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By budevesna

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Meet Sylwia
Wretlemania rant


848 23 18
By budevesna

𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴
𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

Detroit, 5 August 2023

The entire arena was full, charged, ready to support their favorites in the hottest WWE event of the summer. Sylwia looked at the time on her phone, it was almost time to make her official return. In recent months, especially days, there had been a lot of speculation on the web about this; now it was time to confirm those rumors.

That morning, entering the arena, still empty, Sylwia felt those butterflies in her stomach that she also felt at the beginning of her career, it was a good feeling. That dejavu of hers which also signified her new beginning, how romantic.

Then her blue eyes landed on the ring. That square that had given her so much, if not everything. The thought of not being able to perform anymore made her very sad, but she thought of Paul's words: 'you will soon return where you belong'. Sylwia knew the only obstacle was herself, and her fear of getting injured, not even for her, she already faced a lot of them in her career, but for not being able to take care of her son.

She just had to find a solution for this, she wanted to return doing what she loved the most. She wanted to be happy, and knew her son would have loved to have her happy as well.

It was a matter of time and she could return where she truly belonged.

"You've got this, Sylwia." The woman repeated to herself. "You can do it."

Florida, January 2012

"I don't think you'll work as a face." Those were Vince McMahon's words as he looked closely at Sylwia. "You look like a perfect heel. What was that thing you say after you win?"

"Boys enjoyed, girls envied?" Sylwia sounded a little bit unsure in her reply. "Is it cringe?" Honestly it was a catch-up phrase she invented in that exactly moment, overcome by euphoria.

"No." Vince McMahon smiled, laying a hand on the girl's shoulder. "It is perfect for who i picture you to be in the ring."

The man then went on to explain to her what he had in mind for her, who she should become when she stepped foot in the ring: she had to be every single man's forbidden desire. Yes, it was not exactly a new gimmick, but watching the girl, that role was made for her.

Not only for her long legs, blonde hair and her external beauty, because it was obvious that Sylwia Wodiczko was beautiful, but also for the way she moved, so sinuous and proud; ravishing also when throwing a punch. Plus, which man didn't love an Eastern European woman?

Sylwia was also enthusiastic about her character, she knew it suited her very well; it was a realist role.

"Sylwia." Vince McMahon said one last time, catching the girl's attention before she could leave. He smiled at her. "You're debuting next month in a live show."

The girl's eyes widened, had she heard correctly? She couldn't contain an excitement laugh. "Am I? Oh god, thank you so much, Mr McMahon!"

The man chuckled at the girl's reaction. "Don't need to thank me, Sylwia. You proved you belong in that ring, and deserve to be here!"

Thanking him again, the young Polish girl left his office and ran to a quiet place, where she could have called her parents to give them the good news. She was so keen that they would be there to assist her in her new career, and they promised they would be; in fact, they promised that all her family and some of her friends would be there to show their pride for her.

It still felt all so surreal, like it was all just a dream for Sylwia, but if it was, she had no intentions of waking up.

Singing the notes of Don't cha by The Pussycat Dolls, the girl headed towards the gym again, even more determined to do better. "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"

Her vitality certainly did not go unnoticed among the other superstars, who smiled at the sight of the girl. In such a short time, that little blonde from Poland had made almost everyone love her, so much so that she was considered a daughter, a sister.

The one, however, who was happy not to have her as a daughter or as a sister was Randy Orton. The man watched as the girl joined Maryse and Victoria, the two women she bounded more with; she was laughing, smiling, she was happy and Randy couldn't take his blue eyes off her.

"Randy." Cody called him, probably with a hint of concern in his voice. "What are you doing?"

Yeah, what was he doing? "I don't know." The man honestly replied. For the past two months, he had gone out of his way, taken every opportunity, to spend time with Sylwia. He often went to see her, while she was training with Paul and Beth, pretending to pass by casually, just as he often stayed later in the evening just to have the opportunity to train her too, to have a closeness with her, to take her home. Anything to be close to her. And he knew it was not good, he had a wife, then why did he wish that Polish girl next to him?

That attraction was turning out to be fatal for him.

Because if Sylwia thought that they were becoming somewhat friends, Randy was well aware that it could never be just a friendship to him between them.

He looked over Cody, shaking his head. "I have to go." He just said, knowing that his friend already understood without needing to add anything else.

Now it was Cody who shook his head. Sure, he liked the girl as an athlete, he thought she was cool, although he did not know her personally that well to have an opinion of her as a person, but what he did not like was the effect she had unconsciously on his friend. "I just hope you know what you're doing."

Indeed, Randy did not know at all, but the fact was he did not care. He approached the trio of girls, stopping right next to Sylwia, the tallest of the three, a smirk on his face. "Ladies." He greeted.

Now around, at least among the already acclaimed superstars, it wasn't just Cody who had noticed Randy's interest in Sylwia; and Maryse and Victoria were too smart not to understand it. And that was why, with a smile on their faces, they promised Sylwia that they would talk later, leaving her alone with the man.

"You look extremely happy." Randy stated, looking down at the tall girl beside him. "What was that song you were singing?"

"A cult song, bro!" She replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Don't tell me you don't know it!"

"I do know it, if that's your main concern, and don't 'bro' me ever again." The man playfully rolled his eyes. "So, mind telling me why you're such in a good mood, pretty girl?"

A smile spreaded again on the blonde girl's face. "I'm debuting next month in a live show!" She said enthusiastically, clapping her hands in happiness.

"Seriously?" Randy smiled too. "Congratulations, pretty girl! I am very proud of you!"

Unexpectedly, Sylwia found the man's arms surrounding her shoulders and waist, in an embrace. She widened her eyes, surprise by the man's action. Awkwardly, she patted him on the back, because what was she supposed to do now? She was not a hugger, let alone in such a situation. And she could feel everyone's eyes on them, which probably made the whole thing look a lot more awkward. "Uhm, t-thank you, Randy."

Before releasing the embrace, the man held her slightly closer to him, looking at her with admiration. "That was the most awkward hug I've ever had." He chuckled, playfully ruffling her hair, making her roll her eyes. "So, you didn't celebrate your signing, but you have to celebrate your upcoming debut. I don't care what you say or think, I'm gonna make you celebrate!"

Sylwia would be lying if she said that, during her time there, she didn't develop a little, and probably insignificant, crush on the man now in front of her. But he was married, and had a daughter, there was no way she would have stepped these boundaries. Plus, she considered it only a crush, just like the ones she had with other celebrities; nothing less, nothing more. Although him being that close to her was really testing. "Well, I do not hug people on daily basis." She replied with a shrug, fixing her hair. "To fulfill your curiosity, I will be celebrating. Maryse and Victoria are taking me to a club tonight, and I trust them when it comes to party. Happy?"

"And I thought I could take you out tonight." Randy shook his head, not noticing the slight blush that was forming on the girl's cheeks. "Where are you going?"

The girl shrugged again. "They said it was a surprise." She replied. "Why, did you plan a whole party for me already?"

"Something like that." The man chuckled, looking at her with a slight smile on his face. "Never mind, maybe another time."

"I guess?" Sylwia sounded unsure as she cleared her throat, hoping that little awkwardness would disappear. "There's really no need to."

Randy rolled his eyes and shook his head. "There is, end of discussion." He took a deep breath, looking up to see Cody shaking his head, but also some people, especially the guys from the tryout -the few ones who still had to be most probably fired-, who were watching them. The last thing he wanted now was for them to spread rumours around, or to think that Sylwia got that opportunity because of some affairs, which were absolutely false.

Sylwia got that opportunity because she belonged there, and none could say otherwise.

"Okay, we should go back to training." The man said, clearing his throat and taking few steps back to create some distance.

The girl nodded. "About time. Cool." She spoke, waving back her hair. "Have fun, bye."

Randy nodded at her, watching her walk back to meet Maryse and Victoria. He was aware that he had to stop whatever that was immediately, before something could arise, before it was too late.

But, the thing was, he did not want to.

Detroit, 5 August 2023

SummerSlam had officially begun. Before the first match kicked off, Adam Pearce made his entrance, walking briskly towards the ring, a smile on his face.

People chanted his name as he asked for a microphone. "Welcome to SummerSlam!" The man spoke, causing the whole crowd to go even wilder. "Before we can start with our must-see matches, let me introduce you an old friend!" Everyone was now excited, pumped. "She had been away for some years, but she's finally back home! I think you know by now who I'm referring to! Are you all ready?" Adam couldn't contain a chuckle. "Ladies and gentlemen! They say God never made a prettiest creation, so let me introduce you all our new Women General Manager: Sylwia Wodiczko!"

The arena lit up red, her music, a Polish folk melody revisited in a seductive and captivating key, resonated throughout the entire arena; the blonde now finally made her entrance, triumphal and spectacular, as she usually did. In a glittery black suit and signature red lipstick, the woman blew a kiss to the camera, moving her hips sinuously as she walked towards the ring. Even though three years had passed, it was completely natural for her to redo her entrance perfectly, as if she had never stopped.

Once in the ring, Sylwia picked up the microphone as the crowd chanted 'welcome back'. "Mamusia jest w domu!" The woman finally spoke, not even hiding a laugh. There was a light in her eyes, they really radiated happiness, they had the light of that Sylwia from twelve years ago. "I heard you've been missing me, which is completely understandable. I'd miss too not seeing anymore the hottest woman ever!" She waved her long blonde hair, blinking at the camera. "Actually, thank you Adam for giving me such an opportunity! I mean, these girls will never reach my top level, my prime, and it must be so hard for them to even try to compare with me, seeing in me everything they will never be..." She sighed, shrugging then as if she was truly sorry. "But i promise to give prestige again to women's division, tearing it down and rebuilding it. Under my supervision, only the strongest will survive, the weakest will be crushed. Will it turn out to be unfair? Nie! This is the first rule to survive in our world." She clapped her hands in excitement. "Okay, enough talking about them! Boys, are you enjoying my view? Of course you are, duh! Girls, get over it, your boys wish you to be hot like me." Another laugh by the Polish woman, who looked at Adam now. "Now, Adam, dear, shall we officially start SummerSlam?"

Even more beautiful than I remembered, Randy thought as he saw the whole Sylwia's segment on television, from his house in Missouri, as he was still recovering from his last year injury. He ran a hand through his face; if he had been there, would Sylwia have been happy to see him again? He surely was, even though he would have preferred to see her in person, and not through a television screen.

"Isn't she your friend, dad?" His oldest daughter, Alanna, asked, while taking the seat next to him. "I remember her!"

Many times, when Alanna visited her father backstage, the girl always asked to see Sylwia. Randy smiled at the memory. He looked over his daughter, a little smile still on his face. "She was one of your favourites, wasn't she?"

"Dad, are you kidding me now?" The teenager girl shook her head. "She still is my all time favourite!" She confessed. "Can I tell you something? But promise me to not get angry."

"Alanna." Randy called, crossing his arms to his chest. "How worried should I be?"

His daughter bit her bottom lip and let out a chuckle. "After your divorce with mom, I kinda hoped that you would get together with her... Don't get too mad, please!"

"I'm not angry, Alanna." Randy sighed, ruffling his daughter's hair. If only his daughter had known the truth about their affair...

Their illicit affair.

Detroit, Michigan

Sylwiawodiczko Always the hottest woman in the business.💋💋 @/wwe
Tęskniliście za mną?? Gorąca mamusia wróciła do domu.🔥🔥

Liked by randyorton, alexa_bliss_wwe_ and other 71.246 people

View all comments

Username Women General Manager?? You must be fucking kidding me.


Username Why doesn't she return fighting?? Does she have a serious injury or what??
Username No injury, probably they're going to build her storyline like this, literally no idea
Username Let's hope, because she's a beast in the ring

Username She's only about to turn 32, she cannot retire yet.

Username Recalling all boys: SHE IS SINGLE NOW!!
  Username Show some respect, please.
  Username Like she would ever look at us

Username Half of the women roster should retire then, 'cos they're no up to her levels
Username Fr

Username I hope she doesn't end up being Lana 2.0
Username What a downgrade it would be for a six times Women's Champion.

Username You're so beautiful Sylwia🥹🥹

Username That smile😍😍

Username Woman, have mercy on me.

Username Manifesting your return to fight and dethrone Rhea

Gunther_aut European pride
Sylwiawodiczko Greatest IC champ of all times🔥🔥
Username Just imagine them teaming up
Username Yes.
  Username Sylwia, join Imperium

Wwe 😍😍
  Sylwiawodiczko 🌟🌟

Alexa_bliss_wwe_  So happy to have you back🩷
  Sylwiawodiczko Happy to be back🌟🌟

Randyorton Welcome back, Sylwia
  Sylwiawodiczko Thank you, Randy.

Published: 4 / 12 / 2023

With Randy now to Smackdown, I couldn't see him face Gunther.😒😒 I'm disappointed.

- Світлана

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