field, until finally the mechanical giant tiger was finally penetrated by an armor-piercing bullet. The entire video very objectively shows the contrast in strength between the enemy and ourselves.

Many people in this video only saw the power of the final armor-piercing bullet, and they all said that they have such a weapon. When such a monster appears in their base, they will be able to survive safely.

However, Xia Zhi frowned slightly at the armor-piercing bullet pierced into the giant mechanical tiger in the video.

Why does this thing feel familiar?

Apart from such a topic, the most shocking topic is about human mechanization. Xia Zhi flipped through the pages, and the entire Internet was paying attention to the opportunity for the emergence of human mechanization.

Currently, only the Nanming base has suffered such a large-scale mechanical attack. Only the mutants in the Nanming base have begun to enter the mechanization stage.

Many people from other bases want to ask how this kind of mechanization came about? How can it be mechanized? They also wanted to mechanize. After mechanization, the combat effectiveness of human beings has directly increased by several levels. It is already possible to directly fight hand-to-hand with the mechanical body. No one would be enthusiastic about such a good thing.

This kind of fanaticism is even worse than when ordinary people were pursuing mutation.

People at the Nanming base didn't care about the enthusiasm and expectations from the outside world.

When the battle is over and the rising sun slowly rises from the side of the mountain. People had already passed the initial excitement. They looked down at the land littered with corpses, fell to their knees on the ground, and cried.

Their relatives, friends and teammates lost their lives one after another in such a sudden and disparate battle.

How many people lost their lives in such a battle. Officials did not release specific figures.


"Another plane is coming..."

Fatty Bai curled his lips and walked towards the top of the mountain carrying the supplies he picked up from the ruins of the resort.

It has been 24 hours since the last battle.

In these 24 hours, because there were wounded and dead people everywhere in the base, the base number was too large, and the base was seriously short of manpower. The base can only issue a large number of recruitment notices.

Many ordinary people are applying for jobs at this time, just to make money in exchange for mutation potions. After becoming a mutant, sooner or later there will be a chance to embark on the path of mechanization.

At the same time, after the battle, the mutants who began to show signs of mechanization were all summoned by the base. The base needs to give them a simple physical examination and questioning. It promises to provide more help to these mutants who have begun to mechanize in the future.

However, these measures were of little use to them in Xia Zhi.

It sounds like Vincent can use the mechanized measures against mutants. But the signs of mechanization that had appeared on Vincent's face disappeared again.

"At least the blockade on the top of the mountain has been lifted. Now we can live directly on the top of the mountain." Fatty Liu looked at the various aircraft flying in the sky and sighed.

Xia Zhi followed the two of them without carrying anything. On this trip, they mainly returned to the resort, grabbed some usable supplies, and then brought them to the previous cave.

After the battle, officials announced many measures. Among them is the lifting of the blockade on the top of the mountain, allowing a large number of soldiers to be stationed on the top of the mountain to maintain the safety of residents. At the same time, logging and hunting of wild animals are restricted.

Xia Zhi can guess the official intention. Mechanical pangolins have appeared. If people are not moved to safer mountain tops, they continue to live on the mountainside. Who knows how many mechanical pangolins there are, and whether they will return to Mamucang?

Because of this measure, Xia Zhi and his party simply continued to live in the cave before.

However, as good as this large area on the top of the mountain is, it also has a big drawback. That is because the altitude is too high and the distance to various aircraft is getting closer.

Especially in the past two days because of the battle with the mechanical body and the subsequent mechanization of humans. The aircraft flying overhead never stopped.

"Do you need my help?"

Wu Fen walked down the mountain road, holding two plastic buckets in his hands. Judging from the look, he was probably going to fetch water from the mountain stream.

Fatty Bai was very excited when he saw his idol.

Xia Zhi looked at Wu Fen. This man was the mutant with the strongest black aura she had ever seen before. However, now, the black energy in Wu Fen's body has not only increased. After a battle, the black energy decreased. Moreover, this person has not entered the mechanization stage. Instead, Xia Zhi began to detect bits of blue light from his eyes.

Needless to say, Xia Zhi also knows what is going on in this situation.

Many of the mutants who came down from the battlefield had a very thick black energy on their bodies. Looking from a distance, the black energy looks like a giant beast that wants to devour people.

Xia Zhi intuitively felt that this state of affairs was wrong. The truly correct mechanization should be like Vincent and KK. The situation of Wu Fen in front of her made Xia Zhi certain that her intuition was correct.

Blue light is the key to human mechanization.

After greeting Wu Fen, the three of them continued walking up the mountain. I met a lot of people along the way. There are ordinary people, mutants, and mutants with mechanized characteristics.

When they arrived at the cave, Lao Mo was taking Wen Sheng and Wen's parents to clean up the weeds at the entrance of the cave. Feifei was playing in the mud not far away. KK is following the little master honestly.

"You're back! How is the situation down the mountain?"

"The battlefield is still being cleaned up down the mountain. I heard that during this period, the government will distribute relief materials."

Fatty Liu put the cotton cloth on his shoulders on the ground and rubbed his shoulders: " First find a place to dry this quilt. Pull it out from the ruins. It is covered with bricks and dirt."

After hearing this, Wen's parents quickly went over to help build a rack to dry the quilt.

Vincent came over at this time: "Xia Zhi, what's my situation?"

"Let's take a closer look."

Previously, the official called on mutants with mechanized conditions to do a simple check-up. However, Xia Zhi asked Vincent to leave for now. She felt she needed some time to figure things out.

Especially after discovering that KK's two mechanical claws disappeared again, Xia Zhi became more determined on this idea.


Black Gas Research Institute.

Many experts and professors have gathered here because of the semi-mechanized rabbits and semi-mechanized silkworms. After that, a man with cyborg features appears. They haven't had time to discover anything yet. There has been another large-scale invasion of machines.

Moreover, the scale of this invasion was particularly large, and there were many types of invading machines.

According to post-war statistics, there were more than 30 different species of mechanical bodies. These have only been witnessed or captured on video. In that night battle, many cameras were destroyed by the mechanical beasts, and not many useful images were obtained at all. It was later that a batch of drones with camera functions were urgently mobilized to fully capture the most intense part of the situation.

"According to the data currently available, when mutants break through to the stage of mechanization, they basically break through in battle. During this process, is there any accumulation of energy or other factors? With the current equipment , cannot be determined for the time being. However, these mutants with mechanized characteristics are all infected with black energy." When

this conclusion was made, Professor Hong was not surprised at all.

Some information provided by He Mingzhi yesterday made him know a lot of things.

"We need to do a good job of detecting these semi-mechanized mutants for the time being."

After Professor Hong had a meeting with the researchers, he immediately went to the base conference room. There, there is another meeting related to the future of the entire base, which will be held soon.

The meeting lasted for a full three hours, and after three hours, orders were issued one after another. Before the residents of the base know it yet, the base will undergo completely new changes.

"Are you sure that all the mechanical bodies captured this time will be sent to Central City?"

"Sure, we don't have much time left. The research institute simply doesn't have the energy to conduct more research. Especially the black energy crystals on the mechanical behemoths. Stone. Only Central City has a solution for that thing. In addition, during the inspection of large-scale cyborgs, we discovered a phenomenon."

Professor Hong did not leave after the three-hour large meeting. Instead, he sat in the base director's office with Mr. Lin.

"The degree of mechanization of mutants who take mutant medicine to achieve a breakthrough is relatively slight after they show signs of mechanization."

Currently, there are two ways for humans to mutate. One relies on mutation potion, and the other relies on the bite of mechanical insects. These two paths are still chosen by some people. There is no shortage of people who have no points but want to gamble.

After hearing this, base director Zhao Zengguang sat up straight: "What does this mean?"

Professor Hong said seriously: "It means that mutation agents will affect the process of human mechanization. But is this effect good or bad? We have no way of knowing. Got it."


There was a soft sound, and the arrow hit the target directly.

Xia Zhi jumped down from the tree branch where he was squatting and picked up the pheasant that had been shot by an arrow.

In the past few days, because everyone was living in the cave, even with tents as a barrier, the food quality of Xia Zhi's family still plummeted. At the very least, they must eat and drink with the companions they live with.

Today it is Xia Zhi and Wen Sheng's turn to be responsible for hunting. Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu were responsible for collecting firewood.

There was a harvest on the summer solstice, and Vincent, who was not far away, also came over carrying a hare that had been hit by an arrow.

"There are still wild animals here. But there are so many people living on the top of the mountain. It won't be long before they are all hunted down."

Vincent carried the hare ears and walked towards the cave with Xia Zhi. As they walked, they talked about their future plans.

Five days ago, the base relaxed its control of the mountain top. Many ordinary people and mutants with low combat effectiveness moved to the top of the mountain. Many houses in the residential area on the mountainside were destroyed by the mechanical tiger. Coupled with the threat of mechanical pangolins, no one dared to go back.

Of course, this "everyone" excludes those mutants who have shown signs of mechanization.

These people had already experienced the benefits of mechanization in that invasion battle. The sudden increase in strength made their self-confidence grow accordingly. In addition, they still need to go to the battle zone to hunt the robots and earn points to exchange for supplies. Therefore, almost all of these people ended up setting up tents to live in the original residential areas halfway up the mountain.

This time, they are confident about the future.

Xia Zhi listened to Vincent's words and shook his head: "I think even if humans don't hunt now, these wild animals may not be able to survive for long."

Xia Zhi said, looking at the vegetation halfway up the mountain.

The vegetation that was already infected with black energy was completely mechanized after that battle. Now, not only the battle zone, but also the trees and weeds on the mountainside have been mechanized.

Steel needle-like tree branches, sharp leaves, and mechanical weeds that can cut off human legs at any time have become the scenery on the mountainside.

And all these changes happened in just one month. This makes people feel terrible about the speed of black air infection.

Of course, there is another layer that is not mentioned. Xia Zhi feels that the officials should be ready to abandon this base. Not just because the environment here is no longer suitable for human habitation. More importantly, the mechanical body here is too abnormal.

"Summer Solstice, Vincent, long time no see."

The two of them were talking on the mountain road. Xia Zhi heard a familiar female voice not far away.

Because the mountains are now full of people, I didn’t pay much attention to them at the beginning of the summer solstice. But when the other party called out his and Wen Sheng's names, Xia Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The person who spoke was none other than Sister He. It was the sister He who married the aboriginal people of Nanming Mountain, and then the old Mrs. Cheng left alone with her granddaughter.

Sister He is obviously having a good time and looks good. Having heard Fatty Bai say that this man needed to support the village chief's family, Xia Zhi thought that he would have a very hard life. Unexpectedly, it looks quite majestic now.

"What's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Xia Zhi was too lazy to pay attention to Sister He, Vincent asked slowly.

Sister He was a little embarrassed by the two people's attitudes.

"It's nothing. Haven't we old neighbors seen each other for a long time? I just wanted to say that we met by chance in the mountains. But why haven't you mechanized yet? Today's mechanical bodies are too powerful. If there is no mechanization, we will hunt the machines later. The body is very dangerous."

This is quite teasing. But Sister He's face was full of worry.

Xia Zhi glanced at the other party and found that the entire fist of her left hand had been completely mechanized. And the other party was shaking his fist from time to time.

Seeing this, Xia Zhi felt that she was quite contradictory. Sometimes his words are caring, and sometimes his actions are completely different. In such a world, aren't you tired of living like this?

Xia Zhi and Wensheng didn't exchange a few words with her in the end. He just nodded coldly and left coldly.

At this moment, Sister He felt like a clown.

These two people are obviously neighbors, and the gap between them was too obvious before. She was always trembling with fear every time she interacted with them. Now, she has finally gotten to this level and can become mechanized. People on the Internet have said that mechanization is a symbol of human evolution. She, He Hongmei, is the superwoman of the new era.

However, Xia Zhi and Wen Sheng still looked indifferent, as if they looked down on others. This made He Hongmei very angry. At the same time, she felt that she would distance herself from the two of them in the future. Someone who mechanizes so quickly like her should be the advanced race mentioned on the Internet. And those who cannot be mechanized will be eliminated by mechanical bodies sooner or later.

Thinking of this, she became happy again. After clapping her hands, He Hongmei decided to hunt a big guy today. The whole family at home is still living on their own terms!

I don't care about He Hongmei's Xia Zhi and Wensheng at all. After leaving, he didn't even focus on her, but turned the topic to her old lady, Mrs. Cheng.

Yes, Mrs. Cheng and her granddaughter also live on the top of the mountain. It happened to be not far from the cave where they were.

I have to say that Mrs. Cheng is really a powerful old lady. After she received the mutation potion as a gift from Xia Zhi, she drank it on the same day. Afterwards, although the experience took a bit long, she successfully mutated. That change made her feel ten years younger. After that, I would occasionally hunt mechanical bodies to make a living. Anyway, the old and the young don't spend too many points, so their lives are stable.

Unexpectedly, there would be a mechanical invasion later.

Mrs. Cheng had no choice but to take her granddaughter with her again and escape with the large army. On the way to escape, Mrs. Cheng picked up several mechanical insects. After all, she had made a profit from escaping for her life.


"Back, back. Mom is back..."

He Feifei was sitting on a wooden post, with her hands on her cheeks, staring at the mountain road going up and down the mountain.

Now that she saw her mother coming back, she happily waved to her mother desperately.

Lao Mo heard the commotion and walked over to take what she and Vincent had gained today. Get ready to clean up in the corner. After that, Wen's parents were responsible for cooking.

This temporary team has a clear division of labor and everyone has their own role. During these five days, everyone got along very well.

Xia Zhi walked to the bucket in the corner, filled some water with a ladle and washed her hands. Then he hugged his daughter tightly and kissed her sweetly.

Not to be outdone, KK's big head has already come over. It's furry and looks particularly warm on the top of the mountain in winter.

"Hey, you guys are so fast!"

Fatty Bai and Fatty Liu, who were in charge of collecting firewood, were hurried back with a large bundle of firewood on their backs.

"Why are you so anxious?" Wen Sheng and Wen's father went up and helped unload the firewood.

"Oh, Vincent. When we were collecting firewood, we heard that the official mall was going to put the stock of mutated potions on sale. The price is directly discounted by 20%. If not, I came up to tell you immediately.

" The place where firewood was collected was a large forest patrolled by soldiers. You can only pick up dead branches, not cut down trees. Most of the people who live on the top of the mountain go there to collect firewood. No, when there are more people, all the news spreads everywhere.

"There is no news on the Internet!"

Xia Zhi checked the base APP and the forum, but found no news about the potion.

However, many mutants with mechanized characteristics are showing off their mechanical fists, mechanical arms, mechanical thighs, mechanical calves, mechanical chests, etc. online. If you don’t know it, different people have different mechanized parts. Of course, they have one thing in common, that is, their brains are not mechanized.

In these photos, without exception, they are all sought after by other bases. Many people have even paid attention and want to give Nanming Base a try. See if you can mechanize it.

This half-mechanized, half-human appearance is really handsome and can enhance your strength.

"Oh, one of the people who collected firewood with us has a relative who is a salesperson in the mall. The news hasn't spread yet. Vincent, why don't you go to the mall and have a look? If you don't have enough points, we can collect them for you. Buy first. Bring two back and give them to your uncle and aunt for use."

In the invasion that day, some ordinary people died, and some fled to the mountains. The surviving ordinary people are working hard these days and want a mutation potion. With so many people, medicine is definitely not enough.

Seeing this, Xia Zhi stuffed his identity card over. The same goes for several other people.

Vincent no longer hesitated this time, took the ID cards of several people, and hurried towards the mall down the mountain.

The Wen family's parents did not stop their son's actions, they just bowed and thanked their son's friends. They already understand that without strength in this world, not only will they not be able to save their own lives, but they will also hold their son back. Their family will definitely repay these favors they owe in the future.


came back five hours after leaving. When I came back, my clothes were torn and my shoes were missing.

"Are you in trouble?"

Before Fatty Liu could finish his words, the Wen family's parents had already hurried to greet him.

Vincent shook his head and directly motioned for everyone to go into the cave before talking.

Many people in their area set up tents directly outside. Vincent came back in such a mess, which more or less attracted the attention of these people.

It was dark in the cave. Or turn on the bright flashlight during the summer solstice. Only then did Vincent take out two transparent potions from his pocket.

"I got the things. But there were too many people. Many people heard the news and went over to buy them. I finally got these two, but I encountered a robbery on the way." At this point, Vincent's expression was not very good.


The management of the base was very strict before, and there was a lot of petty theft, but this was the first time he saw mutants coming out to rob.

When they heard about You Jie Dao, the expressions on several people's faces changed.

Xia Zhi was not surprised, he just sighed.

Vincent urged his parents to drink the potion, and then continued: "The situation at the bottom of the mountain is not very good. Now the people living down there are basically semi-mechanical mutants. These people gather together, and in addition to hunting mechanical bodies every day, It seems like just drinking and chatting or even going..."

He didn't say it clearly, but everyone present understood it, except for the child He Feifei and KK who joined in the fun.

"Okay, okay, we won't go down the mountain if nothing happens. We are staying on the mountain to check the situation."

Xia Zhi clapped her hands, signaling everyone not to be so anxious.

Anyway, what should come will always come.

The sudden power is like getting rich overnight. If you cannot control this force, you will hurt others and yourself sooner or later.

As Vincent said, the residential area on the mountainside has now been turned into a tent area.

In this simple tent area, only at night these days, there are relatively few mechanical bodies. There will be cyborgs gathering together to have a carnival.

They are not afraid of being attacked by mechanical bodies.

Carnival is to celebrate one's new life and to enjoy life. That battle left a shadow in the hearts of these people. They began to live a life one day at a time.

And in such a life, good wine and beauty are indispensable.

These things are simply not a problem for them with their soaring combat power. Many of them were even in a state of ecstasy. I feel that I am already an advanced human being in the new era. These people would even differentiate their respective strengths based on who has the largest mechanized area.

The unusual movements in the cyborg group naturally attracted the attention of the base management. But they didn't go out of their way to stop these people. As long as they don't commit crimes, kill people at will, or cause destruction at will. Basically, no patrol team will come out to stop it.

The base is not letting things go. On the contrary, they are busy preparing to implement another plan. Until then, it's best to maintain a balance.

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