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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝖠𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗅 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥

   Cassandra's heart raced as the doorbell echoed through her home. She hesitated before opening the door, not expecting the tumult that awaited her on the other side.

"Where is she, Cassandra?" a harsh voice demanded. It was her mother, whose presence carried the weight of a tumultuous past.

Adeline, unaware of the storm brewing, played in the living room with the toys Logan brought her. Cassandra clenched her fists. "You can't just barge in here."

Her mother sneered, "She's my daughter. I have every right."

"I won't let you hurt her like you hurt me," Cassandra retorted.

The air crackled with tension as the two women faced off, years of unresolved grievances hanging between them.

"You think you can keep her from me?" her mother spat. "I'll take her, one way or another."

Cassandra, desperate to protect Adeline, stood her ground. "You lost that right when you walked out on us."

The argument escalated, echoing through the walls. Adeline peeked in, sensing the hostility.

"Cassie, who's that?" she asked innocently.

Cassandra knelt, shielding her sister. "Just go to your room and stay there, sweetheart."

As Cassandra dialed the police, her mother's threats grew louder. "You can't hide forever. She's mine!"

The police arrived, diffusing the confrontation. "Ma'am, you need to leave," an officer instructed Cassandra's mother.

"I'll be back," she hissed before departing.

Cassandra hugged Adeline tightly, relieved but haunted by the resurgence of her painful past.

She needed to call Oscar and Logan, though they were in Japan.

Her hands shook as she dialed Oscar's number, desperation lacing her voice, "Oscar, it's an emergency. My mom is trying to take Adeline away, and I don't know what to do. I have legal custody over her, but if my mother wants something she'll work hard enough to get it. I need you and Logan here."

Oscar, with regret in his tone, responded, "Cassandra, we're overseas, and we can't come back right now. But tell us what's happening, and we'll do our best to help remotely."

Tears welled up in Cassandra's eyes, "She's saying she has the right to take Adeline. I can't let her do that. Please, Oscar, Logan, I need your advice, something."

Logan, chiming in from afar, added, "Cassandra, we're here for you. Stay strong. Can you keep her there for now? We'll brainstorm a plan."

Cassandra nodded, even though they couldn't see her, "I'll try, but she's insistent. Please, guys, I'm scared. I can't lose Adeline."

Oscar reassured her, "We'll think of something. Let's talk through the situation. We might not be there physically, but we're with you in spirit."

The long-distance call continued as Cassandra recounted the escalating situation, her friends providing support and guidance through the challenges.

Logan suggested, "Is there someone nearby, a friend or neighbor, who can assist you? We need to ensure Adeline's safety until we figure out the next steps."

Oscar added, "And document everything. Take photos, notes—whatever you can. It might be useful later."

Cassandra, with a shaky voice, complied, "Okay, I'll do that. Thank you, guys. I just wish you could be here."

Oscar sighed, "We do too, Cassandra. But we'll use every resource available to help you. Stay on the line; we're here for you."

As the conversation unfolded, Oscar and Logan researched legal avenues, trying to find resources that could aid Cassandra in her predicament.

Despite the geographical distance, the trio brainstormed strategies, exploring options to ensure Adeline's well-being from afar.

Cassandra, during the turmoil, felt a mix of frustration and gratitude, knowing that her friends were doing everything within their power, even if they couldn't be physically present.

Oscar advised, "Cassandra, reach out to local authorities or legal services. We'll support you in navigating the process remotely."

Logan, determined, added, "And keep us updated. We're in this together, even if we're far away."

In the coming days, Cassandra faced the challenge head-on, relying on the guidance and support of Oscar and Logan from overseas.

The trio endured late-night calls, time zone differences, and bureaucratic hurdles, showcasing the strength of their friendship against the odds.

As the situation gradually resolved, Cassandra, Adeline by her side, reflected on the resilience that emerged from facing adversity with friends who cared deeply, even when separated by continents.

Oscar and Logan, unable to physically embrace their friend, conveyed their relief and support through the digital realm, reinforcing the notion that true friendship transcends geographical boundaries.

Oscar and Logan, unable to physically embrace their friend, conveyed their relief and support through the digital realm, reinforcing the notion that true friendship transcends geographical boundaries

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rumors have it that I have all the chapters done for this book🤫🫣
jk I don't
but what will this mean for Oscar and Lily since now Cassandra is his main priority

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