OMARI: When He Wakes

De AlaskanRookie

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After taking the last step off the Hospital Roof, Sunny wakes up in what seems to be a different reality. One... Mai multe

(1) The Truth, Guilt, and The Jump
(2) Fading, MARI, and HELLSUNNY
(3) The ENDLESS FIELD, Orchids, and A Promise
(4) A Picnic, A Camera, and Numbness
(5) Together Again
(6) Morning, Recovery, and Orange Joe
(7) Pancakes, Coffee, and Tea
(8) Suprise Visit, Catching Up, and Outside
(9) School, OTHER LIBRARY, and Faint Memories
(10) Into Your Dreams...
(11) The Chase, a Dream, and a Snap
(Updates and QnA)
(12) Afterschool, Chatting, and The Reaper
(13) Bargaining, Circumstance, and Returning
(14) Revival, KEL, and a Text
(15) Left on Read
(16) Rushing, Reunion, and Retelling
(17) Pain, Panic, and Moving Forward
(18) Coming To, Caretaker, and First Steps
(19) Hugs, Baby Carrots, and Medicine
(20) Homeward Bound
(21) Prepping, Home, and MEWO
(22) A Call, Fried Tofu, and Sandwhiches
(10K Views and QnA)
(24) A Orchid, Dreamers, and BASIL(?)
(25) Recital Day...
(26) Breakfast, Planning, and MOM
(27) Mother, Son, and...
(28) Father, SISTER, and a Surprise

(23) Stairs, Bed, and Fractured

303 18 2
De AlaskanRookie




There they were... where it all began...

For them both.

MARI held onto her brothers hand tightly, looking up the stairs, hands trembling as she kept staring at them. It's like the more she looked, the more endless it seemed to reach the top... and the harder they'd fall.

SUNNY, on the other hand, was looking down. The spot where everything changed in his world for the absolute worse. The last time he saw his sister fall and never get back up again.

Even if he was holding her hand then and there, he couldn't feel it. And even if he could, it still wouldn't feel real to him. He knew it shouldn't be... because what happened couldn't be changed.

And he still felt awful for everything he put everyone through, and shut his eyes, his grip going weak in MARI'S hand.

She looked to him and saw how distraught he looked. Quickly, she went in front of him, kneeling down, and made sure he looked her in the eyes.

MARI: "Hey, it's alright. You... We can sleep down here for a while, if you want. You on the couch. And I'll uh, sleep on the floor! Yeah, you don't have to go up if you don't want to, I won't force you. Just say the word and I can set up your bed down here!"

He looked st how concerned she was, sounding like she was trying to convince herself more than him that this was a good idea.

MARI: "I mean, it's WAY too soon to try and make you do this, I-I don't want to make you rush you into-"

SUNNY: "I... think we should go... Up there I mean."

MARI: "Perfect! I'll get you a blanket an- ... Oh. Y-You wanna... try?"

She looked up the stairs and felt a chil down her spine, closing her eyes and trying to block out the memories of what happened. She turned back to him and forced a smile, holding her hands together tightly.

MARI: "A-Are you sure? You don't wanna give it like... a day? Or a week?"

He looked up the stairs, feeling a lingering sense of fear. But mostly... regret. He gently put his hand over his Eyepatch, remembering how he got it, and what lead up to it. HIS BASIL... HIS SISTER... how he deserved what he got in HIS WORLD.

But MARI only saw what looked like he was remembering how he lost his eye. The Violin... a fall... silence. It hurt her heart to see him remembering that, but once she was about to speak up, telling him he doesn't have to, he turned to her and held both her hands.

SUNNY: "I'm sure..."

Seeing how determined he was, MARI took a deep breath and sighed. "Well... only if your absolutely sure. Then..."

She was determined not to let go of him, never again. So, she held onto his side tightly as she grabbed the handrail with a firm grip, and began to climb them.

SUNNY was nervous, but mostly for her. Since with every step, he saw her legs shake even more. And since he couldn't feel it, he had to look to see how hard she was clenching onto his shirt. She was far more nervous than he was.

This made him put his arm under hers, holding her up as he used what strength he could to help her stay standing. This made her ease up a bit, less tense as she stopped holding his shirt so tightly. But her legs were still trembling, and SUNNY made sure she wouldn't fall if she collapsed.

By the time they had reached the top of the stairs, MARI collapsed, sitting down and leaning against the handrail, panting a bit. SUNNY got worried for a second before seeing her sit. Even though he was glad she wasn't hurt, the way she acted during all of that concerned him... a lot.

MARI saw how concerned he looked and sat more up. "S-Sorry... That never usually happens... at least, not usually this bad."

SUNNY went down and sat next to her. "Usually... So, this... Happens a lot?"

MARI: "N-No, not always. Sometimes it's nothing, while others... I've uh, never went upstairs the whole day, hehe..."

SUNNY: "Wow..."

Even if it wasn't technically him who fell down these stairs, he looked down and remembered the terror he felt when he saw HIS SISTER lying there... Motionless. Unresponsive.

He could imagine how MARI felt looking down there, the guilt and horrible realization... because that all flooded back to him once he told HIS FRIENDS the Truth...

SUNNY grabbed her hand and held it tight. Never wanting to let her go again. MARI'S breathing slowed down, relaxing as she leaned her head back and began to calm down. Both siblings leaned their heads on one another, simply enjoying one another's company again... after so long.

They stayed there for a little while, embracing one another before MARI opened her eyes, feeling them get heavy. She looked up back to the Old Grandfather Clock, realizing that it was still broken and rolling her eyes. She flipped out her phone and saw the time.

6:25 PM

MARI: "Well, I know it's early, but it's been... sigh a very long day. Do you wanna head to bed now, or no? I'm not sure if you're tired or not, but... SUNNY?"

She looked down to him and saw... he was already asleep. Leaning against her shoulder and breathing so calmly. It made her genuinely smile, kissing his head and pulling him a bit closer.

It reminded her of the long car rides they use to take, where SUNNY would tire himself out so much he'd fall asleep home. She was always hid pillow, and he would sleep like a baby next to her. She'd always missed those times... and it felt like she was reliving them, even a little.

She decided to let him rest for a little bit, not wanting to disturb him... not realizing what was happening as he slept.

. . .

SUNNY slowly opened his eye, blinking a few times as his blurry vision was trying to readjust. He couldn't. Make anything out, barely colors either as everything looked dull and grey. His eye felt extremely heavy too, like he could barely open it, and that only made it harder for him to see what was in front of him... until he finally started to make it out. Everything sounded distant with an muffled echo too, slowly but surely getting closer...

???: "...ey....hey.... hey you..."

After blinking once, he saw something... a person. Looking like a blob of sorts. Blinking again, he saw them get closer, making out more of a humanoid shape. Once more, and he saw they were in front of him, an arms distance away as he could barley make out the face... but once he rubbed his eye and opened it fully...

???: "Hey, SUNNY..."

SUNNY: "Mmnnh...? MARI-"

He saw someone he thought he never would again... OMORI. But he looked... fractured? Like he was made of glass, broken and shattered, cracks all about his body. Right in front of him, looking more serious than the expression he had the last time he saw him. And his eyes were pale, staring right into his with a very stern expression. Grabbing onto SUNNY'S shoulder, face to face, he spoke clearly...

OMORI: "We need to talk."

. . .

SUNNY: "GAH!" He jolted awake, a sharp inhale that made MARI jump. His breaths were quick as his hands were put to his sides, looking around and wondering what he just saw. But as soon as he tried looking, all he saw was MARI.

MARI: "H-Hey, hey! It's okay, you're alright!" She sat next to him and rubbed his back, grabbing his hand. "You're alright, it was just a bad dream, okay?"

SUNNY wasn't freaking out, but he was definitely close to. His breathing was deep and his heart was pumping, but he let himself calm down once he heard his sisters voice.

His breathing slowed, and he finally got a good look at where he was... his room. It looked like she carried him to his bed, and he woke up just as she was tucking him in. Realizing this, he leaned against her and sighed deeply.

MARI: "You... wanna talk about it? If it'll help, I mean. Like... was it... that THING?"

He was confused at what she meant until realizing she meant that Monster in that dream they shared. HELLSUNNY. Not wanting to concern her more, he sat up and shook his head.

SUNNY: "N-No! It wasn't!" He exclaimed, catching her off guard before be cleared his throat. "I-I mean, uhm, I was just... having that dream where you... feel like you fell out of bed. Th-Thats what shocked me awake, promise."

MARI took a second to think it over, SUNNY becoming nervous since he doesn't know how to explain what actually shocked him awake, but he exhaled in relief after she ruffling his hair.

MARI: "Gah, I hate those dream! But, I'm glad it's just that." She patted his back and stood up, fixing his bedsheets as he laid back down. "Well, if you're still tired, then just rest okay? You need it."

SUNNY laid down and nodded, still mentally tired but fully awake after the scare he had.

MARI: "Good, good. I'm gonna make AUBREY her Dinner and probably head to bed after, too." She knelt down, brushing his bangs to the side, and kissed his forehead. "I love you. Lots and lots." She said with a caring smile.

SUNNY remembered they used to say that when he was younger, smiling and chuckling a bit. "I love you too, MARI. Lots and lots."

She tucked him in, making sure he was comfy, before putting her hand on his chest gently. "Sleep well. Call me if you need me, okay?"

Seeing him nod, she got up and turned off the light, smiling as she quietly closed the door. He watched her until she closed the door, his eyes trailing off to the ceiling.

(What was that dream... I thought he... Shouldn't he be...)

His head started to hurt a bit trying to think of how or why this was happening, deciding not to dwell on it more before he looked up to the ceiling...

He saw stars. Glow in the dark stickers stuck up on the wall and some above him. He knew MARI was a big CPT. SPACEBOY fan, having gotten him into the franchise when he was younger. And these stars were up on her side of the room in HIS WORLD. That much he remembers, and seeing them still hung up felt... nostalgic.

Calming him down as he was drifting off back to sleep. But before he closed his eyes, he turned and saw his bed on the other side of the room. Even after all these years, it still looked used. It made him wonder how much else had changed while OTHER SUNNY was gone. Those thoughts drifted off with him as he began to rest. His last thoughts were spoked out loud before his mental exhaustion caught up to him. "OMORI..."

. . .

MARI put her ear to the door, making sure he was asleep, before nodding and turning to the stairs again. She took a deep breath and grabbed the handrail, feeling herself trembling, grabbing her arm so it would stop shaking.

MARI: "Stop being scared. It's just stairs! No... reason to fear them..."

She looked down them, seeing the bottom getting further and further away the longer she looked. She turned her head and shut her eyes, not wanting to look at the bottom of the steps.

She stayed there for a few seconds, trembling before she felt something touch her shoulder. She glanced to her shoulder... and saw a massive black hand grabbing it. Her eyes went pale and swiftly turned towards it...

And saw AUBREY pulling her hand back, looking shocked as both stood there for a second, startled and confused.

AUBREY: "Uhhhh... You okay?"

MARI: "Yeah! Yeah- ahem I-I'm fine, sorry. I just uh-" She straightened herself out and scratched her neck. "I put SUNNY to bed. He uh, fell asleep after we came up here."

AUBREY raised her brows, looking to the stairs then back to her. "Wait, you guys came up on your own? Even though... y'know."

MARI: "Yeah, heh. I was as surprised as you were. He didn't look nervous at all. It was more like he was helping ME up them."

AUBREY: "Huh... Well, that's good then! It's kinda like he's recovering a bit quicker than usual, right?"

MARI thought for a second, leaning against the wall. "Yeah... He wasn't even scared. I mean, he looked at happened, down at the bottom, and looked sad. But when we were walking up, I was the one shaking like a leaf..."

She sighed and laid her head against the wall. "I should've been the strong one. But I crumbled as soon as I got up here..."

AUBREY went and leaned against her, resting her head on her shoulder and patted her arm gently. MARI put her hand on hers, resting her head on AUBREY'S head, giving a long nasal sigh.

Not long after, MARI covered her mouth, coughing hard into her face mask. AUBREY rubbed her back and hit it gently, holding onto her hand as MARI held her other one up.

MARI: "I-I fine, honest. Ahem Just a little tickl-" She interrupted herself, coughing again as she was walked to the staircase.

AUBREY: "Even still, you should take your cold meds. DR. HAPU said you have to take it after Dinner, right?"

MARI: "Yeah- Ahem H-How'd you know that?" She asked as she walked down the stairs one step at a time.

AUBREY: "Oh, HERO told me. I was on break doing that stupid Sign Change for MS. CANDICE, and he mentioned it. Made sure I didn't forget so you'd actually take it."

MARI: "Really? Wow..."

AUBREY saw her cheeks glow a bit, smirking as they were halfway down the stairs. "Alright, you GOTTA tell me... are you and him a thing? Because sometimes I'm like 'For sure they are', but you guys don't kiss or anything!"

MARI'S cheeks turned redder, looking away and brushing her bangs aside. "I-Its complicated, okay?" She said unconvincingly with a hopeful smile. That nervousness tuned to a raised brow, turning it back on her. "But what about you and SUNNY? I've seen the way you two look at each other~ What's the story there, hmmmmm~?"

AUBREY then turned red, looking away with a nervous tone. "N-Nothing! There isn't anything!" Her eyes darted around, not wanting to see MARI'S smug expression. But she slowly turned her head forward, meekly looking towards her. "... wh-what do you mean he 'l-looks at me'? H-How does he look?"

MARI laughed, leaning against her a bit as AUBREY was partly joking about her question, giving a nervous chuckle as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Haaa. C'mon, let's get you some dinner. I hope you're in the mood for Lunchmeat Sandwiches."

Both of them headed towards the kitchen, MEWO following them as MARI prepped both of their food, talking with AUBREY about all that happened today and how everything's looking up for them all. She let AUBREY vent about work and how hard her day was, a casual dinner that they've had over and over for quite some time.

As MARI was putting away the ingredients, she saw a drawer partly opened. Before she closed it, she looked and saw it... the brown bag. Her Anxiety Pills. She was ready to close the drawer and forget about them, but remembered a conversation with a certain shadowy individual with a skull mask... face... thing.

She needed to take care of herself. And she can't do that while stressing out 24/7. As much as she hated to admit it... she needed them. So, she took the bag out of the drawer and pulled out the pill bottle. The noise caught AUBREY'S attention, putting down MEWO.

AUBREY: "What's that?"

MARI wanted to hide them, covering the label quickly before she heard MEWO meow, looking down and seeing her purr at her feet, nudging her head against her leg. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, walking over to the table and put the pills in front of her.

MARI: "OK... I'm gonna tell you, but please, promise me you won't mention them to SUNNY or anyone else yet, okay? I will myself, I just... need time..."

AUBREY reached to her hand and held it, nodding to her. "Promise."

MARI took a deep breath, ready to explain what they were and why she had them, knowing sooner or later, AUBREY would find out...


Slowly, SUNNY'S eyes began to open, much quicker than before. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, groggy and tired as his sight readjusted to the light.

He saw someone sitting at the end of his bed. He rubbed his good eye and cleared his throat.

SUNNY: "MAR... No..."

He realized quickly that it wasn't his sister, or that CYCLOPS... but Him.

OMORI: "Oh, so you know this is a dream then. Good."

SUNNY withdrew, trying to sit back further against the bedframe as he nervously looked over what looks like... or what USED to look like Him.

OMORI sat there, legs criss-cross as he stared at him with a very serious expression. Not only was seeing him at all shocking to him, but seeing him like this was more than what he would have expected.

OMORI: "Don't scare yourself awake again. We've some important stuff to talk about. And I need you to answer... A LOT of questions I have. Starting with..."

He snapped his fingers, pulling SUNNY closer to him, almost face to face as he pulled him by his Hospital Gown collar.

OMORI: "Why... Why did you jump off the roof!?"

SUNNY shivered as he heard him ask that, gulping as he stammered a bit to answer.

SUNNY: "Wh-Wha- How... How are you-"

He got silenced by him, another snap and SUNNY'S mouth got forced shut.

OMORI: "First, you answer my questions. Then... I answer yours. Got it?"

SUNNY was shocked to his core, but quickly nodded his head as OMORI set him down, taking deep breaths as he sat back on the bed. He got a good look around the room, seeing nothing but a dull grey version of his room. And when he finally calmed down a bit and got a good look at OMORI...

He saw once again how fractured he really was. Small segments of him missing, the sound of glass grinding against itself heard as he moved, and looking more expressive than before... in HIS WORLD.

OMORI: "Well? Answer me."

SUNNY took deep breaths, having quite a bit to ask him but knowing his terms... though that question was rather difficult for him to answer.

SUNNY: "I-I... I thought..."

He looked OMORI in the eyes, guilt and sorrow plaguing his as OMORI'S was a dull rage. He dropped his head and sighed, his voice shaken.

SUNNY: "I-I thought I could handle it... I thought, th-that if... if I told them thr truth that I could handle what came after. But..."

He curled up into a ball, eye watering as he sniffled.

OMORI: "But you couldn't. Could you?"

Without looking up, SUNNY weakly shook his head, and sobbed quietly. The memories flooding back to him of how HIS FRIENDS treated him after the Truth... and how he couldn't blame them for it.

OMORI gave an annoyed groan, pinching his nose and clenching his fists. "Of course you did. I KNEW you couldn't handle it. Especially after 4 years of repressing your emotions into me. I HAD to protect you from the Truth, but you wouldn't listen to me! Why?! Why didn't you-?!"

He pulled back, fists trembling as he slowly put them down. SUNNY backed away when his voice rose, slowly coming back when OMORI stopped himself.

OMORI: "I'm sorry, I-" He held his hands up. "I'm not... used to these emotions. You didn't let me know how to control them. You made me to repress your emotions, keep them locked away for you. And now..."

He looked down to his hands, shattered and cracked as he looked a wide range of emotions. Namely anger, frustration, and... Confusion. "I... don't know how to feel."

SUNNY looked as confused as he did, trying to process this as best he could. "W-Wait, so... You're... back? I thought I defeated you- or, we became... one? Whole?" He shut his eye and held his head, groaning a bit as all this confusion messed with his head.

OMORI: "You can say that... yes. I'm apart of you, a part that needed to protect you after everything that happened. And I gave you full control after those 4 years of keeping you alive, repressing everything... and as soon as I did, you..."

SUNNY was still nervous, thinking he'd lash out on him, but was more confused once he saw tears running down his face. Even though he looked more angry than sad, and wasn't sobbing at all... OMORI was crying. And looked like he didn't know how to feel about it.

He hugged his legs tighter once he saw OMORI look up to him, tears still flowing down his cheek. "I failed you. I failed US. And..." He held out his arms, looking over himself and then to SUNNY. "And look what happened! You get us killed, and I die knowing I could have saved us, but you just- just-!" He groaned loudly, throwing his body back and landing on the bed, sprawled out as SUNNY was left wondering what to ask, or even say.

SUNNY: "U-Uhm... so, how... how are you back? I thought WHITE SPACE was... gone..."

OMORI looked to the ceiling, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in.

OMORI: "It is. It's gone... everything. Our Friends, the Playground, the Castle... gone. I had nothing to go back to... All I could do was watch, when it happened. I was there with you... from the second we fell to the moment we hit the pavement. I thought that was it... and we died..."

SUNNY relaxed his legs, looking disheartened hearing that as he was deep in thought, sniffling and rubbing his eye.

OMORI: "But, then... I woke up. Around the time you did, here. I didn't know what happened, if it was some nightmare or not... until I saw myself. You were fine, but me-" He sat up and moved his joints, glass scraping heard as he looked at his chipped arm. "I was... fractured. Broken, scared, confused... but alive."

SUNNY looked up and then thought for a minute. Realizing something, his eye widened, and he looked to OMORI. "My OTHER SELF... a-another me, he gave me his place here!"

OMORI looked at SUNNY and then looked down, trying to remember. "I... vaguely remember that. I wasn't there, I didn't wake up yet, but since it's a memory of yours, I can remember it too. Like I was there..."

SUNNY kept thinking, trying to piece things together and spoke what he had in mind. "So... I... died, and got brought back to..." He looked around confused. "World, or version of... me. And that brought you back too. Just... fractured?"

OMORI laid on his back again, sighing. "It doesn't make much sense, but that seems like it."

SUNNY: "Okay, so, you're back, and you... uh... wh-why are you back?"

OMORI: "Greeeeat question."

He sighed and tried to think on it, confusing himself and giving himself another headache. OMORI saw this and sighed. "Welll... It could be why I was originally created." He saw SUNNY look to him unsure of what he meant. "Supressing your emotions? Keeping you from the Truth? I think, and I'm nor certain, but... maybe I'm here because of say, the opposite. Instead of suppressing everything, emotions and truth, I'm... embracing it."

SUNNY was slowly piecing it together, realizing what OMORI was saying. "Wow..." He looked to him and cleared his throat. "S-So, uh, you're here to... help me?"

OMORI slowly sat up, making SUNNY uncomfortable again as he saw him get on his knees and move closer. "The last time I tried to help, you fought me and I gave you full control over us. And now, this-" He grabbed his pinky and chipped it off, glass shattering onto the bed as SUNNY nodded quickly.

Seeing the glass, he thought of another question. "Wait, so... why are you like... well, that? The other stuff I believe, mostly, but why this?"

OMORI put his pinky back and looked over his arm. "A reflection. You faced the truth, couldn't handle it. And jumped. When you jumped, I broke too. But since you're still alive... I'm left like this."

SUNNY rubbed his neck and sighed weakly. "Jeez... I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to- I mean-" He stammered as he tried to apologize. OMORI went from a melancholy look to a tempered sigh.

OMORI: "Don't be. Neither of us knew this would happen, so... it's fine."

They both sat awkwardly for a few moments, none having anything else to say until SUNNY cleared his throat. "S-So, you're here to help me then?"

OMORI: "Well... I was made to protect you. From the Truth, your greif, and yourself. So... if that means I have to help you embrace the truth now... I suppose I have to."

SUNNY took a deep breath and exhaled, leaning back as he ran his hands through his hair. "This... just keeps getting weirder... and more confusing."

OMORI: "Well, I suppose I have to help you through it then." He held his shattered hand out to him. "... Somehow."

SUNNY was a bit hesitant, but slowly grabbed his hand as they both shook. For a second, he felt at ease, looking at OMORI almost like he was a lost friend. Even if his creation was for something worse... he was still apart of him. And seeing him again in a way made him smile.

But his smile was cut short once OMORI pulled him closer, looking him in the eye and speaking in a very stern tone.

OMORI: "But remember. You WANTED the Truth. And WE paid the price. So... I'm gonna be giving you the Truth. The hard Truth... Like how that MARI isn't OUR Sister."

SUNNY'S heart ached once he heard that, barely able to speak before OMORI cut him off.

OMORI: "Our sister is dead, back in OUR WORLD. With OUR Friends, where you left them. They don't know any of this, they just think you jumped off the Roof because you couldn't handle the Truth... which you did. Because you couldn't."

SUNNY quickly pulled his hand away, looking shocked at OMORI, who held his hands up and looked rather nonchalant about what he just said.

OMORI: "Hey. You wanted the truth. THATS the hard Truth."

SUNNY held his hands together and looked saddened hearing that, knowing it was awful to say, but not wrong in the slightest. "I... Don't wanna hear that. I-"

OMORI: "Because you know it's true."

SUNNY: "..."

SUNNY slowly scooched back, putting the cover over his legs and leaning to his side. "I... wanna go back to bed. This is making my head hurt, I-I just wanna sleep..."

OMORI nodded. "If that's what you want, I can't stop you. But remember-" He went over SUNNY'S face and looked him in the eyes, staring directly at him. "I'm not wrong. She's not YOUR Sister. And you aren't HER Brother. You're lying to her... and we know it."

SUNNY'S eye went watery again, pulling the blanket over his shoulder and looking away from him. "L-Leave me alone..."

OMORI sighed getting off him and backing away as SUNNY tried to sleep. His mind was cluttered, so much happening in one day, too much to process at once.

He felt something pressing against his leg, making him shut his eye tighter. He felt his leg getting poked at, making his brows furrowed as he lifted his head to look at what he thought was OMORI.

SUNNY: "I said le- ...!"

He cut himself off, seeing not OMORI trying to get his attention... but MEWO.

MEWO: "Mew?"

He blinked a few times to make sure either was her. And once he looked around the room, color and the glowing stars above him, he realized... he was awake.

That made him relieved, resting his head on his pillow and sighing quietly. He looked to MEWO again and lifted his head, seeing her kneading his leg. This made him smile, but seeing her made him also see an arm draped over him. A purple sleeve... MARI'S sleeve.

He slowly looked over to his side, and it was then he heard quiet breathing, slow and steady as he saw MARI sleeping. Holding him in her arms, sleeping next to him to make sure he was okay. Just like in the Hospital...

SUNNY sniffled a bit, his eyes watering again before he heard MEWO purring, resting on top of him and curling into a ball. He laughed softly, looking back to MARI and thinking that he really didn't deserve a sister like her...

SUNNY: "Goodnight..."

He gently rested his head on his pillow and closed his eyes, letting himself and her get some much needed sleep...

Blissfully unaware that MARI was experiencing something perhaps even weirder than what he had experienced in his dream...






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