English Version Angels Battle...

By RichardSutopo

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After learning Rayga has a supernatural potential then Mikaelson Family decide to sent Rayga to practice in S... More

Chapter I: The Kingdom of the Lelembut
Chapter II: The Arrival Of A Special Guest
Chapter III: Ice Angel
Chapter IV: Daoism Temple
Chapter VI: Renata Mikaelson
Chapter VII: Purple Aura Martial Fight Part 1
Chapter VIII: Purple Aura Martial Battle Part 2
Chapter IX: The Disappearance Of Demigods And Supernatural Humans
Chapter X: Explanation of Supernatural Powers
Chapter XI: 4 Princes of Januman Kingdom VS Ni Luh Dan Kyoshiro Part I
Chapter XII: 4 Princes of Januman Kingdom VS Ni Luh and Kyoshiro Part II
Chapter XIII: Meeting At Mikaelson Corporation
Chapter XIV: The Spiritual Circle Of Transportation
Chapter XV: An Ancient Song About The 7 Lost Tribes
Chapter XVI: The Battle With The Supernatural League Masters
Chapter XVII: Formation Of The Supernatural League Fact-Finding Group
Chapter XVIII: Preparations For Departure To New York
Chapter XIX: The Invasion Of The American Branch Of The Supernatural League
Chapter XX: Transfer Of The Supernatural League Prisoners
Chapter XXI: New Rumble Ball Spirits
Bab XXII: Desiree Abdi
Chapter XXIII: Ayla And Naoto Trapped
Chapter XXIV: A Dilemma Rescue
Chapter XXV: Against Galen And Galeno
Chapter XXVI: Spirit Enforcer Help
Chapter XXVII: Farewell To The Supernatural League
Bab XXVIII: Dark Army
Bab XXIX: Dhark Sabre
Chapter XXX: The Evil Plan Of Dark Assassins

Chapter V: Supernatural League

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By RichardSutopo

The first Sunday of the new year. After church, as usual, the Mikaelson family went to the heart of Sydney for lunch. After lunch, Avram and Rayga drove Yuna to Sydney Metallurgy University in the Manly area with a driver.

They finally arrived at a grand hotel on the Manly beachfront. Their car passed the hotel. Right next to the hotel was a road for cars that was closed by a gate with two guards. Avram's driver showed his Mikaelson Corporation identification card to one guard.

The other guard opened the gate and the car went down the road next to the hotel. When the car reached the end of the road, it turned into the hotel building. It turned out that the bottom of the hotel where the car turned and entered was the boundary of the spiritual dimension with the human world. No ordinary person realizes that it is a spiritual dimension gate.

As soon as the car passed through the spiritual dimension gate, they saw two magnificent tall twin buildings surrounded by a vast beach and ocean. This time Yuna was very happy, finally like Rayga she could study at Sydney Metallurgy University. From the car, Rayga had contacted his friends to meet in the lobby of the East Dormitory building.

As soon as the car stopped in the lobby, Brianna, Sonia, Seung Mi Sun, Leonard, Jabal, and Chaka were waiting for him. Once down and into the lobby, Rayga was immediately greeted with a hug and a warm kiss on the cheek by Sonia. His actions made Brianna and Seung Mi Sun look less than pleased with Sonia's attitude. Rayga did not return the hug even though he was busy greeting Leonard.

Jabal and Chaka were silent because they noticed Yuna's beauty. When Rayga was invited to shake hands, Rayga's hand did not get a reply. Leonard elbowed Jabal who screamed in pain and made them all laugh except Chaka.

Chaka muttered: "Rayga goes, comes his beautiful sister. A chance to get close to her."

Yuna had just received her luggage from the driver and was about to walk towards the crowd. Avram greeted Rayga's friends one by one and then went to the elevator. Rayga introduced Yuna to his friends one by one.

Rayga said: "Yuna, this is Seung Mi Sun. You will be living together on the 8th floor with room number 811."

Seung Mi Sun praised: "You're so pretty, let's put on makeup together."

Yuna replied: "Thank you."

Rayga asked: "Where is Sarah, I don't see her? I sent a message and it wasn't answered?"

Brianna was a little jealous: "How come you focus on looking for the absent instead of focusing on saying goodbye to those who are waiting for you."

Rayga smiled: "Brianna, you know that Sarah was my first friend here. It's only natural that I want to say goodbye to her. But if Sarah isn't here yet, so be it. Come on guys, let's all go up to the dining area to talk."

They all went up to the second floor while Seung Mi Sun and Yuna left first to put on Yuna's luggage and followed later.

The next day, at 7:30 AM., Rayga was ready and about to have breakfast. Rayga wore his favorite white T-shirt with the words 'I am alive because of my faith', black trousers, and white sports shoes. Rayga heard the sound of the hair dryer working and knocked on the door of the room next to him and called out: "Renata, it's 7:30. We need 15 minutes to walk or take the train to Martin Place."

There was Renata's voice shouting from behind the door: "Yes, Rayga, I'm drying my hair, we'll walk at 7:45."

Rayga opened the fridge and took out a two-liter bottle of milk. He poured the cereal and milk into a bowl and started eating. He opened his cell phone to check for messages.

About five minutes later Renata came out wearing a simple light purple dress with her long, center-parted hair in a ponytail at the back and a pair of neutral glasses for decoration. January is summer in Sydney Australia so everyone is wearing light and simple clothes.

Renata stopped in front of Rayga and made a face while asking: "Are my makeup and glasses suitable for the first day of class?"

While munching on cereal Rayga looked at Renata from head to toe then back to head then he just smiled while giving a thumb which meant good.

Renata smiled happily. Renata took a frozen meat pie and heated it in the microwave oven for seven minutes. Then she took out an apple juice drink in a carton from the cupboard and put it in her sling bag.

Finally, the sound of the microwave oven beeping signaled the heating process was complete, Renata took it out with a heat-retaining glove and put it on the table. Rayga returned the milk bottle to the refrigerator and washed the bowl. Then they both put on their shoes and left the apartment in Circular Quay.

Renata ate her meat pie for breakfast as she walked. Rayga could only shake his head at Renata's mouth which was a little dirty from the leftovers while helping to clean it. Renata also finished her apple juice while walking.

After walking for fifteen minutes, they finally reached the Supernatural League building located in Martin Place, the heart of old Sydney. A five-story colonial architecture building 100 meters long and 60 meters wide with a large wall clock at the top of the tower in the middle of the building.

Rayga and Renata entered the lobby of the building and were met by a female receptionist. Behind the receptionist is the 'Beyond Imagination College' logo.

Rayga introduced himself: "Hai, I am Rayga Mikaelson and this is my sister Renata Mikaelson. We are looking for Ryan Eve."

The receptionist replied: "Oh right, that's Ryan Eve just arrived" while pointing to a man with glasses wearing a white T-shirt with 'I love Sydney' written on it, black cloth pants, and sports shoes.

Rayga walked up to him and said hello: "Good morning Ryan Eve. Meet Rayga and Renata Mikaelson."

Ryan Eve replied: "Sorry I'm late" He then looked at the watch in his left hand. It was exactly 8:00 AM. and then he corrected his words: "Oh, I'm not late but you guys are early."

Ryan Eve. 23 years old. Western Australian male. Friendly face wearing glasses, fair-skinned, red hair with an undercut, 176 cm tall, and thin. Characterized as talkative, and kind but careless. Wears a white casual shirt with 'I love Sydney' written on it, black cloth pants and sports shoes. The first child of Soraya Eve, leader of the Supernatural League and older sister of Natalie Eve. Visionkinesis ability. The eldest child of Soraya Eve's marriage to Jason Storm.

Rayga looked at Renata with a sharpened gaze. Renata also replied by raising her eyeballs at Ryan's behavior and words. Rayga clarified: "We were asked by grandma Deborah Mikaelson to meet with you about Supernatural League info."

Before Rayga finished speaking, Ryan gave a pointer sign in front of his lips for silence then he hugged Rayga and Renata from behind while saying: "Let's take the elevator straight up."

Ryan Eve invited Rayga to go to the elevator but the elevator shaft was closed by a glass door. Ryan pointed his watch at the scanner and opened the glass door. After the three of them entered the elevator hallway.

Ryan admonished: "We can't reveal our identity in front of the public! We don't want to make a scene." Ryan pressed the elevator button and an elevator door opened.

Renata replied: "Thank you for the explanation. Please forgive us. This is the first time for my brother and me."

Inviting them both into the elevator, Ryan said: "It's okay because you don't understand yet. Let's go straight up to the 7th floor and meet the chairman in her room." His finger pressed the 7th-floor button.

After exiting the elevator they turned right to the Supernatural League leader's room located on the far right. Ryan knocked on a door. After waiting for a while, the three of them entered a colonial-style room that was depressing because it looked messy and full of dust. A red-haired woman was waiting for them, sitting behind her desk.

Ryan Eve introduced them: "Morning Grand Master Soraya Eve, I brought Rayga and his sister Renata Mikaelson to see you first."

Grand Master Soraya Eve. 47 years old. Australian woman. Firm and dignified face, fair complexion, long red hair with bangs, 175 cm tall, and slim build. She is serious, hardworking, assertive, and a little arrogant. She wears a light brown blouse, a dark brown pencil skirt, and brown high heels. Leader and principal of the Supernatural League in Sydney, Australia. Mindkinesis and Timekinesis abilities. Wife of Jason Storm, High Master Weatherkinesis.

Soraya Eve greeted and shook hands with the two: "Welcome to the Supernatural League, Rayga and Renata Mikaelson."

When Rayga looked at the woman, he said to himself: "Wow Genie, it turns out Soraya Eve still looks beautiful even though she's almost 50 years old."

Soraya Eve looked at Rayga's face with a sardonic smile and then spoke: "Apparently you're a playboy like your father, remember, you're here to learn supernatural powers, not to find a partner.... Besides, I am one year and two months younger than your father."

Rayga was very surprised, he was stunned for a moment finally realizing that Soraya Eve had the ability like her grandmother to read someone's mind within a certain distance. Rayga was mischievous but meticulous, he thought that Soraya Eve was focused on reading his mind so she didn't have time to read Renata's mind.

Soraya praised Renata: "Renata, there is finally a woman who will continue the supernatural lineage of the Mikaelson family. I was sad to think that the entire Mikaelson family would become spiritual humans so Eve's family would no longer have a great rival."

While adjusting her glasses Renata replied: "Thank you Grand Master Soraya Eve. But my supernatural ability is weak, it seems like it will never be able to keep up with Eve's family's ability. I'm only here to obey my grandmother's wishes... and to accompany my brother" while looking at Rayga to wait for his reaction.

Rayga nodded his head. Renata had initially refused to study at the Supernatural League even though she had applied and been accepted to study business management at Macquarie University. Grandmother Deborah Mikaleson had given up trying to force her.

After Deborah managed to convince Rayga to strengthen his purple aura and study at the Supernatural League. Only then did Renata offer herself through her mother Hassanah to accompany Rayga. That is a piece of the story as Rayga knows it.

But it was Yuna who begged Renata to accompany Rayga. Yuna herself received a special request from Deborah's grandmother to influence Renata because initially, Yuna hoped that Rayga could accompany her to study at Sydney Metallurgy University.

Therefore, Deborah did not dare to make a scene by officially escorting Rayga and Renata directly to the Supernatural League. She was afraid Renata would change her mind. Deborah asked Rayga and Renata to meet with Ryan Eve as directed by Soraya Eve whom she had contacted. They both want Renata to feel comfortable there.

Soraya Eve continued: "Okay then, Ryan please take them on a tour around our building."

Ryan replied: "Yes Grand Master. Let's take a tour around the building!" while taking Rayga and Renata out of the room.

While walking out of the room Rayga muttered to himself: "Soraya said she is one year and two months younger than my father. How can she know his age? Maybe once she liked him."

Before he was out the door, Soraya called out: "Rayga, what did you just say about me and your father?"

Rayga turned around with a smile and said: "Do Grand Masters always read people's minds without permission?"

Soraya Eve was surprised by Rayga's answer, she caught a glimpse of Avram's figure when Rayga turned around and spoke. Soraya just shook her head and waved for them to move on.

After leaving the room, they entered the elevator and Ryan pressed the button for the second floor.

Ryan turned around and looked at Rayga while saying: "You're great Rayga. You're the first person I've met who dared to reprimand my mom."

Renata and Rayga faced each other and said together: "My mom?" then looked at Ryan from the top of his head down to his feet and back up to the top of his head and saw that they didn't look alike at all.

Ryan gave a sad gesture as he said: "You are not the first to be surprised to hear that I am the son of Grand Master Soraya Eve. My face does look more like my father."

Then the elevator doors opened and they exited the elevator. Ryan began his explanation while taking them up the floors one by one starting from the second floor.

The Supernatural League was founded in 1900 AD as a forum for the supernatural human community by eight large supernatural families in New Jersey, America. Then 19 years later Ezra Mikaelson bought a 100 x 60 meter land in Australia and built a colonial architecture building.

A year later, the Supernatural League's headquarters was moved to this building while the original office became the American branch. Initially, this building was only a meeting place and refuge for supernatural humans. After the building was expanded along with the improvement of technology by Mikaelson Winery & Corporation, a club-shaped school was established so that all supernatural humans could practice improving their abilities. There are currently eleven clubs or classes representing the eleven supernatural abilities. This school is called 'Beyond Imagination College'.

To cover up the secret of this place, the first floor is rented out to outsiders for use as public facilities such as a post office, small supermarket, café, clothing store, bookstore, and public toilets. There was a separate lobby to go upstairs where the receptionist would detain visitors from the outside and tell them that the upper floors were offices and not for the public.

As for the outside of the building, it only looks like five floors but with the help of spiritual people, we were able to create camouflage to remove the sixth and seventh floors from the sight of ordinary people.

The second floor houses the main meeting room,community office, library, and student and staff break rooms. The third flooris used as dormitories where students, seniors, and Masters live and there arealso two shared kitchens. There are 80 one-bedroom rooms suitable for twopeople and 12 two-bedroom rooms suitable for four people.

On the fourth floor, there are five clubs namely Telekinesis, Lingualkinesis, Healingkinesis, Visionkinesis, and Aura Fighting. On the fifth floor, there are six clubs namely Timekinesis, Weatherkinesis, Magnetkinesis, Pyrokinesis, Fluidkinesis, and the last one Mindkinesis but it is not active because there are no students at the headquarters.

On the sixth floor, there is a field for martial arts training and supernatural ability training with an open roof covering an area of 80 x 40 meters.

While the 7th floor is U-shaped around 3 sides of the field with one side open. Where the two sides each have a size of 10 x 60 meters and one has a size of 20 x 80 meters. There are ten working rooms used as Grand Master, High Master, Master, senior, and special meeting rooms.

On the basement floor, there are some special training rooms but only the High Masters and Grand Masters can go underground. So the students do not know what is there.

Finally, Ryan explained: "The Supernatural League can't prepare lunch, even the students living in the dormitory have to buy it from outside. Luckily, your great-grandfather built this building in the heart of Sydney so it's easy to find food. In fact, it only takes fifteen minutes to walk to the Chinatown area that sells various Asian cuisines. So we are really grateful. That's the explanation."

Rayga asked: "So this building still belongs to the Mikaelson family or has it been donated to the Supernatural League?"

Ryan replied: "Interesting question. The answer has been donated, currently owned by the Supernatural League."

Rayga replied: "That's better for the Supernatural League's independent development."

Ryan was surprised by Rayga's look then he said: "Come on! We're already on the 7th floor to meet with the High Masters."

The three of them entered a large meeting room and there were eleven High Masters waiting for them including Grand Master Soraya Eve. High Masters were the masters of the ten supernatural clubs that also served as the advisory board of the Supernatural League.

Each High Master had a representative called a Master and the Master had a primary student called an Apprentice. Currently, only Mindkinesis had neither a High Master nor an Apprentice.

Lady Kagami Daisuke. 47 years old. Japanese woman. Typical oval face of Japanese women, slender yellow skin, long black hair, 159 cm tall, and thin body. She is quiet and introverted. Wears a black dress and black high heels. High Master of the Australian branch of Timekinesis. Ability to see the future, psychic, and set time for 0.5 seconds within a certain distance.

Jason Storm. 52 years old. American Western male. He has a stern face with a mustache, fair skin, and blond hair, is 181 cm tall, and thin build. Characterized as stern and wise. Wears a black suit and shoes. High Master of the Australian branch of Weatherkinesis. Ability to see and control the weather, bring down rain, and lightning within a certain distance. Husband of Grand Master Soraya Eve.

Rizen Nimrod. 58 years old. Arab man. He has a stern face with a mustache and beard, white skin, bleached hair, is 179 cm tall, and thin body. He has a firm character but is easily angered. Wears a dark blue suit and black leather shoes. High Master of the Australian branch of Liquidkinesis. Ability to regulate fluids and blood. Leader of the Nimrod family of Arab descent.

Ludima Nimrod. 48 years old. Eastern European woman. Cheerful face, fair-skinned, blonde hair with a bob, 175 cm tall, and full body. Characterized as cheerful, and kind but assertive. Wears a red dress and shoes. High Master of the Australian branch of Pyrokinesis. Ability to control fire and heat. Leader of the Nimrod family of Eastern European descent.

Hye Nimrod. 64 years old. Korean male. Hairless oval face, light yellow skin, 170 cm tall, and thin build. Friendly and funny character. Wears a gray leather suit and shoes. High Master of the Australian branch of Magnetkinesis. A telekinesis-like ability to throw or pull metal objects but has stronger strength to bend and crush them. The leader of the Nimrod family of Asian descent.

Altaira Knight. 50 years old. British woman. Firm-faced with glasses, fair-skinned, pixie-cut black hair, 165 cm tall and thin. Characterized as kind and quiet. Wears a black nun's uniform. Australian branch of High Master Telekinesis. Ability to pull, push, and lift all kinds of objects. Sister of Althea Knight.

Althea Knight. 48 years old. English woman. Attentive face, fair-skinned, black pixie cut hair, 165 cm tall, and sexy body. Characterized as caring, and kind but careless. Wears a white nurse's uniform. The Australian branch of High Master Healingkinesis. Ability to heal diseases and wounds. Sister of Altansa and Altaira Knight.

Professor Konstantin Khan. 50 years old. Turkish man. Handsome with a thin beard, fair-skinned, 178 cm tall, dark hair with an undercut style and thin body. Playboy character, naughty but smart. Wears a suit and white leather shoes. High Master Visionkinesis of the Australian branch. The ability to see through X-ray eyes into the human body, the iron door room that the basement. Father of Ayla Khan.

Yorgos Otto. 62 years old. Greek man. Fierce-faced, fair-skinned, 179 cm tall, white-haired and well-built. Aggressive and talkative character. Wears a green shirt, blue jeans, cowboy hat, and boots. High Master of the Australian branch of Liqualkinesis. Ability to read ancient writings, speak all languages, and talk to all kinds of animals and even spirits.

Fu Yang Guo. 55 years old. Chinese man. Oval face with a broad mustache, light yellow skin, 172 cm tall, black hair, and a well-built body. Strict and stern in character. Wears Tang dynasty Chinese robes with a white top black pants and black shoes. High Master Martial Arts and Master Weatherkinesis of the Australian branch. Ability to control and see the weather and a renowned martial arts expert. Leader of a Chinese family of Fu fighters. Originally from Ganxi Dong, Tian Zhu Mountain, China.

Soraya Eve commanded: "Rayga, show us your purple aura ability!"

Rayga advanced to the front of the High Masters and released a purple aura in both hands. Then Rayga set up a stance, resting on the right foot; the left foot advanced half a step in front; the right hand bent and clenched right next to the abdomen, and the left hand bent parallel to the chest with an open palm pointing inward. Then take three steps forward and perform a straight right-hand punch toward the front. A gust of wind came out from the pressure of the punch.

Everyone turned to Fu Yang Guo and gave him the look that he should train Rayga. Fu Yang Guo smiled happily like he was interested in Rayga's ability.

Then Rayga cut his left palm with a slash of his right hand, causing it to bleed. The blood dripped quickly and Rayga concentrated the purple aura into the left palm. After less than a minute, the wound healed instantly.

It was Miss Althea's turn to smile, as she seemed to be attracted to Rayga.

Soraya Eve asked: "Rayga, according to your grandmother you want to practice martial arts with purple aura and healingkinesis. Is that true?"

Rayga replied: "That's right."

Soraya Eve called out: "Renata, please come forward and show us your aura skills."

With a slightly embarrassed attitude, Renata came forward and said: "I only have purple aura to heal wounds." Then Renata just stayed silent without showing her power.

Unable to wait, the usually quiet Lady Kagami Daisuke finally chose to speak: "Young lady, why are you hiding your abilities? As I see it, you can talk to animals and spirits. Then there is a great power hidden inside you that you don't know about yet."

Yorgos Otto also spoke: "Hmm, interesting. Having the natural talent to speak with animals and spirits while never having studied. Young lady, you underestimate your abilities."

Renata was silent and stared intently at Professor Konstantin who was using his invisibility ability to see her body. Professor Konstantin suddenly stopped and shook his head.

Soraya Eve said: "All right, you three wait in the student break room on the second floor. We will discuss and let you know our next answer."

The three of them left the room and headed to the second floor to wait as directed by Grand Master Soraya Eve.

Soraya Eve began to speak: "I don't think Renata is an ordinary student. Earlier she was able to block my ability to read her mind."

Everyone was surprised except Kagami Daisuke.

Professor Konstantin spoke up: "Renata can cover her body with a thin veil so that I can't see her body without clothes."

Yorgos Otto scolded Konstantin: "You playboy! How come every time you see a new female student, you always peek at their body shape? Especially since she's Deborah Mikaelson's granddaughter, you're a dead ringer."

Konstantin replied: "But how can a young girl who has never practiced aura create a thin veil and block my greatest visionkinesis ability? She is not a supernatural human. But I think she has a natural talent for aura like the legendary Adam's aura."

Rizen Nimrod spoke up: "Konstantin, Adam's aura is a myth. No one has ever seen or even had the ability to fly, dive, live a long life, and so on in one person. I think she has the ability of mindkinesis so that she can mask her thoughts and create a thin veil by influencing your mind."

Most nodded in agreement at Rizen's reasonable opinion.

Soraya Eve looked annoyed: "That's enough, Mistress Deborah told me not to pressure Renata because of her tough disposition. Now that it's clear Renata has said she only has Healingkinesis then Althea, she will join your club. So will Rayga."

Soraya Eve interrupted Rizen's conversation because she had actually suspected that Renata had mindkinesis abilities like her. In fact, she was sure that Deborah already knew so she didn't dare to force her.

Actually, Soraya was upset and jealous that her descendants did not have the natural talent of mindkinesis like Renata so she hoped that she did not need to teach and appoint Renata as her apprentice. Currently, there are no more candidates to become a Mindkinesis Master apprentice.

The stern Fu Yang Guo finally chimed in: "Why isn't Rayga in my martial club?"

Soraya Eve smiled wryly and said: "I haven't finished speaking yet. Mistress Deborah advised Rayga to enter the martial arts club and the healingkinesis club. She even said that you should train him directly every afternoon after the healingkinesis club practice."

Finally, the decision has been made. Renata wouldstudy healingkinesis and Rayga would study healingkinesis in the morning classand martial arts in the afternoon class.

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