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By sucker4him

90.6K 1.6K 153

๐…๐‹๐ˆ๐๐๐„๐ƒ - Ever since secondary school, Cassandra Beauchรชne knew that one day she and Oscar Piastri wou... More

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2K 38 3
By sucker4him

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝖠𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗅 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟢

Cassandra's first night alone with her little sister Adeline was a blend of nervous anticipation and tender responsibility. As the moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft glow through the curtains, Cassandra carefully cradled Adeline in her arms, feeling the weight of newfound guardianship.

The room was adorned with pastel hues and the gentle hum of a lullaby played in the background, creating a serene atmosphere. Cassandra, only a teenager herself, stared down at Adeline's peaceful slumber, her hazel eyes reflecting both wonder and uncertainty.

"Hey there, Adeline," Cassandra whispered, her voice barely audible. "It's just you and me tonight, and maybe forever. We're going to be okay though."

Adeline stirred slightly, her tiny fingers curling around Cassandra's as if seeking reassurance. Cassandra smiled, overwhelmed by the enormity of the moment. She carefully placed Adeline in the crib, tucking the soft blanket around her.

The night unfolded with a rhythmic dance of caregiving. Cassandra changed diapers with a practiced precision she hadn't known she possessed. The soft coos and gurgles from Adeline filled the room, creating a symphony of sisterly connection.

In the dim light, Cassandra swayed gently, singing a lullaby passed down from their grandmother. "Hush little Adeline, don't say a word, Cassie's gonna buy you a mockingbird..."

As the night deepened, Cassandra's tired eyes spoke of both weariness and an enduring love. The occasional creaks of the new house outside whispered tales of generations past, a comforting backdrop to this intimate moment.

During a feeding, Adeline's wide, innocent eyes locked onto Cassandra's, creating a bond that transcended mere kinship. "You're the best little sister," Cassandra murmured, her voice laced with an unspoken promise to protect and cherish.

Amidst the quiet exchanges, Cassandra found herself navigating a delicate balance between her newfound responsibility and her vulnerability. She juggled the art of comforting and being comforted, a tightrope walk of sisterhood.

In the hushed darkness, Cassandra whispered dreams and aspirations to Adeline, imagining a future where they would share laughter and secrets. "We're a team, you and I," she affirmed, her words weaving a tapestry of sisterly devotion.

The night wore on, and exhaustion crept in, but Cassandra's determination to provide a haven for Adeline prevailed. Each tender touch, every whispered affirmation, became an unspoken oath of protection.

Cassandra, with a night of caregiving for her little sister Adeline behind her, sat wearily on her bedroom floor, her phone cradled in her hands. She dialed Oscar's number, anticipation mingling with exhaustion on her face. As the call connected, Oscar's face illuminated the screen, and a comforting smile spread across his lips.

"Cassie, how was your night?" Oscar's voice, filled with genuine concern, cut through the virtual space.

Cassandra sighed, her eyes reflecting a mix of weariness and accomplishment. "It was something, Oscar. Adeline is adorable, but taking care of a baby on my own? It's no joke."

Oscar chuckled a warm sound that reached across the miles between them. "I bet you did great, though. You've got that natural mother thing going on."

"Yeah, well, I didn't know I had it in me," Cassandra admitted, running a hand through her tousled hair. "But, it was... special. A whole new level of responsibility."

Oscar's expression softened. "I wish I could have been there with you. How's Adeline doing?"

Cassandra's eyes brightened at the mention of her sister. "She's a trooper. Calm tonight, and when she was awake, we had some sisterly bonding time. You'd be proud."

Oscar grinned. "I'm already proud. I know you're an amazing big sister. And I can't wait to meet Adeline in person."

Cassandra's tiredness seemed to lift a bit at Oscar's words. "You will, soon. I can't wait for you two to meet."

As they continued talking, Oscar could see Cassandra's eyes light up with each recounting of the night's adventures. He listened attentively as she shared the amusing anecdotes and the challenges faced, offering words of encouragement and admiration.

"I don't know how you manage to balance everything, Cassie," Oscar remarked, admiration evident in his eyes. "You're like a superhero in disguise."

Cassandra laughed, a sound that resonated through the phone. "Superhero might be a stretch, but I appreciate the sentiment. It's just what you do for family, right?"

Oscar nodded. "Absolutely. You're doing an incredible job, Cassie. Adeline is lucky to have you."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics, providing a brief escape from the responsibilities Cassandra faced. They reminisced about shared memories, inside jokes, and dreams for the future. Oscar, the supportive best friend, brought laughter and warmth to the call.

As the conversation unfolded, Cassandra's weariness seemed to fade into the background. The connection with Oscar acted as a rejuvenating force, infusing her with a renewed sense of strength and resilience.

"I miss you, Oscar," Cassandra confessed, her voice softening.

"I miss you too, Cassie. But you'll get through this. And soon, we'll have our shared nights and mornings."

Cassandra nodded, a mixture of longing and hope in her eyes. "I'm holding onto that thought. It keeps me going."

They exchanged words of love and promises for the future, a shared vision of overcoming challenges and building a life together. As the call ended, Cassandra felt a sense of gratitude for the support and connection that transcended the physical distance.

Cassandra looked down at her phone, a smile playing on her lips. The challenges of the night were still fresh, but with Oscar by her side, even if it was through a screen for now, she felt fortified to face whatever came their way. The fatigue lingered, but so did the warmth of their conversation, reminding her that she wasn't alone in this journey of sisterhood and love.

As the first light of dawn painted the sky, Cassandra watched Adeline sleep peacefully, a small smile playing on her lips. The first night alone had transformed into a silent rite of passage, an initiation into the unbreakable bond of sisterhood.

In those early morning hours, Cassandra's heart swelled with love and pride. She realized that this night, with all its challenges and tender moments, marked the beginning of a shared journey—one where she and Adeline would navigate the winding paths of life together, hand in hand, and heart to heart.

was gonna make this chapter Cassandra's mom abusing Adeline and Cassandra coming to help Adeline, but quarantine 🙄
nsfw soon also

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