By sinfulkth

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"just ride it." In the world where speed matters the most, Jeon Jungkook, a charismatic and mysterious motorc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

235 22 48
By sinfulkth


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Hi, babies! :) I hope you're enjoying my story so far. I would love to hear your comments. Enjoy!

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"Everybody, get on your marks!"

The scent of burning fuel hangs in the air, and the night is alive with powerful sounds of engines roaring from the bikes, painting the dark sky with thrilling energy. On this chilly night of the motorbike race, people have gathered around, betting money on racers, transforming the cool vibes into a heated atmosphere.

"I'm telling ya, he's one of the best" one of them pointing at the racer number two.

"Nah man I bet Ghost Rider will end up on the first place" mentioning the bikers nickname as he gave another man confident smirk.

"We will see 'bout that" he gave his friend salty answer "How much are u bettin' tho?

"You will see after he wins"

In every corner, there was this kind of chatter, and what finally captured the crowd's attention was the girl who appeared in front of racers, waving green flags alerting them to get ready.

"Get ready on count of 3...2...1, GO!"

As she finishes her sentence, racers vanish in mere seconds, and crowd's cheers grow even louder, as if applauding the magic of their sudden disappearance.

Ghost Rider surges ahead, claiming the lead while other racers try to close gap, weaving through the twists and turns of the track in pursuit of dominance. Adrenaline runs through their veins as the one racer with red and white RS 600 manages to get inch closer to Ghost Rider. The chase gets intense, as he skillfully maneuvers through the pack, closing the distance with each calculated move.

The race evolves into thrilling duel between two top racers of the night, the atmosphere is charged with suspense as the two navigate the track, each twist and turn a battleground for supremacy. Rival racer tried to gain up on the Ghost Rider, making risky moves as he tried move extremely close to create a momentary advantage. The crowd's cheers become a crescendo, mirroring the intensity of the track.

Ghost Rider is competitive - full of confidence, a devilish smile dances on his curved lips as he makes an unexpected move. Speed rises, he blocks his opponent, leaving no chance for him to come forward and securing his path to victory.

"GHOST RIDER ONCE AGAIN WINS!" voice announced.

In the blink of an eye, crowd gathered around the sleek black MTT 420-RR. Sound of loud cheering of women and music mixed well together.

"Fuck he is so fine even with his helmet on" one of the girls in the crowd beamed while biting her lips, dressed up in all pink clothes.

"I bet he fucks tons of girls and I don't think you stand a chance" other feminine voice answered, dressed up in red leather short dress revealing her defined thick thighs.

"Told ya he would win" Man from earlier nudged his friend, who had lost all his money.

The crowd of betting spectators tossing and waving money at the victorious rider as he gets off the bike. Cheers grows even more as he removes his helmet, shaking his head softly, wet hair which falls effortlessly across his forehead, sweat running down on his tanned skin. Black latex pants hugs perfectly on his muscular thighs, black gloves and silver earrings. There's a magnetic allure to his appearance, making him not just a skilled racer but a captivating presence on and off the track.

A confident grin plays on his features as his so-called "rival" shoots him a burning stare, drilling a hole into his back. His bike number is two and just like that he also ends up on second place every time he races against Ghost Rider.

Smacking his lips in disappointment, he lights up his cigarette, leaning on his bike, eyes fixed on tonight's winner.


Nina's POV

Still in sleepy haze, my eyes slowly open, gazing at the same window. Must have woken up early; there's barely any light coming into the room. With a lazy stretch, I extended my arm, letting my hand wander across the small table positioned next to the bed as I check the time; it's 6:35 am.

Everything that happened yesterday stirs my mind once again, compelling me to push those thoughts to the back of my head. I stretch once again in the warm embrace of the bed before getting up. Since it's early and everyone is still asleep, why not wash away the stress from my body? moving quietly, careful not to open the wrong door, stealing glances at the sleeping Taehyung in the living room.

Fortunately, I locate the bathroom, recalling that it was close to that one brown door the last time I was here. It's evident that boys use this bathroom, with an array of male products. No clue which one would be suitable for me. After taking my clothes off, the cool air brushes against my bare skin as I step into the warmth of the shower. Water cascades down, leaving soothing feeling on my body, each drop seems to carry away worries, leaving behind a refreshed sense of calm.

The steady stream becomes a gentle reminder that, for a while, I can just let go and enjoy the moment.

Certainly, the tranquil moment doesn't linger for too long; I had to step out of the shower, or else I would have stayed here the whole day. With water drops clinging to my skin, my hand reaches for a towel nearby as i wrap the soft fabric around my body. About to start searching for blow dryer, a sudden, aggressive knock on the door demands my attention.

"Will you hurry up?" a desperate voice called from behind the door, leaving me with no time to identify whose voice it was.

"Just wait a second!" holding the towel with one hand, I unlock the door, and my body freezes on the spot. In a moment of surprise, the towel almost slips from my grasp, but still manage to catch it in seconds, averting a potentially awkward situation.

"What the- "my eyes widening from unexpected "someone" in front of me.

The guy from last night was leaning on the door frame arms crossed over his muscular chest. He sported a short-sleeved white shirt that proudly displayed the tattoos covering his entire arm. His messy dark hair hinted that he must have woken up just minutes ago. Although his face showed annoyance, his eyes held the slightest hint of a cocky look.

"Stop occupying the bathroom for so long, will you?" he shot me a sidelong glance, his tongue discreetly pressing against the inside of his cheek.

"If you had some manners, you would have some patience, I suppose?"

The way he talked; his tone left me with the same feelings from yesterday night. Total stranger acted like he had some kind of influence over me, which made me dislike this Jungkook guy even more.

"Waited enough" slight smirk played on his lips as his eyes slowly trailed down towards my chest.

Is he serious right now? I clutched the white fabric around my body even tighter, a sense of discomfort settling in.

"Will you continue to whine like an ass, or will you move out of the way?" my body started shiver from cold, he made me stand here like a statue for like two minutes but it felt like hours.

"So, that's why your nipples are hard?" he scoffed.

It seemed like he didn't hear me at all as he made irrelevant comment. I tried my best not to overreact.

"Yeah, your response totally confirms that you are a douchebag." I tried to play it off, but he just laughed at my response? This guy seems a bit off in the head. "From the cold, don't flatter yourself."

Deciding he wasn't going to budge; I took matters into my own hands. Without waiting for his response, I confidently exited the bathroom, purposefully avoiding eye contact and casually grazing my shoulder against his. I rushed to Taehyung's room as soon as I could, swiftly locking the door behind me.

"Yes, it was because of you fucker" I muttered under my breath.

Heeseung has some serious explaining to do, his brother is like little parasite in this small apartment.

Instead of finding my clothes my eyes wondered around Taehyung's room. It's cozy yet so simple but still showed his personality; full of decors and posters which filled the white walls. One of the posters caught my eye; it was a movie poster of "Call Me by Your Name," one of our favorites.

Which reminds me the first time we watched it together – his mother opened the door to bring us some vegetables, but unfortunately, it happened to be during a kissing scene in the movie. The timing was incredibly awkward and quite embarrassing. It was during the summertime when he offered me to visit his hometown to spend couple of days there. Glad, it turned out to be the perfect opportunity to deepen our friendship.

Finally, I saw my clothes from yesterday just tossed on the chair – a basic combo of loose jeans and a cropped beige jacket. Meanwhile, my hair air-dried naturally, all thanks to him and only him. About to leave the room, but before doing so, I glanced at myself in the mirror – not bad, considering yesterday was a bit of a disaster.

"Wow, you're out of my room, thanks to you I woke up with a cranky back." Taehyung whined as soon as he saw me.

"Good morning to you too" I rolled my eyes at him while he was munching on some gummy bears.

"These are pretty good; want some?" he grinned, extending his hand toward me to grab it.

"Are you serious? Snacks in the morning?" laughed at him but still reached for some. His face still looked puffy from sleep, and he wore a cap to hide his messy brunette hair. He's one weird dude, I swear.

I took a seat next to him on the couch as we indulged in some gummy bears. Everything was surprisingly quiet, with only the sound of our munching breaking the silence.

"Where did everyone go?" curiosity sparked within me.

"Oooh...Heeseung left to get some groceries" he stopped mid-sentence "Jungkook...honestly I don't know he wasn't there when I woke up"

"He keeps surprising me actually" whispering under my breath, Taehyung couldn't resist turning his head in curiosity, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Huh? Who?" He narrowed his eyes, eager for an answer from me. Honestly, it's nothing serious to talk about.

"Aren't you hungry? Let's have some real food instead of those," I remarked, pointing my finger at him just as he was about to pop another gummy bear into his mouth.

He wore a thoughtful expression for a moment, then shook his head in a decisive no.
"How about we go out somewhere and discuss everything that happened yesterday?"

Suddenly, a suffocating sensation envelops me, and my expression drops. I suppose sooner or later, I'll have to confront it out loud, won't I? Taehyung deserves to know that, he's the only person I can rely on right now.

"Yeah...sure, any ideas where to?"

"I know a really good place," he winked at me and stood up. "Let me change, and let's go," Taehyung added before disappearing into his room.

"I'll be waiting for you outside in the parking lot!" I called out loud enough for him to hear.

*30 minutes later*

"What's taking him so long?" I sighed,impatience creeping in. "Is he putting on a fashion show in his room or something?" As I mumbled to myself, he finally appeared.

"I couldn't find my glasses, okay?" he remarked.

Taehyung wore a loose purple sweater paired with brown cargo pants, topped off with some jewelry and a Chanel beanie. He always has to look good wherever he goes, so it's no surprise it took him so long to come down.

"You're lucky its not that cold today, or else I would freeze" I scoffed.

It was nearing the end of spring, and the weather was quite unpredictable— sunny one day,rainy the next.


Taehyung's room for better imagination ;)

Soon i will upload main character list and disclaimer <33

Thank you for reading, waiting for your comments!


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